song lyrics

More Song Lyrics © 2013 Agnes Thurner Bedtime Autumn My Parents are Old Fuddy-Duddy’s Nothing Down Below but Water We’re the Victors If you will be my Valentine Milwaukee Junior Academy Will There Be Room In Heaven For Dogs And Cats I met the man of my Dreams at a Square Dance Ballad of Hard Luck Joe It’s My Life The Nowhere Road Fear Not It’s Okay to Say Merry Christmas 1

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Page 1: Song Lyrics

More Song Lyrics© 2013 Agnes Thurner



My Parents are Old Fuddy-Duddy’s

Nothing Down Below but Water

We’re the Victors

If you will be my Valentine

Milwaukee Junior Academy

Will There Be Room In Heaven For Dogs And Cats

I met the man of my Dreams at a Square Dance

Ballad of Hard Luck Joe

It’s My Life

The Nowhere Road

Fear Not

It’s Okay to Say Merry Christmas


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Good night, good night, my Mama said

My Daddy said goodnight too.

And as he tucked the blanket in

He kissed my nose and then my chin

And said sweet dreams to you.

Then Mama tucked my brother in;

She kissed and hugged him tight.

Then Daddy said “goodnight my son

Go right to sleep the day is done.”

And Mom turned out the light.

Our children are a gift from God

To love and keep from harm

And when they’ve said their prayers each night

We kiss and hug and hold them tight

And leave them in God’s arms.

Bedtime was written in 1956 for Agnes’s children, Robin and Leonard,


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When autumn comes and acorns fall

And tumble in the breeze.

The squirrels gather up the nuts

And store them in the trees.

I go to gather acorns too.

They tremble in alarm.

Those timid squirrels don’t understand

That I mean them no harm.

Although they run and hide from me

And seldom reappear

I must have food for city squirrels

To eat when winter’s here.

Autumn was written in 1955 for Agnes’s children, Robin and Leonard,


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V 1

My parents are old fuddy-duddy’s.

They’re constantly grumbling you see.

They say that they don’t have no money

And money don’t grow on a tree.

I need some new tennies for Gym class.

My old ones are falling in shreds.

But I must make do with the old ones

There’s not enough dough for retreads.

V 2

I asked “can I go to the movies?”

“We’re not made of money you know.

Why don’t you go play with your buddies.”

“I can’t, they all went to the show.”

One day they went shopping for dinner

I asked for some burgers and fries.

“Too expensive – you’ll get macaroni.”

For themselves they chose prime cut rib eyes.


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V 3

I’ll get me a job when I’m older

And when I have money to spend

I’ll stock up on burgers and soda

But I won’t have money to lend.

If my folks ever come for a visit

And ask if I’ve something to drink

I think I’ll just offer them water

There’s plenty on tap at my sink.


Now it’s not that I am complaining

But here’s what I want to make clear.

If they can’t afford to buy soda

How can they afford to buy beer.

Words and music were written when Agnes wastwelve or thirteen


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With the moon up above

And the water down below

Nothing down below but water.

We sailed the seas with a loud heave ho

And nothing down below but water.

The stars that shine on high

Were twinkling in the sky

Still nothing down below but water.

We watched for Pirate sails and saw a few whales

And nothing down below but water.

Written when Agnes was age fourteen. She and two friends were

crossing Lake Michigan from Milwaukee to Muskegan.


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We marched right out to victory

The Highlanders of Homestead High

We hit that line

We blocked those kicks

We plowed right through

To carry off the banner

We’re the victors

We’re the victors

We’re the victors of this year

We made those teams respect our name

Because we’ve won our every game

So three cheers for Homestead High.

Our band’s the grandest in the land

They stayed through the thick and thin

The drums, the horns

The majorettes

All did their share to help us win the pennant

We’re the victors

We’re the victors

We’re the victors of this year

We made those teams respect our name

Because we’ve won our ever game

So three cheers for Homestead High

This song was composed when Boys’s Technical High School won all its Games for the first time in twenty years.

Boy’s Tech no longer exists so the wording was changed to Homestead Highschool in Mequon, WI to the Highlanders

of Homestead High in Mequon.


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Male: If you will be my Valentine I’ll bring you huge bouquets

Of roses, daisies, violets, to brighten up your days.

If you will be my Valentine I’ll bring you chocolate creams;

Bon-bons, fudge and truffles to fulfill your wildest dreams.

Female: I don’t need your huge bouquets, though flowers are so sweet.

And I don’t need your chocolate creams to make my life complete.

If I would be your Valentine, and if our lives should intertwine

Don’t promise me a treat.

Male: If you will be my Valentine I’ll bring you lingerie.

I’ll wrap you up in softest silks and keep you on display.

If you will be my Valentine I’ll bring champagne and wine,

Rare cheeses, fruit and caviar If you will just be mine.

Female: I don’t need your lingerie, don’t bring me caviar

Or put me on a pedestal, I’ll take you as you are.

If I would be your Valentine, I need no food, champagne or wine.

Your love would take me far.

Male: If you will be my Valentine, I’ll bring you diamond rings,

Rubies, emeralds, strings of pearls and other precious things.

If you will be my Valentine, I’ll bring you lavish fur;

Mink and sable, ermine too will add to your allure.

Female: I don’t need those lavish furs to prove my love is real.

You don’t need to give me gifts to add to your appeal.

I don’t need your diamond ring or any other kind of bling.

For you are my ideal.

Male: If you will be my Valentine, I’ll bring you French perfume.

Exotic scents for every mood will keep your mind in tune.

If you will be my Valentine, I’ll give you all my love.

I’ll give you wholly of myself; I’ll hold you hand in glove.

Female: I don’t need your French perfume; you’re always on my mind.

If you will use your common sense I think that you will find

That I will be your Valentine, your one and only valentine,

And I will do my part, I’ll trust you with my heart.


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The spirit of the faithful is running through our school

We’re happy in our work and play and in the Golden Rule.

We laugh and sing in all we do at this academy

Because we are a shining light in the city of Milwaukee.

MJA, our MJA, the grandest school of all

We are proud of MJA, it stands out great though small

We shall ever more be true to thee our dear academy

We’ll be loyal, We’ll be true to MJA.

Note: Agnes attended the Seventh Day Adventist School, Milwaukee Junior

Academy during her middle school years. Written when she was age sixteen, the song

wasn’t used while she was there but the academy later adopted it as the school song.


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Verse 1

Will there be room in Heaven for dogs and cats

Will I get to hug Pepper again

And will Comet be waiting to go for a walk

On the gem covered byways of Heaven.

Verse 2

Will there be room in Heaven for dogs and cats

Will I get to groom Heidi once more.

And will Rally be waiting to climb in my lap

To sniff out the treats that I store.

Verse 3

Our pets are a comfort to us when we’re ill

And companions when we’re feeling low.

Their love and devotion is wholly complete.

Why they could be Angels you know.


Not one single sparrow can fall to the ground,

Without our Lord being aware.

So there must be provision for our little pets.

For surely our Father does care.


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I met the man of my dreams at a square dance.

It was a neat dance;

A meet and greet dance.

I met the love of my life at a square dance.

I call it the dance of my life.

Verse 1

At times he will backtrack and circulate;

But scoots back to me at the end.

Although he may promenade with another gal

I know she is only a friend


I met the man of my dreams at a square dance

It was a great dance

A stay out late dance

I met the love of my life at a square dance

I call it the dance of my life.

Verse 2

At times I may wheel around with another guy

And visit with him for awhile.

Before he veers forward and slips the clutch;

I zoom right back home with a smile.


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I met the man of my dreams at a square dance

It was a swell dance

A ring the bell dance

I met the love of my life at a square dance

I call it the dance of my life.

Verse 3

My partner and I are true swingers

But we always stay on the beat.

Our boots were made just for dancing

We don’t step on the other ones feet.


I met the man of my dreams at a square dance

It was a blast dance

An unsurpassed dance

I met the love of my life at a square dance

I call it the dance of my life.


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Want to tell you a story ‘bout a man I know;

There were some folks called him Hard Luck Joe.

His needs were simple and he earned his keep

Working for a meal and a place to sleep.

He came to this country as an immigrant lad;

The clothes on his back were all he had.

But he learned the language and he made the grade

as a footloose drifter and a jack of all trades.

He settled in Texas on the Homestead Act;

But land grabbers came and stole his tract.

Two months later on that dried out soil

The fellows that jumped him discovered oil.

*To get rich quick was the favorite game;

So he went to Alaska and staked a claim.

But he sold his diggings when the mine grew cold,

Not knowing that the mine was rich in gold

He went to Canada to try his skill

at sawing logs for a lumber mill.

He found a job at a camp near town;

Well – would you believe it – the mill burned down.

Then Joe met a girl that changed his life;

It wasn’t long she became his wife.

He built her a home, best that money could buy:

Then she up and left him for another guy.


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Well Joe was a man with a lot of pride

Didn’t show his feelings, took it right in stride.

He boarded up the windows of his broken home;

Hopped a westbound freight and commenced to roam.

But he’d gotten used to domestic ways

And life had changed since his roaming days

So he wedded a girl that caught his eye

And soon was singing a lullaby.

Peace and contentment had come at last.

The years flew by and the kids came fast.

A home, a family and friends galore;

No man had the right to ask for more.

Those post-depression years were bad

But Joe was happy with what he had

Then without any warning one April day;

The angels’ took Joes wife away.

This time Joe couldn’t hide his grief

Their life together had been so brief.

Heart in turmoil and on the skids;

How would he raise eight motherless kids?

Well, they all split up and went to live,

Each with a different relative.

Joe let them go with the hope sincere

That he’d have them together within the year.


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But fate interrupted every scheme

Until hope of reunion became a dream

Memories faded and the kids were grown;

Strangers to a father most had barely known.

Joe had to admit he was past his prime.

Youth and incentive had gone with time.

But age no barrier to romance

He took advantage of circumstance.

On a few acres of real estate

He made his home with a new helpmate.

He lived in sheer simplicity

With the aid of social security.

For material things he had no need.

He was never driven by social greed.

Had a roof overhead and food on the shelf;

And the talent and vigor to help himself.

Marquis’ Who’s Who doesn’t list his name

And it won’t be found in the hall of fame.

But of caring friends he had a wealth

And at eighty-five still had his health.

Reunited with his off-spring

He waited for fate’s next offering.

And for those who called him Hard Luck Joe,

He was the most fortunate man I know.

Written for her father’s 85th birthday


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(Sing to the tune of “Freuet euch des Lebens (a German Folk Song).

Enjoy the life that you're living.

Enjoy your life while the lamp still glows.

And before it withers

Pluck the blossoming rose.

Our minds are filled with worldly care.

We look for thorns and find despair.

We overlook the violets

That blossom beside the trail.

Enjoy the life that you're living.

Enjoy your life while the lamp still glows.

And before it withers;

Pluck the blossoming rose.

From the start our dreams were lost.

Our schemes destroyed and tempest tossed.

We cry or laugh, then storms are done;

The rain gives way to the sun.

Enjoy the life that you're living.

Enjoy your life while the lamp still glows.

And before it withers;

Pluck the blossoming rose.


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The earth is lovely and if you’re wise;

You’ll bask in sun while it’s on the rise.

Take joy in beauty of birds in flight,

Before the day fades into night.

Enjoy the life that you're living.

Enjoy your life while the lamp still glows.

And before it withers;

Pluck the blossoming rose.


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The Nowhere Road

Verse 1

Cars, buses, trains, vans, trucks and planes.

Where are they going, what are they doing

On the nowhere road? The nowhere road.

Clerks, lawyers, teachers, bankers and preachers.

Why are they rushing down the nowhere road?


: Are you one of those trapped on the nowhere road?

Can’t get off of this dead-end road?

Just stay in your lane, and try to explain.

Why you’re paying the toll on the nowhere road.

‘Verse 2

Bumper to bumper. fender to fender.

Why are they all on this highway to hell?

They’re all backed up on the nowhere road.

Driving too fast, honking to pass,

Got to get to the end of the nowhere road.


Verse 3

Give the Devil his due; he’s head of the crew;

He has you hemmed in on the nowhere road.

There’s just one way off this one way road

Pull out on the shoulder, let God take over,

Or end your life on the nowhere road.

Chorus (verse 3 only)

Are you one of those trapped on the nowhere road?

Can’t get off of this dead-end road?

Just stay in your lane, and try to explain

Why you’re paying the toll on the nowhere road.

When a long time ago, Jesus shouldered your load

And paid your toll on the nowhere road


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Fear Not

Fear not – for God is with you

Fear not – He holds your hand

He leads you always on the homeward way

He guides your steps and helps you face the evil band.

Have faith - He is a loving God

Have faith - His words are true

He’s at your side through times of grievous pain

He calms the storm and takes you surely, safely through.

Have faith – As He has faith in you

Fear not – He’ll dry your tears He’ll dry your tears

His love for you is greater than your sins.

He will forgive and grant release from stressful fears


Fear not, have faith

God was with you long before your birth

He gave His only Son to perish for our sins

To prove how much he loves and cherishes our worth.


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It’s Okay to Say Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays, I hear people say;

Combining Jesus birth and New Year’s Day.

The world is becoming increasingly odd

Just because some folks don’t believe in God.

They don’t want us to say Merry Christmas!

Happy Holidays is short and sweet they say.

But how can you remove Christ from Christmas

When He’s the reason we celebrate the day.


It’s okay to say Merry Christmas

To honor the Christ child’s birth.

He died on the cross in exchange for the sins

Of all of His people on earth.

© 2011 – Agnes Thurner