social teachings of the church

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The Social Teaching of the church

ABBREVIATIONS & REFERENCES:CA Centesimus Annus (One Hundred Year After Rerum Novarum) by Pope John Paul II, Catholic Bishops Conference of the Phil. Canon Law, 1983. Ecclesia in Asia (Jesus Christ the Savior and His Mission of Love and Service in Asia) Pope John Paul II, 1999. Evangeli Nuntiandi (Evangelization Today) by Pope Paul VI, 1974. Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) by Pope John Paul II, 1995.

1991. CBCP CL EA by EN EV


ABBREVIATIONS & REFERENCES:FC Familiaris Consortio (The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World) by Pope John Paul II, 1981. Gaudium et Spes (Church in the Modern World) by Vatican Council II, 1965. Justice in the World by Synod of Bishops, 1971. Laborem Exercens (On Human Work) by Pope John Paul II, 1981. Mater et Magistra (Christianity and Social Progress) by Pope John XXIII, 1961. Octagesima Adveniens (A Call to Action) by Pope Paul VI, 1971. Secondary Plenary Council of the Phil., 1991.




ABBREVIATIONS & REFERENCES:PEPE PEPP PP PT QA RH CBCPs Pastoral Exhortation on Philippine Economy, 1998. CBCPs Pastoral Exhortation on Philippine Politics, 1998. Populorum Progressio (On Development of Peoples) by Pope Paul VI, 1967. Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth) by John XXIII, 1963. Quadragesimo Anno (On Social Concerns) by Pope Pius XI, 1931. Redemptor Hominis (Redeemer of Mankind) by Pope John Paul II, 1979.

ABBREVIATIONS & REFERENCES:RN Rerum Novarum (The Condition of Labor) by Pope Leo XIII, 1891. Solicitudo Rei Socialis (Social /concerns of the Church) by Pope John Paul II, 1987. Tertio Millenio Adveniente (The Cpming of the Third Millenium) by Pope John Paul II, 1994.



instrument or systematic procedure to denounce injustice/ to proclaim JUSTICE. .




JUDAIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINEThis refers to the teachings of the Church. Church. PCP


preferential option for the (Lk. 18) (Lk. 4:18)



the human cross of an unhappy distinction of being the most unsafe country in Asia. Asia. unsavory international distinction of having the most corrupt civil service and the most inefficient bureaucracy. bureaucracy. economic deprivation power is concentrated to a few the cross of cultural underdevelopment wrong sense of gratitude


a COMMITMENT to the common good a COMMITMENT to honesty and integrity in public service a COMMITMENT to the right to property CONVERSION from consumerist mentality Have a PROFOUND UNDERSTANDING of the value of human work

WHAT IS THE ROLE OF UST? Hallmarks of UST: COMMITTED to the cause of TRUTH COMPASSIONATE to the people of God COMPETENT to proclaim the truth and love of God to His people. people.

APPROACH: Contextual Approach


FILIPINO REALIZATIONour country, together with the rest of the world, is now in the midst of crisis.

FACES OF CRISISpoverty, injustices, war, calamities, soaring prices of basic commodities, transportation and fuel, maltreatment and abuses, etc.



OVER AND ABOVE ALL THIS:The Church dreams of people becoming persons reflecting Gods image in themselves, their actions, their beings. The Church also dreams of a community that: 1. speaks and listens, 2. a community that discerns and decides together in implementing their decisions, 3. prays and celebrate their joys and sorrows together, 4. honestly looks at what they had done and failed.


GOAL OF THE CHURCH:To make all people, Christians or non-Christians, live in the spirit of charity, peace, justice and equality and with respect of the whole creation.

NAME: ______________________ COURSE/YR./SEC.: ____________

DATE: __________

1. Think about the present situation of the community where you live in and the situation of our country, then, answer, the following questions. (Give at least 2 characteristics for each.) a. When will your community be a real community of faith? b. When will the Philippines be a happy home for us Filipinos? 2. After answering the questions above, draw a symbol that depicts your dream community.

THE CHRISTIAN CONCEPT OF SALVATIONSalvation of From Through For : : : : the soul sin Gods grace Eternal life

1. Meaning of Salvation to the IsraelitesDt. 6:21-23 6:21Dt. 26:2-13 26:2Jos. 24:2-13 24:2Lev. 26:4-13 26:4Dt. 28:2-14 28:2Ps. 136, 105, 106, 135, 78 Is. 2:2-5, 11:5-9 2:2- 11:5Amos 9:11-15 9:11Ezequel 36:22-32 36:22-

THE CHRISTIAN CONCEPT OF SALVATIONSalvation of From : the total person : slavery, hunger, drought, lackof land, discrimination, oppressions, death, etc.

Through : their collective struggle For : [economic] abundance, grapes,rain, promised land; [political] freedom, liberty; [socio[socio-cultural] children, peace, security, good relations

1. Meaning of Salvation to the Israelites

Salvation is concrete and may be experienced here and now.

2. New Testament Concept of Salvation

And this is love, not that we love God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the expiation for our sins. -1 Jn 4:10-

2. New Testament Concept of Salvation

The Spirit of he Lord is upon me...He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor, release to captives, sight to the blind, liberty to the oppressed and announce the Lords year of mercy. -Luke 4:18-19-

2. New Testament Concept of Salvation

BEATITUDESBlessed are you poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God Blessed are you that hunger, you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you that weep, you shall laugh. Blessed are those who mourn, they shall be comforted.

2. New Testament Concept of Salvation

Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the Gospel of God, and saying, the tie is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the Gospel. -Mark 14-14-

2. New Testament Concept of Salvation

BEATITUDESBlessed are the meek, they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are the merciful, they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are pure in heart, you shall see God. Blessed are peacemakers, they shall be called children of God.

2. New Testament Concept of SalvationCharacteristics of Salvation brought about by Christ:The blind receive their sight, The lame walk, Lepers are cleansed, The deaf hear, The poor have the good news preached to them. Salvation was the total giving of himself, of his whole being, to the liberation of people from all oppressions.

EVANGELII NUNTIANDISalvation is liberation from everything that oppresses human beings; but specially beings; liberation from sin and the evil one; in the joy of one; knowing God and being known by Him. This Him. liberation in the framework of the Churchs specific mission, cannot be contained in the simple and restricted dimension of economics, politics, social or cultural life; it must envisage life; the whole man, in all his aspects, right up to and including the openness to the absolute, even the divine absolute. absolute.

SOCIAL SINSins in the form of sinful structures or institutions of the society or situation that promote sinful attitudes or behavior and the complicity of persons in the evils of society by activity or passively participating in these evils.


Sinful Structures

Sinful Situations Sinful Attitutes

Sinful StructuresThere are sinful social structures when there is habitual pattern of human interactions, infected by sin, selfishness, injustice, pride, greed. greed. They perpetuate disvalues. They are disvalues. inducements to sin and are formidable obstacle to Christian living. living. -PCP II #8282-

Sinful Situations

They lead people to become greedy and selfish.

Sinful AttitudesAttitudes of people who allow or directly participate in the evil that is being done against others. It also involves the sin of omission, i.e., the inaction of some people to prevent evil from taking place.

What is the cause of poverty?The root problem is the gross unequal distribution of wealth. Some people have more than they need while the rest do not even the basic necessities of life.

You are not making a gift of your possessions to the poor person. You are handing over to him what is his. For what has been given in common for the use of all, you have arrogated to yourself. The world is given to all, and not only to the rich. PP #23

One of the greatest injustice of the contemporary world consists precisely in this: that the ones who possess much are relatively few and those who possess almost nothing are many. It is the injustice of the poor distribution of the goods and services originally intended for all. SRS #23

What is the mission of the Church today?

The Church considers her mission as a continuation of the liberating mission of Christ.

What is the mission of the Church today?Mission of Jesus Christ Mission of the Church

(Kingly)Service for: Development Integral human development

(Priestly)Prayer/worship for: Deeper Relationship with God

(Prophetic)Proclamation of: Peace - founded on truth - built according to justice - practiced in freedom

What is the mission of the Church today?

Indeed, the social mission of the Church is founded on the ministry and mission of Christ.

What is the mission of the Church today? This mission gives the Church the duty and authority to teach and interpret the message of the Gospel to the present context and thereby guide and assist all people in the pursuit of their total salvation.

AS CHRISTIANS, WE SHOULD ALWAYS FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF CHRIST AND STAND FOR WHAT IS TRUE AND JUST. WE CANNOT MAKE A CHOICE. WE CAN NOT BE NEUTRAL. THE EXPRESSION OF OUR FAITH SHOULD ALWAYS BE PREFERENTIAL, NEVER NEUTRAL. And this faith can only be expressed and must be expressed through our social, economic, political and cultural involvement here and now.

Four-step cycle of Christian praxis1. Experience

4. Planning / action


2. Social analysis

3. Theological reflection


Luke 5:1-11A new and deeper understanding

Realization of ones sinfulness

A radical response

PCP II #275 This conversion and social transformation is not just one moment of definitive change. It is a lifelong task, striving from the less perfect to the ever more perfect, from death to life, from life to ever fuller life.

Name: ______________________ Course/Year/Section: __________

Date: __________

What are your responsibilities to the society and/or to the Church? List down 5 of your primary responsibilities and give the reasons why you consider them as the most important ones. Responsibilities1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


What other tasks, aside from preaching, catechesis and administration of sacraments are being done in your community in order to spread the Gospel?

STEP I: The Filipino Experience (Signs of the Times) The Philippines is branded as a disaster prone area:

1 2

Tskkk Ahhh!!! ???it belongs to the ring of fire part of the Philippines, particularly the eastern part in the Pacific Ocean is called

the cradle of typhoons

Signs of the TimesSources of Hope Economy Socio-Cultural Environment Political


Sources of Hopethe unwavering faith of the Filipino people

Sources of Hopethe increasing social awareness and concern for social change and development

Sources of Hopethe commonalities that exist among different cultures

Sources of Hopethe growing number of NGO s and PO s

Name: ______________________ Course/Year/Section: __________

Date: __________

A writer wrote that the Filipino culture is a damaged culture characterized by a failure in nationalism, total devotion to those within the circle, total war to those outside, a contempt for the public good, submission to doctrine and authority and national ambition to change nationality. How do you react to this? Do you agree with him? Why?

STEP II: Social Analysis (A Tool for Social Transformation)

Social analysis is the effort to fully understand a particular social situation. It serves as a tool situation. that permits us to grasp the reality with which we are dealing. dealing.

Octagesima Adveniens (Call to Action)It is up to Christian communities to analyze with objectivity the situation which is proper to their own country, to shed in it the light of the Gospels unalterable words and to draw principles or reflection, norms of judgment, and directives of action from the social teaching of the Church. (O.A. #4)

PCP II (Art. 22 #1)A thorough social analysis, structural and cultural, is to be promoted more intensely in the process of building up discerning communities of faith, precisely to the end that their efforts at social transformation take into account hard social realities and carried through from a genuine perspective of faith.

Social Analysis

Objective Dimension

Subjective Dimension

various organizations and institutions

consciousness, values, ideologies, attitudes of the members of society

Social Analysis

Historical Analysis

Structural Analysis

It is a study of the changes of a social system through time.

It is a study of what is happening to a particular structure.

Limitations of Social Analysis

1 2

It is not designed to provide an immediate answer to the question, What do we do? It is not a guideline that gives us a step by step solution to the problem. problem. It is simply like a diagnosis to a sickness than the treatment. It does not provide a treatment. cure. cure.

Name: ______________________ Course/Year/Section: __________

Date: __________

Give the first five most important social issues that the Church must address today. Rank them from 1-5. Give the reason for your ranking and the possible cause/s of these issues. Issues1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



What do you suggest that the Church leaders should do in order to respond to these issues?

1. The Nature and Development of the Churchs Social Teaching STC is the entire teaching of the ecclesiastical magisterium that applies revealed truth and Christian moral principles to the social order. It applies order. the Gospel message to social reality. reality. The purpose of the Churchs social teaching is to present to all human beings Gods plan for secular reality. reality.

STEP III: Fruits of Theological Reflection

What does my faith tell me to do As a member of the Church, what am I supposed to do What is my mission What does the Church magisterium say about the issue


STC is at the heart of who we are and what we believe in and therefore, should be proclaimed and shared effectively. It should not remain a secret.

GOD (Yahweh)DIVINE LAWNatural Law Adam & Eve Abraham ISRAELITES


Human Experience and Reason SACRED SCRIPTURES



Papal Pronouncements

matters of faithApostolic Letters


CCLCanon LawSynod of Bishops Ecumenical Council



Meeting of all bishops under the leadership of the Pope


TRUTHSTC contains truth, both moral and religious truth that Christians have to know and believe.


VALUESThese are what Christians have to respect, defend and cherish.

Principles are what one has to do or put into practice.


Rerum NovarumCondition of LaborISSUES Production is controlled by a few

Pope Leo XIIIMay 1891RESPONSES Fix limits of private possession by the industry of men and the peoples Recall that just ownership of money is distinct from just use: - challenge the rich to give to poor; bind state to serve common good. Promote trade associations and just wages Call the Church to unite the rich and the poor.

Concentrated wealth promotes greed

Masses are destitute

Inhuman conditions exist

Rerum NovarumCondition of LaborISSUES Decline of morals causes conflict Socialism rejects private property


Recognize that private property is a right and stabilizer of society Encourage equitable relations between capital and labor.

Socialism favors class warfare theory

Quadragesimo AnnoReconstructing Social OrderISSUES Free competition has destroyed itself Wealth is concentrated Economic dictatorship controls investment and credit Economic instability leads to loss of morals Public authority is slave to mens greed

Pope Pius XIMay 1931RESPONSES Bring competition under public authority Share superfluous wealth Seek just distribution of created goods Apply laws of Christian moderation and charity Promote international cooperation in economic life

Quadragesimo AnnoReconstructing Social OrderISSUES Communism seeks class warfare and extermination of private property

Pope Pius XIMay 1931RESPONSES Encourage partnership in ownership or management, reserve certain kinds of property to the state Give workers just wages

Workers are non-owning and receive unjust wages

Mater Et MagistraChristianity & Social ProgressISSUES Private enterprise and the state are for the common good

Pope John XXIIIMay 1961RESPONSES Support the state in promoting the economy for the benefit of all citizens Make an effort to develop industry and agriculture as regards technological progress Foster the expression and value of the individual Aid less-developed countries

Agriculture is a depressed sector of the economy

Remuneration of work must be just Private property holders have social responsibility

Mater Et MagistraChristianity & Social ProgressISSUES Prosperous and poor nations grow more divergent Christian social doctrine is an integral part of Christian life

Pope John XXIIIMay 1961RESPONSES Communicate a strong, Christian social doctrine Affirm employee profit-sharing policies Encourage effective safeguards against monopolization

Pacem in TerrisPeace of EarthISSUES Nuclear war is constant fear Armaments are continually increasing Present governments are inadequate to promote universal common good

Pope John XXIIIApril 1963RESPONSES Establish peace on mutual trust Agree on disarmament with effective controls Set up world-wide authority bases on subsidiary

Gadium Et SpesChurch in the Modern WorldISSUES Economic inequalities are immense Hunger, poverty, illiteracy torment huge proportion of worlds citizens and foster discputes Abundance of wealth and resources enjoyed by few

Vatican IIDecember 1965RESPONSES Change modern world commerce radically Work for political and economic decisions which conform to human dignity

Urge state to distribute goods fairly, especially insufficiently cultivated estatesEnd arms race with disarmaments backed by adequate and workable safeguards

Nuclear war remains a threat

Gadium Et SpesChurch in the Modern WorldISSUES Human interdependent in the world is growing Lack of true Christianity contributes to atheism

Vatican IIDecember 1965RESPONSES Establish international community with subsidiarityChallenge Christians to take seriously their temporal duties activated by justice and love

Populorum ProgressioDevelopment of PeoplesISSUES Pernicious opinions held about economics: profit as chief incentive in economic development profit as chief incentive in economic development private ownership of means of production as an absolute right with neither limits nor social duty

Pope Paul VIMay 1967RESPONSES Remind more affluent of their duties: give assistance to development of poorer nations improve trade relations according to social justice do not allow own progress to hinder others development Expropriate if necessary for common good

Octogessima AdveniensCall to ActionISSUES Flagrant inequalities exist in the economic, cultural and political development of the nations Every social ideology contains possible ambiguities

Pope Paul VIMay 1971RESPONSES Revise the relationships between nations: international division of production; structure of exchanges; control of profits Allow each country to promote its own development Share responsibility and decision-making

Modern economy creates new problems: fairness in exchange of goods and division of wealth; sharing of responsibility

Synod StatementJustice in the WorldISSUES Injustices building a network of domination, oppression, and abuses around the world Wealth, power, decision-making in the hands of few

Synod of BishopsNovember 1971RESPONSES Ratify and adhere to U.N. Declaration of Human Rights

Recognize right to development composed both of economic growth and participation Support international organizations capable if restraining armaments race, discouraging trade in weapons, and settling conflicts by peaceful methods

Arms race is threatening mans highest good - life

Synod StatementJustice in the WorldISSUES Richer nations increasing high rates of consumption Marginal people increasing because of rapid growth in population and labor force, lack of agrarian reform, and massive migratory flow to cities

Synod of BishopsNovember 1971RESPONSES Proclaim, educate, and witness to justice at all levels Recognize individual and social sin Foster aims of second development decade

Laborem ExercensOn Human WorkISSUES General situation of man in the modern world brings the problem of unemployment; conditions of shameful and unworthy poverty Work is treated as a sort of merchandise

Pope John Paul IIMay 1981RESPONSES Calls for the discovery of the new meaning of human work to ensure authentic progress by man and society The concept mans dominion over the earth should go over the heart of ethical and social question, a central place in the whole sphere of social and economic policy. Continuous study of the subject of work and the subjects living conditions

Wide ranging anomaly that gave rise to the worker question sometimes described as proletariat question

Laborem ExercensOn Human WorkISSUES Rising conflict between labor and capital

Pope John Paul IIMay 1981RESPONSES Priority of labor over capital as opposed to the economistic and materialistic thought Respect and promotion of the rights of workers just wages, trade unions, ownership

The question of finding work for all who are capable of it.

The agents defined here as indirect employer must make provision for overall planning International collaboration in planning and organizing labor Provide work for disabled person

Thank You!