spiritual quotient


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Post on 13-Nov-2014




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We would like to begin with expressing our gratitude towards our

project guide Ms. Aastha Diwan for guiding us throughout our project

on “SPRITUAL INTELLIGENCE”. The project would not have been

possible in its present form without her able guidance and valuable







WHAT IS “SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE”?....................................7

Being SPIRITUAL.............................................................................7

Having INTELLIGENCE....................................................................7

RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY..................................................9

NEED FOR SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE.....................................11

- Personal Life Relationships..........................................................11

- Family Life Relationships.............................................................12

- Working Life Relationships...........................................................12






- Division of strata

Once the topic ‘Spiritual Intelligence’ was selected, we decided to

conduct a firsthand survey on it by getting questionnaires filled up by

various correspondents. We also decided to divide the correspondents

into five categories, viz.-students, businessmen/professionals, retired,

homemakers and working group.

- Collection of data

The primary data was collected by all the group members by dividing

the job of getting the questionnaires filled equally. For the secondary

data, our main focus revolved around the works of authors Dana Zohar

and Ian Marshall.



Spiritual intelligence is about the growth of a human being. It is about

moving on in life. About having a direction in life and being able to heal

ourselves of all the resentment we carry. It is thinking of ourselves as

an expression of a higher reality. It is also about how we look at the

resources available to us.

Spiritual intelligence motivates people to balance their work schedules

to spend time with the family. Or an executive with a high SQ might

look beyond profit margins and devote time for voluntary work with

orphans. Spiritual intelligence also addresses the need to place one's

life in a shared context of value.

The transformative power of SQ distinguishes it from IQ and EQ. IQ

primarily solves logical problems. EQ allows us to judge the situation

we are in and behave appropriately. SQ allows us to ask if we want to

be in that situation in the first place. It might motivate us to create a

new one. SQ has little connection to formal religion. Atheists and

humanists may have high SQ while someone actively religious may


Contrary to the general perception, Spiritual Intelligence invokes the

use of reason and will. The process involves analysis and a decision.

Take the law of "gravity" as example. We don't have to feel the

presence of gravity to believe, this principle is in place whether we are

a believer of this law or not. And in application of this knowledge

(wisdom), man made decisions (technological advancement) in respect

to this principle to protect lives and properties.

In words of Marsha Sinetar, author, What We Can Learn from the

Early Awakening Child, “Spiritual intelligence is inspired thought. It

is light, the kiss of life that awakens our sleeping beauty. It animates

people of any age, in any situation. In children, that quickening makes

boys and girls want to seek out and cultivate their inborn gifts,

energies, and desires”.



Psychologists who devised tests to measure rational intelligence

termed their measure as "Intelligence Quotient (IQ)", their hypothesis

being that higher the IQ more is the rational intelligence. For long, the

world gave much importance to Intelligence Quotient. "My son has an

IQ of 210!" the proud mother would gush. "He's going to be a

scientist." Such an attitude was a legacy of the early 20th century.

While the utility of IQ in identifying potential performers is not

disputed, according to renowned psychologists IQ contributes only

about 20 per cent to the factors that determine life success, which

leaves 80 per cent to other forces. This led to further studies in the

area of measuring human intelligence. In mid-1990s, Daniel Goleman

revealed findings in neuroscience and psychology that stressed the

importance of Emotional Quotient (EQ). This makes us aware of our

feelings and that of others. It gives empathy, motivation, compassion

and an ability to respond skillfully to pleasure and pain. Goleman

argued that EQ was a basic requirement for the use of IQ. If the areas

of our brain that feel are damaged, our ability to think effectively is


Later, however, authors Dana Zohar and Ian Marshall introduced a new

dimension to human intelligence and coined the term “SQ” for Spiritual

Intelligence”. People argue that the SQ is the basic foundation for an

effective use of EQ and IQ. People also refer to it as the soul's

intelligence. While rational, logical thinking gives one's IQ, and the

associated habit-bound, pattern recognizing emotive thinking gives

one the EQ, the creative, insightful, rule-making, rule breaking thinking

with which we reframe and transform our previous thinking gives one

the SQ. Just as the whole can be greater than the sum of its parts, SQ

allows one to add a larger, deeper and richer context to the present.


Spiritual Intelligence, according to Zohar, is:

1. Self-Awareness- You know who you really are and you know that

you are connected with the whole universe.

2. Vision & Values Led – or Idealism. Children naturally want to

serve, and so do we. Vision and values led is definitive of our


3. The Capacity to Face and USE Adversity- Owning our mistakes

and adversity and using pain and tragedy to learn

4. To be Holistic- Seeing the connections between things. Being open

to and interested in EVERYTHING.

5. Diversity- Thriving in and celebrating diversity. I look at you and

see what is different in you and I say “Thank God for that!”

6. Field Independence (Courage) - A term from psychology that

means the courage not to adapt, to be independent.

7. The Tendency to Ask WHY? - Questions are infinite. In Quantum

Physics questions create reality.

8. The Ability to Re-Frame- Put things into a larger context of


9. Spontaneity- This is NOT acting on a whim…it comes from the

same Latin roots as response and responsibility. It is not conditioned

by fear. It is appropriately “responsive to” the world



In order to understand both the development and application of

spiritual intelligence it is useful to first be clear on what we mean when

we use these two words.


To be 'spiritual' is to think, act and interact from an awareness of self

as spirit not form, soul not body.

Most of us are taught to believe we are our physical forms, and so we

identify with our body or the labels we give to our bodies such as

nationality, race, gender, profession etc. 

This wrong sense of self is what creates all fear, anger and sadness in

life.  From a spiritual point of view these ‘unnatural’ emotions are

always the result of ego (misidentification), which then blocks access

to your true spiritual nature which is peaceful, loving and joyful.


Intelligence is to use what you know in the right way at the right time

in the right place with the right intention.

For example if you 'know' your self as a spiritual being you will also

'know' that you do not own or possess anything.  When something in

your life is damaged or lost, it does not affect you in any way – you are

able to use your spiritual power to accept and move on. 

 If someone praises the clothes you wear, or insults you in any way or

comments negatively about your looks, you are NOT affected because

you ‘know’ that your real beauty lies within your character, within your

nature, which no one can ever take away. In that moment you draw on

the inner power of that knowledge and use it to remain stable in the

face of others negativity.  In effect you are drawing on your spiritual

strength which is only released when you know who and what you are,

and then using that strength in the right way, in the right place at the

right time.


One of the qualities of SQ is wisdom. This includes knowing the limits of

your knowledge. Other ingredients are values such as courage,

integrity, intuition, and compassion. Spiritual Intelligence is recognizing

time honored rules and applying the same to our modern situation.

Unless an individual observed this prescription, Spiritual Intelligence

will not benefit a person.

The transformative power of SQ distinguishes it from IQ and EQ. IQ

primarily solves logical problems. EQ allows us to judge the situation

we are in and behave appropriately. SQ allows us to ask if we want to

be in that situation in the first place. It might motivate us to create a

new one. SQ has little connection to formal religion. Atheists and

humanists may have high SQ while someone actively religious may


Spiritual intelligence therefore has to do with people's thoughts and

beliefs, rather than their bodies and physical surroundings.  You need

to become aware of your thoughts (invisible energy). Your thoughts,

together with your feelings and words, create your actions. Your

actions or behaviour are a direct reflection of who you really are.

Spiritual intelligence therefore does not mean an automatic connection

with religion.



Often the very word ‘spiritual’ invokes concepts of religion and

religious belief systems and dogmas which, for some, can trigger

feelings of aversion.  So it’s good to clarify the differences.

It has been said that most spiritual people are religious but few

religious people are spiritual.  Why?  Religion, in an organized sense,

tends to encourage the individual to attach to a packaged set of

externally prescribed beliefs, whereas spirituality tends to encourage

detachment from all beliefs and use the practice of a meditative and

reflective process to reveal and realise what is true.  Religion in its

original meaning is to ‘reconnect’.  Religion in a spiritual sense would

be religion in the true sense of the word, which is to reconnect with the

original and authentic self, and ones true spiritual nature, which is

essentially peaceful and loving.  When one is ‘being spiritual’ ones

religion is peace.  This is not possible until all attachments are

dropped, most especially to beliefs and belief systems.

The following is a ‘contrast of tendencies’ between religion and

spirituality.  ‘Tendency’ here means frequently, but perhaps not in

every case.  For example religion tends to be male dominated and

spirituality tends to be a more feminine domain, but in neither is it



Religion tends to be       Spirituality tends to be 

Structured Free flowing

Male dominated Androgenous

Oppressive Emancipating

Conforming Metaphysical

Institutionalized Individual

Doing Being

Patriarchal Equality

Social Control Liberating

Culturally defined Transcendent

Separating Bringing Together

Applies to some Applies to all

Religion tends to be Spirituality tends to be

Exclusive Inclusive 

Dogmatic Flexible

Restrictive Expansive

Ego (based on attachment to


Humility (which emerges

naturally with the freedom of


Controlling Allowing



In the ‘inner game’ of the relationship that you have with your self, the

highest purpose at this time is to ‘be your self’.  Not so easy if you

don’t know who/what you are.  In the outer game of relationships with

others, the highest purpose is to ‘be of service’.

The spiritual intelligence unit serves to assist people in any context

(corporate, community, family) to develop their spiritual awareness,

capacity and intelligence, and then to use that intelligence to be more

effective as an individual, and thereby expand their capacity to make a

greater contribution to the endeavours of others. 

Spiritual intelligence also plays a very important in practical life. Each

area of life contains a set of relationships.  Both success in life and

levels of satisfaction in each area of life depends on how well one is

able to interact within those relationships. 

Spiritual intelligence expands the capacity to understand others at the

deepest level.  Spiritual understanding also allows discerning both the

‘true cause’ of behaviour without judgement, and serving the ‘true

needs’ of others until people themselves learn to meet their own

needs.  This capacity is developed by first learning to free oneself from

attachment and neediness and being able to meet our own inner

needs. Attachment and neediness are the opposite of being spiritually


- Personal Life Relationships

Spiritual intelligence frees you from neediness and clinginess in your

personal relationships.  When you realize you already have within you

what you seek from others (love, happiness, peace) you are then free

to act and interact without any ‘agenda’.  In effect, you act from an

authenticity that desires nothing of another, but serves only to give. 

Paradoxically this frees both parties to ‘be themselves’, which is the


deepest foundation for any open, healthy and harmonious relationship

built on the twin spiritual values of trust and respect.  

- Family Life Relationships

The culture of family life can easily revolve around too much

‘familiarity’. This results in behaviours which can swing from rejection,

resistance and avoidance one moment, to attachment, dependency

and clinginess the next. Being spiritually intelligent in a family context

allows individuals to find a more mature way to relate, free of

emotional dependency, and able to embrace ‘the other’ regardless of

their behaviour or their emotional state.

- Working Life Relationships

When spiritual intelligence is brought into the workplace work ceases

to become a daily chore in order to earn money, and becomes a

creative process of service and contribution. Others are seen and

treated as people and not objects/resources to get a job done, and

individuals have an opportunity to learn the inner, invisible and subtle

skills of building and sustaining relationships in any area of life.  These

abilities include building trust, acting with integrity, empathising at a

level beyond emotion, and the leadership of others through a

consistently proactive attitude and positive vision.




Spiritual intelligence is something everyone has but few learn to

develop.  While our academic education was focused around rational

intelligence, some of us may have recently encountered and perhaps

trained in emotional intelligence.  Rational intelligence manages facts

and information, using logic and analysis to make decisions, whereas

emotional intelligence is necessary to understand and control ones

emotions and feelings, while being sensitive to the feelings of others.

Spiritual intelligence on the other hand, is necessary:

To find and utilise the deepest inner resources from which comes the

capacity to care and the power to tolerate and adapt

To develop a clear and stable sense of identity as an individual in the

context of shifting workplace relationships

To be able to discern the real meaning of events and circumstances,

and be able to make work meaningful.

To identify and align personal values with a clear sense of purpose.

To live those vales without compromise and thereby demonstrate

integrity by example.

To understand where and how each of the above is sabotaged by the

ego, which means being able to understand and influence ‘true

cause’ .

Some of the outcomes of the development and practice of spiritual

intelligence include an ability to stay calm and focused in the face of

crisis and chaos, a more selfless and altruistic attitude towards others

and more enlightened and relaxed perspective on life.


While many people think there is nothing spiritual about work and the

workplace, there are many areas of working life in which spiritual

intelligence can be applied.  These are perhaps three of the most


Personal Security and how that effects Personal


We believe our security is dependent on the physical/material

components of life (money, property, objects etc) which, in turn,

depend on our job.  In fact, this material mindset creates feelings of

insecurity, as everyone knows that job/money/property/things all come

and go, and we have little or no control over when people do.  This

insecurity generates fear, otherwise known as stress, which then

effects performance at work and relationships within the workplace. 

The development of spiritual intelligence is the awakening of a deeper

awareness of ones self as a non material being, a source of many

intangible talents, previously undiscovered character traits,

undeveloped personal qualities and innate values.  Each of these

invisible inner attributes of the self can never be taken away, and

when consciously developed and used people become the ground

within the self in which a stable sense of security is anchored.

Building Relationships and Interpersonal Understanding

One of the foundations for healthy relationships is empathy.  The

building of an empathic relationship is difficult for many managers as it

challenges them to reach beyond the facts and functions of a task, and

into the feelings and emotions of the person carrying out the task. This

falls squarely in the arena of emotional intelligence.  However there is

another layer below, which is the ‘cause’ of the emotions. All emotions


are caused by the self.  Seeing the original cause, and understanding

what it means, is the territory of spiritual intelligence

When a manager sits down to coach staff  through performance

problems people will need IQ to gather and marshal all the facts, EQ to

identify the emotions which are affecting performance and SQ to

discern the true cause and why (meaning) the emotions were created

in the first place.  It doesn’t mean today’s manager becomes a

psychologist or spiritual teacher, but it helps to know and understand

specific aspects of this inner landscape.

Managing Change and removing the Road Blocks

Resistance to change emerges through behaviors such as controlling,

complaining, criticising, withdrawing, denying, withholding and many

others.  The emotional content of resistant behaviours is always fear

and/or anger.  Even when the changes are rationally understood to be

good, some people still create feelings of fear or resentment. This is

due to attachment to a comfort zone, therefore an external

dependency on the way things are.  All attachment is grounded in

EGO.  The ego is always the one and only barrier to positive change. 

Then, when something happens to that external environment, it feels

like it is happening to the self.  This is the deepest level to which

spiritual intelligence can see.  When someone has learned to see and

understand this very invisible and intangible inner mistake, people

liberates their self from fear and anger, which is stress at an emotional

level, thus restoring full effectiveness in relation to the task, and the

process of working with others. Building your SQ may help you when

you reassess your work situation.



- Medical Field

In medical field, there are many doctors with high IQ who are known to

perform complicated surgeries. People have learnt and adopted best

medical practices/techniques. There are talented doctors; however, the

patients are not satisfied with the quality of services offered. It proves

that doctors (even with very high IQ) alone cannot satisfy the patient.

Patients want something more. Apart from talented doctors, people

want caring nurses, cheerful receptionists, disciplined ward boys,

hygiene conscious sweepers etc. If all these are combined together, it

is nothing but an efficient management with high SPIRITUAL QUOTIENT

(SQ). Intelligent doctors help in achieving patient satisfaction but a

more important role is to be played by the management which must

have a human touch, which is not possible without a high level of SQ.

Management with high SQ includes everybody - doctors, nurses, ward

boys, receptionists, sweepers and all of them must have an

appropriate level of SQ. Doctors are respected in the society because

people are instrumental in alleviating the sufferings of ill people. It is

this very important aspect of their jobs, which have given them a ‘God-

like’ status in the society. Somehow, this God-like status has not

proved to be a motivational factor. Unfortunately, it has created a

higher level of negative ego in them. When a person becomes very

possessive about himself, i.e. I am a doctor, I alone can do this, my

name must come first etc., it creates negative ego which is self

destructive and works against the interest of the organisation.

Therefore, the doctors’ ego needs to be managed. Doctors become

victim of negative ego due to various social and historical reasons.

Their negative ego is reflected in many ways such as:

a) People do not like to work under a non-doctor manager,


b) If patient asks many questions, people prefer them to be handled by

their assistants,

c) If somebody does not address them by the word ‘Doctor’, people

feel hurt,

d) People keep patient waiting for hours and if someone complains, he

does not like it,

e) He hates the rules (such as the rules under Consumer Protection

Act, Application of Criminal Procedures Code etc.) which govern them.

All these are manifestations of negative ego which most of the doctors

are unaware of. To control and overcome this negative ego, the

doctors need to give spiritual bent to their thoughts. It will make them

more productive for the society.

Doctors may follow the following suggestions:

Believe in the saying - ‘Where a needle is needed, sword will not

help’. People are important for the hospital so are the sweepers. No

job is superior or inferior. Surgery is important, so is the cleaning of

toilet. If the surgery is not done in time, it may kill the patient.

Similarly, if hospital is not kept clean, it can spread infections in the

hospital and play havoc with patient’s lives. Hence, a hospital cannot

afford to underestimate the job of sweeper.

By treating the patient, people are doing their job. So people should

not expect anything from the patient or his relatives or society in


People should learn to manage their ego. Negative ego does not help

one in any way. It does not raise anybody’s status/position in the



Human service is a great job. Doctors take care of sick people and

thereby do a great job. People are fortunate that God has chosen

them for this noble job.

People should think of themselves to be simple men. People can be

useful to common people only when people identify themselves with

them. People shouldn’t desire for special status in the society. It will

be a handicap to them and will drive them away from the general


Doctors should curb their desire for materialistic pleasures because it

has no end. People will never reach their goal and therefore will

always remain dissatisfied. Dissatisfaction is the mother of

unhappiness. Hence, if people are not happy, how can people make

their patients happy?

Lastly, doctors should have regard for the rules and laws. The rules

and laws are made to serve patients’ interest. None is supreme than

the patient.

There can be many tips like the ones above but doctors will be able to

search them provided people have an urge for the same. If their

spiritual quotient is enhanced, people will prove to be the greatest

assets for the society and their usefulness will be increased many



-Security Issues

In any job function there must be specific methods or procedures

adopted to ensure effectiveness and productivity, as well as quality. To

get an overall success commitment and participation is required by all

employees. Work culture and understanding on latest issues must be

cultivated to provide maximum output with minimum capabilities. In

any corporate organisation security is one of the main department that

need modification towards present need and challenges.

Malaysia is well ahead in its development towards nation building. The

Malaysian plan (i.e. NEP – new economic policy) is already half way

through. Now Malaysian government is promoting k3p program (an

education system to encourage people to read, listen and observe).

This is the only way to instill knowledge indirectly at all level within the


Security is one of the parties involved in upgrading knowledge.

Perhaps conscientious training of security personnel is the single most

critical factor which affects the success of security operation. It is

through training that we maintained commitment and continuing

education of all security staff, personal and supervisory representative.


The philosophy of service is based on strategic self interest and

business prospers. One must agree that the most successful

department is the ones that have delivered outstanding result, driven

by simple mural imperative to provide quality service. With good

quality and performance, the immediate result is that you loose one

thing which you can’t afford to loose i.e. credibility, but we must

accept reality.

To impart this knowledge, the Malaysian authorities maintained a

commitment through training to the continuing of all our security staff.

The standard format of training has proven valuable on the

expectation of security operation and management system in


Though the perceptions are changing, there is still a striving on the


1) To protect

2) To serve

3) To preserve

4) To prevent

Through the job function principles and strategies in line with economic

development of the world, emotional interaction is prime for personal

and professional success. For change of qualities in life, there also

have to be a change the attitudes. This is when the following qualities

have to be upgrade and check:-

A) IQ (intelligence quotient)

B) EQ (emotional quotient)

C) SQ (spiritual quotient) and

D) KQ (knowledge quality)

Spiritual quotient- Teaching spiritual is an intricate process as there

must be an effective method to do it. Malaysian culture and religion

has spiritually educated many people in the country as well as


countries that are struggling with spiritually and those that have a fist

native culture and religion as a secondary one.

Malaysian society understands the issue. The training programme is so

designed to help belief effectively. The SQ method of undertaking was

a noble approach towards SQ educator since the current societies in

Malaysia are rich in values. On the other hand, the Malaysian culture

and religion divides the leaning of SQ into several levels, which makes

it easier for leaning. SQ is hence being taught to Malaysian workers to

modify their attitude as SQ is a better way to make them better

citizens as SQ’s main forces are simplicity and creativity.

With the Malaysian population of multiracial and religion, its adoptions

of legends, myths, belief whether from oriental, east and western

opus’s and SQ play a vital role in introducing modification and practice

which will ensure it does not fade into obscurity in traditional norms.

- Children

Spiritual quotient if inculcated from a very early stage of life can prove

to be very instrumental in framing the overall personality of a child and

sensitizing him/her towards various aspects of life.

There are various specially designed transformational programs which

aim to transform children in a very short period of time. The inner

beliefs and thought patterns of the child are explored and positive

changes made. Such programmes show children the importance of

correct thinking, vision, discipline and persistence with the use of

interactive games and cultural storytelling .these are unique and

radical program that creates a self confident and creative child.

Training techniques include games, play, exercises, breathing and

stories to develop a myriad of skills; success and leadership qualities, a


knowing of their real self, confidence building, stress management,

communication, expression skills and concentration.

Such programmes for children and teenagers supplement regular

academic training. People help develop a complete, confident and

creative child. Programs can be custom designed for schools, colleges,

and other educational institutions as per specific requirements. These

learning programs give an edge to the children which is needed for

real world success. In such programs, a child is exposed to the

qualities of perseverance, wisdom, decision-making, vision, discipline,

and human values. Thereby improving relationship skill and infusing

essential leadership qualities required for excelling in today's

competitive world.

Such programs are more effective on children as their minds are

fertile. These programs teach them about the nature of the mind,

methods to discipline and use it effectively, and how to avoid negative

tendencies. Breathing techniques and awareness exercises are also

taught in an entertaining manner through practice and use of wisdom

stories. This program makes children calmer, disciplined, creative, and

more self-aware.



The data collected from correspondents belonging to various strata of

society is summed up and analysed below:-


The correspondents in the student category broadly belong to the age

group of 13-20 years, most of them being adolescents. Though some of

the students scored high and fell into the category of ‘high spiritual

intelligence’, a few also scored pretty low. However, the average score

of students show that people are the lowest scorers. This means that

people are more egoistic and less sensitive.

The reason for this is primarily the ‘age-factor’. It was observed that

the few students who scored high were the eldest of those surveyed.

Also, most of the correspondents in this category were school students

and are therefore still in the transformation and developing stage of

their minds. Students being immature, people do not recognize the

importance of this crucial dimension in determining their actions and

decisions. Also, students lack experience of various life situations and

were hence, unsure of their true behaviour in many questions.

Therefore students need time for gaining some experience of life and

introspection to be sure of their feelings and reactions.

To sum up, students were observed to be lesser emotionally balanced

as maybe their minds are have not fully evolved and they would be

learning as they grow. Hence, they are the least scorers.



Housewives were the average scorers in the survey. Here too, although

there were a few who scored high, most of them fell into the category

of ‘medium spiritual intelligence’. It was observed that the

homemakers who lived in joint families had better spiritual quotient as

people have to be aware of their true feelings and actions so that

people do not hurt anyone else’s sentiments in the family. However,

people were somewhat unsure of their actions towards the outside

society due to lack of exposure to the outside world. Also, housewives

have more time to introspect their thoughts. However, many of them

seemed a bit frustrated due to the monotonous housework people

have to do everyday.

Although these people have good self-awareness levels, people

somewhat lack confidence, thereby resulting in a medium average

score. Housewives seem more secure, maybe as they are quite able to

put things in a larger context. Also, this stratum came across as people

who would approach towards a problem from its root level. They had a

good level of self- awareness in them and hence, seemed to be more

emotionally balanced.



This stratum is again the medium scorer. Service class includes all

those people who do jobs for others and do not own any business.

Their confidence and self-awareness levels are generally good as these

people are used to reporting to their superiors. Hence being

ambiguous of their own feelings and thoughts would severally dent

their confidence. Moreover, again attributing to their service status,

this stratum is highly responsible. However, their scores have been

brought down as most of them feel insecure about their jobs and

hence, lack loyalty.

These people, quite surprisingly, viewed changes as an opportunity for

growth. This maybe because of the fact that the major part of the

service class is now concentrated in the private sector, which they

change jobs quite often for growth prospects. They had a great deal of

self awareness too. They were less egoistic and were ready to help

others, sometimes even strangers, though they considered others as

different from themselves. These people came across as fighters who

would try hard to force things their way. However, this class felt

insecure easily, which means they can really do blunders at times.

Also, they acted with sensitivity towards their surroundings as perhaps

they were not too good at seeing things from a larger perspective.

To sum up, this strata, though has a fighting spirit and great

confidence levels, they many a times act quite submissively and more

with feelings.



This is the stratum which misses the category of high scorers by a

notch. This stratum included those people who had a either a business

or practice of their own. Since people have been handling their own

businesses, people essentially have an outstanding confidence in

themselves. People had the full control of their lives and were highly

self aware. This was the most competitive stratum and had a constant

zeal to improve, motivation for them being directly related to results.

However, the factor that led their scores down was observed to be high

stress levels in strata this stratum. Improving their spiritual intelligence

would definitely help them in combating the stress.

Among other aspects on which, professionals were found to be lacking

was their acceptance towards change which they viewed as

inconvenient but unavoidable, Also, this stratum was found to be quite

unoptimistic towards improving their status quo and was largely

inclined towards leaving things to their natural course. This is evident

from their responses towards the questions on their life’s current

scenario. Also, while facing challenges, professionals preferred to face

them with a smile on their faces and preferred to handle the situation

at hand with an open mind. This is mainly because of work profile of

professionals which makes them immune to challenges.


Professionals were also found to be more a bit more egoistic than any

other stratum as they did not prefer to sacrifice their personal ego to

serve others. To sum up, professionals came across as balanced

people with an above average spiritual intelligence and special abilities

to view events in a larger perspective and assign a meaning and

purpose to their lives.


This is the most spiritually intelligent stratum. The biggest factor

making them the highest scorers is their age. These people have a

huge experience of life backing their thoughts and actions. Owing to

this experience, they are able to put thing in a larger perspective,

understand the underlying cause of a situation and thereby decide a

best reaction. Moreover being the most aged, people are the most

mature stratum. Also, this experience of life gives them a great ability

to put and see things in a larger context, thereby increasing the

spiritualism in them all the more.

Also, having retired from service; people have time for introspection

which improves their self-awareness. Retired people were the most

spiritually balanced stratum, barring a few exceptions. The

correspondents scoring low in this stratum essentially had a weak

educational background. However, being physically weak makes them

a bit unconfident.

Moreover, having been relieved of their social responsibilities, these

people are more spiritually inclined by way indulgence in meditation,


yoga, visits to spiritual teachers, etc. It is also to be noted here that

such visits to spiritual teachers is found to be more popular in this

stratum than in any other stratum.



In our questionnaire, each response to a question was allotted marks

according to the extent of spirituality depicted by the response. Thus,

all the marks for the responses were summed up to derive the total

score and hence judge the spiritual intelligence of the person.

The data collected from the questionnaires has first been divided into

the five strata considered, i.e., students, homemakers, service class,

professionals and retired. Out of one hundred respondents included in

the survey, about twenty were there from each stratum. Then, to

derive a conclusion regarding performance of each stratum, average of

total scores of each stratum was taken and analysis done thereon.

A comparison of the performance of each stratum has been

shown in the graph below:

Comparison of various strata of society


43.8 44.148.7 52








Students Homemakers ServiceClass

Professionals Retired





From the above graph, it is clear that the retired people have

the highest spiritual intelligence (52), while students (33) are

the least scorers. Homemakers (43.8) and service class people

(44.1) score almost the same to fall in the medium SQ

category. The professionals (48.7), though fall in the medium

category, they miss the high SQ category by a whisker.


To enhance one’s spiritual intelligence, one has to first learn the

essence of spiritual intelligence and then strive towards building it. The

key methods to learn and develop Spiritual Intelligence are given


1. Meditation

Meditation is the cultivation of self awareness.  In the meditative

process you learn about your self as you begin to realize the answers

the seven questions for yourself. Meditation will also help you restore

the ability to control your thoughts and feelings, sharpen your ability to

discern truth from illusion, and thereby make more intelligent choices.

2. Detached Observation

This is the ability to disengage from the world of action and interaction

outside your self, and to disengage from the world of thoughts and

feelings within your consciousness.  It is not avoidance of either world,

but a way to see more clearly and therefore understand more deeply

what is actually happening.  This practice is also essential in order not


to ‘waste’ energy at mental and emotional levels, where much of your

tiredness has its origins.

3. Reflection

This involves taking time out on a daily basis to review and re-assess

past experiences and ‘insperiences’ of the interactions with others. 

This allows the self/soul to build awareness of the connection between

inner world of thoughts and feelings and the outer world of action and

the consequences of those actions.

4. Connecting

There is a higher source of spiritual power and it is possible to connect

with that source and empower oneself.  This accelerates the

developmental process increasing both the depth and breadth of your

spiritual intelligence. Energy absorbed from the highest source is

essential to clearing the inner clutter and to focus your consciousness. 

Meditation is the preparation for this process of connecting.

5. Practice

New learning, new insights, new realisations are only theories and

have no power to change your life unless people are brought into

action, allowed to shape new behaviours, and then perfected in the

process of expression.  Practical action is essential to sustaining the

momentum of developing spiritual intelligence.

6. Seeing

Spiritual vision is learning to see only the best in others and by doing

so empowering others to develop the best in themselves.  From a

spiritual point of view seeing is creating – how you see the ‘other’ is

how you will create the other within you, which will be both a reflection


of how you see yourself at that moment and the quality of the energy

you will then give to them.

7. Serving

Being available for others and helping them develop their spiritual

intelligence is the highest form of service.  The process of giving

service also enhances and sustains your own progress.  The true

intention of service at any level arises from the true spiritual impulse of

the heart.  It is the foundation of being human.

The more these methods are practiced the faster is the realisation of

one’s own self and hence deeper is the development of the spiritual

intelligence. Moreover, there are seven ways to build the spiritual

intelligence of a person. People are:

1. Who am I? -  This is the question of identity.

Identity is destiny.  How one sees himself shapes his thoughts,

decisions and life directions.  Most of the people are totally unaware of

their true identity and people find themselves switching identities

depending on the situation and the conversation.  This creates an

identity crisis which you either learn to disguise or to tolerate.  This is

also where all fear and anger originate.  Knowing one self is not a self

indulgent pursuit, but essential to dispel the illusions and confusions

which we all learn, and which lead us down the wrong paths.

2. What am I? – This is the question of nature.

Spiritual intelligence reveals the core nature of every human being as

good.  Every person is a ‘potential’ source of love, peace and joy in

world.  Once again this potential is blocked or distorted by learning the

wrong sense of identity and the wrong reasons for living.  Our highest

values also have their roots at the core of our true nature.  For


example, the core of one’s nature is love, which is the highest spiritual

value which is the basis of virtuous action when expressed as empathy

and compassion, both of which are essential to relationship building. 

Unfortunately people are confused about the true meaning of love and

use the word ‘love’ in the wrong way, with the wrong meaning and, as

a result, find it difficult to empathise and have genuine compassion at

all times in all situations.

3. How do I work? – This is the question of consciousness.

As a conscious being who is aware that he is conscious and aware, he

learns little in a formal sense, about how he works within his

consciousness.  This is not so much the territory of psychology or

psychiatry as it cannot be treated as an academic study.  Ultimately it

lies firmly in the domain of spirituality and spiritual/self awareness.  

SELF is soul is spirit is conscious, and is therefore consciousness.  The

methods of self-study and self-learning are therefore based in self-

awareness.  In the observation of self the interplay the five main

faculties of consciousness are seen, understood and gradually

mastered – people are mind, intellect, memory, personality

traits/tendencies and conscience.


4. Where am I? – This is the question of context/relationship

How does one see and describe where he is?  Some see their context

in a small and somewhat parochial way, other see their context in a

large and more global way, while a few a sense of context as

something more unlimited and invisible. 

For all of us, regardless of how we ‘see’ it, context will always be

‘relationship’. But how do you view your relationships?  Are people

difficult or divisive, fun or infuriating?  How do you cultivate and

sustain your relationships at the deepest level, the spiritual level? 


Context is relationship is life and how successful you are will depend

on your level of spiritual intelligence.

5.   How does it all work? – This is the question of law.

Deep within a person, the self/soul, there is an innate awareness of

what is true.  Truth is that which never changes, and from truth comes

the laws of life, the moral rights and wrongs, and the principles upon

which a balanced and harmonious life is created and sustained. 

Spiritual laws can never be broken, but we subconsciously attempt to

break them due to our lack of spiritual intelligence.  This generates

personal stress and interpersonal division and conflict.  What are these

laws and how you align yourself to them is the ‘fabric’ of your spiritual


6. Why am I here? – This is the question of purpose.

Realising and living our personal purpose creates one of the deepest

dimensions of a meaningful life.  It is therefore one of the deepest

motivators for any human being.  Each person has a unique purpose

based on his unique combination of talents, skills and spiritual

attributes.  True purpose cannot be prescribed by others, it is

something that is realised fine tuned and integrated into daily life.

7. What happens next? – This is the question of creativity.

As a conscious and aware being you are by definition ‘creative’. 

Creativity will always be a key aspect to your fundamental personal

purpose and your common collective purpose.  But create what, and

where and why and when?  Only when you realise for your self the

answers to the previous six questions, and integrate these answers

within your self, will you know what you are here to create, and what

your role is in co-creating with others.


One already knows the answers to each of the above questions;

however people are not easily accessible to one’s day-to-day

awareness. People have been mentally obscured by the conditioned

beliefs handed down by parents, education and society.  The truths to

which these question point are eternally contained within the self/soul. 

The gradual cultivation of spiritual intelligence is the process of

uncovering and restoring these truths to your conscious awareness.  

There are essentially seven methods to allow this to happen internally.


The conclusion from whole of the project has been drawn and shown in

the form of a comparison as below:


Without Spiritual Intelligence With Spiritual Intelligence

People lose their sense of

identity in things like,

nationality, race, colour,

position and then become

fearful and/or angry when

any of these false identities

are threatened.

People never lose their

sense of self, their identity,

in anything external and

people know that race,

gender, nationality, belief

system etc are simply labels

and not what ‘I Am’.

People blame others when

things go wrong because

they fear being seen as the

one who might

be responsible as they fear

losing their reputation or

position and therefore the

approval of others.

People never blame others

for anything and always

accept responsibility for

their part, their actions. 

They don’t have anything to

lose as they realise they

cannot own or possess

anything.  They don’t need

the approval of others to

feel OK about themselves

People have become

dependent on their job and

pay for their sense of


People are free of all

dependency as their sense

of security comes from

inside out and not outside

in.  Their sense of security is

based on their abilities,

strengths, talents and innate

qualities as a human being

i.e. what people can give,


not on what others give


People live to survive as

people are still under the

illusion that it’s survival of

the fittest, that you have to

look after number one,

because it’s simply dog eat

dog out there!

People live to serve others. 

They have realised that the

only way to expand their

personal capacity to love is

to give it, use it, in the

service of others, and as

they do, they are

strengthened in the process

and paradoxically have

greater value to others as a


People are easily disturbed

and feel personally

threatened by local and

global change.

People are never disturbed

by the changing world

around them because that is

what the world does.

People still seek love and

happiness from others and

the world, and are therefore

still experiencing

frequent disappointment

(sadness and sorrow).

People have realised that

what they seek in the world

(peace, love and

contentment) are already

within them and can never

be lost.

People have a tendency to

see work as a necessary

evil, a place to go and get

money to pay the bills and

People see work as a place

of creativity, self expression

and learning where money

is a secondary reward or


buy a few pleasures. return for what is given

People have the tendency to

see and treat people at work

as objects to get the job

done, reach the goal, and

achieve the targets.  The

task often comes before the


People see people at work

as human beings with their

own strengths, weaknesses,

concerns, needs and wants. 

Relationships always come

before the task

People tend to take life far

too seriously because

people believe business is a

serious business, thereby

living in fear.

People tend to take life

lightly, as a game, an

opportunity to play and

create, thus inducing a

greater degree of lightness

is what




