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1 SOMETIMES Issue No.1 By Madeline Mesa

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SOMETIMESIssue No.1 By Madeline Mesa

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Dedication:A toast...By Madeline Mesa

I want to personally thank everyone who has ever inspired me. I have grand expectations for almost every aspect of my life, and I want to thank everyone who made it that much more possible for me to prance around and do as I please. My wonderful Mom who is the reason I have been able to accomplish anything, my funny Dad for always supporting me, my intellectually challenging, but hilarious brother for always finding something stupid to tell me. And especially all the new friends I made this year; I am so lucky to have such an interesting, bright, and exciting people to surround me. And to everybody, again, good and bad, for leaving a imprint og any shape and size on my life. Cheers!

-Sincerely and emphatically, Madeline Mesa






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First Interview 4

Willow Glen 5

Driving 6

Tennis 6

California Colleges 7


Invisible Students 8

Reality TV 9

Halloween costumes


PSA Reviews 10

Veterans day 10

Thanksgiving 11

High school 12

War on Christmas 12

Ode to the sciences


Winter fun 14

Feat. Article reflection


response to article 1


Obama 15

Timeless Style 16

Opportunity 21 16

Mr. donut 17

Money 17

Music 17

style profile 18

Career Faire Reflection


Cellphones at School


April Fools! 19

Take the Umm out of Summer


DIY Lace socks 20

Life Hacks 21

Desserts 22

Mother’s Day 23

Tumblr 23

Closing 24

Search and Destroy






Table of Contents

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MM: What are your extra curricular activities this year here at Willow Glen High School?MB: Not too many this year, but I’ve been involved in swimming, water polo, and field hockey in the past years.

MM: Do you enjoy playing sports?MB: I do, the also keep me balanced with school work and stuff.

MM: What are you most passionate about?MB: Probably swimming because i’v been doing that for the longest time ever...Like it’s one of thing s i’v always enjoyed.

MM: How long have you been swimming for?MB: I have been swimming since I was i fifth grade.

MM: Who inspires you?MB: I don’t have anyone specific, I guess like my mom...she helps me a lot, so she is my inspiration.

MM: Which characteristics about your mom do you most look up to?MB: the fact that she is really easy to talk to, like I can talk to her about anything. Sometimes it’s a little hard because she gets a little bit more passionate about certain things than I do. But she is really easy to talk to.

MM: Where do you see yourself in five years?MB: Umm... Five years...probably still in college, depending on what I want to be.

MM: Do you have any idea what college you want to go to or what you want to major in?MB: I’m thinking of UC Santa Barbra, but I’m not really sure what I want to major in.

MM: What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?MB: Considering I’m scared of heights, probably the rope course at camp.

MM: And how has trying different things such as that changed you as a person?MB: I learned that it was really fun, and now I’m not as afraid of heights.

MM: Do you consider yourself a good leader?MB: Sometimes, depending on what it is...

MM: Can I have an example of a leadership opportunity that was your responsibility?MB: I’m a link crew leader, so I’m responsible for leading my group.

MM: Have you enjoyed being a link crew leader this year at WGHS?MB: Yea I have...It was fun all the things we created.

MM: If you were president, what would be one major change you would make to society?MB: Ummm...If I were president...I really don’t know...

MM: How do you think people see you as a person?MB: Well, my friends always tell me that I’m friendly, easy to approach, a good listener...

MM: If I gave you a million dollars right now, what would you do with it?MB: Take my friends on a trip to the Caribbean.

MM: So you mentioned that you swam, played field hockey, and played water polo, do you feel accomplished in these sports?MB: I felt that I was good at them, I never felt like I was great at them, but I was good so that’s an accomplishment.

MM: Which sport do you believe is your best?MB: They are all different in their own ways, in swimming it’s an individual thing, but in field hockey I was a goalie...They are completely different things, so I couldn’t really pick a best one.

MM: Do prefer team or individual competition?

Interview: Maria BonillaBy Madeline Mesa






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Lincoln Avenue, after its long-awaited reopening, has become something of a cultural phenomenon. With delicacies ranging from Opa!’s homestyle Greek cuisine to La Villa’s famous raviolis. But what seems to be causing the most commotion in Willow Glen these days is the new restaurant, Crepevine. This eatery channels a French café vibe (hence the clever name, ‘Crepevine”), accompanied with a cozy interior and spacious patio. I visited the Crepevine earlier in the evening and found it to be just as, if not more crowded than I have seen it in the weeks prior. While briefly chatting with a customer, I asked, “In your opinion, What makes the Crepevine such a popular place to eat?” She responded saying “The menu offers a variety of fresh, interesting options; and it’s a perfect place for families.” The menu is certainly a change from what one may see in a typical sit-down restaurant. For instance, the S’mores crepe and the New Orleans eggs benedict. While the name suggests it only serves crepes, the choices vary from sweet to savory breakfast/brunch options. Overall, the Crepevine has proven itself a worthwhile

business certain to last in the bustling community of Willow Glen. With so many improvements, Lincoln Avenue has gone from a street, to a destination.

In addition to the restaurants, the new “Town Square” has welcomed a new boutique. While the shop Ibiss is not new to the neighborhood, their new location has brought changes to the business. “Business has really

picked up...and I think there will be more of a nightlife with all the new restaurants,” states an Ibiss employee. I have shopped at this cute boutique on various occasions, and everything ranging from dresses to gifts has been affordable and good quality. I first saw them in the Presentation High School fashion show, where they left quite an impact with their colorful, fun designs. “If you could describe Ibiss in three words what would they be?” I asked the cashier. “Trendy, chic, and unique.” the store clerk responded. While

downtown Willow Glen has not been notorious for their clothing stores or boutiques, I hope that more independently owned shops, such as Ibiss, are opened. These trendy, new shops are what’s keeping Lincoln Avenue an appealing place for all generations.

MIKE’S BIKES: EVERY BRAND, EVERY STYLE, ALL IN ONE PLACEThe newly installed Mike’s bikes is wall-to-wall bicycles. Appealing to the professional

racer and the simple cruiser. While the bikes are not cheap, the price is reflected in the quality and craftsmanship of the machine. Also, the staff is very knowledgeable and involved in biking and are more than happy to find the bike that suits you.



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Sports:Girls’ Tennis is the Best By Madeline Mesa

Going from last place C league to undefeated BVAL champs, our very own WGHS girls’ tennis team can almost taste another victory. The team, lead by Coach Triolo  and Captain Melissa Giddens, has improved dramatically; increasing their odds of another undefeated season.With the addition of freshman Hind, the team has an unsurpassable advantage over other competitors. With an amazing serve and consistent shots, she has helped propel the team into a whole new level of game-play. Along with vast improvements on the varsity doubles team, it almost inevitable

that the Willow Glen girl’s tennis team will make it, once again, to CCS. Willow Glen is becoming a school notorious for their sporting; other local schools are already recognizing the athletic prowess of Willow Glen High School.Besides one loss, the team has trumped every other team they competed. A significant win in their first match against Prospect, scoring an impressive 6-0. Willow Glen also had a chance to play Presentation High School, a first rank tennis team. Though they did not win, they put up a good fight. Losing at a respectable 3-6. If the girls’ tennis team moves up to A league next season, Willow Glen would be put on the map as a “tennis school.”

Student Life:To Drive or not to DriveBy Madeline Mesa

Receiving your driver’s license is a right of passage, surprisingly though, many students are not interested it getting licensed. Many adolescents can not wait to finally get their permit, then license, and maybe even a car. But for those of you who have experienced driver’s training, behind the wheel tests, you know the road to being licensed is long and tedious (no pun intended).And for those of you uninterested in getting behind the wheel, such as myself, I recommend you get your permit before you are a Senior. I personally would rather walk/bike/carpool than have to pay for a car, the gas, and any repairs; But driving is an important aspect of daily life, and a necessary skill to have in this generation. Getting your permit is simple; register for any legitimate course online (DO YOUR RESEARCH!), take some behind the wheel courses, then take your driving exams. You may not pass your test the first time, but your skills will improve over time. In this day and age, driving is becoming more and more safe. It is still extremely important to be a careful, safe driver. Who knows, maybe you will go on some new adventures.

I asked one of my friends about their thoughts and experiences about driving:(A brief interview with Senior, Melissa Giddens)

-Do you have your license or permit? “Yes, I have my permit.”-In your experience, was getting your permit/license difficult?“It’s not too bad…it’s not super easy, but  wouldn’t say it’s challenging.”-How has driving changed your life?It takes a lot of focus… I mean, you can kill someone in you’re not careful, so you have to look out for those kinds of things.”

-Do you think you are a safe driver?“Yeah I do.”-Is driving important you?” Yeah, I mean I like walking, but driving is an important skill to have.”






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For instance, my grades are good. Not a 4.0, but that is because I’m applying myself to many different extracurricular activities. So applying to a school that focuses mainly on grades, does neither apply to me nor interest me. I suppose what drove me to write this post is all the stress I’m under about choosing and applying for colleges. People are always telling me how they want to go to Stanford or Harvard; but they don’t even know if those colleges will be  a fit for them. All they know is that it is impressive to be accepted.





3 California and the College CurseTake it from someone who’s lived there.

I love California. I am living in the entertainment capital of the world, 20 minutes from the beautiful San Francisco, just an onramp away from the pacific coast; and probably the most cut-throat college competition in the world. For as long as I can remember, it has been shoved down my throat that the only colleges I should be interested in are Stanford and UCLA. What a fallacy. Even today, in high school, everyone acts like you can kiss your college dreams goodbye if you don’t have a 4.0. I am not interested in becoming a world renowned surgeon or the leader of the free world, so why am I expected to break my back to be accepted into these schools that offer nothing for me? I feel like some college programs can be insufficient and closed-minded. Their only focus is on California schools, which are some of the top in the world, and extremely difficult to get into. Other out-of-state schools are perfectly sufficient to some students’ standards, but how would we know if no one ever talks about them? Hardly anyone mentions the existence of small-colleges, and they avoid community colleges like the plague. I believe college programs, not just in California, need to present students with all their options. After all, it is where they will be spending the next 4-8 years of their life. Of course this is solely my own personal experiences, and I am in no way trying to talk anyone out of applying for the college of their dreams. If you want to be the next revolutionary scientist, power to you. Do whatever you’re passionate about. But for everyone else, there is a college for you. It may a design school, bustling through New York; it may be a sporty University, bleeding school spirit; or it may not even be in this country. Explore all your options, because college stands between you and your future. So to everybody not interested in going to a big, academic college, don’t worry about it. You will be successful in whatever you desire. Don’t get too caught up in trying to get into the college your parents always dreamed they would visit you at; apply for the college with an atmosphere you enjoy that offers whatever you need to be successful and happy.

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Invisible StudentsNeed to knows: By Madeline Mesa In Connecticut, it is not uncommon for failing, troubling, or truant kids to be “pushed” out of their High School by administrators and teachers. Since they are not contributing to the desired reputation of the school, counselors or administrators will often give the students the option to simply drop out. These students are not categorized as “drop outs” because they did not leave purely by will. Teachers will shoo these students because it requires less money for the school, and the school is not affected by their poor test scores. The fact of the matter is that theses students just need help. Many are affiliated with crimes and live in unsafe neighborhoods, so they do not have the proper support they need to succeed. What the State of Connecticut is proposing is an alternate school system. Many

of these already exist, but are not offered as an option for these “pushed out” students. These alternate education facilities offer more interactive, hands-on approach to learning. Their main focus is on the primary academics, giving students just enough to graduate. The problem with these schools is that they do not offer much in the ways of extracurriculars, thus making it very difficult to get into college. But with more funding and public support, these alternate schools will change the lives of students who could not get a second chance.Many statistics and studies show that educated youth will gradually deplete the crime rates in an urban environment. By educating, it easier to obtain higher paying jobs, more support for family, therefore decreasing the likely hood of crime. Connecticut has a great idea. This is a good intentioned, beneficial system to help ensure education in areas where drop-outs are common. I personally think counties and cities should adopt this system. I don’t think any kid wants to drop-out, they just want help.

PSA: We Need YouWhy we vote and why yours is the most importantBy Madeline MesaWith the upcoming election dominating the news, it becomes nearly impossible not to hear about all the new spins, scandals, and speeches. Yes, I understand that I am not old enough to cast a ballot, but I am still passionately involved in national politics. Romney or Obama? Are you Democratic, Republican, or even Independent? Either way, you (that’s right you) are the one who chooses the president. People don’t realize that they are choosing the future and well-being of their country. Our constitution is founded on the idea that the people should have the power, since the government will be affecting them most directly. Democracy directly translates from Latin to ‘People Choice.’ It is of equal importance to inform yourself, as well as vote. Many citizens will vote for a president just by who’s popular in their region, thinking, “oh well everyone has Romney signs in my neighborhood, so Romney must be

the only way to go.” Wrong. Have you looked at both Romney and Obama’s plans for the economy? Taxes? Global Policy? It is vital that you understand each main point/change each candidate is planning to achieve. Some may affect you more that others, so it is the choice that applies to you that will ultimately affect your country. Don’t blindly follow everything the news tells you, do your own research. Keep in mind that many

news stations take a side and negatively construe different presidential values (I personally believe there is too much hate towards one another in both liberal and conservative media, but that’s a topic for another day). So get out there and participate in your great nation. After all, the fate of the whole nation lies in our decision.






“Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.” John F Kennedy

In mi Proin accumsanPurus, in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Donec feugiat tempor libero. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc, aliquam ac,

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I can’t even stand it. Whatever happened to witty sit-coms and suspenseful dramas? These types of quality television shows are few and far between.

I would much rather watch a well-scripted program than some Los Angeles, uneducated, born into money idiot prance around and make a fool of themselves. I suppose there is something to be said about shamelessness, but can all of the “Real Housewives” finalize their 5th divorce, pack up their fake nails and over-collagened faces and go live on a remote island? The exposure of these over-tanned, club dwelling, Ed Hardy clad people on public television are giving the message that, if you act like a complete fool in front of the camera, you too can make the People Magazine tabloids!  I hear a lot of

complaints in the media saying that more and more kids are involved in illicit activities, has anyone ever paused to think that maybe they would stop if it wasn’t advertised everyday on television? Since when did white-trash pregnant sixteen year olds get a slot on TV networks? I understand and even enjoy reality television shows such as So you think you can Dance, Project Runway, The X factor, or even America’s Next Top Model. It’s the cringe-worthy shows exploiting their five-year-old daughters in beauty pageants that are a terrible waste of air time. It is truly sad when someone can name all the Kardashians, but not candidates running for President. I’m not saying all television should be educational and insightful, but something that at least provokes thought and imagination. I want to be a smart and contributing member to society. I want to understand what is happening in my world. I want to watch television that is actually relevant to my life. I enjoy talk shows, sit-coms, and Dramas. They have writers, producers, and directors. Not to mention they have an interesting story-line, developed characters, and sophisticated dialogue. It isn’t just a video camera thrown into a cage of fame-hungry train wrecks. So maybe we should cancel our season recordings of Here comes Honey Boo Boo and click and the news every once in a while. Who knows, you may learn something.

Reality Television:Is ignorance really bliss?By Madeline Mesa






Halloween Costumes:By Madeline Mesa

Okay so these are mainly for girls… But hey.HERE WE GO!!!!1.) POP! Art girlsChanneling Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol, I love the hyper-stylized drama 2.) Day of the Dead skeletonsPersonally, I love the flowers, color, and culture of this Mexican Holiday, so why not translate that tradition into an awesome Halloween costume?3.) Zooey DeschanelWhy not channel the original quirky girl? Throw on some blunt bangs, cat eye liner, and cute print! Check out for inspiration 4.) Moonrise KingdomThis is one of my favorite Wes Anderson movies. The whole film was beautiful, but I particularly love Sam and Suzy’s costumes 4.) CoralineWell, if you have not seen this movie, you re missing out. It is an entertaining, yet terrifying, Tim Burton movie that is definitely one of my favs. Plus the iconic blue hair is a dead give away for this costume.

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Racism:1. What message is the public service announcement (PSA) trying to portray? Is the message persuasive?■ To inform and and advocate about anti-racism. Why it should

not be apart of society because it is of no use, but it is still a big problem in the media.

2. How did the producers use persuasive words and images to get across their message?■ Talking to people of different races and ethnicities and their

experiences with racism.3.  If you chose this topic, list two changes you would make to the movie.■ Mention places where racism is a big problem.

4. How did the visual representations add meaning to the message?■ The interviews were well conducted…

5. ~discussion~6. What is the ultimate message you gain by watching the movie?■ There is really no use of racism, and should therefore be

eliminated from society.7. How did the other group interpretation of the message differ from how you feel about the topic?■ Nothing bothers me more when someone uses racial slurs…

It is just so low, and shows that you are too uneducated and bigoted to even care about the feelings of other people.

Breast Cancer Awareness, Teen Pregnancy, Endangered Animals, and Drug use awareness 1. What message is the public service announcement (PSA) trying to portray? Is the message persuasive?■ BCA: Awareness of the life changing issue of Breast Cancer,

and what we can do to help.■ TP: Create an understanding about teen pregnancy and

prevention■ EA: To educate the public about the growing issue of animal

endangerment.■ DUA: The opinions of recreational drug use by the general

public.2. How did the producers use persuasive words and images to get across their message?■ BCA: Used real-life stories to establish a sense of credibility.■ TP: Talked to students who have friends and family members

that were pregnant at an unprepared age.■ EA: Interviewed the public to really get an understanding of

how much the population knows about endangered/extinct animals.

■ DUA: By talking to the school nurse, someone with experience with kids and the effects of drugs.

3.  If you chose this topic, list two changes you would make to the movie.

■ BCA: More information about cancer research, that is all ■ TP: Talk to real teen moms, more concise options for

prevention and education.■ EA: More statistics and information on extinct and

endangered animals.■ DUA: Better movie editing, better questions for interviews.

4. How did the visual representations add meaning to the message?■ BCA: The logos of major breast cancer funds at the end made

the PSA seem official.■ TP: Interviews with students at school, who are the same age

as a teen mom would be.■ EA: The use of wildlife themed transitions to enforce the

mood of the PSA■ DUA: It didn’t really…

5. How do your opinions differ among other students?■ My partners and I all had similar opinions.

6. What is the ultimate message you gain by watching the movie?■ BCA: Breast cancer can affect anyone, so it is important to

raise revenue for research because it may be you who is needing the research.

■ TP: Be smart; use protection, think about the consequences before having sex.

■ EA: Animal Endangerment is a global issue that we all can and need to change.

■ DUA: I don’t know, it is hard to develop an opinion when there is so little information given.

7. How did the other group interpretation of the message differ from how you feel about the topic?■ BCA: I feel this is an extremely important topic because I

know people touched by cancer and how life-changing it can be.

■ TP: It is a shame that so many teens become pregnant when it can be so easily prevented.

■ EA: No animals are going to be saved until the whole world pull together to make a difference.

■ DUA: I have no problem with the use of Marijuana, it is not my thing, but I don’t see an issue personally as long as it safely used.

Reflecting on the Process:PSA ReviewsBy Madeline Mesa






Veteran’s Day:By Madeline Mesa

There is a slough of useless, random holidays strewn across American calendars (um…Colombus day? Really?), but Veterans day is not on one of those holidays. Veteran’s Day celebrates and commemorates the duty of soldiers and those who served in the major wars. It is on November 11th because on this same date, in 1926, President Woodrow Wilson signed an armistice; ending World War  I. President Eisenhower declared that, no matter the day, November 11th would be

reserved for the respect, condolences, and honor of those who served in the military.

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ThanksgivingDelicious with a twist on traditional By Madeline Mesa

Let’s talk about the good stuff, no not quality family time and gratefulness, the food!!! My family has always taken a different angle on Thanksgiving. Being traditionally Italian, we usually make our stuffing out of Panettone (like italian sweet bread with raisins in it). And also serve butternut squash and pumpkin raviolis, cuccidates (fig cookie sorta thing), LOTS of cheese and wine, and plenty of turkey. So in the spirit of my own Italian-infused holidays, here are a couple spinoffs of my favorite Thanksgiving dishes!

Roasted Butternut Squash Ravioli with Sage, Hazelnut and Brown Butter SauceIngredientsRavioli:2 butternut squash, halved and seededPinch cinnamonPinch nutmeg1 tablespoon finely chopped orange zest2 teaspoons chipotle puree1/4 cup finely chopped parsley1/4 cup finely grated Parmesan cheeseSalt and freshly ground pepper4 sheets pasta dough, 12 to 14 inches long by 4 inches wide2 eggs mixed with 2 tablespoons waterChopped chivesDirectionsPreheat oven to 450 degrees F.

Place squash on a baking sheet and roast until soft 30 to 40

minutes. Scoop out flesh and run though a food mill. Place the puree into a medium saucepan and cook over low heat until almost dry. Add the remaining ingredients and season with salt and pepper to taste. Lay a sheet of pasta dough on a lightly floured work surface and distribute a heaping teaspoon-sized portion of the filling at least 2 inches apart. Use your fingertip or a brush to moisten the edges of the pasta sheet with the egg wash. Carefully place a second sheet of the pasta dough on top of the first and press with your fingertips to separate the rows of filling. Repeat with the remaining dough. With a ravioli cutter or pastry wheel, cut along straight lines on the vertical and horizontal to form each ravioli square. Press the edges closed with your

fingertips to seal well. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Carefully drop in the ravioli and cook for about 5 minutes. Drain, plate and spoon butter sauce over and garnish with finely chopped chives.

Brown Butter Sauce:2 sticks unsalted butter1/4 cup coarsely ground hazelnuts1/4 cup heavy cream8 sage leaves, chiffonadeSalt and freshly ground pepperMelt butter in a medium saute pan over medium high heat. Add hazelnuts and cook until the hazelnuts are golden brown. Add the heavy cream and cook for 1 minute. Add the sage and season with salt and pepper, to taste.■ Panettone Stuffing■ Cranberry Sauce

Butternut squash Ravioli; Recipe Below





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People are in such a knot these days over the so-called “War on Christmas.” This all started when there was a call to stores to greet with “Season’s Greetings” or “Happy Holidays.” That seems fine, I mean, though Jewish people and other denominations only make up a minor percentage, it would be insensitive to be make Christianity the only religion to be mentioned in a season with many different holidays. This was done to avoid controversy, but this sparked a war on ignorance. Christmas trees, wreaths, snowmen, reindeer, cookies, ornaments, presents; Christmas, in my opinion, is much more than an American tradition now than it is a religious ordeal. Now, if it your family tradition to go to church, participate in Advent, and own nativity scenes, that’s awesome. You have a more traditional Christmas, which is no less fun and exciting as the less-religiously-committed Christmases. Myself, am technically

Roman-Catholic, but I don’t find myself at Church on Sunday, or actually own a bible. But, none the less, I celebrate Christmas as one would celebrate any other holiday. The point that I am trying to make is that Christmas is no longer a holiday reserved for Christians, it is a fun part of American culture everyone can enjoy. No one is trying to “destroy the spirit of Christmas,” therefore, it should not matter whether we call them “Christmas Trees” or “Holiday Trees”, what is important that everyone gets to see their family, eat food, get presents, and enjoy time off work ( You don’t need to own a nativity scene and know the full-story of Christmas to enjoy it. I mean honestly, do any of us know why we celebrate Easter, considered a religious holiday, with bunnies and eggs? We don’t need worry about being perfect, committed christians, just go sing some carols and spread some cheer. After all, isn’t that the whole spirit of Christmas?

War on Christmas:And why it is actually a controversy By Madeline Mesa

“Often, it’s not about becoming a new person, but becoming the person you were meant to be, and already are, but don’t know how to be.” -Heath l. Buckmaster





3High School:A luxury taken for grantedMadeline Mesa

High School is the place you will remember. Years from now, you will reminisce on all the amazing, stupid, or amazingly stupid things you did. I personally wanted my High School to be just like he ones you see on tv, checker-board floors; huge, personal lockers, strewn with photos and inspirations. A school where food-fights broke out, bullies just wanted milk money, and everyone rode the bus. Basically I wanted to be Lizzie McGuire (But hey, who doesn’t?). When you look back on it, your life in High School is less like Degrassi High and more like an episode of Freaks and Geeks. And if you have never watched Freaks and Geeks, go watch it now. Seriously, go.  Anyway, my point is that my High School is pretty dang cool. It is the quintessential American adolescent experience. We have football games; a homecoming parade, complete with King and Queen; obnoxious, yet fascinating pep rallies; and all the characters and cliques in every cheesy abc movie ever made.  My school is awesome. All the imperfections, weird happenings, and petty complaints are what makes High School so interesting. If we all lived in a perfect little school in a perfect little neighborhood, it would be so dull and uneventful. I mean, if I wanted to go to private school I would. But I like diversity, and realism, and independence, and challenges, and changes. My school is fun. And I think that is more than a lot of kids can say about their school. So to anyone complaining, or bashing your school, stop. Your moaning and groaning is not going to make 3 hour school day, outlaw homework, or keep that one girl form talking behind your back. You are the one in charge of your own experiences. There are four years before you are shoved into the real world with nothing but your diploma and a fear of the unknown (classes, jobs, responsibilities). High School is your last chance to get on your feet, make mistakes, and have fun doing it. And I am glad I get to do all of that at my High School. 

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January 11, 2013 By Madeline Mesa

Willow Glen High School’s Science ProgramsWith a myriad of interesting options for classes, new facilities, new materials, and great teachers, the science program could not be better fit for its students. Calling specific attention to the newly-implemented Bio-med courses.

I never thought I would have an interest in the sciences. It always seemed like something out of my reach, being that I was absolutely terrible at math. But during my time at

Willow Glen High School, I have challenged my self with many stimulating science courses.

Well, for one thing, WGHS has an amazing science program. I would go as far to say the strongest at the school. The classrooms are newly refurbished and equipped with all-new materials. During my time here, I have only taken Biology, Chemistry, and the Bio-medical class. All of which are enticing, fascinating, and hands-on. Every teacher I have had has been extremely knowledgable and involved with their subject manner, many even having careers in that field. I believe that having someone like that as a teacher is important for students because now, if they were interested in pursuing a career in the sciences, have somebody with experience to talk to.

My personal favorite subject is Biology. And currently at WGHS there is a program that offers classes for the medical profession. You don't necessarily have to want to become a doctor, but these courses have many opportunities to offer. For instance, connections to EMTs and other important medical officers, and internship opportunities at

Stanford University. This program, put on by "Project Lead the Way" is a three class program (So, idealistically you would begin your freshman or sophmore year). The first year, my class, is the principles of Biomedical Sciences. This covers the many career paths available in the medical profession as well as covering the main causes of death or mal health in the body (heart attacks, diabetes, etc...). The next course is Human Body Systems. This class goes more in-depth into the different body systems, their importance, and how they interact. Finally, is Medical Interventions. This course, not yet implemented at WGHS, goes over the protection and treatment of disease and infection.

If the biomedical sciences don’t “float your boat” per say, there are still many options. Other classes include Chemistry, Physics, Physiology, and regular Biology.

Science can appear daunting and even pointless to some students, but you do not want to miss out on these classes. I personally don’t want to be in the medical profession, but Bio-med is still my favorite class. I mean, how often are you going to disect a sheep heart and imitate then solve your own crime scene investigation? Do not disregard the sciences, especially not at a school where the program could not be better.

An Ode to the Sciences

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Extreme to Cozy New Winter Activities!I know we live in the bay area, a place unfamiliar to snowy and sloshy weather, but luckily (as Californians) we are never more than three hours away from the snow and pines. Many of us may or may not have skied, snowboarded, or sled in the past , and maybe it isn’t really your thing... Luckily, there is a plethora of diverse and fun winter activities now available.

INNOVATIONS IN THE SNOW COMMUNITYSome of the more prominent and fascinating activities I discovered is “Snowkiting” (see insert A). This is on the extreme side of the spectrum, but for something fun yet rigorous, check out “Snowbiking,” similar to that of mountain biking. If this is STILL too crazy, there is always enjoying some hot cocoa, looking over the views of the gorgeous winter scenery. (pic. C)

We all get tired of the same old Nesquick hot cocoa, so why not get a little more crafty and try out some delicious gourmet-style hot chocolate before the weather heats up again. Check out recipe sites for some inspiration, but here is a list of hot cocoas I found that look delicious.

•Pumpkin Spice White Hot Chocolate (

•Fluffernutter Hot Cocoa (Seattle Times)

•Spiced Hot Chocolate (

•Peppermint Hot Chocolate (Bon Appetit

New-Wave Hot Cocoa

A: SNOWKITING Basically Snowkiting is the same thing as windsurfing except you have a snowboard or skis and you glide across frozen lakes. Dillon, Colorado resorts offer classes, but there are groups all over who Snowkite.

B: SNOWBIKING Rent fat-tired snowbikes and take off to explore the mountainside! These modified mountain bikes can be taken on traditional trail heads, or just cruisin around. Telluride, Colorado offers the best ammenities

C:VIEWS GALORE! Take the gondola to the top the Heavenly valley resort and relish in Lake Tahoe’s beautiful scenery. Heavenly offers a variety of activities at the top of its resort, so take it to the top and take advantage of everything they have to offer.



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I chose someone whom I believe to be a great example of ambition and passion. I chose Ashari because she owns and operates her very own music blog (which is wildly successful, I might add) She has a great story to tell, and I think it’s important for people our age to be exposed to people that create their own success. So, in my opinion, my article turned out great. I carried out an in-depth interview about an interesting person, and got interesting answers. And isn’t that the whole point of a feature article? 

Reflection:Feature ArticleBy Madeline Mesa






Response:An Ode to the SciencesBy Madeline Mesa

Astronomers have identified Quasars as being the largest known structures in the galaxy. They are massive radio-wave emitting “things” (for lack of a better word) billions of miles out of earth’s view. They are extremely bright, and only the right equipment can catch a glimpse of its existence. I think this is pretty amazing given that we continue to discover new planetary bodies and other vital information every day. When you think about it, we are (figuratively speaking) just a marble floating around with a bunch of different marbles in a room we can’t determine the size of. Humans have been studying space for hundreds of years, and it’s amazing we now as much as we do and amazing we still have more to learn.

Obama:The Promise of ChangeBy Madeline Mesa

Throughout the entire presidential election, every debate, speech, and campaign; all I could think about is how desperately we need a lot more diversity on Capital Hill (gender wise and racially). I am a huge Barack Obama fan, I have faith in his abilities and he certainly paved a new way for under-represented demographics in government, but look at our country and then the people who make up the senate and the house. This whole old, white, christian male thing clearly isn’t working.  Currently in the White House, there are men and women whom are top of their class, brilliant, innovative people. They have a better comprehension of the issues are and how we should take course. These people should be challenged more in government. If America has the ability match the cheery phasad they project on other countries, why shouldn’t we put all our efforts in ensuring this country is a place of equal opportunity and treatment. We need to be less tempested; the amount of military spending is enough to put every single child no matter where they reside in school, yet we continue to spend and dig ourselves deeper in to debt. I understand that it takes a lot of work to remove troops, and we have an obligation to the UN to spread democracy, but this clearly isn’t working. Gun violence plagues this country. As much as trigger-happy hunters would like to believe that “guns

don’t kill people; people kill people.” You want to know what is killing people? PEOPLE WITH GUNS. The salt-of-the-earth Americans want to keep guns because “it’s in the constitution,” well, slavery was also okay in the constitution, but we changed that. Women couldn’t vote in the constitution, but that changed. It is a selfish mechanism to deny everyone safety in our country, and I can only hope that we can change that. Not to mention the gay rights issue. I’m not even going into that because the bells going to ring, but I do have an ardent argument for that issue…In conclusion, we need people to represent the different voices in this country. White men make up only 39.5 percent. Now, what was that about equal representation? America the great? Hardly. How can we move forward when we still fear what we don’t know?

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“In a culture that equates youth with beauty, aging (as in, becoming officially old and wrinkled) doesn’t offer too many privileges. But one thing that’s sort of great is that as you age, a certain level of eccentricity becomes almost expected of you. The giant handbags, fussy shoes, and nutty jewelry that would mark a younger woman as Sort of Weird (in a good way, of course) seem

perfectly natural—even adorable—on a woman of a certain age. Becoming An Old is a blank check to try out all the batty combinations that younger women are often shy to wear. And there are plenty of older women out there who are exploiting that to the fullest: embracing their eccentricity, subverting the belief that older women should quietly fade away, being loud and dressing as weird as they damn well please.”

-Leeann for Rookie Mag

You can’t age out of lookin’ good.Pics from Rookie Mag



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Opportunity 21:And why it’s about time.By Madeline Mesa

Opportunity 21 is a plan to incorporate better communication and resource skills into the classroom in the form of technology and taught curriculum. With the world rapidly changing around us, we must adapt to succeed; and in a world of technology, our communication with one another of our ideas and thoughts, is vital to keep up with our fast-paced society. This is important to me because I have a teacher that will not let me use my phone in class to READ MY TEXTBOOK. I downloaded the digital textbook, and use it for all of my assignments. She probably thinks that i’m texting, or on facebook, but in actuality, I am just depleting the need to haul around a massive five-pound text book. We need to look towards the future and not dwell on the old standards. We can not be learning on the 20th century, and expected to succeed in the 21st century. Just the

monotonous lull of “lecture notes” is not going to cut it. We need hands on, engaging curriculum. Why are we so caught up in those kids that don’t do anything in class, fail tests, and don’t care? Because we are not giving them a reason to care; no incentives, no goals, no future in what they’re learning. I have a 4.0 gpa and I can honestly say there are classes I want flat-out do not care about because they are boring, and I can’t relate to them. But I want tot go to college, soooooo priorities. But that’s not the point, teachers who have been using the same exact lesson plan since the 1950s (*cough* *cough* APUSH) or the same curriculum for 30 years (ummm pre-calc…) I am not inspired and usually just wind up more confused by the end of the day. So now is the time with Opportunity 21 to make school relevant again. I’m certain it would solve a lot of issues.

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The “Mr. Donut and Me” program in Seattle started after a father hosted a show and tell project at his son’s school doodled on the blackboard. He was a cartoonist at the time, and the drawings fascinated both the children and the teachers. Later the teacher recommended that he return

to his son’s third grade class to teach beginning cartooning lessons. The kids drew step by step their own characters and story lines, and suddenly third-graders were constructing their very own comic strips. The story of “Mr. Donut” spread across the city, state, and country landing Ramon

Collins (creator of the Mr. Donut program) a seat at the National Education Conference at the state capitol. Just the simplest interactions with children can make a difference; opening doors not only for students, but for prospective education entrepreneur.

Mr. Donut:And the new schools.By Madeline Mesa






Money:Need and want are one in the same.By Madeline Mesa

Well, it’s that time of the year again, the time of the year where I am flat broke and have no new summer clothes. Luckily, I’m not stupid, and neither are you, so let’s change that. Here are some quick money making tips:-EBAY! Remember that ipod you got for your birthday in 2006? And that gameboy? Or those shoes you had to have but never wore? They’re worth money. So create a listing and watch the money roll on from just doing some spring cleaning.

-Babysit: It really isn’t hard, unless you consider playing with kids, putting them to bed then watching television for three hours “difficult.” And you get payed in cash, in full. -Get a job. It might be boring, but the money is consistent. Unless you do what I did, find a job you actually like. For instance, I’m a tennis player who gets payed for teaching tennis. 

Music:What’s good...By Madeline Mesa

Passion Pit: I had the pleasure of seeing them live at 105.3ʹ′s Not So Silent Night concert in December, and they were fantastic. I had listened to 5 or 6 tracks off their first album, Manners, and am now fully enamored with their 2012 album, Gossamer. Their catchy, mesmerizing music, is timeless and authentic. I like them so much, I’m actually seeing them tonight in San Francisco! I’m fully prepared to lose my voice. Check out the music video for “Take a Walk.”Two Door Cinema Club:You can count on all their songs to be catchy with great vocals and amazing

instrumentals. I really can’t say more than that. Check out Beacon. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis:In all seriousness, no one has more fun these two. Their sets the stage for a new kind of rap; their songs sound like passion-filled poetry slam winners, complete with beautiful choruses sung by all different artists. Besides their big hit “Thrift Shop” check out “Can’t Hold Us, Wings, Otherside, And we danced, and same love” Check out their amazing performance on SNL last saturday! 

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Cellphones and Schoolwork:Yes or no?By Madeline MesaQ: How can cellphones teach and learn effectively?A: I believe computers are valuable and absolutely vital in the classroom. Cellphones may be a bit of a stretch since many are not current, fast enough, and cost too much money to operate. But computers in the classroom is amazing. This year alone, I learned how to create and design webpages (Journalism); communicate via Google Drive with whomever I please (English),I even raised over $1,500 for my service trip to Nicaragua through email and internet resources; I can now check heart rates, blood pressure, EKGs, and calculate multiple factors determining human health all at my fingertips (Biomed). The two classes that don’t use these tools are AP US history and Pre-calc. Not only am I struggling in those classes, but I am bored, uninterested, could-not-possibly-care-less, and ill-prepared for my future in those subjects. Not once have I seen a powerpoint, a map, an electronic simulation, or even just screen. If we are drowning in resources, how come we can’t use them just because it’s technological? You can’t teach logic when the teachers aren’t using any themselves.

Q: What policies or procedures are necessary to ensure “appropriate” use and who defines that?A: Everything is a resource. So much can be observed just by logging onto facebook. If I were teaching a Sociology class, I would ask my students to channel what is trending by posts, pictures, videos, and have them analyze why these trends are popular, why are theses advertisments being displayed, and how does social networking make or break actual relationships.  Teachers always think that students just want to message each other and cheat on things. Uh, no. That is not even kinda right. Facebook is fun for, like, 10 minutes TOPS. And how would I be cheating by looking up the same information I could find in a text book? It’s way faster and it’s still words on a page. Also, I can’t cheat from other students. We don’t care about each other that much. Since Youtube is blocked, I can’t link this, but Youtube “Crashcourse” “Scishow”  ”Vsauce” or “Minutephysics.”  These are all channels that are devoted to education. They are all educated and involved in what they are discussing and they use a variety of visuals, diagrams, and information to make a point. You can learn anything from The French Revolution to Quantum Theory in about 6 minutes. So let’s stop making technology the enemy, because it’s the reason my mom has a job, millions have a job, and how millions more will get a job. And isn’t school supposed to be teaching us how to get a job?

Career Faire:Helping students look towards the future.By Madeline Mesa

Personally, I kinda hate career day. I wish we could just have an “I have no idea what I want so can we just talk about possibilities” day. Students pick two possible career paths, and we talk to people in those professions. I wish I had the opportunity to got check out the science or entertainment classes, but instead I got communications and public service. The public service one was interesting, but I didn’t feel particularly inspired be either. I wish the day was more centered about doing whatever you want, no matter how far out or obscure. I mean, I doubt the speakers had always dreamed of being in charge international affairs for a company that produces microchips (I’m not saying that’s not an amazing job, but I really wanted to hear something motivational.) Anyways, I think it is important to emphasize to kids that they can do whatever they want. Maybe there should have been a class about starting businesses, or developing a product. Maybe more valuable would have been “college-option day.” God knows that’s the reason I can’t sleep at night.





3Style Profile:I like the idea of having a “Style Profile” for individual students that display good fashion sense. Personally I love clothes and shopping so I would be very interested in doing feature similar to this for our own school newspaper.

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There is news coming from Corinth, Mississippi that a 45 year-old mother of four is claiming that her eight year-old son has discovered  a “miracle wrinkle-cream” in their own backyard. Fourth-grader Matthew Santorine claims he was just “messing around with his friends” at his suburban home when they discovered something strange; “I saw my dog sniffing something towards the back fence, so I went to go check it out,” claims Matthew. It was a ham sandwich that Matthew’s second oldest brother had left there from last fourth of July. “It was super gross and green-colored,” adds Matthew’s friend, Davis Yalt. Next, the fourth-grader claimed he wiped a smear of it with a stick, then walked back towards his house and wiping it on the hand-railing off his back porch. Matthew’s Mother says, “I was coming

outside to tell Davis his mother was on her way to get him while I was getting ready to go to work. I was about to rub lotion in my face when apparently I accidentally wiped my hand through the goop.” “I was in a rush, so I didn’t think much of it, and proceeded to rub the moisturizer and the old sandwich on my face.” “I went to the bathroom during my break at the office and could not believe what I saw…Crow’s feet, forehead indentations, and mouth wrinkles gone. Completely gone. I looked 25! Even my coworker and friend, Debbie, asked if I had any work done!”  Mississippi scientists are taking the “sandwich” back to the labs to run tests and possibly integrate the bacteria into skin care. “It would be a dream come true if something developed from this unique discovery!” -Ms. Santorine

“Genuine News Article”;)By Madeline Mesa






Take the Umm out of Summer:Have fun in the bayBy Madeline Mesa

Its that time of year again, the weather is warm and the last thing you want to be doing is sitting at home refreshing your facebook page, twitter feed, tumblr dashboard, etc. So what do you do with all this free time and great weather? YOU GO OUT AND DO THINGS. Luckily, you live in possibly the most interesting points in the country, there is no shortage in fun, weird, and exciting things to do! Let’s get started:Outdoor-sy people:-Hiking: May I recommend a hike or two? Quicksilver trails are gorgeous in the summer, also there is a trail head off Villa Montalvo with a really awesome decrepit gazeebo and an amazing view on the top. Also, Rancho San Antonio outside of Coupertino includes a small independently owned farm full of cute animals

-Beaching: Take the bus down to Santa Cruz and spend the day in the (hopefully!) sunny weather, there is the always fun Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, twin lakes beach, or the Seal-clad pier. Or, make the drive down to Carmel, buy some local produce on the way there and bonfire on the beach!The Party-Hardyers-Festivals Galore! Check out the Bottle Rock festival in Napa Valley, there will be food, wine, headlining musicians, and famous comedians -Music: BFD is an all day festival at shoreline with dozens of great bands, also Outside Lands is an increasingly popular outdoor concert later in August. For all you music junkies who didn’t make it to coachella Shoppers. (aka my people)-Check out the insanely cheap and unique finds in the SF mission

district. They also have flea market’s on Saturday so brush up on your spanish and go eat street tacos with the locals.- The Haight-Ashbury district has some of the best thrifting in the city. Nuff ’ said.-Go local; check out the famous Black and Brown in San Jose, Crossroads, Plato’s Closet, Goodwill, or Buffalo Exchange.-Santana Row is never not a good idea.Foodies:-Moveable Feast!-Check out Smitten Ice Cream in Hayes Valley. It changed my life.-Get a grilled cheese from the Cowgirl Creamery Milk bar in the Ferry Building. I like mine in the patio overlooking the bay, the quintessential California experience.

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DIY:ruffle socksBy Rookie Mag

Okay, so I REALLY REALLY love lace socks. Unfortunately, it’s the little accessories are usually way expensive, so why not make your own cutesy socks?DIY courtesy of Rookie Mag <3 :You’ll need:■ One yard of ruffled lace

trim. You can find this at any craft or fabric store.

■ Two pairs of snap closures. I’m using prong-backed ones for this tutorial, but the sew-on kind work just as well. No-sew snaps will come with either open prong rings or a mix of open and capped prong rings—the cap serves a decorative function, which I like.

■ Scissors■ Fray Check■ A pair of socks■ Snap pliers or hammer

(optional—this is for the prong-backed snaps)

1.Wrap one end of the lace trim around the area just above your ankle. It should be snug enough that it won’t easily slide down, but not so tight that you cut off your circulation! Mark where the two ends overlap, allowing for about one inch of overlap.

2. Cut your lace at that overlap point. Cut another piece of lace identical in length to this one.

3.These two pieces of trim will be your sock ruffles! Now all

you have to do is finish them and add some closures.

4.Finish the raw edges of each piece of lace with a little Fray Check.

5.Now take one of the ruffles and a pair of snaps. With the inside of the ruffle facing you, attach the snap to the upper corner with the stud (the part that looks like a nipple) facing out. See the two photos below. If you’re using the prong-backed closures, you can just push the prong ring through the front of the fabric, where you see the left-most X below, and attach the stud to the prongs. The easiest way to do this is with snap pliers, which I didn’t have. You can also buy a snap kit with a metal tool that you place on top of the snap, and then hammer a few times to secure. (Check out this tutorial if you need more guidance.) Next, flip the ruffle over so it’s right-side up again and attach the other half of the snap—the socket—to the opposite side, about one inch away from the corner (so the lace will overlap). Push the prong ring through the back of the ruffle and attach the socket to the front, where it will fit the stud when closed.

6.When you’re done, your snap placement should look something like this. Repeat this on the other ruffle, and you’ll be good to go!

7.And here are your finished sock ruffles! Just snap ’em on over a pair of socks, roll the cuffs over, and go be frivolous and free. ♦





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Food for thought:Life Hacks!By Madeline Mesa






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Chocolate Lasagna • 1 package regular Oreo cookies

(Not Double Stuff) – about 36 cookies

• 6 Tablespoon butter, melted• 1- 8 ounce package cream

cheese, softened• 1/4 cup granulated sugar• 2 Tablespoons cold milk• 1- 12 ounce tub Cool Whip,

divided• 2 – 3.9 ounce packages

Chocolate Instant Pudding.• 3 1/4 cups cold milk• 1 and 1/2 cups mini chocolate

chips1. Begin by crushing 36 Oreo

cookies. I used my food processor for this, but you could also place them in a large ziplock bag and crush them with a rolling pin. When the Oreos have turned into fine crumbs, you are done.

2. Transfer the Oreo crumbs to a large bowl. Stir in 6 tablespoons melted butter and use a fork to incorporate the butter into the cookie crumbs. When the butter is distributed, transfer the mixture to a 9 x 13 inch baking dish. Press the crumbs into the bottom of the pan. Place the pan in the refrigerator while you work on the additional layers.

3. Mix the cream cheese with a mixer until light and fluffy. Add in 2 Tablespoons of milk, and sugar, and mix well. Stir in 1 and 1/4 cups Cool Whip. Spread this mixture over the crust.

4. In a bowl, combine chocolate instant pudding with 3 and 1/4 cups cold milk. Whisk for several minutes until the pudding starts to thicken. Use a spatula to spread the mixture over the previous cream cheese layer. Allow the dessert to rest for about 5 minutes so that the pudding can firm up further.

5. Spread the remaining Cool Whip over the top. Sprinkle mini chocolate chips evenly over the top. Place in the freezer for 1 hour, or the refrigerator for 4 hours before serving.

Oreo Cupcakes:

• 42 cream-filled sandwich cookies, such as Oreos, 30 left whole, and 12 coarsely chopped

• 2 pounds cream cheese, room temperature

• 1 cup sugar

• 1 tsp vanilla extract

• 4 large eggs, room temperature, lightly beaten

• 1 cup sour cream

• Pinch of salt

Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 275 degrees. Line

standard muffin tins with paper liners. Place 1 whole cookie in the bottom of each lined cup.

2. With an electric mixer on medium high speed, beat cream cheese until smooth, scraping down sides of bowl as needed. Gradually add sugar, and beat until combined. Beat in vanilla.

3. Drizzle in eggs, a bit at a time, beating to combine and scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed. Beat in sour cream and salt. Stir in chopped cookies by hand.

4. Divide batter evenly among cookie-lined cups, filling each almost to the top. Bake, rotating pan halfway through, until filling is set, about 22 minutes. Transfer to wire racks to cool completely. Refrigerate at least 4 hours (or up to overnight). Remove from tins just before serving.

Food:Chocolatey GoodnessBy Madeline Mesa






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Mother’s DayTo all the mommies By Madeline Mesa

Moms do everything. Literally, they are responsible for practically every aspect of your daily life. Of course, this concept varies from person to person, but for many they wouldn’t be half the person they are today without their moms. So here is a funny little shout-out to all the moms out there:

Tumblr:Hey there Yahoo!By Madeline Mesa

I am completely submissive to the toxic black-hole that is Tumblr. I have deleted many of my own blogs in hope to regain my free time and sanity, but I keep crawling back; I am very much in tumblr’s grasp. Despite being robbed of my time to do useful things with my life, I have become acutely “tuned in” to everything pop-culture, comedic, or pertaining to social issues. Basically, as vapid as this sounds, Tumblr is apart of my life. So I was surprised when Yahoo! chose to buy Tumblr, I’m not against it, it just struck me as strange. What is a secondary search engine going to do with one of the largest social media sites available? Are they going to change anything? Will it be better, different, worse? (though I’m certain if it got worse, the tumblr population would be swift to make changes) My biggest surprise is that Google didn’t sweep in to grab it first, given that it practically monopolizes everything it touches. I guess only time will tell… but for the meantime, Welcome to the family, Yahoo!

Nunc vel purus rhoncuspurus sodales maurisBy Trenz PrucaNisl id, urna tellus vestibulum arcu, at et sit pharetra odio pede, vel libero mauris suscipit sit. Ligula dolor vel ipsum posuere consequat gravida, mauris at, in suscipit magna libero enim mauris a. Sed ut imperdiet ridiculus. Eget nascetur aenean sodales veritatis mauris libero. Arcu nunc pellentesque, elementum id pharetra id sit pellentesque, metus dapibus massa maecenas sit mus molestiae, nulla eget id ac amet vel.

Molestie ornare amet vel id fusce, rem volutpat platea. Magnis vel, lacinia nisl, vel nostra nunc eleifend arcu leo, in dignissim lorem vivamus. Justo vel ante sed augue facilisis, quisque donec wisi, lorem fringilla aliquam, et lacus. Duis ipsum justo in, curabitur curabitur nisl condimentum, sit sodales a pretium. Est ultrices hasellus ullamcorper ridiculus, donec id adipiscing sit placerat sit, eget euismod, luctus lectus eros vestibulum eu hac pede, neque et nonummy. Ante delectus laoreet felis turpis porta, nunc sem suspendisse turpis, hac massa morbi erat, amet condimentum pulvinar augue. Quam lorem pede proin lectus laoreet, est sit sed quis, odio ac mollis nulla in, ad cursus sit ante. Lacus risus felis volutpat, magna euismod leo, maecenas at aenean cras gravida eu consectetuer, fusce convallis etiam velit pellentesque.

Enim ridiculus aliquet penatibus amet, tellus at morbi, mi hac, mus sit mauris facere. Natoque et. Sit nam duis montes, arcu pede elit molestie, amet quisque sed egestas urna non, vestibulum nibh suspendisse. Molestie eros leo placerat porttitor, et felis faucibus id urna, quam luctus ante eros etiam tellus, vel diam. Nec etiam dui accusamus, morbi at elit ipsum sit diam, velit feugiat vel dictum donec at eget. Nam uut, massa. Maecenas vitae ante et lacus aliquam hendrerit. Curabitur nunc eros, euismod in, convallis at, vehicula sed consectetuer posuere, eros mauris dignissim diam, pretium sed pede suscipit: Adiam condimentum purus, in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc, aliquam ac, consequat vitae, feugiat at, blandit vitae, euismod vel, nunc. eu, estmorbi tristique senectus.






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THANK YOU FOR READINGSeriously.By Madeline Mesa

I hope you enjoyed my Journalism Final, I put a lot of work into these and it was really fun, who knows...maybe this won’t be the last magazine I make...Anyways, thanks again :)






Now, and informal compilation of stuff that inspires me: