some considerations about bioethanol combustion in oil-fired boilers

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  • 8/14/2019 Some considerations about bioethanol combustion in oil-fired boilers


    Some considerations about bioethanol combustion in oil-red boilers

    Jorge Barroso , Javier Ballester, Antonio Pina

    LITEC, University of Zaragoza - CSIC, Mara de Luna 3, Zaragoza, 50018, Spain

    a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 16 April 2010

    Accepted 4 May 2010







    The combustion of bioethanol in boilers has been analyzed and compared with conventional liquid fuels. The

    study includes an experimental evaluation of combustion performance as well as the estimation of the

    impact of replacing gasoil by ethanol on the thermal efciency of an industrial boiler.

    Several works have been dedicated to the study of fuel substitution in internal combustion engines, being theuse of gasoilbioethanol blends in engines a common practice. However, very few studies have addressed

    the characterization of switching of conventional liquid fuels by bioethanol in boilers.

    Combustion tests demonstrate signicant differences between bioethanol and gasoil ames. Soot, NOx and

    SO2emissions are signicantly lower with ethanol, whereas this fuel can produce higher amounts of CO than

    gasoil if the burner is not properly adapted. The experimental tests have demonstrated that both the burner

    and boiler operation should be readjusted or modied as a result of the change of fuel in industrial boilers. If

    thermal input is to be kept constant, nozzles of larger capacities must be used and the air feeding rate needs

    to be signicantly modied. Also, the ame detector may have to be replaced and the fuel feeding system

    should be revised due to the enhanced tendency of ethanol to cavitation. Using the same thermal input may

    not guarantee keeping the same steam production, but some parameters of boiler operation should be

    modied in order to avoid reductions in the capacity of the boiler when switching from gasoil to bioethanol,

    such as gas recirculation fraction, steam cooling systems and percentage of oxygen in the exhaust gases.

    The feasibility of burning bioethanol in gasoil boilers has been analyzed, and the results conrm that fuel

    switching is technically possible and offers some advantages in terms of pollutants reduction.

    2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    The fossil fuels resources are depleting as quickly as the energy

    consumption is increasing and the humanity have the challenge to

    nd out environment-friendly alternatives to fulll the energy

    demand of the world. In this context, many countries are more and

    more concerned of their vulnerability to oil embargoes and shortages,

    which would affect not only the development of industrial, transpor-

    tation, and agricultural sectors, and many other basic human needs,

    but also their political decisions. Hence, the scientists are looking for

    alternative energy sources. Considerable attention has been focused

    on the development of alternative renewable fuel sources, with

    particular reference to the alcohols, as it is pointed in reviews [13].

    Hansen et al.[1]recognized the opportunities of bioethanol blended

    with gasoline and diesel in internal combustion engines, with the

    benecial effects of reducing country dependence on imported fuel,

    substituting fossil fuels by a renewable resource, and accomplishing

    the more stringent emissions regulations. Agarwal[2]explained that

    using an ethanol-unleaded gasoline blend leads to a signicant

    reduction in exhaust emissions of CO and HC and using ethanoldiesel

    blends up to 20% signicant reduction in CO and NOxemission was


    The main economic, environmental, social implications of biofuels

    are discussed by Petrou and Pappis [4], concluding it is necessary to

    make a whole Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) analysis to determine

    biofuels' performance with respect to all the impact categories, where

    the supply cost (in relation to a certain fossil fuel price to be

    substituted) is an important consideration. Farrell et al.[5]concluded

    that the range of assumptions and data found could play a key role

    when comparing fuel resources and that further research into

    environmental metrics is needed for obtaining valid comparisons.

    Bioethanol is used as alternative fuel in the gasoline and diesel

    internal combustion engines, because it improves performance and

    reduces pollutant emissions. Parag and Raghavan [6] developed a

    fundamental experimental study to determine the burning rates of

    ethanol and ethanol-blended fossil fuels such as gasoline or diesel.

    They found that the mass burning rate does not vary signicantly for

    ethanol blended with diesel, but transition velocity decreases and

    ame stand-off distances and ame luminosity increase with the

    content of diesel in the blend. On the contrary, for ethanol blended

    with gasoline, the mass burning rate increases with the gasoline

    content due to the higher volatility of gasoline. Transition velocityrst

    decreases when 10% gasoline is added to ethanol, but with further

    addition of gasoline, transition velocity gradually increases. Flame

    Fuel Processing Technology 91 (2010) 15371550

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 976 506520x206; fax: +34 976 761882.

    E-mail address:[email protected](J. Barroso).

    0378-3820/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Fuel Processing Technology

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  • 8/14/2019 Some considerations about bioethanol combustion in oil-fired boilers


    stand-off distances and ame luminosity also increase with gasoline


    There are several works on different proportions of ethanol

    gasoline blend[710]. The effect of ethanol blended gasoline fuels on

    emissions and catalyst conversion efciencies was investigated in a

    spark ignition engine by He et al. [7], concluding that total

    hydrocarbon (THC), CO and NOx emissions at operating conditions

    can be reduced by adding 30% ethanol by volume to the fuel, but

    unburned ethanol and acetaldehyde emissions increase. Bahattin[8]studied different gasolineethanol blends, determining that the most

    suitable fuel in terms of performance and emissions was E50 (50%

    gasoline +50% ethanol), in which the specic fuel consumption as

    wellas CO, CO2, HC andNOx emissions were reduced by about 3%,53%,

    10%, 12% and 19%, respectively. Najaet al.[9]obtained good results

    studying experimentally the performance and pollutant emissions of a

    four-stroke spark ignition engine operating on ethanolgasoline

    blends of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% with the aid of articial neural

    network (ANN). A decrease of CO andHC concentrations wasobserved

    when the ethanol level was increased in the blend; on the contrary,

    NOx concentration increased with ethanol proportion. Ameria et al.

    [10] studied theperformance of a combinedheat andpower plant with

    an internal combustion engine fueled with a bioethanolgasoline

    blend, demonstrating that the maximum cylinderpressure, the output

    temperature, the availability of the ue gas for heat recovery and the

    efciency of the CHP system increase and carbon monoxide volume

    percentage is reduced when bioethanol is increased in the blend.

    Several works have been dedicated to study the behavior of

    ethanoldiesel blends. The works [1115] reported a reduction in

    heating value, aromatics fractions and kinematicviscosity of the blend

    and in the emissions of particulate matter and total hydrocarbons

    from diesel engines, but there is a small penalty on CO and unburned

    ethanol emissions compared to diesel fuel and the behavior of NOxemissions depends on load, fuel additive, catalytic treatment and

    other engine parameters. Rakopoulos et al. [16] analyzed a diesel

    engine fueled with ethanoldiesel fuel blends, proving that the

    reduction in smoke density, CO and in NOxemissions increased with

    the percentage of ethanol in the blend with respect to that of the neat

    diesel fuel. On the contrary, the emissions of unburned hydrocarbons(HC) increased in proportion with the percentage of ethanol in the

    blend. Kim and Choi[17]tested the effect of ethanoldiesel blend on

    the emissions in a diesel engine with warm-up catalytic converter,

    concluding that THC and CO emissions were slightly increased

    whereas smoke and the total mass of the PM were decreased when

    ethanoldiesel blends were burnt. Sahin and Durgun [18] developed a

    numerical investigation about the effects of ethanoldiesel fuel blends

    on turbocharged direct-injection diesel engines performance and

    veried that, at varied equivalence ratios, brake specic fuel

    consumption (BSFC) and equivalence ratio reduce and brake effective

    efciency and power and ignition delay increase with the percentage

    of ethanol in the mixture.

    Chen et al. [19] studied the combustion characteristics burning

    different esterethanoldiesel blended fuels in a diesel engine,showing that with increasing ethanol in the blended fuel, both

    smoke and particulate matter (PM) can be reduced. The reduction of

    CO and NOxemissions in diesel engines by introducing bioethanol in

    multicomponent diesel fuel mixtures containing fossil diesel fuel (D),

    rapeseed oil methyl esters (RME), and ethanol (E) was also tested by

    Lebedevas et al.[20]. The experimental and numerical analysis of the

    spray characteristics of biodiesel, dimethyl ether (DME), and biodie-

    selethanol blended fuels (BDE) in the common-rail injection system

    were investigated by Kim et al. [21], concluding that theoverall Sauter

    mean diameter has a stable value of30m for biodiesel and BDE20

    sprays and 20m for DME spray. The local Sauter mean diameter

    distribution as a function of distance from nozzle tip for diesel,

    biodiesel and biodiesel 20% ethanol blend is analyzed by Park et al.

    [22], concluding that the mean droplet diameter is very similar for the

    three fuels in the rst 30 mm from the nozzle tip, but the reduction of

    the droplet sizefrom 39to 32m inthe regionbetween 30and 40 mm

    from the nozzle tip is only observed for diesel atomization, while

    biodiesel and ethanol blended biodiesel have a similar tendency of

    atomization with a graduallydecreasing of droplet size over theentire

    range of measurement, down to 41m for biodiesel and to 35m

    for ethanolbiodiesel blend.

    Only a few references about the behavior of ethanoldiesel blendsin

    boilers have been found. One of them is the experimental investigationabout the combustion of various kerosenediesel and ethanoldiesel

    fuel blends in a continuous ow combustor presented by Asfar and

    Hamed[23], where remarkable improvement in combustion quality

    and reduction in pollutants and soot mass concentration in the exhaust

    are reported, as well as an unavoidable slight raise in NOxemissions.

    Increasing the percentage of alcohol in the blend beyond 10% does not

    seem to improve combustion or reduce pollutants and soot any further.

    The effects of the mixing of alcohol with liquid fuels on the combustion

    in furnaces are briey presented by Prieto-Fernandez et al. [24]. They

    found that the addition of methanol or ethanol to light oil reduces the

    amount of unburnt gas hydrocarbons and solid particulates in the

    exhaust gases. On the contrary, the addition of up to 15% of ethanol to

    light oil results in a slight decrease in the formation of nitrogen oxides,

    butfor ethanolpercentages above 15%the emission of nitrogen oxidesis

    greater than that of pure light oil.

    Despite the lot of work developed on the combustion of alcohol

    light oil blends in engines, the use of this kind of blends in burners has

    not been deeply investigated. The present work is an attempt to

    contribute to the knowledge in this eld, comparing the combustion

    of bioethanol and a conventional heating oil (named as gasoil C in

    Spain) in boilers. The work has been subdivided in two parts; the

    experimental study of combustion and the simulation of fuel switch-

    ing in the operation of large industrial boilers.

    2. Experimental facilities and fuel characteristics

    Thetests were carried out in a vertical 100 kW experimental boiler

    (seeFig. 1) designed and manufactured in the LITEC. An oil burner is

    installed in the roof of the combustion chamber, formed by acylindrical water-cooled chamber. The combustion gases are

    extracted at the bottom by a chimney.

    The burner is a commercial device (SIME MACK 5), with a thermal

    power of 33.3 to 46.2 kW, normally used for domestic boilers. Different

    Danfoss nozzles with a 60 solid cone spray were used in the tests.

    Auxiliary facilities, as fuel and air supplies, gas extraction subsystem,

    cooling facility and safety controls, allowed a safe and reliable operation

    of the boiler.

    Twofuel pipes areconnected to theburner, onefor feeding and the

    other one for returning the excess of fuel to the tank. The fuel is

    thoroughly ltered (three lter stages) before it passes through the

    massow meter, regulation valve, fuel heater and atomizer. The lines

    have several bypasses in order to allow the cleaning of the lters and

    the start-up operations.The burner was modied so as to achieve a closer control of some

    important operating conditions. It is a compact model, incorporating

    an air fan, so that the air is admitted directly from the atmosphere

    through a manual damper. In order to control and measure the air

    ow rate, the air inlet was connected to a compressed air line. The air

    ow rate is measured and controlled automatically by means of a

    thermal mass ow meter and a control valve.

    Special attention was devoted to controlling the atomization

    temperature, as it can have a signicant inuence on the drop size

    and, hence, on the combustion process. The fuel temperature is usually

    measured at the burner inlet, but the injection line and the nozzle are

    cooled and heated, respectively, by the combustion air stream and the

    radiation from the ame. A thermocouple was installed immediately

    upstream of the nozzle in order to determine the actual atomization

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    temperature. With air and fuel at room temperature and the fuel

    heater off, this sensor revealed that the fuel temperature at the

    atomizer reached 40 C for the lower fuel ow rate and ambient air

    temperatures, as a result of radiative heating from the ame. In order

    to control the atomization temperature, it was automatically con-

    trolled by an in-line electrical heater connected to a closed-loop

    regulator. The fuel temperature set-point was 45 C in all tests, since

    this is about the lowest temperature that could be achieved with fuel

    and air at ambient temperature (i.e., fuel heater off).

    The pressure in the combustion chamber was controlled by a

    manual damper in the exhaust duct and was kept slightly aboveatmospheric in order to avoid errors due to air leaks into the chamber.

    An independent water supply is used for the refrigeration of the

    boiler, which begins in a 15 m3 water tank. In addition to the feeding

    pump, the circuit includes another pump for partial recirculation of

    the water at the inlet of the cooling circuit. A control valve and the

    recirculation pump allow governing independently the water ow

    rate and the temperature in the walls of thecombustion chamber. The

    system is adjusted so as to obtain a wall temperature around 60 C,

    sufcient to avoid condensations on the inner wall surfaces.

    Several lock-in controls automatically turn-off the burner in the

    following situations: whenamedetector lossesthe signal, if wall and

    exit gas temperatures exceed certain limits, in the event of too low

    ow rate of cooling water or if the pressure in the combustion

    chamber is outside of the xed range.

    Gas analysers, thermocouples, pressure gauges and ow meters

    record the main boiler parameters along the test. O2, CO2, SO2, CO and

    NOx in the exit gases are measured by two on-line gas analysers. In

    each test, conditions were kept stable at least for 192 s, which is the

    time needed to determine the Bacharach index. Gas composition,

    ow, temperature and pressure of fuel, mass ow rate of combustion

    air, temperatures of exhaust gases and inlet and outlet cooling water

    were recorded every second along the test. The ow rate of cooling

    water was manually recorded at the start and end of the tests.

    Gasoil and bioethanol were the fuels used in the tests. Their

    characteristics are displayed inTable 1.

    3. Use of bioethanol in gasoil burners: some practical issues

    3.1. Flame detection

    The ame detection system is a very important safety control in

    boilers. This system cuts thefuelsupply when theame islost and itdoes

    not allow starting until a ame is detected in the combustion chamber.

    Flame detection in SIME MACK 5 burners for light oil is based on a

    photo-resistance sensor. This type of detector responds to the heat

    received from the ame by radiation and is adequate for highly

    radiatingames, as that of gasoil. However, it is not suitable for blue

    ames (e.g., natural gas) due to their much lower radiating power.

    Bioethanolames are less radiating than those of gasoil, mainly in its

    Fig. 1.Experimental boiler with thermal capacity up to 100 kW.

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    root, where thedetector is directed (see Fig.2). This frequently caused

    false diagnostics of ame failure and, hence, burner shut-downs. Adifferent kind of detector is, therefore, needed for bioethanol ames.

    In this work, the problem wassolved by installing an ultraviolet cell of

    the type used in gas burners.

    3.2. Cavitation

    Pump cavitation is another undesirable problem detected on

    switching from gasoil to bioethanol. The low boiling temperature

    (vaporization pressure) of bioethanol at atmospheric conditions can

    lead to cavitation inside the pump, reducing its useful life and

    inducing harmful pressure uctuations in the system.

    It was observed in the test that bubbles appeared in the pump

    dischargeeven when fuel deposit andpump were situatedat thesame

    height. Xing et al. [25] measured bubble-point vapor pressures for

    ethanol in the 324352 K temperature range, proving that Antoine's

    equation describes with satisfactory precision the correlation be-

    tween vapor pressures and equilibrium temperatures,

    lnp= AB

    TC 1

    where,p is the vapor pressure in kPa, Tis the equilibrium temperature

    in K, and A,B, Care constants with the following values for ethanol:

    A =17.141,B =3906.2 andC=39.56.

    Extrapolating this equation to 45 C=318.15 K (bioethanol tem-

    perature in the tests), the bubble-point vapor pressure is 23 kPa

    (0.7 gauge bar). Despite the vaporization pressure suggest the

    possibility of situating fuel deposit at identical level that pump,

    actually, owing to the pressure losses in the network, it is necessary to

    place the fuel deposit at a higher level in order to avoid cavitations

    problems. The problems disappeared when the fuel tank was placed

    5 m above the pump.

    3.3. Changes in viscosity

    Kinematic viscosity is another important parameter for fuel

    atomization. The burner used in the experiments allows atomizing

    fuels with a maximum viscosity of 6 mm2/s at temperatures of 20 C,

    therefore the nozzle should achieve a suitable atomization burning

    bioethanol with viscosities around 1.54 mm2/s.

    On the other hand, the viscosity could also affect fuel pump

    reducing their efciency and useful life, but a set of tests developed

    provedthat pumps with bioethanol have a similar behavior to theone

    measured with gasoil in the range of work tested and that the

    characteristic curve of the pump remained unchanged after operating

    with bioethanol for

    300 h.

    3.4. Changes in fuelow rate and thermal input

    As shown in Table 1, the properties of bioethanol are notably

    different from those of gasoil. Particularly relevant are the changes in

    density, heating value and oxygen content. Direct fuel substitution is

    not possible, but the ow rates of fuel and air must be readjusted in

    order to achieve a good performance. Among others, two basic

    options can be considered:

    Operation with the same atomization pressure used with gasoil

    Operation with the same thermal input

    Both alternatives have been specically addressed in this work.

    The followingsection describes the experimental program as well as a

    study of the practical implications for both alternatives.

    4. Experimental study

    4.1. Tests program

    4.1.1. Tests with constant fuel owThe objective of this test series is to compare the combustion

    behaviour of both fuels for a similar mass ow rate of fuel. These tests

    were performed using the same nozzle and atomization pressure.

    The mass ow of fuel discharged by a pressure nozzle can be

    determined by the well-known equation[26],

    Bf =CDAo ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffi2fpfq kg=s 2

    Table 1

    Main characteristics of fuels used in the tests.

    Parameter Unit Gasoil Bioethanol

    Chemical name From C10H20to C15H28 C2H5OH

    Carbon (C) %m 85.08 52.14

    Hydrogen (H) %m 13.31 13.13

    Oxygen (O) %m 1.38 34.73

    Nitrogen (N) %m b0.1 0.00

    Sulphur (S) %m 0.13 0.00

    Ash (A) %m 0.00 0.00Humidity (W) %m 0.00 0.00

    Stoichiometric air Nm3/kg 10.67 6.95

    High Heating Value MJ/kg 45.54 29.80

    Low Heating Value MJ/kg 42.51 27.43

    Density at 20 C kg/m3 863 788

    Flash temperature C 64 13

    Ignition temperature C 230 366

    Boiling temperature

    at atmospheric pressure

    C 160385 78.5

    Vaporization pressure at 20 C bar 0.003 0.059

    Vaporization pressure at 45 C bar 0.25

    Kinematic viscosity at 40 C mm2/s 4.35.2 1.04

    Kinematic viscosity at 20 C mm2/s 1.54

    Fig. 2.Pictures of gasoil and bioethanol ames for 0.50 GPH nozzles with atomization

    pressure of 9 bar and O2=0.6%. a) gasoil ame, b) bioethanol ame.

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    whereCDis the nozzle discharge coefcient,Aois the cross section of

    the nozzle discharge orice, f is the fuel density andpfis the gauge

    atomization pressure.

    A rst series of tests was performed with the same atomization

    pressure and nozzle used for gasoil. According to Eq. (2), the

    difference in mass ow rates with bioethanol and gasoil can be

    related to their density ratio as,






    s 3

    beingQthe volumetric ow. The subscript bis for bioethanol and g

    for gasoil.

    Therefore, the mass and volumetric ow of bioethanol will be 0.96

    times lower and 1.05 times higher, respectively, than the

    corresponding values for gasoil.

    The ratio of thermal inputs () introduced to the furnace for both

    fuels is determined by,






    Having into account the lower heating values (LHV) of both fuels,the thermal power introduced to the furnace is 1.48 times higher

    burning gasoil than bioethanol for the same atomization pressure.

    On the other hand, the proportion of stoichiometric air in Nm3/

    kgfuel is 1.54 times higher for gasoil than for bioethanol. So, for the

    same nozzle and atomization pressure, the air mass ow needed for

    the stoichiometric combustion of gasoil is 1.47 times greater than for

    bioethanol. If the fuel pressure and the air regulation are kept

    constant, the excess air would be too high and the oxygen excess in

    the furnace would increase in 7.7% when bioethanol is burned,

    which would lead to a poor performance and even ame blow-off.

    Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the air ow in 1.47 times, in order

    to get the same excess of air if the injection pressure is kept constant

    when replacing gasoil by bioethanol.

    4.1.2. Tests with constant thermal inputA direct fuel switching, with the same nozzle and atomization

    pressure leads to a signicant reduction of thermal input. In general,

    this would notbe acceptable, butthe burnershould be readjusted so as

    to satisfy the energy demanded by the process in which it is installed.

    In order to obtain the same quantity of energy with the two fuels

    tested, it is necessary to increasethe consumption of bioethanol in 1.55

    times with respect to that of gasoil (proportion between their caloric

    values). There are two ways for rising fuel ow: using the same nozzle

    butsetting an atomization pressure forbioethanol higherthan theone

    used forgasoil, or using thesameatomizationpressure, butinstalling a

    nozzle with a higher capacity than that used with gasoil.

    The atomization pressure for bioethanol should be 2.24 times

    higher than the one for gasoil in order to get the

    ow rate required.However, such a wide pressure range is not normally possible with

    commercial burners (like the one used in these tests).

    If atomization pressure is kept constant, a nozzle with a larger

    discharge area needs to be installed. The relative change in the size of

    the nozzle can be estimated from the ratio of mass ow rates by

    means of the Eq. (2). According to the usual standardization, the ratio

    between the ow areas of the nozzles can be expressed in terms of

    their GPH (gallons per hour),


    = BbBg


    s = 1:662 =



    For example, a nozzleof 0.5 GPH working with gasoil produces the

    same energy as a nozzle of 0.811 GPH working with bioethanol; and

    one of 0.75 GPH of gasoil is identical to one 1.216 GPH of bioethanol.

    Since the size of the nozzles must be selected among those

    commercially available, the results with gasoil using nozzles of 0.5

    and 0.75 GPH were compared, respectively, with data for bioethanol

    with nozzles of 0.75 and 1.25 GPH. In both cases, the combustion of

    gasoil and bioethanol can be compared for a very similar thermal

    power (differences b8%).

    The comparison of the thermal inputs to the furnace for both fuels

    is shown inTable 2.

    4.1.3. Thermal balance in the boiler

    Measured parameters were processed to estimate the efciency

    and heat losses in the boiler for the different cases. This section

    describes the variables involved and the calculation procedure.

    The useful heat is calculated by subtracting from the total power

    released the losses as sensible heat in the exhaust gases ( q2), due to

    chemical and mechanical unburnt emissions (q3andq4, respectively),

    and due to convection and radiation to the surroundings (q5).

    The heat lost with the exhaust gases is determined as a function of

    gas (Hgas) and air (Hair) enthalpies,


    = 100HgasHair

    Qd% 6

    Where Qd is the energy introduced by the fuel in kJ/kg, determined

    as the sum ofthe lower caloric value and the sensibleheatof the fuel.

    The chemical unburnt loss can be determined from the carbon and

    sulphur contents in the fuel (Ctand St) andthe composition of exhaust

    gases (CO2, SO2and CO), by the following equation,

    q3 = 237 Ct+ 0:375St CO

    CO2 + SO2 + CO


    Qd% 7

    The mechanical unburnt loss is determined, whenever the

    concentration of unburnt particles in the exhaust gases (Cnq) is

    known, by the following equation:

    q4 = 10032700

    QdCnq % 8

    The heat loss by convection (Qcon) and radiation (Qrad) to the

    ambient is calculated by,

    q5 = 100QconQrad

    BQd% 9

    whereB is the mass ow rate of fuel in kg/s.

    The heat transfer coefcients required to calculate Qcon and Qraddepend on the specic boiler and on the type of fuel.

    Table 2

    Comparison of tests with constant thermal input.


    pressure G/B

    Ratio of mass ow

    rate for fuels G/B

    Ratio of thermal power

    for fuels G/B

    bar/bar kgs1/kgs1 kW/kW

    For 0.50 GPH-G/0.75 GPH-B nozzles

    8.7/8.8 0.69 1.08

    9.3/9.3 0.70 1.08

    15/14.8 0.70 1.09

    For 0.75 GPH-G/1.25 GPH-B nozzles

    7.6/7.5 0.63 0.98

    9.3/9.7 0.61 0.95

    14.8/14.9 0.63 0.97

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    Finally,the boilerefciencycan be easilydetermined from theheat

    losses as

    = 100 q2 + q3 + q4 + q5 % 10

    4.2. Experimental results

    4.2.1. Results of tests with constant fuel ow

    Four series of tests were performed, each of them including

    measurements for a wide range of oxygen concentrations in the ue

    gases. The base case is named 0.50 GPH 60S 100% G: a 0.50 GPH

    nozzle with 60 solid angle, with 100% swirl and using gasoil (G).

    Bioethanol wasburned in theotherthree series. Thedifference among

    them is the level of swirl of the air ow. The strongest swirl (100%)

    was achieved with the original conguration of the burner; i.e., the six

    inclined slots in the air-stabilisers were maintained open. In the other

    two cases, the open section of those slots was reduced to 50%. In one

    case (50%L), three of the slots were fully closed with an adhesive tape

    (seeFig. 3a). In the other case (50%C), the innermost half of the six

    slots was sealed (seeFig. 3b). These modications were an attempt to

    improve the stability of the ame, since some oscillations in the

    attachment of the bioethanol ame to the burner exit were observed

    in the preliminary trials with the same nozzle used for gasoil

    (constant fuel ow rate), specially for low injection pressures. The

    partial sealing of the swirl slots proved an effective means to improve

    ame stability. Results for the different congurations of the ame

    stabiliser are compared for the test series with constant fuelow rate.

    In order to provide a complete description of combustion

    performance with both fuels, the results with gasoil and bioethanol

    were compared for different airfuel ratios.

    The variation of CO emissions with respect to oxygen is shown for

    two atomization pressures in Fig. 4. The emissions are consistently

    smaller with gasoil. At high excess air, both fuels display a plateau,

    with CO levels 100 ppm lower with gasoil. The steep increase in CO

    emissions as airfuel ratio decreases is observed at [O2]b1.5% for

    bioethanol and is delayed until [O2]b0.7% for gasoil. No signicant

    inuence of atomization pressure is observed for any of the fuels.

    With bioethanol, the congurations with the swirl slots partially

    closed display similar results, withCOlevels slightly lower than those

    obtained with maximum swirl.

    It should be noted that the inner wall temperature of the

    combustion chamber was probably lower for the bioethanol ames,

    due to the reduced thermal input. This might contribute to some

    extent to the increased CO emissions for bioethanol, but with the data

    availableit was not possible to assessthe importance of this effect. For

    this reason, tests with constant thermal input are considered more

    representative of the inuence of the fuel type on CO emissions.

    The hypothesis of an excessive cooling of the combustion chamberwhen burning bioethanol is supported by the comparison of gas

    temperature at the boiler exit, which, as it can be observed in Fig. 5, is

    signicantly lower than with gasoil.

    NOx emissions, corrected to an oxygen concentration in ue gases of

    3%, are represented in Fig. 6 forgasoil and bioethanol. A smooth raise of

    NOxemissions is observed as the level of oxygen increases until 1.5%,

    for allthe fuels and burner congurations tested.A difference of around

    60 ppm exits between the emission of NOx for gasoil ames and the

    values obtained with bioethanol. This difference is attributed primarily

    Fig. 3.Modication of air swirler, a) closing the half of air slots; b) closing the central

    half of all air slots.

    Fig. 4.CO emissions vs. O2in ue gases, burning gasoil and bioethanol with 100% and

    50% swirling, closing 3 of the 6 air slots (L) or the central half of all air slots (C).

    Fig. 5.Gas temperature vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol.

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    to the presence of certain amount of nitrogen in the gasoil, which does

    not exist for bioethanol (seeTable 1). Also, the lower thermal power of

    the bioethanol ame is expected to result in reduced ame tempera-

    tures and, hence, in smaller amounts of thermal NO.

    The normalized SO2 emission oscillates between 26 and 37 ppm

    with gasoil (seeFig. 7). Bioethanol does not contain any sulphur and,

    therefore, no SO2emissions were detected.

    A strong inuence of the excess of air on the Bacharach Index in

    smoke (BI) is observed inFig. 8. In all cases, the levels of opacity in

    smoke for gasoil combustion are far beyond the values obtained with

    the different alcohol variants. The opacity quickly grows as the excess

    air is reduced, reaching the value of 9 for oxygen concentration

    around 1% and 0.4% with gasoil and bioethanol, respectively.

    The difference in the sooting behavior of both fuels is apparent in

    Fig. 2. Gasoil produces a much brighter ame, where large amounts of

    soot are already present at theame root. On the contrary, the base of

    the bioethanol ame is blue with only a few weak yellowish streaks;signicant amounts of soot are only formed beyond 12 burner

    diameters downstream of the ame stabilizer.

    4.2.2. Results of test with constant thermal input

    The combustion of bioethanol and gasoil was compared for two

    different levels of thermal input, which required using nozzles of

    different capacity. For the same injection pressure, nozzles of 0.5 and

    0.75 GPH with gasoil yield similar thermalinputsas those with 0.75and

    1.25 GPH nozzles for bioethanol, respectively (see Table 2). Injection

    pressures were varied in the range 7.615 bar, corresponding to the

    lower limit for which a stable ame could be sustained and the

    maximum operating pressure of the burner. The tests were named as

    xGPH60S-ybar-Z, where x is the nozzle capacity, y is the atomization

    pressure in bar (gauge) and Z is the initialletter of the fuel tested (G/B),

    for example, 0.50GPH60S-8.8bar-G is a gasoil test with a 0.50 GPH

    nozzle at atomization pressure of 8.8 gbar.

    The emission of carbon monoxide with respect to oxygen is shown

    inFigs. 9 and 10, for the nozzle/fuels 0.75/0.50 GPH60S bioethanol/

    gasoiland 1.25/0.75 GPH60S bioethanol/gasoil, respectively.

    CO emission with bioethanol is higher than with diesel oil for

    injection pressures lower than 14.8 bar. This difference diminishes as

    the atomization pressure and the oxygen percentage increase, dis-

    appearing for pressures around 14.8 bar and being much smaller for

    larger nozzles (Fig. 10) at all the pressures. The higher CO emissions

    measured for bioethanol is an indication of less complete combustion

    than forthe equivalent cases with gasoil. This canbe a resultof a numberof effects: differences in spray characteristics, in the physico-chemical

    properties ofthe fuels or inthe airfuel mixing pattern. Sincebioethanol

    is less viscous than gasoil, and for the same nozzle design and injection

    pressure, drop size is expected to be similar (or even smaller) with this

    fuel thanwith bioethanol; therefore, differences in the propertiesof the

    spray are not thought to explain the results The lower boiling

    temperature of the bioethanol favours a faster evaporation and

    combustion than for gasoil drops of the same size and, therefore,

    Fig. 6. NOx emissions (corrected to 3% O2) vs. O2 in ue gases, burning gasoil and

    bioethanol with 100% and 50% swirling, closing 3 of the 6 air slots (L) or the central half

    of all air slots (C).

    Fig. 7. SO2vs. O2, burning gasoiland bioethanol with 100% and 50%swirling, closing 3 of

    the 6 air slots (L) or the central half of all air slots (C).

    Fig. 8. Bacharach index vs. O2 in ue gases, burning gasoil andbioethanol with100% and

    50% swirling, closing 3 of the 6 air slots (L) or the central half of all air slots (C).

    Fig. 9.CO vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy (0.75 GPH for

    bioethanol and 0.50 GPH for gasoil).

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    would be expected to lead to a more efcient combustion. However,

    evaporation rates might be enhanced in the much more radiating gasoil

    amethan in thebioethanol ame, which is blue in its root and, visually,

    much less bright in global terms; therefore, this may explain, at least in

    part, the increased CO emissions for bioethanol. Changes in the airfuel

    mixing pattern are also anticipated due to the lower ratio of air-to-fuel

    mass ow rates with bioethanol (by 1.47 times with respect to gasoil).

    Therefore, the capacity of the air stream to drag and disperse the drops

    of fuel is smaller and can lead to a slower mixing process in the

    bioethanol ame. Botheffects (delayed evaporationand slowermixing)

    may lead to an enhanced axialpenetration of the spray and, therefore, a

    slowerdispersion of the fuel intothe oxidizer stream. This interpretation

    is conrmed by the increased visible ame length for bioethanol with

    respect to the equivalent cases with gasoil (seeFigs. 11 and 12). Since

    the amount of air per kg of fuel cannot be adjusted arbitrarily, some

    modicationson thegeometry of thethroatand thestabilizer of burners

    designed for gasoil might be necessary to improve the aerodynamics of

    theame and minimize CO emissions when operated with bioethanol.

    The comparison of photographs of the ame obtained burning

    gasoil and bioethanol, with similar thermal power inputs (nozzle of0.75 GPH for bioethanol and 0.50 GPH for the gasoil and 9 bar of

    atomization pressure), for a low and high Bacharach index are shown

    inFigs. 11 and 12, respectively. In these gures, it is clearly observed

    that the gasoil ame contains a much higher amount of soot than the

    bioethanolame. This can to a certain extent be advantageous by the

    higher ame emissivity, but it also has the disadvantage of an

    enhanced tendency to the generation of black smoke. Also it can be

    appraised, more clearly in theFig. 11, that the gasoil ame is shorter

    than the one of bioethanol. This observation seems coincident with

    the reasoning pointed previously about which the mixture process is

    slower for bioethanol, because this fuel needs a small airow by mass

    unity of fuel and thereforethe airow hasa smaller capacity to reduce

    the axial speed of the bioethanol drops, which completed its

    combustion to a greater distance of the burner.

    CO emissions are similar at high pressures, possibly because the

    drops aresufciently small to be easilydragged and entrained into the

    airstream, which together with theshorter evaporation times of small

    drops leads to a fast release and combustion of fuel vapour in the high

    temperatureame zone, without appreciable emissions of CO.

    Thevariation of theBacharach index with respect to oxygenfor the

    two sets of nozzles is represented in Figs. 13 and 14. For the same

    excess of oxygen, a cleaner combustion is achieved as the injection

    Fig. 10.CO vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy (1.25 GPH for

    bioethanol and 0.75 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 11. Photographs forgasoil a) and forbioethanol b), at 9 bar of atomization pressure

    and cero Bacharach index. a) Gasoil 0.50 GPH, O2=5.8%; CO =13 ppm, b) Bioethanol

    0.75 GPH, O2=0.7%; CO=380 ppm.

    Fig. 12. Photographs forgasoil a) and forbioethanol b), at 9 bar of atomization pressure

    and high Bacharach index. a) Gasoil 0.50 GPH, O2=0.7%; CO=88 ppm; IB=9, b)

    Bioethanol 0.75 GPH, O2=0.1%; CON

    5000 ppm; IB=6.

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    pressure and thermal input increase for both fuels. In all cases, soot

    emission is much smaller for bioethanol than for the corresponding

    gasoil ames. The difference observed between both fuels is

    attributed to its chemical composition. The ethanol is an oxygenated

    molecule, with simple CC bonds and a higher H/C ratio than gasoil,

    which results in a much lower tendency to form soot particles in the

    ame. The different behaviour of both fuels is still greater than

    suggested by Figs. 13 and 14 if it is taken into account that lower

    opacities and higher CO emissions (indicative of a less efcient air-

    fuel mixing) are simultaneously obtained with bioethanol.

    This is an important difference between both fuels, with a clearly

    advantageousbehaviour of bioethanol with respect to the gasoil, since

    it is possible to burn bioethanol with a reduced excess of air without

    appreciable soot emissions. On the one hand, a reduction in the

    amount of combustion air results in an increased efciency, since the

    mass ow rate of combustion products is smaller and, for the same

    exhaust gas temperature, a reduction in the losses by sensible heat in

    ue gases is expected. On the other hand, the ame of bioethanol cantolerate better eventual deviations from the optimum value of the air/

    fuel ratio and, in general, drifts in burner performance even at such

    low level of oxygen in exit gases.

    Figs. 15 and 16show the exhaust gas temperature for gasoil and

    bioethanol as a function of the oxygen concentration in the ue gases.

    The values and their variation with excess air are similar for both

    fuels. This conrms that the difference observed inFig. 5was related

    to the lower thermal input of the bioethanol ames; when thermal

    input is kept approximately the same, as in Figs. 15 and 16, exit

    temperatures are very similar for both fuels.

    Normalized sulphur dioxide emissions, shown inFigs. 17 and 18,

    are very similar to those shown inFig. 7, with negligible values for

    bioethanol (sulphur-free fuel).

    Fig. 13. BI vs . O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar thermal input (0.75 GPH

    nozzle for bioethanol and 0.50 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 14.BI vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy (1.25 GPH for

    bioethanol and 0.75 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 15.Gas temperaturevs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy

    (0.75 GPH for bioethanol and 0.50 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 16.Gas temperaturevs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy

    (1.25 GPH for bioethanol and 0.75 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 17.Normalized SO2 vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy

    (0.75 GPH for bioethanol and 0.50 GPH for gasoil).

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    A practical consequence of the difference in SO2 emissions is a

    reduction of the dew point when gasoil is replaced by bioethanol. As

    shown in Figs. 19 and 20, the dew point is about 60 C lower for

    bioethanol, leading to a reduced risk of condensation and corrosion of

    the boiler.

    NOx emissions are consistently lower for bioethanol, with differ-

    ences inthe range3060 ppmwith respect to theequivalent gasoiltests

    (seeFigs. 21 and 22). As previously noted, this is ascribed to a lower

    amount of both fuel-NO (negligible for bioethanol) and thermal-NO.

    Even though the thermal input wasabout the samefor both fuels,lower

    peak temperatures are expected for bioethanol because its adiabatic

    ame temperature is100 C than for gasoil, for the same stoichiomet-

    ric ratio.

    The unburnt heat losses (q3+ q4) are greater in the gasoil than in

    bioethanol combustion (see Figs. 23 and 24), but this difference

    diminishes when the atomization pressure and fuelow increase. The

    heat losses with exhaust gases (q2) are similar for both fuels (see

    Figs. 25 and 26).

    The heat losses by radiation/convection to the surroundings (q5)

    also display a similar behaviour for both fuels (to see Figs. 27 and 28).

    The results indicate that the losses by radiation and convection to the

    ambient increase with thepressureand fuel ow (greater power). The

    small differences observed in this heat loss for the gasoil andbioethanol inFig. 28must be ascribed to the higher power released

    in the case of the gasoil, since the nozzle that offers the same power

    for bioethanol is of 0.81 GPH, but this size of nozzle is not

    commercially available and one with a slightly lower capacity had

    to be used in tests (0.75 GPH).

    The efciency is determined with these heat losses and the values

    obtained are plotted in Figs. 29 and 30. For similar thermal inputs

    Fig. 18.Normalized SO2 vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy

    (1.25 GPH for bioethanol and 0.75 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 19. Dew point vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy

    (0.75 GPH for bioethanol and 0.50 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 20. Dew point vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy

    (1.25 GPH for bioethanol and 0.75 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 21.Normalized NOxvs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy

    (0.75 GPH for bioethanol and 0.50 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 22.NOxvs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy (1.25 GPH for

    bioethanol and 0.75 GPH for gasoil).

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    (Fig. 30), the efciencies are similar for both fuels. A slightly higher

    efciency was obtained with bioethanol when the thermal input for

    this fuel was lower than for gasoil (Fig. 29).

    5. Assessment of changes in heat transfer due to fuel switching

    The experimental results discussed in previous sections reveal

    some differences in ame and emissions with gasoil and bioethanol

    when both are burnt in the same burner/boiler. The potential impact

    on the thermal performance of a boiler is a relevant issue that should

    be considered when planning to replace the conventional fuel (gasoil,

    in this case) by bioethanol. This section analyses theexpectedchanges

    in the heat transfer characteristics of a generic industrial boiler due to

    the substitution of gasoil by gasoil/bioethanol blends.

    5.1. Methodology

    The simulation involves the evaluation of heat transfer in the

    different heat-exchange components of a generic, large-capacity

    industrial boiler, including: furnace, steam reheaters, economizer

    and air heater. The calculation procedure follows the recommenda-

    tions of Ref. [27]. The results on unburnt losses determined in the

    previous section for gasoil and bioethanol were used as input data for

    the calculations.

    The gas temperature at the furnace exit is determined by the

    following equation,

    tHe = tadiab+ 273:15

    CTE aF tadiab + 273:15



    0:6+ 1

    273:15 C 11

    Wheretadiabis the adiabatic ame temperature,CTEis a constant

    parameter that includes the Boltzmann number, and the area,

    efciency and height of the peak temperature zone in the furnace,

    aFis the ame emissivity andBbis the mass ow rate of fuel.

    The calculation of every heat exchange surface is solved iteratively,

    using the balance of energy and heat transfer equation for each


    The energy delivered by the hot uid (the combustion gases),

    Qi = Bb Hg in iHg out i kW 12is equal to the one absorbed for the cooler uid (steam in reheaters,

    water in economizer and air in air heater),

    Qi = Di hout ihin i kW 13

    Where Hg and h are the enthalpies of gas and cold uid,

    respectively and D is the mass ow of cold uid. Subscript i takes

    the name ofshfor superheater, rhfor reheater, ecofor economizer,

    Fig.23. Unburntheat losses vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy

    (0.75 GPH for bioethanol and 0.50 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig.24. Unburntheat losses vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy

    (1.25 GPH for bioethanol and 0.75 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 25.Heat losses with exhaust gases vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar

    input energy (0.75 GPH for bioethanol and 0.50 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 26.Heat losses with exhaust gases vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar

    input energy (1.25 GPH for bioethanol and 0.75 GPH for gasoil).

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    and ahfor air heater. The conditions are denoted with subscript in

    for inlet and outfor the outlet of each heat exchanger.

    The closure is accomplished by the heat transfer equation,

    Qi = UiAi TiP

    kW 14

    BeingUthe heat transfer coefcient, A the heat transfer area, and

    Ti the logarithmic mean temperature.

    The gas speed across every heat exchanger is required for

    determining heat transfer coefcients and its value depends on the

    consumption of fuel, which in his turn depends on the gas temperature

    at the exit of the boiler (outlet of air heater).

    At the beginningof the calculation process the consumption of fuel

    is assumed, then the heat exchanges are solved in every heat-transfer

    surface and the gas temperature at the boiler and the associated heat

    losses are determined. Once the heat lost with the exhaust gases is

    known, the boiler efciency is determined by losses method

    (Eq. (11)), andfuel consumption (B) and burnt fuel(Bb) arecalculated

    by the following equations,

    B= QuLHV

    100 kg=s 15

    Bb = B100q4


    kg=s 16

    WhereQuis the useful heat power of the boiler, determined as the

    sum of superheated, reheated and saturated steam powers produced

    in the boiler,

    Qu = Dsh hout shhin w + Drh hout rhhin rh + Dsat hout sathin w kW


    Where hin_w is the feed water enthalpy, and Dsatis the massowof

    saturated steam removed from the drum for plant necessities.

    This process is repeated until the guess and calculated values of

    fuel consumption are identical.

    5.2. Characteristics of the simulated boiler

    The simulations are carried out in a power boiler that produces

    superheated and reheated steam at 540 C. The nominal boiler

    capacity is 974 t/h of superheated steam at a pressure of 16.7 MPaand 876.4 t/h of reheated steam at 3.6 MPa. The fuel consumption in

    the original boilerat nominal conditions is 69.5 t/h. A block diagram of

    the heat transfer surfaces of the simulated boiler is shown in Fig. 31.

    5.3. Performance of boiler for different gasoil and bioethanol blends

    The fact that all heat transfer coefcients are readjusted when the

    fuel is changed in an industrial boiler make difcult to correctly

    Fig. 29. Efciency vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy

    (0.75 GPH for bioethanol and 0.50 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 30. Efciency vs. O2, burning gasoil and bioethanol at similar input energy

    (1.25 GPH for bioethanol and 0.75 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 28.Heat losses by convection/radiation to the surroundvs. O2, burning gasoil and

    bioethanol at similar input energy (1.25 GPH for bioethanol and 0.75 GPH for gasoil).

    Fig. 27.Heat losses by convection/radiation to the surroundvs. O2, burning gasoil and

    bioethanol at similar input energy (0.75 GPH for bioethanol and 0.50 GPH for gasoil).

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    evaluate the fuel consumption needed to produce a given amount of

    steam. In order to evaluate the inuence of the change of fuel, the

    boiler performance is simulated by the calculation procedure

    described inSection 5.1.

    The main results of simulations for gasoil/bioethanol blends in the

    boiler are shown inTable 3, keeping the design values for the oxygen

    excess in exhaust gases at 1.23%, for the fraction of gas recirculation

    (r) to the furnace at 0.175, and for the cooling water in the

    superheater (Dcool) at 17 t/h.

    As shown inTable 3, despite the efciency slightly increases when

    the fraction of bioethanol in the blend is raised, an appreciable

    penalization in the amount of useful heat (reduction in the steam

    ows) is veried, maintaining the gas fraction recirculated to the

    furnace, the cooling water ow in the superheater and the air excess

    at their design values.

    With the purpose of achieving the desired values of steam

    production for high fractions of alcohol in the blend, different

    modications to the design conditions were tested. A reduction in

    the gas recirculation fraction to the furnace led to a marginal

    improvement in boiler performance, not enough to achieve that

    objective. Thus, this change had to be combined with lower values of

    the oxygen excess in exhaust gases and of the cooling water ow in

    superheater in order to increase performance when reducing the

    amount of gasoil in the blend. The results obtained by modifying

    simultaneously the oxygen excess, the cooling water ow and the gas

    recirculation fraction are illustrated inTable 4.

    The results show that it is practically impossible to reach thenominal capacity of the boiler studied for proportions of bioethanol in

    the blend higher than 40%, even by adjusting the three parameters

    mentioned at their minimum values; further reductions are not

    feasible since the recirculation gas fraction was set at 0%, the cooling

    waterow cannot exceed its maximum design value, and lastly, it is

    not convenient to reduce the oxygen excess under the value in which

    unburnt losses grow abruptly. The inuence of blend composition on

    efciency and useful heat in the boiler is easier to observe in the

    Fig. 32for the case in which the recirculation fraction, the cooling

    waterow and the air excess are simultaneously changed.

    Fig. 31.Block diagram of the heat transfer surfaces of the simulated industrial boiler.

    Table 3

    Main results from simulations burning a blend of gasoil and bioethanol.

    x B Dsh Drh Qu tge tadp

    % kg/s t/h t/h kW C C

    0.0 95.27 15.927 572.8 393.8 424,226 128.3 60.20.1 95.21 16.257 610.4 436.0 454,281 130.9 112.0

    0.2 95.14 16.567 647.8 479.1 484,292 133.5 115.6

    0.3 95.08 16.891 686.5 524.8 515,502 136.0 117.5

    0.4 95.01 17.227 726.4 573.1 547,869 138.5 118.7

    0.5 94.94 17.575 767.7 624.0 581,474 141.0 119.6

    0.6 94.86 17.927 809.9 677.2 615,964 143.4 120.2

    0.7 94.79 18.310 854.6 734.4 652,565 146.0 120.6

    0.8 94.71 18.699 900.3 794.2 690,213 148.6 120.9

    0.9 94.63 19.094 947.2 856.6 728,989 151.2 121.1

    1.0 94.54 19.507 996.0 922.6 769,498 153.8 121.3

    Nomenclature: x is the fraction of gasoil in the blend, is the boiler efciency,B is the

    fuel consumption,DshandDrhare superheated and reheated steam ows, respectively,

    Qu is the usefulheat, tge and tadp arethe temperatures ofthe exhaust gasesand acid dew

    point, respectively.

    Table 4Main results burning a blend of gasoil and bioethanol modifyingr, O2andDcool(cooling

    water in superheater).

    x B Dsh Drh Qu tge r O2 Dcool

    % kg/s t/h t/h kW C % t/h

    0.0 94.7 21.1 745.1 564.1 558801 146.6 0.000 0.4 35.0

    0.1 94.7 21.7 799.5 628.5 602663 148.0 0.000 0.4 35.0

    0.2 94.7 22.3 854.5 695.5 647325 149.5 0.000 0.4 35.0

    0.3 94.7 22.8 911.7 766.7 693926 151.1 0.000 0.4 35.0

    0.4 94.6 23.5 971.1 842.4 742612 152.9 0.000 0.4 35.0

    0.5 94.6 22.9 981.9 873.5 753781 153.7 0.040 0.5 35.0

    0.6 94.6 22.0 982.6 873.7 754253 153.4 0.050 0.9 30.0

    0.7 94.6 21.1 977.6 872.6 750858 153.3 0.090 0.8 25.0

    0.8 94.6 20.4 979.7 870.7 751959 153.0 0.100 1.0 19.0

    0.9 94.6 19.7 975.7 880.1 750627 153.4 0.150 1.0 17.0

    1.0 94.5 19.1 976.2 899.4 753496 154.1 0.195 1.2 17.0 Fig. 32. Efciency and useful heat vs. proportion of gasoil in the blend, changing

    recirculation fraction, cooling water ow and air excess.

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    The simulation results indicate that a fuel change from gasoil to

    bioethanol/gasoil blends with gasoil proportions lower than 0.5

    should not be accomplished in an industrial boiler designed for gasoil

    or fuel oil, unless considerablemodications in thedesign of theboiler

    are implemented.

    6. Conclusions

    A series of combustion tests and simulations have been performedin order to evaluate some of the potential issues that may arise when

    gasoil is replaced by bioethanol or its blends with gasoil in heating or

    industrial boilers.

    In the rst place, the operation of the burner (designed for gasoil)

    must be modied in order to achieve a similar thermal input with

    bioethanol, due to the great differences in the heating value and

    composition (especially, oxygen content) of both fuels. The capacity of

    the atomization nozzle and the air mass ow rate should be modied

    in order to work with higher fuel rates and relative lower air ow

    rates. The smaller airfuel mass ratio in bioethanol ames results in a

    higher axial penetration of the spray and, hence, can hinder ame

    stabilization; this may require some redesign of the ame stabiliser.

    The much lower luminosity of the alcohol ame may prevent the use

    of some of the ame detectors normally used for gasoil, which should

    be substituted by other devices (e.g., UV detectors). Also, special

    attention should be given to cavitation problems in the fuel feeding


    Bioethanol displayed a much smaller tendency to soot formation

    than gasoil. This causes the ame to be much less luminous and

    enables keeping the opacity index at very low values down to very

    low excesses of oxygen. The alcohol does not contain nitrogen and

    sulphur, which results in no SO2emissions and NOxvalues about half

    of those measured forgasoil. In many cases, CO emissions were higher

    for bioethanol. This is ascribed to the fact that the burner was

    originally designed for gasoil and some modications or adjustments

    may be necessary to optimise bioethanol combustion; for example,

    differences between CO emissions with both fuels disappeared for

    high injection pressures.

    The various heat lossesand the boilerefciency were evaluated for

    both bioethanol, gasoil and their blends in a generic industrial boilers.

    This analysis revealed that fuel switching can modify heat transfer in

    theboiler and, hence,affect the steam production capacity. Theresults

    indicate that steam production is reduced as the fraction of bioethanol

    in the fuel blend increases and that the fraction of gasoil in the blend

    should not be lower than 50% to keep at acceptable levels the penalty

    in the useful heat production, owing to the low heating value of

    bioethanol. In order to counteract this effect, a reduction of gasoil in

    the blend should be accompanied by certain modications in the

    boiler operation to avoid the reduction in steam production.


    This work was funded by E&M Combustion and the CDTI throughthe IDEA+2 project. The help of Luis Ojeda with the experimental

    tasks is gratefully acknowledged.


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