spring magazine 2020 · 2020. 3. 17. · w>hd /e' , d/e' kedz dkz^ ð ì khed ^d,kzw...

P AYLESTONE R St Andrew’s I S H N E W S SPRING 2020 75p

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SPRING 2020 75p

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St. Andrew’s Parish Church Directory

Clergy Revd Rowena BassSt Andrew’s Rectory, Old Church [email protected] 291 0021

Reader Barbara Paget 07896 910222Reader Emeritus Brenda Spencer 291 0354

Church Wardens Anna Cooper 283 [email protected] O’Rourke 367 [email protected]

Deputy Churchwardens John Robb 299 2339

Head Verger Lilian Newby 07752 544745Assistant Verger Leonard BarkerPCC Secretary Anna Cooper 2837050PCC Treasurer John Robb 299 2339Organist/Choir Director Bruce BurbidgeBell Tower Captain Liz Wright 283 5155

[email protected] Circle Sec. Sue Morrell 288 1455Sacristan John Robb 299 2339

Aylestone Parish NewsEditor Alex Bustin 07989088412

[email protected] Sec. Anne Hayto 283 2978Advertising

Details of Church groups and uniformed organisations can be found inside the back cover

To hire the Parish Hall contact the Parish Administrator:Alex Bustin tel. 07513 281908

[email protected]

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A note from our Rector

The weather outside is stormy! And Brexit is taking us into unchartered waters. The Coronavirus is spreading across the seas. There is much to pray about as 2020 progresses.The beauty of the Christian year is that it always follows the same pattern, no matter what is happening in the world. This doesn’t mean that we are detached from the world, or from the storms of life. But it does mean that we face them as a community of faith, with the knowledge that Jesus is at the helm. As we journey with Him through Lent, Passiontide, Good Friday and Easter, we know that he travels with us through the ebb and flow of our human dramas.

My nautical metaphors stem from the wonderful joint service we held for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This was based on the story of Paul’s journey to Malta from the book of Acts.We placed a boat (well, inflatable dinghy!) at the front of church, and placed 8 oars into it during the prayers. This reminded us of our need for unity, not just within the church, but as humans.The prayers began: “We cannot face the storms of life alone. A boat moves forward when all row together. In the face of difficulties we recognise the need to pull together and to unite our efforts.”

We have left the European Union, but adverse weather, climate change and the corona virus have reminded us of the frailty of life for all humans, and the need to work together and help each other.Our joint service was entitled “Unusual Kindness” because Paul encountered this after his shipwreck and eventual safe arrival in Malta.

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Perhaps this Lent we could focus on kindness. You may want to give up something for Lent, or do something extra, and you are most welcome to attend our Lent course and Lent lunches on Wednesdays. That’s great! But perhaps we could all aim to be consciously kind to someone each day as well. The kindness of a prayer, the kindness of a smile, the kindness of a visit or a phone call, a helping hand, a thank you, a word of encouragement or praise…. there are endless opportunities.We may not be able to control the weather, a virus, or politics, but whatever is happening in the world, we can show kindness to one another, and help each other to steer through the ups and downs of our passage to eternity.

“Gracious God,Help us to show kindness to our sisters and brothers who are in peril or in need; strengthen our confidence in your providence when we feel overwhelmed by the storms of life and teach us to fix our course on Christ, the True Light who brings us to safe harbour. Amen.” (c Week of Prayer for Christian Unity).


Baptisms16th February Nevaeh Julia Scarlet Dixon

Funerals4th December Raymond Freakley

We also remember:Sylvia Trevarthen

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SONGS OF SALVATIONSt. Andrew’s Church Aylestone

Sunday 3rd May 4 p.m.Do you love a good sing?Come and sing the great songs of praise from the Sankey and Moody hymnbookA service of uplifting hymns from the 19thC religious revivalWe guarantee that you’ll still have your voice humming and your feet tapping long after the service is over!ALL ARE WELCOME


March 6th Mr. & Mrs Sharkey 13th Mrs Heighton, Mrs Austin 20th Mr & Mrs Spencer27th Mrs Newby

April 3rd Mr Lewitt, Mr. O’Rouke10th Mr. & Mrs Sharkey17th Mrs Heighton, Mrs Austin 24th Mr & Mrs Spencer

May 1st Mrs Newby8th Mr Lewitt, Mr. O’Rouke15th Mr. & Mrs Sharkey22nd Mrs Heighton, Mrs Austin 29th Mr & Mrs Spencer

June 5th Mrs Newby

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For more information contact Sue Morrell 0116 288 1455

St. Andrew’s Flower CircleMarch – May 2020

The Flower Circle is happy to arrange flowers in the church for all occasions

Why not have flowers in the church for your Birthday or Anniversary






15th No Flowers During Lent22nd



12th The Flower Circle


19th Glynnis Brant Gillian Smith27th Diane Weston-

PriceMAY Marlene Joyce

Josie Barnacle-Sharkey

3rd Gillian Smith10th


24th Glynnis Brant31st

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From the Treasurer

It is nearly a year since the introduction of the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) to our Church, and in the next couple of months everybody giving through this method should receive a letter thanking them on behalf of the parish for their giving over the past year. The Rector and PCC including myself extend our sincere thanks to everyone who has given, by whatever means, for your donations without which the church cannot remain viable.

Last year, with an uplift in regular giving from the PGS launch appeal of approximately £2,000pa, and being fortunate in not having too many major repairs to deal with, the Church managed to break even. Running costs for the Church and ministry in 2019, excluding costs covered by fees and charity appeals, amounted to £62,000.

The Church faces the challenges of occasionally losing regular givers, unexpected repair bills, and facing rising prices as we all do in our own lives. Later this year the Church will receive the compulsory Quinquennial (five yearly) building inspection, and with a large and beautiful but ageing medieval building to look after, the report will no doubt include a list of costly repairs that need to be done within the next few years. The money needed for this will of course be additional to the normal running costs. Some of you have generously committed through the PGS to raising your contributions in line with inflation, but I would urge everybody to consider giving a little more if they can.

The Organ Restoration Appeal raised a further £18,000 in 2019 and at the time of writing now totals £45,000. Our thanks again go to all those who put time and effort into organising the fundraising events, and to all who support them.

The Church final accounts for the year 2019 will be presented to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 22nd April 2020. It would be good to see a better turnout than in recent years, and if you have any questions about the finances or running of the Church, then this is your opportunity.

John Robb

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Holy Week at St Andrew’s

5th April Palm Sunday

10.15 am Parish Eucharist with Palm Procession4pm Revelation Revealed

with musicians from the University of Leicester

Tuesday 7th April Compline 6:30pm

Wednesday 8th April6:30pm Stations of the cross

Thursday 9th AprilMaundy Thursday

9.30am Holy communion and coffee7.30pm Agape service with Foot washing

and Watch of the Passion

Friday 10th AprilGood Friday

10am Walk of Witness1.30pm Children’s crafts in Parish Hall

2pm Liturgy of Good Friday

Saturday 11th AprilHoly Saturday

7.30pm Service of Light

Sunday 11th April Easter Day

8am Holy Communion10.15am Easter Eucharist


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ANSWERED PRAYERSI prayed for riches, and achieved success; All that I touched turned into gold. Alas!

My cares were greater and my peace was less, When that wish came to pass.

I prayed for glory, and I heard my name Sung by sweet children and by hoary men.

But ah! the hurts---the hurts that come with fame! I was not happy then.

I prayed for Love, and had my heart's desire. Through quivering heart and body, and through brain

there swept the flame of its devouring fire, And but the scars remain.

I prayed for a contented mind. At length Great light upon my darkened spirit burst.

Great peace fell on me also, and great strength---Oh, had that prayer been first!

Ella Wheeler Wilcox....1850-1919

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It’s February and as I write this the snowdrops are in flower on Aylestone Meadows, bringing the promise of spring round the corner. This winter, whilst being disconcertingly mild, has been terribly wet. The ground is totally waterlogged and soggy. Those who know me will know that I am both a nature lover and a dog lover, so in a happy combination, my dog Ollie and I squelch through the mud on a daily basis, waiting for spring. Today is lovely - we have now had four days without rain!

Ollie is a wonder. He came to me, a poor abused and cowed creature, brought to a dog rescue in the UK from Cyprus where he was found as a street dog. Having recently lost my lovely husband John, I immediately took to Ollie and wanted to look after him. He brought me through some dark days and maybe I brought him through some of the same as well. Now he is a happy, healthy, obedient and confident dog, who loves his home comforts, his walks and his adoring fan club of other dog enthusiasts who sometimes share our walks.

Today it almost felt like spring and Ollie set off with even more enthusiasm than usual. The birds were lively too; the robins, blackbirds and thrushes were singing their hearts out. The woodpecker was drumming his invitation to the ladies atop of a dead tree and a couple of kestrels were out hunting. Somewhere in the area, and certainly out of its usual habitat, I could hear a raven croaking. It’s muddy but it’s worth it – what are wellies for after all?

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Every day I am thankful for the gift of Aylestone Meadows. Okay, so it’s not the Yorkshire Dales and it has its problems, but this is a little bit of countryside right on our doorstep. It’s inhabited by badgers, foxes, deer, rabbits and various smaller mammals. There are snakes, frogs, fish and an abundance of birds. I can get immersed in God’s creation without getting in the car. Come the spring, all of this abundance will burst into new life and the cycle of nature will start all over again.

But I worry. I worry about the fact that I have not seen a snake or a hedgehog for a couple of years. I worry that the area floods with increasing regularity and whilst being in a flood area will (hopefully) prevent encroaching development, the increase in flooding incidents gives cause for concern. I worry that cuts to Council funding have meant that groundwork staff employed on Aylestone Meadows have been reduced and much of the work is left to volunteers.

More positively, volunteers are marvellous and without them conservation all over the UK would be in a sorry state. Volunteers from Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society (me included) and Leicester Environmental Volunteers turn up in all weathers to litterpick, clear vegetation, prune trees, sow seeds and plant native wildflowers on a regular basis. If you want to join us, speak to me or e mail me [email protected] I have made some dear friends through conservation volunteering. It helps keep me fit too.

Every day I thank God for the natural world around us and I pray that we can all use it right and live our lives in ways which do not abuse its great and marvellous blessings.

Anne Hayto.

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CAN ST. ANDREW'S SAVE THE PLANET? (No but maybe we can help a bit)

Diocese of Leicester has announced that it is to work toward becoming an 'Eco Church' with the aim of eventually becoming carbon neutral. The Diocese has signed up to an ecumenical initiative which encourages churches to consider every aspect of their church life in the context of reducing the carbon footprint of the church buildings and the people who worship and visit the church. All churches are invited to sign up for this project. More information can be found on the Diocese's website or look under Eco Church.

Over the coming months, St. Andrew's Parochial Church Council and other members of our church will be considering how we can become more environmentally friendly by reducing our carbon footprint in a variety of ways. We will be aiming to use non polluting and fairly traded products wherever possible, re-using and recycling as much as we can and considering other, less easy ways of becoming more environmentally friendly. This will need a lot of prayer and thought over a long period of time.We can all do small things though. We all find it hard to commit to making changes - it's easier just to buy our usual brand of tea, rather than seeking out fairly traded tea and that's one of the easy ones! But great oaks from tiny acorns grow and lots of people doing little actions makes a difference. For example, some of us may want to participate in Earth Hour on 28th March. Between 8.30 and 9.30 p.m,. thousands of people all over the world will be switching off their lights, cutting down on electricity use as a gesture of support for our planet. A small thing, but it's significant if lots of people do it. Some of us might be ditching our Cilit Bang and switching to environmentally friendly cleaning products. Small steps - all making a difference. It's going to be a journey for us all, but we have to try for the sake of our next generations.

Global Development Sub-group of the PCC

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The Parish Giving Scheme is moving to a new addressPlease be advised that from Monday 2nd March 2020 the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) Team will be operating from a new location.Our new address will be:76 Kingsholm RoadGloucesterGL1 3BD

Please also note the following new contact information:Call the helpline telephone number on: 0333 002 1260 *Email the PGS Administration team at: [email protected]

*telephone calls from a landline will typically cost no more than the national rate but this will depend on your communication provider.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please update your records and your donors with the new address and contact information. Please be assured that after Monday 2nd March 2020, any emails, telephone calls and mail posted to Church House will be diverted to the new address.

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Calendar March

Sunday 1st Lent 18am Holy Communion10.15am Family service4pm Evening service

Monday 2nd 3.30pm Schools’ project 4pm Lily Marriott house service6.30pm Soulspace

Wednesday 4th 8am Morning prayer11am Lent course12noon Lent lunch2pm Thanksgiving service for

Margaret Nielsen3.30pm After School club

Thursday 5th 9.30am Holy communion and coffee2pm Teddies’ Singalong7pm Choir Practice

Friday 6th 8am Morning prayerSunday 8th Lent 2

8am Holy Communion10.15am Parish eucharist

Monday 9th 9.30am Parish Hall meeting6.30pm Soulspace

Wednesday 11th 8am Morning prayer11am Lent group12noon Lent lunch

Thursday 12th 9.30am Holy communion and coffee2pm Teddies’ Singalong7pm Choir Practice

Friday 13th 8am Morning prayerSaturday 14th 11am Open church

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March Cont.

Sunday 15th Lent 38am Holy Communion10.15am Parish Eucharist

Monday 16th 6.30pm SoulspaceWednesday 18th 8am Morning Prayer

10am PCC meeting11am Lent course12noon Lent Lunch3.30pm After School Club

Thursday 19th 9.30am Holy communion and coffee2pm Teddies’ Singalong7pm Choir practice

Friday 20th 8am Morning prayerSunday 22nd Mothering Sunday Lent 4

8am Holy Communion10.15am Family Eucharist

Monday 23rd 6.30pm SoulspaceWednesday 25th 8am Morning prayerThe Annunciation 11am Lent course

12noon Lent lunch3.30pm After School club

Thursday 26th 9.30am Holy communion and coffee10am Granby School visit church10.30am Meadows’ Court service2pm Teddies’ Singalong7pm Choir practice

Friday 27th 8am Morning prayer29th March Passion Sunday

8am Holy communion10.15am Parish eucharist

Monday 30th 6.30pm Soulspace

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April Calendar

Wednesday 1st 8am Morning prayer11am Lent course12noon Lent lunch

Thursday 2nd 9.30am Holy communion and coffee2pm Teddies’ Singalong6pm Wedding rehearsal7pm Choir practice

Friday 3rd 8am Morning prayerSaturday 4th 1.30pm Wedding -

Sean Dominic Durkan and Lorna-Jaye ClarkeSunday 5th Palm Sunday

Holy Week8am Holy communion10.15 am Parish Eucharist with Palm Procession4pm Revelation Revealed with musicians

from the University of LeicesterMonday 6th 4pm Lily Marriott house service

6.30pm SoulspaceTuesday 7th 6.30pm ComplineWednesday 8th 8am Morning prayer

6.30pm Stations of the CrossMaundy Thursday 9th

9.30am Holy communion and coffee7.30pm Agape service with Foot washing and

Watch of the PassionGood Friday 10th 10am Walk of Witness

1.30pm Children’s crafts in Parish Hall2pm Liturgy of Good Friday

Holy Saturday 11th 7.30pm Service of LightEASTER DAY 12th

8am Holy Communion10.15am Easter Eucharist

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April Cont.

Wednesday 15th 8am Morning prayerThursday 16th 9.30am Holy communion and coffeeFriday 17th 8am Morning prayerSaturday 18th Come and Sing Faure Requiem

2.30pm Rehearsal7.30pm Concert

Sunday 19th Easter 28am Holy Communion10.15am Parish Eucharist

Monday 20th 6.30pm SoulspaceWednesday 22nd 8am Morning prayer

7pm Annual Parochial General MeetingThursday 23rd 9.30am Holy communion and coffeeSt George 10.30am Meadows’ Court service

2pm Teddies’ Singalong7pm Choir practice

Friday 24th 8am Morning prayerSunday 26th Easter 3

8am Holy communion10.15am Parish Eucharist

Monday 27th 6.30pm SoulspaceWednesday 29th 3.30pm After School ClubThursday 30th 9.30am Holy Communion and coffee

2pm Teddies7pm Choir practice

Calendar May

Sunday 3rd Easter 48am Holy communion10.15am Family service 4pm Sankey and Moody Songs of Praise

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May Cont.Monday 4th 4pm Lily Marriott house service

6.30pm SoulspaceWednesday 6th 8am Morning prayer

10.30am Coffee and chat3.30pm After School club

Thursday 7th 9.30am Holy Communion and coffee2pm Teddies’ Singalong7pm Choir practice

Friday 8th May Bank Holiday for VE day8am Morning prayer

Saturday 9th 11am Open churchSunday 10th Easter 5

8am Holy Communion10.15 am Parish Eucharist

Monday 11th 6.30pm SoulspaceWednesday 13th 8am Morning prayer

3.30pm After School clubThursday 14th 9.30am Holy Communion and coffeeSt Matthew 2pm Teddies’ Singalong

7pm Choir practiceFriday 15th 8am Morning prayerSaturday 16th 12.15 Friends’ LunchSunday 17th Easter 6

8am Holy Communion10.15am Parish Eucharist

Monday 18th 6.30pm SoulspaceWednesday 20th 8am Morning prayer

3.30pm After School ClubThursday 21st Ascension Day

9.30am Holy Communion and coffee2pm Teddies’ Singalong7.30pm Eucharist for Ascension

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May Cont.

Friday 22nd 8am Morning prayerSunday 24th Easter 7

8am Holy Communion10.15am Parish Eucharist

Wednesday 27th 8am Morning prayerThursday 28th 9.30am Holy Communion and Coffee

10.30am Meadows’ Court serviceFriday 29th 8am Morning prayerSunday 31st Pentecost

8am Holy Communion10.15am Parish Eucharist

Sunday Morning Coffee Rota

Anna Cooper & Sue Morrell 1st Mar 10th MayPaul & Anna Leonard Williams 8th Mar 17th MayKate Austin & Janet O’Connor 15th Mar 24th MayJan Collet & Janice Nicholson 22nd Mar 31st MayKatie Griffith 29th Mar 7th JuneSue Hall & Sue Koovits 12th AprRuth Kemp & Kate Montaut 19th AprGill Imison & Diane Gregan 26th AprJanet Kenning & Josie Sharkey 3rd May

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40 COUNTESTHORPE ROADSOUTH WIGSTON – LEICS – LE18 4PFTELEPHONE 0116 277 0880FACSIMILE 0116 278 5522EMAIL [email protected] Registration No. 5606

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Note from the editor

With Christmas now a distant memory, we look forward to, hopefully, warmer weather and getting out and about. Soon the daffodils planted for the 800 year celebration will be out in bloom brightening cold Sunday Mornings. As always we have lots of planned for the year ahead. We will continue to fundraise for the organ restoration and your help and support, is as always much appreciated.


Material for the Summer edition of the Parish news should reach the editor at the Parish Office or [email protected] by May 11th

We have raised over £45000 towards the restoration of the Organ. Thank you for all your support.

If you would like to advertise in the Parish Magazine,

please contact Alex Bustin by email standrewsaylestone.com

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Church Organisations

Sunday Club: (4-11 years) meets in church in term time during the 10:15am service, except on 1st Sunday of the Monday which is an all age service. Contact: Brenda Spencer 291 0354

Mothers Union: Contact Kate Austin, 2917738

Uniformed Organisations

Guides (10-14 years)Monday 7:30-9:00pm Kerry Hollingshead 07535


Brownies (7-10 years)Tuesday 6:30-8:00pm Sue Hall 291 5961

Rainbows (5-7 years)Tuesday 5:15-6:15pm) Zoe Harrison 278 8498

Scouts (11-15years) 326 5455Thursday 7.30-9.00pm [email protected]

Cubs (8-11years) 326 5455Wednesday 6.30-8.00pm [email protected]

Beavers (6-8years) 326 5455Monday 6.00-7.30pm [email protected]

General Scouting Enquires [email protected] or 0116 326 54 55

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Then why not consider St Andrew’s Parish Hall.

This is a substantial meeting place that is available for hire, and can take up to

150 persons. There are ample car parking facilities.

The sprung floor of the Hall is of high quality ballroom standard, and a

number of dance groups meet here.

For availability and bookings, contact the Hall Administrator:

Alex Bustin: 07513 281 908Email:

[email protected]