st. michael the archangel · st. michael the archangel mission statementcatholic community...


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Page 1: St. Michael the Archangel · St. Michael the Archangel Mission StatementCatholic Community Joint Base Anacostia Bolling Washington, DC Our CTOF funds, as well as chapel staff and parishioners,
Page 2: St. Michael the Archangel · St. Michael the Archangel Mission StatementCatholic Community Joint Base Anacostia Bolling Washington, DC Our CTOF funds, as well as chapel staff and parishioners,

St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Community Joint Base Anacostia Bolling

Washington, DC 202-767-5900

November 5th & 6th, 2016

Catholic Priest: Fr. Larry Smith, S. J. Tuesday-Thursday 0630-1530, Saturday1000-1800

202-404-2587; [email protected]

RE Coordinator: Mrs. Lynn Wolfkill Parish Coordinator: Mrs. Ivette Guadalupe Tuesday, Wednesday Tuesday - Thursday 0900-1400 Thursday 0730-1300 Saturday 1530-1830, Sunday 0900-1130 202-404-6993; [email protected] 202-767-5900; [email protected]

Adult’s: Helping Hands Christian Fellowship Children’s: Heifer International

If this is your first time with us please complete a registration form. Sponsor letters for those wishing to be Godparents at other installations or parishes can be issued only to those who are

registered and in good standing with the Military Archdiocese. Our Baptism class is held every last Saturday of the month at 1530 call Mrs. Guadalupe for more information.

ICE Comment: BULLETIN: Please send items to be included in the next bulletin no later than 1400 on Tuesdays

Date Attendance Offering Saturday, 30th 65 $303.00 Sunday, 31st 213 $1163.11

Children’s Church --- $38.00 Designated Offering --- ---

Total 278 $1504.11

DESIGNATED OFFERING: 19th-20th November

Mission StatementThe mission of St. Michael the

Archangel Catholic Community is to be a Catholic community centered on Christ, extending the ministry of the

Archdiocese for the Military Services. We build God’s Kingdom through evangelization, education, worship

and service. All are welcome!



Announcing this year's Christmas Cantata


The Advent of the Messiah

Please come and be part of this powerful musical, celebrating the season of Christ's

birth and honoring the gift of our Savior.

Rehearsals will be held Thursday evenings at 1915 in the Historic Chapel, starting

September 29, 2016.

Voices of every range are needed, including young voices,

Ages 6 - 11. The Christmas Cantata will be presented on December 11, 2016, in the

Main Chapel Center.

For more information, please contact Gee Soo Hall at 202-583-5304 or

[email protected].


Our CTOF funds, as well as chapel staff and parishioners, supported the

annual JBAB Chapel Harvest Festival on 31 October. Thanks to your

support, over 170 families were provided the opportunity to enjoy

refreshments and activities in a non-scary, warm and safe venue. MUCH

appreciation and a BIG thank you goes out to ALL those who helped to

make the evening possible.

Thank you


Page 3: St. Michael the Archangel · St. Michael the Archangel Mission StatementCatholic Community Joint Base Anacostia Bolling Washington, DC Our CTOF funds, as well as chapel staff and parishioners,


Universal Intention - Countries Receiving Refugees: That the countries which take in a great number of displaced persons, and refugees, may find support for their efforts which show solidarity. Evangelization Intention - Collaboration of Priests and Laity: That within parishes, priests and lay people may collaborate in service to the community without giving in to the temptation of discouragement.

To read the reflections go to:

WHAT DID FR. LARRY SAY? “We ask you, brothers and sisters…not to be shaken out of your minds suddenly, or to be alarmed either by a ‘spirit’, or by an oral statement, or by a letter allegedly from us to the effect that the day of the Lord is at hand.” Last weekend we read from St. Paul’s Letter to the Thessalonians; and in the Gospel we read about the tax collector Zacchaeus. St. Paul, in his Letter to the Thessalonians, knew that not everyone had the necessary courage to hold on to their trust in God. So, Paul

encourages the Thessalonians to have that trust and patience to wait for the coming of Jesus into their lives. He tells them not to believe everything they hear or read or see. Maybe that’s a good lesson for all of us, especially during an election year. Today, many people are afraid. Just like in Jesus’ day, there are a lot of self-proclaimed prophets, and experts, religious and otherwise, who are declaring that the end of the world is near. As St. Paul says: don’t believe them. Maintain your faith and trust that God keeps his eyes on the little stuff. Sometimes things happen to shake our complacency and to give us a kick in the rear end. How we respond is up to us. In the Gospel story Zacchaeus never gave up. He desired to change his life, and when the opportunity presented itself, he took it. He trusted that God wouldn’t reject him or his offer of restitution. We read: “Jesus looked up and said, ‘Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house.’ And he came down quickly and received him with joy. When they all saw this, they began to grumble, saying, ‘He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner.’” Are you one of those, like Zacchaeus, receiving Jesus with joy, or are you one of those grumbling? As we approach Advent in just three weeks: a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus; is there something you need to change in your life, or in how you deal with life here in the real world? If there is, then now is the time to do it and not just talk about it.

FR. Larry Smith S.J.

Pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust: these “seven deadly sins” are patterns of dysfunction that keep us separated from God and

ultimately lead to unhappiness. Join members of the St Michael Catholic Community as we embark on Bishop Robert Barron’s exploration of these seven sinful patterns and also learn how practicing countervailing virtues

can break the cycle of sin.

If you’re interested in learning more about this study program or would like to sign up to attend beginning November 13th, please provide your contact

information on the clipboard outside the activity room or contact Mary Goodwin at 703-582-9301.

The Missionaries of Charity have asked the St. Michael Community to cook 20-25 turkeys (which will be donated to them) for their Thanksgiving Day meal for the homeless and

needy near their Wheeler Road facility. There is a sign-up sheet on the back table if you'd like to help.

For additional information,

Please contact Mary Goodwin at

703-582-9301 or e-mail her at [email protected].

Page 4: St. Michael the Archangel · St. Michael the Archangel Mission StatementCatholic Community Joint Base Anacostia Bolling Washington, DC Our CTOF funds, as well as chapel staff and parishioners,


Come and spend time with our Lord Eucharistic Adoration

In the Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Monday-Thursday From 0745 – 2000

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday During Chapel Operational Hours

THE HOLY ROSARY The Knights of

Columbus invites YOU to pray

The Holy Rosary

The Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 0900

CHOIR PRACTICE Come and Praise Our Lord Become part of the St. Michael’s Choir Rehearsals Tuesday: 1930 Saturday: 1600 Sunday: 0830 & 1100 Children’s Choir Rehearsals: Sunday-1200 On Hold


Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Appointments by Phone or E-mail

Friday, Saturday & Sunday Any Time but no later than 30 minutes before Mass.

Walk -ins are welcome, if time permits, depending on Fr. Larry’s availability.


Our Baptism Class for the month of November is

Chapel Center’s Conference Room

Please contact Mrs. Ivette Guadalupe our Parish coordinator if you have any

questions about getting your child baptized or need to take the class.

Godparents are also required to take

the class here or in their home Parish.

Call to have your name placed on the list at least a week in advance of the

scheduled class date.

The Knights of Columbus are collecting non-perishable food items,

to feed the poor of the surrounding areas.

Feel Free to take home a BROWN BAG today…

Bags can be dropped off at the Chapel any day starting

now through November 8th .

The Saint Michael’s Youth Group is having their November meeting on Saturday the 19th, starting at 1830 after the 1700

Mass in the activity room.

The Youth group is asking for teens volunteers to help set-up our Angel Tree, a light dinner will be provided.

The Next CWOC meeting will be held here in the Conference room on November 12th starting at 0900

Come and join us for a time of good fellowship and prayer

We hope you can make it…

Page 5: St. Michael the Archangel · St. Michael the Archangel Mission StatementCatholic Community Joint Base Anacostia Bolling Washington, DC Our CTOF funds, as well as chapel staff and parishioners,

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Because of Veteran's Day weekend

There will be

Thank you


There is a sign-up sheet in the back starting

this weekend for the pageant to be

proclaimed on Sunday, December 18, 2016 at

the Missionaries of Charity.

There will be two practices for this

pageant. The practices will take place right

after the RE classes on Sunday.

Date for the practices will be on Sunday,

December 11, 2016 and December 18, 2016

the day of the pageant.

Thank you,


Do your children need

or would you like to celebrate the canonization of St. Teresa of Calcutta by helping the Missionaries of Charity? The Sisters operate a soup kitchen and home for unwed mothers on Wheeler Rd. in SE DC six days a week (every day except Thursday) and can always use "additional laborers for the harvest". For more information on ways to support the Sisters, Please contact Mary Goodwin


Pastoral Council: Mr. Edward mays – 202-239-8432

Choir Director: ---

Ushers: Mr. Ed Scott – 301- 839-5198

Lectors: Mrs. Mary Goodwin – 703- 339-4588

EMHC: Mr. Lee Joyner – 757-630-3299

Altar Servers: Mr. Tony Poblete -301-535-9063

Adult Faith Formation: OPEN

Children’s Church: Mrs. Luba Munter703-339-6483

Prayer Line: Mrs. Mary Goodwin - 703- 339-4588

Home Educators: Mrs. Maggie Ham – 719 482-8617

Catholic women (CWOC): Mrs. Femi O’Grady – 703-946-0740

Youth Group: Mrs. Christine Nickel – 301- 459-5607

Meet & Greet: Mrs. Marisa Merkle – 831-917-1961

Knights of Columbus: Mr. Fred Armstrong – 202- 316-4795 Members at large: Mrs. Marliz Rodriguez –N/A Mrs. Beth Sylvester – 813-468-2582 Mr. Jason Saglimbene - 443-975-1206

Our Next Council Meeting will be held on:

Saturday, November 12th From 1400-1600

Chapel Center Activity Room




1130 FRIDAY:






Sunday, November 20, 2016 12:00 noon

Solemn Mass Upper Church Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio Archbishop for the Military Services,

U.S.A. Celebrant & Homilist

Prayer Seeds O merciful Lord, You are never weary of speaking to my poor heart. Grant me grace that, if today I hear Your voice, my heart may not be hardened.


Page 6: St. Michael the Archangel · St. Michael the Archangel Mission StatementCatholic Community Joint Base Anacostia Bolling Washington, DC Our CTOF funds, as well as chapel staff and parishioners,


• November 1st Holy day of obligation Feast of All Saints, Mass at 1130 and 1900

• November 1st Home educators Last meeting for 2016 at 1130

• November 11th Veterans Day Chapel Closed no 0700 Mass

• November 12th Visits Saint Michael’s Parish 1700 Mass

• November 12th Council Meeting at 1400

• November 19th Youth Group Meeting (Angel Tree Setup) at 1830

• November 19th Knights of Columbus Meeting at 1800

• November 20th Parishioners pick up Turkeys at Chapel (for the Missionaries of Charity)

• November 21-22 Parishioners return cooked Turkeys to the Chapel

during operational hours.

• November 24th Thanksgiving Mass at 0930

• November 24th Opportunity to serve Thanksgiving meals at the Missionaries of Charity after 0930 Mass.

• November 25th Black Friday Chapel Offices Closed

• November 25th Knights of Columbus Coats for Kids starting at 0830

• November 27th Visits Saint Michael’s Parish

0930 Mass

Wreaths Across America

Wreaths Across America will take place on December 17th 2016.

The JBAB Chapel Community will leave by bus for Cheltenham Cemetery at 11:00 am

and return to the chapel by 2:00 pm. A bag lunch will be served. There is a sign-up sheet in the back

of the main chapel, we will need a head count for the bus and lunch.

Please come out and join us in honoring our

military men and women. Thank you,

Lynn Wolfkill

SAINT MICHAEL’S MINISTRY TRAINING If you were not able to attend one of our ministry training sessions during our training days this month, please get in touch with your Ministry coordinator to set a date. It is important for all ministers to be current in their training for the FY 2017. There is still time for those of you that have been thinking of volunteering here at Saint Michael’s. Lector’s training: November 12th at 1200 For more information contact Mrs. Ivette Guadalupe our Parish Coordinator or any of the Ministry Coordinators. Their contact information is the bulletin. Thank you for your willingness to serve our Lord here at Saint Michael’s. You are a blessing to our community.