service marketing- enrich salon

Service Marketing Project Submitted To: - Prof. Bijal Mehta Group Members: Group 5 B-03 Janki Amin B-04 Haard Barai B-22 Sohil Ghoghari B-51 Parth Rajyaguru B-53 Dipak Savalia B-54 Tarunkumar Sengunthar A-67 Trisha Shetty

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Page 1: Service Marketing- Enrich Salon

Service Marketing Project

Submitted To: - Prof. Bijal Mehta

Group Members: Group 5B-03 Janki AminB-04 Haard BaraiB-22 Sohil GhoghariB-51 Parth RajyaguruB-53 Dipak SavaliaB-54 Tarunkumar SenguntharA-67 Trisha Shetty

Page 2: Service Marketing- Enrich Salon

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................3

The Journey:-...................................................................................................................................................3

The Culture:-....................................................................................................................................................3

Planet Enrich:-.................................................................................................................................................3

Enrich Today:-..................................................................................................................................................3

Service Blue Print: (Enrich Salon).................................................................................................................4

Key components of customer expectation...................................................................................................6

Trained personnel:...........................................................................................................................................6

Personal relationship with customers:............................................................................................................6

Ambience at the store:....................................................................................................................................6

Search, Experience and credence attributes for communication strategies...................................................7

Search products or services:............................................................................................................................7

Experience service attributes:.........................................................................................................................7

Credence attribute:.........................................................................................................................................7

Communication strategy at Enrich Salon:........................................................................................................7

Service Delivery and Service Recovery.........................................................................................................8

Service delivery:...............................................................................................................................................8

Waiting Time Management.........................................................................................................................9

Steps taken for reducing the waiting time at Enrich Salon:.............................................................................9

Environmental Audit..................................................................................................................................11

Key Success Drivers....................................................................................................................................14

Questionnaire Analysis:-............................................................................................................................15


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The Journey:-Their first salon was set up in 1997 as a venture among friends who had background in the industry. This created respect and partnership with technicians on the floor, and made the management focus intensely building a sense of entrepreneurship and scale. Partnered with L’Oreal, Remy Laure, Agelock, and Christian Valmy have also contributed immensely.

The Culture:-Their fundamental belief has always been that everyone has a gift. And a duty to recognize this is in themselves and others. They practice this everyday by creating systems and services that help employees. Customers and students alike to be look and feel at their confident best.

Planet Enrich:-Planet Enrich is an expression of their culture and belief is the power of the collective. With the help of its ambassadors in every salon, Planet Enrich provides proof of this power through various activities on a regular basis.

Enrich Today:-In a decade and a half, they have emerged as Mumbai’s largest unisex salon chain with branches in Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Pune. In the last year they doubled the number of salons and increased their employee count more. In their industry, they are known for their focus on training, customer focus, service consistency and quality standards.

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Service Blue Print: (Enrich Salon)The company does not have any specific blueprint for their services provided. But they have a specific process that they follow right from when the customer enters till they make the payment and leave the salon.

But this process can be seen under the umbrella of a service blueprint.Their process includes:

First point of contact (appointments & walk in’s)

Contact with the receptionist about the appointment or service to be taken.

Technician guides the customer to the seats and starts providing the service.

Once the service is done the technician asks for any extra service the customers want or else the customer is guided towards making the payment.

The customers make payment at the reception and feedback is taken.

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Key components of customer expectation Following customer expectation considered while conducting the service:

Trained personnel: Majority of customers of enrich are of upper middle and elite class, so they expect high end, structured and sophisticated service delivery. As employees are the one who come in direct contact of the customers, at enrich employees are professionally trained to cater such services.

Personal relationship with customers: Employees or the stylist of enrich develop a personal relationship with the customers. So the customers develop trust and this adds to the increasing in customer satisfaction every time the customer experiences the service.

Ambience at the store: Ambience is something that adds more to the satisfaction of the customer. Factors like interior of the store, music, temperature of the store all adds to creating an ambience which satisfies customer expectation.

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Search, Experience and credence attributes for communication strategies

Search products or services:This service has attributes that customers can evaluate before they avail

the benefits of it. So the customers are well informed about the services they are going to avail. The customer evaluates the services on various criteria’s like price and values and if they find any alternative than they might shift towards it. At enrich it is necessary that they maintain the service quality and relationship with customers so that customer retention reduced.

Experience service attributes:This can be evaluated only after the service has been experienced, so

here the price does not matter much as customers are not price sensitive and so is the case at enrich. Enrich creates a 360 degree experience for its customer write from the customer entering the salon till he exists it. All minute things are taken care of for creating a great experience at the salon.

Credence attribute:These attributes are such that cannot be evaluated even if the service

has been availed. So at enrich also service quality and the value provided can be included in credence service attributes as the customers cannot evaluate this at just one go, frequently the service has to be availed to distinguish the attributes.

Communication strategy at Enrich Salon: Personal Communications: Customer service, Training, Telemarketing Advertising: Print media (Newspapers) Sales Promotion: Coupon, Gifts (Monthly or Quarterly basis) Instructional Materials: Websites, brochures Corporate Design: Interior decor, Uniforms

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Service Delivery and Service Recovery

Service delivery:

One of the most important factors should be that there should be not any service failures in the service delivery process. From the service blueprint there is a possibility of finding service fail points.

Following fail points have been identified at Enrich Salon:

Dissatisfaction among customers due rescheduling of appointments:

Because of too many appointments on a single day some customers may not get the appointment on desired time and day, this might result in dissatisfaction among them and customers may shift to the next best alternative salon to avail the service.

Customers preferences on stylist:

Sometimes customers might prefer to avail the service of only a particular stylist so there are instances where in the stylist is not free so at this time the customers might be dissatisfied that they didn’t get the appointment at the right time of the right person.

Waiting time:

As 60% of the customers preferred walking thus there are high chances that there might be waiting at the salon so at this time there is possibility that customer would not be happy and he might switch to some other salon this might be the case specially for new customers who have never experienced enrich at any time.

There are few service guarantees offered for the disappointments:

1) Discounts offered to the customers whose appointments have been rescheduled.

2) Coupons and other services given to the customers during their next visit at the store to make up for the inconvenience caused.

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3) Complimentary services like tea, coffee and beverages offered to the customers during the waiting time. Information regarding the services at the store and guidance given by the specialist’s for the same.

Waiting Time ManagementThe time period between the arrival of customer at the store and the point

from where the benefit of service is availed is the waiting time. Thus it is very important for enrich to maintain the waiting time as the customers might have a bad impression in their mind regarding the salon if they are dissatisfied during the waiting time.

Steps taken for reducing the waiting time at Enrich Salon: Insistence on prior appointments:

Customers are asked next probable date of availing the service. And around that date they are inquired by phone for their confirmation and on their convenience appointment for the same is given. Thus this helps in reducing the waiting time.

Cancellation policy of appointments:The appointment holders are asked for their confirmation one hour prior so, if in case the customer is not coming then the waiting line can be managed accordingly.

Delay in appointments:If the customer is late by half an hour of the allotted time then the appointment is cancelled as the delay might affect other appointments also which the salon cannot afford to have as it would result in dissatisfaction of the customers.

Engagement of customers during waiting time:Customers are given information regarding the services at the salon if they are there for the first time and if not then the specialist personally interacts with

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customer and discusses what are the service the customer is there for and gives his suggestions for the same.They are offered refreshments during their waiting time and also magazines for their entertainment.

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Environmental Audit

Service quality is not the only thing that matters, the overall ambience at the store also matters a lot.

The design of the store and the music played in the background, all minute things also play a very important role as these factors give an impression of the salon in the customers mind. Enrich salons also have a unique service environment they create through its excellent interiors they have. The seating arrangements, attractive shaped mirrors, placements of beauty products, music adds to the satisfying environment of enrich.

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Key Success Drivers Investment in employees:

The employees are given special on the job training by professionals which adds to the service quality at Enrich.The employees are also given soft skills and communication skills as they are the ones who directly contact the customers.

Enrich Academy:Enrich also has its own academy where the experts train the people for the salon industry and thus this states the quality of service that the salon offers. The salon also recruits potential candidates from the ones given training at the academy.

Service Quality:The quality of the service offered at service is the core competency of the salon because that gives value to the customer and this is the reason customers are ready to pay premium prices for the services availed.

Brand Image:Being one of the largest salon chains in Mumbai and expanding its branches across India enrich as created a unique brand name for itself in the industry. This attracts more customers to its already existing customer base.

Promotional Activities:The salon has wide range of promotional activities conducted which is a unique feature and this creates a very high and reputed brand image of the salon in minds of people.

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Questionnaire Analysis:-Association with ENRICH SALON:

Previous Salon:

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Awareness of the Salon:

How frequent do customers visit:

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Appointments vs. Walk-ins

Wait in spite of Appointment!

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If yes, then disappointed?

Q. What did the company do to compensate for the inconvenience caused?

A. Majority respondent said, the Salon personnel apologize to them for the inconvenience.

Waiting Time:

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How does salon engage its customer during waiting time:

Do customers prefer same stylist?

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Satisfied with every visit:

Q. Any bad experience you had and what it was?

A. Majority respondent faced no bad experience except few who had to wait for little longer in spite of their appointments.

Q. What did the salon do for it?

A. Majority respondent get the whole service again after their disappointment with the first service.

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Satisfied with the steps taken by Salon:

Feedback by salon:

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If yes, in what form?

Overall analysis:-

Average waiting time for customer to avail service is less than 30 minutes. So if any customer has reached at the salon with or without appointment, the maximum time he/she has to wait is not more than 30 minutes.

More than 80 percent customers are satisfied with the services of Enrich salon and more than 90 percent customers are happy and satisfied with the steps taken by Enrich salon in case of inconvenience.

There are very few complaints regarding the service and waiting time. In order to satisfied their customers, the salon re-do the work in case of dissatisfaction with the service and provides Magazine and free Wi-Fi in case of long waiting time.

They always ask to the customers about the service and experience with the salon.

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