smithsonian magazine photo of the day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

Friendship 友友 Photography by Mina Delic, Senta, Serbia 1

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Page 1: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

Friendship 友誼Photography by Mina Delic, Senta, Serbia 1

Page 2: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

Coal Miner 煤礦工人Photography by Roman Shalenkin, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia 2

Page 3: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

Macaque Monkey 獼猴Photography by James Martin, London, UK 3

Page 4: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

Camels in the Sahara 撒哈拉的駱駝Photography by Garrett Dvorkin, Baltimore, MD, USA 4

Page 5: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

View from a Hot Air Balloon 從熱氣球鳥瞰Photography by Igor Markov, Senta, Serbia 5

Page 6: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

Hovering Hummingbird 盤旋的蜂鳥Photography by Kristhian Castro, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia


Page 7: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

White Pocket 亞利桑那州 White PocketPhotography by Gunther Riehle, Kirchheim unter Teck, Germany


Page 8: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

Stars Over Peyto Lake 沛托湖星星Photography by Victor Liu, Calgary, AB, Canada


Page 9: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

Elephant and Calf 大象與小象Photography by Ozkan Ozmen, 09400 Kusadasi, Turkey


Page 10: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

Feeding Pigeons 餵鴿子Photography by Suditi Guharoy, Kolkata, West Bengal, India


Page 11: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

Surfing with Dolphins 與海豚共浪Photography by Matt Hutton, Wickham NSW, Australia


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Macara, A Silverback Gorilla 馬卡拉,一隻銀背大猩猩Photography by Gonçalo Barriga, 2770-161 Paço de Arcos, Portugal


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Los Angeles from the Sky 從空中看洛杉磯Photography by George Medvedev, Vancouver, BC, Canada


Page 14: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

Leopard 豹Photography by Paolo Pescia, Sala Capriasca, 6954 Capriasca, Switzerland


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Icelandic Landscape 冰島景觀Photography by Sarah Martinet, Baillargues, France


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Sulfur Miner 硫磺礦工Photography by Agung Bawono Aji, Jakarta, Indonesia


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Morning Meadow Meander 早晨草地上漫步Photography by George Burgin, Billings, MT, USA


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Blue Car in Havana 哈瓦那的藍色汽車Photography by Giancarlo Bisone, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA


Page 19: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

Taslima at Her Doorstep 在家門口Photography by Sandipan Mukherjee, Kolkata, West Bengal, India


Page 20: Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day 史密森尼雜誌每日一圖 2014.04

Surprising Fly By 令人驚訝的飛過Photography by Elena Murzyn, Woodinville, WA, USA


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Chicks Galore 一群小雞Photography by Hooman Fakhteh, Rasht, Iran


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Pond Hopping 跳入池塘Photography by Debasis Majumder, Kolkata, West Bengal, India


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Stormy Texas Panhandle 暴風雨在德州Photography by Mike Olbinski, Chandler, AZ, USA


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Tiger on the Prowl 老虎在徘徊Photography by Porus Khareghat, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


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Dressed to Match 穿著匹配Photography by Matthew Price, Oceanside, CA, USA 25

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Sunrise at Bryce Canyon 布萊斯峽谷的日出Photography by Louis Kamler, Denver, CO, USA


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Howling Wolf 嚎叫的狼Photography by Bobby Zheng, Vancouver, BC, Canada


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Fresh Perspective 新觀點Photography by Marius Vieth, Dusseldorf, Germany


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Desert Creature 沙漠動物Photography by Jerry Fer Damian, Al Ain - United Arab Emirates


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Cyclist in Northern Spain 在西班牙北部騎單車Photography by Alexander Ong, Caterham, Surrey, UK

4/30/2014 王文堯 Kaohsiung Taiwan R.O.CAll photos were taken from Smithsonian Magazine