(slope/w, seep/w, sigma/w) hands-on...

Introduction to GeoStudio Standard Suite a. Integraon of SLOPE/W, SEEP/W and SIGMA/W b. Using analysis results from one engine to another c. Mulple analysis on the same model/geometry d. Examples with integraon Part 1: SLOPE/W: Slope Stability Analysis a. Factor of Safety Approach b. Method of Slices c. Defining a stability problem d. Soil Material Properes e. Pore-water pressure opons f. Analysis: Slip Search Methods: Entry-Exit, Grid-Radius g. Analysis Method: Janbu, Bishop, Ordinary, Morgenstern- Price, Spencer, GLE h. Opmizaon of Slip Surface i. Drawing a line/point surchrge/tension crack opons fiilled/not filled with water j. Reinforcement: pile, anchor, soil nails, geofabric k. Safety Map l. Sensivity analysis: piezometric line; soil parameters m. Graph Plong: Strength vs Mobilised Shear The objective of this course is to provide users with a comprehensive introduction to the modelling techniques used in GeoStudio Standard suite which includes SLOPE/W, SEEP/W and SIGMA/W. Key features essential for proper usage of the software to setup an analysis model will be covered. Participants will learn the basics of using GeoStudio Standard suite to perform limit equilibrium slope stability analysis, finite elements seepage analysis and finite element stress-deformation analysis. Otte i CHOO JUNE SHYAN P.E. MSCE, MPW, BSCE M.ASCE (USA), M.SEI (USA), MIES, MSSSS Er. Choo is a Singapore Registered Professional Engineer with over 20 years of consulng experience both in Singapore and USA. In USA, he was a consultant with Dietrich Industries, Inc. and designed many Light-gage steel frame structures scaered over USA. He also spearheaded Dietrich Industries’s first IT project worth USD4 millions which enable their engineers to model, analyze and design any steel structures in 3D with automac shop drawing generaon. Prior to Oe he was a consultant at CPG Consultants Pte Ltd where he designed and supervised many building projects. He is the Technical Director of the Oe group of companies. Oe specializes in advanced and innovave IT soluons for Building, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering professionals. Er. Choo has extensive experience in computer-aided analysis and design with advanced engineering soſtware. He has conducted numerous training courses and seminars in Singapore and overseas. Er. Choo graduated with Master of Public Works and Master of Science in Civil Engineering with a Full Academic Merit Scholarship from University of Pisburgh, Pisburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. He was awarded the Chi Epsilon (Naonal Civil Engineering Honor Society, USA) scholarship in the Metropolitan District, the Naonal Dean’s List and School of Engineering Dean’s List in his undergraduate studies in the same university. Part 2: SEEP/W: Groundwater Seepage Analysis a. Finite Element Seepage Modeling in GeoStudio b. Meshing: Quadrilateral, Triangular, General c. Mesh Refinement point, line, regions d. Steady State Seepage Amalysis in SEEP/W e. Saturated/Unsaturated Soil Model f. Defining a hydraulic conducvity funcon g. Defining and assigning hydraulic boundary condions h. Viewing pore water pressure contours/flow vectors i. Calculang flow rate j. Transient Flow Example Part 3: SIGMA/W: Stress and Deformation Analysis a. Limear Elasc Analysis in SIGMA/W b. Sequenal Construcon using Cloning and using results from parent analysis c. Defining Insitu and Load/Deformaon Analysis d. Generang interface Elements with different soil properes e. Defining and assigning Stress/Strain Boundary Condions f. Add/Remove Regions (Excavaon/Fill) g. Viewing X and Y Displacement/Streesses h. Drawing customized graph results from finite element nodes and beam elements i. Embankment Built-up Example COURSE OUTLINE SPEAKER PROFILE GeoStudio Standard (SLOPE/W, SEEP/W, SIGMA/W) Hands-On Training

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Page 1: (SLOPE/W, SEEP/W, SIGMA/W) Hands-On Trainingottegroup.com/wp-content/uploads/G110G-MY-20191030.pdf · 10/30/2019  · GeoStudio Standard suite which includes SLOPE/W, SEEP/W and SIGMA/W

Introduction to GeoStudio Standard Suitea. IntegrationofSLOPE/W,SEEP/WandSIGMA/Wb. Usinganalysisresultsfromoneenginetoanotherc. Multipleanalysisonthesamemodel/geometryd. Exampleswithintegration

Part 1: SLOPE/W: Slope Stability Analysisa. FactorofSafetyApproachb. MethodofSlicesc. Definingastabilityproblemd. SoilMaterialPropertiese. Pore-waterpressureoptionsf. Analysis:SlipSearchMethods:Entry-Exit,Grid-Radiusg. AnalysisMethod:Janbu,Bishop,Ordinary,Morgenstern- Price,Spencer,GLEh. OptimizationofSlipSurfacei. Drawingaline/pointsurchrge/tensioncrackoptions fiilled/notfilledwithwaterj. Reinforcement:pile,anchor,soilnails,geofabrick. SafetyMapl. Sensitivityanalysis:piezometricline;soilparametersm. GraphPlotting:StrengthvsMobilisedShear

The objective of this course is to provide users with a comprehensive introduction to the modelling techniques used in GeoStudio Standard suite which includes SLOPE/W, SEEP/W and SIGMA/W. Key features essential for proper usage of the software to setup an analysis model will be covered.

Participants will learn the basics of using GeoStudio Standard suite to perform limit equilibrium slope stability analysis, finite elements seepage analysis and finite element stress-deformation analysis.




HeistheTechnicalDirectoroftheOttegroupofcompanies.OttespecializesinadvancedandinnovativeITsolutionsforBuilding,StructuralandGeotechnical Engineering professionals. Er. Choo has extensive experience in computer-aided analysis and design with advanced engineeringsoftware.HehasconductednumeroustrainingcoursesandseminarsinSingaporeandoverseas.

Er.ChoograduatedwithMasterofPublicWorksandMasterofScienceinCivilEngineeringwithaFullAcademicMeritScholarshipfromUniversityofPittsburgh,Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,USA.Hewasawarded theChiEpsilon (NationalCivil EngineeringHonorSociety,USA) scholarship in theMetropolitanDistrict,theNationalDean’sListandSchoolofEngineeringDean’sListinhisundergraduatestudiesinthesameuniversity.

Part 2: SEEP/W: Groundwater Seepage Analysisa. FiniteElementSeepageModelinginGeoStudiob. Meshing:Quadrilateral,Triangular,Generalc. MeshRefinementpoint,line,regionsd. SteadyStateSeepageAmalysisinSEEP/We. Saturated/UnsaturatedSoilModelf. Definingahydraulicconductivityfunctiong. Definingandassigninghydraulicboundaryconditionsh. Viewingporewaterpressurecontours/flowvectorsi. Calculatingflowratej. TransientFlowExample

Part 3: SIGMA/W: Stress and Deformation Analysisa. LimearElasticAnalysisinSIGMA/Wb. SequentialConstructionusingCloningandusingresults fromparentanalysisc. DefiningInsituandLoad/DeformationAnalysisd. GeneratinginterfaceElementswithdifferentsoil propertiese. DefiningandassigningStress/StrainBoundaryConditionsf. Add/RemoveRegions(Excavation/Fill)g. ViewingXandYDisplacement/Streessesh. Drawingcustomizedgraphresultsfromfiniteelement

nodesandbeamelementsi. EmbankmentBuilt-upExample



GeoStudio Standard (SLOPE/W, SEEP/W, SIGMA/W)

Hands-On Training

Page 2: (SLOPE/W, SEEP/W, SIGMA/W) Hands-On Trainingottegroup.com/wp-content/uploads/G110G-MY-20191030.pdf · 10/30/2019  · GeoStudio Standard suite which includes SLOPE/W, SEEP/W and SIGMA/W

COURSE INFORMATIONGeoStudio Standard (SLOPE/W, SEEP/W, SIGMA/W) Hands-On TrainingDate: 30 October 2019 (Wed)Time: 9:00am-5:00pm(RegistrationStart8:30am)Venue: #13-06, Level 13 Menara MBMR, No.1JalanSyedPutra,58000KualaLumpur,MalaysiaFees: Feesperparticipant RM850 Early-bird fees RM650

Notes: i. Early-birdfeesonlyvalidforregistrationsreceivedby30 September 2019.ii. Participantsarerequiredtobringtheirownlaptopswithnetworkingcapability.iii. TrainingLicensewillbeprovided.

Terms and Conditions:1. Due to limited seats, registration is on a first-come-first-served basis. Training seats will be confirmed upon receipt of payment. 2. Cancellation of registration notice must be made in writing if you are unable to attend. Course fees refund as follows:

• Notice received 14 days prior to course date - 90% refund.• Notice received 7 days prior to course date - 75% refund.• Cancellation will not be accepted if notice is received less than 7 days before the event; but a substitute delegate is welcomed at no

extra charge......................................................................................................................................................................................

REGISTRATION FORM Organization: .............................................................................................. Department: ..........................................................

Address: ........................................................................................................................................................................................

Person in charge (Dr/Mr/Ms): ....................................................................................... Job Title: .................................................

Email: ......................................................... Tel (O): ................................ (HP): ................................ Fax: ..................................

Participants’ Names: PE No.: Job Title Email: Please write clearly as it will be printed on the Certificate of Completion

(Dr/Mr/Ms)............................................... ............... ........................... ...............................................

(Dr/Mr/Ms)............................................... ............... ........................... ...............................................

(Dr/Mr/Ms)............................................... ............... ........................... ...............................................

(Dr/Mr/Ms)............................................... ............... ........................... ...............................................

(Dr/Mr/Ms)............................................... ............... ........................... ...............................................

(Dr/Mr/Ms)............................................... ............... ........................... ...............................................

I/We hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions stated above.

Person in charge Signature Date & Company StampPlease submit the completed registration form to the fax or email address below. An invoice & confirmation email will be sent to you upon receipt of your registration.

Otte Utama (M) Sdn Bhd (CO Reg.No. 650546T)#13-06, Level 13 Menara MBMR, No.1 Jalan Syed Putra, 58000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

T +603 2260 2168 F +603 2260 2163 E [email protected] www.ottegroup.com

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