smjjiu t i iii i rip i n evening paper eight published ... · al lent ton

?w$r;w ' -- -j j ii;piiTOytfqjmM SMJJIU frMWWmfrS' ir Best (lvcriM0 7 T TV T I k I "" ITT& III I '"" r IP I 77? West Eight Published Tage Jf you DonU Read the JTutttrn ( I , if 1 I 1"" g I 1 IT '? I N Evening Paper f you Don't Get ALL the Netvs. g lV V - X - fi 1 . .ft M J 1 1 L 4 w4 A Jl on the Hawaiian Islands. Reaches ALL the Teopk Subscription 75c. a month. tXrtX&WXHXrO Vol. II. No. 448. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1896. Pkiok 5 Cento. THE EVENING BULLETIN. PubllBhcd every day except Sunday at 210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. SUJISCRU'TION ItATKS. Per Month, nnywhoro In the Iln- - wullan IslandH S ' .Per Year. 8 00 Por Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 1000 Per Yenr, postpaid, other Foreign Countrlos 13 00 I'nyablo Iiwarlnblv tn Advance. Telophono 25C. P. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. J. T. WATERHOUSE 'Tho (loinaud 'for ignrdon and plantation toolH is largo and our orders to Eugland to supply the domnnd uro in proportion. We tiro on joying u reputation for soil- ing good goods nt low prices, con- sequently wo nro doing ft larger eharo of business thaniinost houses in tho scimo lines. By the Ed wind May wo receiv- ed a largo iuvoicoot goods for garden and plantation uso. The quality is unquestionably the best nnd the prices the lowest. Tho stock, comprises Lawn Mowers, .Hakes, y Shovels., Garden Tools, ....And Carpenters . . . .Tools!; . . An order for any of theso will have prompt attention. Goods de- livered at any time and any ploea in the city. j. I. WATERHOUSE Queon Street. IHUIUWI There is some- thing false ju the pride of a mnu who insists ou showing tho lnbol on tho insido of his lint. What a pity tho high-price- d hatters do not paste their labels on tho outsido of their hnls, or, bettor still, sell lieir labels for half dollar each. For $2.25 wo hand you his five-doll- ar hat minus tho label. Can you count the fellows who would go for his label and our hat? "The'Kash," I. LEVIMSTOK, - - - Manager. "" Arbiters of Fashion. 9 Hotel Street Wavcrley Block- - B yJ? K a Bji BLOOD is the source of good health. 's Sarsaparilla Makes Pure Blood, Strengthens tho Nerves, Shaipons tho Appetite, Removes that Tired Feeling, and Makes Life Worth Living. Sufferers from indiges- tion, general debility, skin diseases, or any other ail ment nrimiiK from impure Wood, should take AVER'S il'v; iftffi f .') ' led:!: r. t',13 World' Cnat Expmltlons. elicnp IniltnllniM. '"I'D 111111111 .'.yor's Ssiii,6.;j.ari ! ,irm..l t 011 tlm wrupi.t'i . iiinl llotii In tlu j!ao i( ua-J- i iiultlc. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Solo AKeutH for tho Itopnbllo of Hawaii ano 1111:11 11x1: mi: 111:1:. Will I.imivh KiiuIhikI flip !. A. itonlo Muiitly. The Sydney Herald of October 1 suys: "The Aorangi, which has been purchased to supplement the present service in the Canadian Australian lino, is refitting at Messrs. Swan aud Hunter's yards at JSowcastlo-ou- - lyno. Ot very graceful lines, and with her im- proved engines and her now pas- senger appointments the laltor to be of a luxurious character tho ex London and New Zealand mail steamer ought to prove a popular addition ou tho lino between Aus- tralia and Vancouver." The San Francisco Chronicle of October 23 says the Aorangi will leave England for Sydney in a fow wpoks. Sho has a capacity for 419G touB. Al lent ton rrolilbllluiil.tK. Remember tho election tomor- row, at Ttirum's Book Store. Do not fail to go and voto the Pro- hibition ticket. Joshua Lovor-in- g is the Prohibition candiduto for I'rosidont and Halo Johnson for Vice President. Prohibition is a larger issue than tho curren- cy question. Tho Prohibition ticket will receive a birgo voto in tho United States. Voto for the homo and against tho suloon. Take your frionds to voto tho Piohibition ticket, work for it. Tho s.iloou must go. PnomniTiONiBT. .Second Xuu Steiimor. Another now schooner will soon co mo to this port to recoivo steam ongines. Then sho will start for tho Hawaiian Islinds to outer tho intercolonial trade with tho James Spiers, recently built. Tho hull of tho new vessel has just been finished at tho bhipyuids of Hull Brothers, Port Blakoloy. Sho has been christoucd the Scr.iy, nnd is 120 feet 2 inchos in length, 2S feot in boani, 10 foot 2 inches in depth of hold, and hns 11 net capacity for 229 tons.- - -- S. F. Chroniclo, Oct. 21. In (lit. I'ullre Court. Eight drunks got tho usual fine in Judge do la Vorgne's court this morning. Piilaui ploadod guilty of soiling liquor without a license. Sontonco suspended. Murakami was fined $2 and costs for selling goods on Sunday. Ah Sara and Ah You woro fined S50 each for having opium unlaw- fully in possession. LATEST FOREIGN NEWS iti:vonmox si'X.iis to ni: ini. rr.NiiMi i.t Tonunv. Vlpirr ninl Important ITIovn 1 .llnrco In Culm Intelligence fr.Kll All I.iuids. UXITT.O STATUS. JOTTINGS. Two passeiigor trains collided near St. Louis on October '25 and eight persons were killed and twenty one injured. Moonlight raiders have destroy- ed all the tollgatos in Frauklin county, Kentucky. An attompt to wreck a passeng- er train inOregon, by putting logs on tho track, was foiled. General Morton 0. Hunter died at Bloomington, Indiana, Oct. 25, of paralysis. lie was dis- tinguished both in civil and mili- tary lifo. Ho was tbo bero of Suodgrass Hill, and saved the day ai uuicKAinauga. Durrani's caso will go to tho Supromo Court of California on the records without argument. Charles F. Crisp, ex Speakor of tho Houso of Representatives, died at Atlanta, Georgia, on Oct- ober 23. He bad beon ill for sov-or- al months. Sharkey will fight Fitzsimmons at San Francisco on Decembor 0. Tho report that President Clove- - ' land intends interfering in the I Cuban iiil'air is ridiculed in a ' Washington dispatch. Eambusch, tho nbs'.'onding Wisconsin bankor, whoso for-- I geries are put at from .'100,000 to iS500,000, has committed suicide ' in Virginia THE llUNMNOTON AT TACOMA. Tacomn, Wash., Oct. 23. The United States warship Bennington arrived from Everett early this morning. Captain George W. Bigmiui, commander of tho Ben-- 1 uington, said his ship would re main hero till next Tuesday, when she will go to Olympia. Aftor that sho will go to Seattle and thou go to San Francisco. It is expected sho will bo ordered to tho west const of South America. Tho captain says tho Bennington is here merely on a visit, and sho will not mako tests of coal, as has been rumored. l'AMOUH l'ASTKU DEAD. One of tho known victims of a firo that destroyed a pottery at Akron, Ohio, ia Dr. H. T. Tnunor, whoso right name wob Frnncis Harrison, whoso name was made famous by a fast of forty days in which ho onco indulged. Tanner was a strange character. Several years ago ho sold his wifo to Adam Ilildc, a Gorman, for $10 aud nn old sowing machine. l'ATAL 3IAIUNE CASUALTY. The Pacific Coast steamship Arago went ashore at 8 o'clock in tho morning of Octobor 20, at tho entrance to Coos Bay, Oregou. At least twelvo nion mot watery graves. Those lost so far as known are: John Norman of Marshfiold, passenger; E. Me-Gra- of Coqnille, pnssonger; Richard Walters of Oakland, Cnl., pnssonger; W. E. Brown, chief engineer; William Whittle, fire mnn; Eric Wall, firomnn; An- thony McDado, fireman; Richard Patterson, steward; F. Fernandez, chiof cook; J. Krugcr, sailor; Henry Sander, sailor; Bon, tho mess boy. ELIXTION 1'OltKCAST IJY Till: M;V YOltK HEIIALP. Now York, Octobor 21. The Herald predicts aftor a ourolul canvass of ovory State in tho United State?, that William Mc-Kin- loy Jr. will bo olected Presi- dent on November 3d by a largo majority of tho Electoral Collego. This conclusion hos boon deter- mined by giving tho States of Conueotiout, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Mnino, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshiro, Now York, Now Jor-se- y, Pennsylvania, Ifoutuekj , Rhodo Island, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin to tho candidate of tlo Republican pir-ty- . TlitMP States will givo Mo-Kinl- 248 votes. William J. Bryan., it is conceded, will carry Alibama, Arkansas Colomdc, F.'fida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisi- ana, MNsisHipni, Missouri, Mnn- - bum, Nevndii, Mi C rolim. Tennessee, Toxus, Utah and Vir ginia. Theso Snits will givo tie O'indidiitu of the Democratic paity 131 votes. Tho doubtful State nro - foruia, Kansas, Minnosotn, a, Nortn Carolina, North Dakota. Oregon, South likt. Wnohiiif. t.m and Wyoming. Ti.oso represent 05 votes. Wero Mr. Hryan to bCcuro overy ono of thoso doubtful States Mr. McKiuley would bo still elected by 11 baud-som- e and significant majority. Tho Herald has also made a canvass of every Congressional district in tho country mid is able, therefore, to predict Unit a ma- jority voto of the Fifty fifth Congress will be for sound money and for tho principles of tho St. Louis platform. Tho nutnbor of Republicans who will tako tho oath at the beginning of the next ppssion will be 221, Democrats 127 and P.pulisU G. Thoso totals may bo olas fiud into theso pro- portions: For sound mutiny. 215 tes; for free silver, votes. i:i)ioi'i:. V.VMOUS ITEMS. Tho draft of a 'bill to regulate tho sugar industry of Franco and to counteract the export bounties of other countries has beon sub- mitted to tho Cabinet. Sir Albert Sas&oon, a distingu- ished aud philanthropic East In- dian bauker, has died in Loudon. Sir Charles Dilko has mndo a speech in London, calling atten tion to tho luck of men for tho navy. Tho civil mnrringo of the Crown Prince of Italy to Princess Holeuo of Montenegro took place on Oct- ober 21 in the ballroom of the Quir-innl- , Rome, and the religious coremony occurred later in tho Church of Santa Maria Degli Angli. A Berlin dispatch to tho Stand aid says Russian oflioials on tho PriihHiiu frontier have seized a hundred thick walking sticks con- taining thousatids of nihilist pro- clamations. Former strikers of tho Carmaux glass works havo inaugurated, with a grand celebration, a co- operative glass factory at A I hi, Franco. It is said that tho schomo is to uso all the profits of the works for a socialistic propa- ganda. Queen Wilhelmina of tho Netherlands has taken her first communion. Emperor Willinm sont her a preseut. A syndicate has bought a steam- er iu which to try tho motivo power of a primary olectrio bat- ter invented by two young men of Clydebank, Scotland. If it prove a success it will revolutionize electric traction. Tho Right Rov. Fredorick Temple, Bishop of London, has boon appointed Archbishop of Canterbury and Primato of All England in succession to tho Into Most Rev. Edward WhitoBonsou. Ho is tho son of an nrmy ollieor, and was born November 30, 1821. UU.SSIAN IT.rTiVrK PUNISHED. Ex Popo Tolstoi of tho Russian Church, who war, recently deposed from tho priest's functions bo-cau- so ho had refused to clear him-so- lf of an accusation that ho had been convorted to Catholicism, has boon arrested at Moscow aud taken to Nijni, whom he wns con- demned by a church tribunal to seven y oars' bauishmont from St. Potorsburg and Moscow and was forbidden to hold any state office for twenty years. A 8ECIIET ALLIANCE. Tho Hamburger Naohriohten, Priuco Bismnrck's 'organ, prints an article disclosing the fact that a defensive alliance oxistod bo- - Continucd on Jflh Paije. JOHN W. FOSTER ARRIVES ii i: is ON HIS WAY TO JAPAN A.VI CHINA. Not on 11 ncllc-nl- c llllniimtlc i1IIliin t Iliiwnll, in Unit IIcpii Allium urt-i- l lie ! Miiiwii tlio City. Hon. Johu W. Fostor, who was Secrotary of State iu President Harrison's Cabinet, is n through passenger on tho steamship Peru, accompanied by Mrs. Fostor. Coast papers had announced that ho was coming to Hawaii on n delicate diplomatic mission. This was afterwards denied and it was said that ho was going through to China and Japan. The truth is that ho will not go to tho Orient but will spond several weoks in Hawaii, whero, as a San Francisco paper puts it, ho will combine business with pleasure It wiib tho Hon. John W. Fostor who negotiated tho treaty be- tween China and Japan which ended tho late war. Ho is said to recoivo $20,000 a yoar from tho Chinese Government, aud ho has at different times boon employed by Mexico, Bolgium and other countries. For many years ho has given closo attention to ques- tions of intornationnl law, prac- ticing nt Washington. In this ho has world-wid- o distinction. It is said that for ninny years ho has inado far moro money each year than tho President of tho United Stntes. Ho was appointed Minister to Mexico in 1S73 by President Hay os and before his term ex- pired was transferred to RusHtn us Minister. President Arthur appoiuted him afterward as Min ister to Spain. Ho served three years and resigned,roturned homo aud negotiated au important com- mercial treaty with Spain. Tho Senate opposed it, and President Clovelaud withdrew it for further consideration. Lntor Mr. Foster went to Spain iu tho interest of a modified treaty. For his services as a diplomat in tho interest of China in re- ducing tho indemnity desired by .Japan ho received, it is said, a fortuno iu itself. Ho served in the War of tho Rebellion, and for a time after- ward was editor of tho Evansvillo (Indiana) Journal. Ho is u'O years old. Discussing McKinloy's chnnces iu the coming election, aud tho Stato of Indiana particularly, Mr. Foster said: " I spont about ton dayB in In- - diann on tho way out. Wo am haviug a fight there. Wo always havo. But this yoar tho Populists and Democrats havo combined. Howover, that won't mako any difforonco. Wo will boat them any- way. By how much of a majority will wo carry tho election ? That is hard to say. 1 don't pretend to know. Some say 25,000 or 30,000. But wo are going to carry it. " And wo am going to carry tho country for McRinloy. My only anxiety now is to seo what Cali- fornia is going to do. Tho Stato ought to bo for McKinloy by an overwhelming majority. " 1 was in Chicago on my way bore. There they woro very con fident and enthusiastic. Chicago is going to givo McKiuley a great- er majority than any other mnn ever received thoro. " Everything iu Iowa is favor- able, too. I mot a very intelli- gent gentleman on tho train who was from Minnesota, and ho told mo thoro was no doubt nbout that Stato, that it would bo for McKin loy by a rouBing majority. .Mil. FOSTKlt INTEIIVIEWEI). From tho steamer Mr. and Mrs. Foster wero taken in charge by Attornoy-Gonor- al Smith and en- tertained during tho morning. About 11 o'clock thoy drovo to tho Hawaiian Hotol, whero apartments had beon reservod for them. Lor-ri- n A. Thurston was closeted with tho distinguished visitor whon a Bulletin mau sont up his card. Mr. FoBter kindly gavothe report- er a few minutes of his timo nnd in substanco said iu reply to ques- tions: " My visit horo has no political Bignilicanco whatovor. My wifo and myself havo heard bo much about tho climate and scenery of your island paradiso that wo de- termined to gratify au oft-e- x pressed desiro to come horo anil bco for ourselves whether all that we have heard concerning the isl- ands is true. It has so happened that on my various trips to China the steamer 1 was on did not stop hero and this is my first visit. It is too suoti to givo you my im- pressions ot the plnct-bu- t later ou 1 shall bo glad to do so. ' Wo havo no idea how loug wo shall stay, but it will bo fifteen or twouty days or maybe longer. I havo not even inquired about whon thostoamors leave. Wo am not particularly pressed for time aud wo want to seo all that is worth seeing." Asked a8 to tho prospects of tho campaign iu tho United States Mr. Foster buid no man could loll who would be eh e ted. Tho Re- publicans and Gold Democrats wore positivo that McKiuley would bo tho mau, while the sup- porters of Bryan wero equally positive and enthusiastic about the chauceB of their leader. Person- ally ho had ovory confidoueo iu McKinloy's olection but, ho ndded, " you people hero who rend tho papers are just as well informed and as well able to judge who will win as I am." Upon the subject of annexation aud what effect the olection ot McKinloy would havo on tho question, Mr. Foster declined to oxpipss any opinion. On this ho said: "I havo not talked with Mr. McKinloy on the question and I know nothing of his views on tho annexation of theso islands, nor, I think, does anyone olso. Tho ex- citement and uncertainty of the olection precludes Mr. McKinloy or any of tho great leaders of tho party giving any attention to out- sido matters at present." About town tho opinion is free- ly expressed that Mr. Fostor is hero for tho purposo of quietly posting himself on tho Hawaiian situation, so that ho may givo Mr. McKiuley tho benefit of his viows whon tho question of nnnoxntion comes to tho front again. The I'lirliisurNo :iiur'l. Dedicatory exercises in con- nection with tho opening of the now Portugueso church woro hold yesterday afternoon iu tho pro-senc- o of a largo audience. Trea- surer A. F. Cooko submitted a statomout showing total re- ceipts to havo been $11,220.-7- 1; disbursements $11,203.1-1- ; bnlanco ou hand $17.57; amount needed for moitgago, etc., $2500. A subscription list was then cir- culated and tho sum of $1535 pledged. Tho exercises woro par- ticipated iu by Rovs. O. P. Emor-Bo- n, D. P. Birnie, A. A'. Soares and O. II. Gulick and Messrs. A. F. Cooko aud W. A. Bowen. The Hund Knee. A largo numbor of peoplo con- gregated on Union Squaro to eeo tho finish of tho five milo road race on Satuiday afternoon. Tho raco wns particularly close, tho riders coming down to Kawaia-ha- o church nearly in a bunch. Hero Damon mndo 11 ripurt and shot out from tin crowd crossiug tho wiro in 13:15; Silva waB sec- ond in 13:15.',; Bond third in and Sylvester fourth iu The last named ran into n hack and was compelled to borrow a froBh wheol, othorwiso ho would have probably won tho raco. Hotel Arrival.. Hawaiian F Haysoldon, Ln-n- ai; O K Frooman, Yokohama;' S M Terrell, Yokohama; Mr anil Mrs S W Rosendajp, Now York; Ernest E Datton iiiid wifo, Lon- don; and Johu W loster midlife, San Francisco. Arlington Thomas Ferguson, Sau Francisco; H Stroubcck, W-iluk- u; Carl Juch, liana. .. - wasfctn aii.'jll I 9 tf rfl f vS I I f. 4 M'-- y '4 h j, 'a tf a 1 4 ' V . I 1 1 J . J M 4 t

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Page 1: SMJJIU T I III I rIP I N Evening Paper Eight Published ... · Al lent ton rrolilbllluiil.tK. Remember tho election tomor-row, at Ttirum's Book Store. Do not fail to go and voto the

?w$r;w ' -- -j j ii;piiTOytfqjmM


frMWWmfrS'ir Best (lvcriM0 7 T TV T I k I ""

ITT& III I '"" r IP I 77? West EightPublished


Jfyou DonU Read the JTutttrn ( I , if 1 I 1"" g I 1 IT '? I N Evening Paper

f you Don't Get ALL the Netvs. g lV V - X - fi 1 . .ft M J 1 1 L4 w4 A Jl on the Hawaiian Islands.

Reaches ALL the Teopk Subscription 75c. a month.


Vol. II. No. 448. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1896. Pkiok 5 Cento.


PubllBhcd every day except Sunday at210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.


Per Month, nnywhoro In the Iln- -

wullan IslandH S '.Per Year. 8 00Por Year, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Mexico 1000Per Yenr, postpaid, other Foreign

Countrlos 13 00

I'nyablo Iiwarlnblv tn Advance.Telophono 25C. P. O. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.


'Tho (loinaud 'for ignrdon and

plantation toolH is largo and our

orders to Eugland to supply thedomnnd uro in proportion. We

tiro on joying u reputation for soil-

ing good goods nt low prices, con-

sequently wo nro doing ft largereharo of business thaniinost houses

in tho scimo lines.

By the Ed wind May wo receiv-

ed a largo iuvoicoot goods for

garden and plantation uso. The

quality is unquestionably the bestnnd the prices the lowest. Tho

stock, comprises

Lawn Mowers,.Hakes,

y Shovels.,Garden Tools,


Carpenters . . .

.Tools!;. .

An order for any of theso will

have prompt attention. Goods de-

livered at any time and any ploea

in the city.


Queon Street.



ju the pride of a mnuwho insists ou showing

tho lnbol on tho insidoof his lint. What a pity

tho high-price- d hattersdo not paste their labels

on tho outsido of theirhnls, or, bettor still, sell

lieir labels for half dollareach. For $2.25

wo hand you his five-doll- ar

hat minus tholabel. Can you countthe fellows who would go

for his label and our hat?

"The'Kash,"I. LEVIMSTOK, - - - Manager.

"" Arbiters of Fashion.

9 Hotel Street Wavcrley Block- -

B yJ? K a BjiBLOOD

is the source of good health.

's SarsaparillaMakes Pure Blood,Strengthens tho Nerves,Shaipons tho Appetite,Removes that Tired Feeling,and Makes Life Worth Living.

Sufferersfrom indiges-tion, generaldebility, skindiseases, orany other ailment nrimiiKfrom impureWood, shouldtake



f .') ' led:!: r. t',13 World' Cnat Expmltlons.

elicnp IniltnllniM. '"I'D111111111 .'.yor's Ssiii,6.;j.ari ! ,irm..l

t 011 tlm wrupi.t'i . iiinl llotii Intlu j!ao i( ua-J- i iiultlc.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.

Solo AKeutH for tho Itopnbllo of Hawaii

ano 1111:11 11x1: mi: 111:1:.

Will I.imivh KiiuIhikI flip !. A.itonlo Muiitly.

The Sydney Herald of October1 suys: "The Aorangi, which hasbeen purchased to supplement thepresent service in the CanadianAustralian lino, is refitting atMessrs. Swan aud Hunter's yardsat JSowcastlo-ou- - lyno. Ot verygraceful lines, and with her im-

proved engines and her now pas-senger appointments the laltorto be of a luxurious character thoex London and New Zealand mailsteamer ought to prove a popularaddition ou tho lino between Aus-tralia and Vancouver."

The San Francisco Chronicle ofOctober 23 says the Aorangi willleave England for Sydney in afow wpoks. Sho has a capacityfor 419G touB.

Al lent ton rrolilbllluiil.tK.Remember tho election tomor-

row, at Ttirum's Book Store. Donot fail to go and voto the Pro-

hibition ticket. Joshua Lovor-in- gis the Prohibition candiduto

for I'rosidont and Halo Johnsonfor Vice President. Prohibitionis a larger issue than tho curren-cy question. Tho Prohibitionticket will receive a birgo voto intho United States. Voto for thehomo and against tho suloon.Take your frionds to voto thoPiohibition ticket, work for it.Tho s.iloou must go.


.Second Xuu Steiimor.

Another now schooner will soonco mo to this port to recoivo steamongines. Then sho will start fortho Hawaiian Islinds to outer thointercolonial trade with thoJames Spiers, recently built. Thohull of tho new vessel has justbeen finished at tho bhipyuids ofHull Brothers, Port Blakoloy.Sho has been christoucd theScr.iy, nnd is 120 feet 2 inchos inlength, 2S feot in boani, 10 foot 2inches in depth of hold, and hns11 net capacity for 229 tons.- - -- S. F.Chroniclo, Oct. 21.

In (lit. I'ullre Court.Eight drunks got tho usual fine

in Judge do la Vorgne's court thismorning.

Piilaui ploadod guilty of soilingliquor without a license. Sontoncosuspended.

Murakami was fined $2 and costsfor selling goods on Sunday.

Ah Sara and Ah You woro finedS50 each for having opium unlaw-fully in possession.


iti:vonmox si'X.iis to ni: ini.rr.NiiMi i.t Tonunv.

Vlpirr ninl Important ITIovn 1

.llnrco In Culm Intelligencefr.Kll All I.iuids.


JOTTINGS.Two passeiigor trains collided

near St. Louis on October '25 andeight persons were killed andtwenty one injured.

Moonlight raiders have destroy-ed all the tollgatos in Frauklincounty, Kentucky.

An attompt to wreck a passeng-er train inOregon, by putting logson tho track, was foiled.

General Morton 0. Hunterdied at Bloomington, Indiana,Oct. 25, of paralysis. lie was dis-tinguished both in civil and mili-tary lifo. Ho was tbo bero ofSuodgrass Hill, and saved the dayai uuicKAinauga.

Durrani's caso will go to thoSupromo Court of California onthe records without argument.

Charles F. Crisp, ex Speakor oftho Houso of Representatives,died at Atlanta, Georgia, on Oct-ober 23. He bad beon ill for sov-or- al

months.Sharkey will fight Fitzsimmons

at San Francisco on Decembor 0.Tho report that President Clove- -

' land intends interfering in theI Cuban iiil'air is ridiculed in a' Washington dispatch.

Eambusch, tho nbs'.'ondingWisconsin bankor, whoso for-- Igeries are put at from .'100,000 to

iS500,000, has committed suicide' in Virginia


Tacomn, Wash., Oct. 23. TheUnited States warship Benningtonarrived from Everett early thismorning. Captain George W.Bigmiui, commander of tho Ben-- 1

uington, said his ship would remain hero till next Tuesday, whenshe will go to Olympia. Aftorthat sho will go to Seattle andthou go to San Francisco. It isexpected sho will bo ordered totho west const of South America.Tho captain says tho Benningtonis here merely on a visit, and showill not mako tests of coal, as hasbeen rumored.


One of tho known victims of afiro that destroyed a pottery atAkron, Ohio, ia Dr. H. T. Tnunor,whoso right name wob FrnncisHarrison, whoso name was madefamous by a fast of forty days inwhich ho onco indulged. Tannerwas a strange character. Severalyears ago ho sold his wifo toAdam Ilildc, a Gorman, for $10aud nn old sowing machine.


The Pacific Coast steamshipArago went ashore at 8 o'clockin tho morning of Octobor 20, attho entrance to Coos Bay, Oregou.At least twelvo nion mot waterygraves. Those lost so far asknown are: John Norman ofMarshfiold, passenger; E. Me-Gra-

of Coqnille, pnssonger;Richard Walters of Oakland, Cnl.,pnssonger; W. E. Brown, chiefengineer; William Whittle, firemnn; Eric Wall, firomnn; An-thony McDado, fireman; RichardPatterson, steward; F. Fernandez,chiof cook; J. Krugcr, sailor;Henry Sander, sailor; Bon, thomess boy.ELIXTION 1'OltKCAST IJY Till: M;V

YOltK HEIIALP.Now York, Octobor 21. The

Herald predicts aftor a ourolulcanvass of ovory State in thoUnited State?, that William Mc-Kin- loy

Jr. will bo olected Presi-dent on November 3d by a largomajority of tho Electoral Collego.This conclusion hos boon deter-mined by giving tho States ofConueotiout, Delaware, Illinois,Indiana, Iowa, Mnino, Maryland,Massachusetts, Michigan, NewHampshiro, Now York, Now Jor-se- y,

Pennsylvania, Ifoutuekj ,

Rhodo Island, Vermont, WestVirginia and Wisconsin to thocandidate of tlo Republican pir-ty- .

TlitMP States will givo Mo-Kinl-

248 votes. William J.Bryan., it is conceded, will carryAlibama, Arkansas Colomdc,F.'fida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisi-ana, MNsisHipni, Missouri, Mnn- -

bum, Nevndii, Mi C rolim.Tennessee, Toxus, Utah and Virginia. Theso Snits will givo tieO'indidiitu of the Democratic paity131 votes.

Tho doubtful State nro -

foruia, Kansas, Minnosotn, a,

Nortn Carolina, NorthDakota. Oregon, South likt.Wnohiiif. t.m and Wyoming. Ti.osorepresent 05 votes. Wero Mr.Hryan to bCcuro overy ono of thosodoubtful States Mr. McKiuleywould bo still elected by 11 baud-som- e

and significant majority.Tho Herald has also made a

canvass of every Congressionaldistrict in tho country mid is able,therefore, to predict Unit a ma-

jority voto of the Fifty fifthCongress will be for sound moneyand for tho principles of tho St.Louis platform. Tho nutnbor ofRepublicans who will tako thooath at the beginning of the nextppssion will be 221, Democrats 127and P.pulisU G. Thoso totalsmay bo olas fiud into theso pro-portions: For sound mutiny. 215

tes; for free silver, votes.

i:i)ioi'i:.V.VMOUS ITEMS.

Tho draft of a 'bill to regulatetho sugar industry of Franco andto counteract the export bountiesof other countries has beon sub-mitted to tho Cabinet.

Sir Albert Sas&oon, a distingu-ished aud philanthropic East In-dian bauker, has died in Loudon.

Sir Charles Dilko has mndo aspeech in London, calling attention to tho luck of men for thonavy.

Tho civil mnrringo of the CrownPrince of Italy to Princess Holeuoof Montenegro took place on Oct-ober 21 in the ballroom of the Quir-innl- ,

Rome, and the religiouscoremony occurred later in thoChurch of Santa Maria DegliAngli.

A Berlin dispatch to tho Standaid says Russian oflioials on thoPriihHiiu frontier have seized ahundred thick walking sticks con-taining thousatids of nihilist pro-clamations.

Former strikers of tho Carmauxglass works havo inaugurated,with a grand celebration, a co-

operative glass factory at A I hi,Franco. It is said that tho schomois to uso all the profits of theworks for a socialistic propa-ganda.

Queen Wilhelmina of thoNetherlands has taken her firstcommunion. Emperor Willinmsont her a preseut.

A syndicate has bought a steam-er iu which to try tho motivopower of a primary olectrio bat-ter invented by two young men ofClydebank, Scotland. If it provea success it will revolutionizeelectric traction.

Tho Right Rov. FredorickTemple, Bishop of London, hasboon appointed Archbishop ofCanterbury and Primato of AllEngland in succession to tho IntoMost Rev. Edward WhitoBonsou.Ho is tho son of an nrmy ollieor,and was born November 30, 1821.


Ex Popo Tolstoi of tho RussianChurch, who war, recently deposedfrom tho priest's functions bo-cau- so

ho had refused to clear him-so- lf

of an accusation that ho hadbeen convorted to Catholicism,has boon arrested at Moscow audtaken to Nijni, whom he wns con-demned by a church tribunal toseven y oars' bauishmont from St.Potorsburg and Moscow and wasforbidden to hold any state officefor twenty years.


Tho Hamburger Naohriohten,Priuco Bismnrck's 'organ, printsan article disclosing the fact thata defensive alliance oxistod bo--

Continucd on Jflh Paije.



Not on 11 ncllc-nl- c llllniimtlc i1IIliint Iliiwnll, in Unit IIcpii Allium urt-i- l

lie ! Miiiwii tlio City.

Hon. Johu W. Fostor, who wasSecrotary of State iu PresidentHarrison's Cabinet, is n throughpassenger on tho steamship Peru,accompanied by Mrs. Fostor.Coast papers had announced thatho was coming to Hawaii on ndelicate diplomatic mission. Thiswas afterwards denied and it wassaid that ho was going through toChina and Japan. The truth isthat ho will not go to tho Orientbut will spond several weoks inHawaii, whero, as a San Franciscopaper puts it, ho will combinebusiness with pleasure

It wiib tho Hon. John W. Fostorwho negotiated tho treaty be-

tween China and Japan whichended tho late war. Ho is said torecoivo $20,000 a yoar from thoChinese Government, aud ho hasat different times boon employedby Mexico, Bolgium and othercountries. For many years hohas given closo attention to ques-tions of intornationnl law, prac-ticing nt Washington. In this hohas world-wid- o distinction. It issaid that for ninny years ho hasinado far moro money each yearthan tho President of tho UnitedStntes.

Ho was appointed Minister toMexico in 1S73 by PresidentHay os and before his term ex-

pired was transferred to RusHtnus Minister. President Arthurappoiuted him afterward as Minister to Spain. Ho served threeyears and resigned,roturned homoaud negotiated au important com-mercial treaty with Spain. ThoSenate opposed it, and PresidentClovelaud withdrew it for furtherconsideration. Lntor Mr. Fosterwent to Spain iu tho interest of amodified treaty.

For his services as a diplomatin tho interest of China in re-

ducing tho indemnity desired by.Japan ho received, it is said, afortuno iu itself.

Ho served in the War of thoRebellion, and for a time after-ward was editor of tho Evansvillo(Indiana) Journal. Ho is u'O

years old.Discussing McKinloy's chnnces

iu the coming election, aud thoStato of Indiana particularly, Mr.Foster said:

" I spont about ton dayB in In- -

diann on tho way out. Wo amhaviug a fight there. Wo alwayshavo. But this yoar tho Populistsand Democrats havo combined.Howover, that won't mako anydifforonco. Wo will boat them any-way. By how much of a majoritywill wo carry tho election ? Thatis hard to say. 1 don't pretend toknow. Some say 25,000 or 30,000.But wo are going to carry it.

" And wo am going to carry thocountry for McRinloy. My onlyanxiety now is to seo what Cali-fornia is going to do. Tho Statoought to bo for McKinloy by anoverwhelming majority.

" 1 was in Chicago on my waybore. There they woro very confident and enthusiastic. Chicagois going to givo McKiuley a great-er majority than any other mnnever received thoro.

" Everything iu Iowa is favor-able, too. I mot a very intelli-gent gentleman on tho train whowas from Minnesota, and ho toldmo thoro was no doubt nbout thatStato, that it would bo for McKinloy by a rouBing majority.


From tho steamer Mr. and Mrs.Foster wero taken in charge byAttornoy-Gonor- al Smith and en-

tertained during tho morning.About 11 o'clock thoy drovo to thoHawaiian Hotol, whero apartmentshad beon reservod for them. Lor-ri- n

A. Thurston was closeted withtho distinguished visitor whon aBulletin mau sont up his card.

Mr. FoBter kindly gavothe report-er a few minutes of his timo nndin substanco said iu reply to ques-tions:

" My visit horo has no politicalBignilicanco whatovor. My wifoand myself havo heard bo muchabout tho climate and scenery ofyour island paradiso that wo de-

termined to gratify au oft-e- x

pressed desiro to come horo anilbco for ourselves whether all thatwe have heard concerning the isl-

ands is true. It has so happenedthat on my various trips to Chinathe steamer 1 was on did not stophero and this is my first visit. Itis too suoti to givo you my im-

pressions ot the plnct-bu- t later ou1 shall bo glad to do so.

' Wo havo no idea how loug woshall stay, but it will bo fifteen ortwouty days or maybe longer. Ihavo not even inquired aboutwhon thostoamors leave. Wo amnot particularly pressed for timeaud wo want to seo all that isworth seeing."

Asked a8 to tho prospects of thocampaign iu tho United StatesMr. Foster buid no man could lollwho would be eh e ted. Tho Re-publicans and Gold Democratswore positivo that McKiuleywould bo tho mau, while the sup-porters of Bryan wero equallypositive and enthusiastic about thechauceB of their leader. Person-ally ho had ovory confidoueo iuMcKinloy's olection but, ho ndded," you people hero who rend thopapers are just as well informedand as well able to judge who willwin as I am."

Upon the subject of annexationaud what effect the olection otMcKinloy would havo on thoquestion, Mr. Foster declined tooxpipss any opinion. On this hosaid: "I havo not talked with Mr.McKinloy on the question and Iknow nothing of his views on thoannexation of theso islands, nor, Ithink, does anyone olso. Tho ex-

citement and uncertainty of theolection precludes Mr. McKinloyor any of tho great leaders of thoparty giving any attention to out-sido matters at present."

About town tho opinion is free-ly expressed that Mr. Fostor ishero for tho purposo of quietlyposting himself on tho Hawaiiansituation, so that ho may givo Mr.McKiuley tho benefit of his viowswhon tho question of nnnoxntioncomes to tho front again.

The I'lirliisurNo :iiur'l.Dedicatory exercises in con-

nection with tho opening of thenow Portugueso church woro holdyesterday afternoon iu tho pro-senc- o

of a largo audience. Trea-surer A. F. Cooko submitted astatomout showing total re-

ceipts to havo been $11,220.-7- 1;

disbursements $11,203.1-1- ;

bnlanco ou hand $17.57; amountneeded for moitgago, etc., $2500.A subscription list was then cir-culated and tho sum of $1535pledged. Tho exercises woro par-ticipated iu by Rovs. O. P. Emor-Bo- n,

D. P. Birnie, A. A'. Soaresand O. II. Gulick and Messrs. A.F. Cooko aud W. A. Bowen.

The Hund Knee.

A largo numbor of peoplo con-

gregated on Union Squaro to eeotho finish of tho five milo roadrace on Satuiday afternoon. Thoraco wns particularly close, thoriders coming down to Kawaia-ha- o

church nearly in a bunch.Hero Damon mndo 11 ripurt andshot out from tin crowd crossiugtho wiro in 13:15; Silva waB sec-ond in 13:15.',; Bond third inand Sylvester fourth iu Thelast named ran into n hack andwas compelled to borrow a froBhwheol, othorwiso ho would haveprobably won tho raco.

Hotel Arrival..Hawaiian F Haysoldon, Ln-n- ai;

O K Frooman, Yokohama;' SM Terrell, Yokohama; Mr anilMrs S W Rosendajp, Now York;Ernest E Datton iiiid wifo, Lon-don; and Johu W loster midlife,San Francisco.

Arlington Thomas Ferguson,Sau Francisco; H Stroubcck, W-iluk- u;

Carl Juch, liana.

.. - wasfctn

aii.'jllI 9 tf rfl












a 1




I 1


. JM


Page 2: SMJJIU T I III I rIP I N Evening Paper Eight Published ... · Al lent ton rrolilbllluiil.tK. Remember tho election tomor-row, at Ttirum's Book Store. Do not fail to go and voto the










tWHII'I'IIHIllHIIUlOM MWlillflWWlliWMMK.MIWMmlil.W W WtaMihMUn itn,!, wrwJi Z

MViiniiuyw imAimMm

BITTERNESS IN GERMANY Henry Gehring YOUTin?' lii'Kxki: mvi:x to aii.uv


Mrijiicli r Hip itlunlor l mi Arllimily l.luiitcii.inl Von


New Youk, October 25.--- A

spocial to tlio World from Lon-

don says: Tlio louiont punish-moii- t

nioted out to tho Gormanrirniy oflicer who deliborntvly,murdered u mechanic in n Cnrla-ruli- o

cafo "to savo his honor"eooms to havo aroused Germanyas ho similar incident has done inyears. Tho Socialist lenders sayit has dono moro to shako thoKaiser's authority and to pre-

judice the masses against thevast military establishment thanall their proiuhing of a decade.Information from Boiliu gives adiliorout vorsiuu of tho story fromthat already sent in tho press dis-P'Ueh-

aud as tho cano scornslikely to develop into ono ofgreat importance, your corres-pondent semis herewith the exactfacts:

In tho Cafo Taunhauser. atCurUiuho, an artisau named oiep-ninn-

in moving his chair strucktho ' chair of Lioutouant von13reusewitz. This was not imnie-diati'l- y

coustruud as an insult, nndpersons sitting at Siopmnnn'stable first bocaino awaro that thoLieutenant was angry when hoaskod tho landlord to put Siep-man- n

out. Thereupon Siepmauuroio and explained that ho knowiiotli'ni! of Hrensowilz, ami wish-

ed to have nothing to do with him.He left tho room for a few min-

utes, but aftorward returned, re-

suming his seat without touchingthe ljieutonaut's chair.

After some timo Breusewitzwent to Siepinnnii aud asked himto apologize. This ho declined todo, saying ho was not awaro ofhaving insulted any ono. Brouso-wit- z

repeated tho request andSiepmauu replied: "I havo noth-ing further to say." Tho oflicerdrew his sabor, and would havostruck Siepniann had not tho hit-to- r

sprang behind tho tablo. Thenbegan a regular hunt, Siopmanndodging backward as tho Lieute-nant advanced. Women presentshrieked aud tho landlord holdthe oflicer back. Siopmann wontout into tho courtyard. Brouso-wit- z

took his cap and loft tho cafo,saying: "My honor is dead. Imust resign and blow out mybrains."

In ,tho street tho oflicer foundthat Siepmauu had not loft thocafe. Ho was in tho courtyard,talking to tho landlord, who hadtaken him his hat and coat.

Siepmauu maintained that hoin no way insulted the oflicer, butdeclared his readiness to apolo-gize, to savo tho landlord annoy-ane- e.

The landlord was about tolet Sinpmauu out through a pri-vate door whou Breusewitz rushedin, and though told thatSiopmanuwas ready to apologize, attackedhim with his sabor. Siepmannlied to tho end of tho yard.Biousowitz followed and in acorner ran Siepmauu through thobody. As Siepmann fell Brouso-wil- z

exclaimed: "I havo savedmy honor." Siopmann died anhour later.

The prevailing conception of anoflicer's honor makes it in cum lion tupon him to kill any person bywhom ho considers hunsolf in-

sulted, if such person doesuot occupy a social rank milli-cient'.- y

high to bo challenged tou duel. In difficult questions thomilitary court of honor decideswhether n man is worthy of auhallenge, but tlioit) can lie noquostiou as to workmen. Littlein known as to Emporor AVilliain'spersonal attitude in regard to thomatter. No llohenzollern hasover fought a duel, but tho youngKaisor is believed to favor a frtrictinterpretation of military honor.Tho only oflioial document on thopoint is an ordinance issued May,

. 1872, by William I, which onjoiiispolite conduct on tho part of ofli-cor- s,

but recognizes tho necessityof duelling in cases of gross iiiHtilt.In certain cases, adds tho ordin-ance, tho officers will use woapons.

Tho Socialist newspaper, Vor-wnort- s,

says that revolver law, ala Amoricain, is preferable tosuch officer's law, siut'o uuder theformer both parties are armed.If things go on this way itwillbo necessary to introduce in Ger- -



Ayer's Argument.If there is any reason why you should use

nny sarsaparilla, there is every reason why youshould use Ayer's. When you take sarsaparillayou take it to cure disease : you want to be curedns quickly as possible and as cheaply as possible. v

That is why you should use Ayer's: it cures tfS$quickly and cheaply and it cures to stay. Manypeople write us : " I would sooner have one bottleof Ayer's than three of any otherkind." A druggist writes that " one bottleAyer's will give more benefit than six any otherkind." If one bottle of Ayer's will do the workof three it must have the strength three at thecost of one. There's the point a nutshell. Itpays every way to use

& Ayer's Sarsaparilla.

Hollister Drug Co., Agents.

Law Books.

Do You Read Them ?

Do You Want One ?

e Have theLatest Catalogues

of THE

Publications ofCallichan oV Co.,

Little, Biown & Co.,

Lawyers CooperativePublishing Co.

We niako a specialty ofthese publications.andshallbe pleased to havo thoLegal Fraternity of thoIslands call on us whenwanting a Law publica-tion, at the lowest possibleprice. We aro also


Law Office Su pplies :

Document Files. LegalPapers, Typewriter Pa-pers, Ribbons for allmakes of Machines.

In fact, wo can show you thogreatest variety of Labor sav-

ing devices of any House inTown. If you want to savomoney, come our way, wo arothe Money Savers for you.

Wall, Nichols Go,


of Orocerlcft aro more palntuulu ua wellas healthier than the other kind.

VOELLER & CO.(Waring Mock, 20 Ucretnula Street).

Handle uothltu; tUe best. Llblty &McNeill's Canned Meats. King-Mor- se

Table Fruits, Oblrardclli's Chocolate,Milkmaid llrand Milk, Paragon 1'urc Lardand

'EXCELLENT FLOUR'ttJST Tklevhone 080 -- a

H. PJ $ CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

,rlG it 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Telephoner 2H P.O. Box 470







Q. J. WalIiEU - - - Manaomi.



Ifaw Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry

ASD- -


MBfaopoIifan Teat do.

Telephone 45.

RING OP (04!The Central Meat Market

Street.Fox Your CHoice

OrdersThe finest


Alwuys on Hand Ordorspromptly and carefully attend-ed to



Joseph TinkBr, - - Propi

rwfj Mutton,

Pork, tn!Hrti Veal,Of the Finest Vurieties.

Mukcrs or tlio Celebrated I'ork Sniisnge.31G Nuuaun street, opp. Chaplain lane.

Telephone 289.Tnua'noNE 'til. 1'. O. llox 301.

City Peed StoreOld Armory, IJoretauia &ts.


lli'st l.ivemioio Vallo liny, laie andemull roped; A 1 llonauza SuiprUu Outs,mixed wheat and cracked corn for liens undChickens. Large shipment of Flour per 8 S".Mlowern," Custartla, Novelty A, and Ex-

cellent. These brands ahvnja on lmiul.Next month larfje shipment ol Orciron l'ota-lo- es

to bo kept always on hand. Chop Feedlor uows ana wonant,' biocic is immreii uy

Family trade solicited, (ioods do- -us only.llvereu free,

For tho Emiiuo Tnblo in thoway of all hinds First Class


Aro on salo by tho


138 Fort St. Tel. 422.

ic Company,

Wariko Block, 24 Heketania St.

rL Jsarl "'L

Ir'lumbing and Gas-fittin- g

Sanitary Work a Specialty

R0 Jobbinc promptly attended to.iJIo. 235-t- f

John Motf,Importer aud Dealers In

Steel and Iron Ranges,STOVES, AGATEWARE

DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 King Street.


WHAT?My SI 0.00 Bath Tubs, Hued with bost

qnulity, No. 10 zinc, 0 in. Pipo, Climn audl'lug, with wood tiui all complete Uthoidealers are dumfouuded, and rusort to allinnunor of Tricks aud Excuse.

lie not deceived, tlieHe Hath Tnbs hnvtbeen Bold for $14 until I reduced the price.

I am prepared to do all work in my lineaud guarantto sutistactiuu-- . Estimates d.

If you wunt a good Job cheap for CoaIi,ring up Tolophouo 844, aud I am yomman

JAS.NOTTJB,Tinsmith I'lnmbor

nous-r- a!2fiSaiIEE5&3E3fe.

For Family Use I

Just Iteceivod, ox "C. 0. Funk," a cargo of

Wellington, Departure Baft Coal

Which is offered in quantities to suit.

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FREE.

& CO., L'D.301 A: SOU Kort street.

City Market a g Thing





iu a--- o

Ohia, Algeroba and Pino Firewood

Cut and Split (ready for the Stove).Alo



At Lowest Fri es, delivered to any part ofthe City.

TELEPHONE : s : 414

KUSTACE& CO.31 Qnoeu Street.

B ii i 1 d i o o Lots!At WAIKIK1 on rnr lino nnd on PA--

LAMA HOAD near FertilizingPluut.

Those Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Aero Tracts nenr the eity andotbor Properties for sale.

BRUCK, WARING & CO.,Doulere in Lots and Lands,

:)12 Fort Street, nenr King.TKT.EPHONE 607. P. O. Box 821.

Puunui Tract !

S1GOOOA Lot 50 feet by 100 feet

On the Instalment l'lau und 10 PerceutDiscount for Cmh.

BJST Apply to

JAS. F. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

Or W. C. ACUI, ltenl Kstate Broker.Soptcwl'or 21, 18SJU. 412-t- f



Curry Fowdor ns tnndo by us is propnrod nfter the OriitinlRecipo from the Purest Ingredionta.

isr THY IT ONOJhj j

527 Fort Street, corner Hotel.

Better than a Phonograph


And for

One-Twenti- eth of the Price!Tho.

GRAMOPHONE!A Great Invention. Everybody enn nfTord one.Plays thousands of tunes. A child can manage

Call and. See One o,t

2 1 Kaahuraanu Street.MBngiiwanw1 fcwrrwgiiiirifkTfJugjaacjariijBM'''

ED. A. WILLIAMS,(Successor to C. E. Williams, H. H. Williams & Co.

and Williams Bros.

Pioneer Furniture Warerooms,ESTABLISHKD 1859

Pianos for Sale, Hire and Moved. Chairs for Pent

Undertaker and EmMmer,Tombstones and Monuments.

BeHideneenndNip.htTel.815. 510 & 520 Fort Street. Tel. 179

H. HACKFELD & CO,-- Importers and Doalors in- -



Plantation Supplies.

H, HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort Street.

Just Eeceived and For SaleAt the New Stand, King Street,

(Adjoining the Arlington.)

Whole Wheat Flour,Golden Gate Flour,Ch )ico Hams,Bacon,Frosh Almonds and Walnuts,Cal. Block Butter,Smoke Beof,New Potatoes,Onions, Etc., Etc.

J&&' 'A ' , f ,,j .& itkMf'-- i J .'.. s'JiH 'i v,'ui. mv v1 .4v" !4rfv.'V itit'i- - A

l Si Li 13 V LI X


Cfias. Hustaca212 King Street.



Page 3: SMJJIU T I III I rIP I N Evening Paper Eight Published ... · Al lent ton rrolilbllluiil.tK. Remember tho election tomor-row, at Ttirum's Book Store. Do not fail to go and voto the


ninny tlio rovolvor lav.' for snfoly'ssake. Tho MOtitenco of LioutounutBreusowitz to confinement iu nfortress is ji more furue, as suchprisoner lins ovory privilege, snvoaching liberty. A civilian whocommitted such a causeless mur-der would havo been inovitnblysent to poual servitude for a longterm, if not promptly put to death.The officer's trial by a court-mar-tin- l,

instead of by a civil tribunal,is vigorously denounced in privateconversations, whilo such news-papers as daro to spoak out, speaktimorously.

mm m m

a cioi.-iii:ai- :i l'ltmcunit.

Ho Aicrta 11 Punic In 11 ("ilrncoCluircli.

Chicago, Oct. 25. By rare pres-ence of mind tho Rov. Dr. JamesVila Blake saved his congregationfrom panic and possible awful re-

sults of a fire, which broko outjust as tho morning service wasbeginning ut tho Third UnitarianChurch today, and which de-

stroyed the main part of tho build- - !

ing. When tho pastor took hisplace in tho pulpit his attentionwas drawn to smoke in tue lobbyleading to the Sunday schoolroom. lie remained standing un-til tho organist had ceasedplaying and then requested thocongregation to retire quietly bytho roar exits. His manner so re-

assured those assembled that apanic wns averted. Tho churchwas entirely destroyed. The lossis 823,000.

m m

Mo Oir At nulTalo."

The title of this wellknownfloug as well as tho song itselfemanuted from tho brain of anemployo of tho Buffalo BrowingCompany. Thut enterprising linn,believing that a man who couldcompoao 00 catchy an air musthave n larjio and woll balancedbrain, straightway raised his sala-ry. This bus proven to be a goodmove on their part as is testifiedby tho excellent qualities of thoirbeer, which is dispensed over thobars of tho Cosmopolitan, Pacificand Royal Haloons nt the rate oftwo gb'.sfH-- s for It is alwaysfresh and cold andOr you can get one glass of Buf-falo and 0110 of Rabat beer, thofine product of tho Milwaukeebiewory. Exchangeable checksgood at all tho above-mentione- d

resorts are given in change if youonly want one drink. "Best beerever in Honolulu," is the verdictof many of our prominent citi-zens.

tiifurittiitloii lor roil r Ills.A passeugoi' by the last Colonial

steamor was mot on tho dock bya Milesian American friond, whoresides in Honolulu. As tho pairwoited to havo tho newcomer'sgripsack scrawled over with clmlkmarks by the Customs Inspectorat the gale the stiauger romurkodto his friend "Do you 'ave muchrain 'ere ' " Rainif.ii mo boy,gallons of it, just como up to thoAnchor Saloon whoie they keepit always, clear and cool. Wo'lljust bo iu time for lunch too andthat's tho only place iu townwhere they servo it up in proporstylo with a glass of RainiehBeeii to equilibriali.o tho solidsThey went!

Five-hundre- d tons of ballast forsale. Apply to A. V. Gear.

Nicely furnished rooms at thoPopular House, 154 Fort street,from S1.00 per week up.

Dr. 0. B. High, dentist, gra-duate Philadelphia Dental Col-lege, 1802. Masonic Temple.

A. ,J. Derby, D.D.S., Dontaloflico Co tin go No. 100, Alaltoastreet, tuluphnuo ! o. G15. Officehours !) A m. to 4 P.M.

King Bros, latest consignmentof picture frames has taken thotown by storm. Tho designs aroelegant, and of tho

'handsomest.Mechanics' Homo, corner Hotel

and Nuunnu streets, lodging byday, woe!: or month. Tonus: 25and 50 cents pur night. $1, and$1,25 nor wook.

Tho Pacific Hardware Companyoffor a first class lawn Bprinklorat a dollar and a half. Throodollars was asked for thososprinklers a month ago by otherfinnB.

City Carriago Co., J. S. And.rado, munnger. If you want ahaok with good horso and caro-f- ul

driver ring up Telephone 113,corner of Fort and Merchnntstreets Haok nt all hours.


D 5 Y w qB.2.1(J n S," R

Perry Davis

Pain Killeruaa&sn&w

is tho Universal Panaceafor all kinds of Agues andPains. Do not acceptany but tho Genuine. If3 our dealer does not haveit, call on or address tho

HoiSister -:- - DrugCompany,

Solo Agents (or tho Islands,

To Citizensof Hawaii. sasaa

I tako pleasure in announc-ing to you thnt I havo remov-ed to my now quarters at NO.41G FORT STREET and ampropared to exeeuto all oulerspertniniug to my business.Jewelry Ropairing, WatchRepairing, Fine Engraving,etc., etc. I have a handsomestock of Watches and Jewel-ry to show you including alarge variety of valuable Isl-and Curios. Your patronageis respectfully solicited.

304-t- f

To lj Patrons

It gives me much pleasureto announce that MR. M. R.COUNTER, ono of the mostsKilled watchmakers evor inthoso Islands, is now managingmy repairing department. Nowatch is so complex in itsmechanism but wo can give por-fo- ot

satisfaction in correctingtho evils to which watches arohoir. Watches aro delicatethings to handle Wo guaranteethat they will receive no injuryat our hands and will leavoour ptoro in nerfoct roj'air.


E. A. JACOBSON,507 Fort Street.

404 Fort Shoot.

Mea nana WatSa WLQ)

EEa&a Q?uXa5

O na Puna MakanaKu Hiwahiwn oi loa aku oka Nani Makamao.

E Hiki ke Hoomaemaepu ia na Wati poiuo a mo kaliaki o ko A--

Alanui Pnpu, kokoko alnnui Moi.

Real Estate Transactions

Subscribers nro furnished with from fivoto ah lists per vtok, giving an accuratorecord of nil def ds, inortgiiRos, leases, roleaseB, powers of attoruoy, etc., etc, whicharo placed on record. Also a list of alldistrict court judgiuouts.

Subscription Price, $2,00 per Mouth.

A. V. GEAR,210 King St, Honolulu.

A. V. G-EA-

Ttlephouo 258, i ! : ; No. 210 King St.


T. MTJRATA,Miinuracturcr of Slaw Hats

A.ny Shapo by OrderStock Great "Variety


For Ladies, Gentlemen, (litis and

Mado toAlwaysiff Jk

118 Nuuanu


&) CO.Aro about to reccivo a blfl stock of . . ,

---. . . Tho very finest of fine lines.

D.ook Out For Vh I Our ircsi Siovlt Will J5e oldBelov Cost 2To make Como in nud Investigate. IT WILL PAY l'OU.

lnilIJumboo wore,uronZB,


MURA.TA & CO., 301

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakca & Ilalekauwila Sts.

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.Estimates given for house wir-

ing and Electrical plants.

Marino Winng a specialty.


32-t- d Manager.

Commissioner of DeedsFOU thk

State 6f Gaiiforni?.IIalnK been nppomttd imil cnmmlssloncd

a Commls9lomrof Dieils for tho Slate of Cal-ifornia, I nm prepared

To administer and certify oilhs.To take and certify depositions and affida-

vits.To take and certify tho acknowledgment or

proof ol power. of attorney, niortuajrcs,transfer?, grai.U, deeds or other instrumentsor record.

A. V. GEAR,Telephone 2.W. 210 King Street


noxl to Lucas' Mill

Ships' Blacksmithing,Carriage Building

and RepairingDrays, Carts and

Wagon Building



T. B.10 to 23J West, King Street.

Fitted up with all tho ModernAppliances for

Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

of Every Description.

Blacksmithing and Horso Shoeing,


TelepIb-orL- e 572HONOLULU

Carriage ManufactoryGI3 to 021 1 ort Street.

Carriage EuMsaAND HEPAIltEIU

Blacksmithing in All Its Branches.

W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Suocossor to Q. West.)


Contractor and Builder.Ofllccs and Stores fitted up and

Estimates ghen on


ST Ofllco and Rhop: No. 019 Fort street,adjoiulng W. W. Wright's Carriage 8hop.


tmvnr.T&r,Bmnn iivmara

Sgtsa W.W. AhanaH



COMPANY iSf"rm JIslsos Clotlunn to ORDEH of th''$$$$$ best millennia and iu the very Is propared to furnish

Street. Telephone 033P. O. Box 206



SIIUoLucquor wixvo.wopper,


Nuuanu & 2 Hotel streets.

MySpecialReductionSale is Over!

lint 1 am selling all of myslock of goods ver cheap.My specialties for thiswetk aro ...

Silk Crepes --

- Curtains' AND


IWAKAMI.Houlnson Block 10 Hotel street.

Tjje Yokohama gpecie BankMM ITU).

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,0001'iiid Up Cnpitnl Yen 4.500,000UcBervo l"uiid You 4,130,000


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobo, London, Lyons, Now York,

Sau Shanghai,Bombay, riong Kong.

Traiumcts a Ucuerul Banking and Ex- -chungo llnsinehs.

Agoucy Yokohama Speiin BinkKew Repaftllc Banding, 111 King St, noaolnln.

S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors an 1 1'roWsioiiB, SaUl a spetlalty.

103 Kekuanaoq Htreet. Tolephono 703.

L. AHLO,No. 337 Nnnonn street.

Has just received a now lino ofJDKY GOODS, LADIES AND QENT8

DISE.Agent for tho following rico plantations

Woipio, Waiawa, Wuimaln, WnlaluaKaueohennd Knpalama.

gjtF" lly rico from Kaneohe is markedL A and is guaranteed AI.V. O. Bor 114. .... Telephone 100,

PALACE RESTAURANTFormerly tho Bay Horso Saloon

103 Hotel Street.

SPECIAL EATING BOUSE:Privato Rooms for Ladies and Gontlomcn.

Open from 5 n. m, to 1 in morning.Brico of Tickets, $4.60. Single Meal, 25o.

JSfew7 & 0 Bothol Street.

NICE AND CLEAN.Chickon on Tuesdays, Thaiwlays and

Saturdays. Ieo Greani on HundaH. FinoSalads with dinner ouch day.

Meals, 25o. 22 Tiokets, $4 60.


Meals 25 Cents. gJNN.D. ,

I'riato Koom for Ladies.

Cmnor Hotel it Union Strcois.

TOM CHUNG KEE,213 Nuuanu Street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order. I use tho bestmaterial. Goods warranted towcar well. 14-2-

FOOK ON & CO.,103 Nuuanu Street.

Just opened now supplyof First-clas- s Shoesjust received.

Ladies' & Gents' Shoos Mado to OrdorFrom American and French Leathers.

A. Perfect KitGuaranteed


Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty

w. w.

To Whom itMay Concern.

This is to certify thnt 0. Akimahns mndo sovernl suits of clothesfor mo nnd tho workmanship habeon of tho best. I tako pleasurein recommonding him and hitwork.


TIM KEE,MERCHANT TAILORSuits to order. Fit Guaranteed. Fino DuckSuit, $6 up; Fino T cod PtiutB, $4.60 upiFino Suit, $18 up. ClotlHB denned andpaired. 200 KING STBEET.F.O.Boxl44j

C T. AKANA.No. .124, Nuunnu street.

v MERCHANT TAILOR, vFino Suitings made to order at lowest prlcei145 Clothes cleaned and repaired.

Y. MA.3ST BIISTQ,FasMonaWe Dress Maicr,


Dresso mndo to ordor. ScwinR cubrnnteed. If the stitches hreok I will repnir without eitrn churRO. 307-2-


Sara "Wo ChanNLUnnu street, ucnr Kukui

1StO"W OIPJEIS" IBananas and Vifjctahles alwnj s on hand.

ChickeLS nnd Ducks a ivo or dress-ed, troth Erkh ilclivond

to nil parts of thu city.

ISLAND FRUIT 0? ALL KINDS.Wo prow our own bnnannsnud cgetiblo


WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nuuanu street.

Importers and Dealers inGcnornl -:- - iTficrchiimlisc.

Fino Mnniln Cigars, Chinesa and Japa-nese Crockerywnre, .Mattiuns, Vnses of allkind-- s Uoniphorwood Trunks, Kattan(jliairfl. A firm ADnrhnflnt ri Uraca UttlrChoicest brands of Chinese and Japaneserons oi inmst importation.

MJtf New Goods bv ovorv steamer.Mutual Tel. SCO V. O. Box 163

QUONG SAM KEE & CO.Importers and Dealers In

General Merchandise,145-t- f Corner1 King and Mnnnakea Sts.


Tinsmith,Dealers in Tinware, etc., I'lplng Laid

aim rcpairm.p?7 Orders solicited; chirgts very mo-

derate.No.itO!) Nuunnu St., t doors nbovoKing St.

FOR . . .lloBt Imported ChiucFo Tea,


WARE, CIGARS, ETC,Fino Chinese Tens freshly imported. Very

low prices. Qo toWING TAI LUNG.

14- 1- 3J1 Nuuanu Btrcct.


Plumbersand dealers In

CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC., ETO.Water Pipes, laid and repaired,and plumbing neatly executed.

11- 3- No 41, Nuuanu street


All kinds of tinware, crockery,etc, at lowest prices

141 Nuuanu and Hotel street!

WiayM&iiuAktittK v ,,?, a-.-'- iriv'-SHlteifi- i mA.

, - Aivn

atofiii&n Fertilizing

4000 TonsCane FertilizerTo order for 1806.

In Quantities to Suit:Orders solicltod for a futnro do.

tWorj.A. F. COOKE, Manager.


Queen street, Honolulu, and 216 Frontstreet, 1 ratii'tKoi, l nl,

i.Mroi.Tti.t orGeneral Merchandise and . .

. . Commission Merchants,



Cor. Fort nn J Queen Streets, Honolulu,


Wholcsalo Importers and Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods.

Fort and Queen Streets.


"'' con,r"c,s for kinds of STONEmPuni'nt work, cement nndstone sidewalks and curbiiiB. I have onhand tho best Hawaiian stone, Chlncso

granite, etc. Tiuo stouo for monumentalwork. LstirruttcH Riven nnd pricesassured. Telephone 833.

Consolidated SoSa Water Co., L'fl

EKplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.


ROBERT GRrEnE.Book and Job PrinterMerchant Stroot, Ilonoluln, H. T.

Over Huwaiinn News Company'sBook Store. my 13.


Slerehant and Ilichards StiectH.

FEf Sliarpens Tools nnd Cnttliif: Knives,C.riiiilflBurKlciil Instruiuents to Order. Filestj.vrg, ele , etc. 401-- tf


TaxidermistHnwnllan unci Forelcn Illrds and Anlmsls

mnuntcd In tho best tnnnrcr, nslnu tlio latigtmethods only. Hotel St near Ur.MtUrew.



225 Quoon strcot, Honolulu, I J. I.


Denlora in Lnmbor and Coaland Building Mutorialo of allkinds.

Quoon Rtroot, Bouoluln.



Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Etc.Contractor nnd Uultdor.

No. 89, Nuunnu street.Has on baud Collins, Camphor Trunks,

MattinR, Wardrobes, Desks, Mattossea, etaHr Call in and inspect poods.


Contractorsi BuildersiFurnitnro Dealers nnd I'nintorB.


Fort Street, opposito Club Stables.

Orient Planing Mill,VING FAT & CO.,


Furniture of all kinds made and rcpatrodBuilding house and Making rico mill a spe-cialty. P. O. Bor 193, corner King ud Bothelstreets, j

Sub.'oribo for the Evening Buirletin, 75 ooniB per month.









Page 4: SMJJIU T I III I rIP I N Evening Paper Eight Published ... · Al lent ton rrolilbllluiil.tK. Remember tho election tomor-row, at Ttirum's Book Store. Do not fail to go and voto the






' W.VTT 1JI' r, !


lMWWMMkaiBNMM utmwiiijMwntw w jlwwmwwii mrw.j nwiim iwn'i'iwtigfffff htwii

5l?? Evei)ir?$ Bulletin,


MONDAY, NOV. 2, 1890.

I, I'OKI.NJ.V xi:s,

Conrtuueii from Jut lvje.

twcon llnssin and Gorronny dur-ing the last six yeara that Bib-iniir- ok

was in oflico, ending March,1890. Tho articlo has produced aprofound sensation in Vionnu.


Paris, Ootobar 22. GrandDuko Vladimir today rocriviul thofollowing dispatch from tho Cznr,who is at Darmstadt:

cWo aro enjoying woll-pnrni'-d

rest under tho hospitable roof oftho tyrants of He.s&o. NlKI."

A UYeuch newspaper assertsthis telegram throws valuablelight upon tho coudition oE thoCzar's spirits, and proves that Insbrain is not haunted by graveoonsidciations after talking withEmperor William of (. irmany at


ohinksi: iaw Dons not mw inLONDON.

London, Oct. 2.'. Tlie Marquisof Salisbury this morning de-

manded the immodhto release ofSun Ydt Sen, the Ohineso physi-cian, said to bo a J3ritish subject,who was. according to tho state-ment of his friends, kidnapedwhile passing tho Chinese Lega-tion here and held a prisoner inthe legation on the chargo of hav-ing beon engaged in a conspiracyto overthrow tho Manchu dynasty.It did not take the Chinese ofli-ci- als

long to soo that they mustyield, and tho impiisoued Chinesewas leleasul.AN AMUKICVN WANTS TO MAlllft AN


A London dispatch of tho 25thult. comments on thonbuse heapedon Loid llosobery, ex Premier, inconnection with his resignation oftho Liberal leadership, by thePall Mall Gazette. That paper isowned by William Waldorf Astor,mi American Cnusus who lives inLondon. The dispatch says:

'This strange course of thoAmerican multi - millionaire'suewspapor has created much comniont here, and is attributed verygenerally, not so much to politicalconsiderations as to causes of amore intimate and romantic char-acter. The fact is that pooplohere see in Lord Kosobery a verydangerous rival to "William Wal-dorf Astor's pretensions to thohand of Princess Victoria ofWales, and regard tho attack ofIho Pall Mivll Gazette upon thoEarl as part oE tho contest be-

tween tho Astor millions on onerid- - and tho Rothschild millionson tho other for the heart of theonly unmarried daughter o thoBritish heir-appaio-

Tho dispatch relates gossip totho effect that Lord Ilosobery'svirtual withdrawal from tho arenaof political lifo is for tho purposeof pressing his suit at tho exponsoof Mr. Astor. "So long as hewas a political loader, the head ofone f the great national parties,it was obvious that neither thoQueen nor tho Prince of Walescould in any way counteuauco hismat minuial project. Thoy aroconstitutionally bound to show noprefoiOiice for any political party.Tho action of the Marquis ofLome in standing for Parliamonthas been a source of nooud of an-

noyance to his august mother-in-la-

and to tho brothers and sis-tor- s

of his royal wifo."It is fnithor reported that tho

Prince of Wales is enormouslyindebted both to tho Rothschildsand to Mr. Astor. Tho latter ishaid to havo come to the Prince'sres-.'u- vhon tho oxecutors ofBin on Ilirsch made a demand up-on his royal highness lor the im-

mediate return of tho huge humsloaned to him by tho dead Baron.On the other hand, for many yearsthe It jtlischilds permitted thePrince to draw freely ogainstthem, iiudinu their reward in hisfcucceosful efforts to gain them ad-

mission to inner circles of Eng-lish society and tho English greatworld. Some years ago, however,they called a halt and securedthemselvos by takiug out insur-ance policies to an ouormousamount upon his lifo, fiuiHcioutindeed to cover the entire amountof his indebtedness, which is as-

sorted to bo 8,000,000 or 10,000,-000- .

Tho dispatch concludesthus:

"While tho masses of tho Eng

lish peoplo distinctly favor thosuit of Lord llosobery, tho aristo-orac- y

curiously enough show adecided preforenco for that of Mr.Astor. Rosobery's successes ontho turf appeal to the poople, fortho Earl has dono much forEnglish sport, while jealousy isnt tltn rnnf of flin nriHf rx'rnp.v'rt

piefereuce for Astor. Rather '

than Beo ono ot their own unmoor'ishariuc tho throuo of their Quoonus hor consort thoy would prefera foroignor. Quoon Victoria'spreferences aro supposod to bo infavor of Lord Rosebery, whomshe has known sinco early child-hood, and whose mothor, an octo-

genarian, but still exceedinglylively, tho widowed Duchoss ofCleveland, was hor chief brides-maid more than half n centuryago.


A hitch has occurred in theManitoba school settlement.


Ex king Prempeh of Ashanteeand thirteen othors aro confinedin a British fortress. It is report-ed that when the British exnedition annoxed Ahhautce a year ago,a fabulous amount of treasurosupposed to bo buriod nt the capi-tal could not be found. Tho storygoes that the king had beheadedtho diggeis who buried tho wealthso that tho secret should remainundiscovered. Now the king andhis companions including 6omowomen ato imprisoned, it is alleg-ed, to onfoico tho payment oE aheavy war indemnity.

missionary hinr r.osr.

Sydney, Octobor 22. Tho mis-

sionary ship Dayspring has beenwrecked on a rock north of NewCaledonia island. The captainuud sovou men oscaped in a boat,but the romaindor, niuo persons,who wore on board are supposedto havo porished. Tho Dayspringwas Bocond oE hor name, ownedby tho Prosb teriaus of Canadaand Australia.


Ross McKonzio, a bankand railway director Mon-treal, Canada, has organizeda syndicate containing n numberoE American capitalists, with thoobject oE giving Europoan citiesup to date street railway systems.There's supposed to bo millionsin it.


Nows has just been received ntGloucester, Mass., of an import-ant decision bythoSupromo Courtof Cannda, which may result intho repayment of all liconso foespaid by American fishormon sincetho abrogation of tho tieaty ofWashington for licenses issuedunder the modus vivoudi. Theselicense fceB amount to over 870,-00- 0

a year. The suit was to definetho relative rights of the provincesand tho Dominion, and tho deci-sion was in favor of tho provinceson every point, excopting that theDominion controls tho harbors.


Montreal, Oct. 23. In ndditionto tho torpedo-boa- t destroyerDaring, which is about to rein-force tlio British North Amoricusquadron, it is further announcodthat duriug tho coming winter thebattloship Renown, 11 guns, It,IfiO tons and 12,000 horso power,and tho cruiser Flora, ton guns,41500 tons and 9000 horso-power- ,

will join tho squadron. Tho regi-ments in garrison at Halifax aroalso to be brought up to thoir fullwar strength. Tho measures arothe causo of much comment.


Mozambique, Oct. 24. MajorAlbuquerque, Govomor General,with 300 Portuguese and 100native troops, lecoutly went toManicaland. While in bivouacat Magonla ho was attacked by1000 Mussiarallo'j. Tho Portu-guese mado a gallant defense andkept tho natives at bay twenty-tw- o

hours, but wore filially forcedto retreat, owing to lack nt water.Two Portuguese wore killed andtwenty three wounded, includingtho Govomor-Genora- l. Tho en-

emy's loss was heavy.

Till: VI'llAN WAII.


Well-informe- d passengers whohavo just arrived at Key West,Florida, from Ilavana confirm theadvices by mail that Maceo hascrossed tho trocha nt Artemisaand joined tho other insurgentforces in Ilavana province. Bymaking a feint of attacking Ca- -

Continued on 8th Page.

VTI imesy op5Q5





There is a certain highly j

respected citizen of Honolulu i

who has a fondness for rice '

pudding. He has indulged!this fondness to such an in- -'

ordinate degree that he has foryears indulged in a cold ricepudding upon his return homefrom his lodge. When he was j

going to be out more thanusually late he would tell hisgood wife and the cold pud-

ding was always left on thesideboard for him. The othernight he was kept out laterthan usual at a Aasonic ban-

quet, but on returning home,in the dim light left burninglow, he spied his favorite dishand ate the contents. Thenext morning his wife missedseven lace collars she had leftin the starch over night, andshe is now threatening to sue !

for limited divorce, not be-

cause of the loss of her collarsbut because her husband saysthat they tasted just like herbest puddings. However, thehusband has made his peacewith his better half and there.will be no divorce, unlesss ithappens again.

The way he did it was togo to the Hawaiian HardwareCompany's store and orderone of their recently importedEnameled Iron PortableBath Tubs sent home. Hisgood wife was so pleased thatshe forgave him on the spot.These bath tubs must be seento be appreciated. They arethe handsomest yet put on themarket and they are not veryexpensive. Being raised fromthe floor on legs like a stoveno moisture can accumulateunderneath to attract cock- -roaches and beetles. Thesetubs are provided with hand-some nickel-plat- ed fittings.

To go with them we haveimported specially some nickel-plate- d

double bath cocks forhot and cold water with com-

bination soap trays. Thebeauty of this novelty is thatthe hot and cold water runsout of the same faucet, either j

separately or together, andthere is no danger of scaldingyour toes as so often happensin turning on the hot waterseparately.

Call and see them at


Hawaiian Hardware Co.

LIMITED,Opposite Spreckola' 13ank,



that wo aro prepared atall times to do your CopporPlato Engraving and Printingon Cauls, Wedding nud SociotyStationory; Announcements,otc.

Also, Pino Monogram Em-

bossing, Address Dies andStamping in colors or plain.

Cards from your plato $1.50por hundred.

H. F. Wichman,KOKT STKEET.

Don't yon need n wntcli?Oi(i that you can dependupon. Tho kind wo sell.We arc selling Waltlmmsin a dust proof case for

and fully warrant thetu inevery respect.

Wo sell other makes,some as low as 5.00,others as high as 3200.00.

Our stock is so large, wewould take pleasure inhelping you to a watch atso low a price your pocketwould not fool the lift.

No pio plates sold, ut-

most reliabilit' in everypiece.

I H. F.Wichman


Opcratic5l)ramatic& Musical

FESTIVALTo bo givon iu Compliment to nuil for the

Benefit of tho

New Hawaiian , .

, . Opera HouseUpon tlio Opening Evening,

Saturday, Nov. 7th,Will bo presented tho Graucl Opera of

"IL TI10VA1ME"By Aiuiitoiin, under tho iliicction of Ha-

waii's i'riuia Donna,

H$$ p$ W0flTUE.

On tho followiug TUfcHDW. EVENING,Nov. lUth, will lio iJiuHontud tho De-

lightful l'lay, untitled

Under tho directorship of tho TalentedArtibt,


A Grand ConcertWill bo given by tho Best Amateur

Talent of this City.

J5y Tlio Orchestra w 111 bo under the dliec-tln- u

nt l'rofUour llerjjcr.I2?"Tliu receipts ol tlieso performances

have liecu onerously donated by the ladlesand Kcntluiicn taking part In the perform-nnce- s

for thu purpose of assisting in furuUhinK the stage.

H?" Hov Plans w 111 bo open at Wall,Nh hols A; Co 'sjjtoie, Klni; utrett, on 'Iliun-ihij- ,

tlio l5tb lust., at ill o'clock a m., uluncents can bo secured lor nny or all of tho per-formances. 4S2-- td


Successor to Mrs A. M. Mellls, 520 Fortstreet, Honolulu.


Dress Making Parlorsof N. S. Saohs.

ttSF Wedding Outfits midRiding Habits a specialty.

412-l- m


Architect and Superintendent

SS Office: 305 Fort street,Sprockels' Block, Room 5.Residence: Hawaiian Hotel.

The Shoeno mutter wbnt its prico. Thoro nro good low-price- d shoosnud poor high priced ones. Thoro fire swindles in everygnide. Thoro is no iu price though n grout munypooplo seem to think that by paying dourly thoy nro sure togot n good shoo. Your only protection lies with and in yourdenier. Ho should lmvo tho nud nbility to knowtho shoos ho buys uud sells. Wo guariiiiteo every pair otshoes you buy hero to bo worth every cent you pay.

Manufacturers'E" of Footwear "3


$ 75aOOIf you nro thinking of gotting n

Bicycle, now is tho time to gotone while they hist. This oiror ofItAMiiLEits nt S75.00 is not n cut inprico, so don't wait expecting toseo tho prico corao any lower. Wonro offering 1895 wheols at thisprico and thoro aro but a few loft.This whool is fittod with tho

Great G. & .T. Tirewhich hns proven so satisfactoryin this laud of tho

ICiavve ThovnWo also havo n stock of tho 189G

whools both ladies and gents whichwo aro offering at a low figure andon easy terras. Como in nud havoa look at our wheols and sntisfyyourself that we aro in the BicycleBusiness.

A n InvestmentStop and think how many Nick-le- s

nnd Dimes you might savohad you a wheel. A rido to Wni-ki- ki

is not ouly a pleasure but asuro saving of health nnd strength.You will find now vigor by thousoof muscles uovor before broughtinto use.



E. 0. !!all & Son

Take an Outing"fxw&aSffi agsswfo

IlliSBiM,"7 iSJyfcB-Stef- c


AN- D-


Trains will leave at 9:15 a. m,nnd 1 :45 P. M., arriving in Ilonnlulu nt 3:11 and 5:55 l M.

POUND TRIP TICKETS:1st Class 2d Clare

Pearl City $ 75 501 00 75

Wftinuao 160 125

Should Be Good



The Shoe Co.,Distributors



The holidays arc approach-ing at the rato of a day ovorytwenty-fou- r hours; and this isthe month when children fixthoir attention on literature inwhich Santa Claus takes aleading part, and wives anddaughters allow theirs todwell on tho old gentleman'spurse. An old lady was onceasked the age when g-rl-

s gaveup playing with dollo and theanswer came back, "Whenthey havo children of theirown." So it is about SantaClaus; children give him upas the mythical when they areold enough to realizo a fleshand blood Sauta Claus in theirfather. If it happens to be agirl she will cling to tho oldgentleman until she happensto win a Santa Claus whowill bo her individual property.

It is with these flesh andblood Santa Clauses that wowish to whisper. On theAustralia which arrived lustweek, there were several lan'ecases of solid silver ware forus. In turn wo will disnose

. of it to Santa Claus. Wo willI have no difficulty in doing thisas tho assortment is from four

' of tho largest and best factoriesin tho United States. Youwill have an opportunity toview tho goods later.

Von Holt Building.


Collector & Real Estate Agent,- -

Next to the Womnn's ExclmnRe.

Bring in your bills, thoy will bo promptlyattuudetl to. Telephono (159; if, O. llox 430.

JAS. N. K. KEOLA,Tytowhiteii, Copyist, Tkansla- -

Ton (English and Hawaiian)nnd Collector.

PiT Office with W. II. OASTLE. 425-t- t



Omcis: 203 Merchant street, Campbelllllock reur ot J. O. Ciirtax' office. I'. OBos 3.'f0.

.JUL."1," " xr..rr''. it At ...- -' iVfUP

u.-- -

Page 5: SMJJIU T I III I rIP I N Evening Paper Eight Published ... · Al lent ton rrolilbllluiil.tK. Remember tho election tomor-row, at Ttirum's Book Store. Do not fail to go and voto the


A roof is being constructedovor tho Punchbowl reservoir.

Leland F. Jumos, U. S. N., is athrough pnsseugor on tho 1'oru.

Sheriff L. M. Baldwin is in thocity, having arrived on tho Mika-linl- n.

The government baud will playat Emma squitro this evening at7:30.

Extensive repairs are boingmade to tho old Contral House onAlakeu street.

Tho Monowai reached Sau Fran-cisco on her last trip four hoursahead of time.

The rogular monthly meetingof tlio Y. Al. 0. A. takes plnea thisovoniug at 7:!30.

Tho box plau for the initial per-formance of Trov.itor is Htillopen. Standing room at $1.

Ayor'u Ohorry Pectoral forcoughs and colds 50 cents abottlu at Hollistor Drug Co.'s.

Highest test 1'eiirl Oil, deliver-ed to any part of tho city, 0. O. D.for S'2.10 n case by Castle it Cooke,Ltd.

Stanford University won thofootball game against the RolinncoClub on Octobor 24th by a scoreof 10 to 0.

Tho Gonzales family had a goodaudience at their farewell benefitat Independence park on Satur-day ovouing.

Hon. Paul Isonberg, Mrs. Tson-bor- g

and Misses Isouberg (2)arrived from Germany this morn-ing by the steamship Peru.

Mrs. Dole, wife of tho Presi-dent, returned by the I'oru todayfrom an oxtondod visit to rela-tives in tho Eastern States.

Tho two Biudt brothers havorun away from tho San Franciscopesthouso to escape being sent totho hospital with other lepers.

Tho Hawaiian Hardware Com-pany, in a change of advertisingmatter today, culls attention to thomorits of portable enameled ironbath tubs aud nickel-pluteddoubl- o

bath cocks.One hundred and twenty dozon

of the old roliablo Ayor's CherryPectoral, arrived ex bark "EdwardMay" for the Hollistor Drug Co.,and will bu sold by them at fiftycents per bottle.

Miss Panneleo, of whoso pianoplaying favorable reports wore re-

ceived in papers from tho Stateswhile she was thoro, having latelyreturned homo is prepared to re-

ceive a few pupils.Tbero will be a mooting of tho

Woman's Board of Missions at thoCentral Union church, at 2:130 p.m. tomorrow. Mrs. E. A. Jouoswill read a paper on mission workamong the Indians.

Hugo Fishor's beautiful paint-ings nro now ou exhibition at thoPacific Hardware Company's artrooms. Mr. Fisher will leave forthe coast on tho next Australia onaccount of his boh Hugo's poorhealth.

Tho Coptic arrived in San Fran-cisco after a quick passugo of odays anil 20 hours fiom this port.She was two days ahead of time,having mado tho voyage fromYokohunia in 15 day3 aud 21hours including a stop of 1U hoursat Honolulu.

Dr. Pi. W. Anderson, the Hotolstreet dentist, has received wordof his father's death at Plainfield,Now Jersey, of which ho had beenmany years a resident. The latoMr. Anderson was 70 years of agoand was lately visited by Dr. An-derson.

Major W. B. Hoopor of thoOccidental Hotol, so well known tomany Honolulu pooplo, who hasbeen ill so long, despite a visit toSouthorn California, has been re-

covering gradually since his re-

turn to San Francisco and is abloto bo out for an hour or so eachday.

Tho Salvation Army attemptedto start a meeting on tho cornerof Hotel and Fort street ou Sat-

urday evening and were promptlyarrested. They wore released ontheir own recognizance to appearin Court this morning. Amongthoir number wore tio sailorsfrom tho U. S. S. Adams.


Makes Better Bread and Pastry thanAny Other Knoxon Brand.

Auk Your Grocer Fur Jt.

UNION FEED CO., Sole Atjcnts,


TShw f?W


Sugar is still !l cnuts.A Japanese lady arrived in tho

Peru to take charge of tho Jupanose kindergarten.

Iron lloor joists for tho backbalcony of tho Judiciary buildingtiro being carted to tho ground.

About 5125 names woro regis-tered at Thrum's storo at noon ofthoso who wish to voto tomorrow.

Attoruoy Case is acting asBhortlmud reportor in tho CircuitCourt, Mr. Jones boing otherwiseongaged.

A silver koy winding watch waplost on Saturday uftoruoon. Ho-

ward for its roturu to tho Bulle-tin oilico.

Standard foods for infants andinvalids have been received ingreat supply by the HollistorDrug Company.

There was a largo attendance attho drill shed Saturday ovouiug tohoar tho combined concert in aid ofKamoiliili church.

Tho Gorman barks Spica andH. Hackfold woro profusely deco-rated with flags today in honor ofMr. Ieonberg's arrival.

Mr. aud Mrs. Paul Neumannsailed from Sun Francisco in thesteamor Para on Saturday, Octo-bor 24, for Guatemala, whoro theywill romtiin for tho winter.

The two cases of toads men-tioned in tho shipping columnsworo finully taken from tho wharfat 1 o'clock and will bo liborutedthis aftoruoon.

In tho police court this morniugtho case of Liout. Zimmers, CadetMonroo and six othor SalvationArmy people, arrested for ob-

structing tho street ou Saturdaynight, was continued till tomor-row.

l Kimun Square.

Tho band will render tho fol-

lowing selections at Emma Squarethis ovoning, commencing at 7:30:

1'AItT I.Overture-Ir- an Contemn(invotte-I)o- do ItuekSelectio- n- II Trovatorc VerdiToll l'ntnchnnn Mki no a like. Maluakc Ao.

PART II.A Hunt In the Til.irk Forest VnelkcrWnltz N'ew Lire (nc ) Koniekl'olU-Squec- ;co (by request) Cutov(lalop-Wi- illy Hensdoff

tUnall I'onol.

llfpr Is Food.Good boor builds up both bone

and brawn. It's strengtheningnourishing. Tho Gormaus arotho greatest beer drinkers. Whorois thoro a hardior or more stal-wart race of men? Pure beer isbeneficial to invalids, bra-jin- totho weary, to all."Iiainior" a class by itself. Keptfreshly tapped or in bottles at thoCriterion Saloon.

slinrsliiiii(crN Win.Word was received bv mail to- -

day by Captain Dodge that tho'

ijeuver team Had lost thoir matchwith tho Sharpshooters. Theirscorn was 857 against Su'5 by tholocal team.


Silver Watch (ItotliHrum's lover), windswith key. Finder pluaso iitturu to V

OUlco. Howard. 18 lit


Is now prepared to tufco n liaiitoil num-b?- rof

Pianoforte Pupils.Residence: 220 Beretania street.

opposito Hotel gates. 418 Im

Attention, Company B.

AiiMOiir Comi'anv Ii, N. O. n 1

Honolulu, November 2, 1890. jEVERY MEMBER OF THIS COM-mau- d

B ii hereby ordered to report attho Drill Shed, THIS (Monday)KVE.MNli, No ember :.', lv., at 7.:;uo'cloek sharp, to elect Flnt Lieu-

tenant. Uniform and Side Arms.E. A. JACOUSON.

4 13-- 1 1 Lieutenant Commanding.

Attention, Company H.Armoky Company II, N. O. II.,

Honolulu, November 2, 1800.EVERY MEXIRER OF THIS COM-nian- d

H is hereby ordored to reportnt the Drill Shed, THIS ( Monday)EVENING, November 2, 1890, nt7:30 o'clock sharp, to elect First

Lioutciiunt. Uniform aud Hide Avms.T. Ii. MURRAY,

418 It Captain Commanding.

Investors Attention.Persons desirous of making nn invest-

ment oau purcliaio a piyhig block of pro-perty fronting on King nnd Mannnkeaetreetw by oiling ou


Highest of all in Livening Power. -- Latest U. S. Qov't Report.

H mRmr& SnJ4B2S2SB



Ooioiafa ffflpl Water.

A pure, sparklingwater. Opens withvim and snap. Thiswater is fast be-

coming the mostpopular for medi-cinal and table usein Honolulu.

$1.50 Dozen,$11.00 Case of

100 bottles.

Hobron Drug Co.Wholesale Agents.

CSM tThis is tho complaint of

thousands nt thM season.They havo no appetite; Jood zaC&Cdocs not relish and ottcn (alls to digest.causing Bcvero suffering. Such pcoploneed tho toiling up of tho stomach anddigestive orgaus, which n course of Hood'sBarsaparllla will jjlvo them. It also puri-nes and enriches tho blood, cures that dis-tress after eating and

Internal MiseryOnly a dyspeptic can know, creates anappetite, overcomes that tired feeling andbuilds up and sustains the wholo physicalsystem. It so promptly and effectivelyrelieves dyspeptic symptoms and curesnervous headaches, that it seems to havoalmost " a magic touch."

Distress Aftor Eating."I havo been troubled with indigestion

for eomo time. After eating anythingthat was sweet I was suro to experiencegreat dlfllculty aud distress. Last fall Ibegan taking Hood's Sarsaparllla and amglad to say that my stomach troubla hasentirely disappeared. I can now eat ahearty meal of almost any kind of foodand have no trouhlo afterwards. Hood'sSarsaparllla has also cured mo of nervousspellB." .!oir:; II. Homriqiiausek,Wbcatlmd, Iowa. Such cures provo that

SarsaparillaIs the licit In fact the One Truo Wood Purifier.Prepared by ft I. Hood tt Co., Lett ell, Mast.

euro lnilli;estluu,u ii nautea,nOOU S PlIlS biliousness. 25 cents.

Hobron Drug Co.. Agents.

Building and Loan Aociafcion

Tlio Regular Monthly Mootingwill bo hold at tlio Chatnbor ofCommercoon MONDAY EVEN-ING. November 2, 1890, ut 7:;0o'clock.

SCPaymonts are required inGold.

A. V. GEAR,4AC-- 2t

SINGER'S -:- - BAKERYEstablished 1814.

King St. near Thomas Square

Home-Mad- e BREAD!KSSSorved Fresh every Dny

Cakes : anil : Pies : to : Order

II. F. SINGEIi,Tolophoiio 872. Solo I'rop'r.

1 fjRimMwJlJmrwwtwm$M3tm&


mg"''TTTWTTtTTTTTTfTTr!!: i? mp ts 3 n O S3-- w tv. 11

Si 3 co TK !

2 a " !! CfC ft V VA ?

if s g s n B&J !c " f y v.u ik. jj

O fT' Z ? cm WfS ito g srg - r5: " ? B "" E? -- 3

i s'p'H Si C CD t: 5 3 3 tJ. rl it

S- O 2. r, " . i



Lewis 0Somo people do not caro for

breakfost mush but thoso whosofaces bear the blush of health arotho onos who eat it. Wo havojust added to our stock a largo as-

sortment from tlio Del Moulo mills.

It includes "Morning Meal"(wheat), Cream Flako voats), andbreakfast oats. Wo have alsowhole wheat Hour in 10 lb. bogs.G )od broakfoBt dishes these andso is a bit of smoked Halibut orSilnion of tho tort wo sell.

Fresh Cranberries go well as asauce for turkey. We sell them.

For lunch dainties wo have athousand and one articles butthero is nothing bottor thanlt'iyans a la Uordelaise, a littlos irdino packed with tomato saucoand chopped mushrooms. Forluncheon these aro excellent. Lo-

in irchand's genuine Sardines aretlio best obtainable in France, wo

have lesB oxponsivo ones that arocaught anywhere.

lSrilliantshiiie is tho host metalpolisher known. Wo havo thopaste in small tins and tho liquidin half pints and largor. Youoinnot make a mistake in buyingthis.

In ordor to got rid of tho stock,as wo do not intoud carrying itlonger, wo oll'or our large stock ofKirk's toilot soaps atcost prico. Agreat opportunity.

Lewis & Co.,GUOCttKS.,

F"ort Street, - - Honolulu

In the Circuit Court of the First Circuit,Hawaiian Islands. In Bankruptcy In thomatter of tlio liaukruptoy of Henry F. Poorof Honolulu. Creditors of the mud Dunk-ru-

uro hereby notified to come in andprovo their debts beforo tho Clerk of theCircuit Court of tho First Circuit, nt Hono-lulu, on Wednesday, tho Itli day ofNovenibor, 1800, betweou tlio iiouro of 10o'clock in tho forenoon nnd noon of thoBiiiil diiy, nnd eloct an AHHignco, or AsHiyneea,of tho mild Iiankrupt's Estate.

lly tho Court:445-- 5t J. A. THOMPSON, Clerk.


On nnd nftor Thursday, October 2!),Dr. Jniuos T. Wnybou will lusuine pmcticont his oilico, corner of King and lUchurdsstreeth. Hours 0 to 11 a. lii.j 2 to I, nnd7 to 8 ii. ui. Telonhono 3 10, 1 U. lv





N. S. SACHS'520 Fort

B"- - "F X




Food S

Wo havo received an iuimcnso stock of Infants andInvalids Foods, consisting in part of ...Mellins', Nestle's, Horlicks',Murdock's, Ridges',Lactated, Imperial Granum,

And last, but not loisfc, tlio only

MALT NUTRINEflSS Wo haven't any particular hobby to force on you,

but if you want food for Infants or Invalids, the placo toget it is at the

H0LLISTER DRUG CO.,Fort Street.$chmidtoi$hold this week a

Closing Out Sale


pine Woolen

Over hirts


of all kinds of

Household Goods.

THE LOUVRE(iOS Nuuanu Stiieet.

Harry Klemme, - - Prop.

Seattle BeerThe Best inthe World - - -

Best of Liquors $ Wines.

E$V. Our Siloon la thoroughly renovatedand refurnished and wo trust thnt ourstock will please every tasto.


For Sale or To Let.

Threo Houses near Puuahou ColItRe,containing from cevon to niuo rooms, bath,room, halls, elobots, etc. New, modernand convenient. Good view, healthy loca-

lity. Apply toJ. A. BUTTEKFIEIiD,

Auapuua street.


Contractor & BuilderEstimates plon, ltepaira nnd altera-

tions mndo. Work ivcu prompt nttention.13 Telephone 8."1. Wl-3-


5 19

"V 3E5 -



JIeW DepartureThe Undkiihioned bog to nn-noi- uico

that from aud nftor

Tliursday Night,0ct. J, 1896



at tho

Hawaiian Hotel.To moot tho timoB nnd competi-

tion, it will bo furnished nt

I2kts. Per Glass"Wo quoto from lottor of tho

Auliuusor-BuBo- h 13 rowing Asso-ciation tinted August 8th:

"Your hounrahlo firm having represents!us for so many years we bcllee It uselens tocall your attention to the merits of our arti-cle, hut we should like to repent ni;aln andcall your attention to the fact that ours IsTHE ONLY 1UUE BAItt.EY MAI.T 11EERMANUKACTCKED, and cum lereallue andother adulterants as well as acids, for theiireenatlon of beer, arc unknown In ourcj-tablUhuie-

With the alioo jou may gobefore tho public In our name."

No encomium of ours can add totlio high reputation of AuhousorRoer. Its introduction in anyaud every market mnkes it tinimmedinto fnvorito. It Brandswithout a poor, without a rival,without ovon a competitor. It

tho highest nwnrds at thoColunibiau Exposition. Tho re-duction of tho draught Beer totho provniling prico of

12 Cents Per Glass,places U within tho reach of all,and ho is n wiso mnu who getstho best quality for the loastmoney.


SHTOSJ" LOY,(123J Fort Strodf, Yeo Sing Tni Uuili ing,

Ladies Dress Maker,131" Pino woik a specialty. Also, vciy

Htm underwoir to order. All woik(jtinrmitrud. IIT-Gi- n

I'll .!-- . 1 ii, 1, jJ ,m '"'V1 '''l'11 'ItijtMi tfftjilllL!ghhw Wftli







' !



' ,

tw . iTr ?fl

Page 6: SMJJIU T I III I rIP I N Evening Paper Eight Published ... · Al lent ton rrolilbllluiil.tK. Remember tho election tomor-row, at Ttirum's Book Store. Do not fail to go and voto the




f. --r. p


i.voLu.vrAi:ii.Y a

Two l'lrcm of Hut Ilnm Win Honormill I'romotloii In War.

A Polish officer, now dead, whocamo to tho United StatcB Boonafter tho Russians suppressed thoPolish insurrection under GonornlChlopicki, in 1831, used to tollwith ilucIi zest tho Btory o hispromotion from tho ranks, says awriter in tho Youth's Companion.Ho was a privato of cavalry whenChlopicki's rotreat bogau. Thotroops had made a weary nightinarch, and wore in bivouac forbreakfast when scouts broughtword that thoy wero almost sur-rounded by a Russian force. In-

stantly tho Poles hurried to theirsaddles, mounted and sought away of escape

Tho young cavalryman hadbeen boiling some pieces of hamfor himself in a camp kettle.Anxious to "save his bacon,'' hedumped the half boiled meat intohis Baddlc-bag- s and joined hiscompanions. Two minutes laterhis horso became rostivo, at amost inopportune moment, for onsurmouutiug a ridgo tho Poleshad found tliemsolvos confrontedby a Russian forco of infantry.

There was but ono thing to bodouo. Tho Russian lino must bebrokon through at once. It wasbeing rapidly Iftho Poles should fail to cut theirway out at tho first chargo theymust all be captured.

On they rushed at tho order tocharge, and now our youugtrooper's horso had become fairlyfrantic and quite uncontrollable.Ho sprang away far in advanceof tho charging lino. Tho rider,determining to mako the bestfight he could, swung his saber,took a stronger grip with hisknees, and gazed hard at tho faceof the Russian ho expected to bolaunched ngainst.

Just then a volley hurled intothe charging lino, but tho foro-mo- st

hor6o and rider escaped un-

harmed. Afow moments and thoywero upon tho ouemy. Usually ahorso refuses to leap at bayonots,but this ono jumped furiously attho kneeling fiout rank, and suchwas tho momentum and fury oftho beast that tho Russians just inhis front lost uervo, broke, andgavo him entrance.

Through tho gap thus madoother Poles sprang a momentlater. Striking right and leftthoy widoned tho breach, and inten seconds the Russian infantrywas demoralized. Tho Poles es-

caped with slight loss, and it wng.not long before tho younj;iP'jflteroaioteil hib steed, dismounted andfound a chaueedMixamino hishalfiiuienliam.jA fow hours later tho Polishgeneral 01 eavairy roue up 10 moOuptuiu of tho troop that had sodistinguished itself, complimoutedhim and said: "By tho way,Captain, who wus that splendidyoung officer that led you nil in?"

" He wasn't an officer; that wasonly ono of my boys."

" Not an officer! May tho bul-lot- s

striko mo if I don't make himono! Call him out hero at once."

Tho General shook hands withtho youth, promoted him to a lieu-tenancy then and there, and gavohim a placo on his staff.

Some dayB later, whon tho Cap-

tain called at headquarters, hoBought out tho now Lieutenant,whom ho found doh fully con-templating his unsaddled horso,which had a huge, raw soro oneach sido.

" What on eorth is tho motterwith your horse ? " asked tho Cap- -

tam.'' Oh, nothing much."" But what mado those terrible

sores ? "" Tho same thing that mado mo

a lieutenant," said tho hero. "Abig chunk of hot ham in each sad-

dle bug; but, for tho love of thesaints, don't tell the general orthe boyu."

lifer I Fund,

Good beer builds up both boneand brawn. It's strengtheningnourishing. Tho Germans aiotho greatest ber drinkers. Whoreis thero a hardier or mote stal-wart raco of men? Puro beer isbonolioial to invalids, bracing totho weary, refreshing to all."Rainior" n class by itself. Keptfreshly tapped or in bottles at thoCritonon Saloon.

Tho Platinotypo Pictures bj'Mr, HoiiBhaw at tho Pacific IJiird-war- o

Co. nro tho finest oxnmplesof photogrnphic nrt over scon inHonolulu. Just tho thing to fiomlawny to your ft lends.


No. 10 Store


Jugs! lugs! IugslVelvet Pilo,



Sofa Rugs I Floor Rugs I

Mats! Mats!TnpoBtry and Carpets,

Stair Carpets,Hall Carpets,

Crumb Cloths and Druggets.

W&F All Just Received at


ZT My Hack does not tip in this man-ner, no matter how weighty the load.


Hack No. 14- TELEPHONE 170 a


Staxl: Bolliol fuid'K.tic Riroflta.

J. J. S'jliTlVAH,Trreldout.


Fashion Staples Co.,L'fl.

Honolulu, II. I.Sullivan & Buckley, Muu'R'n,.


in tho City, with Competent and Care-ful Driver?.

Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.

TeiiEi'noKB:Hnw'ii Hotel Stables, 82.Pantheon Stnbles, Stables, 148.


Livery and Boarding StablesCorner Merchant and Klclmrds Sts.

LIVERY and BOARDING STABLES.K?y" Carriages, Surreys anil Hacks at all

hours. TELEPHONE 400.


PLUMBER,Hotel St.. nwir Fort Tol.


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Apprnipcmont of RealEatnto aiid Pnruiturc.




Just Received

Anew importation of ...

. Fine Woolens .



J. P. RODRIGUES,Fort Street, opposlto IUckfeld's.

i IMBttni

Hi rn if

h W fJM III 1

1 1 I I






FOR $18,


A Now Lot of Nico Goods JustReceived. Cleaning and Re-pairing. 215-t- f

AppearancesMore often thnn not deter-mine a man's standing. Jfyou will come to us for yourclothes we will sec to it thatyou leave with a goodappearance and it won't costyou much. Latest fashionsnow in. Dress up and makean impression.

Medftiros & Decker,The Hotel Street Tailors.

Wnvtr'py Hloclc, Honolulu.

CENTRALKona SanatoriumSituated ou a Beautiful Uil'sido Overlook-

ing tho Ocenn, and 1300 feetubevo Son Level.

Only 24 hour' sail from Honolulu.Cliunito mild, c' dry utmognhuio, freofrom logs nna mularin, esnecwi provmionfor quiot and jest as well ns for nniuhe-uio-

and outdoor life. ItiUea $2 per dayor $10 por week. Medical attondi nco extra,

liT AddressDlt. H . A. LINDLEV, Trop.,

.125 tf Konn, Ilnwuil.


Photograph : Gallery,Opposite LnvoM Haltory on

Kl 1 1 1 1 on 1 1 -- - Ci-oo- tIN kl 1.1(11 I l WH WU Wj

Whero ho will onor immcr'iately into thowork of TuMng I'ictuieH. Mr. Kocrin himhud yearn of ex erieur at this blanch andhas uhvius met with siccss in it.

402-- 1 m

CLUB STABLES,Street, lei. WEort - - - -



:-- ANDA specialty.



-:- -- SADDLE


The best of attention Riven to animalu left with ns. Cnieful drhers, rcspoetfu.attendants, promptness, llbchs, Hurries, lliakes, HiiguitPhnetous, Wagouettes.

C! ATS Sl'IirCKfcLS. Wm. 0. IllWIN,

dlaug fSpfeckeimio.


San Francisco Agent The Nevada Dank orBAN MIANC18CO.


San FitANCisco Tho Nevada Bank of SauFrancisco.

London The Union Bank of London, Ltd.New Youk American Exchnnno National

Dank.Chicago Merchant!1 National Hank.l'Aiiis Coinptolr National d'Ecompt do

Paris.Behlxn Drcsdncr Bank:HONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA Hongkong &

Shnnjfhal Banking Corporation.New Zealand and AusTitALjA Bank of New

Zealand.Viciohiaand Vancouver Bank of Mont-


Transact a General Banking and Excliange Business

Term and Ordinary Dcpolsts KcccWcd.Loans mado on ApVrovcd Security. Com-mercial and Travelers Credits Issued. Billsof Exchange bought and sold.Collections 1'komitly Accounted Fon.


The Hawaiian




Investment Co.HAVE FOR SALE

A Few Shares of

Pnia Sugar Stock,Hawaiian Sugar Co. Stock.


tlaivniinit Government and 1stMortgage Sugar Planta-

tion Bonds.For pnrtioujars npply to

The Hawaiian Safe Deposit &Investment Company,

408 Fort Strret ... Ilnnoluln

Established 185S


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail- -

- ''y v"

HJ)--.-.,. "B- - rxr"


uQoiaqilp HPIN SJ&ZPft nn

Spotce 1i

m v

Doubtless you know that RED WAR is in prognmi in holh Cubaand tho Philippines. Luckily wo puro'insi-- n LAKGE STOUKDlItKGT just before tho fuditing brgnn. Tliorcforo we hnvo not, n9

ot, boon obligod to roiso priofs. U'E HOPE WE WONT HAVE10. Meanwhile, in order to avoid such u htute of ullnirs, come inand purchase now.

HOLLISTER & CO.,Corner Fort nnd Merchant Sts. Wholesale and Retail.

"Hjeo. . DXyiEs $ Co,



Commission . Agents I

Dry Goods,

Hardware and

G-rocerie- s.

of tho world.irh,ciio1 cifa Bulletin, 75c, Per Month

mmm. ---" At

mmmm mmmmz.



use in

it. is

to in


of Cumberland





4 mi Story.

Rev. Mr. Williams

Cow Id Not Keep

House Without

Paiue's Celery


Wife Strongly Rec-

ommends It to Cure

w Sick Headache.

100 Masox Avknuk,Caxok City, Col., Jan. 13, 189-1- .

"Wells, Riciiahdsox Co.,

Dkaii Sihs: "Wu Paine's Celery Compomul our family and could

not keep house without Mrs. "Williams thinks there nothing equalsPaine's Celery Compound to cure nervous headachesand the like. Success you every way.

Pastor Presbyterian Church.




HOLLISTER DRUG Co.,Wholesale Agents for the Hawaiian Islands




Page 7: SMJJIU T I III I rIP I N Evening Paper Eight Published ... · Al lent ton rrolilbllluiil.tK. Remember tho election tomor-row, at Ttirum's Book Store. Do not fail to go and voto the

mmmmmmvmmmkmmmmwMww n i mi ! ww m 11 wmmmmmkmmmMrrm!ff:,;;t'''; Wfi'fsf? r l fwyf. v " ;WWWf",:v's:v''r r--r

EVENING BULLETIN, NOVEMBER 2, 189G.t v iv'i-vynittOTW- f witrinmfftiiWTiiiwitwvfjrttiijiivvi i' v wmwwun. wmMmimM iintwiiMlvmsw fTliiiriiiniwiiW I'MiHiw i in M 'iniii' ""1TfffrVTn


New Printed Flnnneln nml Munlln nml tlioyiilckly Crumpled Grniacloth.

Tho designs nnd colorings of ninny oftlio printed Iliinnola nro copied from paisleyvelvet nnd chctccn, but tlio comblnn-tlon- s

nro le satisfactory on iv smooth sur-fnc- o

than whero thoy ore softened by a Bilkor cotton pllo. Zephyr cloths nnd cottoncrcpons nnd chnlllcs nro seen In both checksnnd flornl patterns. Mnny design consistof single detnehed flowers thrown on thofabric, but tho moro plcnslng ones nrothoso that linvo nn Irregular, ramblingoffect. Soino of tho cotton crcpons nro on.rlchcd by woven dot or sprays of a differ-ent color from tho ground!

Tho now muslins nro beautiful not onlyIn tho looUncssot tho flornl designs nndtheir oxqulslto colors, but In tho smoothnnd silky fineness of tho goods thomsclvcs.Tholr transparent toxturo conveys nn Ideaof roflnctnont that Is very plcnslng. Intho matter of dye, what could bo morocharming than tho faint flush of pink, likethat of nn almond treo In bloom, whichsuffuses soma of theso dellcnto materials,tho boft piilo bluo of others or tho tender


tones of green nnd niaiuo that seem bor-rowed from tho leaf nnd bud of openingspring? Sprnjs of creamy ncucln thrownon such n ground ns tlieto, clusters of lllnoor branches of npplo blossom niuku part oftho poetry of dress.

Thcro seems to Iks no limit to tho crn70for ecru grnsscloth, plain, ndorned withlnco or embroidered with whlto or uiloredfigures. It Is seen also In openworkeffects nnd Is treated In every possible wayto gho variety. In tho shops It Is mostnttrnctlvo ns It hangs In sheer, cool look-ing lengths, but practically It Is not so sat-isfactory, ns In actual wear It crumples st

nt onco nnd neiiulres n drugged,stringy look thnt Is most displeasing.

Tlio gown shown in tho sketch has nskirt of checked muslin, edged with n nnr-ro- w

frill of lnco nt tho foot. It is mndoover ft taffeta, lining. Tho blouse Ixxllcois of striped crupo chiffon finely pl.iltcd.Over this is a sort of llgaro of tho muslin,with horizontal Insertions of vnlenclonneslnco nnd n frill of lnco on tho lower edge.Tho sleeves nro of muslin nnd lmvo fullepaulets tdgul with line, A l.uu nujiofinishes tho iicck, nnd tho licit r.nd Ikwsnro of satin ribbon. Gutio, plaited tullonnd follago form tho trimming of tho hat


lie Mire loll Aro MightAnd then go rllit nlienil If jour blond Isimpure, jour appetite falling, jour ucrencak. jou mny bu sure that llood'a Sarsapar-Ili- a

Is liit jou mid. Then lake no subst-itute. InMst upon llood'b nnd onlj Hood's.This Is the midlilnu wlilili tins the largestsales in the Morld. Hood's Sareapirllln isthe One True Wood 1'iirlllcr.

lloon's 1'iLisnrc prompt, elllclent, nlwajsreliable, easy to take, eny to operate.

Frames for Citizens' Guard Certificates mrulo to order for from10c. ouch up tit King Bros., 110Hotel street.Tlio honored guest who makes n call

Should uelininc llud nlMcerc,Anil lll.cM l.'u If lie dilul h nt all

A glass ol l,l!alnltr" liter.

On tup or in bottles nt the Cri-terion stilooii.

Storliug, tho painter, is pre-pared to quote prices on roofpainting. Ho ubes a composition ofcoal tar and foment. Cheapestand best roof preparation in Ho-

nolulu.Kroegor Pianos, swoetest in tone,

Jas.W. Borgstrom, solo agent, cashor installments. "Warerooms ntG. West's, Masonio Temple. Of-fice at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-ing apd repairing. BffiF Tolo-phou- o


If you waul to iraino anythingin tho very best manner; if youwant your framo to harmonizewith your picture; if you want thobest ami most tnsloful framo intho markot, go to King Bros., 110Hotel streot.

Charles Molteno tho bnrber isnow with Mr. Poixoto at tho Con-

tra! barber shop. Mr. Moltono isan excellent wieldor of tho rnzorand shears and carries his tradewith him. Poixoto has refurnish-ed his shop in haudsomo style sothat it is now one of tho most at-

tractive in town.

Singers lead tho world. Over18,000,000 raado and sold. High-est awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, great Bpoed, ad-

justability, durability, oaso oflearning and convenience of ar-

rangement. B. Borgorseiij ngout,1GJ Bethel stroots.



Framed CompleteWITH

One Uozori Photos of the SlUsr


Onlv 8BI0.OOEST Is tho LATEST OFFER we have

to make.

IJ.J.WILLIAMSPortrait and LandscapeFotograplier.


G. R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Tunor.

Can Furnish tho BastFactory Rafarancc.

Office, Fort strict, opposlto Catholic School.Telephone 231, 412 und 100.

B3 Ordors promptly attended to.

Dr. W. L. Moore


Hllo, Hawaii.

Special attention gU en to diseases of thoeye aud tar.

Office hour.jJ";Waianuenuo Ave. uojr Court House. iC3-t- l

Dr. Sloggett(Physician -;-- and -:- - Surgeon

llosldonco next toll. W. Schmidt,En ., Horotuniu btreet

Specialty Diseases cf Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat371-3i- n

I. MORI, M. D.,

OlTico : Comer Fort and Kukui sts.Residence, Arlington Hotel.

Hours: 7 to 8:30 it m; 4 to 8:30 p m, Sat-

urday und Sunday, 1 to 5 p ru. Tel fi.TO

A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.Hotel Street, Arlington CotttiRe.



Honolulu, II. 1.

ST Olllco : 114 Merchant street.



niLo, nAWAii.

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & DealersIN

REAL ESTATE1ST Wo will liny or Sell Heal Estate in

all parts of tho group.

tT Wo will Sell 1'iopciticH ou Kentou-abl- e


OFFICE, 10 West King Street

VETERENO CAIUIE1RO,Hotel Street Stiaying Parlor,

Three Chairs. First-cla- ss Work.PIIICIS ItHlUCLD

Hoir Cutting 15 o.Shaving 15 c.

Hotel street opposlto Bethel.125-001


lercantile Agency210 King Btreet.

1 Difficult Collections a Specialty

Castle & Cookev(Limited)



MerchandiAgriculturalImplomcntsandP lantutionSupplies.

. 6. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Win. G. Irwiii, - President nnd MnnngcrGlnu Spreckoh, - - - Vice-Preside-

W. M. Girrnrd, - Secrotnry nnd TreasurerTlioo. 0. Porter, - - Auditor

Sugar factorsAND

Commission Agents.AiirsNTS of inn




Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian crlcultur.i1 Compinj, Onoirca SuearCompany, llonomu bupar Compati), Wall-ik-

SUKr Cinp.-iii-) , U'nllii-- e Sugar Ciinii.aiiy, MakceSugnr Company, Ilnk-.ikal- kancli Coihimii).

Ranch Planters' Line San KMnchcoPackets, Clns Hrewcr c Co 's Line of llolonrackets "Agents llobton lioanl oCUmlerurlttrs.Agents Philadelphia Poard of Uudcru rltcrs.

ust or OFFICERS :

P 0 Jones, ProHicIent: George II Robertson,Jlnnngerj E F Uishop, Trensuror anil See-rotar-

Col. V F Allen, Auditor; 0 II Cooke,II Watcrhonse, A V Carter, Directors.


Shavsrsg PariorsPort St. Opp. Pnntbeon Stnbles.


A .Delicate Touch !

Kuon RnzorB !

Artistic Hair Cutting !

Comfortiiblo Oliairs I

EST" Wo employ none but the most ex-

perienced Tonnoruil Artists. Tho mostLuxuriously appointed Shop in tho

leaver SaU. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea. and CoffeeAT ALL IIODIIS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON flAND.

Eagle -:- - HouseNilllliliii Afiili-- ,

CARL KLEMME. PrapriBtnr,

Now niauageuieut. Commodious rooms.Table Hoard tho finest, including manyPalutablo German Dishes.

Board and Room, per week $6.50 to $7.50

Table Board, per week $5.00


1. ICroia-ae- . - OProp.Por Dny 3 2.00Per Wool; 12.00

QpacioJ. auEorxtlily Haton 1

Tlio Best of Attendanco, tlio Boat Sitnn-tio- n

nnd tho Finest Monla in this City

I5 HOKNJ3 i r ZEl ZE3 Jew ju 1

Hotel streot, near Fort.

BREAD, PJES and CAKESOf all kinds,

fJSOr The Finest Imported and Homeimado Confectionery.

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

From 0 a m to II i' m jou can ijct a Cupof Ileal Kona Codec nt the "Llltu" IcoCrtam

I l'arlors.



wft s IMUlLjSir'' ! 1 'ill

7, -j ,,

rtiffiaRiaf.t"fi w P--zzmxj'mvrr vr, iw.i.



tyi ttv T.Kf.'Jiy--- - --r- r-

BRAUNSCHWEIGER - & - CO,Importers ANoLlquon Merchamtb.

No. fi, Drnmm Streot, - - - San Francisco.FOR SALE IN BULK.

Amehican Rooriio.v WmsKira m Bond petbarrel contniniug about 40 gallons eachat various prices according to ago andquality.

Califoknia Grapk Brandy in otui poxbarrel ol about 40 to 50 gallons.

OA8E QOODH.hectUhTatedCate I17iiji1im;

"fcxtru Pony" Dourbon Whisky, 12 bolllcsi3 gallous per cao.

"BearRrass" Iiourbon Whisky, 12 bottles, 22-- 5 gallons per caso.

"Old I ioueer" Iiourbon Whisky, 12 bottles,2 2-- 5 gullons por case.

"Tenucsseo Whlto Ryo" Whisky, 12 bottlos"2 2C gtllons por caso.


8ond orders by naail. Satisfaction gua.rauteod,

BraTinschweiger & Co.,1'1-lr- u No. C, Drumni streot.

Empire SaloonA general stock of Liquors, Ales and




Aro of tho finest and como to nsdirect from Kuropo. . . .

OUR MCBRAYER WHISKEYImported straight from Louis,villo, Ky.


COMMERCIAL SALOONCor. .NimuiiH and ItcrotnuU Sts.

T. KKVKN, PlHimscr.


On Draught and the Standard Brands ollinttlo Uccr.

I fine WHir.Kic.q. irtinnirR. winpq iunI FRENCH Liouona.

Ttitz.n oi.Ainrr a KiFniAi.TY.


The colebrnted EnterpriseBeer on Draught nnd inBottles. .

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

-- On Morchiint Stroet.FOll SALE and TO LET.

HoufcO on School street, near bridge; convcnieiit, good vnrd, 7 rooms.

HoiiHo on Young street; tmrlor, 2 bod-looii-

l.iit'lieu, puntrj, pntont cbset, etc.Lot oppositu Luuuhlo Home; heiilthy nud

fine locution.FurniKlied Itooms; Property in nil pnrts

of tho nty.


Custom Rouse Broker,

ISTotary -- :- 3?ublio,

General Business Agent.Collections carefully nttondod to.


W. H. RIOKARD,General Business AgentWill ntloud to Cuuvoynnclng in

all its BrnnchoB, Collectiugand all Business Mattors

of trust.

All Business entrusted to himwill rccoivo Prompt and CarefulAttention. Oflico:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii.

A New Abstract Office.

As n result of 15 year's experi-ence in tho Abstract Business, Iam proparod to make Abstracts ofTitle in a most thorough, accurateand complete manner, and onshort notico.

F. W. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Ollico, 818

Fort Street. 215-t-f


TrTrmtwnrrrM"-- i iwipwwimwhIi mmwitA J "" " - - . ... ., . . . .J m




Finn White Muslin in openwork. Uonutiful Patterns,A great stock of -

. Valenciennes Laces .


BCT Wo expect within ton days a great and now stock of

D & G CORSETSOrdered Specialy by TJs !

This is known to bo thofinest Corset made. . .



Brass Signs and Electro-Platin- g

.T. I.Uafl), Ed. lA'CHASI,Machinist, NiCtel ailirSilycrPlaiillg.,55 of Every Description!












Gilding on Glass n Specialty.



A "MV TTVP-Dunn- r

-- V. O. IIOX 143


.w.. ,wv.u UWUI.1UUJ., uumuuuij, "'--&.




Chv Furniture Store, UX(Comer of Fort and Bcretania streets.) Wf f 1

Just rocoived Ex. Bk. Albort assortment of T "la. jREED FUK-NITTJjttE- - J 4

H.H. WILLIAMS, (Manager)Undertaker nnd Embalmor

TBLKl'HONK 08- -


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.New Goods Received by Every Packet from tho Eastern States nnd Europe

FRESLT CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMERJAll Ordora faithfully attended to and GooIs Delivered to any

Port of the City FREE,Island OoDKiis Solicited, Satmfaotiok QcAAANnos


Telephone 53. .j W P. O. Box 222.

Oahu Lumber Building Co.,King Street, Oalm Railway & Land Co. 'a Depot.

Lumber Merchants, Contractors and Builders.IMI'OllTEItB AND DEALERS IN

Doors, Sash, I31mds, Paints, Oil,Buildors' Hardware, Etc., Etc.

. .. .





A . K M J4-i.- ..


Page 8: SMJJIU T I III I rIP I N Evening Paper Eight Published ... · Al lent ton rrolilbllluiil.tK. Remember tho election tomor-row, at Ttirum's Book Store. Do not fail to go and voto the



m- -


a ,,


mmum wwifjfiii 9uiWPnittimrmMiMm.mwi&&Hnm3nimmm

SHIPPING MOVEMENTS IN THE HIGHER COURTS i.aicst rintnifiv .m:s. f .is

Canadian-Australia- n Steamship LineContinued from Jth l'age.

r.M. H. N. l'lIKU rilM TUB COAST


llrlllHli Tramp tvlth Vnlunl'lP CHrjjo

ol Whont-llniriill- nn nark ttosa- -

lle ArrlTfd-KoU- n.

The steamer Lcliua went on tlio MarineKallw tiy for repairs Saturday afternoon.

The linrk 3nnn nt, recently reported atliorcat llnkmlitle, gut oil without serious damage.

Tlio W II Dimotul willed from 8nn FrancisCo for tlit p.irt Oct !il and the Albert sailedon I lie 'i'AU.

r.cldcn . hm'I on the way, there arc quitea umiiber of vivU loadlngcoal nt Newcastlefor lionolulu

Tomorrow, lilcli tide large 2:14 a m; lilchtldo oinull 'J IU p in; low tide lari;c 8.2 p m;low tide mnill "45 a m

Cuptaln 1'i'trloand twelve mm of the Hrl-tl-

tramp "tcamer l.liillllicow, arrived ntBan Jiwe ill- - Guatemala on Ott 23.

Sailed Arum Newea le. N 8 W, for Uonolu111 Sept I. Unw I'k Itnmllc, Sept IT. Ur hk V.O.ikli.-vnK- ; v pt , Ijk Htnuilou.

The tlawnllan bark Andrew Welch wasloading "t 'mi Fraticlco on Oct art, and wnsto have ailed on the J'.lth for Honolulu

The I'JirK S C Allen. C'npt Tlmmpn r

arrliul in atunlay afternoon with a gctir cargo and a lew passengers from the

Coast.The American steamship Peru of the Pailfic

Mall line, nrrlvnt In on arlivdiite time UiNfngriilus. linvlnir allcrt from San Franciscoon Orr. 0 he leave for tint Orient this(vecluc. in

a "kalian bark Hohalle. NUscn raasUr; itsailed Into port thl morning without tint aid ofof the tlitf he has a full ciriro of Newcastlecoal, and mmle the voagc In about 40 days toHough went I" r with muiti rain was expert-wire- d

during thu trip.The llrlllh tiamp steam-hi- p Egrcmont

Castle, dipt Valentine, arilved In this morn-

ing. She nailed Irom Sun I' run. Isco, Oct Ubound for Calcutta with a cargo of 81. .04

centals h heat valn-- d at fllll.015. She putinto this port foi coil.

Wilder' ' ntner I.UelU" Is again III corn-i..t.- ..,

i............i.,. i.nvn Intil no for a fow monthsmiaou.,.. .',..,.. . ....IA new (lei k house Iihs ncen mini nu,,.othet Itiipro omenta made. A Mipply of coalmas put In her bunkers and the citrines were

tried lodaj It is said Cap! Njeof the Leluia

t ill tul.e command.ArrlMil 'mi KraiieNio' Oit 21. bk Sautla

n !l ilisfriini lltto, hii; Lurlltie. IU daysfrom Kalmlni Oil 2! Monowai,C dajs IS hours from Honolulu. Oct Jo.steamship Coptle.ft davs 2o hours from

U I .l. I' d fi nn Honolulu;tchr Muriel, 18 days from Honoipu.

Custi'ins inst.etor Neeillutn, In pursuanceoflililulii, went nlntiin-lil- . tho l'eru thistnoinln-- ' b. !' she loirhcd thu dock nMead of id'l'-r- , h rone vn tlimwti oxer theteep hide ol the "hip for him to ellmb aboard

u ttli. Tin ropowns wet ami slippery, so he

jiieli ir i i bud Job "1U-K- rightlytlimil.i it.', w - u tin nil tenl. he mid" ft

l.rnr.ilik "I i I. u ooll ft luu utiav wi'u..:? .

' - . '.Five. rate, ol live toads, fmni the Orient

per tie ! .lauelrii, hae been l.lin: oninf.iii M. . ,..... SteSsnaaal.lL'lll uil.J riivu,i', ,..wv", m...

tiiocistmnsotikers with eouiie son.' uurini'HicVt two iiuihts. They ie cnnslmied toJYof Koebele. Tho poor little fellohae'OcentfliiL'to).'et out of their prl-o- ecrsince tin r arrived. They slioulil have tieenliberated tl v day thev were landed


Sunday. No 1.

Stmr CIs inline, Cameron, from Maul ports.Btmr Mlkalm'n, llttslund, from ports on

Kauai.Stmr rt'olnleale, l'etersoii, from Walmea,

Kaunl.Stmr J A Cummins, Senile, Irom Oahu

ports.Mommy. Nov. 2.

1" M 8 8 l'eru, Krlele, from San KianclscollrSS Ku'rniiont Castle, Valentine, Irom

Sun FntnelsioHaw bk Rosalie. NIsen, from Niwcnotlc.


Moniiay, Nov 2.

Stmr Iwalanl, Smythe, for Makawell, i.

Stmr Kuala, Thompson, for Oahuiorls.

Stmr Mokolll, Hilo, for Molokai, Mauland Lanal.1 I' M 8 3 l'eru, Krlele, for China and Japan .

Btmr J A Cummins, Searle, for Oahuports.


Stmr Clatullne, Cameron, for Mnul.

Btmr Mlkahal.i, Hngluud, for ports c

Kauai.Stmr M'rthdeale, (irej;ory, for Hanamaulu

and othsr iorta.


From San Francisco, per bark S C Allen,Oi'llil Mrs I iuo and 'children and T Illr-nl-

From Kauai ports, per sltnr Mlkahala, NovKOay, Cliarb-- s Ouv, Mis 'leeus, Mrs

Grliiittnne, W II Wee ,tr, V il Klii.-u"'- Di E

SHomllnie, 1. W lluldttln, V. R Hendry, A IISmith, W Kakaieole mid Is on deck.

From Maul. n rslmrClaiulmo, Nov 1 - MlsBlrKo. (i A How ud. C It Curtis I W Carte.,jl Stroubuek, (' .fueh, It I' llo-- e, A Faustlno,Jti" Sun T Chin l)i m k, M fi Cln.iiK .mil 'J

children F C Admin: mid 41 d. ck passengers.From --lan Fiinel-eo- , per "tun I'eru, Nov

2 For Honolulu Mrs inliird II Dole, HonJ W and Mri. Fmter. Mr and Mrs Paul Uen-t.i- .r

MU-e- j, 'i and mill. I. C Wolil- -

ters. Mis II Sebaroni r. Rev 8 Mlt.likilo andwife, O Turner, I. I Karri II, and J Macaiiley.For China and Japi.n; la land F .lames, II 8N, Mrs 8 M Jiml. Miss 8C Jnrvls, Mr andMrs Greenuald, K W liiowu, C Wlleklns,Ruv 8 Swan, Mr and Mrs C Dulton, NormanMcDonald, Henry McDonald and E I) WBabel.


Ev stmr Clatullne "245 bag6 potatoes, 143

lines corn, 2d Imk bone. 33 hos, J horses,TJ hides and 7fi Ugt find.

Ex stmr J A Cummins 2oo bafjs rice, 2ibags bran, aud sundry pakKe.

V.x Blmr Mlkahala 'JSI list's suear, 230 besrice. 2:1 bncs bran 0 bills hides, 'J(l pk?s sund.

Ex stmr U'alilcale 658 bats paddy, 4(lS

bat's lice. t!S tons terap Iron, US UclU hides,17 pkS Bllllk,




OprnliiK f Jury 1'rm litcle CueAgnlu Vp-IIoi- tvy lllll

of CoU.

Judge Perry prosidiug, tboNovember term o tho CircuitCourt oponod today, Sovornlrantters tvoro disposed ot iu tboforenoon. John Brown is ontrial before ti native jury for as-

sault tiud buttery. Mngoou forprosecution; Bo Bolt for dofou-drt- nt.

Judge Carter 1ms rendered ndecision dismissing thp bill of V.

Asliford tigniiiR Henry F.Poor and tlio Ilawaiian Govern-ment. The action was to recoverSM80 and interest, boiug thebalance of a deposit of 21)20 inthe Postal Savings Bank. Abu-for- d

gavo tho money to P. Wun-donborg,th-

Postmaster General,for safekeeping, on tho ove ofAshford's departure for Hilo

1888. Wundopbsrg j;avoto Poor, who was clorktho Postal Savings Bauk,

deposit it in that institution.Pnor did so in his own name astrustee. On hia roturn Ashforddid not object to tho trustee I

Abovit March 11, 1889, Ashford'

wanted to draw of tho depo-

sit, and Bignod a blank receipttherefor. Poor paid himof which S20 was interest,but filled out tho receipt witliS2910. The decision finds thatPoor was simply a private trusteofor Abhford ami that the Govern-ment is not liable, llartwell forplaintiff, E. P. Dole, D. A. G , forGovernment; Rosa for Poor.

George Lucas, master in chan-cery, is hearing tho famous Elelonewspaper case. In 1891 John F.Bowler and ten others signed anote for S2500 to buy tho Elelofor campaign purposes in thothen ensuiiif! vear. Lately judgment on tho note was recovored

m - i. -- i.i i i i- - 1110 UOKlUr IU1U JJUWiui ami iu.)uy 10 amount. Uo haB broughtthese

-proceedings to compel the

w -

otlior signers to pay tnoir Olllliun

10r.t8"U lor COmpiaiuaiU, orreat CrOlgluOU for J. L. iuimiiiriuiiuand Estato of A. P. Peterson;Thurston & Stanley for tho otherdefendants.

Potor O'Sullivan has broughtsuit for the removal of AbrahamFernandez as oxecutor of tho es- - if tliu Into fnrin O'Silllivnil.and tho appointmout iu his steadof W. F. Allen.

Plaintiff's bill of costs iu Trous-seau vs. Trousseau executorsamounts to $794.90.

Beautiful, artistic, accurate,charming island viows at KingBros. Every prominent point ontho islands is photographed by usand painted by tho host of ourartists.

Singers lead tho world. Over13,000,000 mado and sold. High-est awards at tho "World's Colum-bian Exposition for excollouco ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, groat speed, ad-

justability, durability, oaso oflearning and convenience of ar-

rangement. B. Borgorseiij agont,1GJ Bothol streets.


Vessels here trom DueS P Australia, Houdleltc S F .Not 10

Am fecbr Aloha, 81--

Gaelic Yokohama Nov 0Monowal ST Nov Vi

Ilk snmoa Newcastle Nov 3U

Ilk Ardowan Newcastle N'ivSOMliiweui Vancouver Nov 111

Wiirrlmoo , . . . .,8j dney Nov 24Alameda Sduuy N'ov Utier lik .1 C Glade, I.iMrpool,...Noember HI)

Wni rlmoo ViineiniMT Dee 10

'in lk Seminole New en-- DuetfrihpEhiell Nuuenstlu. .. DimHI. Silidoii NuucBhtle bk Am) Tinner Ntu York.... Jim 2D

Norbk Whin Ri'"e,....?JeweaMle.. ,No HII


L'SS Adams, Watson, Sun FiuncUvu.


(Coasters not Included Iu this list.)Am bk IniiLTiird. Schmidt. 8 F.Am bk rt C Allen, Thotnptou, S F.Am bk Aldm Hesse, San Francisco.Am bk Kdwaid May, Johnson, N Y.Am sch John D Tallaut. Uollland, Port T'd.Am bk Colusa. Kalb, Newcastle.Ger bk II Hackfcld, Hat her, I.ajsan hid.Ilr bk Gainsborough, Diamond Head,Ger bk Splca. Franz Kritse, Dremen.Am bktn J I Grllllth, Arey, Pt ToHiiendll.iw m In N'oi ma, Rotthllt, FiMich Plicate



ANDERSON At I'LilnfielU. N. J., Oct.JS'.nl, Itohcit Ainlt'iboii, iigcit "0 reus.


carajicura Maceo had made thoSpaniards concontrato at thatpoint.


Miicco'b followers under forcedmarches then mado a dotour totho southward and Buddonly ap-

peared at Artomiso, tho centralpost on tho lino of the trocha.Aftor giving hia men a tomporaryrest tho insurgent chiof sent wordto tho commandant that ho in-

tended to bombaul tho town, giv-ing tho inhabitants five hours inwhich to leavo tho city.


Not heeding Macoo's throats,tho Spaniards would pormit noono to leave. Tho result isknown from tho reports whichliavo already boon cabled fromHavana. Maceo opoued fire ontho town with his artillery, andthirty shots from tho rebels'dyuamito guns wore thrown intotho city. Every building is saidto have been lovoled, while thoslaughtor of wasappalling. During tho carnageMaceo and his followers crossedtho line of tho trocha into Hava-na province, whoro they joinedforces with Aguirre.


A Ilavana dispatch of October25savs: Last night tho iusur- -

gents mado an attack upon thotown of Mariol, which iB thonorthern tormiuua of the trocha,but thoy wero repulsed by thegarrison, assisted by a gunboat intho bay.


A Madrid dispatch to the Lou-don Standard says: Tho presscontinues bitterly to resontanddeclare it impossible to admit iuany slmpo or form United Statesinterference in Cuba. Tho Gov-

ernment is straining every nervoto bring tho rebellion to a docisivo issuo. Orders have beenseut to Captain-Genera- l Weylorto this effect.


Coitstuntiuople, Oct. 25. It isreported that tlio police seizedlargo uumborsoi! bombs Inst eyou-in-

The arrests oE Armenianscontinue hero.

London, Oct. 25. --Tho Stand-ard's Constantinople correspon-dent says: The purchnso of armsduring tho wcok has been mostextensive, and a feoling of vagueunoafiinoss and alarm is spreadingrapidly. The palace hopes to dis-

tinct tho attention of the Moslemsin Constantinople from its mis-

deeds by holding out a prospectof unlimited loot.

Au Athens dispatch to tho samepaper says : lloports from allparts of Turkey point to tho com-nlot- o

dislocation of tho administrative machinery and an absence-o-

all justice and public security.Tho envoys have seut a collectivenote to tho Porte of the strongestcharacter, in view of tho criticalsituation.

m m

A N-- " i:ntorirtc.Tho very latest as regards sad-

dlery is constantly on hand atOhas. Hammer's new establish-ment, 229 King street, also thovery be--t repairing done. Tolo-phono(58- 2.

P. O. Box I193.

E. C. Jayasuriya has just opon- -

od his store at 87 King streot,near Fort, whoro ho displays afine lino of precious stoues, silverand gold ornaments, ladies' beltbuckles, nnd tin only genuinehand mado Coy Ion laces overoffered in Honolulu.

Tho demand for UniversalStoves and Pianges is daily in-

creasing. Tho second invoice hasnearly all been disposed of and athird in on tho way. Tho Ftiporior(Uiiiuy ot tno eastings oi tins me-tor-

nnd thu fine liuish of theirgoods lino givcu them the reputa-tion thoy enjoy in tho UnitedStntos. Thoy are sold by thePacific Hard win o Co.

If you think it's only good teaand eotleo time wo nre soiling, acall will conviuco you that tlioPalatini Grocery is a well appoint-ed store, stocked with tho mostapprovod brands of goods; and iftlio gratuitous testimonies of itspatrons nro true, thoy have savedconsiderable, since thoy commenc-ed to deal with us. Tho proof oftho pudding, otc. Palama Gro-cery, opposilo Hail way Dopot.Tel. 755 every time.

Lawn Mowers


Quick Cutting,

Light and Serviceable.


Moderate Prices

Castle & Cooke(3Lo.3aci.itea...)



The Travel!

Lawn SprinklerMoves HkcH about your Liwvn Travels

in a httnlght lino or n circle. Htopt) automnticnlly. Sot for any length of ho&u.

ffXff" No hucIi SpiinUlor 1ms over boon

placed on tho market befoio.

Come and See It.

LEWERS & C00KE,4":i Fort Street, - - - - Telephone 20.

NOTIO-fcG- .

tnn 0 nriiiw anuiuiiifluitt.

Of San Francisco.Tho undersigned hns roslgned the active

luftuiigomout of tlio bitbiness in Honoluluof tho nbovo waned company but will retain a considerable interest in its continuedprosperity. And therefore, while thankinghis friends and customers generally fortheir kind patronage in tho past, earnestlyhopes that tho business will be bestowed011 his successors, Mesbtu. BiBbop it Co.,who have been commissioned as agents totako effect todoy. ,,,,

.juun 11. iui.Honolulu, 15th Octobor, 1S0U.

lteforriug to tho above, notice is herebygiven that wo lnivo this day assumed thongeucy for thu lbiwniiau Islands of tho


BISHOP & CO., Agents.4XS lfit

Henry Davis,:120 Fort btroot, near Merchant.

Merchandise Broker,Commission Agent,

Custom House Broker and Statistician


General Business Agent.

FOR SALE!1 Double Seated Family-Carriage-


1 Large Black Horse,sound and gentlo, good road-

ster nnd fit for a lady to drive.

Apply to W. C. Peacock & Co.Ui-l-

dmkSteamers ot tho nbovo Lino running in connection with tlio

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver, I. C, and Sydney, N. S. W-- , nnd calling at Victoria, B, O.

Honolulu nnd Suva (Fiji),

--A.ISE 3DTJE JSJ2? KconsroijTTij-c- r

On or about tho dates below Btatcd, viz.:

From Sydney ami Sinn,, for Victoria nnil From Victoria, nnd Vnncoiiver, II, C,, toVancouver. It. Ci Minn nnd Syilnerl

Stmr "WAKKIMOO" November 24 8tuir"MIOWEltA, November 10

Stmr ' 'MIOWK11A" December 24 Stmr "WAIUUMOCT' Deci inbor 10Btmr "WAltltlMOO" January 24 Stmr "MIOWEH A" January 10

Btmr "MIOWERA" February 24 Btmr "WAlUtlMOO" February 10

TltroiiKli Tlcltctrt Issued from Honolulu to Canada,United States and Kurtine.

rituiauT ANDrASSENOEitAOKNTH: I 37" For Freight and PnsBnRo and allOenornl Information, apply to

D. MoNicoi,!., Montrcnl, Canmlu.ItonEnxKEKit, WinnipcK, Canada. ;THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., L'd

M. M. Steiin, San FrnnciBCo, Unl.O. MoL. Biiown, Vancouver, B. O. AaontH for tho Hawaiian IbIiiuiIr.

Oceanic Steamsmp Go.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:Tho Now nnd Fino Al Steol Steamship

"Alameda" '

Of tho Ocennio Steamship Compnny willbo duo at Honolulu from Sydney andAuckland on or about

3STov. 12, 189G.And will leavo for tho alxivo port withMails and Passengers on or about thatdate.

' For Sydney anri Auckland:

Tho Now nnd Fino Al Steo Stenmship

" Monowai "

Of the Ocennio Steamship Company willbe duo nt Honolulu from San Franciscoon or nbout

Nov. 10,1890.And will have prompt despatch withJf niln nnd PnsEongerb for tho alwvo ports.

' lie .undersigned nre now preparedto u.nuo

Tlniui;li Tickets in All Pointsiu tho Vnitt'd States.

p?f-F-or further particulars regarding

Freight or Fassago apply to

WM. G.IRWIN & CO., I'd,General Agents.

Oceanic tail Co.,1


0. 5. AUSTRALIA.Arrive nouolulu Leavo Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.

Nov. 10, 180G Nov. 21, 1800Deo. 11,1800 Dec. 10, 1800

THROUGH LINEFrom San Frnncifico From Syduoy for

for Sydney. San Francisco.

Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Monowai, Nov 10, '00 Alnuieda.Nov 12. '00Alameda, Deo 17, '00 Manposa.DcolO.'OO

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1806, $106,545.15

Money Loaned ou Approved Security.A Savings Bauk for Monthly Doposits.Honses Built on the Mouthly Installment

Flan.Thirteenth Series of Stock now open.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Si'crotury.Chamber of Commerce Roams.Office hours, 12:30 1;301M. 1173-t- f

BRUCE CART WRIGHT,General Manager of

Tho Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands.

Orr-iV- i Merchant street, Ilouolulu.



Assets, - - - $10,000,000.


Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands,

DAVID K. BAKER,F1 ovist,

Nuuanu Valley, above tho Mausoleum,

AU ordors given prompt and faithful at-

tention. No extra charge for deliveringFlowers to nny part of the city. Lois,Mountain Greens nnd Carnations a specialty. 205-t- f

Pais Mail kmi kAN TUB

Occliental K Oriental Steamship Co.


Steamers of tho above Companies willcnll at Honolulu on their wav to thoabove ports on or nbout tho followinguntcs:

Stmr ltio tie Junoiro ....Nov. 10. 1890SlmrDorio Deo. 17, 1890Stmr China Deo. iO, 1800

For SAN FEANCISC0:Stonmors of tho nbove Companies will

cnll at Honolulu on their way fromHongkong nnd Yokohnma to the nbovoport on or about tho following dates:

Btmr City f Peking Nov. 17, 189GStmrClnuii Doc. 4, lt90Stmr Uelgio Dec. 15, 18U0 '

Rates uf Passage are as follows:TO TOKO- - TO IIONU-HAM-


Cabin 8160.00 S175.00Cabin, round trip, 1

niontbi) 225.00 2C2.50Cnbin, round trip, 12

months 202.50 5H0.25European Su-euif.- . . . 65.00 100.00

paying full fnro will beallowed 10 peieout oir return fnro if re-turning within twelve months.

tSTFor Freight nnd FaBsnge apply to

H. KACKFELD & CO.,Agents.

UttCPS Stall fU

TIME TABLi:C. L. WIGHT, Pies. S. U. HOSE, Sets.

Copt. J. A. KINO, TortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leavo Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching ntLahiuna, Manlaen Kay and Mukeun thosame by; Mnhukonu, Kawnilir.o nuil

tho following day, arriving atHilo tho samo evening.


Tncsilay Nov. 10 Fiiday Nov. 0Friday Nov. 20 Tuesilay. ...Nov. 17"Tuesday.. . Dee. 1 Sututilay. .Nov. 23Fridnv Deo. 11 Tuesday Deo. 3

Returning, will leavo Hilo nt 1 o'clockr. m., touching at Lnupnhoehoe, Mahu-kon- n

nnd Knwnihao sano day; Mnkena,Manlaen Day and Luhniua tho followingday; arriving nt Honolulu tho afternoonsof 'luebday aud Fridays.

Will call at Poboiki, Pnna.87"No Freight will bo leccived after

12 noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUMNE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday ot 5 r.M.)touching ut Knhului, Ilium, HnmoaandKipnhulu, Muni. Itctuiuiug anives atHonolulu Snndn moriiing'.

Will call at ifuu, Kaupo, on secoud tripof each mouth.

I?No l'leight will bo received oftcrp. m. on da) of bniliug.

This Company will robones tho light tomake chaugcn iu tho timo of departure nndarrival of Us sttainors without notice uudit will not 1 retpoiihiblu for imy coumiinenecs iirismg therofrom.

Couhiguees must be ut tho Landings toreceive their Freight j this Company v illnot holil itself responsible for freight alterit hns been landed.

I.ivo Stock only at ownci's ritU.This Company will not bo ieiuniblo

for Money or Yahiiibles of piinMiugemunless placed in thu caro of Pursers.

Fahbongers ate requestod to purchasotickets bofoio embarking. Thoso failing todo so will bo subject to nu additiouaoharge of twenty-liv- o per cont.

To Let or Lease.

THE '1ES1DENCE OF MRS. A. LONG,ouo mile from postofflco. Largo hoitso withfurniture. Tour bed rooms, parlor, largodining room, pantry, kitchen, bath rooms,hot and cold water, with patent closets,servant houses, stables, horso paddock,garden nndtu'ts, A charming location.

Apply to J ALFRED Meichant ut noit I'ostoflLcei