sixth grade computer orientation august 12, 2015

Sixth Grade Computer Orientation AUGUST 12, 2015

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Page 1: Sixth Grade Computer Orientation AUGUST 12, 2015

Sixth Grade Computer OrientationAUGUST 12, 2015

Page 2: Sixth Grade Computer Orientation AUGUST 12, 2015



Computer Assignment

How to Care for your Computer

Authorization of Electronic Access

Internet Safety


Log-ins, Intranet, Student Webpages, Saving Work

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Computer Assignment

Computers will be assigned within the first week of school.

When computers are assigned:Check to make sure your name, computer

number and serial number match your computer.

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Proper Care of Computers

Computers must be used on a desk or hard surface at all times.

Computers are used by the assigned users ONLY! (Do not share your computer with your friends.)

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Proper Care

Use two hands when transporting the computer.

Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands before and after computer use.

Keep food and drink away from the computers & out of computer bags.

Open the laptop slowly & carefully. Never bend the screen all the way back.

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Proper Care

Power your computer down at the end of the day. Do not leave it running all the time.

Always plug your computer in the cart at the end of the day.

Do not pick at or slam keys on the keyboard.

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Raise your hand if you can name one way to properly use a computer!

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Authorization for Electronic Access

Each staff member must sign this Authorization as a condition for using the Springfield Ball Charter and the District’s Electronic Network connection. Each student AND his or her parent(s)/guardian(s) must sign the Authorization before being granted unsupervised access. Please read this document carefully before signing. 

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Authorization for Electronic Access

All use of the Internet shall be consistent with Springfield Ball Charter and the District’s goal of promoting educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. This Authorization does not attempt to state all required or proscribed behavior by users. However, some specific examples are provided.

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Terms and Conditions

Acceptable Uses


Unacceptable Uses

Network Etiquette

No Warranties



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Terms and Conditions


Telephone Charges

Copyright Web Publishing Rules

Use of Electronic Mail

Internet Safety

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Authorization for Electronic Access

The failure of any user to follow the terms of the Authorization for Electronic Network Access will result in the loss of privileges, disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action.

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Technology Violations

Computer use is a privilege, not a right If your computer privileges are revoked, you will be provided

with alternate resources in order to complete the assignment

Tech violations are recorded as referrals in our information system.

Classroom rules also apply to computer usage. Any violation of a classroom rule involving the use of a computer can lead to a tech violation! Classroom teachers, administration, and tech support reserve the right to determine what constitutes a tech violation.

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“Suggested” Disciplinary Measures for Tech Violations

Violation Consequence

First 1 week revocation of computer privileges

Second 2 weeks revocation of computer privileges

Third Loss of computer privileges for remainder of the quarter (9 weeks); Computer Check in-Check out

Subsequent You don’t want to know.

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Authorization for Electronic Access

The signatures at the end of this document are legally binding and indicate the parties who signed have read the terms and conditions carefully and understand their significance.

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Authorization for Electronic Network Access Form

Submit to Building Principal

Students and their parents/guardians will be required to sign this Authorization for Electronic Network Access annually while the student is enrolled in Springfield Ball Charter School. Staff members will be required to sign this Authorization for Electronic Network Access annually while employed by the Springfield Ball Charter School.

Please check the appropriate box:

❒ Staff member

❒ Parent/Guardian of student

❒ Student

*I understand and will abide by the above Authorization for Electronic Network Access. I understand Springfield Ball Charter and/or its agents may access and monitor my use of the Internet, including my e-mail and downloaded material, without prior notice to me. I further understand, should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked and school disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action may be taken. In consideration for using the Springfield Ball Charter and the District’s electronic network connection and having access to public networks, I hereby release Springfield Ball Charter School and Springfield Public School District and its Board members, employees, and agents from any claims and damages arising from my use of, or inability to use, the Internet.

User Name (please print) S ig n a tu re Date

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Students are required to have a parent/guardian read and agree to the following: I have read this Authorization for Electronic Network Access. I understand access is designed for educational purposes and Springfield Ball Charter has taken precautions to eliminate controversial material. However, I also recognize it is impossible for Springfield Ball Charter to restrict access to all controversial and inappropriate materials. I will hold harmless Springfield Ball Charter, its employees, agents, or Board members, for any harm caused by materials or software obtained via the network. I accept full responsibility for supervision, if and when my child’s use is not in a school setting. I have discussed the terms of this Authorization with my child, and hereby request that my child be allowed access to the Springfield Ball Charter and the District’s Internet.

Parent/Guardian Name (please print) S ig n a tu re Date

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Internet Safety

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Digital Discipline

Remain the primary influence in your kids’ lives.

“Digital Dialog”: Talk to your student about internet safety & set boundaries for all media tools they use

Require your child to protect their information by having limited & “protected” profiles, where they can only add friends they know

Set the example—protect your information, use parent passwords & settings on programs when available

Report any concerns of cyber bullying to Ball Charter administration

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For more information:

References: Reprinted with permission from “Parry Aftab’s Guide to

Keeping Your Kids Safe Online,

MySpace, Facebook and Xanga, Oh! My!” Parry Aftab, Esq.,

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Insurance Application

Online Application

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Logging In



Student Webpages

Saving Documents

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Thank you for your time.

Have a Great Year!