step into my life - planning and presentation guide

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  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide


    step into my lifechange a childs l ife forever

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide



    Dear Friends,

    This cmprehensive guide will help u t plan and runur TEAR Fund Sunda event. Issues f pvert andinjustice are ver clse t the heart f Gd and we knwHe hnurs thse wh speak ut n his behalf.

    We do hope that you nd the material both useful andinspiring as u seek t tell ur church abut TEAR

    Funds wrk with Cmpassin and help us releasethusands f children frm pvert in Jesus name.

    D let us knw if u have an questins abut thematerial r need an help alng the wa.

    In Christ whm we lve and serve

    Stephen TllestrupExecutive Directr

    TEAR Fund NZ


    Tear F

    64c Stddard RadMt Rskill

    Auckland1150, New ZealandFree phone: 0800 800 777email: [email protected]:

    These resurces have been prduced b Cmpassin UK. All parts ma bereprduced fr the purpse f prmting TEAR Fund and Cmpassin. Cpright Cmpassin UKBible references taken frm the NIV; reprduced b kind permissin f Hdder andStughtn Ltd.







    yoUR SCHEDULE 10



    PoVERTy FACTS 14






  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide



    Planning your eventstep 1

    ThiS paCk provideS Word-For-WordpreSenTaTion guideS TogeTher WiTh aCompelling Film To help you Tell yourChurCh aBouT The TranSForming impaCT oFSponSorShip. The Film ConveyS The realiTy oFliFe For a Child living in one oF The WorldSpooreST CommuniTieS and ChallengeS TheaudienCe To ConSider SponSoring a Child.

    yu knw the srt f presentatin that wuld suit ur church,but frm ur experience the mst effective wa t prmte

    TEAR Fund is b ding an ral presentatin cmbined with a

    spnsrship sign-up table.

    We will provide you with brochures and information about specic

    children wh are waiting fr spnsrship. Praerfull cnsider thebest wa t share TEAR Fund with ur cngregatin. Use thechecklist prvided t help u.

    groupS i Can Share Tear Fund WiThSunda services

    Hme grupsBible stud grupsyuth grupsWrk clleaguesInterest and hbb grups

    WayS i Can geT The meSSage aCroSSShrt presentatinShw the Step into My Life lmSpnsrship sign-up tablePlace a brchure n ever seat in church r meeting placePut an article in ur newsletter r magazine

    people i Can involve WiTh The evenTChurch leaderHme grup crdinatrMissins teamCurrent TEAR Fund spnsrs r AdvcatesLeader f ur interest r hbb grupWrk clleagues

    Share From your hearTMst church leaders are lking fr was t encurage theircngregatin t respnd t ur Biblical respnsibilit t carefr the pr and share the Gd News f Jesus Christ withthers. TEAR Fund child spnsrship thrugh Cmpassin isan excellent wa t get Christians persnall invlved. yu canexpect individuals t be transfrmed as the build relatinshipswith the children the spnsr.

    Share with ur church leader wh ur invlvement in TEARFunds ministr means s much t u. Take alng details f thechild u spnsr and an letters that u have received.Be prepared t talk abut the impact this has had n ur life.Pra fr clarit f speech and the abilit t share ur visineffectivel at ur meeting.

    Even if ur church leader is familiar with TEAR Fund, stressthat we are a Christ centred, child fcused and church basedrganisatin seeking t shw Gds lve t thse in need.Highlight TEAR Fund and Cmpassins cmmitment t integritand the fact that Cmpassin supprts mre than a millinchildren thrugh its church-based prgrammes in 25 f thewrlds prest cuntries. If at all pssible, shw ur churchleader the fur-minute versin f the Step Into My Life lm.

    SuggeST FleXiBle opTionSPut yourself in your church leaders busy shoes; be as exible

    as u can when suggesting activities t raise awareness fTEAR Fund. Take ur church leader thrugh the ideas thatu have cme up with t share TEAR Fund with the church.

    Ask ur church leader if the wuld cnsider making a simpleannuncement directing peple t ur spnsrship sign-uptable n the da f ur event r t see u directl. Makesure ur church leader knws that ur primar cncern ist help mre children in need and u will be grateful fr anpprtunities that are available t d s.

    step 2

    make an appoinTmenT WiTh your ChurCh leaderonce u have cnsidered the pprtunities there might be tprmte TEAR Fund in ur church, make an appintment with urchurch leader r anne else wh needs t apprve ur plans.

    Give ur church r ther leader the brchure enclsed in thispack called Information for Church Leaders befre ur meeting.

    This brchure is designed t inspire thse in leadership abut thewrk f TEAR Fund. Be sure t familiarise urself with it t.

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide


    step into my lifechange a childs life forever


    step 3

    aS Soon aS you have an evenT planned leT uS knoW The daTe, name and addreSS oF yourChurCh and The numBer oF people you eSTimaTe Will aTTend So We Can Send you enoughBroChureS and inFormaTion aBouT Children Who are WaiTing To Be SponSored. you Can Tell uSaBouT your evenT By reTurning The Slip aT The BoTTom oF The leTTer aCCompanying ThiS paCk,

    or By Calling 0800 800 777, or viSiTing

    Tell peple abut ur event well in advance t help increase ur effectiveness n the da. Use ur church newsletter, ntice bard,persnal invitatins and make an annuncement in services leading up t ur event t ensure that as man peple as pssible knwwhat u have planned.

    Think your event through from start to nish and make a note of the arrangements that you

    need t make. The might include: Reserve the audio visual equipment you need

    Arrange for tables to display information about children who are waiting for

    spnsrship Open the planning and presentation guide to the map page and place that on

    the table

    Arrange for wording to be published in your church newsletter or magazine(see page 11)

    If possible, place a brochure on every seat in church

    Display posters in your church. Use the white space at the bottom of the poster to

    advertise ur event and include ur cntact details Ask any other sponsors you know to help you staff your TEAR Fund sign-up

    table at church Ensure you have enough pens for people to use at your sign-up table

    If u have a presentatin in a church service, make sure u keep the spnsrshipsign-up table up fr the Sundas that fllw, t ensure u give peple everpprtunit t spnsr a child. Displa an remaining brchures in the brchure standat church after the event. Pra Gd will use ur activities t radicall transfrm thelives f children in desperate need. Remember that ultimatel the success f ur

    event rests with Him.

    PreSenting tear fund The Sample preSenTaTionS ThaT appear on TheFolloWing pageS Will help you To Share Tear

    Fund WiTh your ChurCh. iT iS imporTanT ThaTyou Speak From your hearT and ThaT yourpreSenTaTion reFleCTS your ThoughTS andyour STyle. Feel Free To FolloW The SamplepreSenTaTionS CloSely or Simply uSe Them aSBaSiC ouTlineS To CreaTe your oWn Talk. ineiTher CaSe, Be Sure To Spend plenTy oF TimepraCTiSing your preSenTaTion, and donTForgeT To pray aS you prepare. parTiCularlypray For The Children Who you Will Be TryingTo geT SponSored Through your preSenTaTion.

    Let us knw when u have planned ur event s we cansend u enugh brchures and infrmatin abut childrenwh are waiting fr spnsrship in time fr ur event.

    Let us knw when u have ur event planned bcalling 0800 800 777 r return the slip at the bttmf the letter accmpaning this pack.


  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide


    If u need an advice with ur presentatingive us a call n 0800 800 777 r [email protected]


    5-10 minute presentation

    donT ForgeT Bring with you the photo of the child you sponsor and any

    letters u have received Set up a table and lay out information about children

    waiting fr spnsrs. Put out brochures in the brochure stand

    Take pens for signing up new sponsors If possible, place a brochure on each seat

    If you are using audio visual equipment make sure it is

    wrking prperl

    inTroduCTionThanks s much fr giving me the time t talk t u tdaabut smething I feel particularl passinate abut:

    justice fr the pr.

    Let me intrduce u t [name] a child I spnsr in [cuntr][hld up the pht f the child u spnsr]. We ma lk a

    bit different, be different ages and live in cmpletel differentcuntries, but we d have a few things in cmmn.

    Gd made us bth in His image; He died fr the salvatin fus bth and wants the ver best fr us. In the ees f Gd[name] and I are equal and et [name] and his/her famillive in ne f the prest cuntries in the wrld where life isa dail struggle. Im sure like me ur heart breaks when usee children suffering, but imagine hw Gd feels abut it?Imagine hw it must hurt Gd that in the time it takes u ttake a single breath a child dies smewhere in thewrld as a result f pvert.

    The needI culd reel ff endless statistics abut the plight fchildren like [name], but I think its much easier ifI show you. Im going to play a short lm about

    Christuraj a b frm Chennai in India. Christuraj isprecius in the ees f Gd and et, like 1.1 billinther children in the wrld, he lives in a desperatelpr cmmunit.

    video ShoW The 4 minuTeSTep inTo my liFe Film

    BiBliCal imperaTiveIt can be all too easy for us to watch a lm like that and

    think we cant make a signicant impact. But if you could

    d smething that wuld help Christuraj wuld u?We might nt be able t change the wrld, but we canchange the wrld fr ne child.

    Gd is reslute in His cmmandment that we as Christianshelp the pr. In James 2:15-17 it sas:

    Suppse a brther r sister is withut clthes and dail fd.If ne f u sas t him, G, I wish u well; keep warmand well fed, but des nthing abut his phsical needs,what gd is it? In the same wa, faith b itself, if it is ntaccmpanied b actin, is dead.

    If we reall take Gd at His wrd, we have t d smething.

    SoluTionAt the start f m talk I shwed u a picture f[name] a childwh I spnsr in [cuntr]. [Name] faces trubles ever daf his/her life as he/she lives in ne f the prest cuntriesin the wrld. I cant be there in persn t take him/her t thedctr when he/she is sick, t make sure he/she gets nutritiusfd r t teach him/her abut Gds lve, but thrugh mspnsrship I ensure that smebd else can.

    With m supprt [name] attends a church-based prject run incnjunctin with the charit Cmpassin thrugh TEARFund, where Christian staff ensure that he/she receives thepprtunities he/she needs t break free frm pvert.

    Thrugh the prject there is smene t ensure that [name]ges t schl, that he/she gets regular medical check ups, thathe/she gets gd fd t eat and clthes t wear. And perhapsmst imprtantl, thrugh the church based prject [name] getst hear the Gd News f Jesus Christ.

    In fact, last ear alne mre than 102,000 children gave theirlives t Christ in Cmpassin prjects acrss the wrld.

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide


    step into my lifechange a childs life forever



    In the same wa that Jesus is cncerned with ur individualneeds, TEAR Fund thrugh Cmpassin meets the individualneeds f children and encurages them t develp their wnskills and talents.

    As a sponsor I can pray specically for [name] and exchangeletters with him/her. I can hnestl sa that spnsrship is nt

    nl helping t transfrm [names] life, its making a difference tmine as well.

    [If u pssibl can, include the Make it Persnal sectin frmthe 10-20 minute presentatin]

    Spnsring a child thrugh TEAR Fund reall des give u theopportunity to full your God-given responsibility to the poor and

    d smething that makes a tangible difference in the wrld.

    Peple are ften cncerned whether the mne the give t acharit will get t where it is needed, but [m famil and] I havebeen reall impressed with the integrit f TEAR Fund. TEARFunds partner Cmpassin has been transfrming the lives f

    children fr mre than 50 ears and ensures that at least80 per cent of its expenditure goes to benet the children.

    aCTionAt the mment mre than a millin children are attendingCmpassin prjects acrss the wrld, but there are man mrechildren wh are waiting fr smene t spnsr them thrugh

    TEAR Fund. [Hold up one of the child proles with informationabut a child wh is waiting fr spnsrship] I have with mesome proles of specic children who are waiting for a sponsor.

    Children like [read the name on the child prole that you arehlding and perhaps read a little bit f infrmatin abut them].

    [Tell the cngregatin r grup hw man children u have t bespnsred]. I have [x] number f children t be spnsred tda.

    Please cme and see me after the service if u can pssiblgive $1.45 a da, less than the price f a cup f cffee, ttransfrm the wrld f a child.

    Id like to nish with Jesus words from Mark 14:7: The poor

    u will alwas have with u, and u can help them an timeu want.

    Thank u.

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide



    10-20 minute presentation

    donT ForgeT Bring with you the photo of the child you sponsor and any

    letters u have received Set up a table and lay out information about children

    waiting fr spnsrs. Put out brochures in the brochure stand Take pens for signing up new sponsors If possible, place a brochure on each seat

    If you are using audio visual equipment make sure it is

    wrking prperl

    inTroduCTionThanks s much fr giving me the time t talk t u tdaabut smething I feel particularl passinate abut:

    justice fr the pr.

    Let me intrduce u t [name] a child I spnsr in [cuntr][hld up the pht f the child u spnsr]. We ma lk a

    bit different, be different ages and live in cmpletel differentcuntries, but we d have a cuple f things in cmmn.Were tld in Genesis 1:27 that we have been made in the imagef Gd and that He breathed life int us (Gen 2:7), which is therst thing that [name] and I have in cmmn.

    We knw that Gd has a plan and a purpse fr ever ne fus, n matter wh we are r where we were brn; s thats thesecnd thing that [name] and I have in cmmn.

    And I knw that when Jesus died n the crss it wasnt justs the cngregatin here at [name f ur church] culd havesalvatin; it was fr all mankind, s thats the third thingthat [name] and I have in cmmn.

    In the ees f Gd [name] and I are equal and et [name]and his/her famil live in ne f the prest cuntries in thewrld where life is a dail struggle. Im sure like me ur heartbreaks when u see children suffering, but imagine hw Gdfeels abut it? Imagine hw it must hurt Gd that in the time

    it takes u t take a single breath a child dies smewhere inthe wrld as a result f pvert.

    The needI culd reel ff endless statistics abut the plight f childrenlike [name], but I think its much easier if I shw u. Im gingto play a short lm about Christuraj a boy from Chennai in India.

    Christuraj is precius in the ees f Gd and et, like1.1 billin ther children in the wrld he lives in a desperatelpr cmmunit.

    video ShoW The 4 minuTeSTep inTo my liFe Film

    BiBliCal imperaTiveIt can be all too easy for us to watch a lm like that and think we

    can make no signicant impact. But if you could do something

    that wuld help Christuraj wuld u? We might nt be able tchange the wrld, but we can change the wrld fr ne child.

    Gd is reslute in His cmmandment that we as Christianshelp the pr. The wrds f James are an extremel pwerfulreminder.

    In James 2:15-17 it sas: Suppse a brther r sister is withutclthes and dail fd. If ne f u sas t him, G, I wishu well; keep warm and well fed, but des nthing abut hisphsical needs, what gd is it? In the same wa, faith b itself,if it is nt accmpanied b actin, is dead.

    If we reall take Gd at His wrd, we have t d smething thelp. I know that were not politicians with international inuence

    and were nt all called t be missinaries in Africa. But in thestr f the Gd Samaritan Jesus reminds us that we dnthave t change the wrld, we just need t d what is within urcapabilit.

    The Samaritan wasnt even able t take the injured man t hiswn hme and et he ensured that the man received the carethat he needed. It is acts f kindness and genersit like this thateach ne f us here tda is capable f.

    I knw that children in particular are clse t the heart f Gd.The are the nes wh suffer mst as a result f pvert andet, it is these children wh hld the ptential t break freefrm pvert and build brighter futures fr themselves and theirfamilies.

    The imprtance f caring fr children is smething that Gdreiterates time and time again in the Bible. yull be pleasedt knw I wnt read ut all the verses, but we are tld inMark 9:37 that welcming a little child int ur hearts is likewelcming Christ himself.

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide


    step into my lifechange a childs life forever




    At the start f m talk I shwed u a picture f[name] a childwh I spnsr in [cuntr]. [Name] faces trubles ever da fhis/her life as he/she lives in ne f the prest cuntries in thewrld. I cant be there in persn t take him/her t the dctrwhen he/she is sick, t make sure he/she gets gd nutritiusfd r t teach him/her abut Gds lve, but thrugh mspnsrship I ensure that smebd else can.

    With m supprt [name] attends a church-based prject runin cnjunctin with the charit Cmpassin thrugh TEARFund, where Christian staff ensure that he/she receives thepprtunities he/she needs t break free frm pvert.

    Thrugh the Cmpassin prject there is smene t ensure that

    [name] ges t schl, that he/she gets regular medical checkups, that he/she gets gd fd t eat and clthes t wear.

    And perhaps mst imprtantl, thrugh the church-based prject[name] gets t hear the Gd News f Jesus Christ. In fact, lastear alne mre than 102,000 children gave their lives t Christin Cmpassin prjects acrss the wrld. In the same wathat Jesus is cncerned with ur individual needs, TEAR Fundin partnership with Cmpassin meets the individual needs fchildren and encurages them t develp their wn skills andtalents. As a sponsor I can even pray specically for [name] andexchange letters with him/her.

    make iT perSonalI can hnestl sa that spnsrship is nt nl helping ttransfrm [names] life, its making a difference t mine as well.[Share smething that has particularl blessed u in urspnsrship. Cnsider including ne f the fllwing:]

    Read a short excerpt from a letter you received

    Show the congregation a picture your sponsored child has

    drawn fr u Mention any transformation witnessed in your sponsored

    child Talk about how the relationship has affected you and

    ur famil Anything else about the relationship that has touched your life

    Spnsring a child with TEAR Fund reall des give u theopportunity to full your God-given responsibility to the poor

    and d smething that makes a tangible difference in the wrld.Peple are ften cncerned whether the mne the give t acharit will get t where it is needed, but [m famil and] I havebeen reall impressed with the integrit f TEAR Fund and itspartner Cmpassin.

    Cmpassin has been transfrming the lives f children frmre than 50 ears and ensures that at least 80 per cent f i tsexpenditure goes to benet the children.

    B wrking thrugh lcal churches with sme f the wrldsprest children, TEAR Fund and Cmpassin has nt nlseen the lives f individual children changed, but these knck-

    n effects have resnated thrughut their families andcmmunities.

    aCTionAt the mment mre than a millin children are attendingCmpassin prjects acrss the wrld, but there are man mrechildren like Christuraj wh are waiting fr smene t spnsrthem thrugh TEAR Fund. [Hold up one of the child proles withinfrmatin abut a child wh is waiting fr spnsrship].

    I have with me some proles of specic children who are waiting

    fr a spnsr. Children like [read the name on the child prolethat u are hlding and perhaps read a little bit f infrmatinabut them].

    [Tell the cngregatin r grup hw man children u have t bespnsred]. I have [x] number f children t be spnsred tda.

    Please cme and see me after the service if u can pssiblgive $1.45 a da, less than the price f a cup f cffee, ttransfrm the wrld f a child.

    Id like to nish with Jesus words from Mark 14:7: The poor

    u will alwas have with u, and u can help them an timeu want.

    Thank u.

    If u need an advice with ur presentatin give us a call n 0800 800 777 r e-mail [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide



    donT ForgeT Bring with you the photo of the child you sponsor and any

    letters u have received Take along information about children who are waiting

    fr spnsrs Give a brochure to everyone in the group Photocopy or print copies of the quiz for each member of

    ur grup [the quiz is available t print frm the dvd] Make sure that you have access to the audio visual

    equipment u need Take along a large piece of paper and some marker pens

    Make sure you take along extra pens for anyone who wants

    t spnsr a child

    inTroduCe yourSelFThank u s much fr inviting me t visit ur grup andshare smething that I feel particularl passinate abut:

    justice fr the pr.

    iCe Breaker [10 minS]T start with Ive gt a shrt quiz that Id l ike u t d. [Hand acp f the quiz n page 14 t each member f the grup. Allwthem enugh time t g thrugh all the questins befre readingut the answers].

    ouTline The need [2 minS]Did sme f thse statistics shck u? In the time it tk ut cmplete that quiz rughl 200 children died just becausethe didnt have the basic necessities t survive that u and I

    take fr granted.

    Im sure like me many of you nd it difcult to understand what

    thse huge numbers reall mean. But I think its imprtantfr us t remember that behind each f thse statistics is anindividual lved b Christ and created in the image f Gd. Andalthugh we might nt be able t make an impact n thse huge

    statistics, we can certainl d smething t help ne child.

    Id just like to take a few minutes to show you a short lm about

    Christuraj frm Chennai in India. Christuraj is precius in the eesf Gd and et, like 1.1 billin ther children in the wrld, he livesin a desperatel pr cmmunit.

    video ShoW The 4 minuTeSTep inTo my liFe Film

    eXpand on The BiBliCal imperaTive [5 minS]

    It can be all too easy for us to watch a lm like that and think wecant make a signicant impact. But if you could do something

    that wuld help Christuraj wuld u? We might nt be able tchange the wrld, but we can change the wrld fr ne child.

    Let me remind you briey of what we are taught in the Bible.

    In James 2:15-17 it sas: Suppse a brther r sister is withutclthes and dail fd. If ne f u sas t him, G, I wishu well; keep warm and well fed, but des nthing abut hisphsical needs, what gd is it? In the same wa, faith b itself,if it is nt accmpanied b actin, is dead.

    Can u think f ther references in the Bible where we arechallenged t help the pr?

    small group presentation (30-40 mins)

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide



    step into my lifechange a childs life forever


    [Allw sme time fr the grup t think f ther verses. yu culdask the grup t read ut sme f the fllwing Matthew 10:42,Luke 10:25-37 r 1 Jhn 3:16, Isaiah 61:1-2, Psalm 82:3-4,Prverbs 14:31, Ams 5:21-24 [mre verses are available n

    page 16 & 17].

    [As the grup read the verses ut, ask them what the kepints are and write them n a large piece f paper].

    In fact, there are mre than 2,800 verses in the Bible regardingpvert, injustice and the dangers f wealth. Im sure ure gladI didnt ask you to nd them all.

    The Bible makes it clear that we have a respnsibilit t help thepr, but it als pints ut that we are nt expected t slve thewrlds prblems; we just have t d whatever is in ur capabilit.

    Verses such as Matthew 10:42, Luke 10:25-37 r 1 Jhn 3:16remind us that we have a respnsibilit t use what we have thelp thers. Gd knws that individuall we cannt change thewrld, but tgether we can make a huge impact.

    eXplain aBouT Tear Fund [5 minS][Hld up the pht and infrmatin abut the child u spnsr]I want t take a mment t intrduce u t [name f child] frm[name f cuntr]. I have been spnsring [name] fr abut [x]number f ears nw thrugh a Christian child and develpmentrganisatin called TEAR Fund.

    It is a wa that I have been able t put int practice sme fthse verses that weve just read and I have t sa it is ne f the

    greatest investments that I have ever made.

    Being a TEAR Fund child spnsr is a little like being the GdSamaritan; I might nt be there in persn t lk after [name],but thrugh the TEAR Fund, Cmpassin prject, I knw there issmene t ensure that [name] ges t schl, that he/she getsregular medical check ups, that he/she gets gd fdt eat and clthes t wear.

    And perhaps mst imprtantl, thrugh the church based prject[name] gets t hear the Gd News f Jesus Christ. In fact, lastear alne mre than 102,000 children gave their lives t Christ inCmpassin prjects acrss the wrld.

    TEAR Funds partner Cmpassin has been wrking withchildren fr mre than 50 ears and [m famil and] I have beenreall impressed b their cmmitment t making sure theirprgrammes are as effective as pssible.

    I als lve the fact that spnsrship gives u the pprtunit texchange letters with a child and pray specically for their needs.

    It means that I dnt just have t hpe that m mne is gettingto the child I sponsor; I really can see how my nancial support is

    making a difference thrugh the letters and pictures I receive.

    Fr s man children the knwledge that there is smenen the ther side f the wrld wh lves and cares fr themis a great encuragement. B wrking thrugh lcal churches

    with sme f the wrlds prest children, TEAR Fund thrughCmpassin has nt nl seen the lives f individual childrenchanged, but the knck-n effects resnate thrughut theirfamilies and cmmunities.

    make iT perSonal [2 minS][Share smething that has particularl blessed u in urspnsrship such as:]

    Read a short excerpt from a letter you received Show a picture your child has drawn

    Mention any transformation you have seen in your

    spnsred child Talk about how the relationship has affected you and

    ur famil Anything else about the relationship that has touched your life

    prayer [7 minS][Ask the grup t take ut the quiz sheets the had at thebeginning of the meeting and pray specically for some of the

    needs that were utlined there. yu culd als place the mapn page 10 in the centre f the grup and ask them t pra frspecic countries, or share some more of the poverty facts on

    page 15].

    Challenge [1 min][Hold up one of the child proles with information about a child

    wh is waiting fr spnsrship] I have with me some proles ofspecic children who are waiting for a sponsor. Children like [readthe name on the child prole that you are holding and perhaps

    read a little bit f infrmatin abut them].

    I have brught [x] number of child proles with me today so thatthese childrens lives can be transfrmed b ne f u. I wuld

    reall encurage u, if u have been tuched b anthing thatu have learnt tda, t cnsider spnsring a child as urrespnse. It csts just $1,45 a da, less than the price f a cup fcffee, t transfrm the wrld f a child.

    Id like to nish with Jesus words from Mark 14:7: The poor

    u will alwas have with u, and u can help them an timeu want.

    Thank u.

    QueSTionS[If there is time, ask i f anne has an questins].

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide



    where we workTear Fund WorkS Through

    more Than 5,000 ChurCheS in

    25 oF The WorldS pooreST CounTrieS.

    your Schedule Use the frm belw t help u plan ur event.aCTion daTe To Be


    CompleTed noTeS

    Familiarise urself with the presentatin materials including thse n the

    Step Into My Life dvd (see page 18 fr a list f materials n the dvd).

    Think abut hw u can get the message acrsse.g. ral presentatin and sign-up table.

    Think abut wh can help u with ur event.

    Make an appintment with ur church leader.

    Tell TEAR Fund the date f ur event, the name and address f urchurch and number f peple u estimate will attend.

    Cntact us when u have urevent planned.

    Arrange fr wrding t be included in ur church newsletter.

    Arrange fr psters t be put up advertising ur event.

    Arrange fr the audi visual equipment t be set up n the daf ur event.

    Practise ur presentatin.

    Put a brchure n each seat in church.

    Make sure u have the materials u need fr the da includingproles of children waiting for a sponsor.

    Leave the spnsrship sign up table at church fr the weeks thatfllw ur presentatin.

    Place a ntice in the church newsletter telling everne hw man

    children were spnsred and hw man still need t be spnsred.

    Dnt frget u can cntact TEAR Fund at an time if u need sme advice abut ur event.Call 0800 800 777 r e-mail [email protected]


















  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide


    step into my lifechange a childs life forever




    church newSletter magazine

    ConTaCT The ediTor oF your ChurCh neWSleTTer aS Soon aSyou have a daTe For your evenT. aSk iF They Would inCludeSome TeXT aBouT your evenT and The Work oF Tear FundChild SponSorShip Through CompaSSion in a ForThComingediTion. ConSider uSing The diFFerenT Wording BeloW over

    Several WeekS.


























    donT ForgeT The wording below is available on the Step Into My Life dvd Phone 0800 800 777 if you require a TEAR Fund logo

    Offer the TEAR Fund logo and photos to add visual appeal

    t ur article r news item Include your contact details, the time, date and venue of

    ur event and the TEAR Fund website address

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide



    For uSe prior To your Tear FundSunday evenTJin us n [date] at [time] in [venue] tlearn mre abut Gds heart fr the prand hw u can transfrm the wrldfr a child in need thrugh the childdevelpment ministr TEAR Fund.

    Fr mre infrmatin cntact [ur details]r visit

    For uSe on The day oF yourTear Fund Sunday evenT

    Tda u have the pprtunit t change the wrld fr nechild. Visit the TEAR Fund stand in the [lcatin] t viewphtgraphs and read bigraphies f children wh are waitingfr spnsrship. This is ur pprtunit t release a child frmpoverty and enable them to full their God-given potential. For

    mre infrmatin see [ur details] r visit

    longer arTiCle For uSe prior To your evenTChristuraj lives in Chennai India. The mud and brick shacks f hiscommunity are so close to the river that when it oods, sewage

    washes int peples hmes. Unemplment, alchlism andvilence are rife but life pses even mre prblems fr Christuraj.

    M father had small px and is blind in bth his ees, explainsthe 15-ear-ld. I have t d everthing fr him. Christurajsmother left when he was just ve years old and Christuraj has to

    take sle respnsibilit fr his father.

    But, in spite f his hardship, Christuraj has big dreams. I wantt be a dctr, he sas with reslutin. Ever da after schland ever Saturda Christuraj attends the Andrews Kirk ChildDevelpment Centre, run in cnjunctin with the TEAR Fundschild develpment ministr Cmpassin. I want t be a big man

    and bring hnur t m father and Cmpassin because the arehelping me a lt.

    In the cramped and crwded cmmunit where the majrit fparents wrk as casual da laburers, uncertain where the next

    meal is cming frm, the child develpment centre is a breathf fresh air. It is here that Christuraj gets a health evening mealever da and regular medical check ups; smething his fatherculd never affrd t prvide fr him. He can pla cricket andftball with his friends and get extra supprt with his studies.He even gets a chance t learn valuable cmputer skills. But theBible stud classes are his favurite. What I lve the mst is thewrd f Gd, he sas with a warm smile. His fathers disabilitmeans that Christurajs famil have n regular incme. Withutthe supprt f the prject and his spnsr, Christurajs knwshis life wuld be ver different.

    If TEAR Funds Cmpassin prject had nt been there,we wuld have been begging n the street.

    Fr mre than 50 ears, TEAR Funds child spnsrship partner,Cmpassin, has been wrking t transfrm the lives f childrenacross the world. In addition to their nancial support sponsors

    can als exchange letters with the children the spnsr andpra fr them. Mre than a millin children are currentl attendingCmpassins church-based prjects in 25 f the wrlds prestcuntries, but there are man mre children waiting fr a spnsrt give them the pprtunities that Christuraj has been given.

    It csts just $1.45 a da, less than the price f a cup f cffee,t transfrm the life f a child like Christuraj thrugh spnsrship.Jin us n [date] at [time] in [venue] t learn mre abutGds heart fr the pr and the wrk f TEAR Fund thrughCmpassin.

    To nd out about TEAR Fund visit or

    call 0800 800 777. Alternativel, cntact [ur details]


  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide


    step into my lifechange a childs life forever



    1. hoW many Children World Wide areSuBjeCTed To violenCe, eXploiTaTion

    and aBuSe?a. 10,000b. 13 millinc. 150 millind. 300 millin

    2. WhaT perCenTage oF The oF The WorldSpopulaTion SuFFerS From hunger ormalnuTriTion?

    a. 5%

    b. 10%c. 13%d. 16%

    3. hoW many Children die eaCh minuTe FromprevenTaBle CauSeS?

    a. 10b. 15c. 21d. 31

    4. WhaT perCenTage oF The World goeS Tohigh SChool?

    a. 5%b. 7%c. 17%d. 26%

    5. WhaT perCenTage oF The World oWnS59% oF The WorldS WealTh?

    a. 6%b. 16%c. 26%d. 46%

    6. WhaT perCenTage oF The WorldSpoor live in india?

    a. 9%b. 21%c. 41%d. 62%

    7. The WorldS populaTion groWS aT a raTeoF 80 million people eaCh year. WhaT

    perCenTage oF ThiS groWTh TakeS plaCein The developing World?

    a. 16%b. 38%c. 67%d. 97%

    8. hoW many Children live on leSS ThanuS $1 a day?

    a. 1 billin

    b. 650 millinc. 480 millind. 100 millin

    9. WhaT perCenTage oF Women in Thedeveloping World are married BeForeThey are 18 yearS old?

    a. 25%b. 36%c. 40%d. 45%

    10. WhaT perCenTage oF The WorldSpopulaTion haS aCCeSS To SaFe WaTer?

    a. 18%b. 21%c. 28%d. 31%

    SteP into my life quiz


    Surces: www.un.rg, www.unicef.rg,,www.actinagainsthunger.rg

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide



    1. of the 2.2 billin children in ur wrld tda, nearl half f themlive in abject pvert. [www.unicef.rg]

    2. It wuld take $13 billin t prvide safe water wrld wide and$18 billin t prvide basic healthcare and nutritin glball.Hwever, Eurpe and the US spend $23 billin each ear nfd alne. [www.undp.rg]

    3. Life expectanc is just 40 ears in the develping wrldcmpared with 80 ears in the develped wrld.


    4. An estimated 130 millin f the wrlds 15 t 24-ear-ldscannt read r write. [www.undp.rg]

    5. The average persn in the develping wrld uses 11 litresf water ever da fr drinking, washing and cking. This isthe same amount used in the average ush of a toilet.


    6. Mre than 15 millin children have been rphaned b AIDS.


    7. An estimated 300 millin children wrldwide are subjected tvilence, explitatin and abuse including the wrst frms fchild labur in cmmunities, schls and institutins.


    8. 21 children die ever minute frm pvert related causes.[www.unicef.rg]

    9. An estimated 246 millin children are engaged in child labur.[]

    10.The cmbined incme f the wrlds seven richest menis mre than enugh t prvide the basic needs fthe prest quarter f the wrlds peple.

    10 Poverty factS

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide


    step into my lifechange a childs life forever



    bible verSeSThere are over 2,800 verSeS in The BiBle on TheSuBjeCT oF poverTy, WealTh and injuSTiCe.

    jameS 2:15-17Suppse a brther r sister is withut clthes and dail fd. Ifne f u sas t him, G, I wish u well; keep warm and wellfed, but des nthing abut his phsical needs, what gd is it?In the same wa, faith b itself, if it is nt accmpanied b actin,is dead.

    iSaiah 61:1-2

    The Spirit f the Svereign Lrd is n me, because the Lrd hasaninted me t preach gd news t the pr. He has sent me tbind up the brken-hearted, t prclaim freedm fr the captivesand release frm darkness fr the prisners, t prclaim the earf the Lrds favur and the da f vengeance f ur Gd.

    proverBS 31:8-9Speak up fr thse wh cannt speak fr themselves, fr therights f all wh are destitute. Speak up and judge fairl; defendthe rights f the pr and need.

    joB 29:12-16Because I rescued the pr wh cried fr help, and thefatherless wh had nne t assist him. The man wh wasding blessed me; I made the widws heart sing. I put nrighteusness as m clthing; justice was m rbe and mturban. I was ees t the blind and feet t the lame. I was afather t the need; I tk up the case f the stranger.

    deuTeronomy 15:11There will alwas be pr peple in the land. Therefre Icmmand u t be pen-handed tward ur brthers and

    tward the pr and need in ur land.

    mark 14:7The pr u will alwas have with u, and u can helpthem an time u want.

    leviTiCuS 25 leviTiCuS 19:9-10deuTeronomy 24:19-22 pSalm 82:3-4proverBS 31:8-9 iSaiah 58:6-7lamenTaTionS 2:19 miCah 6:8maTTheW 19:21-24 luke 3:10-11

    luke 14:13-14 jameS 2:1-9galaTianS 2:9-10 jameS 1:272 CorinThianS 8:1-5, 9-14

    christian responsibilty for the poor

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide



    pSalm 41:1Blessed is he wh has regard fr the weak; the LoRD delivershim in times f truble.

    1 john 3:16-18This is hw we knw what lve is: Jesus Christ laid dwn hislife fr us. And we ught t la dwn ur lives fr ur brthers.If anne has material pssessins and sees his brther inneed but has n pit n him, hw can the lve f Gd be inhim? Dear children, let us nt lve with wrds r tngue butwith actins and in truth.

    zeChariah 7:8-10And the wrd f the LoRD came again t Zechariah: This iswhat the LoRD Almight sas: Administer true justice; shwmerc and cmpassin t ne anther. D nt ppress the

    widw r the fatherless, the alien r the pr. In ur hearts dnt think evil f each ther.

    maTTheW 10:42And if anne gives even a cup f cld water t ne f theselittle nes because he is m disciple, I tell u the truth, he willcertainl nt lse his reward.

    proverBS 14:31 proverBS 19:17proverBS 22:9 jeremiah 22:16maTTheW 9:35-37 mark 10:17-25luke 10:30-37 aCTS 10:1-32 CorinThianS 9:6

    maTTheW 25:40The King will repl, I tell u the truth, whatever u did fr nef the least f these brthers f mine, u did fr me.

    proverBS 17:5

    He wh mcks the pr shws cntempt fr their Maker;whever glats ver disaster will nt g unpunished

    luke 16:13N servant can serve tw masters. Either he will hate thene and lve the ther, r he will be devted t the ne anddespise the ther. yu cannt serve bth Gd and Mne.

    1 TimoThy 6:17-19Cmmand thse wh are rich in this present wrld nt t bearrgant nr t put their hpe in wealth, which is s uncertain,but t put their hpe in Gd, wh richl prvides us witheverthing fr ur enjment. Cmmand them t d gd,t be rich in gd deeds, and t be generus and willing tshare. In this wa the will la up treasure fr themselves as arm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold

    f the life that is trul life.

    caring for the poor honours goD

    goDs heart anD purpose for chilDren

    warnings about greeD anD juDgementfor those who oppress the poor


    maTTheW 11:25At that time Jesus said, I praise u, Father, Lrd f heavenand earth, because u have hidden these things frm thewise and learned, and revealed them t little children.

    1 TimoThy 4:12Dnt let anne lk dwn n u because u are ung,but set an example fr the believers in speech, in life, in lve,in faith and in purit.

    proverBS 22:6Train a child in the wa he shuld g, and when he is ld hewill nt turn frm it.

    maTTheW 19:13-14Then little children were brught t Jesus fr him t place hishands n them and pra fr them. But the disciples rebukedthse wh brught them. Jesus said, Let the little

    children cme t me, and d nt hinderthem, fr the kingdm f heaven belngst such as these.

    geneSiS 21:17-201 Samuel 31 Samuel 17pSalm 8:2pSalm 78:4-7iSaiah 11:6malaChi 4:6maTTheW 18:1-10mark 10:15

    joB 31:16-25 proverBS 11:4proverBS 21:13 proverBS 28:27iSaiah 1:15-17 & 23 ezekiel 16:49daniel 4:27 amoS 5:11amoS 5:21-24 luke 6:24-25luke 16:19-31 1 TimoThy 6:6-10jameS 1:9-11 jameS 5:1-6

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    step into my lifechange a childs life forever


    Who iS Tear Fund?TEAR Fund is a leading Christian aid and develpmentrganisatin with cnnectins t ther TEAR rganisatinsarund the wrld. TEAR Fund stands fr The Evangelical

    Alliance Relief Fund.

    WhaT doeS Tear Fund do?TEAR Fund represents the cmpassin f Jesus. In the 1980sTEAR Fund partnered with Cmpassin Internatinal t giveNew Zealanders the pprtunit t spnsr children in additin

    t its ther aid and develpment wrk which it has undertakenfr mre than 30 ears. This includes cmmunit develpment,emergenc relief and micrenterprise.

    Assistance is prvided regardless f the religius beliefs frecipients. TEAR Fund partners with lcal Christian rganisatinsand churches in develping cuntries. our partners useexperienced lcal staff wh wrk directl with the prest peple,helping them nd their own solutions, cutting out the middleman

    and reducing csts. our ke activities are child spnsrship,Micrenterprise, cmmunit develpment prjects anddisaster relief.

    Tear Fund Child SponSorShipTEAR Fund thrugh Cmpassin wrks exclusivel thrugh lcalchurches verseas t release children frm ecnmic, scial,phsical and spiritual pvert. When children learn f their wrthin Christ other aspects of their lives begin to ourish, which is why

    TEAR Fund and Cmpassin takes time t intrduce childrent Jesus. Last ear alne, mre than 102,000 children came tknw Christ thrugh the wrk f TEAR Fund and Cmpassin.

    TEAR Fund thrugh Cmpassin has nt nl seen the lives findividual children changed but the knck-n effects resnatethrughut their families and cmmunities. Man spnsredchildren g n t becme change makers in their lcal areas.

    Why doeS Tear Fund Work in ThiS Way?It is ur Christian respnsibilit t help the pr as Christ did.Children are the greatest victims f pvert but the als hldthe ptential t break the ccle f deprivatin. TEAR Fundand Cmpassin believe that cnnecting lcal churcheswith cmmitted spnsrs thrugh its child develpmentprgramme is the mst strategic wa t end pvert.

    Thrugh ur experience, the lcal church is in the bestpsitin t prvide hlistic care fr children in theircmmunit. The lcal church leaders are ften the msttrusted individuals in their cmmunities and church-basedprjects prvide lng term stabilit and accuntabilit fr

    TEAR Funds Cmpassin prjects.

    aBouT Tear FundS Child SponSorShip parTnerTEAR Funds partner Cmpassin began in 1952 and hasver 50 ears experience in wrking with sme f the prestcmmunities in the wrld. In that time mre than ne millinchildren have attended its child spnsr prgrammes.

    Where doeS Tear Fund Work?TEAR Fund thrugh Cmpassin wrks in 25 f the wrldsprest cuntries. With the help f spnsrs acrss the wrld,ne millin children are currentl receiving care in lcal church


    hoW doeS Tear Fund operaTe?Individual spnsrs in NZ cntribute $45 a mnth t supprtne r mre individual children in a TEAR Fund and Cmpassinprgramme. As a spnsr the will ensure the child the supprtreceives healthcare, educatin, scial care, vcatinal training andspiritual nurturing. Spnsrs are als encuraged t build up arelatinship thrugh praer and the writing f letters.

    hoW doeS Tear Fund enSure inTegriTy in iTS

    programmeS?TEAR Fund and Cmpassin are cmmitted t making sure thattheir prgrammes are as effective as pssible.

    Regular internal and external audits ensure that TEAR FundsCompassions programmes are run efciently. TEAR Funds

    partner Cmpassin has been recgnised b a number findependent accuntabilit rganisatins fr its utstandingnancial integrity.

    a quick guide tear fund

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide



    If u share ur heart fr TEAR Funds ministr umight like t think abut becming a TEAR Fund

    Advcate. Advcates vlunteer sme f their time nan nging basis t raise awareness f child pvertand prmte TEAR Fund in their churches and withintheir spheres of inuence.

    As a TEAR Fund Advcate, u will receive additinalresurces, advice and practical assistance, withregular updates n TEAR Funds wrk as well

    as invitatins t ur Advcates cnference andpprtunities t participate in verseas expsure trips.

    yu will als be put in cntact with thers wh arepassinate abut releasing children frm pvert inJesus name.

    To nd out more about Advocacy call 0800 800 777,

    e-mail [email protected] r visit theGet Invlved Sectin at

    become anadvocate

    on The STep inTo my liFe dvd you Will Finda range oF Tear Fund and CompaSSion FilmSand oTher reSourCeS To help you WiTh yourTear Fund Sunday preSenTaTion

    STep inTo my liFe FilmSStep Int M Life (4 minutes)Rebecca St James in Rwanda (4 minutes)Hand in Hand (4 minutes)

    oTher reSourCeS availaBle presentatin5-10 minute presentatin10-20 minute presentatinSmall grup presentatin

    The quiz, map, Bible verses

    Wrding fr ur church newsletter r magazine

    h s SteP into my life dvd

    To vieW The FilmS juST loadThe dvd inTo The dvd player andSeleCT The Film oF your ChoiCe.

    To vieW The oTher reSourCeS

    Please nte this prcess ma var nsme cmputers.

  • 8/7/2019 Step into My Life - Planning and Presentation Guide


    step into my lifechange a childs life forever