social media, nsa, panopticon

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  • 7/28/2019 Social Media, NSA, Panopticon


    Social Media, NSA and the Panopticon

    A panopticon is a theoretical prison structure originally conceived by the British utilitarian

    Jeremy Bentham. The design of the prison was such that there would be a circular structure at the

    center of the facility in which prison managers could observe the inmates who would be located in cells

    around the perimeter of the interior. The genius of Bentham's design is that while the prison staff could

    be watching any solitary prisoner at any time from their perched vantage point, no one prisoner could

    be certain that he or she was being surveyed at any specific point in time. This creates an unequal gaze

    and thus, asymmetric reflexivity. While the structure was conceived for prisons, Bentham, in

    Panopticon, argued that it would function equally as well if it were to be applied to asylums (Letter

    XIX), hospitals (Letter XX) and schools (Letter XXI).

    Foucault understood panopticism as applying not only to prisons, but to those scenarios

    Bentham later hypothesized. The point of the panoptic structure is to normalize the behavior of those

    within said institution. Normalization firstly, the construction of an ideal norm of human conduct,

    down to minute details and secondly, rewards and punishments for adhering to these norms. The point

    being to maximize social control while minimizing the expenditure of force so as to create the most

    efficient disciplinary system.

    The normalization process, Foucault argues, produces docile bodies. It is this potential

    omnipresence which leads to passivity and self-regulation. One no longer needs to be forced to be

    within the range of the norm but rather makes a conscious effort to ensure that he or she is within that

    range. Additionally, the process of self-regulation leads to a more general self-regulation of the masses,

    by the masses to create as homogeneous of a population as possible.

    Enter the 21st century and the exponential rise of inter-connectivity by way of peer-to-peer

    networking, blogs and likewise. What has arisen is exactly the state of affairs that Foucault depicted;

    asymmetric reflexivity with relation to visibility and a self-regulating mass. The reward and

    punishment system remains the same with Facebook likes and blog followers. The content of the

  • 7/28/2019 Social Media, NSA, Panopticon


    sites are, in this way, normalized. The status updates about going to the gym, what song is on Spotify,

    the pictures from bars, restaurants or otherwise mundane attractions are all an attempt at proving that

    each individual is just like each other individual. The instant gratification of a like or a follower is

    merely an acknowledgment that one has continued to exist within the acceptable range of normal. The

    further a comment or picture deviates from the norm, the less likely it will be acknowledged.

    This is of course combined with the unequal gaze and asymmetric reflexivity. While you are on

    your Facebook page, you are completely unaware as to how many other people are viewing your

    newest picture at the bar or noting that you are at a particular restaurant. The omnipresence of social

    media has led to an internet's worth of a voluntary submission of privacy and globalized self-


    This combination of bedfellows is exactly why the NSA has the ability to conduct its activities

    without much resistance. The millennials are the most ready to submit their privacy and the least likely

    to fight against either corporate or government invasions of privacy due to the fact that the process has

    itself become normalized. The asymmetric reflexivity is evident in the fact that the NSA is observing

    and storing all data but considers those who expose its activities to be committing a crime. You should

    be completely transparent, yet the tower guards remain opaque. Yet the millennials are also less likely

    to find this panoptic scenario to be problematic since they willingly subject themselves to exactly this

    activity on a daily basis. If nobody can be sure who is viewing your Twitter account, what does it

    matter that the federal government is doing the same thing? To this question, the lack of outrage has

    made it clear that the answer is, for the millennials, it does not matter.

    Additionally, normalization has become more evident through mass media's portrayal of

    outliers. Consider the relatively negative publicity of Occupy Wall Street and the lack of current media

    coverage of Occupy Gezi. The media either treats those who stand against the norm as socially

    unacceptable or ignores their existence, thus, dehumanizing their efforts altogether. The reward and

    punishment system is thus in full effect; celebrities who are in trouble with the law continue to receive

  • 7/28/2019 Social Media, NSA, Panopticon


    their fifteen minutes on the news and for these individuals, the only negative publicity is no publicity

    so this can be considered a reward. Thus, the obsession with capitalistic success and the glorification

    of the token examples remains part of the norm. Conversely, fighting against injustices, whether

    corporate, government or a corroboration of the two is demonized or trivialized and thus, is mocked

    and punished.

    In conclusion, the masses are revolting and that should be taken in the most negative

    connotation as is possible. The millennials are willing to self-regulate and submit their privacy while

    mocking or ignoring those who do not all without any true exterior force. The NSA will either

    maintain or expand because it is considered outside the norm to question authority. Government-

    corporate corroboration will continue its power trip unimpeded because the people have spoken and

    they appear to be completely satisfied with this scenario. It truly is a sad and frightening state of
