seven steps to success in your career and life!!!


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Success in your career and life


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Step 1: Understanding Your Personal Values

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Step 2: Developing Your Vision, Mission & Purpose Statements

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Step 3: Understanding Your Motivated & Burnout Skills Levels

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Step 4: Uncovering Your Personal Brand

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Step 5: Developing Your Strategic Career Plan

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Step 6: Identifying and Removing Blocks

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Step 7: Building You, Inc. – The Business of You

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What kind of Leader do you want to be?

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About Success Rockets® LLC

Success Rockets® LLC is devoted to helping business leaders accelerate and reach their career potential in the dynamic and volatile economy of the 21st Century. Our programs develop the entrepreneurial spirit of ambitious, career-minded professionals, increase self-awareness and empowerment, and focus on what they can control. Based on applying proven business strategies and processes to career development, Success Rockets® LLC provides a unique approach to building your career as if it were a business, You, Inc. Success Rockets® helps our client partners to adjust their career/business plans to a dynamic workplace and helping our clients better understand the one constant factor they can count on the most — themselves. By building a strong foundation of understanding their core qualities, strengths, and values Success Rockets® clients understand how to respond when economic winds change direction. Please visit Success Rockets at

703-665-0499877-968-4628 877-You-Inc-8

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About Larry Boyer

Larry Boyer is a trusted advisor individuals, businesses and government agencies. His work integrates the worlds of business analytics, personal development and executive coaching to help accelerate the success of individuals, teams and business. With over 15 years of experience leading innovative quantitative analysis teams, Larry brings a unique perspective, rigor and concise, no-nonsense approach to career development strategies and entrepreneurialism to his training and coaching clients. Uniquely applying his skills that span disciplines as diverse as quantitative methods, information technology, economics and personal motivation and coaching, Mr. Boyer addresses some of the most challenging problems businesses and governments face, by designing models, making connections and gaining insight into complex and dynamic systems of human interaction. As early as 1995, Mr. Boyer was addressing policy challenges at the intersection of quantitative risk analysis, economics, societal values, co-authoring “The Problem of Intergenerational Equity: Balancing Risks, Costs and Benefits Fairly Across Generations.”[1]

Mr. Boyer helps his client's develop trust and credibility with regulators, auditors and other oversight entities by building trust and rapport using a combination of analytical and coaching techniques. Larry honed his skills at explaining complex concepts as an instructor of introductory and advanced economics courses at Rutgers University and Ramapo State College. In 2008 he was an invited speaker at the Congressional Model & Simulation Caucus's Leadership Summit, addressing the use of simulation modeling in finance and economics. Mr. Boyer has over 15 years of applied business leadership experience having worked with top firms such as Price Waterhouse, Freddie Mac and IHS Global. Mr. Boyer holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Physics from the University of Massachusetts, a Masters Arts in economics from Rutgers University and a Masters of Public Administration from The George Washington University. Mr. Boyer is a member of the International Coaching Federation, CEO Space, Global Association of Risk Professionals, National Association of Business Economists and the National Eagle Scout Association. Larry is a certified Reach Personal Branding Strategist, Reach Personal Branding Keynote presenter, iPEC Certified Professional

Coach, Energy Leadership Master Practitioner.

[1] “The Problem of Intergenerational Equity: Balancing Risks, Costs and Benefits Fairly Across Generations” in Handbook For Environmental Risk Decision Making: Values, Perceptions & Ethics, C. Richard Cothern, ed., CRC Press, 1996.