small business university workshop - how to create a total online presence when you really don’t...

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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What is Small Business University?

Or How to Eat an ElephantBy

Brad Tornberg

How to Create a Total Online Presence When You Really Don’t Have the Time



Who is your ideal customer?

What is yourCoreDifference?

Definition of Marketing

Know Like Trust

• Who and how, ads, referrals, networkingKnow• Website, blog content, social media, Like• SEO, webinars, marketing materials, white

papersTrust• Workshops, evaluations, demo, DIY training,

starterTry• Service team, new customer kitBuy•

Post project review, cross selling, customer events

Repeat• Champion events, partner intros, peer2peerRefer

The Marketing HourglassTM

© Duct Tape Marketing – all rights reserved

•Who and how•Ads•ReferralsKnow•Web site/blog•Reception•NewsletterLike•Search•Expert content•Sales presentationTrust•Webinar•Evaluation•NurturingTry•Service team•New customer kit•Finance/deliveryBuy•Post project survey•Cross selling•Quarterly eventsRepeat•Results reviews•Partner intros•Peer2peer eventsRefer

© Duct Tape Marketing – all rights reserved

Fill the gaps

The Total Online Presence

Corp Website






Online PR

Social profilesTotal

OnlinePresenceDrives Traffic

Words to the Wise – Social Media

Pick one or two key areas to focusGo DeepGo where your customers go – think like

they do!Don’t start and stopContribute oftenThe new world rewards authority

Good Ideas

Listen before you speakOptimize online contentClaim your real estateCapture & segment visitsIntegrate landing pagesPlay ratings & reviewsGo online to drive offlineAnalyze & test

Listen before you speak

Customers – Twitter ListsJournalists – Talkwalker AlertsInfluencers - AlltopCompetitors – Twitter SearchIndustry – Quora FeedsBlogs – Feedly

Listen before you speak

Create a Google Alert for key brand, industry, client and competitive terms.

Create Twitter lists for clients, competitors and key media contacts.

Find twenty five industry related blogs to follow (If customers or competitors blog, add them to a folder)

Investigate social settings in your CRM and add Rapportive to your email.

Investigate social tools such as TweetDeck, HootSuite or SproutSocial to help monitor mentions

Bonus: Add paid options like Radian6 or Trackur for deeper listening metrics

Optimize online contentAsk at least ten customers to tell you what search

terms they would use looking for a business like yours.

Employ a keyword tool like Google’s AdwordsTool or the free or paid version of WordTracker to dig up lots of potential keyword phrases related to your business.

Create a list of up to ten major themes that will be the basis of your content

Start or restart a blog and commit to addressing your themes and actual customer questions three to five times a week. (Of course, I recommend WordPress)

Share every blog post on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and StumbleUpon

Bonus: Make two to three minute video overview of your post and submit to YouTube.

Claim your real estate

Create and build out profiles in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+

Create and build out profiles in Picasa, Flickr, YouTube and Slideshare

Add plugins to your blog and web pages that makes all of your content sharable in social networks

Start sharing your blog posts on social networks

Start uploading and describing images, slide presentations and videos

Share a blog post on Twitter each day

Join five active groups on LinkedIn and connect with people in each group

Find twenty five Facebook pages related to your business and Like them.

Put all of your customers/business contacts you can find in a Google+ Circle

Claim your Google Places Page on Google+ Local

Claim your business location on Foursquare, Twitter, Yelp and Facebook

Bonus: Check out KnowEm and get hundreds of social profiles built automatically

Capture and segment visits

Find and signup for an email service provider (ESP) – I can recommend Infusionsoft, MailChimp, Constant Contact, AWeber and Vertical Response as I’ve used each.

Create a reason someone would want to give you’re their email – eBooks drawn perhaps from a collection of your best blog posts are a great place to start. A call to action.

Use the chosen ESPs form creation tools to put a signup form on every page.

Consider a plugin such as Pippity to highlight your email offer through a pop up function (people will tell you they hate popups, but smart popups increase signup by two and three hundred percent.)

Create a weekly or monthly email newsletter with best information you’ve collected through your own reading each month.

Create an autoresponder series through your ESP’s tool for each product or service

Bonus: Look into tools that allow you to create content funnels such as Survey Funnel, Spring Metrics or Get Smart Content

Integrate landing pages

Create a landing page for your eBook or newsletter that sells the signup

Create landing pages for each product or service that offers your auto responder more information series (I use the WordPress plugin Premise on my site)

Consider creating welcome landing pages for your LinkedIn, Google+ and Facebook profiles

Look into tools such as Unbounce or Optimizely to create and track versions of pages for testing.

Play ratings and reviews

Signup for and claim profiles on Yelp, CitySearch, Google+ Local, Bing Local and Yahoo Local

Subscribe to the RSS feeds of your profiles on Google Reader so you can get notice with a new review appears

Bonus: Pick one or two local review sites and start actively promoting reviews. (This is done one to one when you get a testimonial or compliment, not via mass email)

Go online to drive offline

Create an offline call to action such as a free visit, coupon, or even evaluation

Consider adding click to call/chat/schedule to make it easier for people to engage, get help and take action.

Create a Google AdWords account and start driving traffic to your call to action

Bonus: Create a local LinkedIn or Facebook group around a topic related to your industry and start building interest with a goal of taking the group offline as well through a tool like MeetUp

Analyze and test

Subscribe to Occam’s Razor blog by Avinash Kaushik Subscribe to the KissMetrics blog Create a Google Analytics account and install the tracking code

on your site Create a list of core actions to track – things like newsletter

signups, information requests, video views or social shares If you are running Google AdWords make sure you add

conversion code so you can track what ads are getting the desired results

Consider using goals in Analytics to track conversion funnels and paths

Create an A/B test of your Newsletter sign-up page in Google Analytics Content Experiments function to start to learn how to optimize pages based on results.

Bonus: Consider adding more robust tracking tools such as Spring Metrics, Omniture or KissMetrics

So…..How many things on this list do you do?

How much do you still need to understand and do?

Get Help!Eating The Elephant…the best way is one bite at a time.

Questions, Comments, Discussion

Free Business Evaluation & AssessmentBrad© (732) 735-6429