st patrick’s cbc · 2019. 3. 21. · please read the article published below (5 ways lawnmower...

1 28 February 2019 Dear Parents and Guardians, Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very interesting, and believe every single parent can benefit from reading it. Thank you to all the grade 7 parents who attended the 2020 Grade 8 Information Evening. Please remember to return your re-registration forms as soon as possible. All parents with children aged 2 to 12, please join us on Thursday, 7 March 2019 at 18h00 in the McManus Hall for a talk by Dr Arnold Mol on the topic, ‘Shaping your child’s behaviour’. More information is available on page 5 of the WIS. We really tried to avoid this day for a very long time, but unfortunately, with immediate effect, the bashers will no longer form part of the High School uniform. This announcement follows after years of numerous unsuccessful attempts to source bashers for the High School. Bashers seem to be a dying tradition, with very few South African schools still wearing it. The main supplier of straw bashers is situated in Cape Town, and due to the severe drought, they were no longer allowed to proceed with this high water-consuming production process. Plastic versions were considered, but it looked cheap, even though it was not much cheaper than the much smarter looking straw version. Tuesday’s DFA front page article refers to Keeley Park being sold for the development of Sol Plaatje University student accommodation. This is not true. To reiterate my email sent out on 26 February 2019, Keeley Park belongs to St Patrick’s CBC and is located on erf 1179 and is held by deed of transfer Number T623/1965. According to the DFA reporter who wrote the article, as well as a spokesperson from the Municipality, the sale of erf 2715 and 1178 was approved at a Council meeting at the end of last year. These erf numbers refer to Beaconsfield Park, adjacent to Keeley Park, as well as a smaller triangular piece of land next to it, along Delham Road. The development of the sold land does not affect the school’s proposed upgrades to Keeley Park. An urgent plea to parents Please refrain from making a U-turn in Henderson Road. Besides the fact that it is against the law, you can cause a serious accident. Congratulations to Mrs Gill (Grade R) who became a grandmother for the first time this week. St Patrick’s CBC Weekly Information Sheet 7 - 2019

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Page 1: St Patrick’s CBC · 2019. 3. 21. · Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very interesting, and believe every


28 February 2019

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very

interesting, and believe every single parent can benefit from reading it.

Thank you to all the grade 7 parents who attended the 2020 Grade 8 Information Evening. Please remember to

return your re-registration forms as soon as possible.

All parents with children aged 2 to 12, please join us on Thursday, 7 March 2019 at 18h00 in the McManus Hall for

a talk by Dr Arnold Mol on the topic, ‘Shaping your child’s behaviour’. More information is available on page 5

of the WIS.

We really tried to avoid this day for a very long time, but unfortunately, with immediate effect, the bashers will no

longer form part of the High School uniform. This announcement follows after years of numerous unsuccessful attempts to source bashers for the High School. Bashers seem to be a dying tradition, with very few South African

schools still wearing it. The main supplier of straw bashers is situated in Cape Town, and due to the severe drought,

they were no longer allowed to proceed with this high water-consuming production process. Plastic versions were considered, but it looked cheap, even though it was not much cheaper than the much smarter looking straw


Tuesday’s DFA front page article refers to Keeley Park being sold for the development of Sol Plaatje University

student accommodation. This is not true. To reiterate my email sent out on 26 February 2019, Keeley Park belongs to St Patrick’s CBC and is located on erf 1179 and is held by deed of transfer Number T623/1965.

According to the DFA reporter who wrote the article, as well as a spokesperson from the Municipality, the sale of erf 2715 and 1178 was approved at a Council meeting at the end of last year. These erf numbers refer to

Beaconsfield Park, adjacent to Keeley Park, as well as a smaller triangular piece of land next to it, along Delham


The development of the sold land does not affect the school’s proposed upgrades to Keeley Park.

An urgent plea to parents – Please refrain from making a U-turn in Henderson Road. Besides the fact that it is

against the law, you can cause a serious accident.

Congratulations to Mrs Gill (Grade R) who became a grandmother for the first time this week.

St Patrick’s CBC Weekly Information Sheet 7 - 2019

Page 2: St Patrick’s CBC · 2019. 3. 21. · Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very interesting, and believe every


Our heartfelt condolences to Nonofo Lebatlang (Gr 11) on the passing of her grandfather. May the Lord strengthen you and your family during this time of mourning.

The Primary School will dismiss at 13h00 tomorrow, Friday, 01 March 2019 due to the Inter-house Cricket activities.

Tracksuit stock, as well as sport shorts will be available in the Uniform shop on Friday, 1 March 2019. The first batch

of the new sport golf shirts are expected on Monday, 11 March 2019.

May you all have a blessed week ahead.

Yours sincerely,

Jacques Tredoux

Executive Head



They're like helicopter parents - except worse.

By Amy Morin (Shortened article)

We've spent the last couple of decades talking about the unhealthy impact helicopter parents have on kids. But,

in the wake of lawn mower parenting, those hovering helicopter parents aren't looking so bad.

While helicopter parents are known for keeping a close eye on their kids' every move, lawnmower parents are

paving the way. They're mowing down obstacles before their kids reach them. While their intentions are good, the consequences are devastating.

Here are five ways lawnmower parents hurt more than they help:

1. They aren't teaching kids how to deal with discomfort.

Whether they're racing their kids' forgotten soccer cleats up to practice or they're calling the coach to insist their

child get more playing time, lawnmower parents don't want their kids to experience the sting of rejection or the

pain of failure. Consequently, kids aren't gaining the emotional skills they need to prosper. In fact, a 2015 survey of college students found that 60 percent of them felt emotionally unprepared for life after

high school. They weren't equipped to deal with loneliness, conflict, boredom, or anxiety on their own because

they'd never had an opportunity to practice dealing with those emotions before.

Making mistakes, dealing with adversity, and facing failure is uncomfortable. But those hardships have the power

to teach valuable life lessons.

2. They're preventing kids from problem-solving.

Lawnmower parents are quick to swoop in and fix the problem - often before their child even realizes a problem

exists. From calling their college student every morning to ensure they're awake on time for class, to scheduling

a meeting with the biology teacher to talk about science fair project ideas months in advance, lawnmower parents act more like personal concierges than authority figures.

Good problem-solving skills are essential but children are not given the opportunity to figure things out for themselves and without a parent there to fix everything, even the slightest obstacles have the power to keep

them stuck. It's tough to watch your child struggle. But, the struggle is where character is built and learning takes


3. They aren't instilling confidence.

Lawnmower parents treat their kids as if they're too fragile to deal with life. They think they're sending a message

that says, "I love you," when they remove obstacles from their child's path. But their kids are actually learning, "I

can't do this on my own."

Page 3: St Patrick’s CBC · 2019. 3. 21. · Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very interesting, and believe every


Kids need to fight their battles so they can develop a belief in themselves. Adversity can help them learn to trust their own judgment so they can become independent adults who are ready to tackle the challenges of the real


4. They're fostering poor mental health.

We're seeing a huge spike in anxiety among today's teenagers. And much of that is likely due to lawnmower parents' refusal to help kids gain coping skills. Lawnmower parents want their kids to be happy. But, the ironic

thing is, their efforts ultimately sabotage kids' ability to be happy in the long-term.

They calm their kids down when they're upset, cheer them up when they're sad, and entertain them when they're

bored. That means the parents are taking full responsibility for their kids' emotions and kids aren't learning how to

regulate their own emotions, which is bad for their mental health.

Kids need to know that it's OK to feel distress--being sad, scared, or angry isn't the end of the world (and chasing

happiness only provides fleeting moments of instant gratification). Learning how to cope with those emotions is key to self-discipline, a necessary component in positive well-being.

5. They aren't helping kids build mental strength.

Lawnmower parents treat pain as if it's the enemy. But kids need to carry some weight and encounter some

resistance to build mental muscle. Mental strength helps kids think realistically, manage their emotions, and take positive action.

Kids need practice overcoming challenges that once seemed insurmountable. A child who realizes he's stronger than he gave himself credit for will train his brain to think differently. Or, a child who persists despite his frustration

will learn that he has control over his feelings. Allowing kids to build their mental muscles (and flex them) at a

young age is a gift. It helps ensure that they'll have all the strength to tackle the challenges of the adult world.

How to Overcome Your Tendency to Be a Lawnmower Parent

I've never met a lawnmower parent whose heart wasn't in the right place - they all wanted what was best for their kids. But they were all too focused on reducing their child's discomfort in the short-term, rather than focusing

on their child's needs in the long-term. If you're a lawnmower parent, it's important to back off and let your child

gain experience dealing with adversity. Backing off a bit could be the kindest, most loving thing you could do.


The Religious Education’s theme for the upcoming week is ‘Humility’, so we have selected the

following verse as the ‘Memory verse of the week’ – James 4:10 -

Page 4: St Patrick’s CBC · 2019. 3. 21. · Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very interesting, and believe every



During the colder winter months, some pupils prefer to wear a warmer jacket on PE days.

A quilted jacket that looks the same as the tracksuit tops (see picture) is available at a cost of R420.00 each. These jackets may be worn on PE days, as well as to sport events. It may

be worn with either tracksuit pants or the navy sport shorts. However, it DOES NOT REPLACE THE BLAZER.

The clothing shop does not keep stock of these jackets and these orders work on a ‘payment

upfront’ basis. Should you wish to order a jacket, kindly place your order with our Finance Office (Mrs Erasmus) by

Thursday, 28 February 2019. There is a 6-week production time for these jackets and we would like to have them available from mid-April.

For parents, we also have “SUPPORTER” quilted jackets available. They look very similar to the pupils’ ones, but the navy and green are reversed, so these jackets are predominantly navy. The cost is R450.00 each, and may

also be ordered at the Finance Office before the end of February.


We are now also taking orders for Grade PR and R long-sleeve t-shirts may be worn underneath the tracksuit tops in winter or on cold days. It is exactly the same quality, fabric

and size as the short-sleeve ones, except of course, the longer sleeves. The cost is the

same as last year, R160.00 per shirt. The supplier will manufacture as we place the orders, so the lead time for delivery will be approximately 3 weeks. Orders may be placed at the

Finance Office.


Gr Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri


04/03 05/03 06/03 07/03 08/03

NS: Open book

class task

English HL: Oral

French FAL: FA 1

11/03 12/03 13/03 14/03 15/03

English HL: (Term 2) Creative Writing



04/03 05/03 06/03 07/03 08/03

English HL: FA 2

(Unseen Poetry)

French FAL: FA 1

Afrikaans FAL: Oral

11/03 12/03 13/03 14/03 15/03


Page 5: St Patrick’s CBC · 2019. 3. 21. · Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very interesting, and believe every



04/03 05/03 06/03 07/03 08/03

French FAL: FA 1

Afrikaans FAL: Oral

11/03 12/03 13/03 14/03 15/03



04/03 05/03 06/03 07/03 08/03

English HL: FA 2 (Unseen Poetry

and Visual


11/03 12/03 13/03 14/03 15/03


Please note: “FA” indicates Formal Assessment. Two Formal Assessments comprise 50% of the pupil’s term mark

for the subject.

Grade 4 – 7 Formal Assessments Term 1

The grade 4 – 7s will not have a set Test-period as was the case last year on a Wednesday. Subject teachers will

use their lesson time to schedule all assessments, including the Formal Assessments during Term 1 and 3 (while

these will take place during the examination period in Term 2 and 4). Teachers will inform pupils in time – along

with the scope, while the WIS will communicate these dates to parents. Please check this carefully.



Dr Arnold Mol has written several books on the topic of Motivation, Parenting and

Marriage, and frequently addresses businessmen, teachers, parents and couples on

these subjects. Over the past 40 years, he and his wife have presented over 150

family life seminars, in South Africa as well as in Europe, America and other African


Dr Mol will be in Kimberley for a few days and we have arranged for him to speak to our ECD and Primary School

parents on the topic of:

Shaping your child's behaviour (for parents with children aged 2-12)

His talk will cover several topics, i.e. How to develop your child's self-esteem, which will include hints on building

your child's self-confidence and: Shaping your child's behaviour, which will cover practical hints regarding

discipline and training.

Page 6: St Patrick’s CBC · 2019. 3. 21. · Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very interesting, and believe every


2019 School Term Dates

Term 1 (48 days)

Close Wednesday, 20 March

Term 2 (53 days)

Start Tuesday, 09 April

Close Friday, 21 June

Public Holidays

Friday, 19 April (Good Friday)

Monday, 22 April (Family day)

Saturday, 27 April (Freedom Day)

Wednesday, 1 May (Workers’ Day)

Sunday, 16 June (Youth Day)

Monday, 17 June (Public Holiday)

Term 3 (48 days)

Start Tuesday, 16 July

Close Friday, 20 September

Public Holidays

Friday, 9 August (Women’s Day)

Term 4 (39 days)

Start Tuesday, 8 October

Close Friday, 29 November

*Admin office and ECD Centre close Thursday, 12 December


The following pupils took part in the NC Biathlon trials which was held at the De Beers

Athletic track and Karen Muir Swimming pool on Thursday, 21 February 2019 and

achieved the following results:

Name Age group Position Points

Daniel Anderson U/9 6th 2075.38

Kayleigh Birch U/13 3rd 2091.95

Gordon Ford U/13 11th 1872.60

Thomas Ford U/13 16th 1710.75

Anika Tiedt U/15 4th 1970.70

Nizaam Mohamed U/15 5th 2001.25

Tommy Villet U/15 6th 1988.60

Stefan Greyling U/17 6th 1857.60

Jayden Kriel U/17 7th 1838.15

Robbie Villet U/17 9th 1754.35

William Villet U/17 10th 1644.85

Congratulations to Daniel Anderson, Kayleigh Birch, Anika Tiedt and Nizaam Mohamed on being selected to

represent Northern Cape at the annual South African Championships.

Page 7: St Patrick’s CBC · 2019. 3. 21. · Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very interesting, and believe every


Summer Games 2019

Our U/13 Boys Cricket and Girls Tennis teams took part in the annual Inter-CBC Summer games which was held

at Veritas, Springs from 21-23 February 2019 and achieved the following results:


Matches played Won Lost Draw

4 2 2 0


Matches played Won Lost Draw

18 15 3 0

Well done to all our pupils who participated in the matches.


The following pupils took part in the NCASA swimming sprints Gala that took place at the Karen Muir Swimming

pool on 22 - 23 February 2019 and achieved the following results:

Name Age 50m

free 100m free

200m free

50m back

100m back

200m back

50m breast

100m breast

200 breast

200m IM

50m fly

100m fly

Emily Crozier

8 - - - 5 4 - - 4 - - - -

Kenzo Stadhouer

8 5 - - - - - - - - - - -

Ilhaam Mohamed

9-10 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1

Leah Crozier 9-10 10 10 5 12 5 4 - - - 8 7 -

Nealyn Cupido

9-10 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 - 2 2 1

Shihaam Mohamed

13-14 3 6 4 5 5 3 2 2 2 - - -

Jessica Landsberg

13-14 9 10 9 - - - 13 13 - - 6 -



13-14 - 12 10 9 7 - 8 9 - - 7 -

Thomas Villet 13-14 1 2 - 2 3 - 1 1 1 1 1 -

Jonathan Adams

13-14 2 4 2 - -2 1 4 3 4 5 3 4

Nizaam Mohamed

15-16 3 3 2 2 - - - 2 2 - 3 -

Robert Villet 17-18 6 6 - 2 - - 5 - - - 7 -


U/11 Boys Cricket vs RPC, CBC won by 9 wickets U/11 Boys Cricket vs Kimberley Junior School, Kimberley Junior School won by 7 runs

U/13 Boys Cricket vs Kimberley Junior School, Kimberley Junior School won by 30 runs

U/19 Boys Cricket vs RPC, RPC won by 118 runs


Thursday 28 February 2019

14h30: Mini Cricket Du Toitspan Primary School 1 vs CBC 1 at Du Toitspan Primary School

CBC 2 vs Kimberley Islamic School 2 at St Patrick’s CBC Front field

CBC 3 vs Kimberley Junior School at St Patrck’s CBC Front field 14h30: Kimberley Junior School Swimming gala at Kimberley Junior School

Page 8: St Patrick’s CBC · 2019. 3. 21. · Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very interesting, and believe every


Friday 01 March 2019

PS Inter-house Cricket Day

Program for the day:

07h25: Meet at school as usual in lines 07h25: Register

07h45: Grade 1-3 (move to Back field)

Grade 4-7 (move to Back field) Break for Grade 1-3 will be in their 30 minute timeslots per class

08h00: Fixtures and activities commence

09h50: Grade 4-7 Break time 10h20: Second set of events

13h00: School dismissed

Saturday 02 March 2019

10h00: U/11 Soccer Boys vs Grey College U/11 at St Patrick’s CBC Back field

11h00: U/13 Soccer Boys vs Grey College U/13 at St Patrick’s CBC Back field

Wednesday 06 March 2019

09h00: Inter CBC Hockey, Chess and Debating departs

14h30: U/11 Cricket Boys vs West End Primary School at St Patrick’s CBC Back field

Thursday 07 March 2019

14h30: Mini Cricket Kimberley Junior School 1 vs CBC 1 Venue TBC

CBC 2 vs Staats Primary School Venue TBC

Kimberley Islamic 2 vs CBC 3 Venue TBC

Friday 08 March 2019

14h30: U/13 Cricket Boys vs West End Primary School at St Patrick’s CBC Back field

Page 9: St Patrick’s CBC · 2019. 3. 21. · Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very interesting, and believe every


T H E W E E K I N P I C T U R E S The Grade 3s completed their magazine weave baskets

The Grade 10 drama pupils learnt how to do mime make-up.

Some of last week's Tuck Buddies

ERS Rally at Assisi

Page 10: St Patrick’s CBC · 2019. 3. 21. · Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very interesting, and believe every



Friday, 01 March 2019

Birthday: M Poone Gr 3 DR

HS Day 8

Primary School Inter-House Cricket Primary School Inter-Schools’ Gala – St Patrick’s swimming pool

FS/NC Maths Challenge registrations due (R10.00)

13h00 Primary School dismiss

Saturday, 02 March 2019

Birthday: B de Bruin Gr 12 TM; K Fisher Gr 8 SS; P Rautenheimer Gr 9 MSc

09h00-11h00 HS English Olympiad Tutorial

English Olympiad tutorial – in Room 6 U/11&U/13 Soccer vs Grey College - Back Field

Sunday, 03 March 2019

Birthday: K Malavi 2-3 MC; T Mathetsa 2-3 MC; R Molepo Gr 7 GU; S Shwababa Gr 8 ND

Monday, 04 March 2019

Birthday: A Kayembe Gr 8 CP; U Khapa Gr RTB; S Ngongela OO NC;

C Tredoux Gr 4 CdV; O Vilakazi OO NC

HS Day 9

07h30 Primary School Assembly - Chapel

09h30 High School Assembly - McManus Hall

Tuesday, 05 March 2019

Birthday: M Hloma 2-3 MC; T Moshanyana Gr 3 DR; J Mwenze Gr 1 TC

HS Day 10

Shrove Tuesday

07h30 Primary School Liturgical singing 09h30 High School Pancake Relay

14h00 High School English Olympiad

English Olympiad to be written in Room 6 – until 17h00.

Wednesday, 06 March 2019

Birthday: A Adamson Gr 1 TC; E Leepo OO SI; R Makhetha Gr 4 ST; K Mekgwe Gr 9 MSc;

M Motlhamme 3-4 RF; A Ndimande 3-4 MK; K Ramathebane Gr 11 MdB

HS Day 1 Ash Wednesday

07h30 High School Ash Wednesday Mass - Chapel

08h00 High School Hockey, Chess, Debating departs - Boksburg 09h00 Primary School Ash Wednesday Mass - Chapel

Thursday, 07 March 2019

Birthday: E Amsini 3-4 RF; A Baloyi Gr REJ

HS Day 2

HS Hockey, Chess, Debating - Boksburg

Friday, 08 March 2019

Birthday: I Makhetha Gr RTB

HS Day 3

HS Hockey, Chess, Debating - Boksburg

Diamantveld Sports day (Hockey, Rugby & Netball) - Diamantveld

Page 11: St Patrick’s CBC · 2019. 3. 21. · Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very interesting, and believe every


Page 12: St Patrick’s CBC · 2019. 3. 21. · Please read the article published below (5 Ways Lawnmower Parents Hurt More Than They Help). I found it very interesting, and believe every