spansk markedsinfo uge 44

VALENCIA 23 OCTOBER 2009 SPANISH FRESH PRODUCE TENDENCIES WEEK 44 Grow Source Import Package Distribute Product Trends Faced with the current price crisis suffered by producers of fruit and vegetables from Almeria, especially for those who have planted cucumber or eggplant. The- re is a feeling of a moral obligation to do something to reverse this situation from agricultural organizations to marketing firms. Companies behind most of the production of these two vegetables have agreed on the need to alleviate the market to rebound in prices, as has been proposed from agricultural organiza- tions on behalf of farmers of Almeria. For this reason, they have agreed to to the removal of 30% of the production of cucumber and eggplant of Almeria from Thursday 22 October. The measure must be made in the moment of the entry of the product, before weighing and apply on the number of packages, containers must be enabled for the removal. That is, if a farmer has 10 boxes of product, 3 is removed. From farmers' organizations and trade associations they are asking that all companies respect the terms of the compromise. On Monday 26 it will be evaluated between the companies the effectiveness of the meassure applied. Weather

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Product Trends

Faced with the current price crisis suffered by producers of fruit and vegetables

from Almeria, especially for those who have planted cucumber or eggplant. The-

re is a feeling of a moral obligation to do something to reverse this situation

from agricultural organizations to marketing firms. Companies behind most of

the production of these two vegetables have agreed on the need to alleviate the

market to rebound in prices, as has been proposed from agricultural organiza-

tions on behalf of farmers of Almeria. For this reason, they have agreed to to the

removal of 30% of the production of cucumber and eggplant of Almeria from

Thursday 22 October. The measure must be made in the moment of the entry of

the product, before weighing and apply on the number of packages, containers

must be enabled for the removal. That is, if a farmer has 10 boxes of product, 3

is removed. From farmers' organizations and trade associations they are asking

that all companies respect the terms of the compromise. On Monday 26 it will be

evaluated between the companies the effectiveness of the meassure applied.


Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A Calle Caminás 3, Bajo Izquierda. 46530 Puçol (Valencia) T: +34 961 95 84 17 F: +34 961 95 84 40


Rain has disturbed the harvest and few

kg are available of green skin.

Nice green skin organic avocado

Oorganic collection


Has begun most places, also organic, with

both 10x500 and 24.250 g.


It seems that the demand i a little higher

these days which has led to immediate

increase in the low prices. Its The kgs

coming in are fewer right now di to the

weather conditions.


Starts week 44, and a go

od quality is expected


Not yet available in quality for export, but

new crop is soon expected


From now we expect normal availability of

Clemenules as well as Arrufatinas and Cle-

menpons will increase in quantity. The

quality is splendid and the color perfect.

Perfect oronules from Rada in an interesting

packaging.Interlocking wooden crates with no

glue og metal clamps and they can be stabled

direct on top of eachother palets or in the







Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A Calle Caminás 3, Bajo Izquierda. 46530 Puçol (Valencia) T: +34 961 95 84 17 F: +34 961 95 84 40


Fresh corn of excellent quality until mid de-



fewer kg coming in and agreements on de-

struction should improve the prices that are

far below cost of production. We ecpext

this to continue until end of October.


New crop of Fireflame available from this

week. Very strong pepper with app 45.000

Scoville units. Nice uniform and clean pep-

per with the right colour.

Egg plants:

Very cheap but with a sign of increase in

prices due to the weather right now in Al-

meria. However predictions are that weat-

her will improve so the higher prices might

just be for a day or 2.

Figs: Limited offer closed to sold out of

12x250 dried figs.


Good quality not all has started



Quality problems in Valencia due to the ha-

wai fungus which has proven very difficult

to control. The ripening of affected kaki is

spedde up 200 times and apparant perfect

fruit will ripe in only few days arrivin in poor

condition. In Seville and Huelva howver

they hva not detected the fungus yet so

their fruits are free of Illnes and also now

ready for export. Prices are higher than Va-

lencia but quality is guaranteed. The sizes in

Huleva is rather big of the persimon variety

so fewer small sizes for punnets available,

but when the Sharon variety becomes avail-

able in few weeks there will be sufficient

offer from Seville.

Sharon 2 weeks from collection in Huelva

Persimon from Huelva ready for export

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A Calle Caminás 3, Bajo Izquierda. 46530 Puçol (Valencia) T: +34 961 95 84 17 F: +34 961 95 84 40


More exporters are starting up this we-

ek, increasing the offer which has lead to

a fast decline in prices. However the sizes

are still limited and rain and moist is com-

plicating the harvest.

Primofiori of Frusemur

Organic lemons from Malaga

Little Gem:

New crop of vrey good quality available


Almost all Marisol from the area south of

Valencia has finished. In Castellon north of

Valencia the production is much better

and the area produces also much better

colors than any other place. There might

be for another 10 days of Marisol in Cas-



navelias of Murcia and Valencia with good

quality and normal levels of juice. Castel-

lon/ Tarragona are following with their

crop but Sevilla is 2 weeks delayed du to

the very hot weather they experienced the

latest weeks with up to 30 degrees. Furter

now the weather is very humid when not

raining so they can only start to pick the

fruist when moist are gone and that is

around 11 in the morning. So because of

this few kgs are coming in and available

quantities are limited.

Super quality from La Actual






Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A Calle Caminás 3, Bajo Izquierda. 46530 Puçol (Valencia) T: +34 961 95 84 17 F: +34 961 95 84 40


We continue with angeleno of good quality

at least for another 2-3 weeks.

Romaine salad:

Will start week 44 with the first departu-


Satsuma okitsu:

This variety has basically ended. Only small

volumes available avaiting the owari varie-


Satsuma Owari:

Few available Owaris momentarily and with

high prices this variety seems to diminish in

available kg every year since growers due to

low prices has choosen to find more attrac-

tive and beneficial varieties. Its more than

possible that what remains of the season

Owari wil continue expensive and with few

available kilo.


Very cheap cherry tomatoes and with good

quality. Plum cherry in good quality 12x250

g in triangular flow. 10x300 trimix has star-

ted with ok quantities, the pear tomato is

also available and round M tomatoes loose

or on the wine available

Aguilas tomatoes


From Las Norias where we find our zucchini

they spotted snow on the sierra nevada

mountains yesterday…little later prices be-

gan to increase and its expected they will

continue to do so during the week

Snow on Sierra Nevada

Contact us

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A,

Calle Caminas 3, bajo Izq, 46530 Puçol,



Tel: +34 961 95 84 17

Fax: + 34 961 95 80 40

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A, Avenida

Ricardo Soriano no 72,

Edificio Golden, Portal B,

29601 Marbella

Tel: +34 952 768 373

Fax: + 34 952 768 301

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A,

Calle Fernando El Catolico 31,



Tel: +34 959 37 18 62

Fax: + 34 959 37 27 02