sme report (final)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Company History Company Vision Statement To be most successful and respectable LED supply company in Pakistan  Company Mission Statement To provide our customer innovative & sustainable solution help them to improve  productivity & reduce cost  The company vision & mission Rev olves around its 6 pillars

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Company History

Company Vision Statement

“To be most successful and respectable LED supply company in Pakistan “ 

Company Mission Statement

“To provide our customer innovative & sustainable solution help them to improve

 productivity & reduce cost “ 

The company vision & mission Revolves around its 6 pillars

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Statement of purpose

With the global energy crisis showing its worst form in the subcontinent, the dilemma of

energy crisis in Pakistan has its unique characteristics. On one hand the available resources

of power generation are sufficient to cater for the electricity demand but on the other the cost

of electricity production and balance of payment on the part of government has kept millions

in long blackouts. The ugliest facet of the issue is that not only the people are deprived of

electricity but at the same time they are paying much high per unit cost of electricity. The

whole economy has become hostage to power outages which has deteriorated the natural

growth of economy.

Recent developments in light-emitting diode technology have allowed LED lighting products

to penetrate the commercial lighting market with enormous potential for growth. Our team

developed several conclusions forecasting the future of LED lighting in the commercial

market and made recommendations for a business‟ strategic entry into the commercial

lighting market with LED products.

This report focuses on the feasibility for EXXSN, a Complete LED lighting solution

company aimed at introducing new lighting and display trends in the market while analyzing

the market demands and providing the consumer with more efficient and credible products

and thus to win consumer trust.

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The business is focused towards the customer. By giving them something that will not only

add a unique quality to their choice in lighting but it will also prove to be a great decision in

the long run. As LED is the new revolutionary technology that is a bit expensive in the

upfront cost chart but eventually helps the consumer save by slicing off their electricity bills

 by more than 50 % guaranteed. Therefore the consumer ends up saving much more then he

can imagine. The new and improving eye catching designs and the quality of light is

something that is worth the money. With little or no heat generated, the LED technology

adds another attractive feature that is very favorable for the Pakistani market. The Pakistani

meteorological conditions does not support the halogen or the energy saver lighting system

as it adds to the heat already being showered upon the population. Hence the LED

technology lifts that load off by providing the same level of light with no heat generation at


Furthermore as of the current scenario the LED lighting business is filling a niche in the

Pakistani market as most people are not aware of this trend. Internationally LEDs have

already replaced almost all sorts of lighting system being used commercially or residentially.

But eventually all the lighting system will be replaced by LEDs in Pakistan as well as it

consumes 50 % less energy. Hence helping Pakistan in recovering from the energy crisis.

Sadly Pakistan lags behind in this approach. Most of the people are not fully aware of the

 benefits LED lights can provide for them. With huge potential for growth EXXSN Aims to

establish its self as the Largest innovative lighting system company. Providing masses with

state of the art technology that will help brighten up their life yet because no major impact on

their electricity bills.

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Pakistan is facing swear energy crisis at the moment. Although this is a sadistic moment for

the country but it also paves way for the LED lighting industry. Internationally LED lights

are being favored over all other options for lighting both residentially and commercially

already. People in Pakistan due to lack of awareness are not so inclined towards this product.

But with proper presentation and education about the product, the consumer will have no

 better option other than LEDs. Therefore the Industry as a whole is providing a very

favorable time to settle down as a supplier of LED lights.

As population grows more and more houses would be built. The more houses are built the

more the demand for electricity would increase, hence adding to the short fall of power in the

country. Whereas LED light provide a favorable solution to the problem. It consumes lesser

waltz to provide the same level of energy. A 6 watt LED panel is capable of proving the

same amount of light as compared to a 22 watt CFL bulb (commonly known as an energy

saver). In the reality the market has evolved the energy saver is the older phenomena whereas

LEDs are the new ultra energy savers.

Additionally The Pakistani market now demands something extra for their money. While

 building a house decoration is the key element that provides the maximum amount of utility

to the consumer. The new trendy designs, better quality of light, longer life span of the

 product, and the 2 year warranty are some features that will add edge to the business,

something the lighting industry lacks at the moment. By moving into this business we are

 planning to fill gap with profitable bank accounts.

The industry at present does not present very swear competition. With less than 5 brands

supplying LEDs in the market. EXXSN (The proposed brand) has immense potential for

growth. The companies‟ operatives right now are charging a very high mark and do not have

the same quality as of our product range, they do not even offer 2 years warranty. EXXSN

 plans to infiltrate the market with lower prices, better quality, 2 years warranty and wider

design range.

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Therefore the Industry presents a very attractive time to launch the business providing the

target market with a complete lighting solution for all their needs and even adding value to

the environment. By consuming lesser energy and not contributing to global warming

Five Forces Model

Michael E. Porter has presented the world with an enlightening formula to better understand

our industrial position. In this model he identifies and analyzes 5 competitive forces that

shape every industry, and helps determine an industry's weaknesses and strengths. These are

as follows

1. Competition in the industry

2. Potential of new entrants into industry

3. Power of suppliers

4. Power of customers

5. Threat of substitute products

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We now look at each point with respect to out proposed business preposition.

1.  Competition in the industry:

As discussed earlier EXXSN as of this moment dose not face very strong completion

in the market. As the brands currently functioning are charging high mark up and providing a lower quality product in return. Due to lack of sensibility in the market

and poor understanding of the product consumers are willing to pay large sums of

money for LEDs. EXXSN plans to eliminate those firms by providing better product

at lower rates. Following is a list of main competitors:

  Butterfly LEDs

  Green LEDs

2.  Potential of new entrants into industry:

As there are no manufacturing units for LED lights in the market. This business in an

import based business. Therefore people with import license due pose a threat for new

entrants. But EXXSN plans to fight competition with capturing its market share and

growing it. This business will flourish on reference base. As the CEO of the proposed

concern is in public relations field and the logistics in charge is already engaged in

relevant field for last 7 years. The team sums up to be a devastator when it comes to

capturing the market share.

3.  Power of suppliers:

The bargaining powers of suppliers are not something to fear for. As We would be

importing our product range from China, and presently there are number of

manufactures in China who produce tons of LEDs annually. But off course the

relationship with the supplier has a great impact on the business. Strong relations will

 be built in order to avail bulk discounts and ensure timely delivery of the product.

4.  Power of customers:

The business will initially develop through references. The CEO would employee his

key contacts to initiate initial sales. Major contractors like Wasif Ali Associates,

Mazahar Munir Associates, Nayeer Ali Dada Associates and countless other would be

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approached and presented about the product and its benefits. As they are in the

construction business they would enjoy the idea of unique product range and energy

saving proposition as that would add value to their projects. One project will lead to

another and through superior relationship management and quality product at lower

rates the contractors will not get enough of this deal. Furthermore as currently they do

not have enough option available in the market, EXXSN will meet consumers

expectation by going out of the way to satisfy the consumer.

5.  Threat of substitute products:

Substitute for LEDs would be CFL, Energy saver or other conventional lighting

technology. But it does not pose a threat as the LED technology is what the market


And it does not have any substitute. People these days are not willing to substitute

quality over money. EXXSN will focus on providing affordable rates to bulk buyers

and provide Value added features to retain its market share.


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Marketing plan consist of understanding the need of consumer, along with potential of

market / Industry analysis. Product positioning (P‟s of marketing), target market

segmentation and SWOT analysis.

The LED light category/ group include both conventional and solid state lighting

technologies for the commercial use, household indoor, outdoor and industrial. Products

types ranges from spot light to executive panels. Topics covered include materials,

manufacturing, fixtures, and markets. GII offers market research, industry forecasts, and

 business analysis for this market segment. 


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Energy consumption in the Pakistan falls under four sectors;





“Together, residential homes and commercial buildings comprise more than 50% of the

Pakistan total energy consumption. Commercial buildings, including schools, stores, and

 businesses, make up 20.6% of this total energy consumption, mainly in the form of

electricity. As of 2010, approximately 5.5 million commercial buildings existed in the

Pakistan averaging nearly 15,000 square feet of floor area per building. These buildings use

38% of their electricity specifically for lighting.

The table shows the growing trend of energy consumption in Pakistan. As the population

will grow the demand for electricity consumption will grow and with the scarcity of

resources it will pave way for the demand of low power consuming lighting system. The

industry as of this moment presents itself with a very feasible climate to launch the LED


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Firstly our target market will be Construction firms. Who are developing houses for resale

 purposes, they will be spending fortunes on building a house and installing LED lights will

cost a bit more but it would not only help reduce their electricity costs hence adding a

competitive edge to their houses but it will also beautify the place. Hence result in a quicker

and high priced sale of their house. Other than that we would focus on developers, who

develop societies like Bahria Town, DHA, Askari etc. We would present them with our idea

and offer them LED solutions for all of their lighting needs. May it be Street lights or flood

lights and any other sort of lighting they may require. We would also provide customized

 product services to our High Net Worth clients.

Market research

“The revenue from the global LED lighting market for buildings will rise from $9.46 billion

in 2013 to a total of $25.4 billion by 2017. This represents a compound annual growth rate

(CAGR) in the overall market of 22%, over the 5 year period.

The global shape of the LED lighting market will stay broadly the same over the 5 years,

with the EU, North America, Japan and China still taking up the largest proportion of LED

revenues. Growth in India will be the highest at approximately 31% CAGR, but from a very

low base, and penetration rates there are likely to remain relative low. The rest of Asia (with

the exception of Japan) will experience growth of around 24% CAGR due to positive

legislation, new construction, and government incentives.

Many global lighting product sectors remain highly fragmented. This is likely to change over

the next few years. Memoori predicts that the continued drive for improved lighting

 performance and lower costs should drive continued vertical integration in the market

 particularly downstream in the value chain. With more building controls companies eyeing

the market, and acquisitions of lighting controls companies by LED lamp and luminaire

manufacturers likely to continue.” 

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(This Article is taken as reference from research paper)

In continuation of the research made by a group globally, our internal research / response is

not different, considering country condition regarding use or availability of electricity &

ever rising cost per unit of electricity is encouraging the demand of LED lights not only by

 professionals but for residential use also.

In such a short time period winning a contract one after another is highly evident what was

forecasted globally is true for Pakistan as well.


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Target marke t

Target market is not restricted to commercial use or any other specific customer since; the

 product is basically designed to minimize the use of electricity along with better vision with

lights and leaving lesser burden on air conditioners. The product is targeted at mass

consumers which includes all commercial, residential indoor and outdoor use. Product serve

the missing gap between benefits offered by available brands and LED lights .Consumers at

every level can be benefitted by its use.

Market Segmentation

Market segmentation generally is done based on the better understanding and acceptability

from educated and informed customers , since , LED lights have various benefits for the

interest of the customers from urban areas especially for bigger projects at professional level,

although the rising awareness has created the demand for households as well . Considering

the sophistication demanded by urban areas below are the few benefits offered by the

 product. Geographically the market is segmented based on the needs of customers by

identifying the opportunity area.

1.  Better Visibility 

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LED lighting has better visibility because of natural white light. Whereas alternative

options offer more of yellowish light texture and on top of all light bulbs which are being

used frequently produces yellow light right after few days of installation . It‟s been

medically proven that yellow lights create stress and burden on human eye.

LED lights produces clear natural white light which leave soothing effect. Moreover use of

LED lights can be observed for its use as street light to create crisp & clear visibility during

night time.

Better visibility is also experienced through indoor use, where research show that LED light

 produces a healthier light for the human eye.

Additionally, LED lights do not flicker as other lighting technologies do and thereby prevent

side effects such as headaches, eye discomfort and eye strain, leading to increased visual


2. Increased Performance & Alertness 

“ LED lighting enhances cognitive performance and alertness in both indoor and outdoor

settings. As biological studies show repeatedly, our body‟s internal clock known as the

circadian rhythm is linked to the cycle of day and night due to the color temperatures that

the different times provide.

Therefore, human beings subconsciously interpret certain lighting colors with nighttime in

which we are programmed to sleep. This is a major issue for incandescent lights and

halogen lighting as this type of lighting decreases alertness, leads to decreased vision and

enhances fatigue.

LED lighting, on the other hand, provides the user with a light that resembles natural

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daylight, therefore supporting your circadian rhythm to interpret the light as daytime and

thus leading to enhanced alertness and higher levels of concentration and cognitive


This benefit is particularly important for winter months indoors as well as night-time driving

and institutions where cognitive performance is of crucial importance, such as hospitals,

schools and businesses”.

(Taken from medical research paper as support) 

3. Increased Safety 

Above mentioned two benefits are self explanatory regarding safety aspect of LED lights.

And shed light on benefit of LED over health & safety however, there are few more reasons

why LED is safer than any other lighting technology.

For one,” LED lighting is free of UV emissions and thus pose no threat of premature aging,

skin cancer or headaches as CFLs do. LED lighting can be utilized in close proximity

applications without any discomforts to eyes or skin and are completely free of UV-

emission related health issues”.

Secondly, “LED lights are entirely free of mercury in contrast to other lighting sources:

This extremely dangerous and toxic substance is contained in both incandescent and

fluorescent light bulbs, posing threats to personal and public health. As LED lighting is free

from this element completely, a significant health risk is eliminated”.

4. Elevating Mood 

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 According to research sound emitted by light bulbs causes‟ fatigue, stress irritation &

tension and mood variation. Despite that the sound emitted by ordinary bulbs may go

unnoticed but for sure it leaves negative impact on human health.

In contrast LED lighting is proved to be silent emitting soothing effect and is safe. it create

 productive environment and is defiantly a safe solution..

LED technology, on the other hand, is absolutely silent while offering a full spectrum of

clear and crisp natural light - for up to 50,000 hours! ( property of LED lighting)

5. Superior Savings 

“Last but not least, another significant benefit of LED lighting is of course its significant

financial advantage over other lighting sources. With a lifetime of up to 50,000 hours, LED

lights are market-leading energy savers with benefits for both your wallet and of course the


LED lighting‟s unmatched durability and longevity outlive any other lighting technologies to

this date and thus have the highest ROI in the history of lighting technologies. This is to say

that if you keep your LED light on for 8h daily, you will not need to switch your light for 20


The list of benefits of LED lighting goes on but these are some of the reasons LED lighting

has taken over the global lighting market by storm over the past years, due to its significant

health, safety, environmental and economical reasons”.

(LED light economic benefit)

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Product (Annexure A) 

The product at hand is LED lights. Produced and distributed under the brand name of

EXXSN. Imported from China in latest innovative designs and shapes to accommodate the

modern market taste and demand. Energy consumption is at much lower scale where as the

result is much better than any of the other lights already available in the market. Warranty

and after sale service would most definitely be provided to the customer to gain competitive

advantage. A brief characteristic profile of the Lights is listed below:

  Lifetime: LEDs last from 50000 to 100000 hours almost 10 times longer than

fluorescent lighting, and 15 times longer than HID lighting.

  Durable, Reliable and have Safe Operations 20 times longer life expectancy

  Low Voltage Security

  Environment friendly: No Ultra Violet emissions

  Less CO2 reductions.


   No Fragile Glass Coverings Or Filaments

  Reduces electricity bills: 90% annual saving on lighting cost

  High Quality Light.

  Low Early Failure Rate

   No Heat Generation

Product Price Place Promotion

Marketing Mix Components

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  Directed Light Through

  High Color Efficiency

Listed below are charts that talk in numbers and also provide a comparison with the lights

already available in the market:

6W LED Panel replacement with 23W CFL (energy saver):

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6W LED Panel Replacement with 18W CFL:

The LED Lighting system is a revolutionary technology. It has already replaced all of the

outdated lighting technology in the developed countries. But in developing or third world

nations like Pakistan the gap is yet to fill. By undertaking the cost benefit analysis even the

government is inclined toward establishing LED lights in Pakistan.

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Pricing Strategy

Pricing strategy is very simple. Final price of product is made up by adding all cost head

along with minor profit margin. Various items have various prices. Initially EXXSN will be

holding some inventory but as the orders are booked, the inventory will be replenished.

The production cost is what is to be paid to the manufacturer in China. The transportation

costs include the freight charges estimated to be somewhere around $1000-$1200 for a 20

feet container. This container would be delivered in 15 days.

Clearing charges would be handled by the Operations manager, as she already has a license

for import so things won‟t be very difficult to handle. Furthermore the product would be

delivered to the warehouse in Lahore therefore the cargo charges from Karachi port to

Lahore warehouse would be applicable.

Mark up and profit margin are the amounts that the partners would earn and would be split

50 - 50. Currently the market trend is to earn at least 30% - 40 %. EXXSN would be initially

charging lower mark ups to gain business and along the timeline margins would increase.

Small orders would carry higher mark ups whereas bulk orders would be entertained with

lower mark ups, hence earning on volumes

Final Price

Product CostTransportation



chargesProfit margin

+ + +


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The use of promotion would be to reach greater number of customers with the economical

use of resources and generate greater sales volumes. This turns into using those channels

which have a greater influence to reach & influence customers at large. Including social


Public Relation Efforts:

Knowing the product‟s newness in our culture and familiarity level in the market place much

of the focus needs to be given towards personal or public relations. Program to be run by

CEO by contacting different institutes to address the general public about the common

 benefits at every level to enhance awareness among customers. .

Communication Channels:-

Radio would be used as medium to create awareness among people about the product, CEO

or marketing manager shall address in informative program on radio to spread the word about

use of product.

Free sampling:

To create product awareness among the top notch architects of our country shall be contacted

 by personalized meeting presenting product„s benefits & long lasting impact on individual

level as well as on economy. Free sampling shall be done as a test trial of a product with the

intention of prospective orders.

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SWOT Analysis

Marketing plan relies heavily on SWOT Analysis , before launching any business idea it

must to be realistic about plan by analyzing its strengths & weakness and identifying

Opportunity and threats faced by business on the whole, SWOT Analysis gives holistic view

about the prospects of the business by better understanding all sides , marketing is about

chalking a plan to deal with potential threats & weaknesses and building a way forward in the

form of strategy how to grow considering all limitations and strength


  New, innovative technology

  Technology still


  Energy efficient design

  Offers consumers positive

ROI, over time

  Eas installation


•Technology advancement

•Low market share 

•Not very well-known


• Cheaper technology

• Universal "Green Push" 

•Competing forms of lighting

somewhat obsolete

•Rising energy prices



•New innovations/technologies 

•Rising competition in industry 

Uncertain political conditions

Product / Service desirability 



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Marketing Strategy

LED Light bulbs and panels have competitive advantage over solar panels or any other type

of lights because of its convenience, it‟s easy to install does not require heavy infrastructure

or pre planning time lag in order to switch to LED lights or reap its benefits, this is as hasslefree with absolutely zero cost of installation, building on its strengths of product and nature

of business our marketing strategy would be to invest on marketing campaigns to develop

awareness among society. Since, it‟s a trading business without displaying of product; the

entire product is being handled in virtual warehouse where customers don‟t have access to

the product.

All focus would be to develop the market through the use of either social media direct

marketing TV campaigns and spreading positive word of mouth. To win customers at thestart up of business there will be special promotions and discounts. Buzz marketing agents

would be used to create positive word of mouth. Mega projects are being targeted to

 penetrate into market more rapidly and positively. Mosque of Bahria Town designed by

 NAYER ALI DADA is fully equipped with LED lights is acting as winning strategy for

getting more contracts also domestic individuals who come there to pray gets exposure of

the product .

There is a lot opportunity in Pakistan regarding the use of LED lights in commercial buildingincluding offices, Schools and Hospitals our strategy would be to firstly attract those

customers who are operating at large scale through the use of marketing campaigns along

with promotion and discounts to build customer base. As expansion strategy company would

 be associated to the renowned figures as brand ambassadors to penetrate into every house to

 brighten lives.

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By now company is being handled by two individuals handling all finance problems to

operations and sales & marketing. However, a team of three sales men are also being

inducted with the very stretched sales target. Below is the structure for a small business set



Chief Executive Officer

Operations Manager Sales Team

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Business License: 

Exxsn trading needs to be registered before being operational. The CEO Mr. Muhammad

Hamza Tariq and Head of Operations Mrs. Fouzia Abid would enter into a partnership

contract. The Firm will be registered and an associate of persons NTN would be issued. The

license for import is in the name of Mrs. Fouzia Abid Head of Operations.

Business Location and staff

Exxsn trading is operating through its Office situated in DHA (247 EE)

and a warehouse at (917 J2 Johar Town). Since, Exxon trading is new to the business at time

it may need to meet the customer demand on urgent bases . considering the responsiveness

required by Exxon to build healthy relations company shall be carring some stock based on

its forecasting with topping it up with growth rate. For our established and professional

customers demand would be met with in promised lead time.for professional customers

inventory strategy will be made to order. EXXSN has built relationship with the supplier ina way to meet demand on actual bases. Most of the time Exxsn will be acting as marketing

company to build customer base and collecting customer‟s orders with negotiated lead time

through E2E planning process. 20 days lead time will be negotiated with the customers

considering all steps involved in clearance of shipment.

Initially business would be handled by two individuals fully equipped with skills required to

manage business CEO would take lead in developing customer‟s base and would act as

 business development agent along with handling all financing of the business. CEO hasmaster‟s degree in marketing and has sufficient experience in finance by working with

 banking sector for quite a sometime. CEO has immense experience in handling finance and is

fully capable of handling his own business. Operations Manager would be sole responsible

for all the operations of the company including Supply chain, Logistics and customer

services. Operations Manager is also not only qualified in Marketing & Finance but possess

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an immense experience of supply chain both in corporate sector and in local environment.

Operations manager is fully aware of all activates involved in import, custom clearance

 process, logistics and customer services and holds a professional degree in Supply Chain

management also.

With the growth of the business EXXSN shall flourish. Since, EXXSN is small & medium

company considering the number of people ranges between 1-10 people company structure

 be increased by inducting few more individuals with proper job description to contribute

 positively towards the growth of the company

Initial investment:

The firms account would be opened under the name of “EXXSN”. Mr Muhammad

Hamza(CEO) and Mrs. Fouzia Abid(Head of Operations ) would be joint signatory in that

account. Initially capital worth 5 million would be deposited in the account to fuel the

 business transaction.

Description Amount in Rs.

CEO Rs.2500000

Operations Manger Rs 2500000

Total Rs 5000000

The firm would then later on employee work force when the need is felt. According to the

market norm the sales team would be hired on Rs 10000 basic salary plus commission.

Business Operations

EXXSN Ltd shall operate as small & medium company with people ranges between 1-10

 people at maximum. Operating expenses wouldn‟t be a significant amount. Company would

operate through VMI inventory policy which is mutually agreed between customer

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(ExxsnLtd ) and supplier (Importer). Both partners would work from a small office situated

at 247 EE DHA . As the firm would grow then decision regarding business expansion would

 be considered

Marketing & advertisement expenses would be high in recent years which would reduce lateron after getting enough awareness.


In the start up of business vehicle on rent seems feasible idea as logistics support. Logistics

 play important role in terms of goods shipment to final destination. There are two types of

logistics involved in our business plan apart from air shipment and custom clearance our

shipments are on FOB bases from port to our temporary destination and then next stage is

delivery to our end user or ultimate customer. Vehicle is hired on rent on per day bases to

facilitate our operations.


Growth prospects

LED light industry is becoming very popular. By looking at the historic trends and future

forecast it can be said that business has potential to grow rapidly and will reach to peak

 before launching of new technology.

From very first year business has a positive cash flow based on the intelligently planned

 business activities and well thought out negotiated business policies.

An extension of Exxsn trading would be to open an office in Lahore in commercial building

and hiring of more talented individuals.

Exit options

There are few options available as an exit options for the Exxsn trading Company. There is

not any financial loss if at any stage company would go down for not being able to generate

sales. Although a nominal amount of inventory on hand along with holding cost need to be

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looked for BCG ( Business Contingency Planning) need to be done for such cases where a

complete planning process would be chalked out on how to handle the situation. But a quick

fix is to look for orders to liquidate inventory on hand. Variable cost includes fuel and rent

for logistic handling and communication cost can be cured quickly.

The other option could be if any of the business partner is not interested in business any more

or have planned a separate business venture the option left for ExxsnTrading is either single

 partner shall wholly owned the company and bear all the operational activities along with

financial burden or can sell the business along with brand good will established by then.

Selling all the contacts and customers top t the other new firm is easy quit option

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(Annexure A)




Departmental Stores/Shopping MartsCommercial Buildings

Marriage Halls






Parking Lots

Gas Stations

Canopy Lighting

Pathway Lighting

Signage Lighting

Garden Lighting

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Panel Light: 

Lifespan: More than


Watts: 6W, 12W, 18W, 25W.

Super bright LED light

source, energy saving more

than 80%.

Color: White, Warm White.

Available in Round & Square.

Ceiling Light: 

Lifespan: More than


Watts: 3W, 6W, 7W, 12W.

Energy saving more than 85%.

Color: White, Warm White.

Available in Round.

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Spot Light: 

Lifespan: More than


Watts: 3W, 5W, 7W, 9W,


Energy saving more than 85%.

Color: White, Warm White.

Available in Round.


Lifespan: More than


Watts: 3W, 5W, 7W.

Energy saving more than 70%.

Color: White, Warm White

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Candle Light 

Lifespan: More than


Watts: 1W, 3W.

Energy saving more than 85% 

Color: White, Warm White.

Executive Panel 

Lifespan: More than


Watts: 40W, 50W.

Energy saving more than 70%.

Color: White, Warm White.

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Super Panel Lights 

Lifespan: More than


Watts: 9W, 25W.

Energy saving more than 80%.

Color: White, Warm White.

Street Lights 

Lifespan: More than


Watts: 50W, 80W, 100W,


Energy saving more than 80%.

Color: White, Warm White.

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Flood Lights 

Lifespan: More than


Watts: 20W, 30W, 50W,100W.

Energy saving more than 80%.

Color: White.

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Tube Lights 

Lifespan: More than


Watts: 9W, 18W.

Energy saving more than 70%.

Color: White, Warm. 

Cob Light 

Lifespan: More than


Watts: 5W, 7W, 9W.

Energy saving more than 70%.Color: Warm, White.

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Track Lights 

Lifespan: More than


Watts: 3W, 5W, 7W.

Energy saving more than 80%.

Color: White, Warm.

Strip Light 

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