st. john cantius...

St. John Cantius Parish The Catholic Community of Bridesburg A dog is a man's best friend. Yes, well, maybe not. While we get quite attached to our pets and other animal friends, it is other persons who are our real friends. "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one flesh." The best marriages, according to studies, are ones in which the husband and wife view each other as equals and share equally in the running of the home and the family. Tasks and decisions are shared, and there is agreement on the raising of children and they always have each other's back when the little ones like to push their buttons. "If Daddy says no ask Mommy." Oh no! You don't get away with that trick, little one! Couples who have been married many years, have seen their children grow up and have seen their grandchildren and even great-grandchildren, are often seen happily conversing and holding hands in their nursing homes or other residences. It's that lifelong respect for the other that keeps a marriage happy, despite the occasional disagreement. Respect is key. If this respect is missing, especially from the beginning, perhaps a true marriage did not exist. This is a mystery we deal with in sincere prayer. ALL HAVE ONE ORIGIN We hear in the Letter to the Hebrews that Christ is made one with us in his suffering--"He 'for a little while' was made 'lower than the angels,' that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone." "He who consecrates and those who are being consecrated all have one origin. Therefore, he is not ashamed to call them 'brothers [and sisters].' " We are all made in the image of God, and therefore are one in Christ. We sometimes forget that Christ is our brother as well as our Lord. The love he has for us is faithful and never ending. "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife." For "God made them male and female," equal in love and respect for one another. 4415 Almond Street ~ Philadelphia, PA 19137 Rectory Phone 215-535-6667 Rectory Fax: 215-535-7107 Parish Email [email protected] Parish Website Rectory Hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. Evenings by appointment only, Saturday & Sunday Closed REV. JOSEPH J. ZINGARO Pastor REV. KONSTANTY PRUSZYNSKI Parochial Vicar DR. JOANNE H. WALLS Director of Religious Education EMAIL [email protected] MR. DAVID ZAGORSKI Director of Parish Services EMAIL [email protected] MRS. LISA MARIE REMILLARD Parish Secretary MS. MICHALINA GORAL Media Coordinator EMAIL [email protected] Mass Schedule SATURDAY MASSES: 5:00 P.M. (English) SUNDAY MASSES: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. (English) 11:30 A.M. (Polish) HOLY DAY MASSES Vigil Mass 7:00 P.M. (English) 9:00 A.M. (English) 7:00 P.M. (Polish) DAILY MASSES: 8:00 A.M. Mon. thru Fri. (English) 8:00 A.M. Sat. (Polish) CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:30P.M. - 4:15 P.M. BLESSED TRINITY REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Ms. Linda Milewski Principal 215-338-9797 October 7, 2018 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

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St . John Cant ius Par i sh T h e C a t h o l i c C o m m u n i t y o f B r i d e s b u r g

A dog is a man's best friend. Yes, well, maybe not. While we get quite attached to our pets and other animal friends, it is other persons who are our real friends. "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one flesh." The best marriages, according to studies, are ones in which the husband and wife view each other as equals and share equally in the running of the home and the family. Tasks and decisions are shared, and there is agreement on the raising of children and they always have each other's back when the little ones like to push their buttons. "If Daddy says no ask Mommy." Oh no! You don't get away with that trick, little one! Couples who have been married many years, have seen their children grow up and have seen their grandchildren and even great-grandchildren, are often seen happily conversing and holding hands in their nursing homes or other residences. It's that lifelong respect for the other that keeps a marriage happy, despite the occasional disagreement. Respect is key. If this respect is missing, especially from the beginning, perhaps a true marriage did not exist. This is a mystery we deal with in sincere prayer. ALL HAVE ONE ORIGIN We hear in the Letter to the Hebrews that Christ is made one with us in his suffering--"He 'for a little while' was made 'lower than the angels,' that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone." "He who consecrates and those who are being consecrated all have one origin. Therefore, he is not ashamed to call them 'brothers [and sisters].' " We are all made in the image of God, and therefore are one in Christ. We sometimes forget that Christ is our brother as well as our Lord. The love he has for us is faithful and never ending. "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife." For "God made them male and female," equal in love and respect for one another.

4415 Almond Street ~ Philadelphia, PA 19137

Rectory Phone 215-535-6667 Rectory Fax: 215-535-7107 Parish Email [email protected] Parish Website Rectory Hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. Evenings by appointment only, Saturday & Sunday Closed

REV. JOSEPH J. ZINGARO Pastor REV. KONSTANTY PRUSZYNSKI Parochial Vicar DR. JOANNE H. WALLS Director of Religious Education EMAIL [email protected] MR. DAVID ZAGORSKI Director of Parish Services EMAIL [email protected] MRS. LISA MARIE REMILLARD Parish Secretary MS. MICHALINA GORAL Media Coordinator EMAIL [email protected] Mass Schedule SATURDAY MASSES: 5:00 P.M. (English) SUNDAY MASSES: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. (English) 11:30 A.M. (Polish) HOLY DAY MASSES Vigil Mass 7:00 P.M. (English) 9:00 A.M. (English) 7:00 P.M. (Polish) DAILY MASSES: 8:00 A.M. Mon. thru Fri. (English) 8:00 A.M. Sat. (Polish) CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:30P.M. - 4:15 P.M.

BLESSED TRINITY REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Ms. Linda Milewski Principal 215-338-9797



October 7, 2018 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

MONDAY – OCTOBER 8th 8AM(E) For the People of St. John Can us TUESDAY – OCTOBER 9th St. Denis and Companions; St. John Leonardi 8AM(E) Walter Cichocki req. wife, Bernice WEDNESDAY – OCTOBER 10th 8AM(E) Colleen DeWi req. Mom THURSDAY – OCTOBER 11th St. John XXIII 8AM(E) Emily & Henry J. Ciurlej req. daughter, Camille & grandson, Richard FRIDAY - OCTOBER 12th

8AM(E) Tim Henderson Sr. req. Greg Weber SATURDAY—OCTOBER 13th 8AM(P) Wladyslaw Krawczyk req. Family (Special Blessings) 5PM(E) Albert Tantala Sr. req. Family (80th Birthday Blessings) SUNDAY – OCTOBER 14th

8AM(E) Tadeusz Anuszewski req. daughter 10AM(E) Church Walter Cichocki req. Michael Dadura 10AM(P) Chapel Ojczyzna

LECTORS FOR OCTOBER 14 5PM Anthony Golembiewski 8AM Phyllis Rooney 10AM Michael Finn

FLAME OF LOVE Flame of Love Prayer Group Wednesday, 8:30 AM, 2PM

& 3:30PM in the Chapel.


The White Marian banners hanging in the Church was donated by Tony & Fran Coppola. The banner hanging in the Chapel was donated from our Parish Polish Community. If you are interested in donating a banner, please call the rectory office. Thank you

The Second Collec on today is for Forty Hours Flowers 10/07. This collection will help pay for the beautiful flowers that will be placed in our Church. Next week’s is for Forty Hours Devotion 10/14.

The Sanctuary Candle in the Chapel burns for Gregory Florkowski Love, Mom & Dad (Happy Anniversary In Heaven).

The Sanctuary Candle in the Church burns for Stanislaw Siwek from The Partyka Family.



Letter From Pastor

I thank all of you who came and supported the Parish Carnival last week. It was a tremendous success. Even though Thursday was rainy, the people still came out and enjoyed the evening. God blessed us with beautiful weather on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Everyone seemed to have a great time. I particularly want to thank the Carnival Committee and all the dedicated volunteers who gave of their time and talent. To watch them work together so efficiently inspired me. They gave their all to serve the parish and the community. We will give you a financial report as soon as all the bills are paid.

October is Polish American Heritage Month. Our Girls Scouts, the Polish Language School and the Polish Scouts will participate in the Pulaski Day Parade that will take place next Sunday, at 12:00 on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. The parade can also be viewed on Channel 6, beginning at 12:30. Plan to come and watch the parade in Center City (or on television). Our parish – along with the Polish Beneficial Association will be walking.

The next big social event in the parish will be the Christmas Bazaar on November 9th and 10th. We are asking for donations of new toys for our Toy Booth There will be large boxes placed at all the door entrances of the Church next Sunday where you may place your donated toy. We thank you in advance for your generosity.

Our Forty Hours Devotion will begin on Sunday, October 21st. More information will be given next weekend.

On Wednesday, October 17th, at 7:00 P.M., we will once again have the Living Rosary recited in our Church. We invite you to come be a “bead” as you hold a candle and form a “living rosary” around our Church. Please use the sign in sheet in the back of Church or call the Rectory if you would like to participate. Even if you make up your mind to come at the last minute, please join us for this very inspiring evening of prayer. We invite families to come and hold a candle together.

In my busyness last week, I completely forgot about the blessing of the pets in honor of St. Francis of Assisi last week. His feast day was on October 4th. We will bless your pets in the parking lot behind the Church this Saturday, October 13th, at 9:00 AM.

May the Lord bless you and may you enjoy this Autumn weather.

OUR DYNAMIC CATHOLIC THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “The presence of Jesus in her life allowed Mary to constantly see things in the context of love and humility. If we ask her to accompany us in our journey, she will share this perspective with us, and we will discover the true value of things.”

HOW ABOUT A SECOND THOUGHT?: “Prayer doesn’t change God; prayer changes us. It’s not about convincing him of our will; it’s about surrendering to his will.”


Are YOU a “Dynamic Catholic”?


List od Proboszcza Dziękuję wszystkim, którzy przyszli i wsparli nasz karnawał parafialny w zeszłym tygodniu. Był ogromnym sukcesem. Mimo że czwartek był deszczowy, ludzie nadal przychodzili i cieszyli się wieczorem. Bóg pobłogosławił nas piękną pogodą w piątek, sobotę i niedzielę. Dzieci i dorosli się świetnie bawili. Szczególnie chciałbym podziękować komitetowi i wszystkim oddanym wolontariuszom, którzy poświęcili swój czas i talent. Oglądanie tej wspólprace zainspirowało mnie. Dali z siebie wszystko, aby służyć parafii i społeczności. Przekażemy raport finansowy, gdy wszystkie rachunki zostaną opłacone. Październik jest Miesiącem Polsko-Amerykanskiego Dziedzictwa. W niedziele 14 pazdziernika, nasza parafia - Girls Scouts, studenci Szkoły Języka Polskiego i Polscy Harcerze wraz z Polish Beneficial Association - będzie maszerowała w Paradzie Pulaskiego. Parada rezpocznie sie o godzinie 12:00 na Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Parada będzie przekazywana w telewizji na kanale 6-tym od godziny 12:30. Planujcie obejrzeć paradę w centrum miasta lub w telewizji. Ze wzgeldu na Parade Pulaskiego, Msza Święta w polskim jezyku bedzie odprawiona o godzine 10:00 AM w KAPLICY. Nie bedzie mszy o 11:30 AM. Następnym wielkim wydarzeniem towarzyskim w parafii będzie Świąteczny Bazar 9 i 10 listopada. Prosimy o donacje nowych zabawek na nasze stoiska z zabawkami. W przyszłą niedziele będą duże skrzynki przy wszystkich wejściach do kościoła, gdzie można zostawić te zabawki. Z góry dziękujemy za waszą hojność. W środę 17 października o godz. 19.00 po raz kolejny będziemy odmawiać Żywy Różaniec w naszym Kościele. Zachęcamy zaintertesowanych, aby byli "paciorkami", trzymając świecęi tworząc "żywy różaniec" wokół naszego Kościoła. Jeśli chciałbys wziąć udział, prosimy o wpisanie sie na liste w przedsionku kosciola lub o zadzwonienie na plabanie, Jeśli zdecydujesz się przyjść w ostatniej chwili, dołącz do nas na ten niezwykły wieczór modlitwy. Zapraszamy rodziny, aby trzymały jedną świecę razem. Nasze Czterdziesto Godzinne Nabozenstwo rozpocznie sie w niedziele, 21 pazdziernika. Wiecej informacji będzie dostepne w nastepnym tygodniu. Podczas zajęć w zeszłym tygodniu, zapomniałem o błogosławieństwie zwierząt ku czci Św. Franciszka z Asyżu w zeszłym tygodniu. Jego święto obchodzimy 4 października. Będziemy błogosławić wasze zwierzęta na parkingu za Kościołem w tę sobotę, 13 października, o godzinie 9:00. Niech was Pan błogosławi! Cieszcię się tą jesienną pogodą. NASZE DYNAMICZNE MYŚLI KATOLICKIE NA TYDZIEŃ: Obecność Jezusa w jej życiu pozwoliła Maryi nieustannie widzieć rzeczy w kontekście miłości i pokory. Jeśli poprosimy ją, aby towarzyszyła nam w naszej podróży, podzieli się z nami tą perspektywą, a odkryjemy prawdziwą wartość życia. Modlitwa nie zmienia Boga; modlitwa zmienia nas. Nie chodzi o przekonanie go do naszej woli; chodzi o poddanie się jego woli.

MODLITWA – STUDIOWANIE – OFIARNOŚĆ – EWANGELIZACJA Czy Ty jesteś "dynamicznym katolikiem"?


CONTINUED FROM COVER PAGE LET THE CHILDREN COME TO ME Jesus' love extends not only to adults. It extends not only to those in loving and respec ul marriages, but extends to all people, especially children big and li le. The disciples tried to prevent parents from bringing their children to Jesus for a blessing. Jesus rebuked the disciples and said, "Let the children come to me . . . for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." His teachings always emphasized humility and trust, and he held up these children as the best examples. "Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." Children are by nature curious and humble; they know that they are small and depend on their parents for everything. Likewise, we must be humble and recognize that we are small before God and depend on God for everything in our lives that is good. To have this a tude is to look for the kingdom of God and to be ready to enter it. And, like the children, we will be touched and blessed by Jesus and welcomed into his arms.

Blessed Trinity Catholic School, on the campus of St. Timothy Parish will be having re-registration for the 2019-2020 school year on Wednesday evening, November 14, 2018 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM in the school gym. Check us out at or on Facebook at Blessed Trinity Regional. To schedule a tour or to obtain more information please call 215-338-9797. Transfer grants are available for students coming in from public and charter schools. *****************************************




St. John Cantius Parish is proud to introduce our new Online Giving Program

No more searching for the check book or last-minute Sunday morning stops at the ATM. No need to worry about dropping off your envelopes at the Rectory if you are going away for a weekend or during vacation. Parish Giving is a simple, secure and convenient website. You can make one-time donations or pick the day of the month for the recurring contributions to be processed. Everything is accessible to you online. This program is being used successfully at other parishes in our Archdiocese, and we hope this tool will help you with your Sunday contribution needs. To register for Online Parish Giving, please visit our page and follow the instructions:

2018 Carnival Basket Winners Basket 1, Yellow Wreath - Joan Lange Basket 2, Burlap Wreath - Paula Basket 3, Orange Wreath - Audrey Basket 4, Pumpkin Candle - M. Hainsworth Basket 5, Baby's Bounty - Emma Basket 6, Wine Room - Genia Basket 7, Tower - Amber Fleming Basket 8, Fr. Joe's Cake Basket - Fran Coppola Basket 9, Red Tub - Mike Basket 10, Trick or Treat - Regina Shemanski Basket 11, Boy Baby Bottle - Brianne Basket 12, Canister Basket - Sandra Concepcion Basket 13, Bath Bombs - Brayden Dauber Basket 14, Girl Baby Bottle - No name on ticket Basket 15, Bath Bombs - Maggie Crosson Basket 16, Orange Tub - Miss Jackie

2018 Carnival 50/50 Winners Thursday - Brian Parks - $62 Friday - Joann - $138, donated back to parish Saturday - Dan Gallagher - $137 Sunday - Mary J - $156


Collec on Count for Sept. 30, 2018

A n Env Cash Checks Total 5pm 121 76 $760 $1,060 $1,820 8am 72 52 $511 $653 $1,164 10am 86 57 $444 $636 $1,080 11:30 143 52 $728 $82 $810 Total $2,443 $2,431 $4,874 Mailed Env. 13 $97 $834 $931 Air Cond. 182 $1,011 $353 $1,364 Grand Total $3,551 $3,618 $7,169 Total Deposit $7,169


Oct. 7 Joan Reed & Michelle Skalski Oct. 14 Joe Foster & Terry Casey Oct. 21 Connie Perrault & Maryann Marszalek

LOTTERY TICKETS Lo ery ckets will be sold in the back of the Chapel or Church Calendars are now available for distribu on. The cost of each calendar for the month is $5.00. The winning number is based on the evening drawing of the Pennsylvania Lo ery. Daily prizes of $50.00 a day and Sundays are $100.00. Plus each month a bonus day! Sellers are needed. Tickets will be sold before and a er each Mass. This will be an on going fundraiser. We ask for you help and support to make this an ongoing success. Thank you for your support of our Parish. DATE NUMBER PRIZE WINNER SELLER Sept 26 003 $50 Unsold Sept 27 708 $50 Unsold Sept 28 713 $50 Unsold Sept 29 673 $100 Unsold Sept 30 546 $50 Unsold Oct 1 627 $50 Unsold

Holy Rosary Society News

Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 10th following benediction and our Rosary at noon. If you wish to purchase the Church lottery tickets they will be available at our meeting.

Adoration in Chapel on Wednesday beginning at 12:00. Come spend some time with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.


Once again, our parish members & friends are praying The Living Rosary on Wednedsay, October 17, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Church. This is a most beautiful tribute to Our Lady where each of us prays a bead and we ask for her intercession in all our needs. Everyone is welcome to join us. Please come at least 15-20 min. before 7:00, so we can begin promptly.

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