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simplecall cookbook brand guidelines

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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distance height of ʻtʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻtʼ

approx. height is ʻmʼ x4

distance height of ʻoʼ

width of ʻeʼ x5



simplecall cookbookbrand guidelines


entshi there! 5

welcome... 6

why brand? 9 importance of branding 10

our four pillars 13 purpose 14 inspiration 16

our purpose was born 18

promise 20 what we promise 22

values 24 values & beliefs 26

how our values affect the user journey 28

brand core 30 brand positioning 32

target market 33

identity & personality 34

brand architecture 36

brand theme 37

voice 38 visual & verbal voice 40

visual voice 41

verbal voice 96

so what now? 113 it’s up to you 114

to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.hans hofmann

52012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

hi there!

72012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved. the simplecall branding guidelines. This book was passionately put together to help give the simplecall brand its distinct personality, and to help you create marketing material consistent with the aesthetic, voice and spirit of the simplecall brand. By adhering to it as closely as possible, you can help to grow a great brand, connect with consumers on an emotional level and create a more loyal following.

We trust you will find it very useful.


92012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

why brand?

112012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

Branding is important because:

•People have too many choices and too little time, the company with the strongest, most resonant brand will be the one they choose.

•Most offerings have similar quality and features, branding helps sets simplecall apart.

•We tend to base our buying choices on trust, branding gives companies a face.

Contrary to popular belief, branding isn’t a logo, products or identity. It is the feelings consumers have for a company, product or service.

In this day and age, when people have a wealth of choices and limited time, we are no longer able to compare by the features and benefits of each product. What’s more, many products have almost the same features offered at the same price, so judging them in a purely rational way is impossible.

“the main purpose of branding is to get more people to buy more ‘stuff’ for more years at a higher price.”Marty Neumeier – The Brand Gap

Today, people are making more purchases based on the trust they have for the brand. If they believe that the service or product comes from a company that they trust, they can buy without worrying about how it compares to other similar products.

People gain trust in a brand based on many factors:

•what the product looks like

•where it is being sold

•the kind of people who are most likely to buy it, and if they can identify with them

•the value of the product

•what people are saying about it

All of this comes together to create branding, the magic that breathes life into a company. Business is more emotionally driven than people think. Given the choice, people will choose to do business with companies that have a strong personality, both because they feel as though they can trust them and because they can more easily identify with what the company is offering. That’s why building a consistent and distinct brand is so important. Any business can market products, but it takes fantastic branding to conjure up feelings and create deep emotional connections with consumers. Without this emotional connection, consumers will not remember, care about, or do business with a company they feel are faceless and untrustworthy.

the four essential pillars of branding...

purpose promise values voice

importance of branding

132012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

our four pillars

152012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

purposepurpose promise values voice

reason for our existance

172012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.


current market & what drives usThe technology industry is constantly changing, filled to the brim with technical jargon and difficult for many to understand. The average technology company isn’t helping matters, bombarding consumers with offers, new products and tariffs, or, at worst misinforming their customers with exaggerated claims and deceptive advertising.

The situation is further exasperated for our target consumer, who is foreign and may not speak or understand English perfectly.

Result - Confused, frustrated consumers

Communication is a part of everyone’s life. It transcends race, gender and age. And when it comes to making it easy for everyone to keep in touch, simplecall believes there should be a better solution.

there is no better way to illustrate the problems that simplecall was created to solve than by telling the story of the inception of one of its flagship services:

In the year 2006, an elderly lady from Bangladesh made her regular trip to visit her son in the UK. She was very close to the rest of the family, and so needed a way to keep in contact with her loved ones in Bangladesh during her stay. The only options available at the time were PIN based dialling systems, which required her to enter:

1. a dialling access number

2. a pin number

3. her destination number

This was unfortunate as it was not a straight forward process and because she was a bit hard of hearing, it was difficult to follow the instructions. And to make matters worse, if she made a single mistake, she would have to start the process from the very beginning.

Luckily, her son was Naufal Zamir, Founder and Managing Director of simplecall. Being the gregarious problem solver that he is, Naufal thought to himself, “There must be another way. Somehow I can make her life easier.”

Seeing an opportunity to create a better solution, Naufal undertook a month and a half project to research, develop and test the basis for what would eventually become talk direct. He created three local numbers that corresponded to the numbers of Naufal’s mum’s closest relatives. No pin necessary and no complicated instructions to follow.

Needless to say, Naufal’s mum was thrilled. She could call the most important people in her life effortlessly, just as if she were calling locally. She no longer had to rely on Naufal’s help and could call them whenever she pleased.

Since the project was such a success for his mum, Naufal decided that he could help others make international calls with less hassle by bringing the service to the rest of the country. And so talk direct was born.

family: the heart of simplecall

192012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

our purpose was born

“to simplify and serve the world of communication with innovative solutions”

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promisepurpose promise values voice

the measure by which we can be held accountable by our customers

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what we promise

“to connect the world in a simple way”

252012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

valuespurpose promise values voice

the foundation for our behaviour and company culture

272012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

values & beliefs

honestyWe feel strongly that it is wrong when companies cheat and misinform consumers.

We believe that every interaction we have with our customers is part of a much larger relationship. In order for that relationship to have value and continue to flourish, it must be built on trust. This is why we have an unshakeable commitment to being straightforward, honest and completely transparent with our consumers and have firmly built it into our ethos.

We have many examples of this in our company. One of the major ones is that we allow customers to view online call history so customers can see how we are charging them. This transparency is what builds trusts with our customers by increasing our accountability and reliability.

‘We say what we do and do what we say.’

excellenceWe believe that mediocrity is our nemesis. Our company has been dedicated to doing things better and with more elegance than our competitors. We strive for excellence and aspire to perfection in all that we do. We know that every call is important to you and has meaning, so we strive to maintain a level of excellence and clarity that exceeds expectations.

We believe our company doesn’t exist just to make money, but to make a difference in people’s lives. This attitude has brought about a high quality service which stands out from the crowd and whose reputation has spread like wildfire, leading it to great success. We have even been recognised by the Sunday Times Tech Track in both 2011 and 2012 for being one of the UK’s fastest growing technology companies.

‘What matters to you, matters to us’

innovationWe exist in an industry that demands innovation. It is only through this bold innovation that we can achieve a better, simpler solution for the communication needs of our customers. If we stagnate, we stop being relevant, become dull and stop helping our customers.

Thankfully, we are a company of problem solvers. We are bursting at the seams with new ideas. We never stagnate. Innovation is a passion that burns deep inside and drives us to create unique solutions that make customers’ lives easier. Although we create simple, easy to use solutions, the process that it takes to create them is anything but. Our team is made of the brightest, most creative problem solvers in the business, and they work hard to create unique technologies that stand out from the crowd.

You can see this in the development of our in-house software that gives us full control and allows us to offer the convenient service we are famous for.

‘We may be small, but that doesn’t stop us from thinking big.’

peopleWe see our competitors designing solutions that aren’t built with the consumer in mind, giving the frustrated user no reason to come back. It is our belief that the only way to be focused on the customer is to be focused on simplicity.

Our philosophy of innovating by subtraction, removes unnecessary processes until we are left with what’s truly important. This then creates powerful, flexible tools that are easy for everyone to use. All elements that don’t contribute to the clarification of the service are superfluous and only have a negative impact on the usability of the service.

This mentality of simplification can be seen though our brand voice, design, language, as well as the products and services we offer. Our pin less dialling service, talk direct, for example, makes the process of calling invisible, leaving our consumers only with the memory of what’s important, the connection made, rather than the frustration of the process, “oops, I missed a digit, I’ll have to start again.”

This is what brings our customers back time and time again.

‘Making the complex simple for your convenience’the company was founded in 2007 with

these values at its core

telecoms industry:many offer & tariffs

technology industry: jargon

complex taking advantage of situation by cheating/misselling

mediocrity & substandard solutions

stagnation causedby lack of forward thinking

people focused honesty excellence innovation

brand voice, plus simplicity in

products & services

offering call history shows our transparent nature

fast trackrecognition in 2011 & 2012

inhouse software


foreigners: 1st language not english

profits driven, not passion drivenindustry norm

our competitors

our valuesborn

example in ourproducts/services

the journey to our values

292012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

how our values affect the user journey

technology industry jargon

foreigners: 1st language not english

telecoms industrylittered with offers & tariffs

problem 2 problem 3problem 1


n 1

solution 2

some companies takeadvantage of the situation& missell for financial gain

simplecall cleans up the mess by being:

• honest• people focused

consumer:• frustrated• cheated• uninspired

consumer:• happy• relaxed• returns again & again


consumer uninspiered by lack of innovation &recieves substandard service with hidden charges

add to this:


312012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.


before we get to the last pillar, let’s talk about brand core

332012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

brand positioning

We may not be Apple yet, but we have come up with some great, small innovations, and we aspire to make a huge breakthrough.

Although our prices are affordable, we are not the cheapest and do not want to be seen as an economy brand, so we aren’t for everyone. our emphasis is on the quality service we offer and convenience of our effortless solutions.

We are aimed mainly at an audience that is comfortable with the use of technology in their everyday lives.

Our customers are made up largely of foreign people living in the UK who need an affordable, hassle free way to communicate with people in their native country. These can be broken down into several categories:


•Extended stay visitors


•Overseas students

Although each group is different, all of them value the great service, simplicity and affordability of simplecall.

They are driven largely by three things:

1. Family Values

Our customers tend to have very strong family values, so staying in touch is very important to them. That’s why our service is such a critical part of our offering. Our customers need to be assured that they can always reach the ones they love, no matter what.

2. Convenience

The target market also has busy lives, so they want to know that they are dealing with a company that understands their specific needs. They want to be able to communicate without too much effort or wasting too much time. What’s more, many of our customers are not native speakers of English, so it is important to them that the process be as straightforward as possible.

target market

simplecall businessOur business customers are made up of small to medium sized national and international enterprises. Our clients are those that have had the drive, ambition and smarts to build their own company from the ground up. They take business very seriously and have no patience for anything but the best, both in terms of product and customer service.

3. Community

Since many of our customers are living away from home, they often treat their community as their extended family. We try to give our customers the sense that they are welcome members of our own little simplecall community, and that we truly care about their problems and keeping them in touch with their home countries.

They are Smart and Motivated:

Only someone who is smart and very motivated would go outside their comfort zone by living in another country. Most of our customers have sacrificed the comforts of living with their own language and culture to provide for their family, further their career or further their education.

simplecall talk, simplecall lounge, simplecall mobile

352012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

identity & personality

If simplecall were a person, who would it be?

By identifying a brand personality, we create more consistent, meaningful marketing. Knowing how the brand personality might react in different situations allows us to create a likeable and fully formed persona for the brand, helping to build trust with consumers and make them part of our loyal customer base.

overview: simplecall is a young, intelligent, professional mother of a small family.

Age range: 25-30.

Occupation: Full time working mum – in a managerial role.

Shopping habits: She prioritises ‘value for money’ over lowest cost.

Dislikes: Dishonesty, disrespectful people, and poor quality work or products.

hobbies: Interested in different cultures & business.

Current affairs: She readily engages in conversations, and, more importantly, speaks clearly with knowledge of her subject.

Family: This is very important to her. She enjoys taking care of others.

Yoga: She cares for herself as well as others; enjoys the calm and sociable environment.

Wired magazine: She likes reading and keeping abreast with technology.

Coaches youth sports: Engages in community work.

personality traits: Honest: Her bank has over paid her, but she will flag this with them instead of benefiting from remaining silent.

Warm, friendly & welcoming: Her most noticeable feature is her warm smile.

Socially responsible, active, playful and caring

Smart: Able to juggle many things in life - family, work, and her community. She has witty conversation with her friends and family and keeps a positive outlook.

Forward thinking & comfortable with technology: (especially when it makes her life easier) – She signs up to eBills and direct debits.

Enthusiastic: She is known for being positive and energetic around the office and among friends.

Professional & confident: She works full time and is good at what she does.

372012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

brand architecture brand theme

simplecall is part of a larger family, simplegroup. All of the companies in the family are tied together by a unifying philosophy:

•Make the complex simple

•Treat customers honestly

•Be passionate in everything we do

The underlying philosophy of simplegroup is the idea that we are not afraid of complexity. We make the complex simple and therefore ‘complex is simple’ for us. This not just a bold statement, but it is a lifestyle and belief that inspires, motivates and demands attention.

This theme should be reflected in all parts of the branding, whether it is writing copy, creating graphics, serving customers, managing accounts, managing employees or designing new products.

to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.hans hofmann

392012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

voicepurpose promise values voice

how we communicate in visual and verbal form

412012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

visual & verbal voice

when writting, speaking or designing we are:•simple & clear




•warm & open

Overall theme: a major component of the simplecall philosophy is the idea that there is always a simpler solution to complicated problems. This theme should be reflected in all parts of the branding. Both the visual elements and copy should emphasise the brand theme of ‘complex is simple.’ It is important when producing either visuals or copy, that the theme is fully understood and that it is made completely clear to the reader.

things to keep in mind when designing across cultures:Try to always keep the layout simple, uncluttered and straightforward. It might be less fashionable, but it will help readability across different cultures. The process of reduction is essential. Minimal form can have maximum impact. However, we are not entirely minimalists. Designs should have enough warmth to convey a company whose identity is a friendly young mother.

visual voice

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abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzFont edited to create bespoke typeface for simplecall

Final typeface for Large Scale logo

Original Quicksand (book) typeface

0.25 stroke applied, outlined & added to letter form to thicken typeface

distance height of ʻtʼ

TM - should be scaled in proportion to the larger typeface

Large Scale typeface in its proportion relative to the tagline


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzFont edited to create bespoke typeface for simplecall

Final typeface for Large Scale logo

Original Quicksand (book) typeface

0.25 stroke applied, outlined & added to letter form to thicken typeface

distance height of ʻtʼ

TM - should be scaled in proportion to the larger typeface

Large Scale typeface in its proportion relative to the tagline


parent brand

Bespoke Typeface Creation

Wordmark Relationship to Tagline

452012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

distance height of ʻtʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻtʼ

approx. height is ʻmʼ x4

distance height of ʻoʼ

width of ʻeʼ x5



Brandmark Anatomy of Large Scale Logo

The simplecall Brandmark

Final Logo Lockup

Brandmark Composition

The simplecall brandmark consists of two primary elements:


The symbol portion of the brandmark was chosen carefully. A standard quote mark (“) is used to represent speech/communication. By inverting one side of the quote mark, an “S” is created in the negative space. The result is clever yet simple, relating back to our brand identity, a smart and intelligent mother.

Furthermore, the negative space is “embraced” by the quote marks, reflecting the caring quality of a mum.


The brandmark’s wordmark was given equal thought and consideration as the symbol. It reflects both the company’s services and the brand’s personality, and has layers of meaning.

When broken down, you can see that the letters are made up of the simplest shapes of geometric forms: lines and circles.

These lines and circles can also be interpreted as ones and zeros, which are represented in binary code — the “language” of technology.

While the zeros are already curved, the lines’ edges are further softened, suggesting the friendly and approachable personality of the brand


The ‘tagline’ lockup is a derivative of the ‘primary’ compositional logo that incorporates the ‘complex is simple’ tag line text.

472012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

0.75 stroke applied, outlined & added to letter form to thicken typeface

Final typeface for Reduced Size logo

0.75 stroke applied, outlined & added to letter form to thicken typeface

distance height of ʻtʼ

TM - should be scaled in proportion to the main typeface

Final font for Reduced Size logo

0.75 stroke applied, outlined & added to letter form to thicken typeface

additional offset

Reduced Size Version Brandmark Set

Wordmark Relationship to Tagline - Reduced Version

Reduced Size Version

In circumstances where the brandmark is to appear in areas that are greatly restricted, a supplementary set of logos have been created. These versions contain an additional weight on the wordmark element for increased clarity.

NOTE: The Reduced Size version brandmarks should only be used when the standard marks are deemed unsuitable.

distance height of ʻtʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻtʼ

Landscape Landscape


Brandmark Anatomy of Reduced Size Logo Final Logo Lockup

492012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.


Landscape: Reduced version

Primary Tagline

Exclusion Zones

It is important that a defined exclusion zone is maintained around the brandmark to preserve its clarity.

No type or graphical elements should intrude within this area.

Primary/Tagline Brandmark

The exclusion zone is a space that can be easily measured using elements of the brandmark itself, instead of using mathematical accuracy. Simply use the “m” in the wordmark to measure the correct amount of exclusion space around all sides of the primary logo.

Landscape Brandmark

If using the landscape style of the logo, you can still use the “m” to measure the exclusion zone. But please note that in the reduced size version, the width of the “m” is used on the right side accommodating for the extra space the larger TM symbol has taken.

Protecting the Brand

512012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

























Brandmark Variations

Colour Variations

In situations where the full-colour versions of the brandmark cannot be employed, this range of single-colour variations is available for use.

Reflex-Reflex Highlight

For limited spot-colour print, vehicle decals and signage that is restricted to specified coloured vinyl stock.

Reflex-Reflex Highlight or Mid-grey

For limited spot-colour print.


For facsimile transmissions or single-colour newsprint.


For use on coloured backgrounds with a mid-to-dark range tonal value.

Please Note: The table opposite shows colour and layout samples only and should not be used as an example of proper use of the brandmark with the tagline at this scale.

532012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.













Minimum Size

Whenever applying the brandmark, it is important that it remains identifiable and that it should never be used below a tolerance that could compromise its integrity.

Standard Brandmark Sizes

When applying the brandmark, always regard the elements that are less tolerant to reduced scale (such as the wordmark or the tag line) as a guide to assessing when a logo is acceptable.

The version on the left is at a size where the tagline becomes too small to read. The version without the tagline should be used in this case.

The brandmark on the left in this case is the Large Scale version, which appears thicker and should only be used in larger sizes. The version on the right is the proper Reduced Size brandmark, and is the one that should be used at this size.

The same goes for using the Reduced Size version in a larger size; this version should be used in smaller sizes only.

This brandmark lockup has been changed. Do not change the lockup.

The final two samples show how the brandmark becomes distorted if it is stretched in either direction. Always place the elements of the brandmark in the correct space and proportion.

552012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

Primary Reduced size

subsidiary brandingThe simplecall brandmark was designed to expand into sub-brands indefinitely. These four sub-brands are consistent yet unique.

Brandmark Anatomy of Sub-Brands Final Logo Lockup

572012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.













Protecting the Sub-Brand:

Exclusion zone

Brandmark Variations Sub-Brand Verticals

All existing and future sub-brands will be attributed to one of four main areas:


To represent the more traditional products and services in the domestic sector market.


For high street simplecall lounge outlets and other potential facilities that actively encourage social activity.


Software-based communications solutions for the business sector.


For retail based telecoms.

White and black

For circumstances where it is not possible to apply the full-colour versions (i.e. flood colour areas on literature and facsimile lead sheets).

Exclusion Zones

The safe area around the sub-brand logos is defined by the height of the ‘m’ top and bottom and the width of the ‘m’ on either side. No type or graphical elements should intrude within this area.

NOTE: The reduced size version logos should only be used when the standard marks are deemed unsuitable for use.

592012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

distance height of ʻtʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

negative ʻsʼ should always remain consistent with simplecallʼs negative ʻsʼ

negative ʻsʼ should always remain consistent with simplecallʼs negative ʻsʼ

everything that follows is centered

distance height of ʻtʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance height of ʻtʼ

distance width of ʻoʼ x2

distance width of ʻoʼ x2


Landscape Landscape

Reduced size

distance height of ʻtʼ

distance width of ʻoʼ x2

distance width of ʻoʼ x2


Landscape Landscape

Reduced size

other parent brands

When creating the brandmarks for other brands, the negative “S” shape remains consistently placed in relation to the other elements of the mark and to scale. For example, if you were to place the

simplecall brandmark on top of the simpletravel mark, the negative space that creates the “S” will line up exactly.

To create this consistency, designers should use grid lines from the simplecall logo as a guide. This ensures that the negative “S” is to scale and the type is consistent.

612012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

negative ʻsʼ should always remain consistent with simplecallʼs negative ʻsʼ

negative ʻsʼ should always remain consistent with simplecallʼs negative ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻtʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance height of ʻtʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance height of ʻtʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻtʼ


Landscape Landscape

Reduced size Primary

Landscape Landscape

Reduced size

632012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.


Landscape Landscape

Reduced size

distance height of ʻtʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance height of ʻtʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance height of ʻtʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻtʼ

negative ʻsʼ should always remain consistent with simplecallʼs negative ʻsʼ

negative ʻsʼ should always remain consistent with simplecallʼs negative ʻsʼ


Landscape Landscape

Reduced size

652012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

dark greyCMYK 0• 0• 0• 90RGB 65• 64• 66HEX #414042



mid greyCMYK 0• 0• 0• 50RGB 147• 149• 152HEX #939598


reflexCMYK 100•75• 0• 0RGB 0• 84• 166HEX #0054A6

reflex highlightCMYK 100• 0• 0• 0RGB 0• 174• 239HEX #00AEEF

raspberryCMYK 30• 100• 0• 0RGB 180• 30• 142HEX #B41E8E

raspberry highlightCMYK 0• 100• 0• 0RGB 236• 0• 140HEX #EC008C



tangerineCMYK 0• 65• 100• 0RGB 244• 121• 32HEX #F47920

tangerine highlightCMYK 0• 35• 100• 0RGB 252• 175• 23HEX #FCAF17




forestCMYK 80• 10• 100• 20RGB 33• 138• 61HEX #218A3D

forrest highlightCMYK 50• 10• 100• 10RGB 130• 167• 56HEX #82A738

reflex 2nd highlightCMYK 60• 0• 0• 0RGB 68• 200• 245HEX #44C8F5

raspberry 2nd highlightCMYK 0• 60• 0• 0RGB 242• 135• 183HEX #F287B7

tangerine 2nd highlightCMYK 0• 15• 40• 0RGB 255• 218• 162HEX #FFDAA2

forrest 2nd highlightCMYK 30• 0• 100• 0RGB 191• 215• 48HEX #BFD730









oceanCMYK 71• 0• 55• 0RGB 54• 186• 149HEX #36BA95

ocean highlightCMYK 58• 0• 41• 0RGB 104• 197• 173HEX #68C5AD


plumCMYK 70• 100• 10• 0RGB 113• 44• 134HEX #712C86


plum highlightCMYK 35• 75• 10• 0RGB 172• 94• 153HEX #AC5E99



appleCMYK 50• 10• 100• 10RGB 130• 167• 56HEX #82A738

apple highlightCMYK 30• 0• 100• 0RGB 191• 251• 48HEX #BFD730



strawberryCMYK 0• 100• 100• 25RGB 186• 20• 26HEX #BA141A

strawberry highlightCMYK 0• 65• 100• 0RGB 244• 121• 32HEX #F47920

Colour Values

These swatches contain references for all of the core colours to be reproduced for print, web and other on-screen applications.

In instances where none of these colour systems are considered primary reference (i.e. vehicle decals, signage, embroidery, screen printing), it is advised that a colour print proof of the CMYK and Pantone® swatches is created to enable a cross-reference.

NOTE: Avoid using specified Pantone® colours in gradients that use multiple swatch references. These tend to create undesired mid-merge effects.


parent-brand colours sub-brand colours

additional colours

672012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.


AaABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 (?!@&£$:;.,)

AaABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 (?!@&£$:;.,)

AaABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 (?!@&£$:;.,)

AaABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 (?!@&£$:;.,)

VAG rounded - thinFor pull-out phrases, introductory paragraphs and quotations.

VAG rounded - boldFor third-level sub headers.

(to be used sparingly)

VAG rounded - blackFor highlighting type in body copy.

(to be used sparingly)

helvetica - bold (print)For secondary-level sub headers and highlighted body text.

arial - bold (screen)For secondary-level sub headers, highlighted body copy and to replace key typographical elements where VAG Rounded cannot be embedded.

VAG rounded - lightFor key promotional text and headers that require maximum prominence.

helvetica (print)For body copy and footnotes.

arial (screen)For body copy, footnotes and to replace key typographical elements where VAG Rounded cannot be embedded.

AaABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 (?!@&£$:;.,)

AaABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 (?!@&£$:;.,)

AaABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 (?!@&£$:;.,)

AaABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 (?!@&£$:;.,)

692012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.


Photographic images only should be used to create these depictions of “complex is simple”. The images should be desaturated (black and white) while colour is used in one of the following ways elsewhere in the creative:

•the “S” shaped split—showing both complex and simple imagery

•selective element colouring—using only simple imagery

• line illustration—2 colours used from the colour palette

introducing simpletravel......the expert, one-stop travel service from simplecall

(0) 203 570 0200, [email protected]

Now booking low-cost flights to:

• Bangladesh• Pakistan• India• Middle East• Europe & more

Book your next journey at the simpletravel offices in East London

We also provide global door-to-door cargo service!

Unit A, 4-6 Davenant Street, London E1 5NB

BCA Magazine ad.indd 1 08/11/2012 18:17:32


Landscape Landscape

Reduced size


Landscape Landscape

Reduced size

distance height of ʻtʼ

distance height of ʻoʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻtʼ

Landscape Landscape


712012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.


illustration style iconography

In standard information documents that require a graphical element, use simple icons. They should be outlined with no sharp corners, incorporating the absolute minimum of detail required for recognition.

Line drawings with minimum detail are the illustration style. Fill colours should be used sparingly. A consistent line weight should be strived for and sharp corners should be avoided.

This also applies to diagrams and charts.

Lines should have rounded ends


732012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.



Dear Sir,

Vit istio. Ut que prae est lamet odipsum repedi dolut utemper endissi ratur aceaten ihitium ut esciaspel ium ne moluptis doluptat etur asperit minis coreicieni cori nem. Nonseces mo omnis ut evendunt perum qui doluptis ipsantium ni utat.

Xim re neceper itatur mo exeruntem fugitat quatis ut et latemporro vendis et, quis et audisque officil igenient officiis qui beatureium harunti oriant, con excereictas dolorro et maximi, sim illis et everferum utendis eaquiatatem hillupis in none prae vellest arum enis dolent est, ut volorum, sin rem inisit omnis quiasin poris nimet quis delitiatet volenimetur repudae velliquas quiam adi nistia con ne omnihicipsam nest ea conseque poratia volorro tent ad eliquod que volorrum latenimi, que ni dolorestis is arum quunt, ulpa inctaepudit, andebiscit utatusda cus, endiciam que prem. Solupti onsequis et arum faccum rehenis arum voluptatque et dolorec tassit labore volupta tumquam quias nonsendel enitat eum qui inusam fugiaer ovidebit lati omnisciis dunt am nus, vitam et aborerum, ut od molum fugiante voluptatque nos consequiam tassit labore tassit labore voluptibus.

Nam, core corat amus recti totatis esti solecae lanis sint volorion exernatem intinct ecabori oratur as molorernam quam, conesciet endi re nos volorior asperovid ut quam, optae corem quat deligni magnis nis quiscientem doluptaque porum re raturiam adi omnis restiis aceprest, explit, tem voluptumet possini sam debitaecum res ilia consenturem dolla qui occus.

Equatus totate pore sus perro omnis accusam quid quibernam, volore et in niaspelique voloribus mi, occae eum faccullorror sit aliquodi velita est, tescium etur ma est, aut velia parumqui doluptati quia sita sitam doluptat.

Naufal Zamir

Managing Director

4-6 Davenant Street, London, E1 5NB, United Kingdom.

t +44 (0) 203 051 2928 f +44 (0) 207 691 7719 e [email protected]

SC corporate identity.indd 1 05/11/2012 15:25:11

Dear Sir,

Vit istio. Ut que prae est lamet odipsum repedi dolut utemper endissi ratur aceaten ihitium ut esciaspel ium ne moluptis doluptat etur asperit minis coreicieni cori nem. Nonseces mo omnis ut evendunt perum qui doluptis ipsantium ni utat.

Xim re neceper itatur mo exeruntem fugitat quatis ut et latemporro vendis et, quis et audisque officil igenient officiis qui beatureium harunti oriant, con excereictas dolorro et maximi, sim illis et everferum utendis eaquiatatem hillupis in none prae vellest arum enis dolent est, ut volorum, sin rem inisit omnis quiasin poris nimet quis delitiatet volenimetur repudae velliquas quiam adi nistia con ne omnihicipsam nest ea conseque poratia volorro tent ad eliquod que volorrum latenimi, que ni dolorestis is arum quunt, ulpa inctaepudit, andebiscit utatusda cus, endiciam que prem. Solupti onsequis et arum faccum rehenis arum voluptatque et dolorec tassit labore volupta tumquam quias nonsendel enitat eum qui inusam fugiaer ovidebit lati omnisciis dunt am nus, vitam et aborerum, ut od molum fugiante voluptatque nos consequiam tassit labore tassit labore voluptibus.

Nam, core corat amus recti totatis esti solecae lanis sint volorion exernatem intinct ecabori oratur as molorernam quam, conesciet endi re nos volorior asperovid ut quam, optae corem quat deligni magnis nis quiscientem doluptaque porum re raturiam adi omnis restiis aceprest, explit, tem voluptumet possini sam debitaecum res ilia consenturem dolla qui occus.

Equatus totate pore sus perro omnis accusam quid quibernam, volore et in niaspelique voloribus mi, occae eum faccullorror sit aliquodi velita est, tescium etur ma est, aut velia parumqui doluptati quia sita sitam doluptat.

Naufal Zamir

Managing Director

4-6 Davenant Street, London, E1 5NB, United Kingdom.

t 0203 570 0200 f 0207 691 7719 e [email protected]

STL corporate identity recomended design.indd 1 05/11/2012 15:26:10SC corporate identity.indd 2 05/11/2012 15:25:12 STL corporate identity recomended design.indd 2 05/11/2012 15:26:11

4-6 Davenant Street, London, E1 5NB, United Kingdom.

t +44 (0) 203 051 2928 f +44 (0) 207 691 7719 e [email protected]

SC corporate identity.indd 3 05/11/2012 15:25:12

4-6 Davenant Street, London, E1 5NB, United Kingdom.

t 0203 570 0200 f 0207 691 7719 e [email protected]

STL corporate identity recomended design.indd 3 05/11/2012 15:26:11SC corporate identity.indd 4 05/11/2012 15:25:12 STL corporate identity recomended design.indd 4 05/11/2012 15:26:11

4-6 Davenant Street, London, E1 5NB, UK.

managing director

Naufal Zamir

t +44 (0) 203 570 0001

e [email protected] +44 (0) 793 239 1736

SC corporate identity.indd 5 05/11/2012 15:25:12

4-6 Davenant Street, London, E1 5NB, UK.


moin ahmed

t 0203 570 0200

e [email protected] 0793 056 2752

STL corporate identity recomended design.indd 5 05/11/2012 15:26:12

SC corporate identity.indd 6 05/11/2012 15:25:13

STL corporate identity recomended design.indd 6 05/11/2012 15:26:12

SC corporate identity.indd 7 05/11/2012 15:25:13

STL corporate identity recomended design.indd 7 05/11/2012 15:26:12

Please Note: There are two design options for business cards. Once a design is chosen for each brand/ sub-brand, it should be used consistently thereafter.

752012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

Dear Sir,

Vit istio. Ut que prae est lamet odipsum repedi dolut utemper endissi ratur aceaten ihitium ut esciaspel ium ne moluptis doluptat etur asperit minis coreicieni cori nem. Nonseces mo omnis ut evendunt perum qui doluptis ipsantium ni utat.

Xim re neceper itatur mo exeruntem fugitat quatis ut et latemporro vendis et, quis et audisque officil igenient officiis qui beatureium harunti oriant, con excereictas dolorro et maximi, sim illis et everferum utendis eaquiatatem hillupis in none prae vellest arum enis dolent est, ut volorum, sin rem inisit omnis quiasin poris nimet quis delitiatet volenimetur repudae velliquas quiam adi nistia con ne omnihicipsam nest ea conseque poratia volorro tent ad eliquod que volorrum latenimi, que ni dolorestis is arum quunt, ulpa inctaepudit, andebiscit utatusda cus, endiciam que prem. Solupti onsequis et arum faccum rehenis arum voluptatque et dolorec tassit labore volupta tumquam quias nonsendel enitat eum qui inusam fugiaer ovidebit lati omnisciis dunt am nus, vitam et aborerum, ut od molum fugiante voluptatque nos consequiam tassit labore tassit labore voluptibus.

Nam, core corat amus recti totatis esti solecae lanis sint volorion exernatem intinct ecabori oratur as molorernam quam, conesciet endi re nos volorior asperovid ut quam, optae corem quat deligni magnis nis quiscientem doluptaque porum re raturiam adi omnis restiis aceprest, explit, tem voluptumet possini sam debitaecum res ilia consenturem dolla qui occus.

Equatus totate pore sus perro omnis accusam quid quibernam, volore et in niaspelique voloribus mi, occae eum faccullorror sit aliquodi velita est, tescium etur ma est, aut velia parumqui doluptati quia sita sitam doluptat.

Naufal Zamir

Managing Director

4-6 Davenant Street, London, E1 5NB, United Kingdom.

t +44 (0) 203 051 2928 f +44 (0) 207 691 7719 e [email protected]

STF corporate identity.indd 1 05/11/2012 15:26:52 STF corporate identity.indd 2 05/11/2012 15:26:52

4-6 Davenant Street, London, E1 5NB, United Kingdom.

t +44 (0) 203 051 2928 f +44 (0) 207 691 7719 e [email protected]

STF corporate identity.indd 3 05/11/2012 15:26:53 STF corporate identity.indd 4 05/11/2012 15:26:53

4-6 Davenant Street, London, E1 5NB, UK.

managing director

Naufal Zamir

t +44 (0) 203 570 0001

e [email protected] +44 (0) 793 239 1736

STF corporate identity.indd 5 05/11/2012 15:26:53

STF corporate identity.indd 6 05/11/2012 15:26:54

STF corporate identity.indd 7 05/11/2012 15:26:54

Dear Sir,

Vit istio. Ut que prae est lamet odipsum repedi dolut utemper endissi ratur aceaten ihitium ut esciaspel ium ne moluptis doluptat etur asperit minis coreicieni cori nem. Nonseces mo omnis ut evendunt perum qui doluptis ipsantium ni utat.

Xim re neceper itatur mo exeruntem fugitat quatis ut et latemporro vendis et, quis et audisque officil igenient officiis qui beatureium harunti oriant, con excereictas dolorro et maximi, sim illis et everferum utendis eaquiatatem hillupis in none prae vellest arum enis dolent est, ut volorum, sin rem inisit omnis quiasin poris nimet quis delitiatet volenimetur repudae velliquas quiam adi nistia con ne omnihicipsam nest ea conseque poratia volorro tent ad eliquod que volorrum latenimi, que ni dolorestis is arum quunt, ulpa inctaepudit, andebiscit utatusda cus, endiciam que prem. Solupti onsequis et arum faccum rehenis arum voluptatque et dolorec tassit labore volupta tumquam quias nonsendel enitat eum qui inusam fugiaer ovidebit lati omnisciis dunt am nus, vitam et aborerum, ut od molum fugiante voluptatque nos consequiam tassit labore tassit labore voluptibus.

Nam, core corat amus recti totatis esti solecae lanis sint volorion exernatem intinct ecabori oratur as molorernam quam, conesciet endi re nos volorior asperovid ut quam, optae corem quat deligni magnis nis quiscientem doluptaque porum re raturiam adi omnis restiis aceprest, explit, tem voluptumet possini sam debitaecum res ilia consenturem dolla qui occus.

Equatus totate pore sus perro omnis accusam quid quibernam, volore et in niaspelique voloribus mi, occae eum faccullorror sit aliquodi velita est, tescium etur ma est, aut velia parumqui doluptati quia sita sitam doluptat.

Naufal Zamir

Managing Director

4-6 Davenant Street, London, E1 5NB, United Kingdom.

t +44 (0) 203 051 2928 f +44 (0) 207 691 7719 e [email protected]

STT corporate identity.indd 1 05/11/2012 15:26:30 STT corporate identity.indd 2 05/11/2012 15:26:30

4-6 Davenant Street, London, E1 5NB, United Kingdom.

t +44 (0) 203 051 2928 f +44 (0) 207 691 7719 e [email protected]

STT corporate identity.indd 3 05/11/2012 15:26:31 STT corporate identity.indd 4 05/11/2012 15:26:31

4-6 Davenant Street, London, E1 5NB, UK.

managing director

Naufal Zamir

t +44 (0) 203 570 0001

e [email protected] +44 (0) 793 239 1736

STT corporate identity.indd 5 05/11/2012 15:26:31

STT corporate identity.indd 6 05/11/2012 15:26:31

STT corporate identity.indd 7 05/11/2012 15:26:32

stationery continued

772012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

stationery continued

The envelop design is a follow through of the identity of the parent brand. Sub-brand envelop design should follow their own brand identities.

792012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.


Parent Brand

This is a sample animated welcome screen for simplecall website visitors. The complicated pattern slides together from the top and the bottom to meet in the middle, creating the message “complex is simple.” This mock-up demonstrates how designers can create an on-brand experience for visitors.

Designers should also note the use of rounded edges and curves on this page, which are used in simplecall branding to reflect the gentleness and warmth of the brand.

The opposite page shows a sample of the homepage which echoes the visual voice of simplecall by using two different images of similar items: one to depict a complex version, and one that is its simpler counterpart. By juxtaposing these images closely and separating them with the signature “S” shape, the viewer can quickly assess the role simplecall plays in making the complex simple.

812012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

contact usabout our values

our values are an integral part of the character of simplecall, they describe the way we work and areat the forefront of our mind in everything we do.

We feel strongly that it is wrong when companies cheat and misinform consumers.

We believe that every interaction we have with our customers is part of a much larger relationship. In order for that relationship to have value and continue to flourish, it must be built on trust. This is why we have an unshakeable commitment to being straightforward, honest and completely transparent with our consumers and have firmly built it into our ethos.

‘we say what we do and do what we say.’

We believe that mediocrity is our nemesis. Our company has been dedicated to doing things better and with more elegance than our competitors. We strive for excellence and aspire to perfection in all that we do. We know that every call is important to you and has meaning, so we strive to maintain a level of excellence and clarity that exceeds expectations.

‘what matters to you, matters to us’

We exist in an industry that demands innovation. It is only through this bold innovation that we can achieve a better, simpler solution for the communication needs of our customers. If we stagnate, we stop being relevant, become dull and stop helping our customers.

Thankfully, we are a company of problem solvers. We are bursting at the seams with new ideas. We never stagnate. Innovation is a passion that burns deep inside and drives us to create unique solutions that make customers’ lives easier.

‘we may be small, but we think big.’

We see our competitors designing solutions that aren’t built with the consumer in mind, giving the frustrated user no reason to come back. It is our belief that the only way to be focused on the customer is to be focused on simplicity.

Our philosophy of innovating by subtraction, removes unnecessary processes until we are left with what’s truly important. This then creates powerful, flexible tools that are easy for everyone to use.

‘making the complex simple for your convenience’

excellence innovation peoplehonesty

Oversized & Simple Elements

This sample page illustrates the use of oversized elements such as headers, buttons and text, which underpin our simplicity as they create a clean look and are easy to see/read.

The icons on the top right are further examples of keeping a clean experience for the user because they are simple visible references that expand when the user hovers the mouse, revealing name of the sub brand. When clicked these take the user to the sub-brand website.

Speech Bubble Graphic

The sample also uses the graphic element of the speech bubble, which represents communication, a cornerstone of simplecall’s services. Always use this element in this shape and proportion, and use sparingly to create impact as needed.

contact usabout our values

4-6 Davenant StreetLondon, E1 5NBUnited Kingdom

0800 008 7437

[email protected]

Contact Us

by telephone

by email

by post

�ldgate st

davenant st

�ldgate st

hanbury sthanbury st

bradyarts &communitycentre



greatrex st

sprlman st

wodeham gardens

mt terrace

romford st

myrdle st

parfett st

settles st

tower house



�nd location

Designers should strictly adhere to the brand’s colour palette and use bespoke graphic elements. For example, a custom map was created and used on this page instead of embedding a Google map. The map can still link to a Google map page, but while visitors are on the simplecall site, the experience should be consistent.

832012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

Sub Brand

This is an example of simplified usability. A ‘one action per page’ site is user friendly and in line with our uncomplicated ethos. This is one proposed example; advice from a usability expert should be sought.

All sub-brands should follow the same design template for recognition and consistency.

contact usabout our values

let’s get started

navigation navigation navigation navigation

contact usabout our values

navigation navigation navigation navigation

navigation navigation navigation navigation

contact usabout our values

navigation navigation navigation navigation

contact usabout our values

852012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.


dear customer

Jan 2013To view this email online click here

please check!your scheduled auto top up has not been received

We were unable to process your scheduled auto top up and therefore, your balance has not been topped up. You can sign in to your account to view your topup settings including your saved card details, or contact Customer Support on [email protected] or call us on:

AustraliaCanadaEuropean UnionUnited KingdomUnited States

You received this because your SimpleCall account information indicates that you want to receive emails regarding our products and services - Unsubscribe here to stop receiving these mails. SimpleCall values your privacy: Click here to read our Privacy Policy. This email has been sent by SimpleCall a division of Zamir Telecom Limited, Company Registration Number 05286517. Our registered office is 4-6 Davenant Street, London E1 5NB, UK.

—The simplecall Team

+ 61 280 147 232

+ 1 416 800 1261

click here

+ 44 (0) 203 0512 928

+ 1 678 791 4185


Email notifications containing promotions or account information should use this template. The oversized speech bubble graphic is fixed in placement and size, while the text and graphics (not photos) within can be customised to the intended message. This sample follows the colour palette as well, and the copy is straightforward and uncomplicated.

Jan 2013To view this email online click here

You received this because your simplecall talk account information indicates that you want to receive emails regarding our products and services - Unsubscribe here to stop receiving these mails. simplecall values your privacy: Click here to read our Privacy Policy. This email has been sent by simplecall a division of Zamir Telecom Limited, Company Registration Number 05286517. Our registered office is 4-6 Davenant Street, London E1 5NB, UK.

The underlying philosophy of simplecall is the idea that we are not afraid of complexity. We make the complex simple and therefore ‘complex is simple’ for us. This not just a bold statement, but it is a lifestyle and belief that inspires, motivates and demands attention.

emergency top up

our sister companies

Did you know we offer a free emergency top up service? Simply call Customer Service to request a £1 credit for your account. The £1 credit will be adjusted on your next top up.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vitae anteenatis ante convallis dictum sed sed nisi. Proin ultrices bibendum orci, nec hendrerit esttateget.

Donec interdum nisl sit amet dui consequat tinciduntucibus consequat tincidunt faucibu.

kit out your entire of�ce with a trip to loungeDid you know you can kit out your entire business or home office with one trip to simplecall lounge? It’s your one-stop-shop for office supplies — from binders to printer cartridges, laptops to copier toner. And right now, students get special pricing on hard binding of all course work! While you’re shopping, take notice that simplecall mobile SIMS are discounted, so you can make even more affordable national and international calls from your own mobile. Visit lounge in East Ham or call 0203 5700 111 for more information.

have your friends joined the party?Visit our Facebook Fan page to watch our special new video. And why not share it with your friends, too? Give your pals the chance to join the party at simplecall talk, so they can enjoy cheap international calls from the UK to more than 200 countries around the world!

Don’t forget to “like” us while you’re there, so you’ll be sure to get all the latest news and updates, including launch dates of simple connect, Auto Top Up and the new and improved simplecall talk app!

simplecall for the entrepreneurLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vitae ante venenatis ante convallis dictum sed sed nisi. Proin ultrices bibendum orci, nec hendrerit est vulputate eget. Donec interdum nisl sit amet dui consequat tincidunt faucibus sapien aliquam. Suspendisse auctor ulputate neque eget dictum. Nullam fringilla ullamcorper vestibulum. Curabiturtique neque vel magna hendrerit non fermentum nisi egestas. Curabitur varius dolor rhoncus nunc sodales et tincidunt enim tincidunt sodales interdum.

It’s all about MORE in 2013! We understand how important is it for customers to get MORE for their money, so we are giving even MORE FREE credits than ever before on tops ups! We have also introduced over 35 MORE countries from 1p/min, and we still offer one of the best UK call rates to mobile and fixed lines — starting at just 5p/min. That’s not all: you asked and we listened — from the 1st of February, we’ll introduce a brand-new inclusive minutes + SMS deal to allow friends and family to talk and text each other for FREE.

more countries, more savings with mobile

complex is simple!

�nd out how >


The enewsletter template utilises the speech bubble element as well, but the images inside should be photographs. The remaining message area should contain illustration elements as needed.

The triangle-shaped button beneath the bubble leads to the branded website, and note the graphic itself adheres to the curved edges rule.

872012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

mobile app

When creating mobile apps, adhere to the oversized graphics rule for ease-of-use and simplicity. More information is obtained once the user has selected the option.

892012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.



distance height of ʻtʼ

distance width of ʻsʼ

distance height of ʻtʼ

approx. height is ʻmʼ x4

distance height of ʻoʼ

width of ʻeʼ x5



simple is effortless when you know howannual report 2012

layout drafts.indd 1 12/12/2012 12:12:32


simplecall your life made easy

Excerum dolorae experatiatetNemperum lam et, ommodi arumquis dest, aut optate dolestia doluptate sim lamus verchiciis experrorrum harumquid magnis et, officatur sitate dis adis endaepu distibus aut aut mi, voluptatem voles nobis comnis derovid unditi officte nditae veliqui cum qui ditassequi cuptaepe eum re vendebis alitemp orehenimosa volore, od elliqui beatibu samenem est, culparibus rere naturerovit est, qui tem num quaturios es ressequi volupta int.

Is serepelit lam, quatur minusdae namus magnis et fugia dit imusam velesequi cumquid qui conecto et dolorer sperepr oreris doluptatur, ut ipit et quam es autet utatur?

Parciam quia sit andae nonsequ unturep

udanihi lluptatem reri tem. Ecescie niandites as moluptaquam ratem qui optat ipsum aut aut hariae sinto ent quis esto iducidicitas et aliquia et lam rem quam, as quisin consect atemquunt, quam, acimpere consequi ommoloressi tem qui ut que nonsequi di omnis quis de omnimollacil in

Excerum dolorae experatiatetNemperum lam et, ommodi arumquis dest, aut optate dolestia doluptate sim lamus verchiciis experrorrum harumquid magnis et, officatur sitate dis adis endaepu distibus aut aut mi, voluptatem voles nobis comnis derovid unditi officte nditae veliqui cum qui ditassequi cuptaepe eum re vendebis alitemp orehenimosa volore, od elliqui beatibu samenem est, culparibus rere naturerovit est, qui tem num quaturios es ressequi volupta int.

Is serepelit lam, quatur minusdae namus magnis et fugia dit imusam velesequi cumquid qui conecto et dolorer sperepr oreris doluptatur, ut ipit et quam es autet utatur?

Parciam quia sit andae nonsequ unturep

udanihi lluptatem reri tem. Ecescie niandites as moluptaquam ratem qui optat ipsum aut aut hariae sinto ent quis esto iducidicitas et aliquia et lam rem quam, as quisin consect atemquunt, quam, acimpere consequi ommoloressi tem qui ut que nonsequi di omnis quis de omnimollacil in

simple solutions to complex problems

Igentis aut fugitati ne dolorecati volupta tatiis aut estiis doloreium vendandandit eos sequi nullore rcipietur samus re eum resedic imenistem ut vit untusda eribus por adiorepro berore volore sum re natqui consequ aecullate inullo cum in nis solorpor aliquid quam eatibusdae cusa estia ne dem sam facille ndipid ut faciis et que eosam nullaccae dolut voluptam, sunt untiorro omnis dolorro et acepuda inum hil molute volut ut erro occum quam cus ipsa quam, et ut ratati volut que sanduciis dolorersped es ra commodis mos simaiorio odicit, simet molorumquam es simi, quam evel explaccum qui sinveria iniscipitae. Unt exceat.

Otat alique eos quia est esse parum reicide nisquidest velici atur?

Rum id qui blate omnimaximusa enesseque sinctint voluptur rest esequo omnihilis enima nobis aces et eictat ex explatem aligenima siminci mendes exercium coribusamus aut eos erferesectis magnihitae. As re, con excerum eos dolescias eumque repuda eum, optio bea inis et accus.

Sedi optatiam earchil ipsumque eos eum digenie ndebit, ut ut maionse nonsequiani ullorum simincta ni rem hari atur, nimilicatur? Quiam am ex et odionet ma cus etur, occullo rempore, quo omnis nosa diam ratur sim nullibe aquamus cipsum eossequi cullabo. Ulpa acidellorum, temolupitem. Itas nonet, con prem doluptat qui delest aut im acerspera vellorem exernatio tem quam repelenda volorer ibusantione volecus mi, sit evenditi odissi dolupta spediae pa es erspis magnis inciis sunt que que vel modi autem asint quo vent am harum veliqui coreict inciist, cuptatem fugitat dem. Dolor maio. Name non re volore arum hition pa duciendusdae liqui blam, que nemquat iatibus apeles dellupid qui suntur?

Ehentem la voluptam quam, cum expel int aut doluptam estios quibus eatiore sumquissequi occum ent resciisin excerciis porehent intusaest, to te volest, aut acipien ditincipsum estem fugiatur, simus aut adior mollaborerio officat ectibus ute poreped maiost dolor samenderum ipitibust esequi sim imolupt

layout drafts.indd 2-3 12/12/2012 12:13:48


simplecall your life made easy

Sedi optatiam earchil ipsumque eos eum digenie ndebit, ut ut maionse nonsequiani ullorum simincta ni rem hari atur, nimilicatur? Quiam am ex et odionet ma cus etur, occullo rempore, quo omnis nosa diam ratur sim nullibe aquamus cipsum eossequi cullabo. Ulpa acidellorum, temolupitem. Itas nonet, con prem doluptat qui delest aut im acerspera vellorem exernatio tem quam repelenda volorer ibusantione volecus mi, sit evenditi odissi dolupta spediae pa es erspis magnis inciis sunt que que vel modi autem asint quo vent am harum veliqui coreict inciist, cuptatem fugitat dem. Dolor maio. Name non re volore arum hition pa duciendusdae liqui blam, que nemquat iatibus apeles dellupid qui suntur?

Ehentem la voluptam quam, cum expel int aut doluptam estios quibus eatiore sumquissequi occum ent resciisin excerciis porehent intusaest, to te volest, aut acipien ditincipsum estem fugiatur, simus aut adior mollaborerio officat ectibus ute poreped maiost dolor samenderum ipitibust esequi sim imolupt

simple is effortless when you know how

Excerum dolorae experatiatetNemperum lam et, ommodi arumquis dest, aut optate dolestia doluptate sim lamus verchiciis experrorrum harumquid magnis et, officatur sitate dis adis endaepu distibus aut aut mi, voluptatem voles nobis comnis derovid unditi officte nditae veliqui cum qui ditassequi cuptaepe eum re vendebis alitemp orehenimosa volore, od elliqui beatibu samenem est, culparibus rere naturerovit est, qui tem num quaturios es ressequi volupta int.

Is serepelit lam, quatur minusdae namus magnis et fugia dit imusam velesequi cumquid qui conecto et dolorer sperepr oreris doluptatur, ut ipit et quam es autet utatur?

Parciam quia sit andae nonsequ unturep

udanihi lluptatem reri tem. Ecescie niandites as moluptaquam ratem qui optat ipsum aut aut hariae sinto ent quis esto iducidicitas et aliquia et lam rem quam, as quisin consect atemquunt, quam, acimpere consequi ommoloressi tem qui ut que nonsequi di omnis quis de omnimollacil in

Igentis aut fugitati ne dolorecati volupta tatiis aut estiis doloreium vendandandit eos sequi nullore rcipietur samus re eum resedic imenistem ut vit untusda eribus por adiorepro berore volore sum re natqui consequ aecullate inullo cum in nis solorpor aliquid quam eatibusdae cusa estia ne dem sam facille ndipid ut faciis et que eosam nullaccae dolut voluptam, sunt untiorro omnis dolorro et acepuda inum hil molute volut ut erro occum quam cus ipsa quam, et ut ratati volut que sanduciis dolorersped es ra commodis mos simaiorio odicit, simet molorumquam es simi, quam evel explaccum qui sinveria iniscipitae. Unt exceat.

Otat alique eos quia est esse parum reicide nisquidest velici atur?

Rum id qui blate omnimaximusa enesseque sinctint voluptur rest esequo omnihilis enima nobis aces et eictat ex explatem aligenima siminci mendes exercium coribusamus aut eos erferesectis magnihitae. As re, con excerum eos dolescias eumque repuda eum, optio bea inis et accus.

Igentis aut fugitati ne dolorecati volupta tatiis aut estiis doloreium vendandandit eos sequi nullore rcipietur samus re eum resedic imenistem ut vit untusda eribus por adiorepro berore volore sum re natqui consequ aecullate inullo cum in nis solorpor aliquid quam eatibusdae cusa estia ne dem sam facille ndipid ut faciis et que eosam nullaccae dolut voluptam, sunt untiorro omnis dolorro et acepuda inum hil molute volut ut erro occum quam cus ipsa quam, et ut ratati volut que sanduciis dolorersped es ra commodis mos simaiorio odicit, simet molorumquam es simi, quam evel explaccum qui sinveria iniscipitae. Unt exceat.

Otat alique eos quia est esse parum reicide nisquidest velici atur?

Rum id qui blate omnimaximusa enesseque sinctint voluptur rest esequo omnihilis enima nobis aces et eictat ex explatem aligenima siminci mendes exercium coribusamus aut eos erferesectis magnihitae. As re, con excerum eos dolescias eumque repuda eum, optio bea inis et accus.

layout drafts.indd 4-5 12/12/2012 12:15:00

Parent Brand

The sample brochure shows the layout, which is clean and uncluttered. Images used must be photographs as a foundation (adhering to photo guidelines), and illustrations may be used for graphs and charts (adhering to illustration guidelines).

912012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

simplcecall mobile sim card









mobile sim.pdf 1 05/12/2012 10:30:27 powerpoint

Together we are STRONGER

Naufal Zamir

Getting to the point

• Human behaviour

• Businessmen are strange

• Recession? What recession?

• The knowledge cycle

• ‘What’ against ‘how’

932012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

When creating retail or office spaces, the following guidelines should be upheld.

The base layer is white, creating a clean, simple backdrop. Use associated brand colours in accent pieces such as carpet, furniture and accessories. The resulting look should feel:





Custom Furniture

When ordering custom furniture such as desks or light fixtures, the manufacturer should be given the measurement of 20cm with which to create any curved features. Suppliers should be used consistently so that all items used to outfit the space have uniform look and quality.


Materials such as Perspex are used because they can be both vibrant and see-through, keeping with the brand value of honesty and transparency.


952012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.



When choosing promotional items to brand with simplecall messaging, whenever possible select items or versions of items that adhere to the brand. The mug pictured has exaggerated curve features to match the soft lines of the brandmark. The mug itself can be associated with warmth, another important brand trait.

Designs for items such as T-shirts should make use of the brandmark in abstract or intriguing ways. In the first sample, the brandmark is zoomed into, making it more stylish and therefore more likely to be worn.

The “statement shirt” uses an attention-getting yet subtle message that will invite others to ask the wearer about its meaning, opening up discussion about simplecall.

simple is beautiful complex is simple straight talk never complicated

972012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

verbal voice guidelines The brand voice should always be straightforward, free of jargon and excessive corporate speak and should use uncomplicated sentence structure.

written style:Simplecall, wherever written, should be in lowercase and bold eg: simplecall. The same applies to sub brands such as simplecall business.

customer focus:The copy should always be written with the customer’s perspective in mind, showing how simplecall will make their lives easier and worry free.

feelings:Emotive language used by using descriptive words that will help engage customers and achieve user focus.

Customers should feel: That they are in good hands, taken care of, relaxed. Confident that simplecall is an honest brand and will be there when they are needed.

How we feel: excited, eager, bubbling with ideas, can-do positive attitude, ready to innovate.

verbal voice

copy guidelines set 1: simplecall talk, simplecall mobile, simplecall lounge

Voice Summary:

The voice of simplecall is that of a young, warm, and confident professional mother. She is very knowledgeable, but speaks in a simple, understandable way, free of acronyms and technical jargon. She has a playful personality and her vocabulary can be colourful. She is not afraid to use colloquialism, but, being educated and tasteful, rarely uses slang. People are important to her, so she always speaks in a concerned and helpful way, making sure the customer feels at ease and that simplecall really cares about helping them solve their problems.

Throughout the copy, the writer should be mindful of simplecall’s complex is simple theme and use descriptive words that emphasise the simplicity of the simplecall approach.

The above examples convey the same information, but the first shows friendly personality, helpfulness and understanding about the needs of the target audience. It also reinforces the complex is simple theme.

Like this:

Keep in touch and stay free from stress with simplecall. Here, we understand that staying connected to your loved ones should never be difficult. That’s why we offer a variety of calling options matched to your unique needs. So feel free to connect, effortlessly.

Not like this:

We have many options for calling out of country. Each one has advantages. All of them are cheap and easy.

992012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

Voice Words & Phrases:

Copy writers can use these words or phrases in the copy to reinforce the brand or theme when stuck for ideas.

For Brand in General:



•Helping you.


•Keep in touch.


•Stay connected.

•Cost effective.

•Friends and family.

•Importance of staying connected.

•Fully covered.

•We care.

•Hold onto family.

•Connect to kin.

•Your network, connected.


•To the point

•Straight forward

•Clutter free




•Helping you

•Simple is beautiful.

•Love is never complicated.

•Call effortlessly with simplecall.

•Take complexity out of the equation.

•Straight talk, never complicated.

•Connect with family, friends, associates, effortlessly.

•Connecting to loved ones should never be complicated.

•Because keeping in touch with loved ones should never be complicated.

•Always connected. Always simple.

•Simple solutions are friendly solutions.

•Call effortlessly.

•Effortless communication for your whole family.

•Removing the unnecessary leaves us with what’s truly important

•The process of reduction…

•Services deconstructed to their essential form

•Elements that don’t contribute to the clarification of the service are superfluous

Specific to Theme:

helping you.

1012012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

Verbal Style Guide:


Provides the general feel of the writing. Gives the reader a sense of the intention and feelings of the voice:

Friendly, Educated, Enthusiastic, Caring

The first sentence shows a distinct personality and makes the reader feel comfortable. The second sentence does not give a sense that simplecall is eager to provide more information and help customers with their problems.

Like this:

We’d like to extend a warm welcome to you from the simplecall family. Our organisation is founded on the principles of honesty, fantastic products and, above all, simplicity, so that you can connect to those you love without worrying.

Not this:

Thank you for joining simplecall, the cheapest and simplest way to make international calls.


The word choice and grammar of the voice. Gives the reader a sense of the voice’s education, professionalism and aids in conveying the tone:

Simple, Casual, Descriptive, Honest, Tasteful

The first sentence doesn’t use any jargon or technical language and lays out the information in a friendly, customer focused way. The second sentence is less clear and focuses too much on the technical details of what customer service will do.

Like this:

At simplecall, we have a support team with the efficiency to get the job done right. Our services include a 24/7 live call centre and on-site help, so you’ll never have to worry about something going wrong.

Not this:

If there is some kind of problem with our equipment then one of our technicians will troubleshoot the problem and run diagnostics, if it is required.

1032012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

Descriptive Language:

To clarify and show the playful side of the voice as well as elicit an emotional response from the reader, descriptive words, metaphors and similes should be used whenever appropriate.

Descriptions and metaphors don’t always have to be specific to the ‘complex is simple’ theme, but can be used wherever possible, as long as they are appropriate to the point being made. Potential customers must be able to fully understand and relate to them.

All descriptive words, scenarios and metaphors should be as original as possible, avoiding clichés.

The first three examples use relevant descriptions and metaphors which reinforce the simplecall values being expressed in the sentence. The simile used in the fourth sentence is too specific and is not really appropriate, as this particular example should be about efficiency rather than honesty and talent.

Metaphors should be subtle, and their use should not take centre stage, as in the last example. The use of descriptions are there for clarity, however in the last example the sentence loses its meaning, and gives off an unprofessional image of the company.

Like this:

1. Simplifying complicated equations

2. We want our customers to feel like they have just checked in to a 5 star resort — knowing everything will be taken care of and any bumps along the way will be addressed quickly and with a smile.

3. Our customer service department works like a swat team to meet your needs

Not this:

1. We have a support team like Gandhi with honesty and talent enough to get the job done right.

2. We want our customers to feel taken care of. In fact, many customers have joked that we are more akin to a spa than a telecom company


The reason the voice is ‘speaking’. If every sentence doesn’t do these three things, then they aren’t written correctly:

Engage, Help, Inform

The first sentence engages with customers by appealing to their sense of family and showing how simplecall helps them keep in touch. The second sentence provides the basic information, but is very uninteresting and has no personality.

Like this:

Call out of country hassle free with our pinless dialling system. Whether connecting with our brother, cousin, or children, you can rest assured that simplecall will keep you in touch at a reasonable rate.

Not this:

You can make calls to 100 different countries using our low rate pinless dialling system. It’s cheap and easy.

1052012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

cost effective








a lot

help out





Word Choice



technical language







laymen’s terms










1072012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

copy guidelines set 2: simplecall business

Voice Summary:

The voice for simplecall business is very similar to that of the other simplecall brands, but more formal and more professional. It is that of the same confident, funny mother, but since she is speaking to an audience of professionals, her tone is somewhat less chatty and less concerned with relating on an emotional level. Her language is tasteful, articulate, straightforward and honest. She still maintains her friendly attitude, but uses no slang and minimal colloquialisms in the professional environment. She uses slightly more technical language here than with the other brands, but still maintains simple, understandable speech.

Throughout the copy, the writer should be mindful of simplecall’s complex is simple theme and use descriptive words that emphasise the simplicity of their approach.

Quick Reference:

Change in tone: professional, formal, less emotive

Change in language: tasteful, articulate, straightforward and honest

The second sentence uses slang and informal diction. The first sentence correctly keeps things friendly and not excessively formal, while still maintaining a professional tone. It also emphasises how simplecall offers an easy solution.

Like this:

Our solution is a complete communications system. We make use of the equipment you already have on site, providing all the features you require in one complete and cost effective package, so you can stop worrying about telecommunications and have the peace of mind to focus on your business.

Not like this:

simplecall makes the best communication system you can get. We use all the stuff you already have and give you all the features you need to make things easy and cheap.

Voice Words & Phrases:

Copy writers can use these words or phrases in the copy to reinforce the brand or theme when stuck for ideas.

For Brand in General:






•Fully supported.


•Worry free.

•Stay connected.


•Elegant solution.

•Cost effective.

•Connect simply.

•Complete solution.


•Improve efficiency.




•To the point

•Straight forward

•Clutter free




•Helping you

•Simple is beautiful.

•Connect effortlessly with simplecall business.

•Take complexity out of the equation.

•Straight talk, never complicated.

•Connect with associates, effortlessly.

•Connecting your business should never be complicated.

•Because connection should never be complicated.

•Always connected. Always simple.

•Simple solutions are the best solutions.

•Call effortlessly.

•Effortless communication for your business.

•The most elegant solution is always the simplest.

•Innovating by subtraction.

•Connect with associates, effortlessly.

•Convenient communication.

•Removing the unnecessary leaves us with what’s truly important.

•The process of reduction…

•Services deconstructed to their essential form.

•Elements that don’t contribute to the clarification of the service are superfluous.

Specific to Theme:

1092012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

Verbal Style Guide:


Provides the general feel of the writing. Gives the reader a sense of the intention and feelings of the voice:

Friendly, Confident, Helpful, Enthusiastic

The first sentence shows how simplecall can help the customer and presents the information in an engaging and friendly way. The second sentence presents the information in a dull and informal way, not at all the way an educated mother would speak in a professional setting.

Like this:

At simplecall, our goal is to take the complication out of business communication, so you can focus on running your company.

Not this:

We have a lot of services that are easy to use for your business.


The word choice and grammar of the voice. Gives the reader a sense of the voice’s education, professionalism and aids in conveying the tone:

Straightforward, Honest, Tasteful, Professional

The first sentence is professional, while still maintaining a friendly and informative tone.

The second sentence is too vague and informal.

Like this:

simplecall provides the most comprehensive service available. So you know that if something goes wrong, you’ll be in good hands.

Not this:

There’s always someone at simplecall to help you out, so don’t worry if something goes wrong!

1112012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

cost effective







a lot

help out




Word Choice



technical language







laymen’s terms










1132012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

so what now?

1152012 simplecall brand guidelines. All rights reserved.

directors and interns alike (and everyone else in-between) If you saw a person who dressed, spoke, or acted in a drastically different way from day to day, you’d think they were mad. The same is true for a brand. Consistency is key.

We’ve put together this guide so that you can easily recreate the consistent brand identity and behaviour and make a positive contribution to the company. New ideas are welcome, but they must be approved by the brand team to ensure that they are consistent, meaningful and relevant to this guide.

The primary goal of branding is to build trust and solidify a company’s position in the minds of consumers through the creation of a distinct and consistent brand personality. By following these guidelines, you can create marketing material that will help build trust in the simplecall brand and bring more people to the simplecall family. external agencies working on our brand:

We already know that you’re professional enough to do the job right, otherwise you wouldn’t have been chosen! These guidelines are here to make your life easy. You won’t have to second guess what the simplecall brand is because it is thoroughly laid out here. So take pride in contributing and helping to create a great brand!

it’s up to you


it’s up to


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width of ʻeʼ x5



to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.hans hofmann