service bulletin for december 2, 2012

A STOUNDING is defined as bewildering or striking dumb with wonder; or so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. While accomplishments could be defined as the act of carrying out or achieving; something achieved or successfully completed; gained skills or talent; attainment of social grace, style, and poise. After God ordered Elijah to anoint Elisha as his successor; Elisha left his lucrative mechanized farming and became a servant to Elijah. He would run errands for him and take care of his master. The time came when God was prepared to take Elijah away; Elisha’s contemporaries began to make mockery of him that he would soon be like them, but Elisha was determined not to remain as an ordinary son of a prophet; but as someone spectacular. So he demanded for the double portion of the anointing of God upon his master. The bible records that Elisha was able to fulfil the condition set by Elijah and so received the double portion of his master’s anointing! The sons of prophet that thought Elisha was already stranded at the other side of Jordan bowed before him and called him ‘Master’ after he parted the Jordan River and walked through it on dry ground! (2 Kings 2: 1-15). In the year 2012, the Spirit of God says He will make us to achieve feats that are astounding; gain talents and skills that are staggering; and enjoy attainments of social grace, style and poise that are startling! By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye FOR INDIVIDUALS FOR NIGERIA: INTERNATIONAL: : 1. He said many considered to be absolutely barren will be fruitful. 2. He said family histories will be rewritten, including an end to premature death. 3. He said desperate prayers will get quick reply this year. 4. He said some will experience massive transfer of wealth from the wicked to the just. 1. God says He has surprises both for His own and for the enemies of the church. 2. He said before this year ends, it will be said of Nigeria; all is well that ends well. 3, He said we are to pray more for prominent Nigerians, so that those who see this year may see the next. 1. Daddy says there will be a lot of power transfer. 2. He said new phenomenon will startle scientists. 3. He said we are to pray against earth quakes of record magnitude, tsunamis of record proportion and massive hurricanes. if we pray they will be subdued. 4. The civil unrest that started last year, will begin to end this year. However, no matter what happens, 2012 is a Year of New Things. All is well. By Pastor Enoch Adeboye (Gen. Overseer RCCG Worldwide) Workers’ Trg, Teens & Children Sunday School - 09:40am Adult Sunday School - 10:15 am Call To Worship - 11:00AM Wisdom Spot Praise & Worship Liberty Prayers Special Number Message Offering Announcements Tithes Closing Prayers & Benediction - 13:00pm Are you in need of Assistance or Support? Talk to Welfare Coordinator - Minister Adebisi Olobaniyi DECEMBER 2012 THEME: LATTER RAINS THE RCCG (EVERLASTING FATHER’S ASSEMBLY) 2012 PROPHECY THEME: OUR YEAR OF ASTOUNDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS THE RCCG (WORLDWIDE) 2012 PROPHECY THEME: OUR YEAR OF NEW THINGS FREE TRANSPORT TO CHURCH For details of bus stops please email [email protected] or call 07718079394 FROM THE PULPIT D PRAYERS UST is earth waste found on the ground as powdery substance which can make one dirty and scruffy. So the dust of life could be likened to a dirty situation that rubs on someone which can render him un-presentable. Dust brings shame and reproach to someone. In my Primary School days, there used to be class teacher inspection on the assembly. Those with scruffy clothes and dusty skins were reprimanded publicly and sometimes sent home to have their bath. They would therefore lose the lessons of the day. Every dust that wants to bring shame upon you, may God cleanse it from you. May the Living Water wash your clothing and scrub your body clean. Dust will not make you to lose out of life in Jesus name. Most children enjoy playing with physical dust. As we grew up, we move on to play with better stuffs. So that our dust days were over. Your dust days are over in Jesus name. From today, may better things come your way. A dunghill is where household wastes, human wastes and animal wastes are dumped. Sadly, some still go there to look for something valuable to them that had become invaluable to those who garbage it. It is one of the worst places to be in life. Hardly will you go to a dunghill and your feet of dress not get messed up. Again, if you are here and you have been messed up by the dunghill of life, may God clean you up. May God rinse you and anoint you with expensive fragrance in Jesus name. May the scent of Jehovah stick on your life. Dust and dunghill can be a place of insignificance. Psalm 113:7, David attested that God can make the poor to sit with princes. That will not readily happen except God intervene. God did it for David who used to seat in the dust and dunghill with sheep to sit with princes The God that did it for David will do it for you in Jesus name. God will use you to channel the course of your clan and linage in life. The level of elevation that has never happened in your clan or linage is coming to you from Jehovah in Jesus name. In I Sam. 9: 21, the bible makes us to know that king Saul did not come from the linage of kings. There had never even been a king in Israel before him. His family had never judge Israel as well. His clan was so small, together with his tribe. However, certain occurrence led the necessity of a king in Israel and the selection beam of the Almighty fell upon Saul. In a twinkle of an eye, the whole Israel began to pay tribute to him. May God’s candidature for elevation be upon you. May God radar locate you for elevation in life in Jesus name. The ways and the thoughts of God are different from ours. Gideon was seen by God as a man of valour, a strong and mighty warrior. Meanwhile he saw himself as a timid, fearful and coward farmer (Judges 6: 11-15). After 3 signs, Gideon accepted his futuristic elevation and ran with it. Then Gideon was elevated as he led the Israelites as victors for about 20 years. May your circumstances of today not make you to be fearful. May what you are now not jeopardize where you are going. When Esther parents had her, she was given that name which means 'Star'. But it didn't seem as if Esther's star was going to shine. Her parents died while she was still young and she was raised by her uncle who was an immigrant in a hostile land. However, through Divine scheme of events, Esther shone all over the world! What are the odds against your life? What has reduced you to feeling as an orphan? May God order the scheme of events for your Divine elevation in Jesus name. Prophet Amos was a sheep farmer. God turned him into an honourable man by putting His word in his mouth (Amos 1:1). Prophet Elisha was a crop farmer that would have only be known in his town as the son of Shapath. God however elevated him to become one of the greatest prophets in human history (I Kings 19:18-20). Kings had to call him father. Joseph elevation to the position of Prime Minister in Egypt was a Divine elevation. He was not just a foreigner, a slave, but a prisoner. How did Pharaoh make him to sit on the throne? It was the hand of God. At least Joseph had given the solution the problem coming. He would have just been released and the king would have put a prince to carry out his recommendation. But no. God had predestined that Joseph will be raised from dust and dunghill to palace. I pray for someone here, may no prison of life stop you from your predestined elevation in Jesus name. Could it be prison devils have put you? The prison people have put you? Or the ones you have put yourself. May they not hinder your elevation. Moses happened to be a child that was born in one of the worst time in history. It looked like he was an unlucky child compared to Mariam and Aaron. However from that worst scenario, he enjoyed the best first 40 years of his life compared to his older siblings and any other child in his days. He was brought up by his parent still as child-minders on payroll by the Emperor. He later grew up in the palace with special education and nurturing! May your story change for glory. May God overturn your worst scenario to your very best. May the things that seem to exterminate you become springboard for your elevation in Jesus name. One of the principal ingredients you need for your Divine elevation to come to pass is faith. Hannah was praying with so much sorrow, but as soon as Eli blessed her prayers, she had the faith that God had done it (I Sam 1:18). Also, Elizabeth was still pregnant when she had begun to praise God. Medically, it's easy to lose pregnancy after certain age. But at her age, she knew that the elevation is from God and it's for real. May your elevation become real. May physical parameters not work against your Divine elevation. Almighty Father, promote me beyond the realm of ordinary to extraordinary in life in Jesus name. Almighty Father, let me not occupy the base of life; take me to the pinnacle of life in Jesus name. Almighty Father, grant unto me the great grace and great power that propels to the very top in Jesus name. Almighty Father, as I ascend the strata of life, do not let me descend till the very end in Jesus name. Almighty Father, let my walk with you appreciate continually. . . Excerpts of a sermon delivered by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye on November 25, 2012. CONGREGATIONAL HYMN Raised From The Dust And Dunghill of Life THERE SHALL BE SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS - By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye There shall be showers of blessing: This is the promise of love; There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Saviour above. Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need: Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. There shall be showers of blessing, Precious reviving again; Over the hills and the valleys, Sound of abundance of rain. There shall be showers of blessing; Send them upon us, O Lord; Grant to us now a refreshing, Come, and now honour Thy Word. There shall be showers of blessing: Oh, that today they might fall, Now as to God we’re confessing, Now as on Jesus we call! There shall be showers of blessing, If we but trust and obey; There shall be seasons refreshing, If we let God have His way. EVENTS FOR YOUR DIARY CHRISTMAS CAROL COUPLES’ DINNER YOUTH DAY CHRISTMAS SERVICE WATCHNIGHT SERVICE 16TH DECEMBER 2012 22ND DECEMBER 2012 23RD DECEMBER 2012 25TH DECEMBER 2012 31ST DECEMBER 2012 N I By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye some part of the world, rainy season is experienced twice a year. The first one is called early or former rains which are essentially to soften the field for cultivation and for germination of the seed planted; while the second is called the latter rains and is necessary for the production of fruits and leading to harvest. Both rains are very crucial to cropping, but the latter rains have a greater significance on the planting process as it shows that the farmer’s efforts throughout the year were never in vain. As Jesus was going back to heaven, He instructed the disciples not to go out preaching until they had received the power from the Holy Ghost (Luke 24:49). About 50 days after Jesus ascension, the gift of the Holy Ghost came upon 120 disciples which signify their ‘early rains’ (Acts 2:1-4). This power propelled them to do great miracles and grant them courage. However after the healing of the lame man at the Beautiful Gate by Peter and John, they were both arrested and tried by the Elders Council and the High Priest family. After been threatened and humiliated, it was necessary that God should re-charge them again, so they were sent a ‘latter rain’ (Acts 4:29-31). After this latter rain, they became unstoppable! In this Month of December, God is determined to send us ‘latter rains’ that will prepare us for our harvest season. He will cancel all threats of the enemies against us and eradicate all humiliations we are going through. He will also re-kindled our courage and endue us with renewed power and grace in Jesus name.

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Service Bulletin for December 2, 2012


Page 1: Service Bulletin for December 2, 2012

ASTOUNDING is defined as bewildering or striking dumb with wonder; or so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. While accomplishments could be

defined as the act of carrying out or achieving; something achieved or successfully completed; gained skills or talent; attainment of social grace, style, and poise.After God ordered Elijah to anoint Elisha as his successor; Elisha left his lucrative mechanized farming and became a servant to Elijah. He would run errands for him and take care of his master. The time came when God was prepared to take Elijah away; Elisha’s contemporaries began to make mockery of him that he would soon be like them, but Elisha was determined not to remain as an ordinary son of a prophet; but as someone spectacular. So he demanded for the double portion of the anointing of God upon his master.The bible records that Elisha was able to fulfil the condition set by Elijah and so received the double portion of his master’s anointing! The sons of prophet that thought Elisha was already stranded at the other side of Jordan bowed before him and called him ‘Master’ after he parted the Jordan River and walked through it on dry ground! (2 Kings 2: 1-15).In the year 2012, the Spirit of God says He will make us to achieve feats that are astounding; gain talents and skills that are staggering; and enjoy attainments of social grace, style and poise that are startling! By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye




:1. He said many considered to be absolutely barren will be fruitful.2. He said family histories will be rewritten, including an end to

premature death.3. He said desperate prayers will get quick reply this year.

4. He said some will experience massive transfer of wealth from the wicked to the just.

1. God says He has surprises both for His own and for the enemies of the church.2. He said before this year ends, it will be said of Nigeria; all is well that ends well.3, He said we are to pray more for prominent Nigerians, so that those who see this year may see the next.

1. Daddy says there will be a lot of power transfer.2. He said new phenomenon will startle scientists.3. He said we are to pray against earth quakes of record magnitude, tsunamis of record proportion and massive hurricanes. if we pray they will be subdued.4. The civil unrest that started last year, will begin to end this year.However, no matter what happens, 2012 is a Year of New Things. All is well. By Pastor Enoch Adeboye (Gen. Overseer RCCG Worldwide)

Workers’ Trg, Teens & Children Sunday School - 09:40am

Adult Sunday School - 10:15 am

Call To Worship - 11:00AMWisdom SpotPraise & WorshipLiberty PrayersSpecial NumberMessageOfferingAnnouncementsTithesClosing Prayers & Benediction - 13:00pm

Are you in need of Assistance or Support?Talk to Welfare Coordinator - Minister Adebisi Olobaniyi





For details of bus stops please email

[email protected] call





UST is earth waste found on the ground as powdery substance which can make one dirty and scruffy. So the dust of life could be likened to a dirty situation that rubs on someone which can render him un-presentable.

Dust brings shame and reproach to someone. In my Primary School days, there used to be class teacher inspection on the assembly. Those with scruffy clothes and dusty skins were reprimanded publicly and sometimes sent home to have their bath. They would therefore lose the lessons of the day. Every dust that wants to bring shame upon you, may God cleanse it from you. May the Living Water wash your clothing and scrub your body clean. Dust will not make you to lose out of life in Jesus name.Most children enjoy playing with physical dust. As we grew up, we move on to play with better stuffs. So that our dust days were over. Your dust days are over in Jesus name. From today, may better things come your way.A dunghill is where household wastes, human wastes and animal wastes are dumped. Sadly, some still go there to look for something valuable to them that had become invaluable to those who garbage it. It is one of the worst places to be in life. Hardly will you go to a dunghill and your feet of dress not get messed up. Again, if you are here and you have been messed up by the dunghill of life, may God clean you up. May God rinse you and anoint you with expensive fragrance in Jesus name. May the scent of Jehovah stick on your life. Dust and dunghill can be a place of insignificance. Psalm 113:7, David attested that God can make the poor to sit with princes. That will not readily happen except God intervene. God did it for David who used to seat in the dust and dunghill with sheep to sit with princes The God that did it for David will do it for you in Jesus name.God will use you to channel the course of your clan and linage in life. The level of elevation that has never happened in your clan or linage is coming to you from Jehovah in Jesus name. In I Sam. 9: 21, the bible makes us to know that king Saul did not come from the linage of kings. There had never even been a king in Israel before him. His family had never judge Israel as well. His clan was so small, together with his tribe.However, certain occurrence led the necessity of a king in Israel and the selection beam of the Almighty fell upon Saul. In a twinkle of an eye, the whole Israel began to pay tribute to him.May God’s candidature for elevation be upon you. May God radar locate you for elevation in life in Jesus name.The ways and the thoughts of God are different from ours. Gideon was seen by God as a man of valour, a strong and mighty warrior. Meanwhile he saw himself as a timid, fearful and coward farmer (Judges 6: 11-15). After 3 signs, Gideon accepted his futuristic elevation and ran with it. Then Gideon was elevated as he led the Israelites as victors for about 20 years. May your circumstances of today not make you to be fearful. May what you are now not jeopardize where you are going.When Esther parents had her, she was given that name which means 'Star'. But it didn't seem as if Esther's star was going to shine. Her parents died while she was still young and she was raised by her uncle who was an immigrant in a hostile land. However, through Divine scheme of events, Esther shone all over the world! What are the odds against your life? What has reduced you to feeling as an orphan? May God order the scheme of events for your Divine elevation in Jesus name.Prophet Amos was a sheep farmer. God turned him into an honourable man by putting His word in his mouth (Amos 1:1). Prophet Elisha was a crop farmer that would have only be known in his town as the son of Shapath. God however elevated him to become one of the greatest prophets in human history (I Kings 19:18-20). Kings had to call him father.Joseph elevation to the position of Prime Minister in Egypt was a Divine elevation. He was not just a foreigner, a slave, but a prisoner. How did Pharaoh make him to sit on the throne? It was the hand of God. At least Joseph had given the solution the problem coming. He would have just been released and the king would have put a prince to carry out his recommendation. But no. God had predestined that Joseph will be raised from dust and dunghill to palace.I pray for someone here, may no prison of life stop you from your predestined elevation in Jesus name. Could it be prison devils have put you? The prison people have put you? Or the ones you have put yourself. May they not hinder your elevation.Moses happened to be a child that was born in one of the worst time in history. It looked like he was an unlucky child compared to Mariam and Aaron. However from that worst scenario, he enjoyed the best first 40 years of his life compared to his older siblings and any other child in his days.He was brought up by his parent still as child-minders on payroll by the Emperor. He later grew up in the palace with special education and nurturing! May your story change for glory. May God overturn your worst scenario to your very best. May the things that seem to exterminate you become springboard for your elevation in Jesus name.One of the principal ingredients you need for your Divine elevation to come to pass is faith.Hannah was praying with so much sorrow, but as soon as Eli blessed her prayers, she had the faith that God had done it (I Sam 1:18).Also, Elizabeth was still pregnant when she had begun to praise God. Medically, it's easy to lose pregnancy after certain age. But at her age, she knew that the elevation is from God and it's for real. May your elevation become real. May physical parameters not work against your Divine elevation.

Almighty Father, promote me beyond the realm of ordinary to extraordinary in life in Jesus name.Almighty Father, let me not occupy the base of life; take me to the pinnacle of life in Jesus name.Almighty Father, grant unto me the great grace and great power that propels to the very top in Jesus name.Almighty Father, as I ascend the strata of life, do not let me descend till the very end in Jesus name.Almighty Father, let my walk with you appreciate continually. . .Excerpts of a sermon delivered by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye on November 25, 2012.


Raised From The Dust And Dunghill of Life


- By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

There shall be showers of blessing:This is the promise of love;There shall be seasons refreshing,Sent from the Saviour above.

Showers of blessing,Showers of blessing we need:Mercy drops round us are falling,But for the showers we plead.

There shall be showers of blessing,Precious reviving again;Over the hills and the valleys,Sound of abundance of rain.

There shall be showers of blessing;Send them upon us, O Lord;Grant to us now a refreshing,Come, and now honour Thy Word.

There shall be showers of blessing:Oh, that today they might fall,Now as to God we’re confessing,Now as on Jesus we call!

There shall be showers of blessing,If we but trust and obey;There shall be seasons refreshing,If we let God have His way.













By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

some part of the world, rainy season is experienced twice a year. The first one is called early or former rains which are essentially to soften the field for cultivation and for germination of the seed planted; while the second is called the latter rains

and is necessary for the production of fruits and leading to harvest.Both rains are very crucial to cropping, but the latter rains have a greater significance on the planting process as it shows that the farmer’s efforts throughout the year were never in vain.As Jesus was going back to heaven, He instructed the disciples not to go out preaching until they had received the power from the Holy Ghost (Luke 24:49). About 50 days after Jesus ascension, the gift of the Holy Ghost came upon 120 disciples which signify their ‘early rains’ (Acts 2:1-4).This power propelled them to do great miracles and grant them courage. However after the healing of the lame man at the Beautiful Gate by Peter and John, they were both arrested and tried by the Elders Council and the High Priest family. After been threatened and humiliated, it was necessary that God should re-charge them again, so they were sent a ‘latter rain’ (Acts 4:29-31). After this latter rain, they became unstoppable!In this Month of December, God is determined to send us ‘latter rains’ that will prepare us for our harvest season. He will cancel all threats of the enemies against us and eradicate all humiliations we are going through. He will also re-kindled our courage and endue us with renewed power and grace in Jesus name.

Page 2: Service Bulletin for December 2, 2012

Pastors Samuel & AnthoniaOBAFAIYE



Tel:- 0113 279 3400; 07789758707; 07940459067; 07941631678email: [email protected], [email protected]


THE LAND OF MERCY, 15-17 WALTER STREET, by Machine Mart, Off Kirkstall Road, LEEDS. LS4 2BB





If you are willing to serve within the Church in any capacity or you know how to play any musical instrument, please see the Pastor.

You are welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We really appreciate your presence. May the Lord visit and bless you.

Please note that MARRIAGE COUNSELLING is available for those in courtships; as well as for those that have the leading to initiate a lifelong relationship. Ask the Pastor for guidance.

Please drop in the PRAYER BOX in the reception or email to [email protected].





10:15 - 13:00PM5:30PM - 6:30pm

DIGGING DEEP - 6:30pm - 8:30PM




Celebration of Life Service: 1st Sunday of the monthAnointing Service:- Last Sundays of the month

Holy Communion:- Last Wednesday of the monthWomen Fellowship - 3rd Saturday - 1.00PM

Men Fellowship - Last Friday - Bimonthly - 6.30PM

FIRST Friday of the month (10PM - 1AM)




Everlasting Everlasting Father’s AssemblyFather’s Assembly


- By Pastor (Mrs) Anthonia Obafaiye

BRETHREN let no man deceive you it is only God that elevates and promotes. The Bible makes us to understand in the Book of Psalm 75:6 -7 ‘For promotion cometh

neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge, he putteth down one and setteth up another. The Bible says yet again in the Book of Lamentations 3; 37 ‘who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not?’ If the Lord has not authorised it (if He has not put His seal on it, if He has not spoken it) then it will not come to pass. The bible says the arm of flesh will fail us but God will never fail. If man played a role in orchestrating your elevation, then it is so because God commanded it, man favours you because God’s favour is upon your life, God will not share his Glory with anyone or anything, so we must be very careful not to accord the Glory of God to anyone, that fellow helped you because God commanded and allowed it. Please do not get me wrong we need to give honour to whom honour is due, we must be thankful and appreciative but do not accord the Glory of God to any man. The Bible says in the Book Psalm 124:1-2 ‘If it had not been the lord who was on our side, now may Israel say, if it had not been the lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us, sometimes you hear people say if it were not for Sis so and so or Bro so and so, no I think it should be said in this way thank God for using Bro so and so or Sis so and so. The Genesis of Joseph’s trouble was the fact that is Father loved him more than his Brothers, and that he brought Jacob( Joseph’s Father) a report of the evil deeds of his brothers and that their Father showed this love by making him a coat of many colours. At this stage his brothers were managing to tolerate him but one day Joseph dreamt a dream (in his dream, he said we were binding sheaves in the field and lo my sheaf arose, and also stood upright and behold your sheaves stood round about and made obeisance to my sheaf) and Bible says his brother hated him yet the more for his dreams and words. Brethren in this life you must be careful of who you share your dreams with, I know someone is saying in their heart but they were his brothers but the Bible yet again says in the Matt. 10:36 ‘that a man’s enemy are they of his household. May our dreams from God never be truncated in Jesus name. He had another dream but this time he told the dream to his Father and brothers, the bible says his Father rebuked him but he observed his sayings while his brother envied him, the bible says in James 3:16 ‘For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. I want tobelieve that from that day his brothers started plotting how they were going to get rid of him and the opportunity came one day and they almost killed him if not that the Lord was on his side. They sold him into slavery to the Ishmaelite’s not knowing they were selling him to his place of glory. When his Master discerned that the Lord was with him and that He had made all that he did to prosper, Joseph found grace in his sight and he made him overseer over his house and all that he had he put into his hand. Brethren this makes me understand that where ever we find ourselves it is an error to fail as a child of God, our presence in a place must bring favour and increase, it just has to make a difference, the Bible says let our light so shine that men will see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. (Matt: 5:16). But Brethren you know that when God prospers his children the enemy is never happy, and the enemy raised in his ugly head in the person of Potiphar’s wife who tried to lure Joseph to sin against the God that had preserved him thus far in order to truncate his destiny, but the grace of God was sufficient for Joseph and he was able to submit to God by resisting the devil and he fled from him. The Bible says Joseph told his Master’s wife that his master has committed all that he had to his hand, he kept back nothing from him except her because she was his wife and then he said something interesting, ‘how then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?. Not his Master, giving Glory to God and not to his Master, in other words your husband has made me overseer over his house because my God permitted and allowed it, so why should I now go against this God that has done all this for me by sinning with you. A moment of pleasure and a life time of misery. But the Bible makes us to understand yet again in Gen. 39: 21- 23 ‘But the Lord was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison. And the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph’s hand all the prisoners that were in the prison, and whatsoever they did there, he was the doer of it. Even in prison he was Chief Prisoner overseeing all other prisoners. (This can only be God’s favour).In prison the Bible in Gen. 40: 1 – 23 makes us understand that Joseph began to interpret dreams, Pharaoh’s Chief Butler and Chief Baker were also in the same prison with Joseph and one night they both had a dream and Joseph by Divine enablement interpreted their dreams and the interpretation came to pass, the Chief Butler was restored back to his position whilst the Chief Baker was killed and Joseph said something to the Chief Butler in verse 14 (‘but think on me when it shall be well with thee and shew kindness, I pray thee, unto me and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, (Brethren promotion comes from The Lord not from the east, nor the west nor the south) the Bible mentions in verse 23 (Yet did not the chief butler remember Joseph, but forgot him). Brethren God will not share his Glory with anyone, in His own time He makes everything beautiful; He will make it beautiful for someone here this morning in Jesus name. There is someone here today and you are saying in your heart Father have you forgotten me and He said I should tell you that He has not forgotten you and He will never forget you in Jesus name. He says I should tell you that He is working on your behalf and that the lines are falling into pleasant places for you in Jesus name.Gen 41: 1- 57, in verse 1 and it came to pass after 2 full years that Pharaoh dreamed, my prayer for someone here this morning is that your enemy will dream a dream that will propel you to be elevated by God. So Pharaoh dreamt and there was no wise man that could interpret his dream in the whole land of Egypt and then God caused the Chief Butler to remember Joseph and he was sent for from the dungeon. Joseph was brought to stand before Pharaoh and with God’s Divine inspiration he interpreted the dream of Pharaoh and he was elevated by God to the Prime Minister of Egypt (the number 2 man) Pharaoh said to him your word is the law in this land only in the throne will I be greater than thou’. Brethren this is awesome it can only be God, brethren life is a Journey, and when you are in God it is only Him that determines the cause of the journey (For Joseph it was from the pit to slavery, to being a servant, to being a prisoner, and to the palace to interpret dreams for the king, to being Prime Minister, the bible says the gifts of a man maketh room for him and brings him before great men), Joseph’s brother thought they had done away with him little did they know that the same brother they were plotting to kill was going to help preserve their lives and many other lives. May the Lord bless us all in Jesus name.Excerpts of a sermon delivered by Pastor (Mrs) Anthonia Obafaiye at Everlasting Father’s Arena, York on November 25, 2012

Promotion Only Comes From GodFROM THE PULPIT



M L I U T R L/U T C thanksgiving L U AMINISTERING


We collectively want to congratulate our brothers and sisters on their birthday celebrations, which occured last month. .Some of them are: Brother Michael Agolom, Deacon Bolaji Cole, Brother Oladeji Fadairo, Sister Shade Akintolu, Dr. Abiye Hector Goma, Sister Ejiro Ubredi, Brother Arhyel Christopher, Sister Joan Omorojie, Sister

Rufinah Sumah, Sister Gloria Ukpabio, Sister Bola Cole, Master Louis Obafaiye, Miss Cynthia Sumah, Miss Demilade Olobaniyi, Master Mofe Banks-Alonge.May God be gracious to you all; bless you and make His face to shine upon you all in Jesus name.

Latter Latter Latter RainsRainsRains