east enders evaluation for soap opera


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Post on 01-Jul-2015




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Page 1: East enders evaluation for soap opera


By Dean Smith

Page 2: East enders evaluation for soap opera

First clip

When the credits at the start come on it already tells you a number of things such as the place, you know its in London because of the river Thames and its at the east end of London- we know this because of the name of the soap.

And from this picture above you know who ever own this house has obviously got kids because there is toys and school bags and kids clothes laid about.

Page 3: East enders evaluation for soap opera

And even though you don't know who this person is you know by the background that she maybe no a wealthy person because her house is not glamorous its old fashioned with the wooden picture frames and the 80’s border going across the middle of the wall and the old wallpaper.

And it is very clear what happened last night, they had a one night stand, and i know this in the way the man crept down stairs and picked up his shoes and when the women says to him “a bye would have been nice”, he facial expression explains it all, how he ducks his head in shame, however the print screen isn’t to clear.

Page 4: East enders evaluation for soap opera

Second clip

However this come can come across in two ways she could come across as a wealthy who can afford all the make up and nice clothes and jewellery, or it could be a cover to make people think she is a high class women but actually she isn’t and she doesn’t want anyone to know. But it soon come clear when she is on the phone and the other caller refers to as a prostitute and he tells her to meet up with someone.

By the look of this man he has got a very sly look on his face, and you no he maybe evil because half of his face is covered with a shadow, as if he's got something to hide, so he has obviously got something against her maybe black mailing her, because he doesn't look like someone with a lot of power seen as the office he is in, because its small crowded with paper so probably doesn't have a secretary to do it all for him and there is not much light and it appears to me there maybe just a light bulb and no shade.

Page 5: East enders evaluation for soap opera

This caption makes the audience feel involved, because it makes you feel like your in the room because in focus is the man talking and out of focus is a book shelf and it makes you feel like your behind it spying on him.