sibul oct 28, 2009

The O bject of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourageand foster: FIR ST . Thedevelopm entofacquaintance asan opportunityforservice. SE CO N D . High Ethical standards in businessand professions;the recognition of theworthinessofall useful occupations; and the dignifying ofeach Rotarian’soccupation asan opportunityto servesociety; TH IRD . The application of the ideal of servicein each Rotarian’spersonal, business, and com m unitylife; FOURTH . The advancem ent of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professionalpersons united in theideal ofservice. Toys for the small boys. THE OBJECT OF ROTARY ROTARY PLEDGE I do solemnly promise to help advance the object of Rotary, comply with the Constitutions and By-laws of Rotary International and of theRotary Club of Makati THE FOUR WAY TEST of the things we Think , Say or Do 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and Published by the Rotary Club of Makati Greenbelt 1639 Peñafrancia St., Santiago Village, Makati City Phone 899-6566 Fax 899-6566 , Please email your articles and literary contributions to: [email protected] View our Sibul at R otary Club M akatiG reenbelt– D riven by the Spiritof Selfless Service! Oct 28, 2009 Vol. 12-09 Published by the Rotary Club Makati Greenbelt SIBUL DINNER MEETING At Ara Restaurant on Oct 21, 2009 Rtn Manny, PP Maricel, Rtn Nilda, Rtn Che, PP Evelyn & Pres Susan discussed the upcoming activities, like the raffle draw on Oct 28 and the medical mission on Nov 14 at Napindan, Taguig. An Evening of Music at the Manila Polo Club on Oct 20, 2009. Our Club supported this well-attended district fund raising activity. Pres Susan with SVPs Malu, &Grace, PP Malou, and SVPs Elsie & Pen in a fellowship

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The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service. SECOND. High Ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

Toys for the small boys.


ROTARY PLEDGEI do solemnly promise

to help advancethe object of Rotary,

comply with the Constitutions and By-laws

of Rotary Internationaland of theRotary Club of Makati Greenbelt,

ever putting into practice Rotary’s



of the things weThink , Say or Do

1. Is it the TRUTH?2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?4.Will it be

Published by the Rotary Club of Makati Greenbelt1639 Peñafrancia St., Santiago Village, Makati City Phone 899-6566 Fax 899-6566 , http://rcmktgreenbelt.multiply.comPlease email your articles and literary contributions to: [email protected] View our Sibul at

Rotary Club Makati Greenbelt –

Driven by the Spirit of Selfless Service!

Oct 28, 2009

Vol. 12-09

Published by the Rotary Club Makati Greenbelt


Rotary Club Makati Greenbelt meets every Wednesday

DINNER MEETING At Ara Restaurant on Oct 21, 2009

Rtn Manny, PP Maricel, Rtn Nilda, Rtn Che, PP Evelyn & Pres Susan discussed the upcoming activities, like the raffle draw on Oct 28 and the medical mission on Nov 14 at Napindan, Taguig.

An Evening of Music at the Manila Polo Club on Oct 20, 2009.Our Club supported thiswell-attended district fund raising activity. Pres Susan with SVPsMalu, &Grace, PP Malou, and SVPs Elsie & Pen in a fellowship mood.

uted relief packages to the evacuees in Taguig on October 4, 2009. The relief goods solicited from Pres Susan’s neighborhood were repacked with

the help of eager young and old volunteers.. PP Maricel also repacked additional relief goods with the help of her mom, daughter and nieces.


CALL TO ORDERPres Susan Ringol

INVOCATION Rtn Rose Leonida









Rtn Che Tabones

ADJOURNMENTPres Susan Ringol

MODERATORPP Sessie Caoyonan

We come today, thankful for the privilege of living on this beautiful planet. We pray for peace that we may enjoy the beauties and bounties of this earth. And please help us to find peace in our families, for our families are the foundation of our world. Lastly, allow us to find peace in ourselves. Help us to love and accept ourselves as You love and accept us. We ask all these things in Jesus name, Amen.

Getting to know you…

PP Alfredo “Al” Joaquin was our Club President in RY 2000-01. He has been a pillar of our Club since. He has been a district officer as well. He is a CPA and currently into Hotel Management. He is the Treasurer & Director of Boulevard Holdings Inc. His very supportive spouse, Mia, has been actively assisting our Club activities especially in the solicitation for our raffle prizes and Christmas feeding proj.



Oct 28 Lunch meeting & ‘Raffle for a Cause’ Draw

ARA Restaurant Makati City

12:00- 2:00 p.m.

Oct 28 Awarding of Scholarship Certificates

Makati City 2:30 - 5:00 pm

Oct 28 On to Montreal launch Makati Sports Club 6:00 p.m.

Nov 14 Medical –Dental Mission Napindan, Taguig 8:00 am to 12:00 noon

Nov 28 Tree-planting Activity Caliraya Water shed

Dec 6 Christmas Feeding and Gift Giving He Cares Foundation

Dec 16 Christmas Fellowship




MARE : tulungan mo naman ako, ang inaanak mo nalulon ang susi ng bahay ko! PARE  :  para  yun lang natataranta ka na? eh di gamitin mo yung duplicate.


 JUAN : aba ang dami mong biniling newspaper ah... JOSE  :  oo, kasi  nabalitaan ko, tataas daw presyo ng newspaper bukas.

“FREE DELIVERY” MRS : darleng, manganganak na ako. MR : sige, dadalhin na kita sa pizza hut. MRS : bakit sa pizza hut? MR : kasi duon me free delivery!


RY 2009-10

Amelia “Susan” RingolPresident

PP Ma. Cecilia “Maricel” Royo

Vice President-Internal

Rtn Ana “Girlie” Gustilo-Talapian

Vice President-External

PP Adoracion “Sioni” Fernando Secretary

Rtn Nilda “Nilds” BorjaTreasurer

Rtn Imelda “Imee” BustoAsst. Treasurer

Rtn Delia “Delia” AlicanteAuditor

PP Emmanuel “Mannie” Alcantara

Public Relations Officer

Rtn Toby MijaresRtn Au Abacan

Sgt at Arms

PP Alfredo “Al” JoaquinClub Service Director/

Ways & Means

PP Walter “Wally” Cervantes

Community Service Director/ Protocol Officer

Rtn Joycelie “Joy” CasingalVocational Service Director

PP Evelina “Evelyn” P. Alvarado

Youth Service Director



IWoo I need your love, babeGuess you know it’s trueHope you need my love, babeJust like I need you Hold me, love me, hold me, love meI ain’t got nothin’ but love, babeEight days a week

IILove you everyday, girlAlways on my mindOne thing I can say, girlLove you all the time Hold me, love me, hold me, love me I ain’t got nothing but love, babeEight days a week

CHORUSEight days a week, I love youEight days a week is not enough to show I careWoo I need your love, babeGuess you know it’s trueHope you need my love, babeJust like I need youHold me, love me, hold me, love meI ain’t got nothing but love, babeEight days a weekEight days a week, I love youEight days a week is not enough to show I care

President’s Message By SVP Susan Ringol

It’s already the last week of October and we still have so many things we have to do. The typhoon Ondoy and Pepeng were so devastating which caused also some setbacks to our planned activities s we will have to devote at least two Saturdays of November for our projects.

Actually, in addition to our scheduled projects I will be joining a fellow SVP’s project in their holistic relief operations in Pangasinan on November 7& 8, 2009. Those who would like to come are most welcome.

Let us hope and pray that there wont be anymore typhoons to come and cause another havoc to our country. It will take time before those presently affected could totally recover and there’s only so much we could do to help.

Looking back, our first 120 days of RY 2009-10 is quite productive and fruitful. We have already implemented various projects and even some disaster relief operations.

At this point, I would like to thank all of you for your support and cooperation, and most of all for the friendship. We would not have accomplished all these if not for your willingness to share the load and eagerness to participate.

Each one of us had a role to fulfill and we have done quite well. And we should keep this going for the Future of Rotary is in Your Hands!!


October is Vocational Service month. Vocational Service is the second avenue of service. No aspect of Rotary is more closely related to each member than a personal commitment to represent one’s vocation or occupation to fellow Rotarians and exemplify the characteristics of high ethical standards and the dignity of work.

Programs of vocational service are those that seek to improve business relations while improving the quality of trades, industry, commerce and the professions. Rotarians understand that each person makes a valuable contribution to a better society through daily activities in a business or profession.

Vocational service is frequently demonstrated by offering young people career guidance, occupational information and assistance in making vocational choices. Some clubs sponsor high school career conferences. Many recognize the dignity of employment by honoring exemplary service of individuals working in their communities.

I.T. WORKSHOPLunch meeting held on Oct. 13, 2009 at Abe Restaurant in Serendra, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City to discuss the details of their new project- I.T. workshop. This workshop aims to assist those who are not familiar with the ins and out of using the other computer functions which are very useful for today’s generation.

OKTOBERFESTAt Mckinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City on Oct 16, 2009

A fellowship event for the benefit of the schoolchildren affected by the typhoon.

Pres Susan with Spouse Cynthia & SAG Patti King.

FELLOWSHIP DURING THE MEETINGAt Ara Restaurant on October 21, 2009

(L-R) SVPs Tony & Elsie, Spouse Cynthia, SAG Patti, DS Lita & SVP Beans.

(L-R) SVP Carol, CP Grace, Pres Susan, CP Danny and Rtn Sim

One more time…say cheese!!!