soc. 101 rw ch. 5

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

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The Self And Interaction Nature vs. nurture


Development of Self-Freud, Cooley, Mead, Goffman

Impression Management

Agents of Socialization-family, schools, peers, media

Statuses and Roles

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The Self and Nature vs. Nurture The self is connected to all social phenomena and

interaction constructs them all

What is human nature?

Nature vs. Nurture – ongoing debate over the importance of genes and socialization in determining our behaviors and traits Sociologists argue that human behavior is learned and

shaped thru social interaction

Either one alone is insufficient to explain what makes us human

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Socialization and the Self Socialization – process of learning & internalizing the

values, beliefs and norms of social group – helps us become functioning members of society

1. Skills to satisfy basic human needs

2. Teaches norms, values, beliefs

Social Isolation – feral children –Isabelle

Babies do have innate capacities, but can only fully develop as human beings through contact with others


Self – individual’s conscious, reflexive experience of personal identity, separate and distinct from others

Self created through social interaction over a lifetime

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Development of Self-Freud Freud’s theory of self centered on unconscious mind

The mind consists of three interrelated parts:

Id – basic inborn drive – instinctive psychic energy – goal is pleasure and avoid pain- selfish

Ego – the realistic aspect of the mind that mediates between id and superego

Superego – the conscience (moral) and ego ideal (ideally who we should be)-Internalized demands of society

Develops as a result of parental guidance

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Development of Self-Cooley Looking-glass self-notion that the self develops thru

our perception of others’ evaluations of us

Dev. by Charles Horton Cooley (Chicago School)

We all act like mirrors to each other, reflecting back images of ourselves 1.We imagine how we look to others

2. We imagine other people’s judgment of us

3. We experience some kind of feeling about ourselves based on our perception of other people’s judgments

All of us come to know ourselves through relationships with others

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Development of Self-Mead

George Herbert Mead (Chicago School)-development of self started in childhood-when kids develop language

Mead’s Theory of Self – 3 stages: 1. Preparatory stage – under 3 – imitate

or mimic those around them 2. Play stage – after 3 – “roles” pretend

play at being a “nurse”, “teacher,” etc… 3. Game stage – early school years-

organized games at school – must follow rules of game and understand where others playing game are coming from (generalized other)

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Development of Self-Goffman Mead-Generalized other- perspectives and

expectations of others in society that child learns and takes into account when shaping his or her behavior

Erving Goffman-*all meaning is constructed through interaction

Thomas theorem- “if people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences”

Many interpretations are possible of same event

Woman slapping man in public?

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Goffman Defines Expression Goffman looks at how we define situations interactionally Definition of the Situation- agreement about what is “going

on” – allows us to coordinate our actions with others Woman slapping man?-what are others’ reactions?

Expressions of Behavior- small actions that serve as an interaction tool to project our definition of the situation to others

Expressions given – verbal and intended (speech) Expressions given off – non-verbal, but observable – intended

or unintended Facial expressions, mannerisms, etc…

It’s not just what you say but how you say it that creates meaning

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What is Impression Management? Goffman-we work at controlling the impressions others

have of us

Impression Management – effort to control impressions we make on others so that they form a desired view of us and the situation Dramaturgy-social life compared to theater

Front- the setting or scene of performances that helps define the situation (classroom)

Personal Front – equipment we use to present ourselves to others (glasses)

Region – context or setting where performance takes place – person out of context can be confusing

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What is Impression Management? Backstage – rehearse and prepare for performances

Frontstage – where we deliver our public performance

Cooling the mark out – behavior that allows others to avoid embarrassment Civility or tact

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Agents of Socialization Agents of Socialization-social groups, institutions, and

individuals that provide structured situations in which socialization takes place

1. Family – most significant- social bonds created, learn norms and values of society

2. School – Besides teaching normal curriculum, also responsible for P.E., meals, discipline, child care, etc… Hidden curriculum – values/behaviors that children learn at

school (competition, obedience)

3. Peers – Family has longest-lasting effect on us, but by adolescence, youth spend more time w/ friends than anyone else

4. Media-Fiji (pg. 127)

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Adult Socialization Being adults means being put in

new situations, having to learn and adjust to new conditions over the life course

Resocialization-process of replacing previously learned norms and values with new ones as part of a transition in life Due to divorce, raising family,

moving, losing a job, etc… Total Institution – (Goffman)

institutions in which individuals are cut off from rest of society – total control – strips away old identities for new ones

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Statuses and Roles Statuses influence how others see us and respond to us

Status – position in society that carries a particular set of expectations Parent, CEO, waitress, etc…

Ascribed Status – inborn and hard to change

Embodied Status – physical characteristics (ex. beauty)

Achieved Status – earned through effort or imposed by others (ex. occupation)

Master Status – relevant and affects all other statuses.

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Statuses and Roles Role – behavior expectations that go with a certain status

Role Strain – contradictory expectations within ONE role

Parent-discipline or nurture

Role Conflict – we occupy 2 or more roles with contradictory expectations

Work/family conflict

Role exit-the process of leaving a role that we will no longer occupy

*Statuses and roles help shape our identities by providing guidelines for our own behavior

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Role Conflict: Chris Spielman Family or Football?

Spielman-From Ohio, linebacker for Buffalo Bills

Wife diagnosed with breast cancer, required her to stay in Ohio for treatment

He would have to be on road for football…

What did he choose?

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Social Construction of Emotions Role-Taking Emotions-like sympathy, embarrassment

and shame, require that we be able to see thing from someone else’s point of view

Feeling Rules – norms regarding the expression and display of emotions – expectations about acceptable emotions in a given social situation

Emotion Work – manage feelings to create a publicly observable display of emotion

Copresence – face to face interaction in the presence of others – has lessened with technology.