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Speedcafe.com document



Speedcafe.com launched in October 2009 and has become the leading website of its type in the Southern Hemisphere.

Speedcafe has been established to provide a free daily motor racing news service giving the industry, fans and other media outlets their “Daily Racing Fix”.

We have a commitment to breaking news and to be at the forefront of motor racing news both in Australia and around the world.

7KH�VLWH�KDV�DOVR�EHHQ�GHVLJQHG�DV�D�VLJQL¿FDQW�PDUNHWLQJ�WRRO�IRU�RXU�6SHHGFDIH�FRP�DQG�Speedcafe.co.nz partners and regular advertisers, providing them a platform to use as a fully integrated marketing program.

The growth and evolution of Speedcafe is evident on a daily basis, with new ideas continually being implemented and marketing opportunities explored to provide the best possible tool for fans and partners alike.

Speedcafe.com and Speedcafe.co.nz is part of the BAM Group, which also offers media and public relation services, sponsorship activation services, corporate hospitality opportunities, video and video news services and on-line retail. It is through the professionalism of Speecafe and the experience you receive that we endeavour to introduce these other services to you for consideration.


Speedcafe.co.nz was launched into the marketplace on 13th August, 2012.

It is modelled on the hugely successful Speedcafe.com formula with the focus on providing expert up-to-the-minute coverage of motor racing in New Zealand and those Kiwi’s in the international arena.

New Zealand fans have free access to the most comprehensive coverage ever provided, which concentrates on domestic issues as well as providing daily coverage of the major international categories.

Speedcafe.co.nz has already made a huge impact on the market in a short space of time and has forged a reputation as being the go-to website for motorsport coverage for breaking news.

The website is headed up by an award-winning team with more than 30 years of journalistic experience in the motorsport and general motoring world.


Speedcafe is made possible by our loyal list of corporate partners who have made an investment in their own growth by advertising to a targeted market. This is why we ask our fans to support our partners.

We are a proactive organisation focused on the success of our brand and that of our Partners. Working with them on a regular basis to create ideas and opportunities that focus on your products and services.

Advertising on the site is not just about having a banner on a website, Speedcafe develops individual programs that target brand exposure and data gathering.

Our partners are provided with branding on the majority of Speedcafe on-line and printed materials, we play an active role in promoting your brand through campaigns and marketing initiatives.

It is also the goal of Speedcafe to provide business-to-business opportunities for our Partners and to communicate with all of them individually and as a group.

Through limiting the number of Partnerships, product category exclusivity and advertising opportunities, Speedcafe can ensure maximum servicing and share of voice for each partner.


One of the main focuses is to build the Speedcafe brand wherever possible to increase viewership, subscription, facebook and twitter numbers on a daily basis - in turn introducing the brands of our Partners to an ever-growing audience.

Speedcafe.com was very fortunate to be involved with the launch of the movie SENNA in Australia. Speedcafe.com co-ordinated a pre-screening for charity in Melbourne and were the SUHVHQWLQJ�SDUWQHU�RI�WKH�RI¿FLDO�4XHHQVODQG�3UHPLHUH�

7KH�4XHHQVODQG�3UHPLHUH�RI�6(11$�SUHVHQWHG�E\�6SHHGFDIH�FRP�ZDV�KHOG�RQ�WKH��UG�RI�August 2011 on the Gold Coast. Australia’s multiple World Champions, Sir Jack Brabham and Mick Doohan were on hand for the evening and were joined by many of the nation’s leading motorsport personalities to celebrate the life of Ayrton Senna.

Sponsorship is not only about supporting the individual but showcasing Speedcafe.com and Speedcafe.co.nz to a wider audience. By continually promoting our brand through VSRQVRUVKLS�ZH�DUH�FRQWLQXDOO\�LQFUHDVLQJ�RXU�DZDUHQHVV�DQG�WUDI¿F�WR�RXU�VLWH�ERWK�ORFDOO\�and internationally.

Speedcafe.com and Speedcafe.co.nz is currently on the cars of World Rally Championship driver Chris Atkinson, V8 SuperTourers driver Greg Murphy and NASCAR driver Marcos Ambrose. Australian drivers Owen Kelly and Jack Perkins also have Speedcafe.com on their personal helmets.


3ODWLQXP�3DUWQHUVKLS�EHQH¿WV�LQFOXGH�EXW�DUH�QRW�OLPLWHG�WR�WKH�IROORZLQJ� Exclusivity – no other direct competitor to your brand will advertise on the site.

Industry standard banner top and side positions which will display on all pages. Viewing of these ads is divided equally between all positions with full analytics and reporting available.

Each Platinum Partner will have their logo’s displayed on the side bar of the website. When you click on the icon this will take you to your Platinum Partner Page. A “Sticky Bar” Will prominently display all platinum partner logos at the base of readers browser this means all platinum partner logos will be visible all the time.

Home page “ownership” – for a two week period we will skin the Speedcafe homepage with your brand and information. The skin on the site can be used for product launches, competitions or promotions. Opportunity to run major competitions where data will be gathered. Speedcafe will assist in the set up and co-ordination of the competition.

Partner Page - The Platinum page is your page with your branding, stories and information on it. You will have full control over this page and can update and post information about product, company news and other milestones. The ability to have printable discount vouchers or special offers in our daily newsletter (sent WR�WKH�6SHHGFDIH�VXEVFULEHU�OLVW��FDQ�EH�OLQNHG�WR�PDMRU�UHWDLOHUV�WKDW�DUH�QRW�LQ�FRQÀLFW�ZLWK�Speedcafe partners; Branding on majority of Speedcafe correspondence – including logo on all daily newsletters and promotional items (posters, grid cards etc); One page advertisement in all of our online race guides in 2013 with the ability to click through to nominated URL. Presenting partner of Speedcafe newsletter every 10 working days in 2013.


Leisa EmbersonSales and Marketing Manager3KRQH��������������������(PDLO��OHLVD#VSHHGFDIH�FRP

Brett “Crusher” MurrayChairman - BAM Group3KRQH��������������������(PDLO��EUHWW#EDPPHGLD�FRP�DX
