socio-economic determinants of dietary diversity among women

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  • 7/21/2019 Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity Among Women


    Food Science and Quality Management

    ISSN 2224-6088 (a!er" ISSN 222#-0##$ (%nline"

    &ol.'4 20)4


    Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity among Women

    of Child Bearing Ages in Northern Ghana

    *udu +a,aria

    e!artment o/ gricultural 1tension 3ural eelo!ment and 5ender Studies

    Faculty o/ griusiness and 7ommunication Sciences niersity /or eelo!ment Studies 59ana

    ost %//ice :o ;< )882 = Nyan,!ala 7am!us

    1-mail o/ t9e corres!onding aut9or> a?a,[email protected]

    uAin :arma

  • 7/21/2019 Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity Among Women


    Food Science and Quality Management

    ISSN 2224-6088 (a!er" ISSN 222#-0##$ (%nline"

    &ol.'4 20)4


    eitc9ler E rimond 20)0". *oweer most !ulic 9ealt9 !rogrammes and !roAects designed to im!roe

    maternal nutrition 9ae o/ten /ocus on creating awareness o/ t9e need /or dietary diersity /or !regnant and

    nursing mot9ers wit9 little attention eing !aid to !ossile underlying causes o/ 9ouse9old dietary diersity suc9

    as socio-economic cultural elie/s and gender relation regarding 9ouse9old /ood !roduction and control.

    etter understanding o/ t9e relations9i! etween socio-economic /actors and women dietary diersity will e

    use/ul in in/orming and guiding !olicy /ormulation and im!lementation wit9 t9e ultimate goal o/ ac9ieing sa/emot9er9ood and reducing c9ildirt9 related com!lications as set u! in t9e Millennium eelo!ment 5oals 4 and


    s suc9 t9is current !a!er w9ic9 relied on data /rom SI Feed t9e Future 59ana o!ulation

    :aseline surey conducted in Nort9ern 59ana in 20)2 used !roit 3egression model in testing and eamining

    socio-economic determinants o/ maternal mot9ersD dietary diersity. ietary iersity Score (SS" w9ic9 is t9e

    numer o/ di//erent /oods or grou! o/ /ood consumed wit9in a gien !eriod usually 24 9ours or a wee, (FN;

    2006" was used as a !roy /or nutritional status and nutrition inta,e o/ mot9ers sureyed under SI Feed

    ;9e Future and Monitory and 1aluation ;ec9nical Su!!ort Serice (F;F-M1;SS" !o!ulation aseline surey.

    ietary diersity score as osered y Sa,a (20)2" 9ae een s9own to e alid !roy indicators /or 9ouse9old

    and indiidual dietary and micronutrient adeCuacy o/ diets.

    Scienti/ic eidence suggesting t9at dietary diersity scores can e a measure o/ micronutrient diet

    adeCuacy o/ women aound ( see rimond Giesmann E :ecCuey 20)0 1lodie et al 20)0 *oddinott E

    o9annes 2002 ". ;9e conce!t o/ ietary iersity Score (S" in diet Cuality assessment 9as een tried in anumer o/ !laces among some !o!ulation grou!s (Mat9ews ud,in E Neil. )JJJ as cited in Sa,a 20)2". ;9is

    a!!roac9 !laces em!9asis on non-Cuantitatie assessment o/ actual /ood consum!tion and gie understanding o/

    /ood security situation and micronutrient inta,e and adeCuacy (Sa,a. 20)2 rimond Giesmann E :ecCuey

    20)0". ietary iersity 9as een alidated t9roug9 test studies and 9ae een !roen to e a use/ul measure o/

    9ouse9old and indiidual /ood security and micronutrient adeCuacy. rimond et al (20)0" as cited in Sa,a

    (20)2" osered t9at t9ere 9ae een t9ree large multi-country alidation studies and seeral smaller studies

    w9ic9 9ae !roided scienti/ic eidence /or use o/ dietary diersity scores as a measure o/ 9ouse9old /ood

    security andHor micronutrient adeCuacy o/ diets o/ women o/ re!roductie ages.

    $!% &A'E("A)S AND &E'*+DS

    ;9is current !a!er sourced data /rom SI Feed t9e Future (F;F" o!ulation aseline Surey conducted in

    Nort9ern 59ana in 20)2. ;9e surey was conducted y M1;SS team including SH77HKS and t9e

    ccra- ased sta// in !artners9i! wit9 t9e Institute o/ Statistical Social and 1conomic 3esearc9 (ISS13" o/ t9e

    niersity o/ 59ana as well as t9e 59ana Statistical Serice. SIH59anaDs F;F !rogram reCuires a

    !o!ulation-ased surey (:S" /ocused on a selection o/ reCuired F;F im!act and outcome indicators /or t9eir

    +one o/ In/luence (+%I" wit9in nort9ern 59ana (Maerry 20)4".

    $! St#dy Area

    ;9e surey was underta,en in Feed ;9e Future (F;F" +one o/ In/luence (+%I" w9ic9 /all wit9in t9e Saanna9

    ccelerated eelo!ment ut9ority (S" rea. s suc9 t9e surey was limited to Saanna9 ccelerator

    eelo!ment ut9ority (S" area w9ic9 encom!asses t9e area aoe 59anaDs 8t9 !arallel (Maerry 20)4".

    ;9e roadly de/ined +%I /or 59ana contains t9e t9ree nort9ern most regions> !!er Gest !!er 1ast and

    Nort9ern 3egions !lus a numer o/ areas in t9e :rong-9a/o 3egion w9ic9 are aoe t9e 8t9 degree !arallel.;9e sam!le in t9e analyses included 44)0 9ouse9olds wit9 nearly 2#000 indiiduals in 4# districts across t9e

    /our regions in t9e S rea. Ma! s9owing Feed ;9e Future (F;F" Nort9ern 59ana +one o/ In/luence (+%I"

    is s9own in t9e Figure.

    59ana 9as een designated as a !riority country /or t9e SIDs F;F initiatie. ;9e initiatie

    su!!orts growt9 o/ t9e agricultural sector and !romotes good nutrition to attain its ,ey goal Lto sustainaly

    reduce gloal 9unger and !oerty y tac,ling t9eir root causes and em!loying !roen strategies /or ac9ieinglarge scale and lasting im!act (+ereyesus et. al 20)4 and Maerry 20)4". ;9e !realence o/ !oerty and

    !ro!ortion o/ underweig9t c9ildren are t9e ,ey indicators c9osen to measure success towards reac9ing t9e F;F

    goal. F;F actiities /or 59ana egan in mid-20)) and are aligned wit9 national strategies and deelo!ment !lans.

    t t9e !ulic !olicy leel t9e goals o/ SI F;F initiatie is in 9armoni?ation wit9 t9e goals o/ 5oernment

    o/ 59ana (5o5" initiaties !articularly t9e 7om!re9ensie /rica griculture eelo!ment rogram (7"

    and t9e Medium ;erm gricultural Sector Inestment lan (M1;SI" t9e Saanna9 ccelerated eelo!mentut9ority (S" t9e

  • 7/21/2019 Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity Among Women


    Food Science and Quality Management

    ISSN 2224-6088 (a!er" ISSN 222#-0##$ (%nline"

    &ol.'4 20)4


    $!$ Data Analysis

    ata otained /rom t9e SIHM1;SS-F;F o!ulation :aseline Surey conducted in Nort9ern 59ana was

    suAected to descri!tie and !roit regression analysis and t9e results !resented in tales and gra!9s. ;9e main

    ariale o/ interest was dietary diersity w9ic9 was measured as ietary iersity Score (S" re!resenting t9e

    sum o/ counts o/ di//erent /ood grou!s eaten wit9in t9e last 24 9ours to t9e time t9at t9e interiew was

    conducted in une 20)2 y enumerators o/ M1;SS-F;F o!ulation aseline surey in Nort9ern Saanna9 reaso/ 59ana. ietary diersity is usually measured y summing t9e numer o/ /oods or more o/ten y counting t9e

    numer o/ /ood grou!s consumed oer a re/erence !eriod (3uel 2002 &a,ili et al. 20)'". t 9ouse9old leel

    S is o/ten used as !roy /or determining /ood access w9ile at indiidual leel as a re/lection o/ dietary Cuality

    (&a,ili et al. 20)'". ;9e re/erence !eriod usually ranges /rom one day (249ours" to t9ree days ut seen days is

    also o/ten used (F% 20))". In t9is surey t9e re/erence !oint was 249ours and /ood grou!s wit9 detail

    descri!tion o/ arious /oodstu//s or meals is s9own in t9e ;ale ). s s9own in t9e ;ale i/ res!ondent ate /rom

    a named /ood grou! wit9in t9e last 24 9ours 9e or s9e is scored ) and 0 ot9erwise. ;9e oerall sum o/ t9e ) or 0

    (/or yesHno" re!resented t9e res!ondentsD S.

    $!, robit (egression &odel

    In eamining socioeconomic determinants o/ dietary diersity a !roit regression model was used. In measuring

    t9e leel o/ dietary diersity among res!ondents o/ t9e !o!ulation in t9e aseline surey t9e median S

    among t9e /i/teen /ood grou!s was calculated and used as a standard /or t9e !o!ulation. 3es!ondents w9oseS were elow t9e median were classi/ied as Olow dietary diersityD and t9ose wit9 S aoe t9e median as

    O9ig9 dietary diersityD. s suc9 t9e de!endent ariale (ietary iersity" was in inary category and was

    dummied as ) B *ig9 ietary iersity (S greater t9an t9e median o/ t9e !o!ulation" and 0 B low dietary

    diersity (S less t9an t9e median o/ t9e !o!ulation".

    ;9ere/ore t9e de!endent &ariale (ietary iersity" is a inary ariale re!resented y ) i/ 9ig9

    dietary diersity or 0 i/ ot9erwise. Models /or e!laining a inary de!endent ariale include t9e linear

    !roaility model (

  • 7/21/2019 Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity Among Women


    Food Science and Quality Management

    ISSN 2224-6088 (a!er" ISSN 222#-0##$ (%nline"

    &ol.'4 20)4


    and egetales and /ats and oils. *oweer in t9is current study )# /ood grou!s were considered wit9 t9e iew

    o/ eamining into detail s!eci/ic /ood grou!s eing consumed as it relates to s!eci/ic macro and micro nutrients

    reCuirements. s suc9 t9e road /ood grou!s were reclassi/ied as cereals and grains w9ite roots and tuers

    itamin ric9 egetales and tuers dar, green lea/y egetales ot9er egetales itamin ric9 /ruits and

    ot9er /ruits. %t9ers were organ meat /les9 meat eggs /is9 and sea/ood legumes nuts and seeds mil, and mil,

    !roducts oil and /ats sweets and s!ecies condiments and eerages. 3es!ondents were reCuired to indicatew9et9er t9ey 9ad eaten any meal made /rom t9e aoe mentioned /ood grou!s wit9in t9e last 24 9ours. nalysis

    o/ res!onses gat9ered in t9e surey is !resented in ;ale 2. s s9own in t9e ;ale oerw9elming maAority

    (82.#$U" 9ad eaten /ood made /rom cereals and grains suc9 as cornHmai?e rice sorg9um millet among ot9ers

    wit9in t9e last 24 9ours to t9e time o/ t9e interiew. ;9is is to e e!ected since t9e sta!le /oods in t9is !art o/

    t9e country are made /rom mai?e millet and sorg9um wit9 rice now gaining !o!ularity among t9e !eo!le. lso

    nort9ern :rongH9a/o 3egion w9ic9 is in t9e middle elt o/ t9e country cereals and grains and roots and tuers

    es!ecially yam and cassaa /ormed most o/ t9eir daily calories inta,e. s demonstrated y t9e results o/ t9e

    analysis more t9an one-t9ird ('8.$6U" o/ t9e 4#$2 women sureyed in t9e /our regions 9ad eaten /ood made

    /rom w9ite roots and tuers wit9in t9e last 24 9ours. ;9ese /indings con/irm F% (200J" 59ana Nutrition

    ro/ile w9ic9 osered t9at 59anaian diets largely rely on starc9y roots (cassaa and yams" and cereals (mai?e

    and rice". ;9e re!ort /urt9er /ound t9at starc9y roots and cereals still su!!ly almost t9ree Cuarters o/ t9e dietary

    energy and diersity o/ diet remains low.

    *oweer t9e reelation /rom t9e study t9at only $.02U and $.J8U o/ t9e women sureyed re!orted to9ae eaten itamin ric9 egetales and tuers and itamin ric9 /ruits res!ectiely wit9in t9e last 24 9ours

    are worrying and raise serious concerns regarding re!roductie 9ealt9 status o/ women in t9is !art o/ t9e country.

    1Cually worrying /inding /rom t9e study as s9own in t9e ;ale 2 is t9at only 8.2U 28.#$U )).8#U and J.)JU

    res!ectiely re!orted t9at t9ey 9ad eaten organ meat /les9 meat eggs and mil, and mil, !roducts res!ectiely

    wit9in t9e last 24 9ours. ;9is is alarming considering t9e im!ortance o/ !rotein and iron in ensuring womenDs

    re!roductie 9ealt9 and sa/e mot9er9ood (see :rense,e et al 20)' and :lum/ield et al 20)2 merican

    ietetic ssociation 2008"". lso a mot9erDs nutritional status diet and li/estyle in/luence !regnancy and

    lactation outcomes and can 9ae lasting e//ects on 9er o//s!ringDs 9ealt9 as osered y 1li?aet9 (20)0"

    ;9ese /indings raise worrying sign i/ considered in t9e lig9t o/ t9e /indings o/ +ul/iCar et al (20)'"

    t9at Maternal undernutrition gloally contriutes to 800000 neonatal deat9s annually w9ile stunting wasting

    and micronutrient de/iciencies are estimated to underlie nearly 'V) million c9ild deat9s annually. It is 9oweer

    re/res9ing t9at maAority o/ t9e res!ondents wit9in t9e last 24 9ours 9ad eaten dar, green lea/y egetales

    ($).$2U" /is9 and sea/ood ($4.26U" and s!ecies condiments and eerages (6'.2#U".

    ,!$ Women Dietary Diversity Score

    7omination o/ di//erent /ood grou!s in a alanced meal is im!eratie in ensuring and maintaining good

    re!roductie 9ealt9 o/ women and reducing maternal mortality and c9ild-irt9 related 9ealt9 com!lications. ;9is

    !a!er t9ere/ore eamines S w9ic9 is t9e sum o/ di//erent /ood grou!s eaten wit9in t9e last 24 9ours (FN;

    2006". In t9is study )# di//erent /ood grou!s were considered and res!ondents were reCuired to indicate w9et9er

    t9ey 9ad eaten a meal made /rom a gien /ood grou! w9ic9 were coded as Oyes B )D or Ono B 0D. ;9e sum o/ )s

    (yes" /or a gien res!ondent was recorded as 9isH9er S. Summary o/ results are !resented in ;ale '. s

    s9own in t9e ;ale 2# res!ondents (re!resenting 0.##U" indicated t9at t9ey 9ad not eaten any o/ t9e )# /ood

    grou!s wit9in t9e last 24 9ours w9iles only ) res!ondent re!orted to 9ae eaten all t9e )# di//erent /ood grou!swit9in t9e !eriod.

    ;9e aerage S was /ound to e #(H-2.4)" di//erent /ood grou!s eaten wit9in t9e last 24 9ours wit9

    $8$ (re!resenting )$.2U" o/ res!ondents saying t9ey 9ae eaten t9ose /ood grou!s wit9in t9e last 24 9ours. ;9e

    /ie most widely consumed /ood grou!s were cereals and grains /is9 and sea/ood dar, green lea/y egetales

    s!ecies condiments and eerages and ot9er egetales a!art /rom itamin ric9 egetales suc9 as tomatoes

    onion and egg-!lant. ;9ese /indings con/irm t9e /indings o/ 79ristian (2008" w9ic9 reealed a low dietarydiersity among women in Nort9ern 59ana. lso Sa,a (20)2" s9owed t9at maternal dietary diersity as

    measured y indiidual dietary diersity score scores (IS" was a signi/icant inde!endent !redictor /or mean

    irt9 weig9t and low irt9 weig9t (

  • 7/21/2019 Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity Among Women


    Food Science and Quality Management

    ISSN 2224-6088 (a!er" ISSN 222#-0##$ (%nline"

    &ol.'4 20)4


    (t9us u! to 2#U" o/ t9e 4#$2 women interiewed consumed aout ' di//erent /ood grou!s wit9in t9e last 24

    9ours w9iles t9e u!!er Cuartile (u! to $#U" o/ t9e sam!led !o!ulation ate aout $ di//erent /ood grou!s wit9in

    t9e !eriod wit9 t9e median Cuartile (u! to #0U" eating # di//erent /ood grou!s. ;9is /urt9er demonstrated a low

    dietary diersity among re!roductie aged women in nort9ern 59ana.

    ,!, Determinants of Women1s Dietary Diversity:ased on t9eory and literature o/ em!irical studies ariales ranging /rom socioe-conomic cultural and

    womenDs !ower regarding 9ouse9old decision ma,ing and t9eir !artici!ation in 9ouse9old !roduction and

    management decision ma,ing !rocesses were eamined to assess t9eir e//ect on womenDs dietary diersity score.

    Inarialy indiidual dietary diersity is a /unction o/ t9e ,ind o/ /ood aailale to t9em eit9er t9roug9

    !roduction or !urc9ase t9eir !urc9asing aility t9eir 9ouse9old si?e and structure and t9eir location as eit9er

    uran or rural et9nicity or eating 9ait among ot9ers (see ollac, 200) 3egmi 200) 3uel 2002 and 3as9id et

    al. 2006". lso ;9iele and Geiss (200'" (as cited in ;aruinga Muc9enAe and Mus9unAe 20)'"" noted t9at

    9ouse9old si?e age se com!osition em!loyment status and leel o/ education were t9e maAor determinants o/

    /ood diersity.

    roit 3egression Model was em!loyed in identi/ying t9e socio-economic determinants o/ womenDs

    dietary diersity score (GS". :ased on t9is understanding t9e ariales !resented in tale 4 were selected as

    inde!endent ariales in a !roit regression model wit9 womenDs leel o/ dietary diersity (9ig9Hlow" eing t9e

    de!endent ariale.s s9own in t9e ;ale 4 t9e aerage GS is #.0) di//erent /ood grou!s wit9 most ($#U" o/ t9e

    women interiewed coming /rom rural communities.

  • 7/21/2019 Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity Among Women


    Food Science and Quality Management

    ISSN 2224-6088 (a!er" ISSN 222#-0##$ (%nline"

    &ol.'4 20)4


    ariations in women dietary diersity can e e!lained y t9e ariations in t9e selected inde!endent ariales.

    ;9e regression results as !resented in t9e ;ale # /ound location (rural or uran" marital status 9ouse9old

    memers9i! structure 9ouse9old e!enditure on /ood literacy in local language 9ouse9old /ood e!enditure

    decision on use o/ 9ouse9old income decision on 9ouse9old /ood !urc9ase and access to credit to e signi/icant

    at )U in in/luencing womenDs dietary diersity. G9ile marital status and location were negatiely related to leel

    o/ dietary diersity 9ouse9old memers9i! structure 9ouse9old e!enditure on /ood literacy in local languagedecision on use o/ 9ouse9old income decision on 9ouse9old /ood !urc9ase and access to credit were !ositiely

    related to womenDs leel o/ dietary diersity demonstrating t9at women interiewed /rom uran communities

    were more li,ely to re!ort 9ig9 leel o/ dietary diersity t9an t9eir counter!arts /rom rural settlements. lso

    contrarily to e!ectation married res!ondents were /ound less li,ely to 9ae 9ig9 S. It was e!ected t9at

    married women w9o o!erate /unctional 9omes and /amily mig9t e more li,ely to 9ae access to diersi/ied

    /ood since men are e!ected to e read winners o/ t9eir /amilies.

    *oweer as e!ected res!ondents w9o read andHor write in local language were /ound more li,ely to

    9ae eaten 9ig9 diersi/ied diets wit9in t9e last 24 9ours to t9e time o/ t9e interiew com!ared wit9 t9ose w9o

    neit9er could read nor write. lso res!ondents w9o mostly !artici!ate /ully in t9eir 9ouse9old decision ma,ing

    regarding use o/ income were more li,ely in re!orting 9ig9 dietary diersity t9an t9ose w9o re!orted t9ey are

    mostly not eing inoled in 9ouse9old decision ma,ing regarding use o/ 9ouse9old income. In addition t9ose

    9ouse9olds wit9 mied memers9i! structure were more li,ely to 9ae 9ig9 S t9an 9ouse9olds wit9 only

    single se memers9i! structure. lso 9ouse9old /ood e!enditure came out wit9 9ig9ly !ositie signi/icantrelations9i! wit9 dietary diersity. *ouse9olds wit9 9ig9er e!enditure on /ood re!orted 9ig9er S t9an

    9ouse9olds wit9 lower 9ouse9old /ood e!enditure.

    lso in one 9and w9ile literacy in 1nglis9 language decision ma,ing on 9ouse9old /ood !urc9ase

    and decision ma,ing on 9ouse9old liestoc, !roduction were /ound to e signi/icant in determining womenDs

    leel o/ dietary diersity #U. In t9e ot9er 9and et9nicity and age were ot9 signi/icant only at )0U in !redicting

    leel o/ womenDs dietary diersity. lso w9ilst literacy in 1nglis9 language decision ma,ing on 9ouse9old /ood

    !urc9ase and decision ma,ing on 9ouse9old liestoc, !roduction were !ositiely related to leel o/ womenDs

    dietary diersity. ge and et9nic ac,ground o/ res!ondents were negatiely related to womenDs S

    indicating t9at res!ondents w9o were ale to read andHor write in 1nglis9 language !artici!ate /ully in most

    9ouse9old decision ma,ing regarding /ood !urc9ase and liestoc, !roduction were more li,ely to score 9ig9 in

    S t9an ot9erwise. *oweer young res!ondents were more li,ely to 9ae eaten 9ig9ly diersi/ied diets wit9in

    t9e last 249ours to t9e time o/ t9e interiew t9an t9eir older counter!arts.

    ;9e !a!er t9ere/ore /ound age marital status 9ouse9old memers9i! structure et9nicity and literacy

    as signi/icant socio-economic determinants o/ dietary diersity o/ mot9ers in Nort9ern 59ana. lso mot9ersD

    !artici!ation in 9ouse9old decision ma,ing regarding liestoc, !roduction /ood !urc9ase use o/ 9ouse9old

    income access to credit and control oer income as signi/icant in !redicting womenDs dietary diersity among

    mot9ers in Nort9ern 59ana.

    .!% C+NC)0S"+NS AND (EC+&&ENDA'"+NS

    ;9e study /ound aerage dietary diersity score among t9e /i/teen di//erent /ood grou!s considered to e # (S

    B2.4)" wit9 more t9an 9al/ o/ t9e mot9ers interiewed 9aing t9eir dietary diersity scores /alling elow #. ;9e

    /ie most widely eaten /ood grou!s were cereals and grains /is9 and sea/ood dar, green lea/y egetales

    s!ecies condiments and eerages and ot9er egetales suc9 as tomatoes onion and egg-!lant. ;9ese /indingsreealed a low dietary diersity among women in Nort9ern 59ana.

    ;9is !a!er /ound age marital status 9ouse9old memers9i! structure et9nicity and literacy as

    signi/icant socio-economic determinants o/ dietary diersity o/ mot9ers in Nort9ern 59ana. lso mot9ersD

    !artici!ation in 9ouse9old decision ma,ing regarding liestoc, !roduction /ood !urc9ase use o/ 9ouse9old

    income access to credit and control oer income were also /ound to e signi/icant in !redicting womenDs dietary

    diersity among mot9ers in Nort9ern 59ana;9e low dietary diersity among mot9ers in t9e nort9ern 59ana as reealed in t9is study is worrying

    and o/ a great concerns t9at reCuire concerted 9olistic interention. It is t9ere/ore recommended as a matter o/

    urgency t9at !ulic 9ealt9 !olicy directions need to /ocus on 9el!ing to im!roe dietary diersity among women

    t9roug9 !ulic education targeted at in/luencing eating 9aits and t9e need /or mot9ers to eat !ro!er alanced

    diets to meet t9e nutritional demand /or !regnancy and lactation. lso t9ere is t9e need /or !romoting gender

    mainstreaming in nutrition and !ulic 9ealt9 !olicies and !rogrammes to 9el! em!ower women and im!roet9eir status and !artici!ation in 9ouse9old decision ma,ing as it 9ad een /ound to e signi/icant in in/luencing

    womenDs dietary diersity.

    ACKN+W)EDGE&EN'> Ge ac,nowledged .S. gency /or International eelo!ment (SI" -/unded

    o!ulation-:ased Surey in t9e Feed t9e Future (F;F" 59ana +one o/ In/luence (+%I" /rom w9ic9 data were

  • 7/21/2019 Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity Among Women


    Food Science and Quality Management

    ISSN 2224-6088 (a!er" ISSN 222#-0##$ (%nline"

    &ol.'4 20)4


    drawn /or t9is !a!er. Ge also ac,nowledged Monitoring 1aluation and ;ec9nical Su!!ort Serices (M1;SS"

    !rogramme t9e Institute o/ Statistical Social and 1conomic 3esearc9 (ISS13" o/ t9e niersity o/ 59ana and

    t9e 59ana Statistical Serice (5SS" w9o carried out t9e aseline surey.


    merican ietetic ssociation. 2008. Nutrition and li/estyle /or a 9ealt9y !regnancy outcome. m iet ssoc.2008)08('">##'=6).

    rimond M Giesmann and :ecCuey. 20)0. Sim!le /ood grou! diersity indicators !redict micronutrient

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    ISSN 2224-6088 (a!er" ISSN 222#-0##$ (%nline"

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    )ist of 'ables

    'able 2 Detail Descri/tion of 3ood Gro#/s

    F%% 53% 1PM SIH5*N F;F-M1;SS o!ulation :aseline surey Manure 20)2

  • 7/21/2019 Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity Among Women


    Food Science and Quality Management

    ISSN 2224-6088 (a!er" ISSN 222#-0##$ (%nline"

    &ol.'4 20)4


    'able $2 Distrib#tion of Dietary Diversity

    F%% 53% 7%NSM1 GI;*IN ;*1 S; 24*%3S

    5es No

    No = No =

    Cereals And Grains '$$# 82.#$ $J$ )$4'

    White (oots And '#bers )$$2 '8.$6 2800 6).24

    9itamin A (ich 9egetables And '#bers '2) $.02 42#) J2.J8

    Dar: Green )eafy 9egetables '2$J $).$2 )2J' 28.28

    +ther 9egetables 2022 44.2' 2##0 ##.$$

    9itamin A (ich 3r#its '6# $.J8 420$ J2.02

    +ther 3r#its ''# $.'' 42'6 J2.6#

    +rgan &eat '$# 8.20 4)J$ J).80

    3lesh &eat )'06 28.#$ '266 $).4'

    Eggs #42 )).8# 40'0 88.)#

    3ish And Seafood ''J# $4.26 ))$$ 2#.$4

    )eg#mes; N#ts And Seeds )#22 ''.2J '0#0 66.$)&il: And &il:


    420 J.)J 4)#2 J0.8)

    +ils And 3ats )JJJ 4'.$2 2#$' #6.28

    Sweets )'0# 28.#4 '26$ $).46

    S/ices; Condiments < Beverages 28J2 6'.2# )680 '6.$#

    So#rce2 Analysis of 0SA"D 3'3-&E'SS o/#lation Baseline s#rvey; $%$

    'able ,2 C#m#lative 3re>#ency Distrib#tion of Dietary Diversity Score

    Dietary Diversity Score DDS 3re>#ency ercentage 4=8 C#m#lative /ercentage

    0 2# 0.## 0.##

    ) )00 2.)J 2.$'

    2 24# #.'6 8.0J' #24 )).46 )J.##

    4 68J )#.0$ '4.62

    # $8$ )$.2) #).84

    6 6J2 )#.)4 66.J$

    $ ##' )2.)0 $J.0$

    8 40J 8.J# 88.0)

    J 2#6 #.60 J'.6)

    )0 )#) '.'0 J6.J2

    )) 6J ).#) J8.4'

    )2 'J 0.8# JJ.28

    )' 26 0.#$ JJ.8#

    )4 6 0.)' JJ.J8

    )# ) 0.02 )00.00

    'otal .;?@$ %%!%%

    Source> nalysis o/ SI F;F-M1;SS o!ulation :aseline surey 20)2

  • 7/21/2019 Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity Among Women


    Food Science and Quality Management

    ISSN 2224-6088 (a!er" ISSN 222#-0##$ (%nline"

    &ol.'4 20)4


    'able .2 Descri/tion of 9ariables in the robit (egression &odel

    9ariable Descri/tion &ean Std! Dev!

    Gomen ietary iersity Score


    Sum o/ di//erent /ood grou! eaten wit9in

    last 24 9ours

    #.0) 2.4)

  • 7/21/2019 Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity Among Women


    Food Science and Quality Management

    ISSN 2224-6088 (a!er" ISSN 222#-0##$ (%nline"

    &ol.'4 20)4


    'able ?2 &aim#m )i:elihood Estimation of the Determinants of Women1s Dietary Diversity

    Variables Coef. Std. Err. z P>z

    location -0.)28#0#6 0.0444$68 -2.8J 0.004

    Marital Status -0.)2#)$#6 0.040'2J$ -'.)0 0.002

    *ouse9old Si?e -0.00264)J 0.0062$# -0.42 0.6$4

    Se o/ *ouse9old *ead -0.06862') 0.0#)'J)J -).'4 0.)82

    *ouse9old memers9i! structure 0.)$80J$# 0.0#842J '.0# 0.002

    3eligious ac,ground -0.0'000)6 0.04)2J'# -0.$' 0.468

    1t9nicity -0.06$84)$ 0.0'86'$) -).$6 0.0$J

    ge -0.00'4#42 0.0020#'J -).68 0.0J'

    *ouse9old 1!enditure on Food 0.00'#628 0.00)0$02 '.'2 0.00)

  • 7/21/2019 Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity Among Women


    Food Science and Quality Management

    ISSN 2224-6088 (a!er" ISSN 222#-0##$ (%nline"

    &ol.'4 20)4


    3ig#re 2 &a/ of Northern Ghana; De/icting the one of "nfl#ence by 3'3 "ntervention

    So#rce2 &E'SS-G*ANA; 4$%$8

    3ig#re $2 Distrib#tion of Women1s Dietary Diversity Score 4WDDS8

    Source> nalysis o/ SI F;F-M1;SS o!ulation :aseline surey 20)2

  • 7/21/2019 Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity Among Women


    Food Science and Quality Management

    ISSN 2224-6088 (a!er" ISSN 222#-0##$ (%nline"

    &ol.'4 20)4


    3ig#re ,2 C#m#lative 3re>#ency C#rve of Women1s Dietary Diversity Score!

    Source> nalysis o/ SI F;F-M1;SS o!ulation :aseline surey 20)2








    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16Dietary Diversity Score (DDS)


    Upper Quartile

    e!ian Quartile

    "o#er Quartile

  • 7/21/2019 Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity Among Women


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