sixth form prospectus - shelley college


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sixth form prospectus

“My teacher’s passion for their subject inspired

my career path”. Amy Sellers went on to achieve a 2:1 at Birmingham City University in Textile Design specialising in embroidery and has recently been

commissioned to produce art work for five windows at Harvey Nichols in London.

Emily Henderson studying Biology, PE, Psychology & Chemistry.

Our sixth form is increasingly becoming the first choice destination for students from a number of high schools as well as our own. We offer a distinctive choice; being a relatively small post-16 institution we can offer a level of personal attention that is difficult to match elsewhere. This personal touch extends to teaching and to our pastoral support, where our small class sizes allow teachers to offer individual guidance which enables our staff to know

each student well and help at whatever level is needed. This standard is reflected in our rapidly improving results, with the most recent set placing us in the top 5% of all post-16 institutions nationally. There are a wealth of curriculum options available and a warm, friendly and happy atmosphere balanced with a determination to help everybody achieve their personal goals.

welcoMe“shelley college is a warm, friendly environment where a student is treated as an individual, not just one of many students, or simply a number.” Will Gibson head Boy

Joshua Dyson studying Applied Science and Level 3 Diploma in Sport.

A level of personal

attention that is difficult to

match elsewhere

Be happy and confident at college and


Help everybody to reach their full potential

we compete at a high standard in a

wide variety of sports

one to one support for UcAS


we have an action plan for success

we help people work together


we frequently celebrate students’successes

Progression to universities and employment is second to none

A wealth of curriculum

options available

“The school is constantly investing in student welfare and has a great

pastoral system in place to act as a safety net if you do

find you are struggling”. James Fearnley ex Head Boy now studying Architecture at Sheffield Hallam University.

Amber Clay studying Theatre Studies, English Language, History & Media Studies.

valuesParents tell us that they value a college where their son or daughter feels happy, valued, known as an individual and supported to do their best. We do our utmost to deliver these aims. We have a commitment to achieving our guiding values, our four ‘C’s’:

These values underpin all our policies which place an emphasis on recognising students for doing their best or exceeding expectations. We frequently celebrate students’ successes and we set great store by working together with parents, to achieve the best outcomes we can for their child.

Shelley College’s fundamental beliefs about education are summarised in our mission statement of “Valuing People, Supporting Personal Best”. The first part of this statement illustrates our desire to help young people be happy and confident at college and beyond. We think this in turn gives them the best chance of being successful in achieving their goals and ambitions.

The second part of our mission statement encourages all of us to keep trying our best. This is not an easy option; asking young people to always try their best in everything they do is very ambitious and we do all we can to help everybody to reach their full potential.

ethos & values

Students at our college are treated as more than just a number. There is an active student council that makes many of the important decisions affecting sixth formers and we work closely with each individual to produce an action plan for success.

Help is always available when needed.This approach, together with a rich curriculum, has brought our students considerable success. They perform very strongly in public examinations, compete at a very high standard in a wide variety of sports, perform at the highest levels of dance, drama and music, contribute to

a wide variety of charitable causes and support numerous community causes.

The same beliefs apply equally to our staff. We believe in investing in our staff, to help them become the best they can be. We want our employees to feel valued, happy in their work and keen to achieve their personal best. We believe this commitment leads to brilliant lessons and fantastic student progress.

our staff are friendly, hard-working and a great team.

teachinG support

“shelley college was a fantastic place to study with brilliant opportunities. it was a great two years of meeting amazing friends and teachers who strive to help you achieve your goals.”.

Natalie Ratcliffe in her final year of study at the Royal Veterinary College in London

Natalie Rowan studying English Language, French and Psychology.

Applied Information & Communications Technology

Applied Science

AQA Baccalaureate

Art & Design


Business Studies




Drama & Theatre Studies


English Language

English Literature

Extended Project


General Studies




Further Mathematics

Media Studies



Physical Education

Level 3 Diploma in Sport

Community Sports Leader Award

Philosophy & Ethics


Product Design: Graphic Products

Product Design: Resistant Materials

Product Design: Textiles




Progression Module

our courses

Which course?shelley college offers a wide range of as and a level courses as well as Btec and other awards for study at sixth form college.

Courses available subject to number of applicants

applied information & communications technoloGy

The study of ICT is about exploring, analysing and evaluating the uses of ICT in “The Information Age”.

ICT is constantly evolving with new technologies being developed and new uses for those technologies being developed almost daily.

You will study a range of aspects of “The Information Age” including the impact that ICT has on individuals within society, how the use of ICT has changed peoples’ lives including the way they work, where, how and when they work, how people conduct their finances, shopping, etc.

You willl also look at entertainment and how ICT has become a major contributor to everyone’s leisure time. You will analyse the processes involved in an online business and look at the back-office functions that they need to get right in order to thrive in a very competitive online world.

Why study ict?

If you decide to go on to study at University then whichever course you choose will require a high level of ICT skill and use access course materials, do research etc. This is why the Russell Group of top Universities describes ICT as “a useful subject to have for a large number of courses”.

career and future study options

• Computer Forensics • Games Design • Systems Analysis • Web Design • IT / Business Management • Information / Communications Management

possiBle career routes include:

applied science

Firstly, because you like and enjoy Science. You can also combine Applied Science with arts or humanities subjects.

Another attractive feature is that it combines Biology, Chemistry and Physics in one A-Level and provides an entry point to vocational Science careers.

If you enjoy researching information for yourself and organising it into a really good piece of coursework; if you are well organised and good at meeting deadlines; and if you want to do Biology, Chemistry and Physics but not as separate A Level’s; then Applied Science may well be a good choice for you.

Why studyapplied science?

Career and future study options Applied science can help you into a wide variety of careers that could be medical, scientific or sports based.

career and future study options

• Radiography • Biomedical sciences • Nursing • Business studies • Sports Science • Law • Occupational therapy

possiBle career routes include:

aQa Baccalaureate art & desiGn

An understanding of the visual world is not only enriching, it also allows you to communicate with others in a variety of creative ways. It allows for personal expression, the development of skills and ideas and the potential to produce an exciting and meaningful outcome. Throughout this course you will experiment with a wide range of art materials and techniques. You will explore and refine your creative ideas, developing them as you work to ensure that they develop and conclude in an outcome of a professional standard. Your studies will culminate in an exciting display of your work.

Your practical investigations will be supported by research into artists, crafts persons and designers from a variety of cultures and eras. This will allow you to gain additional historic knowledge, cement your understanding of the importance and relevance of art throughout history and the context in which the artwork is created. Throughout this process you will consider formal elements such as form, texture, pattern, proportion, line, composition shape, and many more.

Why studyart & desiGn?

• Architecture • Town Planning• Sculpture • Theatre Costume and Set Design• Illustration • Media• Photography • Fashion / Creative Textiles• Jewellery Design • Animation • Product Design• Ceramics• Marketing and Advertising• Museum/Gallery Curator

This wide and flexible course can support future plans in many subject areas, and offer many transferable skills into careers that may not have a direct progress route. The research, time management, creative thinking and critical analysis skills that you develop whilst studying Art can be used at the next stage of educational study or alternatively, in a variety of careers. Following their studies at Shelley College, many of ours students move onto attending an Art Foundation Diploma or creative degree course.

career and future study options

possiBle career routes include:

It provides formal recognition of non-academic pursuits that develop valuable skills and qualities.

This qualification enables students to demonstrate that they possess the suite of qualifications, skills and qualities that will differentiate them from others when applying for university and employment.

Why study the aQa Baccalaureate?


examination Board

This is a full curriculum programme which is available to those students studying at least three A Levels.

course content

Alongside the A Level programme students must also pass the following:

• The Extended Project Qualification • AS General Studies • 100 hours of Enrichment Activities

course reQuirments

BioloGy Business studies

Business Studies is a relevant and wide-ranging subject, which offers an insight into the theory of organisations whilst broadening your knowledge and understanding of the wider world.

During the course you will develop a widerange of transferable skills such as:

• Data handling and interpretation • Presenting arguments and making judgements • Research • Problem solving • Planning and organisation • Challenging assumptions

Why study Business?

• Accountancy • Law • Management • Human Resource Management • Production • Marketing and many other highly-regarded professions.

Previous students have progressed onto a variety of degree courses such as Management, Entrepreneurship, Economics, Accountancy and Finance, Marketing, International Business, Law, Events Management, and of course a range of Business courses.

career and future study options

possiBle career routes include:

Biology is an exciting, relevant and challenging subject.

The study of life is inherently awe-inspiring and the scope of its applications is vast. Inventions and innovations in the biological sciences are moving our understanding forward rapidly, and the continued development and application of cutting-edge technologies makes Biology a massively dynamic field of study.

Through individual and group work, and using discussion, presentation and models, you will develop your understanding of a range of topics including biochemistry, immunology, cytology, genetics, evolution, ecology, behaviour, physiology and biotechnology.

The specification emphasises the continual development of your practical skills, in experimental planning and design, collection and analysis of data, and evaluation of procedures, which builds up to a practical assessment at AS and A2.

Why studyBioloGy?

• Animal technology • Microbiology • Conservation • Research • Drug development, sales and marketing• Sports Science and Physiology • Forestry • Teaching • Horticulture • Veterinary Science• Medicine

An A Level in Biology can be the stepping stone to further studies in science including a university degree. It could lead to a fascinating career in one of the many scientific fields.

career and future study options

possiBle career routes include:

chemistry computinG

Chemistry is all around us and you can help change the world, through its research and application.

It is a subject that links well with Maths, Biology and Physics. You will study practical experiments and situations, working in groups or individually to explore a wide range of chemical contexts. The three areas of Chemistry, Physical, Organic and Inorganic are all well represented and the course includes the study of a variety of reaction types such as electrochemistry, catalysts, polymerisation and analysis, some of which are assessed practically as well as in written exams.

A desire to investigate and explore why things behave the way they do in everyday life as well as the colours, sights and smells of a chemistry lab makes this course exciting and fun whilst remaining highly academic.

Why study chemistry?

• Dentistry • Forensic science • Material sciences • Food sciences • Petroleum engineering • Meteorology • Atmospheric sciences• Natural sciences• Aerospace materials • Metallurgy • Sport science • Material technology

chemistry is desiraBle or accepted for:

• Medicine Veterinary Medicine • Pharmacy Pharmacology • Clinical Sciences Biomedical Sciences • Chemical Engineering Biochemistry

possiBle career routes include:

The study of Computing is about developing an approach to problem solving that involves developing IT systems using your own programs.

It’s mainly about developing and using your own programming skills. Along side the programming you will look at how and why a computer works, what peripherals are available and how these communicate with each other.

The system lifecycle involves analysis, design, development/prototyping and evaluating computer systems. As you are aware computing is constantly evolving with new technologies being developed and new uses for those technologies being developed almost daily so you will be required to keep up to date with current IT industry developments and you will be expected to read, watch and explain the IT news.

Why studycomputinG?

In Computing terms the UK has some excellent courses to offer should you decide to go into this subject area.

The courses range from: • Computer Forensics • Computer Network Technologies • Ethical Hacking for Security • Computing, Computing and IT • Games Programming, and many more.

The Association of Graduate Recruiters’ latest Graduate Recruitment Survey shows that the majority of business sectors are anticipating an increase in the number of vacancies for grads this year, with the IT sector projecting an amazing 20.5% rise.

career and future study options

• ICT or Network technicians • Junior programmers • First line support staff and many more.

possiBle career routes include:

Chemistry is a subject which develops a wide variety of skills e.g. practical and manipulative skills, working in groups, developing leadership skills, problem solving, independent learning and presentation skills.

career and future study options


• Performer • Choreographer • Teacher• Arts director • Arts administrator • Theatre director • Dance therapist • Dance psychologist • Dance scientist and many more

Dance is an innate instinct that enlivens the body, transforming ideas and feelings into sequences of movement that are personally and socially significant.

You will find that everyone in your class has a real interest in Dance. You do not have to currently study Dance, or have taken GCSE Dance, but you do need to have had some experience in Dance, (preferably contemporary or modern Dance).

The course is very performance based with the practical element of the course involving both solo and group work. The theory side of the course explores the constituent features of dance, with analytical study of professional dance works and the cultural and artistic contexts in which they were created.

You will also look at aspects of dance training, choreographic devices, technique and the health and safety of the dancer.

Classes nearly always have a practical element and are taught through technique classes, improvisation and group choreography workshops.

Why study dance?

In the past students completing this course have progressed on to courses at vocational dance schools, and, of course, taken places at a wide range of prestigious universities to study these and non-related subjects. This course provides a valuable stepping stone into a vast range of dance and performance related career pathways.

career and future study options

possiBle career routes include:

drama & theatre studies

Theatre has always satisfied a human need for story-telling, entertainment and has helped us to explore concepts and issues that concern and intrigue us.

Drama & Theatre Studies gives you the opportunity to explore, in a challenging and creative environment, the theory behind creating effective theatre and develop skills to enable you to create your own.

You will have the opportunity to explore a variety of theatrical styles: through practical work, by analysing productions that you see and through developing your own directorial interpretations for the plays that you study.

Why study theatre studies?

An A-Level in Theatre Studies makes you a prime candidate for further study at University, and blends with subjects such as English, History and other subjects in the creative arts.

Theatre Studies also offers you the knowledge and skills that are transferable to many different creative and communication-based careers.

career and future study options

• Acting • Directing • Theatre Technician • Theatre Design • Teaching/Lecturing • Journalism • Marketing • Advertising • Events co-ordination • Public Relations • Arts administration • Community work • Theatre / Stage management

possiBle career routes include:


Economics enables students to use economic models to help them understand the complexities of the world around them. Students also use data to help them analyse markets and economies, and how governments try to influence both. Students are introduced to different perspectives of economic history and develop an understanding of economic issues. Economics includes topics such as economic growth, poverty and inequality, market structures and the labour market.

Why study economics?

An A level in Economics can lead into many career areas. Some common areas include banking, accountancy, tax advice, insurance and trading.

Other roles include management, marketing, sales and advertising, human resources, IT and education.

career and future study options

• Banker• Accountant• Tax Advisor• Marketing• Sales

possiBle career routes include:

enGlish lanGuaGe

English Language is a subject about exploring, analysing and evaluating language as a constantly evolving method of communication.

You will study a range of spoken, written and electronic texts, and look at how context, style and delivery influence our reading of a text.

You will get an opportunity to develop skills, such as analysing composition and delivery of language; investigating and evaluating contexts; researching and examining linguistic terminology; presenting ideas in discussion; communicating in individual and group work; applying and understanding language theory; and creative and imaginative writing.

Why study enGlish lanGuaGe?

• Teaching Primary, Secondary, Higher Education

• Linguistics Analyst, Historian

• Journalism Reporter, Critic, Proof Reader

• Advertising Copy, Design, Sales

• PR Press Officer, Event Coordinator

• Radio Writer, Production

• Communications Analyst, Research

• Film & TV Directing, Production, Screenwriter

• New Media Sales, Design

• Marketing Research, Analyst, Design

• Public Sector Librarian, Communications Officer

• Entertainment Promotion, Marketing

possiBle career routes include:

English Language is a varied and flexible subject which develops lots of useful transferable skills and knowledge.

career and future study options

enGlish literature

English Literature is a subject about exploration and analysis, discovery and discussion.

You will study a range of texts from different genres (Prose, Poetry and Drama) and periods (1300-2011).

English Literature is for you if you enjoy using the following skills - analysing use of language; exploring themes and effects; understanding and evaluating character; presenting ideas in discussion; expressing ideas and views in writing; researching genres and historical periods; communicating in individual and group work; creative and imaginative writing.

Why study enGlish literature?

English Literature is a varied and flexible subject which develops lots of useful transferable skills and knowledge.

career and future study options

• Journalism Reporter, Critic, Columnist

• Teaching Primary, Secondary, Higher Education

• Advertising Sales, Copy, Design

• Creative Writing Novelist, Poet, Screenwriter

• Film & TV Acting, Directing, Production

• New Media Sales, Web Design

• Theatre Directing, Acting, Production

• Marketing Research, Sales

• Public Sector Librarian, Communications Officer

• PR Press Officer, Event Coordinator

• Entertainment Promotion, Marketing, Press

possiBle career routes include:

extended project

This is an excellent opportunity for students to demonstrate independent research skills.

The project is graded A* to E, which will then give the learner valuable UCAS points.

Why study extended project?

The Extended Project offers students a free project choice, so they can explore in depth:

an aspect of a subject they are studying, or a topic in which they have a personal interest.

The topic for the project is chosen by the student and then agreed by the student’s supervisor.

The Extended Project must develop and extend from one or more of a learner’s study areas and/or from an area of personal interest or activity outside their main programme of study.

All students will undertake the Extended Project through the tutorial programme.

The majority of the research will be completed in Year 12 and then the write up and presentation will take place during Year 13.

course content


Studying French at A Level will enable you to develop the skills acquired at GCSE level.

You will gain a lasting appreciation of the language and will learn how to communicate in French to a number of different audiences. The A Level course gives you the opportunity to gain an insight into French speaking cultures, from modern everyday life to important aspects of French history.

The A Level course focuses on developing oral fluency, listening, reading and writing skills, plus translation tasks; all of which are vital tools for further study. You will develop and enhance your communication skills and your ability to be an independent learner

Why study french?

A Level French is flexible as to what subjects it would combine well with. In terms of employability, having a combination of numerate and language skills at A Level would certainly enhance your employability in a digital world.

career and future study options

• Teaching • Journalism • Creative Media • Translation and Interpreting • Central and Local Government • Finance • Manufacturing • Marketing • Travel and Tourism • Engineering • Hospitality industry • Law Health, Medicine and Social Care

possiBle career routes include:

General studies

General Studies is a subject which encompasses all aspects of the world around us.

It deals with politics, ethics, literature, language, culture, science, technology and mathematics.

You will therefore be required to have a general knowledge of each of these fields and are examined on them accordingly.

You will analyse topical issues and make balanced arguments. It helps to broaden your profile and gives you the opportunity to formulate opinions on a range of issues that affect you as an individual and as a member of society.

Why study General studies?

Whilst General Studies is not regarded as a principal qualification by universities as a whole, it can be known to swing decisions in people’s favour on results day. If they have missed their offer by a grade then their General Studies result can make the difference to secure a place. It can also show universities that a student has more scope and potential than just the bounds of the subjects they are studying.

career and future study options


Geography is quite simply the subject which studies the Earth and how humans interact with it.

It is the subject which deals with the major issues of the 21st century such as climate change, population growth and conflicts over resources such as oil and water. It is the subject that looks at how our planet was formed by the great tectonic and seismic forces and how Britain and other areas were sculpted by majestic glaciers.

It is the subject that looks at how key issues of the day such as immigration are changing our world and why there is a growing interest in subjects such as where our food comes from, what we can do to prevent lives and homes being destroyed by flooding and whether weather hazards such as hurricanes, tornadoes and drought will become more common in our changing world.

Why study GeoGraphy?

Most people think that Geography leads to teaching or a long career in academia in Universities or Colleges.

In reality, Geography graduates are amongst the most sought after in the workplace as their Degree has taught them numerous invaluable skills. e.g. analytical skills, problem solving, working with other people and creative skills.

career and future study options

• The media• Town planning • Travel and tourism • Environmental protection

possiBle career routes include:


• Lawyer• Politician• Business • Actor• Journalist• Civil Servant• Archivist• Librarian• Teacher• Police

possiBle career routes include:

History allows you to look at your own nation’s past as well as others to explain why they have developed in their particular way.

The History course at Shelley allows students a taste of social, economic and political aspects of the subject and what impact past events have had on our society today.

A-level History develops an impressive range of skills which are required at university level, such as: extended essay writing, independent research, debate and discussion, explanation, evaluation, analysis and close reading of historical documents

Why study history?

History is seen as a very desirable option by the very best universities for all of their courses. This is due to the demands which History places on student’s depth and range understanding at A level.

Medicine, the Sciences, Engineering and Arts based courses all highlight the critical analysis, research, discussion and writing skills which the subject develops.

History is also a very flexible subject and is often read by a range of professionals before going on to complete further study.

career and future study options


An A Level in Mathematics will help you immensely with other A Level subjects. Physics, Chemistry, Computing, Geography, Psychology and Business all use some type of Maths.

All of the sciences use mathematical techniques and doing A Level Maths will give you a head start in these subject areas.

The strengths of A Level mathematicians are in their logical and analytical thought processes and problem - solving talents, usually linked with good IT skills. Maths teaches you to think in a logical way, which is vital when putting your point across.

Why study mathematics?

The vast majority of graduates obtain employment. Typically, over 85% of graduates are either in employment or engaged in further study by the Christmas after they graduate.

career and future study options

• Scientific research, design and development • Management services and computing • Financial work • Accountancy • Actuarial work • Other openings in finance • Statistical work • Teaching

possiBle career routes include:

further mathematics

• Scientific research, design and development • Management services and computing • Financial work • Accountancy • Actuarial work • Other openings in finance • Statistical work • Teaching

possiBle career routes include:

An A Level in Further Mathematics will help you immensely with other A Level subjects. Physics, Chemistry, Computing, Geography, Psychology and Business all use some type of Maths.

All of the sciences use mathematical techniques and doing A Level Maths will give you a head start in these subject areas.

The strengths of A Level mathematicians are in their logical and analytical thought processes and problem - solving talents, usually linked with good IT skills. Maths teaches you to think in a logical way, which is vital when putting your point across.

Students who are gifted mathematicians and who are really interested in Maths could choose Further Maths. Further Maths is a complete second A Level. Over the two years, 6 further Modules will be studied. The modules chosen will compliment those already being studied in A Level Maths.

Why study further mathematics?

The vast majority of graduates obtain employment. Typically, over 85% of graduates are either in employment or engaged in further study by the Christmas after they graduate.

career and future study options

media studies

Media Studies is designed to enhance your enjoyment, understanding and appreciation of the media and its role in your daily life.

The course introduces you both to media ideas and the practice of production, which gives you the chance to develop a real understanding of media platforms, the contemporary media landscape and the influential role of the media in today’s society.

This course helps you develop three relationships with the media. As a consumer, you’ll become more aware of the many ways in which media messages are presented to us, as well as discovering how the institutions which produce and distribute media products are trying to reach you.

If you want a career in media, producing and evaluating your own media productions will give you a real hands on understanding of both how media messages are created and what they are aiming to do.

Why study media studies ?

Media Studies naturally leads to careers in: • Journalism • Marketing • Advertising • Public Relations

By knowing how the media operates, you will be able to decode messages more skilfully, and engage with topics that interest you. Students who take Media Studies often also take English Literature/Language, Drama & Theatre Studies or Sociology and Psychology. As the media touches every person and every profession, the subject has a really broad application.

career and future study options

• Social work • Law • Civil service• Education

possiBle career routes include:


• Session work • Entertainment • Arts • Administration • Journalism • Film music composition • Advertising • Public Relations • Media • Marketing • Teaching

possiBle career routes include:

If you want to study Music at A Level it is likely that it already plays a big part in your life.

You will be a keen player and listener who is hungry for more knowledge and understanding. You will get a great deal of satisfaction from really understanding how music works. Music is a subject which allows you to express yourself as a performer and composer while learning from the music of expert practitioners from the past and present.

You will get an opportunity to create your own music in a variety of styles, using music software and instruments.You will be able to challenge yourself by performing on your instrument or singing. Whether you are a rock guitarist or classically trained instrumentalist you will be able to choose pieces which appropriately reflect your style.

You will analyse musical compositions and learn a new technical vocabulary with which to describe them. At the end of the course you will be much more than a performer of music. You will be someone with a rich understanding of how music works.

Why study music?

Music is a subject which is incredibly important in its own right and many of our students go on to do Music degrees in Higher Education. These range from Pop Music and Production courses to Performance courses at specialist conservatoires.

career and future study options


An understanding of the visual world is not only enriching, it also allows you to communicate with others in a variety of creative ways. It allows for personal expression, the development of skills and ideas and the potential to produce an exciting and meaningful outcome.

Throughout this course you will experiment with a wide range of photographic techniques and image editing tools. You will explore and refine your creative ideas, developing them as you work to ensure that they develop and conclude in an outcome of a professional standard. Your studies will culminate in an exciting display of your work.

Your practical investigations will be supported by research into photographers, artists, crafts persons and designers from a variety of cultures and eras. This will allow you to gain additional historic knowledge, cement your understanding of the importance and relevance of art throughout history and the context in which the artwork is created. Throughout this process you will consider formal elements such as texture, proportion, composition shape, lighting, depth of field, apertures and many more.

Why study photoGraphy?

This wide and flexible course can support future plans in many subject areas and offer many transferable skills into careers that may not have a direct progress route. The research, time management, creative thinking and critical analysis skills that you develop whilst studying Photography can be used at the next stage of educational study or alternatively, in a variety of careers.

Following their studies at Shelley College, many of ours students move onto attending an Art Foundation Diploma or creative degree course.

career and future study options

• Architecture • Advertising and Commercial Photography• Photojournalism• TV and Film – Cinematography• TV and Film – Editor• Fashion Photography • Marketing and advertising• Illustration • Media• Animation • Location Manager• Press Photographer

possiBle career routes include:

physical education

• Teaching, coaching • Sports development • Recreational management• Health, leisure and fitness • Leisure industry • Professional sports

possiBle career routes include:

The course is designed to increase knowledge and awareness of the opportunities for participation and progression in physical activities.

It will enable you to become informed and discerning decision-makers in respect of your participation and performance in physical activity.

This will be achieved by raising candidates’ awareness of and their ability to critically evaluate: key factors influencing involvement in physical activity; the impact that contemporary products have on young people’s involvement in physical activity and the impact that consumer focused influences have on young people’s involvement in physical activity.

Why study physical education?

The course provides a suitable foundation for specialist study in both Physical Education and Sports Studies in higher education and are also suitable qualifications for other areas of study.

career and future study options

The course is similarly designed to allow you to develop an understanding and appreciation of the factors that enable both you and others to be physically active as part of a balanced, active and healthy lifestyle.

The factors studied will include physiological, psychological and socio–cultural aspects that have an impact on participation and performance in physical activities.

sports leadership

The Sports Leaders Award is offered as an enrichment course to be studied in addition to your full-time programme.

It is a nationally recognised qualification awarded through the Sports Leaders UK.

It provides an introduction for those people wishing to lead groups in sporting and recreational activities and gives those over 16 years of age, regardless of ability, the opportunity to train and provide voluntary assistance alongside qualified coaches or teachers.

Why study sports leadership?

level 3 diploma in sport

• Teaching • Fitness instructor • Physiotherapist • Sporting facilities manager • Sports coach • Sports nutritionals• Sports development officer

Other learners may want to extend the specialism they studied on the BTEC Level 3 Diploma and study a sporting degree at University.

possiBle career routes include:

The BTEC Diploma in Sport is designed to give learners a basic grounding in understanding and knowledge of the sport and active leisure sector.

The BTEC Diploma in Sport will give learners a solid foundation in the sector, enabling them to develop essential skills required for gaining employment, securing career progression, or progressing to further qualifications and training required to achieve their goals.

Why study sport?

This is a varied and flexible subject which develops lots of useful transferable skills and knowledge. Some learners may wish to gain the qualification in order to enter a specialist area of employment.

career and future study options

philosophy & ethics

Ever since human beings started to think, Philosophy has been a fundamental part of our development.

As people look into the vastness of space or witness the miracle of birth, they contemplate the meaning of life and their own mortality. It has always been this way and philosophy still addresses the same eternal human questions about life, death, the existence of God, values and relationships, right and wrong.

Philosophy and Ethics offers an exciting, engaging and diverse academic course that explores philosophical, spiritual and ethical ideas from a range of perspectives.

Through studying Philosophy and Ethics, you will develop a capacity to think critically and creatively and express your ideas with clarity.

Lessons include discussions, debates, examples, films and books to get to the heart of the ideas covered.

Why study philosophy & ethics?

Studying philosophy will provide you with an advanced level of generic skills that are immensely useful in a wide range of jobs. After A level philosophy students go to university or straight into work in every profession imaginable as all jobs involve working with people.

career and future study options

• Law • Journalism • Police • Armed forces • Criminology • Medicine • Pharmacy • Social work • Teaching • Psychology• Retail/Management

possiBle career routes include:


• Communications • Environment and Climate • Energy sector • Medicine • Architecture • Civil Engineering • Law and Finance • Education• Research • Sports and Games industry • Music, TV and Film industry • Transport

possiBle career routes include:

Physics is a fascinating subject that is at the heart of society.

Without Physics, most if not all of the technological advances and devices we take for granted today (mobile phones, X-ray machines, TVs, satellites, computers, the internet, cars, power stations etc.) would not exist.

In Physics you will study topics that form the building blocks of Science including mechanics, materials and electricity as well as topics at the cutting edge such as wave-particle duality, particle physics, astronomy and cosmology.

You will develop mathematical, analytical, and practical skills and be challenged to build up your knowledge and understanding to be able to solve complex problems.

Why study physics?

Physics is widely acknowledged to provide students with an impressive variety of skills that are transferrable across a surprisingly wide range of careers from meteorologist to investment banker.

career and future study options

product desiGn: Graphic products

This course is aimed at those students who enjoy combining creative design skills with accurate scale modelling skills.

You will learn to critically analyse products, develop your 2D/3D designing, developing and making skills, develop knowledge and abilities in areas such as styling, business manufacturing, CAD/CAM, sustainability, materials technology and develop collaborative skills working alongside commercial clients/end users and our dedicated staff. As a subject Graphics can enhance your performance, highlight your creative ideas, enable you to develop innovative ways to communicate with others.

Why study product desiGn: Graphic products?

You will be able to continue studying one of the many design related degree courses (more than 1500 on UCAS website) and develop specific skills which will open up a wide range of career opportunities. Many of our students go on to study at University and then onto a successful career in commercial design.

career and future study options

• Consumer Product design• Corporate design & branding • Automotive (F1) • Computer game design• Marketing • Design research • Architecture design • Interior & exhibition design • Animation • Web design • Product Packaging design • Advertising display design • Advertising• Graphic design • Magazine & newspaper design

possiBle career routes include:

product desiGn: resistant materials

• Consumer product design • Industrial design • Technical sales • Automotive (F1) • Furniture design • Marketing/Media • Engineering • Design research • CAD/CAM • Interior/exhibition design• Buying• Jewellery • Web design • Electronics • Advertising

possiBle career routes include:

Why study product desiGn: resistant materials?

Continue to study a design related degree course or pursue apprenticeships with local or national Industry. The Design Faculty has forged strong links with a number of companies keen to employ Shelley students as apprentices inc. University training.

Local Industry is keen to recruit people in design thinking, product design and engineering especially in the area of CAD/CAM.

career and future study options

This course is aimed at those students who enjoy combining creative design skills with advanced precision manufacturing skills. In an employment sector where there is a significant shortage of skilled designers and engineers.

You will learn to critically analyse products, develop your 2D/3D designing and making skills, develop knowledge and abilities in areas such as styling, business, manufacturing, CAD/CAM, sustainability, materials technology and develop collaborative skills working alongside clients/end users and our dedicated staff.

product desiGn: textiles

• Textile Designer • Fashion, Interior or Costume Designer • Fashion Merchandising • Buying • Retail • Advertising and Marketing • Fashion and Textile Magazines • Manufacturing industry

possiBle career routes include:

Product Design;Textiles gives you the opportunity to develop your capacity to design and make products and to appreciate the complex relations between design, materials, manufacture and marketing.

The subject will enable you to take a broad view of design and technology skills, including working with others, thinking creatively and making quality products.

Textile Design could take you in a number of different directions. Of course being a Textiles Designer is a natural outcome, but there are many other opportunities.

career and future study options

possiBle career routes include:

Why study product desiGn: textiles?

career and future study options


Psychology is a challenging but fascinating subject, regarded as the science of behaviour and the mind. Whilst at A-level Psychology is mostly about the study of human beings, a career in Psychology can involve the study of people and of animals.

Although you will not have studied this subject before you will need many of the skills developed by more traditional academic disciplines throughout your school career. For example, Biological Psychology requires us to learn about the effects of some hormones on the body, so a good grade in Science G.C.S.E. would be essential. Also, as the assessment is a combination of multiple-choice, short answer and extended writing questions, then being good at English is essential too.

Mathematical skills and the ability to engage in reasoned debate are vital because of the requirements to analyse and evaluate numerical data, competing psychological theories and to discuss the ethics of using animals and humans for psychological research. At least 25-30% of the exam will assess Research Methods and at least 10% of the marks will assess the use of mathematical skills.

Enthusiasm and an enquiring mind are extremely important too! As part of the course you will experience the opportunity to participate in presentations, group work and your own small scale psychological research.

Why study psycholoGy?

• Law • Teacher • Business

possiBle career routes include:

Psychology is a multi-disciplinary subject and you will learn many transferable skills that compliment a variety of other subjects. The study of Psychology itself is not usually a pre-requisite for the study of Psychology at university; however required entry grades are usually high. Psychology can lead to careers in: Educational Psychology; Teaching and Research; Counselling; Occupational Psychology; Sport and Exercise Psychology; Health Psychology; Forensic Psychology; or Clinical Psychology.

career and future study options


Sociology is an intriguing subject which involves exploring, analysing and evaluating patterns and trends in human behaviour, particularly in the context of British society.

As part of the course, students will identify contemporary social processes and social changes within society and examine theoretical explanations as to why these social processes and social changes have occurred.

In addition to this, they will also explore the impact of these things upon the lives and experiences of members of today’s society.

Sociology is for you if you enjoy using the following skills - analysing data and competing arguments; exploring trends in behaviour and it’s effects; understanding and evaluating sociological theories; presenting ideas in discussion; expressing ideas and views in extended writing; conducting independent social research into human behaviour; communicating in individual and group work.

Why study socioloGy?

Sociology is recognised as a valuable foundation for a variety of higher education courses, especially those related to the Social Sciences such as Sociology, Social Policy, Psychology and Criminology.

career and future study options

• Law • Business • Teaching • Police • Social work • Nursing

Many graduates in Sociology enter a wide range of professions and it is a strong foundation for an excellent career due to the transferable skills the subject develops.

possiBle career routes include:


• Teaching • Journalism • Creative Media • Translation and Interpreting • Central and Local Government • Manufacturing • Finance• Marketing • Travel and Tourism • Engineering• Hospitality industry • Law • Health, Medicine and Social Care

possiBle career routes include:

Studying Spanish at A Level will enable you to develop the skills acquired at GCSE level.

You will gain a lasting appreciation of the language and will learn how to communicate in Spanish to a number of different audiences. The A Level course gives you the opportunity to gain an insight into Spanish speaking cultures, from modern everyday life to important aspects of Spanish history.

The A Level course focuses on developing oral fluency, listening, reading and writing skills, plus translation tasks; all of which are vital tools for further study. You will develop and enhance your communication skills and your ability to be an independent learner.

Why study spanish?

A Level Spanish is flexible as to what subjects it would combine well with. In terms of employability, having a combination of numerate and language skills at A Level, would certainly enhance your employability in a digital world.

career and future study options

proGression module

This is a qualification that all students will take through the Y12 tutorial programme.

The decision about what and where to study has become increasingly important in the light of increased tuition fees and it is imperative that students take the time to conduct thorough research into their future pathways.

The Progression Module helps young people through the decision making process and allows comparisons to be made between Higher Education and employment.

Through a process of guided research this module enables students to make informed decisions as a result of their findings.


• Leeds Metropolitan University • University of Huddersfield • Leeds Trinity University • Bradford College

the aWard is credited With 30 ucas points Which are accepted By:

If you require any assistance with your 6th form application or further subject information please contact the 6th form team.

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