
Streaming music payments: how much do artists really receive?

Upload: snehalkpatel

Post on 29-Nov-2014




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Page 2: Spotify

SpotifyWhat is it?

Spotify is a online application which allows the user to stream music to their computer or mobile devices. Users pay £9.99 a month. With this £9.99 the users get unlimited download of streaming music to any of their devices. Or users can pay £4.99 a month and just be able to stream it on to their laptop. This means that the user will not have to download the song, they just have stream the song from there play list.

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Problems with this Even though this is good for the users it is not for the music artist.

Musician Zoë Keating earned only $808 from 201,412 Spotify streams of tracks from two of her older releases in the first half of 2013

This means that she got 0.4 cents for ever song that was streamed.

Another problem with spotify is that more than one person can use the same account this means that one person only has to pay which also means that the artist is getting ripped off.

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Advantages of SpotifySpotify allows the user to have music when they want.

It also allows the artist to get more well known as spotify also advertises the music.

Allow the user to look at other peoples play list and see what song are popular.

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What is it?


Founded in February 2005YouTube is a site that allows users to connect form the other side of the world by the use of internet. YouTube allows billions of people around the world to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. It also a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small.

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Advantages of YouTubeThe main advantage of YouTube is that is allow user form all round the world to get together with the use of the web.It also allows user to post some part of there life for the rest of the world to see.

It is also a great way to start when looking to be famous as there are a lot of views out there.

It also allows user and small business to make money, by putting there video up they also automatically advertise other products and business. Which means that the YouTube user will get paid per view.

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Problems with this As there is a lot of people using YouTube as a distribution platform it means that it is harder to get famous.

Also when you do upload your video and your not a partner is very hard for you to get promoted and YouTube mainly favours there partner.

When you are a partner with YouTube you still don’t get paid that much for the views1,780,725,831 views and he got around 8 millions pounds out of YouTube that works out to be around 0.44p per view. Which is not much at all and will need a lot of views to actually make some money.