s··l' c··y ··r.1d ' iyjj4.t. ·r l:j' .. •·on. · uds •moh is not and...

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 'fHE DEPARTMEN1' OF STATE ·• JJUIU:.AU Olt DIPLOMA'f'IC AND Tl:fE OF JUSTICE Ft:OERALlJURJf,.AU OF JNVE$TJGATION ·j CRIMINAL JUSTICE lNFORMNI10N SEtfVlCES DIVISION .. .. ' . . . . . . . . . . AND . . . TIJ& Of DEFENSE ... ··s··l' t,•i\.R. "N.'D ·e1··<>·lii. ........ ,Tn1·cs·· A..a··.:·N· c··y · .. ··:_!I •' "\ ··r.1d ... ' .. :. ·; ... .·.·,··.: .. iYJJ4.t. ·R ...... ... l:J' .. '·,,.,. •·on. SUARJ;NO ()f' BJ<>METlUC AND IDENTITY MANAGEMENT .DAT A I. PARTIES The parties to· this Men1orandur.n of U:nderstand.ing (MOU) am I)epartrnentrif (POS) Bureau of Diplomatic S:eeurity (t)S); the Department of'Justice (DOJ) Federal Bureau ofl.nvcstigatirm tVBI) Criminal .fustice I11thnnation Services (CHS) at:Jd the <Jf fkfcnse (DOD) Forensics and Hkitnctrks COFSA}, hereinafter reforred to as or ''the partfos.'' IJ. PURPOSE The putpose of this MdtJ is to share biometric a.tld C(}ntextual data among the by lev¢-taging existing tlata sharing practices th.tough developing a di.rect c(mdtdt for the patties Jo access databases storing biometric infom1atfon. rt is in the N;ition 's h:ttcrest CJlS and DFBA to shate this infhtmatfon to the prompt and μpdating of 'bi<lmetric records wotklw:lde, .guaranteeing the overall accuracy and Qfregula,r name c,hccks and investigatip11S for $UitabUit.Yl1t14 security detertninatkms; Facilitating and hnprovl:ng the capabilities of patty ttrshare bfonietric information with eath other t'v1U directly affectthe safety and security oftJ<S. Govetmnentoffi¢ials and facilities·domestically and it.ttematktr1aHy. Under an existing Information sharing MOU between •uoD and FBI, the DOU Automated Biometric ·klentificatfon (AfUS) shares bimnettfo i11forn'latfon with CJIS through the fnt(lgta.t® Autmttated F'ingerprrnt Identification System (IA.Fr$). Likewise, OS atvlClIS share directly under an .i.ri.teragency agreem.enl for justice applicant fingetptint c,hecks. Ill.AUTHORITY DFBA ente.rs into this MOU under the authority of National Security Presidential I>frective-59(NSP0'-59)!Homekmd Security Ptesidentfa!Directive-24 (HSJ>})•24) for the use, armlysis. a:nd sharing of biometric ai'ld associated biographic and cont¢x.tual itrfr.lm1ation of' individuals necessary to protect national. security; .Public Law lO<ie 246, sc:ction and DOD Directive Departn1e;nt o.fDcfonse Bio.metdcs. l EPIC-7

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Page 1: s··l' c··y ··r.1d ' iYJJ4.t. ·R l:J' .. •·on. · Uds •MOH is not and shQuld r.tm l?C ·cotlstrued, ·to create any right or benefit, substantive pr pro®dural. enforceable




·j CRIMINAL JUSTICE lNFORMNI10N SEtfVlCES DIVISION .. .. ' . . . . . . . . . .


... ··s··l' t,•i\.R. "N.'D ·e1··<>·lii. ........ ,Tn1·cs·· A..a··.:·N· c··y · .. ··:_!I •' "\ ··r.1d ... ' .. :. ·; ... .·.·,··.: .. iYJJ4.t. ·R ...... ... l:J' .. '·,,.,.


I. PARTIES The parties to· this Men1orandur.n of U:nderstand.ing (MOU) am I)epartrnentrif

(POS) Bureau of Diplomatic S:eeurity (t)S); the Department of'Justice (DOJ) Federal Bureau ofl.nvcstigatirm tVBI) Criminal .fustice I11thnnation Services (CHS)

at:Jd the <Jf fkfcnse (DOD) Forensics and Hkitnctrks COFSA}, hereinafter reforred to as or ''the partfos.''

IJ. PURPOSE The putpose of this MdtJ is to share biometric a.tld C(}ntextual data among the by lev¢-taging existing tlata sharing practices th.tough developing a di.rect c(mdtdt for the patties Jo access databases storing biometric infom1atfon. rt is in the N;ition 's h:ttcrest CJlS and DFBA to shate this infhtmatfon to the prompt and

µpdating of 'bi<lmetric records wotklw:lde, .guaranteeing the overall accuracy and Qfregula,r name c,hccks and investigatip11S for $UitabUit.Yl1t14 security detertninatkms; Facilitating and hnprovl:ng the capabilities of

patty ttrshare bfonietric information with eath other t'v1U directly affectthe safety and security oftJ<S. Govetmnentoffi¢ials and facilities·domestically and it.ttematktr1aHy. Under an existing Information sharing MOU between •uoD and FBI, the DOU Automated Biometric ·klentificatfon (AfUS) shares bimnettfo i11forn'latfon with CJIS through the fnt(lgta.t® Autmttated F'ingerprrnt Identification System (IA.Fr$). Likewise, OS atvlClIS share directly under an .i.ri.teragency agreem.enl for justice applicant fingetptint c,hecks.

Ill.AUTHORITY DFBA ente.rs into this MOU under the authority of National Security Presidential I>frective-59(NSP0'-59)!Homekmd Security Ptesidentfa!Directive-24 (HSJ>})•24) for the use, armlysis. a:nd sharing of biometric ai'ld associated biographic and cont¢x.tual itrfr.lm1ation of' individuals necessary to protect national. security; .Public Law lO<ie 246, sc:ction and DOD Directive Departn1e;nt o.fDcfonse Bio.metdcs.



Page 2: s··l' c··y ··r.1d ' iYJJ4.t. ·R l:J' .. •·on. · Uds •MOH is not and shQuld r.tm l?C ·cotlstrued, ·to create any right or benefit, substantive pr pro®dural. enforceable

CJIS enters into this MOU u.nde:r the authority of 5 U.SX:. § 9101, l.LS.C. § 533, 534; 28 C.F.R § antl the Attorney General's Apl'il 11, 2002, order to c.oordin.ate and informatfon. related. to terro.rism,

DS ent-crs into this MOUundet the authority ofExe:cuth;e Orde.r Access to CIMsitied Information; 5 C.F.R. § 131 Suitability and Ac.tkms.; NSPD-59/HSPD-24 forthe analysi$, Md sharing ofhiometric and associated biographic and C(mtextua.1 in.formatinn Qf indi v.idtmls necessary tQ .national security; HSP'D• 12 for use ofthe govenunent-wid.e standard identifi<:a.tion l l regarding immigration; HSPD-6 for diplomatfo:. law enforcement, inunig:ration, visa and protective 22 u.s.c. § 4806, Protection of'lforeign Ct).nsulates; 22 U.S.C, §

Bstablishmentc.lfVisa and Passport Security Ptograminthe Department of State; J 8UJtC. § 91 l. ·False tepl'esentation ·of dti:zens· of the• CJ n.ited States; 18

§ 104$ •• Fraud ttt\d in c<:>n.necticm with identificatkin documents, authertticatio.ti features, and infotmati.on; 18 U.S.C. § 1546, Fraud and misuse i..lfv:i:sas, permits; and other docunients; and 18 U.S,C, § 1, Special maritime and terrltorialjurisdi<:tion ofthe United States.

JV. DEFlNfl:'.IONS A. BIOME'tRIC: A measure of an identifying physical asp¢et of an individual-

e.g., -t:t.fing¢tprint,.. it.is scan, or I)NA---"tharcan be turned into11 digital template capable of being electmnically stored and compared for verification or matc,hipg

B. SIOMBTlUC DATA: Compt.tkr data created dnring a binrnetric It c11compasses.taw sensot'. observations. ·biometric models, templates and/or similarity scores. Biometric data ls used to .describe the information tollect:ed during an enrollment., v.erlfieatfon, <Jl' identi:ficatfon process, bot does rmt apply to end user information such as user name, demograJ>hic information and

C. BIOMETRICS: A general tertn used alternatively to describe a characteristic or a process, As a characteristic., it ·is the m.eus4te of a biological (anatt,mk.QJ and

behavioral biometric characteristic iliatcan be A$ u process, it is. methods of recognizing an

on the measure -0f biological (anatomical and physi<.Hogical) and/or. behavioral bio.tttetric characteristics.

D. CONTHXTUAL DATA: Elements of biogra,phical and situatfoual htfomuttion associated vdth an enrollment and permanently recorded as. an integral component of the biometric file. ·

R lNFORMA'rfON: For the pu.rposes Qf this M()U and associated detogat-0ry irtfonnation is defined any it1formatio:n t'elatoo to known ot lnvc:lfVeftl¢ntip tf:tro.ris(rt activities; krblWll ¢dmfoal_histoty;

kno\.\m or su3pected 1n espionage or counter .. intelligenc.e a:etivlti.es; known or suspected falsification ofrecords in seeking ernplo}mertt ·with any U .s.


Page 3: s··l' c··y ··r.1d ' iYJJ4.t. ·R l:J' .. •·on. · Uds •MOH is not and shQuld r.tm l?C ·cotlstrued, ·to create any right or benefit, substantive pr pro®dural. enforceable

.·.·.·.·.<·.·.·.:············ ..

F. S\1kit!Pt,. c(:)rjveftii)g h into .and storing it in the hie.metric tb.t lat¢r c.otil:parisori.. ·

tNF0lQ\1AT!ONINCtDENT:. Thp 19ss ai;;qlJ;isiti9n; Ut)f.lUthoriZ¢(la.i;;c:ess, or .atiy tetm

re•'Cro!lgtp \•Vf:l¢tt; • per$(}1)S Jhan t}tttnorize(i pr .{qt @;Y ot,h¢r thap•authodz¢d. t1urv.ose, .. .• or:·w.t¢tidal.

·(tittn, whether p:hysfoaiorelee;froufc, H. PER.'SONAttY IDffi\r:t!FiASLE INPORMATldN(PiI): ltifotmation which

cru1 be w diS;tingµish or trace an identity, such as their .name., socilll biom,et"tjc.tcc()tds, etq., aJottei orwnen ee>Wbined with

or .i4e.ntifying .o-f.'Jillkaille to a $pecific itid.ividuaf, $U¢h place of mother's maiden .name, etc.

l QFlNT.ISREST: Any nonwt).S, person on whon1 information a& defined

J. US. pf$'.Q.$()N: .A Uving person who is a citizen o:f tbe United States, an alien laWt\Aly admitted ft?tpel'.fi'tanent in .the United States., ot a.member of the U,$, Arm:e<i f<)>rees.

V. B1';CkQRQUND 0$. is fqr providing a $'lfe an4 for t4e of tIS.

establi$hh1g a $eg¥fi'y t9.protcct personnel., antf C'1i:UP'Uter security. The Assistant Dire¢t(;)rfur Domesti¢

global offiee that cond.uets fu>th eri111inal investigations itiv<:il\iing the-issuat1¢¢ .QftJ.S, passt)Orts and visas and. com.ptex. visa f)aud .investigationsirrvdlving.human shtuggling, organized crimei orterrori&m. The .Office of Seeurity and Smtability(llS/StlPSS) re,Viewsand aoalyzes background .investigations of candidates for employme-nt, ancl for employees and contra<:tors seeking tlil1d• 1ogicaJ access to DS to that granting an in.divitlua1 access to is consistent with the intetes$ of national security, OSISI!P$S conducts approximately pets<>rtnel security backgttmnd uwestigations for suitability determinations and clearances each year. These background investlga.ti.<)ns include an .increasing 11.umber ofteq.uests and applkations f.ron1foreign :natiomdstbr access to U.S. fodlities abroad. The Deptrty.Assistar1t Secretary and Assistant Director for Intemational Programs {DS/lP) and the Deputy Assistant Secretary fhr High Threat Prognuns (DS!HTP)provideleadership,. and ovel"$ight of cJverseas security and law enforcement programs and related ptilicy

the of U .s. Government interests· and the international c.ommtmity.

The ens. Division serves as the Natfon'$ central repository for identificatkm and ctiminathistozy rQcord il:iformation. The CJJS Division maintains millions ofdigital representation$ of fingerprint imagest fe.atutes :from digital fingerprint images, and associated crilnin.al history record int'om1ati:on in the Fingerprint Identification



Page 4: s··l' c··y ··r.1d ' iYJJ4.t. ·R l:J' .. •·on. · Uds •MOH is not and shQuld r.tm l?C ·cotlstrued, ·to create any right or benefit, substantive pr pro®dural. enforceable

Recotd System: {HUlS):. 'fhe FJRS \nc()q»rates ·$lJ. automatic fingerprint sear.eh its IAF'iS. · ·

DFBA lea& atl<:i coo.tditiates the devefoptnent. adoption and itlStitutionalization of biometric tecb:niques for acquiring and retaining bi9mettlc and other descriptive data

by m.illtazy units. OFHA.' s Biometrics Identity Management. Activity (SIMA) operl.\tes and maintains the OOD' s which storesf and shares

and other i<tentity management data (inctu.Q.ing and. contexttu.d data).

The parties acknowledge the infomuufon involved in this MOU may identify tJ;S, persons Wh<>se information is l)l'Qtected by Privacy Act of 1974 and/or Executive Order 12333.{or any successor executive order). All such i:nfrlttnatfon 'Will b<,t handled lawfully putsuarit to the provisions thcteof.

All parties will: 1. Adhere to applicable technical standards., appropriate business prtJCeS...\le$, and

pti.vaqy Protection m¢Chanisms required under the Privacy Act. of 1974 related. tn the sharing of U.S. Government data and conform to OMB Memurandum M•07 6, Sateguardin,g. Ag;;tin.$t and :Responding to the Breach of Personally Identifiable Information {PU). to the signing. of this. MOU, the parties wm develop apd agree tQ lt:>:t;imJcatprocedures identifying. the specific J)roce$$¢S bywhicb privacy protections ·wnt be N-0 data wiU .be shared nursuant to this MOU until such nroc,edures .are it:nnleri1ented.






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6. to je other parties immediately upon diseove1'mg · t au intorinatl<ul ineidenthas t)ccutt:ed.



VU. FUNJ)ING· this MOU is il<>t·an offumts. uqr for transfer of twi4s. ..

this MOU. Expenditures by each Part.¥ wm be tp its pt®¢SS¢$ and the availa1'ili1Y of and resources pu.tstult1t to .applicable laws,

policies. The parties expressly acknowledge that this in no way imPli¢s that Coilgress Will. appropriate funds for such expenditures. ·

VUt EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT Uds •MOH is not and shQuld r.tm l?C ·cotlstrued, ·to create any right or benefit, substantive pr pro®dural. enforceable at or otherwise .against any of the pa.rtiesJ theit Urtited States; or the officers, employees; or. other a$sociated. personneltheteof: The parties will to resolve any disputes regarding this MOU by irtutual consultation.

This. MOU does not t¢SCind. or rnodify1 in whole <)r in part, anyexistin,g agreements bem-ecm onunoi1gthe parties. fa the event of an inconsistency or conflict between this andothet identltyin.g the· issile will discU--t<s and resolve the c0rttli¢t witli all other parties before any action is taken. Additionally, should any co'1t1i.et the or interpretatit1n ofthe terma ·of this #gteement, the issue$. in. will be discussed and resolved by a.fl parties he fore any action is taken. ·

IX.D:ISPUTE RESOLUTI<)N In the event th;it disputes among DS, CJIS., and DFBA cannot be resolved at tlte . program level.despite faith eftbrts. the rnattershould· be elevated to the approvingofffoialslisfod·in X1 for· resolution.

X. EFFEC'I'IVE DATE, AMEN])MENT, TERMINATION The terms of thi$ agtee1nent and any subsequent addenda shall be effective upon the signature t)f all parties and shall c()rttinue 1n effect unless notice is given by one party to tbe·otlters that the party wishes· to terminate,, t)r ·witll<kaw from the agr«ntent. Such \s,rittennotice shall be provtded at least 6() days priort:o the prop1ised amendment,. ot withdrawal. Modifications shall have a written agreement of ¢<Jnsent by .all parties.

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.·.· .. ·.··•·.·.·.·.· •.. · .. ··· ..•. ·.·.<.·.·.·.·.·.·.-.· .• · .. -............. ·•·. ·•· ... ·.··:···:·'<::·::··.·.-.:

The authorized ag¢t:tcy officials· whose sigr1atures appear hefow have cotnmJt;tedtheir .respective t:he tetn:ts oft:h1s $Ubject tq reviewfo

are needed. · ·

X( •. A.PPlOY.AL . . . The .. (he bet;Ween J'.)$,.

Davi Cuthbertson Assistant.Oi.r:ectot Crinlinallu$tice information Services Division ·Federal Bure.au. oftnvestigation



) i s; ·nate

A. Am1ex l ··'' Subseqµeut Exchange ofOttta between the of State. ofI)ipl.on1atic ().fllce: of Pel'Scn1nel Security and. Suitability; and

the. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau -of Investigation, Crimig:al Justice• lnfotilUltiPn Div)$jon; and of Defen$e, Defense.Forensics and B.fo.metrics Agency

B. Anuex 2 Subs,qui;mt Exchange of Data between the.Oepartment.<>fSt;ate, Bureau Directorate· of Operations; S!nd



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Department of J1Jstiqe, Federal Bureau of Criminal • [nformatibn.Setvfoes DiviSio11; and the Department of Defense, Defense Foren$ics and !Jiometrics . ·

C. Annex; 3 Exchange of Data between thef)eputtment of State, Bureau oflli.pfomafic Security, C!f lntematiunal Programs and High Threat ftegratils; and the Depamnentof Jttstice, Federal Bureau oflnvestigationi Criminal Justic¢ · foftlntl.ution Set.vices Division; at\d the Department D¢f¢nseForensics and



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TbJs. $Pver11ed th¢ general provisions t'>ftlw Men1orandt.m1 of <.rfl)iplomatk (DS). the

l<'f;4ftalSliteau of'l)lvestmatfons (FBf) {:riminal Justice Ittformation.Services Division (C1I$Jant.f tlle De,partrne11t.of Detense (UOP). Oetlnse f'arens.fos and·HitJmetrlc$ Agency (ll:FS.A} for and ethetidentity management data.

t. Jtt1UOS£ pfth1st\t'f.fl¢)(1.$t9 all-0w tbe J)S (Sl)Offiee .cjf

PerstllltielSeAurit:Y .and SuhabiHty {PSS) to conduct relevant data.i11quities for DS . and to share· relevant information on persQns .of htterest vnthth¢ DFBA..

JL QIJECTIVE 'the .Pbjecti.ve t1t'this Ann¢x is to establi$h by which ·OS/SI/PSS will submit inf()ntta:tion T:orretentiou withitt the DOD Auto.mated Bion1ctric Identification System (ABfSJafterthe ittitial scatches have beencmnplet:ed ptlrsnant to the MOU. These) ptoo¢(1U:te$ w111·ensure the prol'llpt ac;cunite of records and contribute to .the QV,ra].t comprehensiveness b:f i.tWestigatfrms ·for suitability and security detertnil'Ul:tions, ·

Annexd;e¢s n-0t cancel or agreements. and D:PUA or tiny .• This Annex is contined to data exchanged under the authorl.tles listed at Seciion IlI of the source MOU among OS; ems and DFBA.


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V. This . .i\nn¢x is l'J.(.)t at1. obligation (1r commitment· of funds, nor a basis fat transfer Qf futids. Unl<1ss tfl its own c-0sis hl.rela.tit:>n to thts Annex s.o11rce MOU. E..":penditurt:s· by ·e$thparl)r .. \\-'ill••h¢· subj.ectt<J.

aml to the availab.ility otfi;1hds and pursuant to applicable tawsj ap(,t plilkies;. The partic$ expressly ackt()Wledge that this in no way implies that Ce>t)sress wtll upprqpri1:1te fitnds fbr such e:l(pendituros.

VI. EFf'ECTIVE. JlATE,DlJRA TION, AMENDMENT, TERMINATION Tit\s . upon the qf in v:nJess giv¢ti t>y qne party to the that the notifying party ·wishes ft)

or w1thdrawtro1n the agreement ·Such writtenn-0tie¢ shall be provided 60 to the proposed· attter1dtnent, t:errnlt1111;tion., or withdrawal. Modifications shalt have a written agrecmenrofconsent by both parties.

The officials whose signatures in the MOU.have committed their respeqtivc: agencies to the terms of this agreement, st1b,ject to annual review to detenrtine W'fletber amendments are needed.

Vll. Theforegomg the reached between OS/SL'f>.SS, CJT:S, and OFJlA,. Signatures of !J,greement on the MOU indicate approval of this aimex.


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... ; ....... :.·i· .. ;.·.::·.;:·.· .• : · ... ·.


THE ));EPARTMENT OF STATE B '(rU'TfA· •11 ()b··1·>·1· .. o·M· . ·A. ·r·· ·1c::· ·s··12·(.:'t:J0 1· T. .. .. .I . : · ... · .. .. · ·.: ·. ·· .. · ,· .. ...t-·. ·" .· .. I



AND Tff'.&llE:PAR1'l\'fEST Of :O&Fft!NS1!1


'Ibis Ann¢x is: PY the gen¢ntl .proYl$iC!rts 9ft:b,e Met)lQratidtlm o.fUndersranding t})e (DQS)B\t•u,QfDiplomatfo Se(:urity(DS)) the

Fed¢taJ,.Bllt¢au of lnvestigatkms{FBI) Cnmfru1l.Justiee· InfQrm,ationServices,Divisfon (CJJSJand the Department ()fDe:f'ens¢ (OOD)Detbnse Forensies and Biometrics Agency (nf:BA) for ·sharing of biort1etric and other :ide11tify managcinentdata.

1. ruRPQss The putp()se o:fth.isAnnex is to allow l>S Domestic Operathms {DQ) to conduct relevant q(J14 inquiriesJor D$ h1v-.:stigativc and to share relevani information on persons ofinterest wfth the l)FBA

IJ. ·OBJECTIVE 'Fhe .Qbjective of tlth: Annex is to establish procedurai; by wblchDSIDO will subtnit

forrttt¢nti9rt \VithinABIS .af\er .seateh¢s,·hav¢ 00en e<itnpleted tpe f)$ .. ¢JJ$ .. IJFB/'\ These will en$\lt' and

bm:ta nd¢$ t)f tf.$., 'ltts(f;$ dhth:tg the investigative pr.peess and cOttttibQ.tetQ :tl1¢ prohmtic,;n pf C.fov¢mrnerit facfliti¢$ .ovmea.s,

iu.sco:eE Tl1i$ . .Annex does not· ean:cel or sl.lP.¢rsede existing between :OS/DO and O:FBAotat1Y pW,¢fpatt:y, Artrte>c i$ tt'.l data. eX¢hat1ged m1der the autl1c1rities listed at Secti.t)!l.lll ofl;fle $t.)Utce MOU among DS, CJlS and .OFilA.


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·.·:· .. ·.··:··::::-.···.···· .. · .. · ... ·.; .............. :.·.·.·.· .. ·'· ..... · .. · .. · .... · .. ·.

V •. FttN'UtNr; notart tlhliganon o.r <:on1n1itment M funds. nor a b;tsis for transfer of funds.

lftde$s othen11ti$e.agreed to in .. eat'h patty shaU bear its ow'tl ·costs hi relation to tllts Anhe;t{ and its. Source M()U, Expenciitures by will be to its budgetary .f!to¢esses and to the availabiUty offUnds and p.µr.sq.ant to applicable laW$, r¢gulations;. and Th¢ parties eX,pressly ackt10Wledg¢ that this in itf.> way implies that Congress wm appropriate futids Jh:r such expenditures.

VI. EFFECTJVE DATE, DURA'tlON, AMENDl\t:E)N1', This Am1ex shall be effective upon the signature .<>f both parties an.d shall cortt'im1e in effect unless nqtice is given by one party to. tbe othetthat tbe nc>tifyb:1g.party wi$fles t()

tenni.tui.te, o-r withdraw from the agree.t11ent. Such written notice shall ·he at least 60 tittys ptfor to the proposed amendment, termination, or Withdrawal..

Mt..ldifications .$hall have a written agre(;lment of consent by both parties.

Tf1eauthQrlz¢d $ignatt1res .ap11¢atinthe MOU •have tlie terms of this agreerhetlt, subject to annual review to

detetminewhethe:r ament,hnents ar¢ needed. ·

the rea*hed J;)S/DO and DPBA Sif!natut¢sof aifeen1eitt on the MOU iudicate api}roval of this annex,


b71l per DOS


Page 12: s··l' c··y ··r.1d ' iYJJ4.t. ·R l:J' .. •·on. · Uds •MOH is not and shQuld r.tm l?C ·cotlstrued, ·to create any right or benefit, substantive pr pro®dural. enforceable





()[tc'· . . . cllll\>ttNJ\L JUST:fcE JNFORMi\;fl()N sER,V-Jc;gs J)l\r:iSl()N



This * bythe gene.ral provisions oflhe Memorandum of Underst(lndlng (MOtJ)betWt'® the (l)QS) 13urcau of Oir>lomanc Security the Fcdcml.. Bureau ofinv¢s#gaticms (FBI) Crim.inal Justice

f!l'ld of Defense (DQD) {)efonse Forensics and Bi(>tnetrics Agency (IlFBA) for Sharing of biometric and other identity m.auage1nent data.

t. P(TJlPQ$E The putpQ$e of this.Annex is to allow tbe Depµty and Assistant

Secrerazyfor Hi$h Throat thtougltR¢gienal $ecurjty (RSO) ill u.s, Eml>a$sies an4 CnnsµlaJes to conduct relevai).tdata inquiries thr 0$ it'.lV¢.st:lgativc and vettjng ta share relevant i,.,fo.tmatitmon persons of'i.nterest to the

II. '£he objective of this Artnex is tt) establish by which. OS/f Pand DSilff P through tl:l¢ R$Os \viU submit infunnation for retention within ASlS aft.er the imtiru searches htwe been omnpleted to the IJS-CJtS•DFBA MOU. These procedures ·wm safeguardU. s. diplomatic. facilitks.aml information.·overseas,

llI.SCOP:f! th.is not. cancel or supetsedee..xisting a,greemcntsbetween OSft:P Md/or .DSJHTP ap(j DFSA or any other party. Thi$ Annex is CQnfined data excba!lge<l unde1· the auth()rifie.s listed at Section TH of the source MOU among DS, CJIS and DFSA.




Page 13: s··l' c··y ··r.1d ' iYJJ4.t. ·R l:J' .. •·on. · Uds •MOH is not and shQuld r.tm l?C ·cotlstrued, ·to create any right or benefit, substantive pr pro®dural. enforceable

V. FUNDING This At:m¢x.isnotan obligation or commitment .of ntlr a basis for transfer of funds. tJritess otherwise agreed to Jn each pa.tty shall its <lWn. cnsts in tebttfoti to tbi$ Annex and its source MOU, .by each party be sub,jectto proc:e5Ses arid to the avaihtbility of :t\tnds.and resources

regtdations, poH¢ies. The parties.¢)tpressly aek.nowle<lg<: that this in no way implies that Congress \vill appro.priate .funds for such

VI. DATE, J>VRATION, AMENDME·N1', AND TERl\flNA"flON '11tis Annex shall be effective upon the $ignature of both parties and shall c-0ntinue in effect unless notice:fa given by one party to the other that the tRltifying party wishes t-o renegtitiate, tJr withdraw. trot:n ihe ftgtcernt--nt. Streb· writtim notice shall be pro\1ded at least 60 days prior to the proposed amendment. termination, or withdrawal. Modifications shall have a "Written agreement ofco:n$etltby both parties.

!he aitth<>med agency officials whose signatures appear in the MOU have committed tbeir to the·•temis of(his agreentent t() ftnnual reviewto determine whether amendments. are needed,

VU. APl*ROVAl; The foregrlirtg n:presents the understanding reached between DS/IP, DSfHTP and D.FBA. Sign.atures of agreement 011 the MOU i:ndi:eate approval: ofthi.s an.ti.ex.


b7E per DOS