the rainbow protection of archangel michael

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  • 8/9/2019 The Rainbow Protection of Archangel Michael


    The Rainbow Protection of Archangel Michael

    Archangel Michael! (3X)

    Lord Michael place a conscious sphere of blue lightening about me now. Fill this sphere with

    Absolute Protection, made from your blazing Blue Diamond Heart. Surround me with 8 Holy


    Blessed Jesus, bring your Sacred Red Blood, fill the second sphere with this eternal Cosmic ChristProtection.

    Maha Chohan bring the Green of Peace, abundance, plenty and healing. Fill the fourth sphere with

    manifestation power for perfect food, shelter, clothing and the meeting of all of my human needs

    and appropriate desires.

    Precious Mother Goddess, fill the sphere with dazzling, White Purity. Reflect back and heal withAbsolute Love, all less than the Holy Mother.

    Ruby/Gold light of Nada, fill the sixth sphere with Devotion for God and the absolute appreciation

    of life and my loved ones.

    Saint Germain is Violet Fire, fill the next sphere with Joy, Transmut, pulsate and dance, clearing

    absolutely all chaos from my aura, environment and my reality.

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    Rainbow Madonna, Lord Mary Buddha, bring the Raspberry Sherbet Fire of the Cosmic Mother to

    comfort, bless and protect with the light emanations of the Great Central Sun all 8 Spheres. They

    are thus sealed and enshrined by Alpha and Omega's Omluminent Radiance.

    Rainbow Sphere of Michael, condense to 7 feet.

    Rainbow Sphere of Michael, expand to 49 feet.

    Play with your Rainbow Sphere! Know when to close it in, and when to expand it out more fully!

    I AM now invincible, clear and radiant. I AM a Solar Rainbow in Michael's Loving Hand.


    I ask Lady Nada to anchor the eighth ray of light from the eighth ray ashram into my being. Allow

    the bright sacred cleansing light to flow into my being as a beam of light, through my crown chakra,

    down my chakra column and into the Earth.

    Imagine a sea foam green beam of light entering into your body and descending as a beam of light

    through your chakra column and into the Earth. Simply accept the energy and know that it is

    cleansing your chakras and soul as it passes through each and enters into the Earth to heal and

    cleanse Mother Earth. The beam of light will flow continuously through your being.

    I ask Lady Nada to surround me with the eight cleansing rings of light from the eighth ray ashram.

    Allow them to descend over my physical body.


    I am open and receptive to the divine energy vibrations and light of the angelic and unicorn


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    I accept the high vibrational loving energy of the angelic and unicorn kingdom, I am worthy of

    receiving their energy and allowing it to channel through my being.

    The energies and light of the angelic and unicorn kingdoms are now integrated into my being. A

    beam of light continuously flows into my crown chakra from the angelic and unicorn kingdom as an

    eternal connection.

    I am peace. I anchor the magic and love of the angelic and unicorn kingdom into my being, reality

    and into the Earth now.


    I am my soul, an Ascended Master and the Creator in manifestation the Earth.

    I am accelerating forwards on my spiritual growth process. With the support of the Ascended

    Masters and my spirit guides I am now achieving the goals created by my soul to assist me in

    gaining enlightenment and illumination.


    Through all levels of Divine Consciousness I now decree:

    I AM! I AM! I AM!

    The eternally sustained manifestation of Gods infinite supply of money and every good thing I

    require to assist me in my service to the Light, NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

    I AM! I AM! I AM!

    The eternally sustained manifestation of Gods infinite supply of money and every good thing I

    require to assist me in my service to the Light, NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

    I AM! I AM! I AM!

    The eternally sustained manifestation of Gods infinite supply of money and every good thing I

    require to assist me in my service to the Light, NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

    In deep love and appreciation for my glorious gift of Life, I consecrate my Heart and Soul

    to be the Open Door for the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God until the New Earth

    is manifest, and all Life evolving here is wholly Ascended and FREE.

    It is done! And so it is! Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.

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    As I breathe, think, speak, feel and act, the Presence of God within me is perpetually expanding the

    Golden Light of Eternal Peace and Infinite Abundance to all Life evolving on Earth. And so it is.



    I invoke the abundant energy of Ascended Masters into my Third Eye Chakra, Into my Crown

    Chakra, Into my Throat Chakra, Into my Heart Chakra, Into my Solar Plexus Chakra .


    I am now aligned with the Christ consciousness and the energy of abundance that accelerates forth

    from the Ascended Masters on the inner planes. I am now a beacon of love and positive abundance

    on the Earth.


    I ask that the four Love Crystals are surrounded in both Angels of Protection and intense light to

    ensure that they are able to express the energy of love across the entire planet. Let love anchor onto

    the Earth now, and let all acting with love in their hearts be guided by the candle of protection. Let

    it be.


    Love now emanates across the Earth.

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    I breath in Love, I breath out Love, My heart blazes forth with Adamantine particles, I breath in

    Love I breath out Adamantine particles!!!!!!!! So be it!!!!!!!!!!


    The energy of my body expresses only love to my soul.


    this is a particularly good mantra for awakening / rebalancing the crown chakra


    Sat Chit Ananda

    Parabrahma Purushothama Paramathma

    Sri Bhagavathi Padmavathi Sametha

    Sri Kalki Bhagavathe Namaha


    I invoke the energy of the Creator to surround me now and to manifest from within my being.

    Divine ascended masters align my entire being and soul to the highest vibration of love from the

    Christ consciousness that is available at a planetary level. Integrate within my being the energy ofabundance in all its positive forms; allow me to exist as a beacon of love, light, abundance and

    peace on the Earth. I accept my ascended master consciousness and ask you to guide me in

    expressing it within every aspect of my being and every expression of my energy. I am eternally

    connected and aligned to the loving energy of the Creator and share it abundantly across the world.


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    Beloved God, Christ, Holy Spirit, mighty I Am Presence, Mahatma, my monad, Vaywamus, Sai

    Baba, Djwhal Khul, master Jesus, Virgin Mary, and the Great White Brotherhood:

    I hereby call forth a pillar of Light. I call forth my glorified Lightbody.I call forth a complete

    infusion of the Mahatma energy. I call forth the golden twelfth ray. I call forth an ascension column

    of Light. I call forth the violet flame of Saint Germain. I call forth the Light of one thousands suns

    to descend now into my four-body system. I call forth my fifth-dimensional ascended self to merge

    its aura with mine.

    I call forth the ascension flame. I call forth my living Light vehicle, my merkabah, and ask to be

    placed inside of it. I call forth an axiatonal alignment. I call forth the complete anchoring of mytwelfth chakra. I call for the complete descending of my soul and monad into my four body system.

    I call forth a rising of my vibrational frequencies to that of the Christ. I call forth the Aum vibration!


    From the point of Light within the Mind of God

    Let light stream forth into the minds of men.

    Let Light descend on Earth.

    From the point of Love within the Heart of God

    Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.

    May * Christ return to Earth.

    From the centre where the Will of God is known

    Let purpose guide the little wills of men --

    The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

    From the centre which we call the race of men

    Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.

    And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

    Let Light and Love and Power

    restore the Plan on Earth.

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    I ask for the shower of Light to flow from God down my antakharana, to fill me, my home, home ofmy loved ones etc.

    In the name of Christ I call forth the spiritual vortex, it moves through my entire auric field clearing

    all auric debris


    I place an egg of golden Light around me and I cover this energy egg in a black colour leaving little

    hole at the top for the Light tube and my antakharana to connect me to my Soul and God.

    Father-Mother God, I ask that I be cleared and cleansed within the universal white Christ Light, the

    green healing Light and the purple transmuting Light. Within Gods will, and for my highest good, I

    ask that any and all negativity be completely sealed in its own Light, encapsulated within the

    ultraviolet Light, cut off and removed from me, impersonally, with neither love nor hate.

    I return all negativity to its source of emanation, decreeing that it never again be allowed to

    reestablish itself within me or anyone else in any form. I now ask that I be placed within a triple

    capsule of the universal white Christ Light of protection, and for this blessings I give thanks, Amen.


    I anchor Golden Light into my Heart Chakra ,

    into my whole Being, into every place I go , into everyone connected to me,

    so be it, Amen!!!!!!!!

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    I ask Melchizedek Disciples to place orbs filled with cosmic energy into my aura. Thank you.



    I invoke the energy of Melchizedek Disciples to assist me in my life, to help me grow and increase

    my Light quotient in service to Creator.


    I am physically immortal, I have twelve strands of DNA.


    I ask my soul to merge with me on Earth

    ..I command my pituitary gland to stop

    creating the death hormone and to create only the life hormone



    I ask my mighty I Am Presence to come to my aid in order to get rid of negative egoistical belief

    and to consume it in the Violet Flame.



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    Master Kuthumi, make your presence, light and love known to me, shower me in your divine and

    wise energy and ensure my protection at all times. Master Kuthumi,oversee my day in general,ensuring that I always remain connected to the light of the Creator and my soul.

    Master Kuthumi assist me now in accepting, anchoring and integrating the positive, loving,

    luminous and wise energy of the Sirian star and civilisation into my being. Let this divine light

    merge with my aura, physical body and personality, and soul promoting all the wonderful and

    loving qualities of the Creator within my being. Let my inner energy rise to the surface so that I

    may accept and realise the Creator within me, with assistance from the Sirian light. Thank you


    I dare to dwell in beauty, balance and delight. I dare

    to see with clear eyes and an open heart.'







  • 8/9/2019 The Rainbow Protection of Archangel Michael


    I ask MY I AM Presence to take command of my heart and mind, so that I will perceive ALL

    information through the eyes of Illumined Truth.



    the violet and silver flame protect me from and dissolve . all negativity

    projected toward me . consciously or unconsciously . by any and all

    beings . incarnate and discarnate. . May my truth be my motivating force."


    I hereby decree that anything I think, say or do from now on should only be acted upon if it is for

    the highest Good of All (including myself)


    Take a deep breath and as you breathe in, feel it go to the bottom of your feet and to the depth of

    your heart and feel immediately that you become your body of light - the essence of you, and you

    stand erect and tall, surrounded in a deep energy field strongly around you and connecting you with

    all parts of your entity self that exists beyond time and space into greater dimensions, greater power

    and freedom and strength.

    Through my GOD/GODDESS I AM presence I join the UNITY of CONSCIOUSNESS to set the

    intention for transformation of our earth to an earth of light, love, peace, joy, harmony, and


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    I bring the light of the ALL IS ONE through my heart centre and through the 4 points around the

    planet of NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST by placing the sacred geometric structure of the star

    tetrahedron star of DAVID within a circle at these 4 points, and permanently seal this light around

    the planet, and take this light through the earth and anchor it in the heart of mother earth.

    I request this same light be shone on every city on planet earth so that all may connect to this new


    I AM light

    I AM love

    I AM joy

    I AM peace

    I AM abundance

    So be it.


    we are being asked to daily invoke the Golden Light of Gods Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace


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    Keeping your space energetically clean is essential --not only because you are transmuting and

    dropping density, but because everyone on the planet is transmuting also. You are affected by the

    energies in at least a half-mile radius around you. The triple grid technique is extremely versatile for

    creating an energetically clean and stable living, working, or driving environment.Its based on theprinciple of ask and it shall be given. Its important to be specific in what you ask for.

    This technique requests specific groups to do their particular functions.

    The Legions of Michael are good at infusing energies into a structure and maintaining the structure


    The Destroyer Force Angels act like a cosmic charcoal filtration system. They create the space for

    Light to emerge into its next highest level. These beings create Divine potential and expansion ofthe Light and should not be confused with the Dark Forces, who create condensation of the Light.

    Circle Security is a branch of the Intergalactic Federation of Planets and Stars. Their job is to set up,

    keep clear, and maintain inter-dimensional and inter-universal communication grids.

    (Spherical grids are the most stable and easy to maintain, so we suggest working with this geometry

    for most everyday applications (such as around your home, car, or workplace). You will want to

    renew the grid weekly or when you notice the energy getting funky.)

    Destroyer Force Angels, please spin your grid, spinning out astral entities, stray electromagnetic

    frequencies, fear, disharmony, anger, adverse astrological influence, expectation, frustration,

    viruses, fungus, bacteria, worry, astral distortions, miscommunication, sadness, enemy patterning,

    scarcity, loneliness and spin out anything that hasnt been mentioned in this or any other language,

    but which you know needs to leave the space at this time. (These are just a few suggestions. Fill in

    whatever is needed, according to your situation.)

    When the clearing feels complete, continue with: Reverse spin, same stuff. When that feels

    complete, end with Stop spin. Thank you.

    Legions of Michael, infuse your grid with the energies of Grace, Faith, Hope, Peace, Purity,

    Liberty, Harmony, and Victory Elohim. Infuse with love, intimacy, the Unified Chakra,

    centeredness, clarity, full connection with Spirit, tolerance, clear communication, health, wealth,

    following Spirit without hesitation, mastery, sovereignty, living Heaven, and anything else I havent

    mentioned in this or any other language, but which you know needs to be in the space at this time.

    Please seal grid. Thank you. (

    Again, more suggestions. Fill in whatever you need, according to your situation.}

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    Circle Security, realign grids to harmonize with upper-dimensional gridworks. Release all

    distortions and parasites on the grids. Infuse frequencies for clearer communication with Spirit. Seal

    Grid. Thank you.


    Divine Father/God/Allah (Whatever name you use for God)

    I ask for your love & protection & for a protective shield of your powerful, impenetrable, invincible

    & indestructible brilliant white light to surround me. Please send my Gatekeeper, Archangels & MySpirit Guides to protect me always from all harm & to guide me & guard me and to keep away all

    forms of negative & harmful influences of all kinds now and always.

    I ask this in your name

    With Love

    Thank You




    meaning: I open to the Source of Life and the Birther of ALL, as I radiate the LIGHT of the ONE as



    Miracles come to me in great numbers and I appreciate you. I receive you. Thank you, Thank you,

    Thank you! And just keep invoking as many miracles as possible.

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    Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha

    Tat Savitur Varenyam

    Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi

    Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat (33x)

    Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth (33x)


    Surrender everything to the Universe and be in the flow of the Divine unconditional love, a love

    that knows no fear or doubt, that only knows the perfection of all. Surrender every hope, dream,

    wish and desire. Surrender your past, your fears, your disillusionment, hopelessness and feelings ofpowerlessness. Give these things as a gift to the Universe and step into the healing energy of

    unconditional love. Be as a child in your knowledge of your perfection and how deserving you are

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    of the miracles of abundance in every good thing.


    Heres a visualization for transforming negative thought patterns:

    Vision a field of violet light all around you at the edge of your aura. See within the light a violet net

    that catches all of your negative thoughts before they go out into the ethers. Here, the thoughts are

    infused with violet light of transformation. You add your compassion and commitment to your soul

    growth, infusing the thoughts with love and with your intentions for the Highest Good. You

    transform them into positive thoughts and then set them free. Our thoughts fly out into our future

    creating our future through the energetic vibration they carry. Request your spirit guides to keep this

    net in place and help you to transform any negativity that you are generating.

    And so it is.


    Say this Mantra daily, morning and night. Also say it during the day whenever your focus is falling

    away from peace and harmony. Make the intention to say it on behalf of yourself and those (by

    name whether or not they are physically present) who have agreed to say the Mantra with you,

    magnifying its effectiveness.

    I call upon the energies of the Undifferentiated Source

    To release me from all fear relating to money,

    all fear relating to wealth,

    and all fear relating to abundance.

    I call upon the energies of the Undifferentiated Source

    to release me from the consciousness of lack.

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    I call upon the energies of the Undifferentiated Source

    to release me from the fear of surrender.

    I surrender myself to pure white light.

    I surrender myself to the golden ray of transmutation.

    I surrender myself to the platinum ray of manifestation.

    I surrender myself to the silver ray of creation.

    I surrender myself to the purple ray of transmutation.

    I surrender myself to the green ray of hope.

    I surrender myself to the golden white ray of faith.

    I surrender myself to the maroon-magenta ray of compassion.

    I surrender myself to the peach ray of clarity.

    I surrender myself to the citron green ray of abundance.

    I surrender myself to the aquamarine blue ray of peace and harmony.

    I surrender myself to the Nile blue ray of power.

    I surrender myself to the yellow ray of healing.

    I surrender myself to the orange ray of passion to create.

    I surrender myself to the red ray of creativity.

    I surrender myself to the dark blue ray of mastery.

    I surrender myself to the Will of God.

    I align my will with the Will of God.

    I free myself from the law of free will.

    I will myself to live in bliss.

    I will myself to live in divine love.

    I will myself to live in the light of the Undifferentiated Source.

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    Light of God I AM

    Love of God I AM

    Bliss of God I AM

    Will of God I AM

    I will it so. So it is. It is done. Amen.




    Violet Fire Penetrate

    Violet Fire Consume

    Violet Fire Raise Up in Me

    Violet Fire Illume

    Direct Your Flame

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    Envelope My Form

    Purify My Energies

    In Feeling, Thought Reborn

    Take My Highest Purposes

    Thy Divine Will To Be

    Set Me on the Course

    To Complete IAM Mastery

    Into the Flame I Leave

    A Lesser Sense of Me

    Rising From that Alchemy

    I Find New Victory

  • 8/9/2019 The Rainbow Protection of Archangel Michael



    "I now place my ego-self under the control of my Higher-Self, and through our unified efforts,

    henceforth, we will create only beauty, harmony and balance within and around us."


    In the beloved presence of the Creator I invoke Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael,

    Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Raziel

    along with all the loving Archangels unnamed and the entire Angelic Kingdom. I ask you to

    surround me in your pure unconditional love and allow the waves of your positive energy to pulsate

    through my being.

    Permit me to be your candle of light on the Earth and allow me to continue to grow spiritually at the

    perfect rate for my being. Stand by me now and for eternity and watch over my soul as I act as an

    example to mankind, as the Creator manifested on the Earth right now. Through my body anchor

    your undying love into the Earth and may it heal and awaken millions across the world and

    universe. Blessed be.


    I wish to encourage you each day to invoke and anchor the purest form of the Creators love that is

    available to you and is safe for you to absorb into your being. Ask me, Goddess Diana to assist you

    in doing so; it is your divine right to experience love of the purest form within your being. Ask me

    to ensure that you receive the perfect amount of divine and heavenly love for your being; we do not

    wish to burn your energy with a high vibrational level of energy but simply ask that you invoke thenext step up of love energy that is available to you. I encourage you to ask now and each day for the

    purest form of love available to you from the Creator to be anchored into your being overseen by

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    Goddess Diana.


    Dolphin Trilogy Ring of Protection

    Breath in and out, three deep healing breaths,

    One for mind, one for soul and one for body.

    As you do this call in the dolphins, and thank them for this gift!

    With eyes closed, visualize bottlenose dolphins surrounding you,

    From tail to tail they encircle you. Feel their protection. Breath it in.

    That is your first layer. To protect mind.

    Then visualize the orcas coming in. They surround you from tail to tail as they also encircle you.

    Feel their protection, and breath it in.

    This is your second layer. To protect the body.

    Then visualize the golden dolphins coming in. They surround you from tail to tail also as they

    encircle you. Feel their protection, and breath it in. This is your third and final layer. To protect your


    These are the Lemurian golden crystal dolphins.

    Do this in the a.m. and during the day when needed.


    I ask you dear light workers of the Earth to remember each day to anchor the Christ Conscious

    energy into your being and into the Earth. Invoke me, Lord Maitreya to oversee this process and ask

    for the Christ consciousness to channel through your being and be anchored into your physical

    body. Then allow the light to flow into your crown charka, through your chakra system and into

    Mother Earth. It is always important to allow any light that you invoke to continue its journey into

    the core of Mother Earth. By sharing your energy with Mother Earth you are bringing harmony andbalance to your energy systems and allowing her to accelerate with you.

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    I call forth my I AM Presence and Higher Light and ask by the grace of God, to be completely and

    permanently cleansed and removed from the core fear and illusory matrixes of the old world for my

    ascension into the New Earth frequency of Love and Abundance.

    I AM a being of the Silver-Violet Fire I AM the purity God desires I AM that I AM The Mahatma inLove


    Simply invoke the Arcturians overseen by Lord Buddha and your guides to charge you with their

    light quotient building energy, this will constantly flow into your body throughout your day but you

    may need to re-invoke the energy to ensure you are still connected. This is a powerful energy so if it

    becomes too much then ask the Arcturians to decrease the amount of light they are sending into

    your body. You can also visit the Arcturian starship during your sleep state overseen by Lord

    Buddha and your guides to continue with your light quotient building. On board the Arcturiansstarship are many wondrous chambers such as a healing chamber and an ascension chamber where

    you are charged with the energies of ascension. You are able to visit these chambers during your

    sleep state, if this appeals to you.


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    I invoke the divine, loving and cosmic energies of Master Djwhal Khul to assist me in anchoring

    the love of the Creator into my being, allowing me to share this divine love to assist humanity


    Mantras for Daily Meditation

    Exercise for Cutting Cords with Archangel Michael's Sword. Given by Metatron.

    In the name of THE I AM THAT I AM, I call upon Archangel Michael and the legions of Michael. I

    ask Michael to take his Sword of Mercy and cut all the cords of negative energy which may be

    extended to me by any person place or thing, past present or future in all dimensions and realities.

    With the help of Archangel Michael's sword, I now release all cords of negative energy which I may

    have extended to any person place or thing past present or future in all dimensions and realities.

    I ask that all cords be cut and transmuted into pure white light. I ask Archangel Michael's Shield of

    Protection to be placed around me.

    I ask that all negative karma be released, completed and concluded from this moment on in all

    dimensions and realities. I do not give permission to anyone to re-establish cords of energy to me



    Mantra for the Original Blue Print

    I AM the heart of God and I am the mind of God.I AM returning to my pure and Divine origin.

    I AM is my divine right.

    I AM is my pure light.

    I AM is my original blueprint.

    I AM the life and the resurrection.