soil science ppt

Practice Test in Soil Science Source: UPLB and CLSU reviewer Prepared by: Reynro T. Herrera

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Page 1: Soil Science Ppt

Practice Test in Soil Science

Source: UPLB and CLSU reviewer

Prepared by: Reynro T. Herrera

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1. Soil texture is a permanent physical property. It could be determined by:

a. “Feel” methodb. Pipette methodc. Hydrometer methodd. All of the above

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2. Soil texture could be determined in the laboratory by;

a. Ammonium acetate methodb. Buoyancy methodc. Hydrometer methodd. Pycnometer method

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3. A soil textural class where the coarseness of sand, the smoothness feel of silt and the stickiness of clay are manifested in almost equal proportion in this soil mass.

a. Sandb. Siltc. Clayd. Loam

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4. Characteristic feel of silt separates when rubbed in between the finger is:

a. Coarseb. Grittyc. Sticky when moistd. Floury

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5. Type of soil structure that is best for growing upland crops

a. Massiveb. Platyc. Granular or crumbd. Single-grain

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6. The color of the soil indicates some chemical conditions. Which statement describes the relationship of color with other properties?

a. Dark or black color indicates high organic matter

b. Reddish brown color indicates that the soil is high in oxides iron

c. Moist soil is darker than dry soild. All of the above

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7. Movement of water in the soil always from:

a. Higher to lower soil moisture contentb. Higher to lower total potential energyc. Higher to lower moisture tensiond. All of the above

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8. Lowland rice prefers to have soil consistency of:

a. Hardb. Friablec. Plasticd. Viscous or liquid

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9. Soil grown to corn is best cultivated when the soil consistency is;

a. Hardb. Friablec. Plasticd. Viscous

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10. A clay pot is molded at this soil consistency:

a. Hardb. Friablec. Plasticd. Viscous

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11. The most diverse group of soil organisms are the:

a. Annelidsb. Helminthesc. Nematodesd. Arthropods

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12. In terms of biomass, the most dominant soil microorganisms are;

a. Bacteriab. Algaec. Fungid. Actinomycetes

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13. In flooded soils nitrate undergoes reduction and is lost as gas, this process is known as:

a. Denitrificationb. Nitrificationc. Nitrogen fixationd. Volatilization

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14. Under anaerobic condition, the most active OM decomposers are:

a. Fungib. Bacteriac. Algaed. Actinomycetes

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15. Which is a non- N2- fixing plant?

a. Ipil-ipilb. Narrac. Acaciad. Corn

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16. Organic fertilizer produced from the bird and bat manure

a. Compost b. Guanoc. Humusd. Vermicompost

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17. During the decomposition of organic matter, organic acids are also produced. Which of the following is an organic acid?

a. H2SO4

b. HNO3

c. H2CO3

d. H2SO4

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18. Effective microorganisms can be used to enhance decomposition of organic materials. Which of the following is not a component of EM:

a. Rhizobiumb. Lactic and bacteriac. Photosynthetic bacteriad. Yeast

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19. A civil engineer who is studying about the origin of the soil can be a:

a. Edaphologistb. Pedologistc. Petrologistd. Anthropologist

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20. The study of rock is:

a. Mineralogyb. Rockologyc. Petrologyd. Hydrology

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21. A water fern that fixes nitrogen and is used as a biofertilizer

a. Kangkongb. Azollac. Water lilyd. Lotus

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22. The true soil corresponds to horizon:

a. Cb. ABc. ABCd. ABCD

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23. The molten mass from where igneous rocks solidify from:

a. Coreb. Magmac. Mantled. Soil

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24. Metamorphism is caused by:

a. High pressure and temperatureb. Floodsc. Erosiond. Earthquake

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25. The main objective of physical weathering is:

a. Increase total surface area for chemical weathering

b. Weaken rock by removal of basesc. Produce clayd. Leaches bases

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26. The sedimentary rock that contains clay minerals as one of its more important constituents is:

a. Shaleb. Limestonec. Sandstoned. Slate

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27. The loam soil has:

a. Macropores>microporesb. Macropores<microporesc. Micropores=macroporesd. Zero pore spaces

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28. A problem soil usually found in coastal areas characterized by excessive amount of salts in the soil solution.

a. Acidb. Salinec. Alkalined. Pest

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29. The required pH of an acid soil that needs liming is:

a. >6.5b. <5.0c. >5.0d. <7.5

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30. The fertilizer grade 10-12-10 means:

a. 10%N-12%P-10%Kb. 10%N-12%P2O5-10%K2Oc. 10kgN-12kgP-10kgPd. 10kgN-12kgP2O5-10kgK2O

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31. What particular group of parent materials is abundant in the Philippine soil?

a. Igneous rocksb. Sedimentary rocksc. Metamorphic rocksd. All of the above

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32. The most abundant micronutrient in the surface soil is:

a. Manganeseb. Molybdenumc. Irond. Zinc

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33. Which among the following has the highest N and P contents?

a. Poultry manureb. Goat manurec. Cattle manured. Guano

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34. One ton of compost containing 1.5%N can supply how many kilogram of N?

a. 15 kgb. 1.5 kgc. 150 kgd. 1500 kg

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35. Organic matter is important in soils because it improves the following except;

a. Soil lossb. Soil aerationc. Soil structured. Waterholding capacity

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36. Proper tillage is one of the soil fertility management practices and the purpose of which is;

a. Encourage soil compactionb. Reduce porosityc. Increase bulk densityd. Obtain desirable soil structure

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37. Deficiency indicates low level of nutrients element while excessive level of nutrient element is

a. Sufficiencyb. Toxicityc. Hidden hungerd. Luxury consumption

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38. The movement of materials out of a portion of a soil profile…

a. Eluviationb. Illuviationc. Bothd. Erosion

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39. In very extremely acidic soil (pH 4.5-5.0), these elements are toxic to plants except:

a. Aluminumb. Calciumc. Irond. Manganese

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40. The softest mineral in Moh scale is:

a. Diamondb. Talcc. Quartzd. Apatite

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41. The hardest mineral in Moh scale is:

a. Diamondb. Talcc. Quartzd. Apatite

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42. Parent material deposited in lake is:

a. Alluviumb. Lacustrinec. Marined. Tuff

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43. A soil with bulk density of 1.3g/cm3 and particle density of 2.60g/cm3 will have a porosity of;

a. 5%b. 25%c. 50%d. 75%

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44. The textural type of a given soil is best influenced by what type of weathering process?

a. Physical weatheringb. Chemical weathering c. Both a and bd. None of the above

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45. How much complete fertilizer (14-14-14) is needed to apply per tree in an orchard plantation if the recommendation is 215-215-215 kg. of N-P205-K20/ha, with planting distance of 5 meters X 8 meters?

a. 6.14 kg of 14-14-14b. 6.14 kg of N-P2O5-K2Oc. None of the aboved. Both a and b

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46. A 250 kg of potassium nitrate (17-0-17) is also the same as?

a. 42.5 kg of Nb. 42.5 kg of K2Oc. Both a and bd. None of the above

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47. The optimum or ideal soil pH for growing most crop is

a. pH 5.0b. pH 6.5c. pH 7.5d. pH 8.0

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48. The native supply of this nutrient generally comes from soil organic matter

a. Calciumb. Phosphorusc. Aluminumd. Nitrogen

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49. This element has a critical role in sugarcane fertilization because of its function in the synthesis of sugar

a. Nitrogenb. Phosphorusc. Potassiumd. Calcium

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50. Straight fertilizer

a. 16-20-0b. 14-14-14c. 46-0-0d. 0-0-60

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#thanks for answering