showing love this valentine’s - fbc bloomfield · cadbury created the first heart-shaped box of...

FEBRUARY - 2019 ISSUE: 02 VOLUME: 01 First Baptist Church Bloomfield 200 W. Sycamore Ave. Bloomfield, NM 87413 505.632.3335 SHOWING LOVE THIS VALENTINE’S Jesus is sweeter than chocolate BY MONTY MULLENIX - SENIOR PASTOR It’s February, so Valentine’s Day is upon us again. Most people either love this holiday or hate it. Valentine’s Day is named after two early Christians: Valentine of Rome and Valentine of Terni. Both men were known for being martyred for their faith in Christ, not for their romantic gifts. e first person to equate Valentine’s Day with romantic love was Geoffrey Chaucer. He wrote, (Parlement of Foules), in 1382, a poem that celebrated the first anniversary of the engagement of King Richard II of England to Anne of Bohemia. Now to the important part of the holiday - the day’s connection with chocolate. In 1861, a British merchant named Richard Cadbury created the first heart-shaped box of chocolates for the holiday. Richard and his brother George inherited a chocolate company from their father John. eir family sold tea, coffee, cocoa, and chocolate as alternatives to alcohol, which they saw as causing much poverty among the working class. e Cadbury brothers turned their father’s small business into a major manufacturing company. eir company eventually provided 2,600 jobs. ey gave their workers a half day off work on Saturdays, which was a very advanced concept. ey encouraged young employees to attend night school and allowed them to leave work early twice a week for classes. ey provided sports facilities, summer camps, and built a hospital for their employees. e Cadburys bought 120 acres and constructed housing for their workers, including 16 homes for senior adult employees. Democratically elected employee councils helped manage the company and met the needs of workers. Morning prayers and daily Bible readings were conducted for the entire company. George bought a newspaper in 1901. He used it to campaign for old-age pensions and against sweatshop labor. How can we best celebrate Valentine’s Day? Imagine the impact on your community if we not only bought chocolate and went to dinner but, like the Cadburys, used our influence and resources to improve the lives of others for the glory of God. What if every Christian were as committed to sharing Jesus with all those who work for us, serve us, or provide us a service? As Jesus said, “love your neighbor as yourself.” Designed for Richard Cadbury in 1897, these bungalow-style homes were originally built for retired workers of the Cadbury factory (Image: Bournville Village Trust) e Cadbury factory located in Bournville, UK

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Page 1: SHOWING LOVE THIS VALENTINE’S - FBC Bloomfield · Cadbury created the first heart-shaped box of chocolates for the holiday. Richard and his brother George inherited a chocolate



First Baptist Church Bloomfield200 W. Sycamore Ave.Bloomfield, NM 87413505.632.3335

SHOWING LOVE THIS VALENTINE’SJesus is sweeter than chocolate


It’s February, so Valentine’s Day is upon us again. Most people either love this holiday or hate it. Valentine’s Day is named after two early Christians: Valentine of Rome and Valentine of Terni. Both men were known for being martyred for their faith in Christ, not for their romantic gifts. The first person to equate Valentine’s Day with romantic love was Geoffrey Chaucer. He wrote, (Parlement of Foules), in 1382, a poem that celebrated the first anniversary of the engagement of King Richard II of England to Anne of Bohemia.

Now to the important part of the holiday - the day’s connection with chocolate. In 1861, a British merchant named Richard Cadbury created the first heart-shaped box of chocolates for the holiday. Richard and his brother George inherited a chocolate company from their father John. Their family sold tea, coffee, cocoa, and chocolate as alternatives to alcohol, which they saw as causing much poverty among the working class.

The Cadbury brothers turned their father’s small business into a major manufacturing company. Their company eventually provided 2,600 jobs. They gave their workers a half day off work on Saturdays, which was a very advanced concept. They encouraged young employees to attend night school and allowed them to leave work early twice a week for classes. They provided sports facilities, summer camps, and built a hospital for their employees.

The Cadburys bought 120 acres and constructed housing for their workers, including 16 homes for senior adult employees. Democratically elected employee councils helped manage the company and

met the needs of workers. Morning prayers and daily Bible readings were conducted for the entire company. George bought a newspaper in 1901. He used it to campaign for old-age pensions and against sweatshop labor.

How can we best celebrate Valentine’s Day? Imagine the impact on your community if we not only bought chocolate and went to dinner but, like the Cadburys, used our influence and resources to improve the lives of others for the glory of God. What if every Christian were as committed to sharing Jesus with all those who work for us, serve us, or provide us a service? As Jesus said, “love your neighbor as yourself.”

Designed for Richard Cadbury in 1897, these bungalow-style homes were originally built for retired workers of the Cadbury factory (Image: Bournville Village Trust)

The Cadbury factory located in Bournville, UK

Page 2: SHOWING LOVE THIS VALENTINE’S - FBC Bloomfield · Cadbury created the first heart-shaped box of chocolates for the holiday. Richard and his brother George inherited a chocolate


Have you ever seen the “Antique Road Show”? Isn’t it great? In case you haven’t seen it, people bring in items and a profes-sional appraises them. Sounds pretty boring, huh? Well, I left out my favorite part. The part where people have something old laying around the house and bring it in on a whim, and then find out it’s worth a fortune. That look on their face (when they realize what they once thought was worthless) is what makes the show so great. Take for example the Ferguson family who had a painting giv-en to them by their grandparents and hated to give it away. They hung it behind a door for many years until they decided to bring it to the show. To look at the painting, noth-ing really stood out about it. It looked like something you could purchase in any South-western art gallery or swap shop. There was nothing special about it to the untrained eye, but then we see what happens when we look at the signature on the painting. It was a missing piece from a 19th century Mexican

artist and was worth over $1 million dollars; all because of the signature of the creator. You realize by the looks and smiles on their faces that this once neglected art piece was much more important than they could have imagined.

Now why does this matter? It matters be-cause we live in a society that only places value on people for their athletic ability, their perceived beauty, how much they can entertain us, those who make the most mon-ey, and those who can do something for you. When we assign value based on these arbitrary reasons it leaves most of us feeling worthless because we believe we are none of those things. But let me assure you, you are far from worthless because of the creator’s signature on your life. In Ephesians 2:10 it reads, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” I hope this brings one of those great “Wow, I can’t believe it’s worth that much”

smiles to your face because you have a worth that the world doesn’t want you to know about. It is a worth that surpasses anything this world can offer - you are a masterpiece of God. So much so that He didn’t give money or possessions to have His masterpiece back. Instead, He gave His own life to get us back.

I know this time of year is hard for a lot of people, but remember your worth is not found in your grades (even though we need to always give our best, Ecc. 9:10). Our worth is not in having a boyfriend or girl-friend (don’t worry, God’s got a plan for you, just keep running toward Him as fast as you can and one day you will look beside you and find someone there keeping up). Your worth isn’t about the money you have or anything else this world might tell you gives you worth. Your true worth is found in God. Nothing can change that, so cheer up. Put a smile on your face because you are priceless to the one who matters most. You are God’s masterpiece.


Rue Ferguson and his million dollar painting that hung hidden behind a door for 30 years before bringing it to the Antique Roadshow.


Have you ever wished something would last forever? The glory after winning a game, the feeling you have when you listen to your favorite song, or a great friendship? Eventually, most of these fade. But there is one thing (besides people) that will last forever. Psalm 136 repeats it over and over so we won’t forget it. “God’s love continues forever.”

Everything we know and experience on this earth will pass away, but God and His love for us will never end. He loves you now, and He will love you forever. No matter how you hurt Him through your sins, He will still love you. Take a moment and let that sink in.

How does knowing that help you to love someone who may have hurt you? You can love because God first loved you with a love that will last forever.


Page 3: SHOWING LOVE THIS VALENTINE’S - FBC Bloomfield · Cadbury created the first heart-shaped box of chocolates for the holiday. Richard and his brother George inherited a chocolate




Much has been written about the love of God. Writers and composers have attempted to describe God’s immeasurable love throughout the centuries. Among the many songs on this subject, the words and music by Frederick M. Lehman come to mind as he penned the hymn “The Love of God.” Pastor Lehman completed this hymn in 1917 and it depicts God’s eternal love as “rich and pure…measureless and strong.” The vivid imagery of the third stanza stirs the mind to begin to grasp the vastness of His love.

“Could we with ink the ocean filland were the skies of parchment made,

Were ev’ry stalk on earth a quilland ev’ry man a scribe by tradeTo write the love of God above

would drain the ocean dry,

Nor could the scroll contain the wholetho stretched from sky to sky.”

These words are inspired by the words of the Psalmist, “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:11-12, NIV). Even though the description of God’s love could be considered a daunting task for any writer, they ought to endeavor to do so biblically and responsibly. I love new songs. Nevertheless, one of my responsibilities as a Worship Pastor is to discern and evaluate which songs will best serve the Church with the purpose to express their praise and adoration to God. In addition, songs have the power to inform and form concepts in our minds and hearts about what we are saying through them. For example, the new song “Reckless Love” by Cory Asbury. Its chorus says,

“O, the overwhelming, never-ending,reckless love of God

O, it chases me down, fights ‘til I’m found,leaves the ninety-nine

I couldn’t earn it, and I don’t deserve it,still, You give Yourself away

O, the overwhelming, never-ending,reckless love of God, yeah”

I actually like this song, musically speaking; however, I struggle with Cory’s use of the word “reckless” at the core of the text. In fact, it is even emphasized in its title, “Reckless love,” highlighting God’s love as such. The writer has even put out a “defense” for his critics on social media explaining his use of the word reckless. Yet, it does not change the fact of the meaning, or the common use and understanding of the word. According to Webster’s dictionary, reckless still means, “marked by lack of proper caution—careless of consequence” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, 1973).

It is the intent of this article to remind us all that words have power and their meaning and common use are to be carefully regarded, especially when we put them on the lips of worshipers. Reckless is commonly used to describe an individual’s careless driving, not God’s sovereign and eternal love. God’s love is eternal (1 Kings 10:9). God’s love is unfailing (Psalm 44:26; Isaiah 54:10). God’s love is faithful (Psalm 89:24). God’s love is unconditional (Luke 15). God’s love is never reckless!

We hear all the time, not just the biblical principle but from society as a whole, the golden rule, “Treat others the same way you would like to be treated.” That idea seems doable and for many of us. We live according to that principle. But what about loving one another? It’s okay to treat your neighbor with respect or give a friendly smile to some passerby, but do we really have to “love” them? Do they even deserve it?

Living in this broken world, we find it

extremely difficult to “love one another” as the Bible tells us to do. In the New Testament, the phrase “love one another” occurs 13 times. Jesus even uses the phrase four times and He said that the believer’s love for each other would show that they are His disciples.

Love is more than just saying the word. Not only is it a noun, love is a verb. It requires action. Love requires us to give up part of ourselves without asking for anything in return. That’s REAL LOVE.

Christ exemplified REAL LOVE for us, as we read in 1 John 3:16, when He gave up His life for us on the cross. The good news is, He didn’t stay dead. He rose again and is preparing a place for us in heaven. As believers in Christ, we have the assurance that because of Jesus’ sacrifice for sins on the cross, we will be with Him one day, living for all eternity. He paid the penalty for our sins… and that, is REAL LOVE.


Page 4: SHOWING LOVE THIS VALENTINE’S - FBC Bloomfield · Cadbury created the first heart-shaped box of chocolates for the holiday. Richard and his brother George inherited a chocolate


SERVINGOTHERS“Why do we serve?

Because we are called to serve. If you know

Jesus as Lord & Savior, then we are all called to


Justin & Cheryl Cumiford

The Bible says in Philippians 2:5-8, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to His own advantage; rather, He made Himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!”

Serving is the most difficult thing we have been called to do. For Justin and I it means sacrificing self, family, and grandchildren (3 of them) to follow Christ. Justin and I know that life without Christ is nothing. Even Christ knew how hard this would be.

Mark 14:36, “And He said, “Abba, Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” So, we live our lives trying to listen to God’s call, and His call changes all the time. I think He likes keeping us on our toes.

We have been so blessed while serving by cutting blackberry thickets, putting roofs on houses, helping after fires to find belongings and preparing for rebuilds, helping with VBS in Africa, and shooing water buffaloes and zebras out of a building before services. Serving has meant driving on the wrong side of the road (on the wrong side of the car) and shifting with my left hand. It is serving in Upward Sports, mowing lawns, building retaining walls, or pouring cement. John

13:14-17 says, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”

What is our purpose? Why are Justin and I here? We are here to tell people about Jesus Christ and to show His love. He does not want us comfortable and safe inside our four walls. God wants us out of our comfort zone living for Him. It’s not about us. It’s all about God.


Imagine washing someone’s feet with a rag and a bucket of water after working out in the field on a hot summer day. That would be one gross, and smelly job!

In Jesus’ day, people’s feet needed washing because they wore sandals and walked on dirty, dusty roads. Washing feet was a nasty job left

for the lowliest slaves. When Jesus began to wash His followers’ feet, He was doing the worst job anyone could do.

Why did Jesus do it? He was providing an example of what it means to serve others. He wanted His followers to be willing to serve in any way to honor and please God. Jesus

expects that of us, too.

Serving isn’t glamorous. It requires humbling yourself to meet another’s needs. But God is pleased when you serve, and He will honor you when you do. Who can you serve today?

For more on serving, check out Numbers 4, 1Kings 17, Matthew 20:20-28, and Acts 6:1-6

Page 5: SHOWING LOVE THIS VALENTINE’S - FBC Bloomfield · Cadbury created the first heart-shaped box of chocolates for the holiday. Richard and his brother George inherited a chocolate




I have had the

privilege to teach in most Adult Bible Study Classes over the last two months. If I haven’t made it to your class, I will be there soon. The material

I have taught is called “Turning Everyday Conversations into Gospel Conversations.” At the beginning of each class I shared information about people coming to faith in Christ at FBC Bloomfield. It is very exciting that we have baptized 21 individuals in the last 2 months. I also shared three primary factors that I would like to expound upon in my article.

Prayer - Consider this: If prayer and the desire for evangelism are genuine, they happen simultaneously. We gather weekly to pray for lostness throughout San Juan County. Are you praying for others to come to Jesus Christ? Do you call out specific names to God each day? Our hearts should be broken over the lostness of our city. Every Christ-follower needs to pray for others to come to faith in Jesus Christ. Here are three specific ways.

• Pray for the scales to fall away

from their blinded eyes. Paul stated in 2 Corinthians 4:4, “In their case, the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Only through God opening their eyes and minds to the gospel will the unsaved see and hear the good news of Jesus Christ. We need to pray for them and appeal to God for this to happen.

• Pray for God to move in their circumstances to convince them they need Jesus Christ. Our God is Sovereign and desires for all persons to come to Jesus Christ. He can engineer circumstances to help convince them that their number one need is spiritual, and the answer is found in Jesus Christ alone. 2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord does not delay his promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance.”

• Pray for God to send someone to tell them about Jesus Christ. As you pray for them to hear about Jesus Christ, be willing to tell them yourself. In fact, ask God for the open door to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them and others. You might be the “someone” that others are praying for to tell their friend or family member about Christ. Be faithful to ask God to use you to share Jesus with others.

The Holy Spirit - Jesus introduced His followers to the far-reaching ministry of the Holy Spirit. Among the roles God the Spirit exercises is a convincing role. John 16:8-11 is very clear, “When He comes, He will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment: about sin, because they do not believe in Me; about righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see Me; and about judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.”The Holy Spirit, using the biblical message of the Cross, “awakens in man that deeply hidden awareness of guilt. He convinces man of sin, even where previously no consciousness of sin was apparently present.” Gospel Conversations - God chooses to use sinful humans to be His messengers on earth. WE ALL have the privilege and opportunity to engage in gospel conversations on a regular basis. WHAT IF every person who claims the name of Christ at First Baptist Bloomfield spent time in prayer for lost friends, relied on the work of the Holy Spirit, and engaged in gospel conversations that led to at least one person coming to faith in Christ in 2019? (There are quotes in this article from J.I. Packer, Ronnie Floyd and Tim Challies)

To be a living sacrifice seems an oxymoron because sacrifices are usually dead. So how are Christians supposed to be living sacrifices? With sacrificial service, or worship, that is reasonable (Grk., logikos) for someone who is genuinely grate-ful for what they have received from God. The goal of presenting oneself as a living sacrifice is service.

In Luke 1:74-75, Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, prayed that “we . . . might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life.” That is a beautiful model of what it means to live as a sacrifice to Christ.

Dedicated people do not wear the label; they demonstrate their dedication by going places and doing things for the cause of Christ. They act constructively as people committed to fulfilling Christ’s plans and purposes in this world.


Page 6: SHOWING LOVE THIS VALENTINE’S - FBC Bloomfield · Cadbury created the first heart-shaped box of chocolates for the holiday. Richard and his brother George inherited a chocolate




THE HEART OF WHAT WE DO: JESUSChildren are a gift from the LORD; they are a

reward from him. Psalm 127:3

Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people. Luke 2:52

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on,

you do know him and have seen him.” John 14:6

But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and

confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and never stop producing

fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8

For the Lord your God is going with you! He will fight for you against your enemies, and he

will give you victory! Deuteronomy 20:4

These Scriptures are at the heart of what we are doing in children’s ministry in the

upcoming year. We believe that God is guiding us to point to Him in all the activities and events that are planned for 2019.

Adventure Zone will be February 18th for children in kindergarten – 6th grade. Luke 2:41-52 will be our guide, as children are reminded Jesus grew up just like they are growing up.

Kid Jam, our discipleship event for children in 4th – 6th grades will have John 14:6 as our theme verse. We will be driving home the truth of who Jesus is; The Way, The Truth; The Life. I encourage you to invite every 4th - 6th grader you know. March 1st and 2nd

is going to be an amazing weekend. Keep checking the newsletter for more details as we approach the time to sign up.

Jeremiah 17:7-8 is our theme scripture for Young Lives Ablaze Conference in Albuquerque on April 6th. Children in 3rd – 6th grade will be encouraged to trust the Lord and to know He is their hope and confidence. With their hope and trust in their Heavenly Father they don’t have to worry. Their roots in

Him will grow deep and they will produce good fruit that points others to Christ.

Young Lives Ablaze Camp, June 10-14, 2019 will find us in basic training. Deuteronomy 20:4 is our theme verse for camp. Children who have completed 3rd – 6th grade will be learning they can trust God because He is with them in every part of their lives. He is the one who will be victorious in all situations, and He is fighting for them.

Adventure Zone, Kid Jam, Young Lives Ablaze Conference, and Young Lives Ablaze Camp are just a few of the events planned for children here at FBC Bloomfield for 2019. In all we do in children’s ministry we point children to the truth of the Gospel, and that their Creator and Father God loves them forever and always.



Well, it’s February. February is also known as the Month of Love because of Valentine’s Day. Men and women everywhere will be looking for the perfect gift to give to their special someone to help express their love for them. As a kid, I remember carefully sorting through the valentine cards I was going to hand out at school to make sure that I didn’t accidently give the wrong card to the wrong person. I was ok parting with the candy attached to the little cards, but what if a girl in my class actually believed the card when it said, “I’m bananas for you!”? Thankfully we know love to be better than some quippy sayings communicated once a year. However, we don’t always look for it in the right places.

In 1980, country singer Johnny Lee released a song called “Lookin’ for Love” on one of his albums. That song has been circulated in the years since in some very funny ways as well as some serious ways. Regardless of how it is used, this is the phrase that is often quoted, “I was lookin’ for love in all the wrong places, lookin’ for love in too many faces, searchin’

their eyes and lookin’ for traces of what I’m dreamin’ of.” I think one reason that lyric is so often remembered and quoted is because we easily find ourselves in the same boat. We are looking for love and worth in all the wrong places.

When we trust Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, turning from our sinful, self-seeking lifestyle to follow Him, our identity changes. We become children of God! 1 John 3 says it is because of God’s love that we are His children: “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” John 3:16 reminds us why His love is so great, “[Because] God so loved the world, He gave his only son.” Our worth is not found in the love we receive from something in this world. It is found in God’s love for us! Our world, our friends, our children, our spouse – all these things offer a faulty love that is a mere shadow of the love that God gives us through Jesus Christ. They will all let us down at some point. One thing

we can count on for sure is God’s love for us.

Don’t slip into believing that your worth is found in the love of others. Know that your true worth is found in the fact that God loves us so much He desires a close relationship with us through Jesus Christ.

As we celebrate love between one another, remember to also celebrate the love that God has for us through Jesus Christ. Make sure others are hearing about that same love through gospel conversations we may be able to have as we talk about what real love is with those in our circles. I would love to hear about the gospel conversations you are having with others!

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Rest is something that we

all need. There are many

different understandings of

what provides us the rest that

our lives demand. We will be

looking at what the book of

Hebrews says about the true

source of rest for our lives.


Saturday, February 2Community Food Distribution

8:30am | Chapel

Sunday, February 3Upward Sports Sunday8:15am | 9:30am | 10:45am

Saturday, February 9Men’s Breakfast

7:30am | Fellowship Hall

Monday, February 18Adventure Zone9:00am - 12:00pm | grades K-6

Friday, February 22Blacklight Dodgeball6:00pm - Midnight | Gym

Sunday, February 24World Missions Sunday & LuncheonNoon - 2:00pm | Gym

DESIGN EDITOR: Kyle LloydCOPY EDITORS: Donna Talley, Shirley LaCroix, Paula RouttMAILING ADDRESS: 200 W. Sycamore Ave. Bloomfield, NM 87413PHONE: 505.632.3335EMAIL: [email protected]; [email protected]: Individual subscriptions are free. If you desire to have your name added to the mailing list, please contact the church office either by phone or email.WEBSITE:


JOIN THE CONVERSATIONRESPONSES: THE PULSE invites readers responses to editorials and articles. Responses less than 300 words will be considered for publication.SUBMISSION INFORMATION: All submissions undergo editorial review and editing for length and style and must reflect Christian charity and respect. Submission does not guarantee publication.

FACEBOOK: /firstbaptistchurchbloomfieldINSTAGRAM: /fbcbloomfieldTWITTER: @fbcbloomfield


STAFF ANNIVERSARIES02/27 - Shirley LaCroix - 24 yrs

CRAFTS NEEDED Would you like to donate a handmade craft for our Children’s Ministry Auction on Sunday, May 5th? Contact Pastor Daniel or Vickie Czlapinski 632-3335.NURSERY WORKERS NEEDEDDo you have a heart for children? We are looking for individuals who are willing to help with childcare rotation on Sunday mornings. Contact Vickie Czlapinski at the church office 632-3335. Background check required.

COMPUTER AND SOUND MINDED PEOPLEWould you prefer to serve behind the scenes? We are always looking for individuals (6th grade & older) to assist in the tech booth on Sunday mornings. Positions include: Lighting Tech, Computer Tech, Soundboard Tech. Will train the right people. Pay is lousy, but benefits of serving are priceless! Contact Kyle Lloyd at the church office for more info: 632-3335

ATTENTION ORGANIZERSDo you like to organize and straighten things up? We could use your talent to help us organize our Costumes and Props “Closet.”

Drummers and Electric Guitarists NEEDED! We like to have a healthy rotation of those in our Worship Team and these positions are currently needed. GUITAR LESSONSAre you interested in learning to play “Rhythm” Guitar? Contact Pastor Daniel today! We are considering scheduling a Guitar Class this Spring upon demand.




If God is leading you to consider any of the above ministry opportunities, please contact Pastor Daniel ASAP in person, call the church office, or email him at [email protected]. He’s eager to hear from you. You could be an answer to prayer and will be blessed as you serve God!

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A LOOK INSIDE:• SERVING OTHERS - The Cumiford’s story

• The Unconditional love of God: Is it reckless?

• The heart’s center of Children’s Ministry

February brings great anticipation for some, hoping to finally express their inward feelings to that special someone. To others it brings great disdain as they are told that this is the only day in which they can show someone that they love them. In this issue of THE PULSE, it’s all about love. God’s love. Discover how “love” is not just a noun. But “love” is a verb. It takes action. Inside is full of encouraging and uplifting stories of how God’s love far surpasses anything we could ever hope or imagine. His love is eternal, unfailing, faithful and unconditional. Are you ready to experience this true love?