seven keys to next level living

Dr. Asa Andrew The 7 Keys To Next Level Living The 7 Keys To Next Level Living

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Post on 02-Oct-2015




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Known as America's Health Coach, MD, Dr. Asa Andrew is a national best-selling author, radio and TV host, and founder of Diagnosis HOPE, a non-profit designed to support health and wellness education. Dr. Asa Andrew has dedicated his life to helping others thrive in their health. Dr. Asa Andrew created a renowned Integrated Medical Center dedicated to empowering people to attain and maintain an extraordinary life.


  • Dr. Asa Andrew

    The 7 Keys To Next Level Living

  • About Dr. Asa

    Known as America's Health Coach, MD, Dr. Asa Andrew is a national best-selling author, radio and TV host, and founder of Diagnosis HOPE, a non-profit designed to support health and wellness education. Dr. Asa Andrew has dedicated his life to helping others thrive in their health. Dr. Asa Andrew created a renowned Integrated Medical Center dedicated to empowering people to attain and maintain an extraordinary life.
  • Four quick ways to get started on our Lifestyle Plan:

    Empowering Your Health - A National BestsellerStarter Pack our best-selling book, all-natural whole food

    comprehensive meal replacement, and optimal digestion formula

    Online Tools The Anti-Inflammatory Diet, The 30 Day Challenge, commercial-free mp3s, our online health coaching and lifestyle

    community, and more!

    The Getting Started Guide An email series on how to get a running start into our plan.
  • Key 1 - Committed Attitude: Decide You Want To Live WellLiving a healthy lifestyle is 10% percent of knowing what to do and 90% behavior. Making a resolution to overcome whatever health challenges you are currently facing, create a new direction, develop new habits, and beginning to thrive in your overall health begins with a decision to want to live well
  • Key 2 - Eat to Live: Eat Balanced Whole FoodsEat foods in the way they were originally designed to increase energy, overall, vitality, and create essential ways of living. We are what we eat, just like our Granny taught us. What we put into our body becomes our body! Make a goal to eat well 90% of the time and 10% have fun and enjoy what you like. That means 2-3 meals a week enjoy some of your old favorites! This is about establishing new habits.
  • Key 3 - Get Moving! 20-30 Minutes A Day Our bodies were designed to move. Sitting more than six hours per day will decrease our lifespan considerably! Pick an activity that you enjoy such as walking, jogging or any other sporting activity. Once you begin this new activity and stay consistent, you will see the proven results of focused exercise.
  • Key 4 - Know Your Body: Have Lab Testing Done With Your Doctor

    There is power in the blood. Nutritional deficiencies can develop over time which may cause a breakdown in how our body functions. Eighty percent of the body breaks down before we ever experience our first symptom! Blood testing and genetic-based testing are some of the most vital tools that your physician and/or dietitian will use to assess your overall health.
  • Key 5 - Hydrate : Drink Half Your Body-weight In Ounces Of Pure Water DailyOur bodies are made of 75% water! Drinking filtered, spring, or distilled water daily in about half your body-weight in ounces will yield amazing results in your energy, vitality, and overall health. (ex. 200 lb person = 100 oz. water daily) Recent studies have shown that by increasing our intake of water, we will increase fat loss and overall metabolic rate as well. So drink up!
  • Key 6 - Manage Stress Now that you have the basics down for an optimal lifestyle, its time to manage your life instead of it managing you! Stress will never stop because life doesnt stop. Every minute of sleep we get before midnight is worth 4 minutes after. Make a goal to be in bed early to increase the bodys recovery ability and regenerative process. Also, take 1 day off a week and unplug with those you love.
  • Key 7 - Live Well And Inspire Others!Its time to be a change agent. Now that you have restructured your new lifestyle and attained new health, you can inspire others to do the same! Leave a health legacy for future generations to live in abundance with optimal health, wellness, and lifestyle.
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