spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients · spatio-temporal variability of event...

Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients R. Merz * , G. Blo ¨schl, J. Parajka 1 Institute for Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, Vienna University of Technology, Karlsplatz 13/E222, A-1040 Wien, Austria Received 29 September 2005; received in revised form 15 May 2006; accepted 2 June 2006 Summary Runoff coefficients are widely used as a diagnostic variable of runoff generation in process studies and as an important input parameter in hydrologic design. In the present study runoff coefficients have been back calculated from hourly runoff data, hourly precipi- tation data and estimates of snowmelt. A total of about 50,000 events in 337 Austrian catch- ments with catchment areas ranging from 80 to 10,000 km 2 have been analysed over the period 1981–2000. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of runoff coefficients is highly correlated with mean annual precipitation but little correlated with soil type and land use. The temporal distribution of runoff coefficients can be accurately represented by a Beta distribution. The parameters of this distribution exhibit spatial patterns that match six cli- matic regions of Austria. In each of the regions, event runoff coefficients increase with event rainfall depth and with antecedent rainfall but the differences between the regions are larger than those between events of different sizes. An analysis of the runoff coefficients by flood types indicates that for flash floods, runoff coefficients are smallest, and they increase, in that order, for short rain floods, long rain floods, rain-on-snow floods and snowmelt floods. It appears that in this type of climate and at the scale of the catchments examined here the main controls on event runoff coefficients are the climate and the runoff regime through the seasonal catchment water balance and hence antecedent soil moisture in addition to event characteristics. Catchment characteristics such as soils and land use affect runoff coef- ficients to a lesser degree. c 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. KEYWORDS Runoff coefficient; Runoff generation; Flood types; Spatio-temporal variability Introduction The event runoff coefficient is defined as the portion of rainfall that becomes direct runoff during an event. The 0022-1694/$ - see front matter c 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.06.008 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +43 1 58801 22312; fax: +43 1 58801 22399. E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Merz). 1 On leave from: Institute of Hydrology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia. Journal of Hydrology (2006) 331, 591604 available at journal homepage:

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Page 1: Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients · Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients R. Merz *, G. Blo¨schl, ... The parameters of this distribution

Journal of Hydrology (2006) 331, 591–604

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journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/ locate / jhydrol

Spatio-temporal variability of eventrunoff coefficients

R. Merz *, G. Bloschl, J. Parajka 1

Institute for Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, Vienna University of Technology, Karlsplatz13/E222, A-1040 Wien, Austria

Received 29 September 2005; received in revised form 15 May 2006; accepted 2 June 2006

Summary Runoff coefficients are widely used as a diagnostic variable of runoff generation inprocess studies and as an important input parameter in hydrologic design. In the presentstudy runoff coefficients have been back calculated from hourly runoff data, hourly precipi-tation data and estimates of snowmelt. A total of about 50,000 events in 337 Austrian catch-ments with catchment areas ranging from 80 to 10,000 km2 have been analysed over theperiod 1981–2000. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of runoff coefficients ishighly correlated with mean annual precipitation but little correlated with soil type and landuse. The temporal distribution of runoff coefficients can be accurately represented by a Betadistribution. The parameters of this distribution exhibit spatial patterns that match six cli-matic regions of Austria. In each of the regions, event runoff coefficients increase with eventrainfall depth and with antecedent rainfall but the differences between the regions are largerthan those between events of different sizes. An analysis of the runoff coefficients by floodtypes indicates that for flash floods, runoff coefficients are smallest, and they increase, inthat order, for short rain floods, long rain floods, rain-on-snow floods and snowmelt floods.It appears that in this type of climate and at the scale of the catchments examined herethe main controls on event runoff coefficients are the climate and the runoff regime throughthe seasonal catchment water balance and hence antecedent soil moisture in addition toevent characteristics. Catchment characteristics such as soils and land use affect runoff coef-ficients to a lesser degree.

�c 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDSRunoff coefficient;Runoff generation;Flood types;Spatio-temporalvariability




022-1694/$ - see front matter �c 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reservedoi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.06.008

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +43 1 58801 22312; fax: +43 1 588012399.E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Merz).

1 On leave from: Institute of Hydrology, Slovak Academy ofciences, Bratislava, Slovakia.


The event runoff coefficient is defined as the portion ofrainfall that becomes direct runoff during an event. The


Page 2: Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients · Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients R. Merz *, G. Blo¨schl, ... The parameters of this distribution

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concept of event runoff coefficients dates back to thebeginning of the 20th century (e.g. Sherman, 1932) but itis still widely used for design in the engineering practice.It is also used as a diagnostic variable to represent runoffgeneration in catchments, particularly if a range of catch-ments and a range of events are to be compared by a singleindicator. Event runoff coefficients can also be used inevent-based derived flood frequency models (e.g. Sivapalanet al., 2005) that estimate flood frequencies from rainfallfrequencies and are useful for understanding the flood fre-quency controls in a particular hydrologic or climaticregime.

Although the event runoff coefficient is a key conceptin hydrology, most regional scale studies, so far, haveanalysed a relatively limited number of events. Typically,a dozen of events in a few catchments in a region areexamined. Cerdan et al. (2004), for example, analysed345 rainfall runoff events in three catchments of differentsizes in France to study scale effects in the runoff gener-ation process. They found a significant decrease in therunoff coefficient as area increases. For catchments ofthe scale of 10 km2 the percentage of arable land ap-peared to be a driving factor of runoff response. Naef(1993) analysed the 5–10 largest floods in about 100 Swisscatchments and concluded that the interactions of runoffcoefficients and catchment condition are very complexand runoff coefficients should hence be treated as ran-dom numbers. Dos Reis Castro et al. (1999) comparedrunoff coefficients at different scales, ranging from smallplots to catchments of several square kilometres on abasaltic plateau in southern Brazil. Gottschalk and Wein-gartner (1998) examined runoff coefficients of 192 floodevents in 17 Swiss catchments which they used in aderived flood frequency model. They fitted a Beta func-tion to the distribution of runoff coefficients in eachcatchment and interpreted the parameters for differenthydrologic regions in Switzerland. They concluded thatthe differences in runoff coefficients can be explainedby grouping catchments according to physiographiccharacteristics.

There exist numerous irrigation studies that have ana-lysed runoff coefficients for the plot scale but upscalingthese estimates to the catchment scale can be very difficult(Cerdan et al., 2004). Predictive equations for the eventrunoff coefficient at the catchment scale such as the SCScurve number method or the Lutz (1984) method in use inGermany are empirical equations, so their range of applica-bility is not always clear (Bloschl, 2005).

While these and other studies have shed some light onthe temporal variability in any one catchment it has beennotoriously difficult to separate the spatial and temporalvariability of runoff coefficients. From a limited numberof events it is also difficult to isolate the regional controls,such as soils and climate, and to examine the effect ofevent characteristics on runoff coefficients at the regionalscale. The aim of this study is to analyse the spatio-tempo-ral variability of runoff coefficients using a data set of50,000 events. We examine the spatial and temporal distri-bution functions of the runoff coefficients as well as the ef-fect of event rainfall characteristics, climate, soilcharacteristics, runoff regime types and flood event typeson the runoff coefficients.

Data and methodology

Motivation and general approach

There are two approaches of analysing the percent contri-bution of rainfall to streamflow. The first approach is theevent scale analysis of runoff and rainfall records. In this ap-proach, runoff coefficients of single events are usually ana-lysed by a three step approach: (a) separation of singleevents, (b) separation of observed runoff into baseflowand direct flow and (c) estimation of event runoff coeffi-cients as the ratio of direct flow volume and event rainfallvolume. The second approach consists of soil moistureaccounting schemes that trace the soil moisture conditionsof catchments in a continuous way. Both the event scale andcontinuous approaches have their strengths and weak-nesses. While separation of individual events can be some-what subjective it is a data based approach that does notrequire the assumptions inherent in the soil moistureaccounting schemes. We have therefore chosen in this studyto focus on the event based analysis.

As in this type of analysis data availability is always lim-ited we have adopted an analysis approach that combinesvarious data sources. We use both daily and recordingraingauges in Austria and simulate snow melt to obtain rep-resentative estimates of water input to the catchments dur-ing freezing, thawing and no-snow conditions. Event runoffcoefficients are usually estimated as the ratio of event run-off volume and event rainfall volume. This is straightfor-ward if all events are clearly separated and direct runoffbetween events is small. However, if the direct runoff atthe end of an event is significantly larger than zero this ratiowill underestimate the runoff coefficient as the trailing limbof the hydrograph is trimmed. To overcome this problem wefitted a simple event rainfall-runoff model to the direct hyd-rograph. In this runoff model, the runoff coefficient appearsexplicitly as a model parameter and can hence be estimatedby optimising an objective function. This procedure is lesssensitive to the choice of the start and end points of theevents than the usual ratio of volumes.

Catchment rainfall and snowmelt

This study is set in Austria and the study period is 1981 to2000. To maximise rainfall information, hourly rainfall datafrom 143 recording stations (high temporal resolution) werecombined with daily rainfall data from 1066 stations (highspatial resolution). The locations of the recording rainga-uges and the daily raingauges are shown in Fig. 1. In a firststep daily precipitation was disaggregated to hourly valuesusing the approach of Grebner (1995) and Grebner andRoesch (1998). In this method, the temporal rainfall patternwithin a day at a daily rain gauge is estimated as a distance-weighted sum of the temporal rainfall patterns at four rel-evant recording stations. Those recording stations aredeemed relevant that are closest to the daily rain gaugewithin each quadrant of a north oriented rectangular coor-dinate system.

In a second step, the hourly precipitation values werespatially interpolated. Ordinary kriging and inverse distanceweighting were examined. A comparison of the methods

Page 3: Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients · Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients R. Merz *, G. Blo¨schl, ... The parameters of this distribution

Figure 2 Separation of baseflow and runoff events. Kampcatchment at Zwettl, 622 km2.

Figure 1 Recording raingauges (solid circles), daily raingauges (open circles), catchment boundaries (lines) in Austria as used inthis analysis.

Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients 593

indicated that the differences in terms of catchment rainfallwere small, so the simpler inverse distance-weightingmethod was used. The interpolated rainfall map for eachhour was then combined with the catchment boundaries toestimate hourly catchment precipitation. To examine possi-ble biases of the method, hourly catchment rainfall wasaggregated to annual values and compared with the meanannual rainfall of Parajka et al. (2005) who used externaldrift kriging with elevation to regionalise rainfall. The annualvalues of Parajka et al. (2005), typically, were 3–5% larger,with a tendency for larger biases in higher catchments. Thisis mainly because most of the raingauges are in the valleyswhich introduces elevation biases. Rainfall measurementsare also subject to catch deficit which tends to increase withelevation as snow is more frequent in higher altitudes than inthe lowlands (Sevruk et al., 1998). To account for both ele-vation effects, catchment rainfall used in this study was in-creased by a factor that was allowed to vary with meancatchment elevation. The factor was set to 6% in the low-lands of Austria (elevation of 120 m a.s.l) and 35% in thehighest catchments (elevation of about 3000 m a.s.l.), andassumed to increase linearly in between.

Solid precipitation during an event will not directly con-tribute to event runoff but snow melt from an existing snowpack will add to any liquid precipitation. To account for botheffects, results from a daily water balance model (Parajkaet al., 2005) for each catchment have been used. The modelis a semi-distributed conceptual model and accounts forsnow accumulation and snowmelt using threshold air tem-peratures and the degree day factor concept. The modelwas calibrated to daily discharges and snow cover data(Parajka et al., 2005). The daily model-simulated valueswere then disaggregated to hourly values. The ratio of liquidto solid precipitation was assumed constant for each dayfrom which liquid hourly precipitation was estimated. Forthe temporal pattern of snowmelt during a day a truncatedcosine distribution was assumed, where snowmelt startedat 9 a.m., the maximum occurred at 3 p.m. and snowmeltceased at 9 p.m.. The sum of liquid precipitation and snow-melt for each hour was used in the further analyses.

Baseflow separation

Hourly discharge data from 337 Austrian catchments withcatchment areas ranging from 80 to 10,000 km2 (medianof 265 km2) were used. Smaller catchments that were avail-able in the region were discarded as the uncertainty intro-duced by the spatial rainfall interpolation was expected tobe large. Larger catchments than 10,000 km2 were dis-carded as the within catchment variability of runoff coeffi-cients was assumed to be large. All discharge data werecarefully screened and outliers were removed by slightlysmoothing the discharge time series (Merz et al., 2004).Only catchments without significant anthropogenic impacts(Piock-Ellena and Bloschl, 1998) were used.

The event runoff coefficient relates to direct runoff orquickflow only, so it was necessary to separate quickflowand baseflow. Direct runoff arises from rainfall that contrib-utes immediately to streamflow during an event, whilebaseflow contributes to streamflow with a significant delay(Fig. 2). In this study, an automatic method of baseflow sep-aration was used. Different techniques have been proposed

Page 4: Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients · Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients R. Merz *, G. Blo¨schl, ... The parameters of this distribution

Figure 3 Example of fitting a simple runoff model to directrunoff for back-calculating the event runoff coefficient. Kampcatchment at Zwettl, 622 km2.

594 R. Merz et al.

in the literature (Grayson et al., 1996; Tallaksen, 1995). Anumber of techniques were tested for the data sets of thisstudy and the digital filter proposed by Chapman and Max-well (1996) yielded a baseflow separation that most closelyfollowed what one would separate manually by visualinspection. The Chapman and Maxwell (1996) filter washence used here. It can be expressed in the form

qbðtÞ ¼ a22� a2

qbðt� DtÞ þ 1� a22� a2

qðtÞ; qbðtÞ 6 qðtÞ; ð1Þ

a2 ¼ e�Dtk2 ; ð2Þ

qdðtÞ ¼ qðtÞ � qbðtÞ; ð3Þ

where qb(t) is baseflow, q(t) is runoff t and qd(t) is directrunoff at time t. Dt is the sampling interval of 1 h in thisstudy. Parameter a2 is a function of the storage parameterk2, which can be derived by a recession analysis. The catch-ments in the study area have greatly varying runoff regimes,so an automatic estimation of the recession constants is notstraightforward. They were therefore estimated manuallyby visual inspection of the runoff data time series of eachcatchment and used in separating baseflow by Eq. (1).

Event separation

To separate rainfall runoff events, it is necessary to identifythe start and the end of an event. This is not easy to doautomatically. A procedure for event separation was devel-oped here based on trial and error to match the event sep-aration one would do manually. The associated parameterswere also found by extensive tests and were examined forrobustness.

To assist in event separation, a characteristic time scalet0c of the runoff dynamics of each runoff peak was estimatedfirst (Appendix). Each runoff time series was then screenedstarting from the largest peak flow and proceeding to thesecond largest peak flow and so forth according to the fol-lowing method. A peak flow was assumed to be the peakflow of a potential event, if the ratio of direct runoff tobaseflow qd(tp)/q

b(tp) at time tp of the peak was larger than2 and there was no larger flow in the previous and following12 h. For each peak flow, the start of an event was searchedbackwards from tp to tp � gj � t0c. The start of an event wasassumed to be that time ts for which

qdðtsÞ < ej � qdðtpÞ ð4Þ

i.e. the time where the direct runoff becomes small com-pared to the direct runoff at the time of the peak flow. Ifno starting point was found, the search was repeated andgj and ej were gradually increased in five iterations (j = 1–5) to gj = 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5 and ej = 0.01; 0.03; 0.1;0.2; 0.4, respectively, to relax Eq. (4). With this iterativeapproach, the direct runoff at the beginning of an event isas small as possible but if no such point in time is found, ahigher direct runoff is allowed. The time te of the end ofeach event was identified in an analogous way searchingwithin tp and tp þ 4gj � t0c. All potential events for whichthe beginning and end points could be identified, for whichthe peak flow at time tp was larger than any other dischargewithin the event, and for which tp � ts > 3 h and te � tp > 6 hwere considered acceptable events. In case of overlappingevents only the one with the larger peak flow was retained.

The approach was repeated proceeding from the largestevent on record to smaller events until all events were iden-tified, and it was repeated for all catchments.

The method was thoroughly tested by visual inspectionwhich indicated that it can indeed identify rainfall runoffevents for the runoff regimes of the study area in a similarway as manual separation. An example is shown in Fig. 2 forthe Kamp catchment in Lower Austria. The method identi-fies small and large events which allows analysis of the run-off coefficients over a range of event sizes. In high alpinecatchments where baseflow in summer is always high dueto glacier and snowmelt, a separation of events is not al-ways possible and hence the number of separated eventswas smaller than in the rainfall dominated catchments ofthe lowlands.

Estimating the runoff coefficient

The event runoff coefficients were now estimated using asimple rainfall runoff model based on a linear reservoir withstorage parameter kd and a constant runoff coefficient rc.For each event separately, the direct runoff over the timeperiod ts to te was simulated with catchment rainfall plussnowmelt inputs over the time period ts � t0c=10 tote � t0c=10. The two model parameter kd and rc were thencalibrated minimizing the root mean square difference be-tween the observed direct runoff hydrograph and the simu-lated direct runoff hydrograph. The shuffled complexevolution optimisation scheme of Duan et al. (1992) wasused. rc was allowed to vary between 0 and 1 and kd was al-lowed to vary between 0:5t0c and 40t0c. The calibration re-sulted in an event runoff coefficient for each event. Anexample of the calibration of an event in May 1996 in theKamp catchment is shown in Fig. 3.

For a small number of events the rainfall runoff modelcould not be fitted satisfactorily to direct runoff from ob-served data and these were discarded. One reason for thelack of fit are measurement errors. For some events, partic-ularly flood events, water may have bypassed the gaugedcross section which may cause poor model fits. There mayalso by instances where the temporal dynamics of rainfallis not fully captured by the disaggregation scheme which

Page 5: Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients · Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients R. Merz *, G. Blo¨schl, ... The parameters of this distribution

Figure 5 Distribution function of the event runoff coefficientsof four catchments in Austria: Ritzenried/Pitze (220 km2); Lunzam See/Ois (117 km2); Zwettl/Kamp (622 km2); Schutzen amGebirge/Wulka (384 km2). Events with rainfall depths (includingsnowmelt) greater than 10 mm have been used here.

Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients 595

may, again, give rise to poor model fits. This may particu-larly be the case for multiple peak events. For a total of49,918 events the root mean square error of the fittingwas less than 70% of the average direct runoff and theseevents were used in the analyses of this paper.


Four representative catchments

To illustrate the range of event runoff coefficients, the re-sults for four catchments that are representative of differ-ent Austrian runoff regimes are presented first. In Fig. 4the direct runoff volumes (in terms of event runoff depth)have been plotted against the precipitation volume as thesum of rainfall and snowmelt (in terms of event precipita-tion depth) for all the events analysed. In Fig. 5 the cumu-lative distribution functions of the event runoff coefficientsfor these catchments are shown. The physiographic andhydrological characteristics of these catchments are shownin Table 1.

The Pitze at Ritzenried (Fig. 4a) drains a high alpinecatchment. Runoff is controlled by snow processes duringmost of the year. The runoff coefficients are nearly uni-formly distributed with a median of 0.36. The number ofevents is rather small (only 42), because the separation ofevents is difficult as snowmelt tends to increase baseflowduring most of the summer. The Ois at Lunz am See catch-ment (Fig. 4b) is located at the northern rim of the highAlps. Due to orographic enhancement of northwesterly air-

Figure 4 Event runoff depth vs. event rainfall (including snowmelt(b) Lunz am See/Ois (117 km2); (c) Zwettl/Kamp, (622 km2); (d) Sc

flows, rainfall is both high and persistent. Fig. 3b indicatesthat event rainfall depths and runoff depths are the largestof the four catchments examined here. The runoff coeffi-cients are uniformly distributed with a median of 0.55.There are a total of 159 events in the data set. The Kampat Zwettl catchment (Fig. 4c) is located in a dryer regionin the north of Austria. The direct runoff depths are muchsmaller than in the Lunz catchment. The distribution of

) for four catchments in Austria. (a) Ritzenried/Pitze (220 km2);hutzen am Gebirge/Wulka (384 km2).

Page 6: Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients · Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients R. Merz *, G. Blo¨schl, ... The parameters of this distribution

Table 1 Catchment attributes of the four catchments of Figs. 4 and 5

Catchment Ritzenried/Pitze Lunz an See/Ois Zwettl/Kamp Schutzen am Gebirge/Wulka

Area (km2) 220 117 622 384Mean elevation (m a.s.l.) 2547 1061 734 226Mean slope 0.50 0.33 0.07 0.05Geology Granite, gneiss,

schistDolomite, limestone,carbonate rock

Granite, gneiss,schist

Clay, shale, sand, gravel

Land cover Rock, grassland Deciduous andmixed forest

Grassland, coniferousforest

Crop land, deciduous andmixed forest

Mean annual prec. (mm/yr) 1025 1704 741 647Mean annual flood (m3/s) 33 73 64 16Mean runoff (m3/s) 4.13 4.51 5.37 1.05

596 R. Merz et al.

the runoff coefficient is right skewed with a median of 0.17.The skewness implies that large runoff coefficients are rarebut do occur occasionally. 170 events have been identifiedfor this catchment. The Wulka at Schutzen am Gebirgecatchment is the driest catchment of this set and is locatedin the east of Austria close to the Hungarian border(Fig. 4d). It exhibits the smallest direct runoff depths ofthe four catchments. Most of the runoff coefficients are lessthan 0.1 and the median is 0.04. Runoff response is ratherflashy and episodic which has produced the largest numberof events identified out of the four catchments presentedhere (198 events).

The runoff coefficients of the four catchments differvastly. The driest catchment has the smallest runoff coeffi-cients while the wettest catchment has the largest runoffcoefficients. The differences are apparent both in the med-ian runoff coefficients as well as in the extremes. The 90%quantiles, for example, give values of 0.60, 0.82, 0.46 and0.18 for the Ritzenried, Lunz, Zwettl and Schutzen catch-ments, respectively. For the two wet catchments (Ritzen-ried and Lunz) no runoff coefficients less than 0.1 havebeen observed, but nearly 10% of the runoff coefficients inRitzenried and 30% in Lunz are larger than 0.7.

Spatial variability – soils and climate

The differences in the distributions of runoff coefficientsillustrated above for the four example catchments are rep-resentative of different regions in Austria and it is clear thatthey must have hydrological causes. They can be either dueto differences in the rainfall forcing and climatic conditions,or due to differences in the catchment structure includingsoil type and land use, or both. To analyse these effects,we have classified all catchments by soils/land use and cli-mate. The effect of soils and land use has been indexed hereby the SCS curve number (US-SCS, 1972; Dingman, 1994, p.391). The SCS method provides a procedure for estimatingthe curve number from soil type and land use and anteced-ent rainfall. Once the curve number is known it can be usedto estimate event runoff depth from event rainfall depth foran ungauged catchment.

In this study we estimated the SCS curve number fromsoil and land use data. The digital soil map of Austria(OBG, 2001; Merz and Bloschl, 2004) was used to identifyapproximate estimates of the soil group. Lithosols, rendz-inas, podzols and histozols, i.e. high infiltration capacity

soils, were classified as soil group A; fluvisols, phaeozemsand chernosems as soil group B; cambisols as soil group C;and luviosols with a relatively low infiltration capacity assoil group D. Although it is clear that the type of soil infor-mation available at the regional scale will not provide any ofthe small scale soil details found in catchments we do be-lieve they represent the general regional patterns of soilscharacteristics to some extent.

The digital map of land use (Ecker et al., 1995) was usedto assign land use or land cover. From both sources, the SCScurve numbers were inferred at a pixel scale of 250 m.These were averaged over each catchment area. The 337catchments of the study area were then classified by thecurve number.

Note that the curve number is used here as an index ofthe mean catchment response. Because of this, averageantecedent rainfall conditions is assumed for all catch-ments. Also note that in this paper the curve numbers areused for grouping catchments only and no runoff coeffi-cients have been calculated by this method. The distribu-tion function of runoff coefficients of all catchmentswithin a curve number group is shown in Fig. 6a. A curvenumber of 100 predicts that all the rainfall becomes runoffduring an event while a curve number of 0 predicts no run-off. One would therefore expect large curve numbers to beassociated with large runoff coefficients. This is howevernot fully borne out in the runoff coefficients derived fromthe runoff data. The catchments with curve numbersCN < 25 and 25 < CN < 50 have very similar distributions ofthe runoff coefficient with a median of 0.18. Catchmentswith CN > 75 have larger runoff coefficients although thedifference is not large (median of 0.20). The largest runoffcoefficients occur in catchments with intermediate curvenumbers of 50 < CN < 75 (median of 0.28).

This is a counterintuitive result. We have therefore reclas-sified all catchments by climate in terms of the mean annualprecipitation of each catchment. Mean annual precipitationhas been estimated from 1091 raingauges over the period1971 to 1997 and spatially interpolated using external driftkriging with catchment elevation as an auxiliary variable.The distributions of the runoff coefficients are shown inFig. 6b. The lowest runoff coefficients occur in the driestcatchments where mean annual precipitation is less than700 mm/year (median of 0.11). As the mean annual precipi-tation increases so do the runoff coefficients. For catch-ments with mean annual precipitation of 700 < MAP < 1200,

Page 7: Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients · Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients R. Merz *, G. Blo¨schl, ... The parameters of this distribution

Figure 6 Distribution function of the event runoff coeffi-cients of 337 catchments in Austria. Catchments have beenstratified by (a) the SCS curve number; (b) mean annualprecipitation.

Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients 597

1200 < MAP < 2000 and 2000 < MAP the median runoff coeffi-cients are 0.18, 0.37 and 0.43, respectively. The largest run-off coefficients occur at the northern fringe of the Alps wheremean annual precipitation is largest. The Lunz catchment inFigs. 4 and 5 is an example. These are mostly forested catch-ments while most of the lowland catchments have agricul-tural land use. For the catchments of the northern fringe ofthe Alps the SCS method predicts relatively small curve num-bers as forest soils are usually highly permeable. While thesoils permeability may be high in the catchments of question

Table 2 Parameters a, b of a Beta distribution and goodness of fiestimated from the distribution function of event runoff coefficie


a b rmse Mean SD Skewn

10 < rain < 80 mmMAP < 1200 mm/yr 1.24 4.07 0.010 0.24 0.17 1.24MAP > 1200 mm/yr 2.18 3.26 0.008 0.41 0.19 0.58

rain > 80 mmMAP < 1200 mm/yr 4.05 6.93 0.033 0.33 0.14 0.35MAP > 1200 mm/yr 4.61 4.54 0.025 0.49 0.14 0.16

Median values of two catchment groups (mean annual precipitation lesbeen stratified by event rainfall depth including snowmelt (top: betw

this seems to have little effect on the runoff coefficients.They seem to be controlled by the soil moisture status whichtends to be much higher than in the drier lowland catch-ments. It appears that in this type of climate and at thatcatchment scale, soil moisture status is a more importantcontrol on the statistical characteristics of the runoff coeffi-cients than the soil type.

Spatio-temporal variability

To shed more light on the temporal variability of the runoffcoefficients, Beta distributions have been fitted to thecumulative distribution functions of runoff coefficients ofeach catchment individually. In the Beta probability densitydistribution

fðxja;bÞ ¼ 1

Bða;bÞ xa�1ð1� xÞb�1 for 0 < x < 1; a > 0; b > 0



Bða; bÞ ¼Z 1


xa�1ð1� xÞb�1 dx ¼ CðaÞCðbÞCðaþ bÞ ;

x is the event runoff coefficient and the a, b are the param-eters. The cumulative distribution function of Eq. (5) hasbeen fitted in the x domain by minimising the root meansquared differences. The results are shown in Table 2 andin Fig. 7. The catchments have been classified into wetand dry catchments according to their mean annual precip-itation (greater or smaller than 1200 mm/yr) and, for eachcatchment, the events have been classified by the eventrainfall depth including snowmelt. Small events were con-sidered those where event rainfall depth including snow-melt was between 10 and 80 mm, large events wereconsidered those were it was more than 80 mm. Table 2 sug-gests that the Beta distribution provided an excellent fit tothe empirical distributions of the runoff coefficients. Theroot mean square errors were typically on the order of0.01 for events with rainfall depths including snowmelt be-tween 10 and 80 mm and 0.03 for events larger than 80 mm.The larger root mean square errors seems to be mainly re-lated to the smaller number of events for the large eventclass. It may also be related to generally larger mean run-off coefficients in this class. In the dry catchments the b

t (root mean square error rmse) as well as statistical momentsnts for each catchment

Number of catchments Total number of events


239 30,30998 16,069

239 103898 1388

s than or larger than 1200 mm) are given in this table. Events haveeen 10 and 80 mm; bottom: more than 80 mm).

Page 8: Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients · Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients R. Merz *, G. Blo¨schl, ... The parameters of this distribution

Figure 7 Parameters of a beta distribution fitted to the distribution of event runoff coefficients for 337 catchments in Austria.Catchments have been stratified by mean annual precipitation MAP (dry catchments: MAP < 1200 mm; wet catchments:MAP > 1200 mm). Events have been stratified by rainfall depths (including snowmelt) smaller/larger than 80 mm.

598 R. Merz et al.

parameters are usually much larger than the a parameterswhich means that the distributions are highly skewed tothe right. This is particularly the case for the small eventsin the dry catchments where the median of a is 1.2 whilethe median of b is 4.1. For these events the a values arerarely larger than 5 while the b values range up to 20. Thisis consistent with small average runoff coefficients (on theorder of 0.2 see Table 2). For the larger events in the drycatchments the a parameter tends to increase which is con-sistent with a somewhat more uniform distribution and lar-ger averages (see Table 2). In contrast, in the wetcatchments, the a and b parameters are of the same orderof magnitude particularly for the large events where bothparameters range around 4.5.

The parameters of the Beta distributions of the runoffcoefficients have now been regionally mapped and com-pared with the climatic regions in Austria. Interestingly,both the a and b parameters tend to be organised along sim-ilar patterns as the main climatic regions. Six regions were

Figure 8 Location of regions with similar distribution functions olocation of each gauged catchment and refer to the group number

identified manually that are approximately homogeneousin terms of the Beta parameters of the runoff coefficientdistribution. The region number is indicated in Fig. 8 foreach catchment. The Beta parameters, classified by region,are shown in Fig. 9 and the median values for each regionare given in Tables 3 and 4.

Region 1 (termed alpine region) covers the Alps in thewest of Austria. Here, most events occur during summerwhen runoff is high because of snow and glacier melt. Inthese catchments, runoff coefficients tend to be ratherhigh. The main reason seems to be that snow and ice meltincrease antecedent soil moisture. For large events, a issomewhat larger and b is much larger than for small eventswhich translates into a more skewed distribution. Region 2(termed southern alpine region) covers the high alpinecatchments in East Tyrol and along the river Gail in the verysouth of Austria. Similar to region 1, snowmelt is importantbut some of the large events result from storms that ap-proach from the south and are of Mediterranean origin.

f event runoff coefficients. Numbers have been plotted at thes as of Fig. 9.

Page 9: Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients · Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients R. Merz *, G. Blo¨schl, ... The parameters of this distribution

Figure 9 Parameters of a beta distribution fitted to the distribution of event runoff coefficients for 337 catchments in Austria.Catchments have been stratified into regions as of Fig. 8.

Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients 599

The runoff coefficients are higher, on average, than for re-gion 1 and less skewed. Region 3 (termed southern prealpineregion) covers the south-east of Austria which consists oflower alpine terrain. Rainfall is significantly lower than inregions 1 and 2 and snow processes are less important. Run-off coefficients are smaller but the skewness is higher, par-ticularly for the small events where b can be up to 20 whilea is only 2. However, a is almost never smaller than 1 whichmeans that very small runoff coefficients occur rarely. Re-gion 4 (termed northern alpine region) is on the northern

Table 3 Parameters a, b of a Beta distribution and goodness of fiestimated from the distribution function of event runoff coefficie

Region Median

a b rmse Mean SD Skew

1– Alpine 2.25 3.82 0.015 0.40 0.19 0.842 – Southern alpine 1.61 2.79 0.018 0.42 0.20 0.603 – Southern prealpine 1.34 4.94 0.011 0.23 0.16 1.534 – Northern alpine 2.22 2.87 0.006 0.42 0.20 0.365 – Northern lowlands 1.63 7.19 0.004 0.20 0.13 1.226 – Eastern lowlands 0.85 4.12 0.006 0.11 0.16 1.61All catchments 1.54 3.79 0.010 0.31 0.18 1.05

Median values of six climatic regions are given in this table. Events w

fringe of the central Alps. This is the region of highest rain-fall in Austria because of orographic effects. The dominantsoil type is rendzina and the region is densely forested. Inthis region the runoff coefficients are largest with medianmeans of 0.42 (small events) and 0.54 (large events). Thea and b parameters are similar for both small and largeevents indicating that the distribution is almost symmetric.Region 5 (termed northern lowlands) in the north-west ofAustria is rather flat and the runoff coefficients are small.Luvisols prevail in these catchments and land use is mainly

t (root mean square error rmse) as well as statistical momentsnts for each catchment

Number of catchments Total number of events


95 854921 133742 496151 10,40715 3488

113 17,636337 46,378

ith rainfall depths including snowmelt between 10 and 80 mm.

Page 10: Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients · Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients R. Merz *, G. Blo¨schl, ... The parameters of this distribution

Figure 10 Distribution functions of the event runoff coeffi-cients for the catchments in regions 4 and 6 (see Fig. 8). Top:Effect of event rainfall depths (including snowmelt). Bottom:Effect of antecedent rainfall depths (including snowmelt) over10 days.

Table 4 As Table 3 but for event rainfall depths including snowmelt larger than 80 mm

Region Median Number of catchments Total number of events

a b rmse Mean SD Skewness

1– Alpine 4.53 7.67 0.030 0.39 0.13 0.35 95 11372 – Southern alpine 4.82 6.99 0.034 0.45 0.15 0.23 21 1263 – Southern prealpine 2.33 5.08 0.040 0.30 0.15 0.35 42 1654 – Northern alpine 4.66 4.00 0.028 0.54 0.16 -0.05 51 8145 – Northern lowlands 2.43 7.92 0.038 0.27 0.10 0.72 15 546 – Eastern lowlands 2.51 9.53 0.033 0.23 0.15 0.34 113 130All catchments 4.25 5.46 0.032 0.37 0.14 0.29 337 2426

600 R. Merz et al.

agricultural. Region 6 (termed eastern lowlands) is the dri-est part of Austria in the east and north east. Most of thecatchments are rather flat. Land use is agricultural and soilsare mainly chernosems and phanozems as well as cambisolsand luvisols. Much of the geology is of tertiary and quater-nary origin. The a parameters in region 6 are very smalland the b parameters are significantly larger indicatinglow average runoff coefficients and highly skewed distribu-tions. For the large events, a is larger than for the smallevents indicating that the runoff coefficients tend to be lar-ger and the distribution is less skewed. Clearly, in this typeof climate most of the event precipitation infiltrates duringan event and it is only in rare occasions that runoff coeffi-cients are large, either due to large antecedent soil mois-ture or large event rainfall, or both.

Temporal variability – rainfall and antecedent soilmoisture

To isolate the effects of event rainfall and antecedent soilmoisture each of the regions has been examined in more de-tail. As an example, results from region 4 (the wettest re-gion with the largest runoff coefficients) and region 6 (thedriest region with the smallest runoff coefficients) areshown here. As each of the regions is analysed individually,it is possible to separate the temporal effects of storms andantecedent soil moisture from the regional effects of cli-mate, soils and geology.

In Fig. 10a the runoff coefficients of the two regions havebeen classified by the event rainfall including snowmelt. Inboth regions, the runoff coefficients increase significantlywith event rainfall. In region 4, the median runoff coeffi-cient of small storms (event rainfall < 80 mm) is 0.42 whilefor the larger storms it is 0.54. In region 6, the median run-off coefficient of small storms is 0.11 while for the largerstorms it is 0.23. It is interesting to note that the differencein the runoff coefficients between the regions is much largerthan the difference between the storms of different sizesfor a given region. The event rainfall depth classes have alsobeen varied (not shown here) and gave consistently smallerdifferences than those between regions.

In Fig. 10b the runoff coefficients of the two regions havebeen classified by antecedent rainfall including snowmeltover the previous 10 days. This is a measure of the soil mois-ture state of the catchment. Choice of this measure hasbeen motivated by the antecedent soil moisture index offive day rainfall used in the SCS CN method although it is

clear that it does not fully capture all complexities of thecatchment water balance. For Austrian conditions, 10 daysseem to be more representative than five days for indexingsoil moisture. In both regions, the runoff coefficients in-crease with antecedent rainfall as would be expected. In re-gion 6, the median runoff coefficient for dry andintermediate moisture conditions (antecedent rain-fall < 90 mm) is 0.11 while for wet conditions (antecedentrainfall > 90 mm) it is 0.21. In region 4, the median runoffcoefficient for dry and intermediate moisture conditions is0.38 while for wet conditions it is 0.48. Again, the differ-

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Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients 601

ence in the runoff coefficients between the regions is muchlarger than between the storms of different antecedentconditions for a given region.

Flood types

The final step in the analysis was to relate the runoff coef-ficients to flood process types to further examine processcontrols. Merz and Bloschl (2003) identified types of causa-tive mechanisms of floods which were used here. The typeswere long-rain floods, short-rain floods, flash floods, rain-on-snow floods and snow-melt floods. They used a combina-tion of a number of process indicators including the timingof the floods, storm duration, rainfall depths, snowmelt,catchment state, runoff response dynamics and spatialcoherence. Based on these indicators and diagnostic regio-nal plots they identified the process types of 11,518 maxi-mum annual flood peaks in 490 Austrian catchments. 43%of the flood peaks were long-rain floods, only 3% weresnow-melt floods and the relative contribution of the typeschanged with the flood magnitude. There were also pro-nounced spatial patterns in the frequency of flood typeoccurrence. For example, rain-on-snow floods most com-monly occurred in northern Austria.

The two data sets (the runoff coefficient data set of thispaper and the flood type data set of Merz and Bloschl(2003)) were now combined. The runoff coefficient dataset contained most of the maximum annual flood eventsof the flood process type data set but a large number ofsmaller events of the runoff coefficient data was not partof the flood type data set. There were a total of 3032events that existed in both data sets (1315 long-rain floods,1009 short-rain floods, 69 flash floods, 593 rain-on-snowfloods and 46 snow-melt floods). For these events the floodtypes of Merz and Bloschl (2003) were used to classify therunoff coefficients. The distribution functions of the runoffcoefficients classified by flood type are shown in Fig. 11.There are very large differences between the flood types.The smallest runoff coefficients are associated with flashfloods with a median of 0.15. These are flood events withlimited spatial extent resulting from short rainfall bursts

Figure 11 Distribution function of the event runoff coeffi-cients for maximum annually floods in Austria stratified by theevent type.

of convective origin. It should be noted that the mediancatchment size of this analysis is 265 km2 while most ofthe convective storms will have a much smaller spatial ex-tent. If smaller catchments (on the order of hectares or afew square kilometres) were examined one would signifi-cantly larger runoff coefficients (Gutknecht, 2003). It islikely that for some of the flash flood events of this dataset the catchment is not fully covered by the storm andrunoff generation is at least partly due to Hortonian mech-anisms. The second smallest runoff coefficients are associ-ated with short-rain floods with a median of 0.36. Theseare events that mainly occur in the south of Austria as a re-sult of short storms that have significant spatial extent.Slightly larger runoff coefficients (median of 0.38) are pro-duced by long-rain floods which result from synoptic orfrontal type storms that often cover an area up to severalthousands of square kilometres and can last over a fewdays. In these types of events, much of the catchmentseems to wet up, so saturation excess overland flow maybe an important runoff generation mechanism. Rain-on-snow events are associated with still larger runoff coeffi-cients with a median of 0.48. This type of floods often oc-curs in the winter and it is apparently the increase ofantecedent soil moisture due to snowmelt and rain fallingon wet soils that causes the large runoff coefficients. Thelargest runoff coefficients are associated with snowmeltfloods with a median of 0.63. Snowmelt usually occurs overa number of days with increasing snowmelt rates during thisperiod as air temperatures increase and the snow gets grad-ually wetter. Over this period, the catchment wets up sothat even relatively small melt rates can lead to flooding.Also, because the snow melt events usually extend over acouple of days the (direct) quickflow component tends tocontain some of the more delayed water.

The differences between the flood types are also appar-ent in the extremes. Snowmelt floods almost never havesmall runoff coefficients and flash floods are almost neverassociated with large runoff coefficients.

Discussion and conclusions

The analyses indicated large regional differences in the run-off coefficients within Austria. In catchments where meanannual rainfall is high, runoff coefficients tend to be largeand the distribution function for any one catchment is al-most uniform. In dry catchments, the runoff coefficientstend to be small and they are highly skewed. Clearly, thesedifferences in the distribution functions will have an effecton the flood frequency characteristics of the catchments.The Kamp catchment in northern Austria is an example ofa relatively dry catchment. The runoff coefficients are usu-ally small but larger runoff coefficients do occur such asduring the 2002 flood when the flood peak was more thanthree times the second largest flood on record (Gutknechtet al., 2002). It would have been difficult to predict thisflood from the observed flood frequency curve as the char-acteristics of the 2002 flood were different from those ofthe available flood sample, in particular from the previouslyobserved runoff coefficients. In the catchments with largerrunoff coefficients outliers may not be as extreme as in driercatchments.

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The distribution functions of the runoff coefficients canbe well represented by a Beta distribution. The parametersof this distribution exhibit spatial patterns that match sixregions of Austria. These are climatic regions that exhibitcharacteristic runoff regimes. Gottschalk and Weingartner(1998) summarised the parameters of a Beta distributionof runoff coefficients for 17 Swiss catchments and groupedthem according to the physiographic conditions of thesecatchments. The runoff coefficients of the Swiss high alpinecatchments were smaller and more skewed than those inthe Alpine region here (mean of 0.10 while the mean of thisstudy was 0.40). The authors attributed the small runoffcoefficients to the presence of permanent snow while herethe effect of snow processes mainly seems to be in increas-ing antecedent soil moisture. The Swiss prealpine region issimilar to the southern prealpine region here in terms ofthe distribution of runoff coefficients (mean of 0.33). TheSwiss midlands had a mean of 0.16 and were highly skewed;the Swiss southern alpine region had a mean of 0.19 and wasmoderately skewed. They both fall in the range between theeastern lowlands and southern prealpine catchments here.It is interesting that Gottschalk and Weingartner (1998)interpreted the Swiss runoff coefficients mainly by topo-graphic characteristics such as altitude and slope and tosome degree by stream network density and geology. It ap-pears that in Austria the main driver is the catchment waterbalance rather than topographic characteristics. The spatialpatterns of median runoff coefficients (Merz et al., 2004,not shown here) are very similar to the spatial patterns ofmean annual precipitation in Austria. Region 4 (the northernalpine region) gives the highest runoff coefficients. It doesnot contain the steepest catchments but those with thehighest precipitation rates and, in particular, the highestmean annual precipitation. Persistent and frequent rainfallcauses the soil moisture status of the catchments to be highduring most of the time which increases the likelihood of anevent to occur when the catchment is wet. This points tothe very important effect of climate and the runoff regimeon event runoff coefficients.

It is interesting to note that the difference in the runoffcoefficients between the regions is much larger than be-tween the storms of different sizes for a given region.The role of antecedent soil moisture is highlighted throughthese regional differences and is corroborated by otheranalyses in this paper. Antecedent soil moisture has beenindexed by antecedent 10 day rainfall. Events with largerantecedent rainfall show significantly larger runoff coeffi-cients than events with dryer initial conditions. The otheranalysis that corroborates the role of antecedent soil mois-ture are the runoff coefficients for different flood types.Interestingly, the largest runoff coefficients occur for thesnowmelt events and the rain-on-snow floods. It shouldbe noted that snowmelt has been taken into account in thisanalysis, so the larger runoff coefficients are not directlyattributable to snowmelt contributions to the event butto an increase in initial soil moisture. Initial conditionsare likely to affect runoff volume for most runoff genera-tion types; in Hortonian runoff through reducing infiltrationcapacity, in saturation excess runoff through expandingcontributing areas, and in macropore flow and subsurfacestormflow through connecting preferential flow paths (Merzand Plate, 1997; Zehe and Bloschl, 2004). In most of the

catchments of the study area runoff generation likely oc-curs by a mix of these mechanisms. Initial conditions arenot always found to closely drive runoff response. Thereare examples in the literature where runoff volumes seemto be insensitive to antecedent soil moisture and mainlycontrolled by event precipitation. An example is the studyof Kostka and Holko (2003) who analysed runoff responseof a mountainous catchment in Slovakia. They suggestedthat the lack of sensitivity of runoff response to soil mois-ture is related to the role of the riparian zone in runoffgeneration.

The soil moisture status in the catchments of the studyarea is highly seasonal, similar to many catchments aroundthe world. The main drivers here are snow processes in win-ter and spring, and evaporation and transpiration in sum-mer, along with the seasonality of precipitation (Merz andBloschl, 2003). Intra-annual climate variability strongly im-pacts upon flood frequency characteristics in a direct waythrough the seasonal variability of storm characteristics,and indirectly through the seasonality of rainfall and evapo-transpiration which then affect the antecedent catchmentconditions for individual storm events. Sivapalan et al.(2005) proposed a quasi-analytical derived flood frequencymodel that is able to account for both types of seasonali-ties. They showed that it is the interplay of the event andseasonal scales that control flood frequency behaviour. Koh-nova and Szolgay (2003) discuss a similar interplay betweenthe flood regime and its controls in the context of snowmeltinduced floods in Slovakia.

While climate and antecedent soil moisture seemed tobe very important in controlling the runoff coefficients,land use and soil type do not seem to exert a major con-trol. This result needs to be interpreted in the contextof the data set used. The tables of the SCS curve numbermethod do not seem to apply to the catchments of thestudy area even though they are widely used in many coun-tries. The main contrast in the spatial patterns of the SCScurve number was due to the patterns of forest and agri-cultural land with small curve numbers in the forestedcatchments while the runoff coefficients derived fromthe runoff data were largest in those catchments. How-ever, any other classification by land use and land coverwould have a similarly low predicitive power. Forest coveris usually thought to affect runoff generation by two mainmechanisms in temperate climates (Andreassian, 2004;Brown et al., 2005). The first is to enhance interceptiondue to large leaf areas as compared to grass land or agri-cultural land which may be important for small events. Thesecond mechanism are generally larger permeabilities offorest soils which should be important for both small andlarge events. Results of this study suggest that other mech-anisms may mask these effects, and land use and land coverdo not seem to be good predictors of runoff coefficients atthe catchment scale. The soil characteristics were derivedfrom a regional scale data set and hydraulic characteristicsestimated from this type of data are notoriously unrepre-sentative of catchment scale processes (Bloschl, 2005).While this is the type of information available in manypractical studies it is likely that more detailed soils datathat include hydraulic characteristics will have betterexplanatory power of the runoff coefficients. Perhapsmore importantly, it should be noted that the catchments

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Spatio-temporal variability of event runoff coefficients 603

examined here were all medium sized to large (larger than80 km2). Some of the land use and soil characteristics arelikely to average out over this catchment size. Also, Cer-dan et al. (2004) noted that the spatial arrangement ofareas of a given land use within a catchment will be impor-tant for runoff coefficients at the catchment scale. Thelow correlation of runoff coefficients to land use and soilsfound in this study hence seems to be related to scale ef-fects. Once one moves to smaller scales, soils and land useare likely to become more important as illustrated bynumerous plot scale studies. FAO (2000, p. 2) noted: ‘‘Asa general rule, impacts of land use activities on hydrolog-ical and sediment-related processes can only be verified atsmaller scales (up to some tens of square kilometres)where they can be distinguished from natural processesand other sources of degradation’’. It is clear that at theplot scale, land use and soil characteristics may have adramatic effect on the runoff coefficients, but for thecatchments scales examined here, the aggregate effectseems to be small. The main controls on event runoff coef-ficients are the climate and the runoff regime through theseasonal catchment water balance and hence antecedentsoil moisture in addition to event characteristics.

There exist a number of logical extensions of the workreported in this paper. First, the results from the eventscale analysis could be compared to an analysis based on soilmoisture accounting schemes. It is likely that the soil mois-ture accounting models provide more representative ante-cedent soil moisture states than those of the antecedentrainfall indices currently in use. Second, it would be goodto use the runoff coefficient data base obtained here fordeveloping a model that is able to predict runoff coeffi-cients for ungauged catchments in Austria and similarclimates.


The authors thank the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, For-estry, Environment and Water Management (Project: Analy-sis of event runoff coefficients at the regional scale), theAustrian Academy of Sciences (APART [Austrian Programmefor Advanced Research and Technology] – fellowship), theAustrian Science Foundation (FWF), project numberP14478-TEC and the Marie Curie Fellowship of the EuropeanCommunity programme HUMAN POTENTIAL under contractnumber HPMF-CT-2002-01872 for financial support. We alsothank the Austrian Hydrographic Service (HZB) for providingthe hydrographic data.

Appendix. Estimation of the characteristictime scale t0c of runoff dynamics

To assist in event separation, a characteristic time scale t0cof the runoff dynamics of each runoff peak was estimatedfirst. A number of typical hourly catchment rainfall timeseries were transformed to runoff q�i using a linear reservoirwith storage parameter tc assuming that all of rainfall be-

comes runoff. The generated runoff time series were thensmoothed by a filter

qci ¼ qc

i�1 þ ac � ðq�i � qci�1Þ; ðA:1Þ

ac ¼ 1� e�Dtkc ; ðA:2Þ

where qci is the smoothed runoff at time i, q�i is the original

runoff at time i and Dt is the sampling interval of 1 h. Theparameter ac is a function of the storage parameter kc(Eq. (A.2)). The runoff times series were filtered forward(Eq. (A.1)) and backward. The maximum annual flood peakswere then extracted both from the smoothed (qc

nÞ and origi-nal q�n runoff time series for each year n. The maxima fromthe original series were always larger than those from thesmoothed series. The average of q�n=q

cn for each catchment

over n years (termed q*/qc) was then parameterised by fit-ting for each catchment


qc¼ 1þ b1


� �b2

: ðA:3Þ

The coefficients b1 and b2 slightly varied between catch-ments and were b1 = 0.95 and b2 = 0.85 on average overthe catchments. The coefficients were insensitive to thechoice of tc. Eq. (A.3) reflects the temporal variability ofrainfall within each event and the runoff response using alinear reservoir with time constant tc. Eq. (A.3) was nowused to estimate the time scale tc for each peak in the en-tire data set by filtering the runoff time series and compar-ing the peaks from the filtered and the unfiltered timeseries. A visual inspection of events showed that for the Aus-trian case study it is advantageous to transform the tempo-ral scale by

t0c ¼tctc

� �c

; ðA:4Þ

where c = 0.4 and tc = 24, and to limit t0c to values between 6and 60 h.


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