status of ears-net, ole heuer and liselotte diaz högberg (ecdc)

Status of EARS-Net 3rd Joint ARHAI Meeting, Stockholm, 11-13 February, 2015 Ole Heuer and Liselotte Diaz Högberg Surveillance Section, Surveillance and Response Support Unit European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

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Status of EARS-Net

3rd Joint ARHAI Meeting, Stockholm, 11-13 February, 2015

Ole Heuer and Liselotte Diaz Högberg

Surveillance Section, Surveillance and Response Support Unit European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

Status of EARS-Net 2015

Framework contract for WHONET support to EARS-Net participants running until 2018.

Framework contract for EARS-Net EQA running until 2016.

New structure for the interaction between Member States and ECDC (Coordinating Competent Body).

Database of Member States nominations at ECDC where countries can updating their own nominations.

New EARS-Net Coordination Committee elected by MS José Campos, Tim Eckmanns, Vincent Jarlier, Alan Johnson, Jos Monen, Annalisa Pantosti, Gunnar Skov Simonsen, Alkiviadis Vatopoulos, Dorota Żabicka, Helena Žemličková.

Status of EARS-Net 2015

The EARS-Net Annual Report 2013 was published on 18th November 2014, (EAAD event) and the 2013 data was added to the EARS-Net interactive database.

EARS-Net data was part of the EAAD press material, commissioner briefing in Brussels, and of the material was used in national EAAD campaigns 2014.

EARS-Net data constituted an important part of the WHO global report on surveillance of AMR 2014 published in April 2014

EARS-Net data constituted an important part of the JIACRA report (EMA/EFSA/ECDC) published in January 2015

EARS-Net interactive database

...or Google : EARS-Net

Interactive database user statistics 2014

EARS-Net maps of AMR

Interactive database user statistics 2014








EARS-Net ESAC-Net HAI-Net Influenza

Usage of the interactive database at ECDC’s public website: Number of requests January-October 2014

Note: Number of requests for all diseases under ECDC surveillance made by

logged-in TESSy users in the same time period: 2,278

Interactive database user statistics 2014


Publications based on EARS-Net data

• Each country will be asked to assign two co-authors from among those nominated for AMR by their country.

• Group of co-authors will be “indexed” and the publication will appear when searching PubMed using a name of one of the indexed authors.

Example: Publication by Gagliotti et al in Eurosurveillance 17 March, 2011

Publications based on EARS-Net data

Two peer review publications in preparation:

Working title: Invasive Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae infections in Europe – demographic case characteristics and antimicrobial resistance.

Working title: Proportions of community associated and healthcare-associated isolates in the EARS-Net data vary depending of pathogen and antimicrobial combination – analysis of EARS-Net data 2011-2012.

Status of EARS-Net 2015

Planned meetings/activities

EARS-Net Coordination Committee Teleconference, March 2015.

Joint Coordination Committee meeting, Stockholm, April 2015.

EARS-Net Data managers meeting, November 2015.

EARS-Net Coordination Committee Teleconference, September 2015.

Vacancy at ECDC

Vacancy for a Senior Expert in AMR and HAI surveillance.

Deadline for applications: March 16th, 2015

Special thanks to:

John Stelling for providing WHONET support to EARS-Net


for scientific advice and guidance

The EARS-Net Coordination Committee for comments, review and scientific advice

Christine Walton, Nita Patel, Abi Laja, Derek Brown

for providing EARS-Net EQA

Thank you! to

National EARS-Net participants and all staff involved in data collection at Laboratories and Hospitals in the


Thank you for your attention!

Foto: Frank Hansen, SSI, Denmark