soap opera presentations


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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Soap opera presentations

Soap Opera Presentations:

Names: Katie and Georgia

Sub- genre: Scripted Reality - TOWIE

Is the definition clear and easy to understand?

Yes - everyday people, everyday life, exaggerated and much more dramatic

What soaps could fit into this sub- genre?

Towie, Made in Chelsea, The Hills, Geordie Shore

Have they given clear examples of codes and conventions, using existing examples?


Have they covered the use of: Lighting Editing Mise en Scene Sound

Lighting: mood is miserable then the lighting would be dark and grey. Bright lights represent a happy scene. MES: Clothing represents social class, make up – glamorous, fake tan – Setting: Essex (money, pampered) Sound: Opening theme tune – familiar with programme, has created its own language - Reem

Any extra information?


Names: Max, Harriet and ...

Sub- genre: Telenovela

Is the definition clear and easy to understand?

Television novel – normally spoken in Spanish Compared to British soaps – higher morals, long lasting relationships Melodramatic – to the point of being funny

What soaps could fit into this sub- genre?

Ugly betty started as a telenovela

Have they given clear examples of codes and conventions, using existing examples?


Have they covered the use of: Lighting

Page 2: Soap opera presentations

Editing Mise en Scene Sound

Editing: Two shots often used for couples, reaction shots Sound: Spanish music

Any extra information? Different categories: working class, historical romance, mystery thriller teen drama Audience: Arab world – very popular, reflect on many of the morals and social questions faced in cultures like Morocco and Egypt. Stereotypes: Rich guy fallen in love with poor girl, Priest nosing on everyone’s business, Cinderella type storyline, rich become poor and vice versa, catfights, lots of sex – taboo subject, all comes out on tv


Names: Vicki, Kat and Stephen

Sub- genre: American Fantasy

Is the definition clear and easy to understand?

Unrealistic storylines, everything is over the top

What soaps could fit into this sub- genre?

Dallas – Props, music and accents relate to wear its set - Texas 90210 Desperate Housewives – ideal lifestyle of a housewives – want that body and house – desperate for love, for the lifestyle One tree hill -

Have they given clear examples of codes and conventions, using existing examples?

Exaggerated dramas

Have they covered the use of: Lighting Editing Mise en Scene Sound

Lighting – Saturated and mainly bright with an orange tint due to using artificial lighting to set a mood. Dark when there is death. Editing to emphasize the storylines – montage of characters reactions in a major event – quick jump edits. Flashbacks to remember previous events – fading in and out. Camera – High angle shot – used to set the scene (where they are) Two shots of characters (expressions and reactions) Costume is over exaggerated. Set in major cities. Props shown as flashy – expensive. Lot of make up Alot of none diegetic sound – background music to fit within a scene. Diegetic sound for setting the scene and subliminal messages – dialogue, screaming, gun shots

Any extra information? Stereotypes – Femme Fatale, mysterious women Heartthrob – male character who looks excite romance Bad Guy – causes trouble between other characters Mother Figure – gives advice to others

Page 3: Soap opera presentations

Time dialation – soem storylines take weeks to play and otehr take a matter of minutes Storylines: Affairs, Death, Sex, Abduction, Lies


Names: Amy

Sub- genre: Australian Soaps - melodrama

Is the definition clear and easy to understand?

Set in Australia – storylines and characters are exaggerated

What soaps could fit into this sub- genre?

Neighbours Home and Away Out of the blue Prisoner Flying Dramas The Sullivan’s

Have they given clear examples of codes and conventions, using existing examples?

Have they covered the use of: Lighting Editing Mise en Scene Sound

Lighting has been toned down – very bright compared to English soaps Don’t use extreme close ups – realism Set in Fictional suburban areas – Shots show alot of background

Any extra information? Different to English soaps – Music/outfits is more summery, different range of ages. Australia – co ordinate with each other. Less maintence than English melodramas. Famous characters- began on home and away now on American tv show Vampire Diaries. Kylie Minogue began on home and away. Stereotypes – all Australian, no other ethnicity’s . Stereotype themselves having a BBQ or by the pool – ideal lifestyle In an episode of neighbours they take a trip to London – see black taxis and celebrities


Page 4: Soap opera presentations

Names: Alex and

Sub- genre: Realism

Is the definition clear and easy to understand?

Made to not look constructed – show real life

What soaps could fit into this sub- genre?

Emmerdale Eastenders Coronation Street

Have they given clear examples of codes and conventions, using existing examples?


Have they covered the use of: Lighting Editing Mise en Scene Sound

Editing – subtle to show realism and give the audience a Lighting – Basic, special effects are not used Diegetic sound – always used in real soaps – background music in a shot is always played from a stereo in the shot or other etc. Only non diegetic sound would be the theme tune.

Any extra information? Stereotypes – Countryside, hills, Yorkshire Narratives: family arguments and petty crime, several narratives at once – ends with a cliff-hanger Characters: drive the plot, audience relate to them Catharsis - purging of emotions or the reliving of emotions through certain kinds of art
