speed reading and related skills by jon roland

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  • 7/27/2019 Speed Reading and Related Skills by Jon Roland


    Speedreading and Related Skills

    Jon Roland

    1998 Jan 13

    Speedreading is well-known as a highly useful skill. Many books have been

    written about it, but the basic training methods can be summarized in a

    short article. It should also be taught together with related skills that

    might be called speedlearning and speedspelling.

    Speedreading is not to be learned until the person has achieved a good

    foundation of reading at ordinary speeds, which are typically about 200

    words per minute (wpm). For this purpose methods like phonics are useful,

    but this article will not discuss those methods.

    The two basic things that you must do to learn to speedread are to measure

    your speed and to keep pushing that speed higher and higher. How high? The

    best rates, for materials like newspaper articles, are around 20,000 wpm,

    and that may be about the highest the human optical system can handle.

    First, however, it is important to realize that speedreading is done

    differently for different kinds of materials, and there are different

    objectives for different materials that involve different methods. You

    should not try to read poetry at high speeds, as the sounds of the words are

    part of the poetic experience. There are other kinds of reading skills, such

    as proofreading, where one is just looking for errors, that are done

    differently, and can be done at higher speeds, than one would normally use

    in reading for content. One may also choose to read prose or educational

    material at higher rates than fiction. There is a natural rate appropriate

    to each kind of reading matter and to the purposes of the reader.

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    And this leads us to speedspelling. It is important to develop this skill

    first, before going on to speedreading as such. The best way to develop this

    skill is to have the subject practice spelling a word or arbitrary string of

    characters after seeing it for a brief period of, or time, one after

    another. One can use flashcards, but a better way is to use a computer,

    running a program that flashes random words or strings of characters on the

    screen at random positions on the screen. One begins with shorter words or

    strings, and leaving them on the screen for longer periods of time, then

    progressively lengthening the words or strings and shortening the time they

    are displayed. The computer program tests the subject on the accuracy of the

    response, and automatically moves on to longer strings and shorter display

    times, or backs up to shorter strings and longer display times if the

    subject makes errors.

    This skill can, of course, be practiced without a computer, by just reading

    a passage, then be shown a word in the passage that has been misspelled, and

    be asked to correct the misspelling. The objective is to learn how to spell

    any word after seeing it only once, and that means learning to quickly see

    all the characters in a word.

    Now the above method only puts the word or string in short-term memory, so

    it must be followed by moving the information into long-term memory. The

    best way to do this is to show the same words at progressively later times,

    with one or two-character errors in them, and asking the subject to make the

    correction. The eventual result for the subject is the ability to recognize

    that a misspelled word "doesn't look right", then guess at possible correct

    spellings until the one that "looks right" is the correct spelling of the

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    Speedspelling means learning to read words by looking at the center of the

    word and taking it in with a single glance. Speedreading is moving on to

    taking in more than one word with a single glance.

    The best single tool for learning to speedread is a 4x6 card with a slot cut

    in it about the length of a column of the print you want to practice on.

    Place your first (index) and last finger on opposite ends of the card,

    position the slot over a line of print, then angle the slot so that as you

    move the slot down to the next line, the beginning of the next line begins

    to appear as the end of the previous line disappears. Now practice sliding

    the card and its slot down the column of print at a steady pace, forcing

    yourself to maintain the pace and not get stuck on a point in the text or

    have to go back.

    Now learn to quickly count the average number of words in a line and the

    number of lines in a column, and time the pace of your movement of the card,

    so that you get a measure of your reading rate.

    As you proceed, start by moving your eye from the center of one word to the

    center of the next, then move on to taking in groups of two, three or more

    words, and finally, to taking in an entire line at a time, by just glancing

    at the center of the line.

    The next stage is to widen the slot in the card, and learn to take in two,

    three, or more lines in a single glance.

    Before going on to speedlearning, it is useful to mention speed

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    memorization, another useful skill, similar to speedspelling. Practice

    reciting lines, sentences, and finally entire paragraphs, word for word,

    after reading them once. Practice memorizing entire one-page poems, allowing

    yourself only four minutes, then reciting them with no errors. After getting

    good with poems, especially those with a regular rhyme and meter, move on to

    fiction and prose writing. Memorize entire documents, such as the

    Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and others that are useful

    to keep in memory, and periodically recite them without errors to keep them

    in long-term memory.

    Now for speedlearning. It is a large subject that a short article cannot

    cover completely, but a few highlights can be mentioned. It is often

    discussed in terms like those of Mortimer Adler's book, How to Read a Book,

    in which he presents his method of reading prose material in three passes,

    the first for structure, the second for content, and the third for

    evaluation. His idea is to first quickly discern an outline of the parts of

    the work, then the key propositions it makes, and finally determining how

    well its propositions follow logically from the premises and the evidence

    presented. Adler emphasizes the need to develop the art of suspending

    judgement on the content before completing the analysis of it.

    Another method often taught is the SQ3R method, where SQ3R stands for

    Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. It is a method of reading the kinds

    of textbook or reading materials one typically gets in schools. The first

    step, as with Adler, is to get an overview of the work or section of the

    work to be studied during that session, then ask questions about it, then

    read it looking for the answers to those questions, then restate the key

    points of the work in one's own words, and finally go back a few days or

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    weeks later and repeating the first four steps quickly. Speedreading is

    particularly useful for that final review stage.

    The key to speedlearning is that second stage, questioning. There is a real

    art to asking the right questions of any material, and there is no quick way

    to teach or learn it. You start by asking as many questions about it as you

    can think of, and over a period of time learn how to ask the most important

    questions first, and many questions quickly.

    It is important, however, not to make the mistake of not moving on to the

    next material until you have mastered the previous material, a common

    mistake made in public school teaching, and even taught to teachers as a

    pedagogic doctrine. People don't learn that way. No one ever fully masters

    anything, in the sense of answering all the questions he might ask about it.

    Nor should one expect to be able to answer all one's questions in the work

    currently being read. One should not hesitate to tackle advanced material

    that one is not fully prepared to understand, or know the meanings of all

    the words or symbols. Just try to get out of it what you can, answering such

    questions as you can, and move on, leaving the answers to the unanswered

    questions to later. What one then moves on to are materials that might have

    answers to some of those unanswered questions, and, of course, lead one to

    ask more questions. Later, one should go back to the material one did not

    fully understand and try to answer some more questions about it, doing this

    repeatedly until you have answered most of the questions and can repeat the

    author's line of reasoning without looking at the material.

    The best way to practice recitation is to practice teaching the material to

    someone else, or at least mentally rehearsing how you might do that. Few

    things do more to help you learn material than having to teach it to someone

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    else, especially one who may not be as talented as you are. It is a

    particularly useful method of teaching youngsters to have more advanced ones

    teach less advanced ones. This is the method of the old one-room

    schoolhouses of an earlier era, and there is evidence that it produced

    better-educated persons than modern schools in which students are grouped by

    age and taught by the lecture method.

    No discussion of reading or learning would be complete without some

    discussion of writing. In one sense, it is an extension of recitation, but

    more than that, it is getting the student to answer his own questions and

    present the answers in his own work, organized in a way that suits him and

    is likely to suit others.

    Of course, there are different kinds of writing, just as there are different

    kinds of reading material. One should practice writing all of the various

    kinds. Each involves different skills, and employs somewhat different

    methods of learning.

    Students are often taught the outline method, first producing an outline,

    then filling in the details. This can be useful at a later stage, but it can

    also stifle creativity. In this age of computer word processors, there is a

    better way, and that is to dash out all the things you can think of to say,

    without being too critical of how you do it, then go back, organize the

    points in outline order, rework the wording, and stitch the parts together

    into a whole that has brevity, clarity, and emphasis, as Strunk and White

    would say in their book, Elements of Style. It is also useful to have a

    standard style reference handy, such as the Chicago Manual of Style.

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    For writing there is no substitute for lots of practice. People used to do

    that by writing letters. Now we write email. It is important to always write

    everything to the highest standards of spelling, grammar, and style. Revise,

    revise, and revise again until you get it right, and you will eventually

    find yourself getting it right the first time, and becoming able to go with

    your first drafts of things, with perhaps only minor revisions. That is the

    key to productivity in writing.

    In writing it is useful to get the reactions of others to it. Few people are

    able to look at their own writing product objectively, so this is a phase of

    learning in which it is useful to have editors and critics. Writing

    workshops are useful for this, and the Internet can function as a kind of

    giant writing workshop.

    In writing one of the key questions one must constantly ask, and try to

    answer, is "What are all the ways what I am saying might be misunderstood?"

    You understand what you are trying to say, but your reader doesn't, so

    writing is akin to teaching. Different audiences require different writing,

    and it is useful to practice writing for a variety of different kinds of

    audiences, from elementary to advanced, and having quite different cultures

    and backgrounds.

    A final word is on handwriting and typing. In today's world everyone needs

    to learn how to type, and the earlier the better. There is no secret to it.

    Just learn which fingers to use for each key, then practice hitting the

    right key without looking at the keyboard, until you become accurate, and

    then practice doing it faster and faster, without losing accuracy. But don't

    neglect handwriting. One of the best ways to reinforce the skills discussed

    above is to recite by writing out the word or answer by hand, and it helps

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    move material from short to long term memory. Make sure your writing is at

    least legible. It is too much to expect fine penmanship in today's world,

    but it is a good idea to practice it before allowing it to deteriorate, and

    it is also useful to practice the careful printing done on mechanical

    drawings. This kind of practice is important for developing fine motor

    skills that are useful for other things.