stock due- i4 i political matters oil i street ittthe washington times wednesday november 16 1901 l...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 16 1901 l 9- j E I eaction in Stock Market 9 To Foreign Political Matters I Due- I I I4 After That Prices Hardened Toward Normal Level SEESAW GAME IN SUGAR New Yerk Tractions Exceptionally Strong Strength of Bond Market Remains Unaffected NEW YORK Nov Is At the opening of the tock market today the tone or the international tat was distinctly re- ai tionary white others at first steady were Inclined to sell oft in sympathy Losses of to per cent were experi- enced In Atchtaon Baltimore and Ohio Erie Norfolk and Western Southern Iiicirtc St Paul and both Stet stocks Copper lost In the early dealings whatever die l ostUon there might have been for the stock market to renew its recant nuoy ancy was checked by the revival or for- eign anxiety over political matters as In the eoura of consols and uthfcr securities in London Union Pa sold off early a point Tnere were ixmisville ant and NICKW Plate Declines ot a point or more were made by Consolidate Gas Amalgamat- ed copper united States tjiscuit Metropolitan Street Railway un other hand was strong selling up 1 per cent Metropolitan b- Lurities rose over a point ana jtupid transit was well held Sugar made a fractional sln the start ian ihtn declined over a point although this loss was ruliy recovered within a short Lime Toward the end of the nrst hour ih effect of the foreign news appeared- t be and prices began to harden liovernment bonus were unchanged rail and other bond were strong Many of the private wire houses ex to have open wires this morning uut they were generally disappointed They have a perfect service with Bos ton Albany rtx vWence and Philadel- phia One or two houses have wires to at about fifteen minute No Washington or Plttaburg wires are working There was some liquidation in 560U share Iota notably in Steels Rock Island and Union Pacific The general senti- ment on the floor is that the market has held very well all things considered WASHINGTON STOCK MARKET Sules Washington Street Railway 4s 10009H Washington Street Railway preferred Washington Street Railway common National Safe Deposit I and Awurity i H Greene Copper 30A ltt V4 100 After call Washmgtun Street Hallway common 100 W4 1 O34 109 2M Cd9 0 Mere wUMLter tftHK mm 1081- W ahtagten Street Railway preferred OOVF41KMENT BONDS Bid AsKed L S Ss a IBM M4K 1 U B a IK mvi m U S Si U 1008 MlVi Mk u s s c KIOS w m- IV 4s R 19W MOU IIi u s 4s o m Majt U 6 4s R MM l K m U B 4 C 1W IMVi 1 D C 18X4 1184 Phil 4 let RAILROAD BONDS CupitU TsaetiM M M 4s lilts R uhf 1J7 Met EC R R 6 Cert liidebt 4 Ml Met R R Girt ifufebtedeess B Mi- U R It s UTVi 1W Columbia R R ft 114 W- Citr Jc SoburbMi 5 Ifl w- Anaeostia t 5s leUK- Wtia Rr SiTStof p 4i tf eai- 115CELLANHOUa n ik Su c A e itr- H OM Co MT B 6c Mr cert IHI Light Deb JM to tetf- L Ilefc Cert lad ti Mi- O e Pot Oa Mtfe Mff Vah Market O let is lie Potomac Dee Power fs Mr- SAf AND TRUST STOCKS NUoaal Sate DepoMt L Tr M ttr 9M AnerkM 4 Tnut M tnit TnMt k Sionee M VthiMtoJi lariat Mask lru iii Home Stria DM RAILROAD STOCKS C p4tal Tf etion C tw 1M H h fly 4 BIN p NATIONAL BaNK STOCKS flick el WataiHUa M Mtr tm Central SBJ KroaeM asd Msehaslci Hj K IS- 5i i riS Trader tag Z- LJnr B 1st Bites i i- 1N9URAXOE STOL m- Fratddia jj tropUUM 75 Corcoran w PotCNMAC i g Ani K Mi jg- Ofrmim AaMfkaa MC- K4tional U kNi Columbia t K gij S Commercial Jg Colonial TITLB INSURANCE STOOKi Real S Us n CcluwMa This j- Hflhinfl Tit e jjjT- ELKPHOKE AXD GRAMIOPIIOKB STOOK3 CbcttMftlte awl jg A ri Dsa jl 4v- Ameri SH CTapbopbow pfd CAS STOCKS Vasbiugton CMS MD C rcetswa Gat- XYPIt MACH1KK TOOK- 3Mergeflthalor Linotype m i- UBMM 13 us UMOTLLAI OUg STOCKs Jretne Con Co aiy KJ WaMhington Market u KB sieawlKwU M3 J taW Uj- fc lty Accncjr at DRILL OR COURTMARTIAL- FOR OHIO GUARDSMEN TKJBNTOK Ohio Nov Is A gent order ha on forth her to the men of the National Guard that they must either attend drills more fre- luently or face a courtmartial Second Brigade says that he ufllcera for gpeator under the IMck law DECLINES GENERAL IN FIRST HOUR HJt led evlioeai oC a point or OVtH lit Atchison TtnneMsee Coal and Iron and the J t spent j d M6I 1 1Gfi17trI4 III iii1- 1fQJI 116 t II4jj 1J4 lootl I Ioowi Bireet Railway SIIOO llotrM iwa I It So 1So lead Iet It h Pot E Iei aeb tuhIadsa Gee U S JCIec 8 JM uri i Ce N hit Ha fire a t Ie I S 1 Title MJO 41 I 11 IIU CoPPer her ok stile Ute hold r I4a OT I IL 14 LUc National ected In- tervals 171 wit7s aus- oerii JtsWI icam bLI- ul 27t 3flI6 1Ol 2 1O ItdS Washington 4s bt TL 571 k Iii a 7 s LIght TeL DEPOSIT 4 Ca Ltz I Diet 27 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ < > < < ± > < NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Reported by W B Hibba Co HaG F Street Members New York Steek KMhaHBe Chicago Board oC Trade and Wa htnto- Amal Copper Am Am Loco pr- Am C Am C F pf Am Ice Smelt Am Smelt pf Am Sugar A T S F A T F Pf- BHlto Ohio Canadian Pacific Che Ohio Chi and Alton Chi Gt Western Chi Mil St P Col Fuel Iron Consolidated Gas Dela Hudson Open High Low 146- 7i 78 75 7SJ4 30 80 S W- SI JiVi- SSS 88i s 8 4 4- 7S 78 7 J4 114 11414 IM 1M 147 148 14fi 1 11814 119 HW- S S6V4 8Mi MJ4- 97Vi 97 M t7 182 1S3K 132 I 48 50 48 48 43 44 43V4 4- W 4 178 17 ITWi 171 46 47 4 K 4 218 218 317 JITS 187 188 187 IK- Qeftral llectrte Illinois Central Met St PJT 1- Mo Kan T com Mo Kan T pf JJJI- Mo Pacific 1 Col Southern 23 23 OT4 38 National Lead X H H N Y 0 West i 4W 48 42 Norfolk Western 74 7 74 Mall Steam 4i 48 48 48 R H 1MV4 131 1 13t Gas of C lie VI 100 103 168 Preyed Steel Car 35 MM M 84 Reading 75 74 75 Reading 1st pfd 87 88 S7 8- 8Readlng8d pfd 80 80 80 80 Rep Steel Iron 18 16 16 18 Rep Steel Iron pf Oi 65 W 64 Rock Island com 37 37 3f 37 Rc k Island pf 81 Sl 81 Rubber Goods M 25 34 25 St L S F 2d pf 63 tt sSVi St Louts S W 2i i 2i 85 86 St Louis S W pf 0 13 52 53 Southern Paclnc 67 67 87 87 Southern Railway 35 M S5 MVt Ry pt 95 9t Tenn Coal Iron T4 75 74 75 Texas Pacific 17 17 37 37 tnlon Pacific 114 113 114 Union Pacific pt w 4 11 M- l S Leather 14 14 14 14 IT S Leather pfd 94M H 94 4- IT S Rubber 30 31 U S Steel IT S Steel pfd U S Steel 3d Fa Wabash Wabash pfd Wheel L Erie West Union Wig Central C T TT pM Deb B Exdiv 1 por cent tttt S7 97 27 27 SPA S7 STVfc 8 81 88 WU 4Vt 34 244- 4VK 4 4 45 46H 21 21 21 21 S2 S- Bil 4 2S M 4 31 UK 21 21 COTTON TRADING CHECKED BY DEFECTIVE WIRE SERVICE NEW YORK Nov l Cotton opened steady 1 points higher to 2 points lower Telegraph service is still poor and few of the firms leasing wires have connection with the South It is believed the trouble wil continue sev- eral Wan Street bought a little January and some of the bearish nooses were sellers ef March an May Price improved after the open demand for the spot article at New Orleans Pit trailers intimated the market is oversold The weather map reflects generally clear condition through the NEW YORK COTTON MARKET The following prices were quoted on the cotton market today Opening Noon Did XtKea y ltji iwi iiw ss SS as lft K J te Hi s e in i7i Market opened steady 1 poInt to oon CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET CHICAQO Nov 11The following are Ue tw tUH on todays exchange Noon Asked Bid Asked Com- MMrKT 12S7 Lerd- MM 7 TJI 7 tM REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS II Street northwaat tleth and Twentyfirst Leo tine Deafosso to Sanford Edle part Avenue and S Street north weet Alexander et ux to Robert X Smith part lot C square M4 Columbia C liarnett to ThonMs W Stuhbletleld Inter set in let 39 block 21- 17H NHititeanth Street northwest Andrew Wilson et al trustees to Wll Item Terrell tast half of lot square 110 2440 Whitney Clo Thomas 11 Martin executor to Henrietta K King lot i block 1 S4M9S Seventh Street tOMtheiuit between D AuMek to John T BardrotT original lot 7 and pert original lot square Stt 10 L Street southeast between Tenth and EUeventh Streets Ann E Wlllmuth et al to Sarah R Hammer original lot 1 square south of 878 m Seventh Street MoutheantJohn T Sardroff to Kaward V and Margaret A Wall part original lots 7 and 8 square MB lie 412 Seventh Street southeast Same to Joseph C and Margaret A Morgan part original Jot 7 square 9M Bllzaboth Wllb Charles G Sloan lots 14 et aJ to awl IS block KlKhieenth and K Streets northwest Charles II Bates et al tnutte to Charlotte J sates part square m 7100 110111 Seventh Eighth Streets Jasse Ff Ram et ux U Alfred K pert lots IS and square ISM Linden Street northeBtC H Williamson trustee to United Life Insurance and Trust Company lot Z square fIt 1 00- l Street northeast between D Burch lot St Jacob a to Blanche square m 10 Columbia F Wood ard et al trustees to Lewis B Bre uninjfer lot block SS X9B CONDITION OF THE WATER Temperature and condition of water at I a m Georgetown Reearvolr Temperature W condition at Inttuent Katehoww II condition at et at condition at effluent 31 Stock Exohange Iii Sl 8 MiJ Anaconda I S 1Ot 8t Brook Rap Tran etJfs 71 J6 39is common 3D1h 39IB7aYe Brie pt 7 fifis 5It 54lfa 1801Ai IS 150 15 11 140 H LnulBvJU fanl1attan Flev 1 3 1 1 1 Met Se s Co 74 1M 1U 1 S 31Y 35 L 1M l7 JOy Mexican Cent n 1lU VaCar Cium corn 30 York 361h IJ51k 136 Penn W4 81 Y l Y4 16 t6 1144 Itt 11 t t 17 sllghtl lug N tor reeept the ports too a and Oft a wood I UaJCh 1001 61 1516 June Jul August lber Wt V 11111f1 < 1 4IVi Oats I1- l Twen lot square 10 ermont Scott It H Z halt I and E Streetl Allee C Palmer et vlr 1 pert 11 ne G Street between 19 itt SIb nth end E K Allen et vir HelghtH J j Distributing lisent It nMOI Teml I letluent IS M 31 S- Am 105 301a 1st 1i4 1S14 30 iti4 9k ZP4 42 New Central 135 42 Southern 17 67 ST estimates ligh3 4t o Ask l 588 April 1166 174 higher stead Opening May between original 36 510 516 II 416 and 8 Washington City I > < ¬ ° = > = = ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ NEWS AND GOSSIP OF STOCK MARKETS WASHINGTON Washington Street Railway i were the feature of todays trading on the local exchange The common stock was especially active and strong and made a new high record of 2S a gaIn of nearly three points The first lot was sold Ht 36 and from this level it roe steadily 27 After the call the first sale was at 28Vi and the last sate was at 23 The preferred stock sold around ye- tenlays level tho last price paid to dY as yesterday being 7 Of the common 1CT5 shares were sold and Ill of the preferred The bonds also rose to S 7000 being sold at this National Safe Deposit was m active demand BO shares selling at 19S and It at 107 Mergenthaler sold at for 17 shares a gain of point Greene Copper was strong and ac- tive the best price paid being 38V4 Over 400 shares were In NEW YORK The Standard Oil Company of New Jerri v has declared a dividend of 7 a at ae payable December II Last year a dividend of 512 was declared for payment on the same ditto TodaY dividend declaration makes a total div- idend for this year of M per cent com- pared with 44 per cent In 1W3 One of the large banking houses sold a lot of sevenmonths commercial paper on Monday At 8 per cent Such trans- actions as this cause people to feel very confident of cheap money for a good while to come The assertion is frequently heard that good investment securities are less plentiful than money London hi a conspicuous buyer of Union Pacific It is said that London calls on approximately 400W shares of the stock wilt mature at the end of the year These options were bought- on market quotations much lower than theee now prevailing The prominence- of several speculative houses in Pacific yesterday and the urgent nature of their buying led some to suppose that a considerable short account was covered on the advance to 116 It is not believed that the movement in the Steel shares has culminated Their behavior in the market would not indicate that It had The long interest however Is steadily In- creasing and the old short interest has been almost eliminated The Comptroller of the Currency has a condition af banks at the close of busineu on Thurs- day November 10 SECOND DAYS SESSON OF THE BAPTIST MEETING The Columbia Association of Baptist Churches began the second of the twentyseventh annual meeting at I0tt with devotional exercises led by the Rev Dr Muir moderator Tie wortr of organisation followed At tb afternoon session the Rev C H Owen mad an address The el officers fol- lowed The moderator the Rev Percy S Foster addressed the conven tim The missionaries of associa- tion then discussed the report of the executive committee Special commit- tees were announced ant meeting adjourned nntil 7 8 p m when there will be more WOMENS CLUBS HOLD ANNUAL MEETING- The tenth annual meeting oC the trict of Columbia Federation of W- ens Clubs is being held at the Washington Hebrew Temple Tli meeting b an at t oclock tw- lmortitnc and was over M Hannah M Spwrry president and F McCreerr secretary ALEXANDRIA NEWS NOTES j ALEXANDRIA Va Nov case of George Boston and Elijah i wax both uearws who were arrested by Policemen Smith and Bettis on sus- picion of having entered the bar of Dan Henry iu the night time was called the police court before Justice Caton this morning Policemen Smith and Bettis Dan Henry Daniel Corbin Lacey Thompson and Peter Kitts tilled Justice Caton dismissed Ixunax and held Boston for further examina- tion FINED VAGRANCY Hattie Fountain and Mary Tymon both negre were lined if ejfek to the police court this meriting for conduct and for They were arrested by Policeman PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE division of the Coun- cil of Jewish Women will give a Pro- gressive euchre at the hall ef the Mens Sodality Lyceum la Street Th be- HELD FOR GRAND JURY The ease of ftforiSecai Hurst charged with receiving stolen goods under con- sideration In the court until late yesterday afternoon was concluded by Justice futon holding Hurst for tho grand jury was ltd at JSW8 OYSTER SUPPER The citizens of West End will an Oyster supper wms HaJI IM Weal Bwd on and Friday nights SUIT FOR DAMAGES H ugh administra tor vs the Southern RaIlway Company a suit for liOooo defendant company is in progress REAL ESTATE PURCHASE Gjace Thompson of Washington lisa bought John D real estate agent two lots of grounds un tween Princes and Queen Streets PERSONAL MENTION Mrs KatP Wailer com panied by her daughters UJa and Re becca Barrett left Alexandria for St Louis yesterday On next Friday afternoon Mrs Will lam B and Lula Smoot win serve tea at the Golf Club House on Shooters Old Peafle Have Their Troubles The most common ailments to which middle age are are indigestion and constipation Fortu nately there is a especially suited to these disorders iiirord prompt relief It IN called Liver Tablet Tht la it live tffeVt of these tablets Is su able and so natural that you d alt realise that it has len pr lii rij l medicine They also iminnvi thr tile und strengthen the illgr tiMn A to the Chamberlain M li iu Moines Iowa for a itnpi give them a trial or th rtEuJ cent from all drugguu tS 1 mor than a IaUV day rettrln the Din l 1 ItThe n tell FOR va Ak wilt numeroi and handsome at Thunl CJI will leO to The case or or ut Juah by an engine of tIw I orMO the west side ot Columbus Street be rreu t Cha St a It U tnt I get k Is- sued address today The xendria owl Duke The Jehiis Chapel liii e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + < Everything Ready for First Day of Meeting FIELDS WILL BE LARGE Number and Class of the Horses Butter Than Ever Daingerfield Here Bvervthlns to in readiness Ute at Bennlngr tomorrow The tabbing touphes have boon add SUperintendent Strahan and old course never looked prettier or better ttan when ba0vod in a flood of Novem- ber sunshine The track proper will b- In first rate condition It is faster than ever before the experts In such Matters eo Adntly expect to many records shattered before the meeting ends There was a lot of good work done this inornina and horses of ordi nary class were able to live in 102 and 101 The indications are that the will be large In the various event Never before were so many horse housed at the track and In the A sign of the times la the Chevy Chase Jumping event the entries for which closed night There were eighteen nominations made an almost dented number for an overnight event through the field It th same with races on the flat The horses are here and here to race Class Is High The class of the horses Is above the average for the fall session at Ban- ning Old Carbuncle who has had the long distance races here at his mercy for two or three seasons will have a worthy rival this year in the Wade horse Major W B Leeds him here especially lor such races Washington Cup and the Maximum Stakes A special horse train got in from New this morning bringing the horses of R T Wilson Andrew Killer W B Leeds H T Grimm and other prominent owners J S crosscountry stable arrived rom Philadelphia last night in charge of J Reward Lewis jr and Will Shields got in at the same time with six horses of his own which will be on to Los Angeles after the meeting here Shields Talks Shields who now weighs considerably over the 960 pound mark was good Jockey only a few years ago and won his first race at Donning track It wts just fourteen years ago that I won iry maiden race on this very track said Shields as he watched his horses cool out after a gallop this morning 1 was a bit of a kid but after seeing my name on top of the Jockey felt as big as I look now There hays been since and Banning is a decidedly different place to was in those days Shields saw Hermia who ia at the Shields farm at Bound Brook N J yesterday and says that the great horse will surely train again next season He s running in a Jock at and shaggy as a Newfoundland dog but his legs are clean and hard it looks a certainty that he will be seen in the handicaps next season Harry Page one the principal fac- tors in a steward of the National and Hunt Association and owner jumping stable and who rides regularly colors Is here and will play a prominent part in the meetiag TOMORROWS ENTRIES First race Three years and up sell- ing six and a halt furlong Kane IIS Young Henry 112 Poseur IJo Andrew Mack 108 Seaforth lf Mary Glenn Second race Maiden Jive furlongs Toeman 112 Limerick Chimney Sweep 112 Korthville 112 of Weston liz Linda liowa h Pat 1 Ever Near 1 J H OBrien 109 Smiling Alice 1 CourIer 109 Maynot The Seer 1 Cabin 1 Haa kell 1W K Garment 1 L Third race about two and onehalt miles Lavator 168 Black Death IM Connover nerlaliat lIlt Walter Cleary 148 Spen- cer JUrff IM ivan Gaacar IM Fourth raceColumbia Handicap seven furlongs of Columbia course A eenalon 12fi Lord 122 James P Cloten 119 Greencrent 110 tour 101 Proceeds tt Race lang 97 Fifth race Twoyearolds six and furlongs Columbia Course Amberjack 110 Alhimeur 116 17 Ie7 Tarpon 107 Scarecrow loT Cabin KB- Blxttt race and up selling and mile Irish Witch 107 Greencrest 105 Arrah gowon 101 Unmasked 103 McWilliams 95 ThespIan Ill Bai kal 102 Ragle 100 SCRATCH OF A PIN KILLS MRS ARETTA ABBOTT DBKBY Conn Nov 1 Mrs ArettA Abbott of Boston died in agony at th home of her daughter Mr Robert Scholley here from the effects of a pin scratch Mrs Abbott had just arrived here for visit when she pricked her linger with an ordinary pin Within twentyfour hours blood poisoning had st in and her arm had swollen to double its else GIRL KILLED IN FALL OVER A HIGH CLIFF I CLEVELAND Nov 1 Daniel Van else of Pa and his twenty twoyearold daughter fell over a cliff at Rocky River a suburb with the result that young warn killed VanHse was badly hut not fatally injured C G Archer of Brewer Maine says I have had catarrh for several years Water would run from my eyes and nose for days at a time About four months ago I was Induced to try Dr Ag news Catarrhal Powder and since using the wonderful remedy I have not had an attack It relieves in 10 rInutes 3 Dr Acnew5 Cure relieve n 30 ml ute Sold by MODERN DRUG CO ll 7th St N W BENNING OPENING OCCURS TOMORROW BeforeMajor tel open ed w the track and Its I the and top owner ot Major nnt a- tM a the b cba then I OV sued ro and Fox Tenny Belle IGri Heather lot l1J Cedarstrome 112 Hawtr 212 Dueh Novena Badge War hiS New York 307 tn halt Sheen one Oft4 Queen Belle 10 a Garland high the man Catarrh Sufferers Read t cart oquipmests by see fur- longs fickle has WId- eners It Steeplechase 105 ohu Pen 13 hoop NIna ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < < Allowed to Remain in the Kenilworth School COMMISSIONERS DECISION- In Their Opinion the Matter Was One for Board of Education to Pass Upon The three children of John Calvin will be allowed to continue their attendance at the school The Board of Education today re ported to the District Commissioners that under the circumstances the joard does not feel that it has the right to force from the Ztenlfworth school the three children of John Colvin who has been deolared a negro by the Kenll worth Citizens Association in a letter to the board asking that the children in question be prevented front attending the white school in Kenllworth The refusal of the board to comply with the citizens request for the re moval of the alleged negroes apparently ends the dispute as Commissioner Mile farland acting in his capacity of chair man of the Board ot Commissioners has made the following recommendation on the matter I that the association be fur- nished with a copy of the report of the Board of Kducatlon and be informed that the facts stated both in the com- munication of the association and in the report of the board show that un- der the law establishing the Board of education the case is one for the de termination of the board said not of the Commissioners Consequently affair ia oieeed and the Colvin children will attend the white sejiool Action by Commissioners- The Commissioners upon receipt of a letter from the Citivens Association asked the board to explain its position officially on the subject This resulted- in the report sent to the Commissioners today by the board saying- A charge was made some time the association that the children of John Colvin who is alleged to be a colored man were in attendance at the Kenilworth Public School The board requested the principal of the division ia which said school was located to see that colored children attending the white school should be transferred to the nearest colored school Shortly after this direction olviu the party referred to claimed that he was not a colored man and that therefore his children had a full right to atteiwl the Kenilworth school V This was brought to the attention of a com mitt of the association who were told that if there was any in refer ence to the case they wished to present it might be forwarded to the board Affidavits ex presented and John Colvin notified of their existence He again denied that he was a col- ored man claiming to be of Indian blood that were white and that they had a full the school Under these circumstances the board lid not and does not feel that it has a right to force the pupils re erred to from the school APPLY FOR PERMIT FOR REGULAR ROUTE CAR The Auto Transit Company of Wash- ington Applied to the District Commis- sion this afternoon for a permit to Operate an electric vehicle over a reg- ular route It Is thought that thin company will place a car on Sixteenth as one of the Hne of electric hardies to be operated along that thoroughfare This however is not specified in the The vehicle will carry persons FINANCIAL STATEMENT RJBPQRT OF THE CONDITION- of THB RIGGS NATIONAL BANK of Washington D C at the close November 10 MW RESOURCES Leans and discounts JSt71128S Overdrafts secured and un U 8 bonds to secure ctrew 16980000 U S bonds to secure U 3 deposits M09ttO00 Other bonds to secure U 9L deposits M90 U S bonds on hand 71 Premiums on U S and other bonds 1M2U77 Bonds securities etc 14M4SUS Banking house furniture and fixtures M7W8 money f4tM National Banks not reserve agents Ml 481 Due from State banks and hankers 3 0M Due front approved reserve I21M88i Checks and other cash item ft3MCt Exchanges for house 74im72 Fractional paper currency nlokels and eeMt 17 l lawful money reserve in bank via coin SMTM MtftlSJft Redemption fund with U S Treasurer I per cent of circulation Total UT714ST- 4LIABILITIAU Capital stock paid In 10MMOM Surplus fund UMLWIIM proAUi less ex and taxes paid 7748fiSI National honk notes outt itf Ing 9T6f4lM Due to other national banks 117Mi f Due to State banks and bankers JiWUIf Due to trust compan- ies and savings banks SMWI1 Due MI approved re- serve agents Dividends Individual deposits subject to islMUl Demand certificates Of deposit f2SS certified M United States deposits MSMS Bonds borrowed Reserve for taxes 1277141741 of Columbia J ARTHUR T cashier af the abovenamed bunk do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of k and belief ARTHUR T BRICK Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this mth day of November 1 M RITTENHOUSE Notary Public Correct Attest CHAS C GLOVER THOS HYDK M IB AILItS- WK J FLATHKR JNO R McLBAN H HUItT i Rosfi PERRY Directors COLVIN CHILDREN NOT TRANSFERRED Ken 11 worth m ve the aR waS the board wu thAt John porte were application i1t85 patIo Due 410 ti Oft Total m Seal sine given Foreign from clearing 1001001 38131 11500 Dl trict S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FINANCIAL BANKING CORPORATION 1415 G Street N W Capital 3947200 Surplus 3947200 4Olfl ISSUE OF STOCK OPBN FOR SUBSCRIPTION- AND FIRST PAVHBNT Shares 250 Each Subscriptions for iSth Issue of stock and fist payment thereon will be received at the office of the Association Four per- cent interest per annum Is allowed Upon maturity of full earnings are paid Pamphlets explaining the object an4 ad vantages of the Association and other in formation furnished upon application at the office EQUITABLE COOPERATIVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION EQUITABLE BUILDING 1003 P St N W JOHN JOT EDSON President BLLIS SPEAR Vice President CEO W CA8ILEAR 2d V Free FRANK P REEBIDE Secretary noJn wftf Capital 300000 The Commercial National Bank Cor nt active and Inactira and oT- ters Its depositors every facility at the command of a modern conserva- Uve banking house FREDERICK C STEVENS President ROB A CHESTER lat Vice N H SHEA Jd Vice Pr al nt GEORGE W WHITE Caanler- R B CLAUGHTON AaVt Cashier THE NATIONAL SAFE DEPOSIT SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY CORNER 1 TH ST AND NEW YORK AYE CAPITAL 1000000 Pays Interest on deposit Rents Safes Inside Burglarproof Acts as Administrator Executor Trustee etc THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK- OF WASHINGTON D C CAPITAL 1000000 SURPLUS 1100000 EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD Cable transfers and drafts direct on princi- pal clUes of the world Letters of and Domestic COLLECTIONS INVESTMENTS STOCKS AND BONDS JaZStf DIRECTORS Carl Auerbaeh Alex S Clarke Col- bert Anthony GacK ler John B Geler William Hahn J Philip Herr mane Francis Miller Wm Miller Brtee J Mesea John H Pup pert Henry Murray B F Saul James f Shea John Shughrue l opens a savings account HOME SAVINGS BANK New Building 7th St awl Mass Ave Merchants and Mechanics Savings Bank 707 G St Solicits accounts to any amount and allow I per coat iatere t en II W SHERMAN P A DRURY let V Pros WM A HILL 3d V A O tLAPHAir S cTreaa JOB X THOMPflON A st 8ccTrea CHAS W HARK Attorney Bankers and Brokers 419 F Street i New York Stock Exciiaat Members Washington Stock Exchan- i f Chicago Board of Trade Safe Deposit Boxes located in the fire and burglar proof vaults of this ccmpany rent 500 year TRUST G CO 1414 F Street N W FRANCIS H SMITH President CHAS P NESBIT let V Prea Tress G QU1NCY SM1T1 2d V Pres LEE D LATIMER Secretary REAL ESTATE We sell and rent houses LOANS We place and negotiate loans INSURANCE We write all sorts of insurance INVESTMENTS Wo handle investments THE F Ii SMITH CO Real Estate Loans Investments Insur aced 1408 N Y Ave Bond Building Money to Loan 54 and 5 On real estate in tatritt of Columbia jfa delay in closing loan HEISKELL McLERAN ST I I NAT10- I I I th shares I ilA- I J- I f I 14th and t Invites both large and small ac t I President I f I Vault CreditForeIgn I 1 I I I I i h nap Pre HIBS cOn UNION oi zooS F 4 k OStsNW- I I Michael J t c i them Free WI B1 4 PerCent 4 i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + < FINANCIAL Local Men Struck Oil in Ohio Shooting Well No 1 Now a Steaty Producer Stany fortunes are brJnff made tn the OHIO Oil FIELDS will you toy the foundation toe TWO FINE WELLS fully and pumping drilling the third ana centra td for additional wells Tb Standard OIL Company te buying bar- rel we prodtH We have a ready market- A steady ineeme ewa and control Sew ACRES of U aol coal Room for hundreds o4 welts Br ry teat of our OWe land will produce OJl Wo Have the pf f eMial producln ell wells the only kind ef proof that shoal appeal to the o rfu We knoW that we have ntljr to sink additional wells oa this property la order to iBcretuw our tics f oH We desire to develop Quickly for this purpon we are selling treasury that will give eaoniMMw dtvW t3 for few days price of stock 10 Cents per Share 100 shares 10 1000 shares 100 Price subject to advance without notice The Par Value of shares te juee full pal and noaaaaeseaW Write for details Phcn- tograpbs Prospectus etc nETROPOHTAN OIL COALS AND GAS CORP Room 34 1U1 g St N W nalSS THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY OFFICE con 9TH AND P STS PAIDUP CAPITAL ONB JUU4ON LoaM in any amount on ap- proved real saInts or collateral at re4 raise Interest paid upon deposits on monthl balances to check This eenpoay acts as executor ad- mlnletrator trustee agent treasurer registrar and in all other fiduciary c- pacUtes Boxes for rest in burglar and fireproof vaults for safe deoosit and etoraca o rnluable packages JOHN JOY ED60K President JOHN A SWOPS VIco President ELLIS Vice President PAJUCSR Treasurer HARRT G MKBI Aaeirtant Treasurer THOMAS Estate Office REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT Is prepared to assume the management of real estate Careful attention siren to all details Aetna Banking Trust Company 1222 F Street Northwest Foreign Exchange and Foreign and Domestic Money Orders Savings Deposits 4 per cent compounded quarterly Time and demand certificates Special department for ladies BANKING BY MAIL G W F Swartzell President C B Rheem- V President and Treasurer A T Hensey Secretary J J Darlington Counsel B H WARNER CO 916 F Street N W Everything In Real Estate UNION SAVINGS BOND Building 14th and N Y Ave yours We have equl oU DOW ry fine land stock and this money going Into uo sround f offer you It Qtttt to invest In prot1on that Mfa M a bank and OQ61 a I subject SPEARSecond BRADLEYReal our BANE itt I I l investor Ii devele5sueut work We Is made seeable c ¬ SoHeUs deooits rf teN TraaBarsra and OMardtana end allows interest an d peslta of funds await- ing inveauneat oom- mereiat accounts re- ceived U opens a savings r 3 paid at 0 i ac- count tereet ¬ H Harries I G Kimball WIlson J Lambert A M Lothrop Thee W Noyea J U Ralston John B jr- P H Smith E Qulncr Smith E N Waters 8 W Woodward Directors George Sienna STOCKS- I am In a petition to exeeate orders In Grain and Cotton n e y pia Kina ca- ceHaat In eoamualcaUea with New York Tdoplxwe Mate 112 Established efebt years Margin I Per Cent NO INTEREST CHARGES R LAPPIN 529 Seventh St Cor F Little Prices On Standard MEDICINES Dont pay trust prices when you can buy medicines here at such little prices as these Russells Emulsion 1 lie Manola 1 sIne Sic Tonita fl size He J W JENNINGSN- ot in the Drue Trust 1142 Connecticut Avo no7tf HELP ad in The Times always brings satisfac- tory results Service d N W oc1TS- mI I t jir a- I t t t jttttt StockS 1- IC ISCSCCSC45Ceece o seo use oo aea c- An I ¬ +

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Page 1: Stock Due- I4 I Political Matters Oil I Street ittTHE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 16 1901 l 9-j E I eaction in Stock Market I To 9Foreign Political Matters Due-I I4 I After




E Ieaction in Stock Market


To Foreign Political MattersI



After That Prices Hardened

Toward Normal Level


New Yerk Tractions ExceptionallyStrong Strength of Bond Market

Remains Unaffected

NEW YORK Nov Is At the openingof the tock market today the tone orthe international tat was distinctly re-

ai tionary white others at first steadywere Inclined to sell oft in sympathyLosses of to per cent were experi-enced In Atchtaon Baltimore and OhioErie Norfolk and Western SouthernIiicirtc St Paul and both Stet stocksCopper lost

In the early dealings whatever diel ostUon there might have been for thestock market to renew its recant nuoyancy was checked by the revival or for-eign anxiety over political matters as

In the eoura of consols anduthfcr securities in London Union Pa

sold off early a point Tnere were

ixmisville ant and NICKWPlate Declines ot a point or more weremade by Consolidate Gas Amalgamat-ed copper united Statestjiscuit Metropolitan Street Railwayun other hand was strongselling up 1 per cent Metropolitan b-

Lurities rose over a point anajtupid transit was well held Sugarmade a fractional sln the start ianihtn declined over a point although thisloss was ruliy recovered within a shortLime Toward the end of the nrst hourih effect of the foreign news appeared-t be and prices began to hardenliovernment bonus were unchanged rail

and other bond were strongMany of the private wire houses ex

to have open wires this morninguut they were generally disappointedThey have a perfect service with Boston Albany rtx vWence and Philadel-phia One or two houses have wiresto at about fifteen minute

No Washington or Plttaburgwires are working

There was some liquidation in 560Ushare Iota notably in Steels Rock Islandand Union Pacific The general senti-ment on the floor is that the markethas held very well all things considered


Sules Washington Street Railway 4s10009HWashington Street Railway preferred

Washington Street Railway common

National Safe DepositI and Awurity i HGreene Copper 30A ltt V4 100

After call Washmgtun Street Hallwaycommon 100 W4 1 O34 109 2 M Cd9

0Mere wUMLter tftHK mm 1081-W ahtagten Street Railway preferred


L S Ss a IBM M4K 1

U B a IK mvi mU S Si U 1008 MlVi Mku s s c KIOS w m-IV 4s R 19W MOU IIiu s 4s o m MajtU 6 4s R MM l K mU B 4 C 1W IMVi 1

D C 18X4 1184Phil 4 let

RAILROAD BONDSCupitU TsaetiM M M 4s lilts

R uhf 1J7Met EC R R 6 Cert liidebt 4 MlMet R R Girt ifufebtedeess B Mi-

U R It s UTVi 1WColumbia R R ft 114 W-Citr Jc SoburbMi 5 Ifl w-Anaeostia t 5s leUK-Wtia Rr SiTStof p 4i tf eai-

115CELLANHOUan ik Su c A e itr-H OM Co MT B 6c Mr

cert IHILight Deb JM to tetf-

L Ilefc Cert lad ti Mi-O e Pot Oa Mtfe MffVah Market O let is lie

Potomac Dee Power fs Mr-

SAf AND TRUST STOCKSNUoaal Sate DepoMt L Tr M ttr 9M

AnerkM 4 Tnut Mtnit TnMt k Sionee MVthiMtoJi lariat Mask lru iii

Home Stria DM

RAILROAD STOCKSC p4tal Tf etion C tw 1MH h fly 4 BIN p

NATIONAL BaNK STOCKSflick el WataiHUa MMtr tmCentral SBJKroaeM asd Msehaslci HjK IS-5i i riSTrader tag Z-

LJnr B 1stBites i i-


Fratddia jjtropUUM 75

Corcoran wPotCNMAC i gAni K Mi jg-Ofrmim AaMfkaa MC-K4tional U kNiColumbia tK gij

SCommercial JgColonial



CbcttMftlte awl jgA ri Dsa jl 4v-Ameri SH CTapbopbow pfd


C rcetswa Gat-XYPIt MACH1KK TOOK-

3Mergeflthalor Linotype m i-


Jretne Con Co aiy KJWaMhington Market uKB sieawlKwU M3

J taW Uj-fc lty Accncjr at


TKJBNTOK Ohio Nov Is Agent order ha on forth her to themen of the National Guard thatthey must either attend drills more fre-luently or face a courtmartialSecond Brigade says that heufllcera for gpeatorunder the IMck law



HJt led

evlioeai oC a point or OVtH lit Atchison

TtnneMsee Coal and Iron and



spentj d



1Gfi17trI4III iii1-1fQJI 116


II4jj 1J4 lootl

IIoowiBireet Railway SIIOO

llotrM iwaI




Iet It h



tuhIadsa GeeU S JCIec


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her ok


Uteholdr I4a OT








171 wit7s aus-oerii

JtsWI icam bLI-ul 27t

3flI6 1Ol

2 1O ItdSWashington 4sbt

TL 571k















> ¬










Reported by W B Hibba Co HaG FStreet Members New York Steek KMhaHBeChicago Board oC Trade and Wa htnto-

Amal CopperAmAm Loco pr-Am CAm C F pfAm Ice

SmeltAm Smelt pfAm SugarA T S FA T F Pf-BHlto Ohio

Canadian PacificChe OhioChi and AltonChi Gt WesternChi Mil St PCol Fuel IronConsolidated GasDela Hudson

Open High Low 146-7i 78 75 7SJ430 80S W-

SI JiVi-SSS 88i s

8 4 4-

7S 78 7 J4114 11414 IM 1M147 148 14fi 1

11814 119 HW-

S S6V4 8Mi MJ4-

97Vi 97 M t7

182 1S3K 132 I48 50 48 4843 44 43V4 4-

W 4

178 17 ITWi 17146 47 4 K 4

218 218 317 JITS187 188 187 IK-

Qeftral llectrteIllinois Central

Met St PJT 1-

Mo Kan T comMo Kan T pf JJJI-Mo Pacific 1

Col Southern 23 23 OT4 38National Lead X H H

N Y 0 West i 4W 48 42

Norfolk Western 74 7 74

Mall Steam 4i 48 48 48R H 1MV4 131 1 13t

Gas of C lie VI 100 103 168Preyed Steel Car 35 MM M 84Reading 75 74 75Reading 1st pfd 87 88 S7 8-8Readlng8d pfd 80 80 80 80Rep Steel Iron 18 16 16 18Rep Steel Iron pf Oi 65 W 64

Rock Island com 37 37 3f 37Rc k Island pf 81 Sl 81

Rubber Goods M 25 34 25St L S F 2d pf 63 tt sSVi

St Louts S W 2i i 2i 85 86St Louis S W pf 0 13 52 53Southern Paclnc 67 67 87 87Southern Railway 35 M S5 MVt

Ry pt 95 9tTenn Coal Iron T4 75 74 75Texas Pacific 17 17 37 37tnlon Pacific 114 113 114

Union Pacific pt w 4 11 M-

l S Leather 14 14 14 14IT S Leather pfd 94M H 94 4-

IT S Rubber 30 31U S SteelIT S Steel pfdU S Steel 3d FaWabashWabash pfdWheel L ErieWest UnionWig CentralC T T T pM

Deb BExdiv 1 por cent

ttttS7 97 27 27SPA S7 STVfc

8 81 88WU 4Vt 34 244-4VK 4 4 45 46H21 21 21 21

S2 S-Bil 4 2S M 431 UK 21 21


NEW YORK Nov l Cotton openedsteady 1 points higher to 2 pointslower Telegraph service is still poorand few of the firms leasing wireshave connection with the South It isbelieved the trouble wil continue sev-eral Wan Street bought a littleJanuary and some of the bearishnooses were sellers ef March an MayPrice improved after the open

demand for the spot article atNew Orleans Pit trailers intimatedthe market is oversold The weathermap reflects generally clear conditionthrough the

NEW YORK COTTON MARKETThe following prices were quoted on

the cotton market todayOpening Noon

Did XtKeayltji iwi iiwss SS as lftKJ te Hi s e in i7i

Market opened steady 1 poIntto oon

CHICAGO GRAIN MARKETCHICAQO Nov 11The following areUe tw tUH on todays exchange

NoonAsked Bid Asked



Lerd-MM 7 TJI 7



II Street northwaattleth and Twentyfirst Leotine Deafosso to Sanford Edle part

Avenue and S Street northweet Alexander et ux to RobertX Smith part lot C square M4

Columbia C liarnettto ThonMs W Stuhbletleld Interset in let 39 block 21-

17H NHititeanth Street northwestAndrew Wilson et al trustees to WllItem Terrell tast half of lot square110 2440

Whitney Clo Thomas 11 Martinexecutor to Henrietta K King lot iblock 1 S4M9SSeventh Street tOMtheiuit between D

AuMek to John T BardrotT original lot7 and pert original lot square Stt 10

L Street southeast between Tenth andEUeventh Streets Ann E Wlllmuth etal to Sarah R Hammer originallot 1 square south of 878 m

Seventh Street MoutheantJohn TSardroff to Kaward V and Margaret AWall part original lots 7 and 8 squareMB lie

412 Seventh Street southeast Same toJoseph C and Margaret A Morgan partoriginal Jot 7 square 9MBllzaboth Wllb

Charles G Sloan lots 14et aJ to

awl IS blockKlKhieenth and K Streets northwestCharles II Bates et al tnutte toCharlotte J sates part square m

7100110111 SeventhEighth Streets Jasse Ff Ramet ux U Alfred K pert

lots IS and squareISM Linden Street northeBtC HWilliamson trustee to United

Life Insurance and Trust Company lotZ square fIt 1 00-

l Street northeast between D

Burch lot StJacob a to Blanchesquare m 10Columbia F Woodard et al trustees to Lewis B Breuninjfer lot block SS X9B

CONDITION OF THE WATERTemperature and condition of water

at I a m GeorgetownReearvolr Temperature W condition atInttuent Katehoww II condition at et

atcondition at effluent 31

Stock Exohange




S 1Ot

8tBrook Rap Tran etJfs 71


39iscommon 3D1h 39IB7aYeBrie pt 7

fifis 5It54lfa1801Ai IS150 15

11 140 HLnulBvJUfanl1attan Flev 1

31 1 1

Met Se s Co 741M 1U 1

S 31Y 35L

1M l7JOyMexican Cent n 1lUVaCar Cium corn

30York 361h IJ51k 136





16 t61144


t t17

sllghtllug N tor reeeptthe ports too a and Oft awood


UaJCh 1001 611516



WtV 11111f1 <

1 4IViOatsI1-



lot square 10ermont

ScottItH Z



and E StreetlAllee C Palmer et vlr1


11 ne

G Street between

19 itt SIb

nthend E K Allen et vir




lisent ItnMOI TemlIletluent IS










iti49k ZP4


New Central 13542


17 67 ST

estimates ligh3 4to

Ask l588April





original 36 510






Washington City















WASHINGTONWashington Street Railway i

were the feature of todays trading onthe local exchange The common stockwas especially active and strong andmade a new high record of 2S a gaInof nearly three points The first lot wassold Ht 36 and from this level it roesteadily 27 After the call the firstsale was at 28Vi and the last sate wasat 23

The preferred stock sold around ye-tenlays level tho last price paid todY as yesterday being 7 Of thecommon 1CT5 shares were sold and Illof the preferred The bonds also roseto S 7000 being sold at this

National Safe Deposit was m activedemand BO shares selling at 19S and Itat 107

Mergenthaler sold at for 17 sharesa gain of point

Greene Copper was strong and ac-tive the best price paid being 38V4 Over400 shares were In

NEW YORKThe Standard Oil Company of New

Jerri v has declared a dividend of 7a at ae payable December II Lastyear a dividend of 512 was declared forpayment on the same ditto TodaYdividend declaration makes a total div-idend for this year of M per cent com-pared with 44 per cent In 1W3

One of the large banking houses solda lot of sevenmonths commercial paperon Monday At 8 per cent Such trans-actions as this cause people to feelvery confident of cheap money for agood while to come The assertion isfrequently heard that good investmentsecurities are less plentiful than money

London hi a conspicuous buyer ofUnion Pacific It is said that Londoncalls on approximately 400W shares ofthe stock wilt mature at the end ofthe year These options were bought-on market quotations much lower thantheee now prevailing The prominence-of several speculative houses inPacific yesterday and the urgent natureof their buying led some to supposethat a considerable short account wascovered on the advance to 116

It is not believed that the movementin the Steel shares has culminatedTheir behavior in the market would notindicate that It had Thelong interest however Is steadily In-

creasing and the old short interest hasbeen almost eliminated

The Comptroller of the Currency hasa condition af

banks at the close of busineu on Thurs-day November 10


The Columbia Association of BaptistChurches began the second of thetwentyseventh annual meeting at I0ttwith devotional exercises led by theRev Dr Muir moderator Tie wortr oforganisation followed At tb afternoonsession the Rev C H Owen mad anaddress The el officers fol-

lowed The moderator the RevPercy S Foster addressed the conventim The missionaries of associa-tion then discussed the report of theexecutive committee Special commit-tees were announced ant meetingadjourned nntil 7 8 p m when therewill be more



The tenth annual meeting oC thetrict of Columbia Federation of W-

ens Clubs is being held at theWashington Hebrew Temple

Tli meeting b an at t oclock tw-lmortitnc and was over MHannah M Spwrry president andF McCreerr secretary


ALEXANDRIA Va Novcase of George Boston and Elijah iwax both uearws who were arrestedby Policemen Smith and Bettis on sus-picion of having entered the bar of DanHenry iu the night time was calledthe police court before Justice Catonthis morning Policemen Smith andBettis Dan Henry Daniel CorbinLacey Thompson and Peter Kittstilled Justice Caton dismissed Ixunaxand held Boston for further examina-tion

FINED VAGRANCYHattie Fountain and Mary Tymon

both negre were lined if ejfek to thepolice court this meriting forconduct and for They werearrested by Policeman

PROGRESSIVE EUCHREdivision of the Coun-

cil of Jewish Women will give a Pro-gressive euchre at the hall ef theMens Sodality Lyceum laStreet Th be-

HELD FOR GRAND JURYThe ease of ftforiSecai Hurst charged

with receiving stolen goods under con-sideration In the court until lateyesterday afternoon was concluded byJustice futon holding Hurst for thogrand jury was ltd at JSW8

OYSTER SUPPERThe citizens of West End will anOyster supper wms HaJI IM WealBwd on and Friday nights

SUIT FOR DAMAGESH ugh administrator vs the Southern RaIlway Companya suit for liOooo

defendant company is in progress

REAL ESTATE PURCHASEGjace Thompson of Washington lisabought John D realestate agent two lots of grounds un

tween Princes and Queen Streets

PERSONAL MENTIONMrs KatP Wailer companied by her daughters UJa and Rebecca Barrett left Alexandria for StLouis yesterdayOn next Friday afternoon Mrs Willlam B and Lula Smoot win servetea at the Golf Club House on Shooters

Old Peafle Have Their TroublesThe most common ailments to whichmiddle age are areindigestion and constipation Fortunately there is a especially suitedto these disorders iiirordprompt relief It IN called

Liver Tablet Tht la itlive tffeVt of these tablets Is suable and so natural that you d altrealise that it has len pr lii rij lmedicine They also iminnvi thrtile und strengthen the illgr tiMn A

to the Chamberlain M li iuMoines Iowa for a itnpigive them a trial or th rtEuJcent from all drugguu


mor than a












wiltnumeroi and handsome

atThunlCJI will leO to

The case or

orut Juah by an engine of tIw



the west side ot Columbus Street be






tnt Iget






The xendria

owl Duke

The JehiisChapel





















Everything Ready for FirstDay of Meeting


Number and Class of the HorsesButter Than Ever

Daingerfield Here

Bvervthlns to in readiness Uteat Bennlngr tomorrow

The tabbing touphes have boon add

SUperintendent Strahan and oldcourse never looked prettier or betterttan when ba0vod in a flood of Novem-ber sunshine The track proper will b-

In first rate condition It is faster thanever before the experts In suchMatters eo Adntly expect to manyrecords shattered before the meetingends There was a lot of good workdone this inornina and horses of ordinary class were able to live

in 102 and 101The indications are that the

will be large In the various eventNever before were so many horsehoused at the track and In theA sign of the times la the Chevy ChaseJumping event the entries for whichclosed night There were eighteennominations made an almostdented number for an overnight eventthrough the field It th samewith races on the flat The horses arehere and here to raceClass Is High

The class of the horses Is above theaverage for the fall session at Ban-ning Old Carbuncle who has had thelong distance races here at his mercyfor two or three seasons will havea worthy rival this year in the Wadehorse Major W B Leeds

him here especially lor such racesWashington Cup and the Maximum

StakesA special horse train got in from

New this morning bringing thehorses of R T Wilson AndrewKiller W B Leeds H T Grimm andother prominent owners J Scrosscountry stable arrived romPhiladelphia last night in charge of JReward Lewis jr and Will Shields gotin at the same time with six horses ofhis own which will be on to LosAngeles after the meeting hereShields Talks

Shields who now weighs considerablyover the 960 pound mark was goodJockey only a few years ago and wonhis first race at Donning track Itwts just fourteen years ago that I woniry maiden race on this very tracksaid Shields as he watched his horsescool out after a gallop this morning 1

was a bit of a kid but after seeing myname on top of the Jockey feltas big as I look now There hays been

since and Banningis a decidedly different place towas in those days

Shields saw Hermia who ia at theShields farm at Bound Brook N Jyesterday and says that the great horsewill surely train again next season Hes running in a Jockat and shaggy as a Newfoundlanddog but his legs are clean and hard

it looks a certainty that he will beseen in the handicaps next season

Harry Page one the principal fac-tors in asteward of the Nationaland Hunt Association and ownerjumping stable and who rides regularly

colors Is here and will playa prominent part in the meetiag


First race Three years and up sell-ing six and a halt furlong

Kane IIS Young Henry 112Poseur IJo AndrewMack 108 Seaforth lf Mary Glenn

Second race MaidenJive furlongs Toeman 112 Limerick

Chimney Sweep 112 Korthville 112of Weston liz Linda liowa hPat 1 Ever Near 1 J H

OBrien 109 Smiling Alice 1 CourIer109 MaynotThe Seer 1 Cabin 1 Haakell 1W K Garment 1 L

Third raceabout two and onehalt miles Lavator168 Black Death IM Connovernerlaliat lIlt Walter Cleary 148 Spen-cer JUrff IM ivan Gaacar IM

Fourth raceColumbia Handicapseven furlongs of Columbia course Aeenalon 12fi Lord 122 James PCloten 119 Greencrent 110

tour 101 Proceeds tt Race lang 97

Fifth race Twoyearolds six andfurlongs Columbia Course

Amberjack 110 Alhimeur 11617 Ie7 Tarpon 107 ScarecrowloT Cabin KB-

Blxttt race and upselling and mileIrish Witch 107 Greencrest 105 Arrahgowon 101 Unmasked 103 McWilliams

95 ThespIan Ill Baikal 102 Ragle 100


DBKBY Conn Nov 1 Mrs ArettAAbbott of Boston died in agony at thhome of her daughter Mr RobertScholley here from the effects of apin scratch

Mrs Abbott had just arrived here forvisit when she pricked her linger withan ordinary pin Within twentyfourhours blood poisoning had s t in andher arm had swollen to double its else


I CLEVELAND Nov 1 Daniel Vanelse of Pa and his twentytwoyearold daughter fell over acliff at Rocky River a suburb withthe result that young warnkilled

VanHse was badly hut not fatallyinjured

C G Archer of Brewer Maine saysI have had catarrh for several years

Water would run from my eyes andnose for days at a time About fourmonths ago I was Induced to try Dr Agnews Catarrhal Powder and since usingthe wonderful remedy I have not hadan attack It relieves in 10 rInutes 3

Dr Acnew5 Cure relieven 30 ml ute

Sold by MODERN DRUG COll 7th St N W





ed w the track and ItsI




owner ot Major nnta-





cba then


OV suedro



Tenny Belle IGri Heatherlot

l1J Cedarstrome 112 Hawtr 212



BadgeWar hiS New York 307

tn haltSheen

one Oft4

Queen Belle10



the man

CatarrhSufferers Read

t cart

oquipmests by










Pen 13

hoop NIna












Allowed to Remain in theKenilworth School


In Their Opinion the Matter Was Onefor Board of Education to

Pass Upon

The three children of John Calvin willbe allowed to continue their attendanceat the school

The Board of Education today reported to the District Commissionersthat under the circumstances the joarddoes not feel that it has the right toforce from the Ztenlfworth school thethree children of John Colvin who hasbeen deolared a negro by the Kenllworth Citizens Association in a letterto the board asking that the children inquestion be prevented front attendingthe white school in Kenllworth

The refusal of the board to complywith the citizens request for the removal of the alleged negroes apparentlyends the dispute as Commissioner Milefarland acting in his capacity of chairman of the Board ot Commissioners hasmade the following recommendation onthe matter

I that the association be fur-nished with a copy of the report of theBoard of Kducatlon and be informedthat the facts stated both in the com-munication of the association and inthe report of the board show that un-

der the law establishing the Board ofeducation the case is one for the determination of the board said not of theCommissioners

Consequently affair ia oieeed andthe Colvin children will attend thewhite sejiool

Action by Commissioners-

The Commissioners upon receipt of aletter from the Citivens Associationasked the board to explain its positionofficially on the subject This resulted-in the report sent to the Commissionerstoday by the board saying-

A charge was made some timethe association that the children of

John Colvin who is alleged to be acolored man were in attendance at theKenilworth Public School The boardrequested the principal ofthe division ia which said school waslocated to see that colored childrenattending the white school should betransferred to the nearest coloredschool

Shortly after this directionolviu the party referred to claimed

that he was not a colored man and thattherefore his children had a full rightto atteiwl the Kenilworth school V Thiswas brought to the attention of a committ of the association who were toldthat if there was any in reference to the case they wished to presentit might be forwarded to the boardAffidavits ex presented andJohn Colvin notified of their existence

He again denied that he was a col-ored man claiming to be of Indianblood that were white andthat they had a full theschool Under these circumstances theboard lid not and does not feel thatit has a right to force the pupils reerred to from the school


The Auto Transit Company of Wash-ington Applied to the District Commis-sion this afternoon for a permit toOperate an electric vehicle over a reg-ular route

It Is thought that thin company willplace a car on Sixteenth as oneof the Hne of electric hardies to beoperated along that thoroughfare

This however is not specified in theThe vehicle will carry





at the close November 10MW

RESOURCESLeans and discounts JSt71128SOverdrafts secured and un

U 8 bonds to secure ctrew16980000

U S bonds to secure U 3deposits M09ttO00

Other bonds to secure U 9L

deposits M90U S bonds on hand 71Premiums on U S and other

bonds 1M2U77Bonds securities etc 14M4SUSBanking house furniture and

fixtures M7W8money f4tM

National Banks notreserve agents Ml 481

Due from State banks andhankers 3 0M

Due front approved reserveI21M88i

Checks and other cash item ft3MCtExchanges for house 74im72Fractional paper currency

nlokels and eeMt 17 llawful money reserve in bank

viacoin SMTM MtftlSJft

Redemption fund with U STreasurer I per cent ofcirculation


Capital stock paid In 10MMOMSurplus fund UMLWIIM

proAUi less exand taxes paid 7748fiSI

National honk notes outt itfIng 9T6f4lM

Due to other nationalbanks 117Mi f

Due to State banksand bankers JiWUIf

Due to trust compan-ies and savingsbanks SMWI1

Due MI approved re-serve agents

DividendsIndividual deposits

subject to islMUlDemand certificates

Of deposit f2SScertified M

United States deposits MSMSBonds borrowedReserve for taxes

1277141741of Columbia

J ARTHUR T cashier af theabovenamed bunk do solemnly swearthat the above statement is true to thebest of k and belief

ARTHUR T BRICK CashierSubscribed and sworn to before me

this mth day of November 1 M






Ken 11 worth

m ve



waSthe board wu thAt John

porte were















Dl trict S




















Capital 3947200Surplus 3947200



Subscriptions for iSth Issue of stockand fist payment thereon will be receivedat the office of the Association Four per-cent interest per annum Is allowed Uponmaturity of full earnings are paid

Pamphlets explaining the object an4 advantages of the Association and other information furnished upon application atthe office



noJn wftf

Capital 300000

The CommercialNational Bank


nt active and Inactira and oT-

ters Its depositors every facility atthe command of a modern conserva-Uve banking house






CAPITAL 1000000Pays Interest on depositRents Safes Inside BurglarproofActs as Administrator Executor Trustee etc



CAPITAL 1000000SURPLUS 1100000

EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLDCable transfers and drafts direct on princi-

pal clUes of the worldLetters of and Domestic



DIRECTORSCarl AuerbaehAlex S Clarke


Anthony GacKler

John B GelerWilliam HahnJ Philip Herr

maneFrancis MillerWm MillerBrtee J MeseaJohn H Pup

pertHenry MurrayB F SaulJames f SheaJohn Shughrue

l opens a savings account

HOME SAVINGS BANKNew Building 7th St awl Mass Ave

Merchants andMechanicsSavings Bank 707 G St

Solicits accounts to any amountand allow I per coat iatere t en


A O tLAPHAir S cTreaa JOBX THOMPflON A st 8ccTrea CHASW HARK Attorney

Bankers and Brokers419 F Street

i New York Stock ExciiaatMembers Washington Stock Exchan-

i f Chicago Board of Trade

Safe Deposit Boxeslocated in the fire and burglar

proof vaults of this ccmpany rent500 year


CO1414 F Street N W

FRANCIS H SMITH PresidentCHAS P NESBIT let V Prea TressG QU1NCY SM1T1 2d V PresLEE D LATIMER Secretary

REAL ESTATEWe sell and rent houses

LOANSWe place and negotiate loans

INSURANCEWe write all sorts of insurance

INVESTMENTSWo handle investments

THE F Ii SMITH COReal Estate Loans Investments Insur

aced1408 N Y Ave Bond Building

Money to Loan 54 and 5On real estate in tatritt of Columbia jfadelay in closing loan














14th and tInvites both large and small ac


I PresidentI f

















zooS F

4 k



Michael Jt

c i




4 PerCent












Local Men Struck Oilin Ohio

Shooting Well No 1

Now a Steaty ProducerStany fortunes are brJnff made tn the OHIO

Oil FIELDS will you toy the foundation toe

TWO FINE WELLS fullyand pumping drilling the third ana

centra td for additional wells TbStandard OIL Company te buying bar-rel we prodtH We have a ready market-A steady ineeme

ewa and control Sew ACRES ofU aol coal Room for hundreds o4

weltsBr ry teat of our OWe land will produce

OJl Wo Have the pf f eMial produclnell wells the only kind ef proof that shoalappeal to the o rfu We knoWthat we have ntljr to sink additional wells oathis property la order to iBcretuw ourtics f oH We desire to develop Quicklyfor this purpon we are selling treasury

that will give eaoniMMw dtvW t3for few days price of stock

10 Cents per Share100 shares 10 1000 shares 100

Price subject to advance without noticeThe Par Value of shares te juee full pal

and noaaaaeseaW Write for details Phcn-tograpbs Prospectus etc


AND GAS CORPRoom 34 1U1 g St N W nalSS



PAIDUP CAPITAL ONB JUU4ONLoaM in any amount on ap-

proved real saInts or collateral at re4raiseInterest paid upon deposits on monthl

balances to checkThis eenpoay acts as executor ad-

mlnletrator trustee agent treasurerregistrar and in all other fiduciary c-

pacUtesBoxes for rest in burglar and fireproof

vaults for safe deoosit and etoraca ornluable packages

JOHN JOY ED60K PresidentJOHN A SWOPS VIco PresidentELLIS Vice President

PAJUCSR TreasurerHARRT G MKBI Aaeirtant TreasurerTHOMAS Estate Office

REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENTIs prepared to assume the management of

real estate Careful attention siren toall details

Aetna BankingTrust Company

1222 F Street Northwest

Foreign Exchange and Foreignand Domestic Money Orders

Savings Deposits 4 per cent

compounded quarterlyTime and demand certificatesSpecial department for ladies


G W F SwartzellPresident

C B Rheem-V President and Treasurer

A T HenseySecretary

J J DarlingtonCounsel

B H WARNER CO916 F Street N W

Everything In Real Estate

UNION SAVINGSBOND Building 14th and N Y Ave

yoursWe have equl




stockand this money going Into uo sround

foffer you It Qtttt to invest In

prot1on that Mfa M a bank and OQ61










Iidevele5sueut work






SoHeUs deooits rfteN TraaBarsraand OMardtana endallows interest an dpeslta of funds await-ing inveauneat oom-mereiat accounts re-ceived U opens asavings

r 3paid at 0 i



H HarriesI G KimballWIlson J LambertA M LothropThee W NoyeaJ U RalstonJohn B jr-P H SmithE Qulncr SmithE N Waters8 W Woodward



STOCKS-I am In a petition to exeeate orders In

Grain and Cotton n e y pia Kina ca-

ceHaat In eoamualcaUea with New YorkTdoplxwe Mate 112 Established efebt years


R LAPPIN529 Seventh St Cor F

Little PricesOn StandardMEDICINES

Dont pay trust prices when youcan buy medicines here at suchlittle prices as these

Russells Emulsion 1 lieManola 1 sIne SicTonita fl size He

J W JENNINGSN-ot in the Drue Trust

1142 Connecticut Avono7tf

HELPad in The Times

always brings satisfac-tory results



N Woc1TS-



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