spring 1998 watershed newsletter, cambria land trust

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  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1998 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    The Enwironrnental Nervsletter ofSan Luis Obispo Count5r's North CoastVol. I, No. 8 . Spring 1998


    The Cambria Land Thust

    rantReceived oExpandRecyclinghas received

    R-edemptionValue (CRV)ners throu ghProqram.- the Tunds- fromgrant will be used totwo new recyclingreceptacles foiin S'an Simeonwhich hasno recycl ngkind current ly- ,

    evndi Butterfield,

    Sponsorcdby CADepa*ment of Conservation

    r.$"'g"..il\ f . lDspotit V -r^,CARert d,, - .VahrPrBenerag,eCoatairwry ONLYL{vqree'rWatP/tsfursefu $$$$ tarnBA'ThanrpzCa,m)>rin Ope,wSPa

  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1998 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    ReLEAF o Hold AnnualStatewideMeetingIn Cambriaohost120delegate{fromhroughoutCAforthis rust for PublicLandsorest estorationrograma tip of the hat to our growing reputation as a leader in theto'save Cambria's fo"rest,CElifornia ReLeaf has selectedas the site for its sixth annual statewide meeting's one of 60 member organizations that comprise th e ReleafGreenspacewiII serve as host for the event, set fo r8-1dat the C'ambriaPinesLodge. Some12 0delegates ro mthe statewill exchange nfoimation an d ideas elated toReleaf mission, which is""a statewide campaign to expand,and preserve urban an d community forests tnReleaf is a proiect of The Trust for Public Land, aland conservatibn organization that has protected, toover 950,000 acres of u*rban, ural an d wildland openfor public enjoYment.(Continued from Page1)

    their neighbors, to explain and encourageparticipation in theBenefit Recytling Program, and to give thoservhoto pirticipate a six-gallon iir-home collection bin' Dooraird mprinted pencils w ll a sohelp to promote awarenessthe proqram.As a'n a"ttention-getting way to promote recycling, the grantfunds tocoistruct a combindtionmetal sculpfure/recyclingwill be placed in a high-visibility downtown location."Our research indicates that at least 50,000 CRV beverageenter Cambria each week, and only a small portion ofare recycled, " Butterfield said.Sheemphisized hat with the Creenspace rogram all moneymed frdmsellins he ecyclablestaysinCambria. heGreenspace:ogram collecti recycllb*Ig- glaq9r'mgtal and plastic,b,",,tt19,'

    The California Department of Forestry (CDF) has awardCreenspacea $10,000 ontract to conducf a feasibil ity studyth e "Cipturins, Handlins, Util izing an d Disposing of InfecPine Mater ia l Wi th in Ihe Coastal Pi tch -Cank-erZoneInfestation."Pine Pitch Canker, a deadly tree diseaseaffecting MontePinesan d other conifers,has rio cure an d has spread hroughoth e co untv and sta e.Expertshave predicted this diseasewillapproxiniately 85 perient of Cahbria's native forest in coming decade._The studv will deal with whato be dons with the thousands

    lambria.-TheGreenspaceI and plastic beve?asecollects"recvctdble glass,-metal and plastic beveragemarked wiih CRV (California Redemption Value) andtn" -o"ev earned o buy andpreserve pen3pace ndpocketand SanSimeoirand to fund programsat thein Cambria and IYouth Center. imeoh and to firnd programsat the

    tons of infected pine mater iincluding whole tlees, firewoIogs, chiFs, branches, needles acoies that will be produced innear future in San Luis ObisCountv."We;re enthusiastic aboutpotential this study will haveslowine th e spread an d reducthe imiact of pine pitch cankeo u r c o u n t y - a n d e l s e w hthrouqhout ealifornia," said RHawlev.Greenspaces*".,,lll3Bil::ffiil'""Hft"?iiitbenefitt of this proiect will be: to generate programs thatorovide income^forarea businessei an d residents an d provfh e basis or economically self-sustainingdisposal programsextend the ife of local andfil ls by diverting pine materials;to provide recvcled pine materials such as processedchipscofirpostedmaterials or us eby publ ic and government agenThe study will identify opfions for han?ling, disposing-using infecled tree materials that minimize the spread otdisease.The inal reportwil lpropose an appropriateprogram includ

    model polici6s and ordin'ances wliiih c-an e direttly aPPlieinfected areaswithin Sa n Luis Obispo County. lt wil l alsused as a model by other local govemments and communit

    Those nterested in volunteering for the Neighborhood Recyclingprogram, contact Ricklla wley at 927 4964.( Continued from Page 1)

    r restoration of th e creek are: to acquire an d preserve open-along SantaRosaCreek; enhance he natural resourcesofower rEach;develop an d maintain an information base one creek;and to increas^eommunity awareness and enjoymentthe creek.Necessarv to the preservation and restoration of the naturaldf tn e pait of the creek that runs through town.andat Moonstohe Beach are: restoration of yearround flow;an d enhancement of riparian habitaU preservationd restoration of natural f loodplain functions an d the Santalaqoon; reduction of erosion an d sedimentation;6f the quality and quantity of water from thewatershed; an d ncre-ase he diversity of specieshabitat''Atutt copv of the GreenspaceSantaRosaCreek Enhancementis available at the Cambria Library or from Greenspace'


    StateSenate ommitteepprouesillforresearchofind pitch cankeresistnntreesIf approval follows in the StateAssembly an d it is signethe ebvernor, 58.1712will provides funds "t o develop-eui.ttes designed to eradiiate and control th e fungus knas pitch canker]and to perform control work on statean d prilarids within zones of infestation," according to State SenBruce McPherson (R-Santa Ctuz) author of the bill.The state Department of Forestry an d Fire Protection (Cwould control t 'hestudies funded by the bil l ' Th e bil l has pathe Senate committee with many-legislators call ing fo r mthan th e orieinally requested $2-mill ion to be allocated tosearch for a"pitch cankierresistant strains of the affected tr"Perhaps rite can allocate some of these funds to helg deva forest nianagemet't plan for Cambria," Hawley said.Greenspace'is founding member of the statewide Pine PCanker Task Force.

    Greenspaceins$10,000ontracto studydisposal f diseasenfectedrees

    Our ThnnksoBlairMcCormickBlaircut and hauled wavdeadtrees, t no cost, n our SlerlingForestpreserae.

    Hawlev,Executiae irector,Art Van Rhyn,President;acqueKelly;ttoe,\iice resident;Lqndadelson,Secreiary;Cathieates,Treasurer;nutterfield;im Brownell, ndDebbie arker.

    of Directors

  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1998 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    CelebratingOur 10th Anniversaryn open pfce, ocket arks, ommunity arden,communityecyclingrogram . . muchmore ocome!YourViewsCount!Whereo Write. California CoastalCommission, Peter Douglas, Director, 725 FronSte.300,SantaCruz, CA 95060. California State Senator ack O'Connell, State Capitol, RoomSacramento, A 95814. California StateAssemblymanTom Bordonaro r. , StateCapitol, R3141,Sacramento,CA 95814. US Representative ois Capps, 1118 ongworth HOB, Washington20570-0522r US SenatorDianeFeinstein,331 art Office Bldg.,Washington,DC 2. US SenatorBarbaraBoxer,112Hart Office Bldg., Washington,DC 2e-mail: [email protected] PosterContestUnderway

    ; roots group dedicated to saving SantaRosa Creek, which runs .throu-gh thecenter of Cambria, has evolved into oneof the state'smost respected and trustswith a membership oI more than 400.Rick Hawlev, who now servesas ou rExecutive Director, was one of theoriginal founders of Greenspace n 1988.In th e past decade, our hission hasexpanded to: preserving and enhancingthe and and water resourcesof the NorthCoast area of San Luis Obispo County,and to protect ing open space andindigenoirs species"of 'flora and faunawith-inCambiia and surrounding areas.Creenspace s supportedby aglowingnumber oT oncerned people throughoutCalifornia and the wbrld who con-=siderthe natural beauty that surroundsworthy of preservation for futureo enioy.Many thanks tciall of you for your interestand support.

    What began as a grass roots

    tw whLchqYeewspaceSLOaeaYs Ld,l

    Students at Cambria's Grammar Middle Schools are creating a new seof fire prevention nosters. Art Van Rwill reproduce th'e winning postershandpdinted siens.Anvoneinieresteddonaiing mateiials for'the signs, plecontact Jacque Kelly at 927-5587. -

    garden-Also/ a new garqen-Teresa ees, s promisingtohis seasonhe b-est et at-the

    Fully SubscribedAll the plots in Greenspace'sCommunity Gardenare

    Teresaeess neu) ardenmaster

    seasonhe bestyet atLeesbringsa wealthof experienceeesbringsa wealthof experine# post, includiirg ,studies at UCLA. Calnew post/ rncluctrng agrr-studies at UCLA, Ca l PblvnLuis Obispo,and PitzerCollege,Cblleges.She earneda4qgr"E in international

    from UCand has taughi at a number of SouthernCaliforn ia schools.

    CommuniW BenefitGivinsGreenspaceffers ranv taxdeductibte av{tohelp'make'y ur comhunitya better lalceonservation Easements and Property: Landowners can grantpermanent easement-or donate property to"help

    Donate-a-Park A lot or funds to purchase a lot can create aopen space/park.und-a-Bench: A gift of $1000erects a bench with dedicationin one of our pocket parks.und Specific Projetts: Grelenspace lways has projects ready toor in need of ongoing financjal suppoit. Gifts of cash cari beeffortdlike purchasing wildlife habitat or producingame-a-Park: you can permanently name an existing pocketwith a memorial pla{ue, for a gift of $5000.Greendpac-ewill offe'r annual scholarships to localhigh school tudents interested in environmental issues.Altwbrk, Land, etc.: Current market value (as opposed topurchase price) is tax deductible.United Neighboihoods: Guided by Greenspace,neighbors iointlypurchase a parcel of land in f,reir neifhborhbod a'sspace/natural area. (7997purchase of 3.8 acresCanvbn is the model.)more informaLion on giving to your community through

    call Executive Directo"rRic"kHawley at92i-4964."

    newsletters and other information on our conservation activities. Circlecategories and indicate payment method below:D Family $25 n Contributing $50D Patron$250 D Srrstaining 50 3 Sponsoring$100O Benefactor 1000

    D New Member O Membership RenewalEnclosed is my $-donation (100% tax deductible)NameAddressCity/State/ZrpPhone

    GIFT MEMBERSHIPSD I'd like to sive a $ Gift Membership to:NameAddressCity/State/ZipD Please send acknowledgment to the recipientD I want my gift membership to be anonymousD Bill me next year to renew this gift membership

    PAYMENTO CheckEnclosed D VISA O MCCard #Signature Exp. Date

    I'D LIKE MORE INFOKMAT/ON ONJO DeferredGiving - "Gifts that keepon giving"3 ConservationEstatePlanningD Tax Advantages,ConservationOptions for Landowners

    Send o: GREEENSPACE, he CambriaLand TrustPostOffice Box 1505 Cambria,CA93428805-927-4964 FAX 805-927-5702

    l-c*"".p-" ;;""ht;;.i";;;"a".,mr". rr,r-"^u*;;"

    GardenmasterTeres Lees

    I1 - -

  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1998 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    Where to Find Greenspace ocketT f lI-ATKS

    t\carP YEI.ER l-

    & ForestPreservesCAMBRIA

    . Wilton Street Park** (Lodge Hill): Four woodo lots near northwest interse ction of Burton Dr. and Wilton, adiacent to Hiehwav One. Wood.t lot, across rom Pocahantaslark ind Com m uC a r d e n . P u r c h a s e d b y G r e e n s p a c e . Tmemorial benches.

    Pocahontas Park/Communitv Garden (Lo.t Hill)' On five lots, corner of 'Burton Drive Wilton, adiacent to Highway One. Donatedthe Allen Peters familyl On6 memorial benc-/ . EmersonRoadPreserve**(LodgeHill):3wood\ o lots,on Emersonat Ludlow. Dohated by Tho.t Marshall.

    oDorkineStreet ark** LodeeHi l l ) :On Dor.t St.,betVveen mersonand"Sandown.Don' bv Neal and Diane Green. Three memobi:nches.o Strawberry Canyon Forest Preserve** (LoH l ):4 acri:s n Birrton Drive, a Kay St. Acqu.t by 71 donors and Greenspace. Priitine forieexcellent condition.

    TheSter l insFores t LodeeHi l l ) : Ha l f ac repo. 'park an d fo"rest reseru"] on Pineridge, betw1- Bradford and Ellis. Donated by Katie and Wae Sterling.** You can nameone of these nrksafter a louedthrough the Greenspace doitt-a-Pdrk Programinsto[ la memorial 'ench,hroughour Fund-a-Bl rggram. P lease ca l l Greenspacefor fu r tlnJOrffiAilOn.


    ^ CAMPrEqPttts s - $usr@ Copyright 1998Creenspace, he Cambria Land


    U.S.Bulk RatPAIDPermitNo. 37Cambria,CA93428Non-ProfitOrganizatio

    ,,iii:lliiiliii.r'jri# itillti :li .i

    Post Office Box L505Cambria, CA93428Telephone 805-9274964FAX 805-927-5102

    Land Trust