sonic interaction and participatory performance. as practices in soundscape

Sonic Interaction and Participatory Performance as practices in Soundscape Juan Duarte Regino SOCCOS A-I-R

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Sonic Interaction and Participatory Performance as practices in Soundscape

Juan Duarte Regino SOCCOS




Southscapes / Soundscapes

The New Media perspective

Sound Map Hailuoto

[A-I-R at CSW]

Electroacoustic Atelier

Pulsar kite

Barry Truax

World Soundscape Project

Curtis Roads - Micro SoundBarry Truax


Beyond merely aesthetic contemplation.

Building a narrative about the other.

A perspective where art becomes an empowerment tool.

Use sound as element of exploration

through levels of research.

[Sound art, Soundscape, Radio Art]

Post digital paradigm

New Media

The New Media perspective enables to connect with grassroots initiatives where practitioners are empowered to create tools for sonic and data exploration, to table a

remapping of spaces, specially on remote locations.

Format of New Media practices:Workshops on digital Tools empowerment,

Use of electronics in daily lifeDo it yourself (DIY) & Do it with Others (DIWO)

Locative Media

-Use of environmental data and remap

visualizing the territory and soundscape.

-Provide educational tools for collaborative

media to map a public space.

-Placement, how individuals engage in

media projects with a location to become

part of the space.

Sound Map Hailuoto

Electro Acoustic Atelier

It is not production of an art work in the classi-cal sense. A workshop enables an understanding

of both ecology and entanglement of people, ideas, tools, materials, systems and processes.

Workshops also may cloud artistic or personal objectives- including some of the community en-gagement agendas from institutional - political organisations that work with art and culture.

Any learning that implies creative empowerment should not be concerned with idea transmission. But is oriented to a construction and reconstruc-

tion of knowledge through experience.

Schedule for Electroacoustic Atelier

First Workshop

18th June6 pm

Second Workshop22nd June

6 pm

No prior experience onelectronics is required

~15 participants

What we are building:Amplifier circuit

Piezo MicrophoneCoil Inductor

Light Synthesizer

Pulsar Kite Intervention

John Grzinich - Wind Harp

Niklas Roy - Umbrella Phone

Audible Forces - Sonic Art Research

Development Process:

Physical Computing

Tangible Auditory Interfaces

Programming for Sound Design

Signal Processing

User Experience

Digital Fabrication

New Digital Instruments

On the performativity: Allan Kaprow sought to elaborate public performances towards an inte-

gration of art and life.Johan Huizinga’s notions of play: (Found in his

book Homo Ludens “Man the player”) points out the need of play for the generation of culture.

Huizinga’s work proposes a study of the play-ele-ment in culture.

According to Huizinga; Play is in fact freedom, is dis-tinct from “ordinary” (life both as locality and du-

ration), play creates order (demand order absolute and supreme), play is connected with no material in-

terest, no profit can be gained from it.

Geroge Caillois key ideas about play: Agon (com-petition), Alea (Chance), Mimicry (mimesis), llimx

(“whirlpool” the sense of altering perception, verti-go and altering perception).Paidia - uncontrolled fantasy.

Ludus - requires an ever greater amount of effort, patience, skill, or ingenuity.

Open Studio Sessions:

20th June - 1st Open Studio meeting:

Arduino and Pure Data

24th June - 2nd open studio meeting:

Raspberry Pi

29th June - 3rd Open Studio:

Casing and interface design.