sericulture sector profile · 2020. 1. 18. · sericulture brief overview employment generation...

Sericulture Government of Uttarakhand Disclaimer: The content in the profile is being vetted by the department and is liable to change SERICULTURE Sector Profile

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Page 1: SERICULTURE Sector Profile · 2020. 1. 18. · Sericulture Brief Overview Employment Generation Sericulture can generate an estimated employment @11 man day per kg of raw silk production


Government of Uttarakhand

Disclaimer: The content in the profile is being vetted by the department and is liable to change


Sector Profile

Page 2: SERICULTURE Sector Profile · 2020. 1. 18. · Sericulture Brief Overview Employment Generation Sericulture can generate an estimated employment @11 man day per kg of raw silk production

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Uttarakhand Overview

Sericulture Brief Overview

Key Credentials of the State

Comparative Advantage of the State

Resource Profile Uttarakhand

Regulatory Mechanism

Policies, Schemes and Incentives

Details of Clusters in Uttarakhand

Investible Project

Departmental Contact Details


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► The State of Uttarakhand was formed on 9th November 2000 as the 27th State of India, when

it was carved out of northern Uttar Pradesh

► The State is close to the National Capital Region (NCR) and has excellent connectivity with its

neighbouring states

► With levels of literacy rate* (78.80%) higher than the national average and the presence of

institutes of international repute, the State has abundant availability of quality human resources

► GSDP of the state stood at INR 2,17,609 Million with a growth rate of 11.23% (FY 2017-18)*

► The state offers a wide range of benefits in terms of interest incentives, financial assistance,

subsidies and concessions

► The secondary sector in the state contributes around 50% to the Gross State Domestic Product

(GSDP: 2017-18), much higher than the national average **

Acknowledged for Ease of Doing Business & Peace of Doing Business…


Uttarakhand: The Ideal

Investment Destination










Availability of Cheap

and Reliable Power

Abundant Availability of

Good Water Resources

Transparent Land

Allotment with Land

Availability at

Competitive Prices

Skilled Manpower Availability

World Class Integrated

Industrial Estates

Good Law & Order; State

with one of the lowest man-

days lost due to industrial

strife in India

Sector Specific Policies providing

fiscal & Non fiscal incentives

Proximity to NCR and within

influence region of AKIC

Handholding Through

Investment Promotion &

Facilitation Centre

Well performing state in ‘Ease

of Doing Business’, with a

compliance of 98.10%***

Sources: *Uttarakhand at a glance 2016, DES, GoUK

**Directorate of Economics & Statistics, GoUK

*** Evaluation of BRAP 2017 Reform Evidence, DIPP

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55 min

6 hr

4 hr

(240 km)









Population (‘000)


Area (Sq. Km)


Water bodies

Ganga, Yamuna,

Bhagirathi and





(Million INR)


(FY 2017-18)

GSDP Growth



(FY 2017-18)

Per Capita

Income (INR)


(FY 2017-18)

Technical Institutes

Higher Education



Industrial Training

Institutes (ITI)












INR 4.99* /kWh


2 (Domestic)07 2 ICDs

(FY 2017)

Sources: Uttarakhand at a glance 2016, DES, GoUK

Source: ICD:



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Under the ‘Ease of Doing Business’ initiative, the State has implemented a web based Single

Window Clearance System -, allowing investors to avail the

necessary State Government approvals to establish and start their business operations through a

single platform without any physical touch point with the approving / licensing authority.


New Online










Timelines notified

under Uttarakhand

Enterprises Single

Window Facilitation

& Clearance Act


New Standard


Procedures drafted

for Departmental



Single Point Sectoral Clearances

Investment facilitation centre to

handhold investors

Self / Third party certification in

lieu of departmental inspections

Geographic Information System

of all land banks

Commercial Court set up in

Dehradun with entire state jurisdiction

Use of modern SCADA System to

ensure reliable supply of electricity

Auto Renewal of Consent to

Establish, Consent to Operate

Single Integrated Return for all

labour laws


Online Single Window System for

all required approvals

Objective Criteria for land




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Story of `Make in

Uttarakhand` which

started in 2003 is a classic

example of what

manufacturing can deliver

to a region`s economy in

terms of both economic

growth and employment


-CII Report `Making

Uttarakhand Competitive,

June 2016’

NCAER Assessment based on

“Perception of good business

climate” ranks Uttarakhand as

the Least Corrupt state in India

NCAER N-SIPI Index Survey ;

Five states – Uttarakhand,

Gujarat, Assam, Andhra

Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh

– had more than 90%

respondents say they faced no

problem in getting land


Uttarakhand has emerged as

the top state in the country

in terms of growth in the

industry and service sectors

in the last ten years.

Uttarakhand has also

figured as the second best

performing state in terms of

project implementation,

improving investment

scenario in the state




► The Government of Uttarakhand has laid huge emphasis on business facilitation by creating an

enabling environment for industries to set up and start their operations in the State

► The State government houses a dedicated ‘Investment Promotion & Facilitation Centre

(IPFC)’ which acts as a centralized one-stop-shop for the investors / businesses and provides

complete handholding support in a structured, focused and comprehensive manner. IFC will

focus on investment promotion, facilitation, direct engagement and consultation with investors /

Stakeholders and ensures investment realization and sustainable industrialization in the state

► ‘Uttarakhand Right to Service Act, 2011’ & ‘The Uttarakhand Enterprises Single Window

Facilitation and Clearance Act, 2012’ were enacted to provide necessary time bound licenses,

permissions and approvals for the setting up of commercial establishments in the state. The

State has ensured robust legal resolution mechanisms to ensure time bound delivery of

government services with more than 100 investor related services already notified under both the

acts separately and is in the process of adding more such services of multiple sectors shortly


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Sericulture Brief Overview



► Sericulture can generate an estimated employment @11 man day

per kg of raw silk production (in on-farm and off-farm activities)

throughout the year.

► Currently, 60 lakh persons are engaged across the country in

various activities of sericulture.


Production Industry

Crucial activities performed under Sericulture:

► Food-plant cultivation to feed the silkworms.

► Reeling the cocoons for unwinding the silk filament for

processing and weaving.

► Rearing of silkworms for the production of raw silk.

Sericulture Varieties

► Mulberry, Tropical Tasar, Oak Tasar, Eri and Muga are five

known commercial varieties of silks in the world.

► India is the only country in the World producing all five varieties.

Silk Production

During 2016-17, an increase of 6.4% over the production was

achieved resulting in 30,348 MT of raw silk production..

► Mulberry silk production was 3.8% more during 2016-17.

► The bivoltine raw silk production achieved a record production

of 5,266 MT during 2016-17

► Vanya silk, which includes Tasar, Eri and Muga raw silks,

achieved 12.8% growth during 2016-17.

@Source: Annual Report, 2015-16, Central Silk Board

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Key Credentials of the State (1/3)

*IBEF Report – May 2018

Known as the “Bowl of Bivoltine silk in India” due to its high quality Bivoltine cocoons of

International grade

Uttarakhand is the only state producing all four kinds of cocoon viz Mulberry, Oak tasar, Muga

and Ericulture.

All climatic condition of the state is very suitable for silk sector with temperature and relative

moisture ranging from 4.5 degree census to 40.0 degree census and 26% to 95% in the state


Raw silk production figures in India for all known five varieties for year 2016-17

@Source: Annual Report, 2016-17, Central Silk Board

S .No Particulars 2016-2017


2016-2017 2015-2016 Increase over

2015-26 (%)

A Area under Mulberry (ha) 227000 216810 208947 3.8

B Mulberry Raw Silk (MT)

B.1 Bivoltine 5260 5266 4613 14.2

B.2 Cross Breed 17400 16007 15865 0.9

Sub-Total (B) 22660 21273 20478 3.9

C Vanya Silk (MT)

C.1 Tasar 3285 3268 2819 15.9

C.2 Eri Spun Silk 5835 5637 5060 11.4

C.3 Muga 220 170 166 2.5

Sub-total (C) 9340 9075 8045 12.8

Total (B+C) 32000 30348 28523 6.4

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Key Credentials of the State (2/3)

Favourable Climatic Conditions Of The State

*IBEF Report – May 2018

With a vision to produce 2-A grade raw silk, Uttarakhand has emphasized on value addition by developing

Uttarakhand as a producer as well as consumer state by adopting multiple models of sericulture


average fabric production per annum


Direct employment


Indirect employment with 30,000 Man-days.

With the establishment of Silk Park, Dehradun District, Prem Nagar, Uttarakhand, a well-known

infrastructure base is laid down through implementation of Silk Emporium, Silk Exchange, Design Studio,

Weaving Workshop, Silk Fabric Sale counter and CFC yarn dyeing unit and CFC fabric processing unit.

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Key Credentials of the State (3/3)

Zonal Silkworm Seed Organization:

Dehradun, Uttarakhand has been developed as one of the Zonal offices for Silkworm Seed

Organisation for coordinating and monitoring the activities of Basic Seed Farms, Silkworm Seed

Production Centres, and Cold Storage Plant.


Basic Seed Farms - 2

Majra Sheeshambara

Cold Storage Plants - 1


Table 2: Units under Zonal Silkworm Seed Organization, National Silkworm Seed Organization

Bivoltine cocoon production

Silk Reeling on multi end reeling machine

Common Facility Centre for fabric

processing Yarn dying unit

Silk & Silk blended handloom weaving culture in the state.

Departmental sericulture chawki

rearing garden.

Sale outlet through UCRF outlet through


Silk Exchange through UCRF

Yarn bank established by UCRF for local


Open Cocoon markets for

marketing of green cocoons

The State boasts of the following in the field of Sericulture:

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Comparative Advantage of the


Availability of mulberry trees on bunds and courtyards of farmer

Availability of natural grown food plants

Good research and seed production base and infrastructure of Central Silk Board in

the State.

Availability of Sericulture societies,

SHGs, NGOs etc.

Availability of cocoon market and reeling


Apart from favourable climatic conditions, Uttarakhand is also known for favourable socio economic

conditions suitable for production of all four types of silk.

Below are the other key strength of the State

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Resource Profile Uttarakhand (1/2)

Availability of Raw material (Silk yarn) in the


Various natural and organic fibres are also available for blending

Silk dying infrastructure is available

Ingredients for preparation of natural dye are


Silk weaving handlooms are made available to some weavers after

imparting the silk weaving skills to traditional cotton /

wool weavers

Fabric processing facilities are available with Growth


Skilled weavers and required human resources

are available

A specialized unit of Govt. of India for post cocoon

activity is also established in the state

Uttarakhand - major Bivoltine cocoon producing state.

The state has also started the development and production of non-mulberry silk such as Tasar, Oak

Tasar, Eri and Muga.

In Uttarakhand, wool and other natural organic fibers are available in large quantity with traditional wool

and cotton weavers also available in some pockets of the state.

Thus, there is huge potential in the state for investment in the fabric processing and marketing sector.

Department of sericulture has established basic infrastructure in various post cocoon activities viz

reeling, twisting and fabric development. Backward and forward linkages are also available to run the

fabric development activities at large.

Following facilities can easily be availed for fabric / garment development manufacturing and marketing:

Suitable opportunities exist in fabric development sector. The sector is able to generate large number of

employment and entrepreneurship in the state.

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Resource Profile Uttarakhand (2/2)

Uttarakhand Production Statistics / Infrastructure Highlights

Particulars Value

Mulberry cocoon production (MT) 245.954

Oak tasar (Lac Nos) 5.0

Muga cocoon (Nos) 10,000

Eri cocoon (Kg) 5,000

Silk Fabric Production (Mtrs) 30,000

Raw Silk Production (MT) 33.20

Source: information from Department

Infrastructure Support

Particular - Units in Numbers

Mulberry FarmsChawki rearing building and

other necessary infrastructure71

Cocoon Market Ware house and cocoon driers 5

Growth Center Five Units, 30 basins 1

Reeling Units 70 basin, private sector 7

Number of Sericulture

Societies- 111

Sericulture Training

SchoolsBasic infrastructure for training purpose 1

Silk Park

With CATD, demonstration

exhibits sales emporium, silk exchange

and other infrastructure1

CFC With yarn dying, finishing unit. 1

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Regulatory Mechanism (1/3)

Registration / NOCs / Licenses required for setting up of units

Eligibility requirement to be registered as a Seed Producer / Chawki

Silkworm Rearer / Dealer of silkworm seed and Chawki silkworm

S.No Name of Service Name of Governing Act

1Registration of Silkworm Seed

ProducersCentral Silk Board (Amendment) Act, 2006

2 Registration of Silkworm Seed Central Silk Board (Amendment) Act, 2006

3 Registration of Silkworm Seed Dealer Central Silk Board (Amendment) Act, 2006

4 Registration of Chawki Rearers Central Silk Board (Amendment) Act, 2006

5Registration of Seed Cocoon

ProducersCentral Silk Board (Amendment) Act, 2006

Source: Central Silk Board (Amendment) Act, 2006

Particulars Seed Producer Chawki Silkworm Rearer

Dealer of silkworm

seed and Chawki


Qualification &


1. Matriculate pass


2. Certificate course in

sericulture from a

recognized institution for

having undergone a

training in Silkworm Seed

Production for not less

than three months in a

sericulture institution

under State or Central

Silk Board or any other

recognized institution

except for mulberry

silkworm seed producer

operating the seed

production centre before

the commencement of

these regulations shall not

be required to possess

the prescribed

qualifications, but he shall

undergo a refresher

course training in

silkworm seed production

for a period of not less

than one week

1. Matriculate pass


2. Certificate course in

sericulture from a

recognized institution

for having undergone a

training in chawki

silkworm rearing for not

less than three months

in a sericulture

institution under State

or Central Silk Board or

any other recognized

institution (except for

chawki silkworm rearer

operating the chawki

rearing centre before

the commencement of

these regulations shall

not be required to

possess the prescribed

qualification, but he

shall undergo a

refresher course

training on chawki

silkworm rearing for not

less than a period of

one week

1. Matriculate pass


2. Certificate course in

sericulture from a


institution for having

undergone a training

in handling of seed,

cocoons and chawki

silkworm larvae for

not less than three

months in a

sericulture institution

under State or

Central Silk Board or

any other



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Regulatory Mechanism (2/3)

Eligibility requirement to be registered as a Seed Producer / Chawki

Silkworm Rearer / Dealer of silkworm seed and Chawki silkworm

Particulars Seed ProducerChawki Silkworm


Dealer of silkworm

seed and Chawki


Minimum Quantity

of disease free


5 lakh Disease Free

layings per annum from

the third year of


Rear 1.5 lakh Disease

Free layings per annum

from the third year of




Possess building with

separate rooms to conduct

various activities of

silkworm seed production

including seed cocoon

preservation, ovi-position

and mother moth


The registered chawki

rearer shall possess a

minimum of two acres of

chawki mulberry garden

of improved variety with

irrigation facility or

sufficient mulberry trees

Shall also possess the

chawki rearing house

with rooms for storing

leaf, rearing silkworms

and other equipment

Building to store and

preserve the silkworm


Source: The Central Silk Board Silk-Worm Seed Regulations. 2010

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Regulatory Mechanism (3/3)

Standard Operating Procedures

Document Required

► Duly filled application in Form-12 (Also for seed cocoon producers having enough experience in seed rearing and mulberry garden)

► Duly filled application in Form-13

► Matriculate Pass Certificate

► A certificate in respect of having undergone three months training in seed production technology or Chawki rearing technology as the case may be


► Demand draft for INR 100 drawn in favour of “The Member Secretary Central Silk Board payable at Bangalore”.


► Application with requisite fee and document are required to be submitted to the office of the Chairperson, Registration Committee, Central Silk Board

► Submitted applications are scrutinized and are placed before the Registration Committee which meets at least two times a year

► The Committee examines the applications and decides to award the registration or seek clarification keeping them in abeyance till certain time or reject them based on the documents provided.

► The applicants whose applications are kept in abeyance and rejected are notified and they are given an opportunity to be heard before turning the request down or accepted.

► On approval, Bilingual registration (Hindi-English) certificates are prepared bearing an alphanumerical registration number (valid for 5 years)

► Certificates are further dispatched to the applicant within a maximum 45 days of clearance

National Silkworm Seed Organization, Central Silk Board, Ministry of

Textiles, Government of India (

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Policies, Schemes and Incentives (1/5)

Central Government Incentives

Institute of Hotel


Catering Technology

& Applied Nutrition,


Central Silk Board has been

implementing a rationalized

restructured Central Sector

Scheme “Integrated Scheme

for Development of Silk

Industry” for development of

sericulture in the Country,

which is an umbrella scheme

consisting of following four

components for the

development of Sericulture

and Silk industry:

Research & Development,

Training, Transfer of

Technology and

I.T. Initiatives,

Seed Organizations,

Coordination and Market

Development and,

Quality Certification Systems

(QCS)/Export Brand

Promotion and Technology


The above ongoing

components of the scheme

are focusing on intervention in

critical areas such as Feed,

Seed, Breed, Post Cocoon

Technology and Capacity

Building for visible impact on

quality and productivity

improvement in the field

ensuring to achieve the target.

The scheme was launched in

April 2015 with a view to

deliver duty rewards to silk,

woven fabrics of silk or of silk

waste to an extent of 2% of

free on Board (FOB)


The scheme is applicable on

pre and post shipment rupee

export credit for five years

providing relief to the Indian

exporters facing higher

interest rate than in

competitive countries like

Vietnam, China etc.

PPP model is one key way to

reap higher quality and timely

provision of public services.

Sericulture Research and

Development Council (SRDC)

aims to create an

infrastructure by combining

the best capabilities of the

public and private

relationships for rapid growth,

promotion and development

of Sericulture sector.

To realise efficiency in

production and delivery of

products with advancement in

terms of finance and

technology, SRDC will provide

necessary working and will

also facilitate other

mechanism in order to open

Sericulture Service Center in

PPP model for the following


Farmers Networking

Automatic Reeling Unit

Silkworm Seed Bank

Silk Power loom Unit

Government of India has

allowed 100 percent Foreign

Direct Investment under the

automatic route in the textile


Integrated Scheme for the

Development of Silk

Industry (CSS)

Merchandize Exports from

India Scheme (MEIS)

Interest Equalization


Interest Equalization


Interest Equalization


Make in India

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Policies, Schemes and Incentives (2/5)

* (Sericulture Research & Development Council)

Graphic Era

Institute of



Culinary College of

Hotel Management

& Catering



Central Government Incentives

►Central Capital Investment Incentive for access to credit (CCIIAC) @ 30% of the investment in plant and machinery

Central Capital


►Reimbursement of 100% insurance premium on insurance of building and Plant & Machinery for a maximum period of 5 years from the date of commencement of commercial production/ operation

Central Comprehensive

Insurance Incentive

Industrial Development Scheme 2017

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Policies, Schemes and Incentives (3/5)

* (Sericulture Research & Development Council)

Schemes Implemented By The State Government To Promote The

Sericulture Sector

Graphic Era

Institute of



Incentives are given by State Government on green cocoon production to rearers. Incentive are

also given by Central Silk Board on raw silk and subsidies on all CSS scheme in the ratio of

80:10:10 as Special Status State.

AS School of Management, Dehradun

Culinary College of

Hotel Management

& Catering



Mulberry Silk Production-Extension

Plantation Development Programme

Construction & Renovation of

Chawki Building

Organic Sericulture

Development Programme

Working Capital to Silk Co-operative Societies

Strengthening of UCRF

Silk Fabric Development

Sericulture Training


Support for Supply of Silk


Vanya Sericulture

Development Scheme

Incentive for Monsoon Crop

Reeling Unit Operation Scheme

Operation of Silkworm Grainage Scheme


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Policies, Schemes and Incentives (4/5)

* (Sericulture Research & Development Council)

Graphic Era

Institute of



Culinary College of

Hotel Management

& Catering



State Government Incentives –

Mega Industrial and Investment Policy 2015

Interest Subsidy

7% for 5 years

Investment – Interest

50-75 Cr – 25L Max

75-200 Cr – 35L Max

>200 Cr – 50L Max

SGST Concession*

Large: 30%

Mega / Ultra Mega: 50%

Stamp Duty

50% Exemption

ETP Subsidy

30% (up to 50 lacs)

Extra Employment


@ 500 P.M. per Male

@700 P.M. per Female

Land Registration


Land registration

fee @1/- per


Power Assistance

Rebate of 1/- per

unit on the power

bill and 100%

rebate on electric

duty for 7 years

Land Rates


Rebate of 15%, 25% and 30% on SIIDCUL prevailing land

rate for Large, Mega and Ultra Mega Projects respectively


► New & Existing Projects undergoing expansion (falling within identified Industrial Estates: Large

projects (50 Cr to 75 Cr), Mega Projects (75 Cr to 200 Cr), Ultra Mega Projects (Above 200 Cr)

*With the advent of GST, the current provision of reimbursement of VAT now stands discontinued.

However, SGST share (30% for large and 50% for mega and ultra-mega units) after adjustment of ITC

on sale (B2C) will be reimbursed

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Policies, Schemes and Incentives (5/5)

* (Sericulture Research & Development Council)

Interest Subsidy

• Category A: 10% (Max 8 lacs/yr/unit)

• Category B, B+: 8% (Max 6 lacs/yr/unit)

• Category C: 6% (Max 4 lacs/yr/unit)

Capital Subsidy

• Category A: 40%(Max 40 lacs)

• Category B, B+: 35% (Max 35 lacs)

• Category C: 30% (Max 30 lacs)

• Category D: 15% (Max 15 lacs)

Transport Subsidy

% of Annual Turnover (Per year/ unit) or Inbound/ Outbound Logistics Cost whichever is less

Category A: 7% (Max 7 lacs/yr/unit)

Category B, B+: 5% (Max 5 lacs/yr/unit)

Stamp Duty

• Category A, B, B+, C: 100%

• Category D: 50%

SGST Concession*

• Category A: 100% for the first 5 yrs and 90% thereafter

• Category B, B+: 100% for the first 5 yrs and 75% thereafter

Power Bill Rebate

• Category A:Sanctioned Load up to 100 KVA: 100% for 5 yrs and 75% thereafter; If Load>100 KVA: 60%

• Category B, B+: Sanctioned Load up to 100 KVA: 100% for 5 yrs and 60% thereafter; If Load>100 KVA: 50%

*With the advent of GST, the current provision of reimbursement of VAT now stands

discontinued. However, the net SGST after adjustment of ITC on sale (B2C) will be reimbursed.

State Government Incentives – MSME POLICY 2015

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Details of clusters in uttarakhand

1. Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) Cluster:

► Yamkeshwar Cluster, District Pauri Uttarakhand

► Ramanipoukhal Cluster, District Pauri Uttarakhand

► Dhauntiyal Cluster, District Pauri Uttarakhand

► Maldevta Cluster, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

► Lalwala Cluster, Haridwar, Uttarakhand

► Kopa Chanakpur, US Nagar Uttarakhand

► Thari Ginti Gaon, Nainital, Uttarakhand

2. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) Cluster:

► Dharkot, Cluster, District Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand

► Nagaon, Purola Cluster, District Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand

► Gaisain, Cluster, District Chamoli, Uttarakhand.

► Muwani Cluster, District, Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand

► Kapkot Muga Cluster, District Bageshwar, Uttarakhand


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Investible Projects

Project Name Silk Fabric & Garment Manufacturing Unit in Dehradun*

Location Growth Centre Selakui, Dehradun*

Unit Capacity

The annual rated capacity of the plant will be assumed after

finalization of the unit. One powerloom produced about 25 Mtr

fabric per day and one handloom can produce 6-8 Mtr

handloom product per day*

Focus Sector Textile & Handloom Sector*

Project Timelines 5-6 months*


Infrastructure is available in form of Pre existing sheds in

Selakui, Dehradun which can be lease out to interested


Project at a Glance

*For more information please visit

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Directorate of Sericulture

Investment Facilitation Centre Directorate of Industries

Address Investment Facilitation Centre

C/o Directorate of Industries

Industrial Area, Patel Nagar Dehradun

Email ID [email protected]

Phone +91-135- 2559898, 2559987

Address Directorate of Sericulture Premnagar-Dehradun

Email ID [email protected]

Phone +91-135-2773227, 2774130


Address State Infrastructure and Industrial Development Corporation of

Uttarakhand Ltd.(SIIDCUL)

IT Park, Sahastradhara Road, Dehradun

Email ID [email protected]

Phone +91-135-2708100

Single Window Clearance System –

Toll Free: 18002701213

Key Contacts

Disclaimer: Directorate of Sericulture, Government of Uttarakhand has made every attempt to

ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided in this document. However, the

information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The department periodically adds,

changes, improves or updates the information in this document without any notice. For further

clarification kindly get in touch with Directorate of Sericulture, Government of Uttarakhand.

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Natural Fiber

Government of Uttarakhand

Disclaimer: The content in the profile is being vetted by the department and is liable to change



Sector Profile

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Natural Fibre Highlights

Natural Fibre – Types

Natural Fibre – Himalayan Nettle

Nettle Fibre – Benefits

Resource Profile Uttarakhand

Policies, Schemes and Incentives

Investible Project

Departmental Contact Details

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Natural Fiber Overview


*Draft project report only for reference.

► There is a diverse range of natural fibres produced by farmers throughout the world

► Natural fibres may be classified as cellulosic (from plants), protein (from animals), and mineral

► Plant fibres may be seed hairs, such as cotton; bast (stem) fibres, such as linen; leaf fibres, such as sisal; and husk fibres, such as coconut

► The animal fibres are wool, hair, fur, and secretions, such as silk

► Natural fibers are generally considered to be more environmentally friendly than synthetics in their production and disposal

► Close to 30 million tones of natural fibres are produced annually in the world, of which cotton is dominant with 20 million tones, wool and jute each around 2 to 3 million tones followed by a number of others

► Most countries produce some natural fibres; for some developing countries natural fibres are of major economic importance, for example, cotton in some West African countries, jute in Bangladesh and sisal in Tanzania

► In other cases these fibres are of less significance at the national level but are of major local importance within the country, as in the case of jute in West Bengal (India) and sisal in north-east Brazil

► Proceeds from the sale and export of natural fibres often contribute significantly to the income and food security of poor farmers and processors in the least developed countries

► The uses of natural fibers range from high priced apparel to industrial applications and in most if not all of these applications they are subject to competition from synthetic substitutes

*Uttarakhand Bamboo & fibre Development Board, Dehradun

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Types of Natural Fibres (1/3)

*Draft project report only for reference.

Cotton ► The world produces around 25 million tones of cotton annually

► China, the United States, Pakistan, India, Uzbekistan, Turkey and

Brazil are the major producers, with more than 80 countries

recording some production

► Global trade in raw cotton amounts to more than 7 million tones

annually, much of which is imported by processing and

manufacturing countries, which subsequently re-export it in the

form of textiles and clothing

► Cotton is used largely for apparel, with some also used in

upholstery, curtains, etc., and some in industrial applications

*Uttarakhand Bamboo & fibre Development Board, Dehradun

Wool► Annual wool production has been around 2.2 million tones, with

production recorded in almost 100 countries

► Australia produces around 25% of this total, other countries

include China, New Zealand, Iran, Argentina, the UK and India

► Exports of greasy plus scoured wool amount to around 800,000

tones annually and, like cotton, much of this is imported to

processing countries for manufacture and subsequent re-export

(FAOSTAT). Wool is used largely for apparel, with coarser types

used for bedding, for upholstery and for carpets

Jute► India produces 60% of the world’s jute, with Bangladesh being the

other major producer

► Other countries, including Myanmar and Nepal, produce much

smaller quantities

► Kenaf, a fiber very similar to jute, is produced in smaller quantities

of around 500,000 tones in a number of countries predominantly

in Asia. Traditionally jute and kenaf have been used to

manufacture packaging materials like hessian, sacking, ropes,

twines, carpet backing cloth etc.

► In recent years new technologies have been evolved for the use of

jute, as a raw material in the production of high value added and

price competitive intermediaries or final products.

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Types of Natural Fibres (2/3)

*Draft project report only for reference.

Sisal, Henequen and

similar hard fibres

► In recent years, production of sisal, henequen and similar hard

fibres has been around 300 000 tones

► These fibres are produced from the leaf of the agave and similar

species mainly in Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Madagascar) & Latin

America (Brazil, Mexico, Haiti, Venezuela, and Cuba) and in China

► Traditionally these fibers have been used for cordage, particularly

for baler twine, and for sacking, but more recently, in the face of

competition from synthetic materials in these applications, they

have been finding markets in a range of uses including carpets,

composite materials, and paper pulp

*Uttarakhand Bamboo & fibre Development Board, Dehradun

Silk► Silk production has amounted to around 135,000 tones annually

in recent years

► As with many other natural fibres, China is the dominant producer

► Other producers include countries, such as India, Vietnam,

Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Brazil

► Silk is produced from cocoons of the silk-producing moth,

commonly called the "silkworm."

► The cocoon, formed from an unbroken fibre secreted from the

caterpillar's body, is gathered and the fibre unwound

Hemp ► Hemp is a bast fibre similar to flax, kenaf, jute and ramie, used for

textiles, cordage and fine paper products

► The wood-like core fibre can be used for animal bedding, garden

mulch, fuel and an assortment of building materials

► Hemp is a distinct variety of the plant species cannabis sativa L.

Although both plants are from the species cannabis, hemp

contains virtually no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active

ingredient in marijuana

► Due to the similar leaf shape, hemp is frequently confused with

marijuana, and for this reason hemp production is restricted or

prohibited in many countries.

► China, Spain, Korea, Russia and Chile being other major producers

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Types of Natural Fibres (3/3)

*Draft project report only for reference.

Flax ► In recent years, production of sisal, henequen and similar hard

fibres has been around 300 000 tones

► These fibres are produced from the leaf of the agave and similar

species mainly in Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Madagascar) & Latin

America (Brazil, Mexico, Haiti, Venezuela, and Cuba) and in China

► Traditionally these fibers have been used for cordage, particularly

for baler twine, and for sacking, but more recently, in the face of

competition from synthetic materials in these applications, they

have been finding markets in a range of uses including carpets,

composite materials, and paper pulp

*Uttarakhand Bamboo & fibre Development Board, Dehradun

Nettle ► Urtica dioica, often called common nettle, stinging nettle or nettle

leaf, is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the family


► It is native to Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and North America,

and introduced elsewhere

► The plant has a long history of use as a source for traditional

medicine, food, tea, and textile raw material in ancient societies

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Natural Fiber – Himalayan Nettle (1/4)


Overview► Family: Urticaceae

► Species: Hytrophylla/ Diversifolia

► Parts Used: Stem, roots and leaves

► Habitat: Waste ground and shrubberie 800- 2700 metre in the


► Himalayan Nettle is a grass species, the plant is found in the upper

reaches of Himalayas, the plant can attain a height of 12 to 18


► The Plant has been generally found in broad leaf forests, having a

high leaf litter fall

► Different pockets of Uttarakhand have traditionally used the plant

fibre for making domestic products like ropes and other rope

based products such as slippers

► Despite its armoured exterior, the fibres inside are surprisingly

ideal for textile production

► The fibres are pliable and have a good length to be spun into yarn

► The final woven fabric is similar to linen- but much stronger (it’s

strength increases when wet) and a bit stiffer, making it ideal for

more structured garments. It has great resistance to wrinkling and

reputedly antimicrobial, antibacterial and fire retardant

► Himalayan Nettle has a unique property that makes it an ideal

clothing material for both winters and summers, the fibres of the

plant are actually hollow as such they can accumulate air inside

thus creating a natural insulation



► Himalayan Nettle is annual plant

► Flowers are hermaphrodite

► Plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils.

The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It can

grow in semi- shade (light woodland or no shade). It requires moist


*Draft project report only for reference.*Uttarakhand Bamboo & fibre Development Board, Dehradun

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Natural Fiber – Himalayan Nettle (2/4)


Uses► Edible uses:

► Leaves are used for cooking purposes. Care should be taken

when harvesting the leaves because they have stinging

hairs. These hairs are neutralized by heat and so the cooked

leaves are perfectly safe to eat

► Young Leaves

► Himalayan Nettle can be cooked as a potherb and added to

soups etc.

► Nettles are a very valuable addition to the diet, they are a

very nutritious food that is easily digested and is high in

minerals (especially iron) and vitamins (especially A and C)

► Cooking the leaves, or thoroughly drying them, neutralizes

the sting in the leaves, rendering the leaf safe to eat

► The young shoots are harvested in the spring when they are

15 - 20cm long

► Colouring; Curdling agent; Drink; Leaves

► The plants are harvested commercially for extraction of the

chlorophyll, which is used as a green colouring agent in

foods and medicines

► A tea is made from the dried leaves

► The juice of the leaves, or a decoction of the herb, can be

used as a rennet substitute in curdling plant milks

► Nettle beer is brewed from the young shoots

► Medicinal uses:

► A decoction of the roots and basal stems is mixed with wine

and drunk as a cure for malignant boils. The leaves are used

in the treatment of headaches and swollen joints. A

decoction of the plant is used to treat fevers

*Draft project report only for reference.*Uttarakhand Bamboo & fibre Development Board, Dehradun

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Natural Fiber – Himalayan Nettle (3/4)


Uses► Antiasthmatic; Antidandruff; Astringent; Diuretic; Galactogogue;

Haemostatic; Hypoglycaemic; Stings; Tonic

► Nettles have a long history of use in the home as an herbal

remedy and nutritious addition to the diet

► A tea made from the leaves has traditionally been used as a

cleansing tonic and blood purifier so the plant is often used

in the treatment of hay fever, arthritis, anaemia etc.

► The whole plant is antiasthmatic, antidandruff, astringent,

depurative, diuretic, galactogogue, haemostatic,

hypoglycaemic and a stimulating tonic.

► An infusion of the plant is very valuable in stemming

internal bleeding, it is also used to treat anemia, excessive

menstruation, haemorrhoids, arthritis, rheumatism and skin

complaints, especially eczema

► Externally, the plant is used to treat skin complaints,

arthritic pain, gout, sciatica, neuralgia, haemorrhoids, hair

problems etc.

► The fresh leaves of nettles have been rubbed or beaten onto

the skin in the treatment of rheumatism etc. This practice,

called urtification

► It is believed that this treatment works in two ways

► Firstly, it acts as a counter-irritant, bringing more blood to

the area to help remove the toxins that causes rheumatism

► Secondly, the formic acid from the nettles is believed to

have a beneficial effect upon the rheumatic joints

► Other uses:

► Fibre is obtained from the stem

► It is fine and silky and is used for making coarse cloth ropes,


► Yield of fibre are around 600- 1098 kg per hectare

*Draft project report only for reference.*Uttarakhand Bamboo & fibre Development Board, Dehradun

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Natural Fiber – Himalayan Nettle (4/4)


Uses► Biomass; Compost; Dye; fibre; Hair; Liquid feed; Oil; Repellent;


► A strong flax-like fibre obtained from the stems is used for

making string and cloth, it also makes a good quality paper

► It is harvested as the plant begins to die down in early

autumn and is retted before the fibres are extracted

► The fibre is produced in less abundance than from flax

(Linum usitatissimum) and is also more difficult to extract

► The plant matter left over after the fibres have been

extracted are a good source of biomass and have been used

in the manufacture of sugar, starch, protein and ethyl


► Oil obtained from the seeds is used as an illuminant

► Herbal compost activator is a dried and powdered mixture

of several herbs that can be added to a compost heap in

order to speed up bacterial activity and thus shorten the

time needed to make the compost

► The leaves are also an excellent addition to the compost

heap and they can be soaked for 7 - 21 days in water to

make a very nutritious liquid feed for plants

► This liquid feed is both insect repellent and a good foliar


► The growing plant increases the essential oil content of

other nearby plants, thus making them more resistant to

insect pests

► A beautiful and permanent green dye is obtained from a

decoction of the leaves and stems

► A yellow dye is obtained from the root when boiled with


*Draft project report only for reference.*Uttarakhand Bamboo & fibre Development Board, Dehradun

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Benefits of Nettle Fibre

*Draft project report only for reference.

Porous and


► Himalayan fibres are porous, allowing the skin to breathe

► Fibres soften with age while being mildew resistant

► Moisture absorption property and breathability make Nettle an

extremely comfortable fabric

*Uttarakhand Bamboo & fibre Development Board, Dehradun

Durability► These fibres are longer, stronger and more durable than any other

natural fibre known to mankind

► Longer fibre length increases spinning options and hence fabric






► Most Himalayan fibres are potential medicinal plants, considered

to possess anti- bacterial activity against a wide range of pathogen

► This anti-bacterial characteristic is contributed from bio-active

compounds of lignin present in the fibre

► This makes it best alternative in healthcare and hospitality


► Single fibre cells have hollow cavities called lumen

► These are interconnected, creating a complex capillary passage for

air, making the fibre temperature resistant

► This helps keep the fabric warm in winters and cool in summers

► In order to create clothing material for summers the yarn length

can be twisted closing the hollow core and reducing insulation

► In winter with low twist the hollow fiber remains open maintaining

a constant temperature

Eco – Friendly ► Himalayan plants grow in the temperate forests lands of the

Himalayas, with zero use of pesticides and insecticides for


► The collection of raw material – the removal of dead stalks – have a

net positive impact on the mountain environment

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Resource Profile Uttarakhand (1/2)


*Draft project report only for reference.

GSDP Increased at CAGR of

11.17% (2011-18*)

Operational PPP projects

( 129 No) (April 2018)***

FDI inflows (Apr - Dec 2017),

stood at around US$ 652 mn***


► Himalayan Nettle locally known as bichu buti, Nilgiri, Kandali and Dolan is a perennial plant

possibly best known as a source of strong, light-weight, sustainable natural fibres

► The shrub grows wild throughout the moist mountainous regions of India and abundanty in


► Uttarakhand has been recognized as one Indian state, potential for nettle fibre development

► it was estimated that a total of 770 square kilometer area has naturally growing nettle

(Himalayan nettle, Girardinia diversifolia), which can provide 24704.26 tons raw dried fibre


► Nettle grows wild as undergrowth particularly in Chamoli, Uttarkashi, Rudraprayag, Bageshwar

and Pithoragarh districts in Uttarakhand

► Some NGOs in Uttarakhand are conducting income generating programmes, with training on

better ways of processing, spinning and weaving Himalayan nettle

► 72.50 per cent and 62.50 per cent of nettle fibres were used in Uttarakashi and Chamoli


*Ethnobotany Research & Applications

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Resource Profile Uttarakhand(2/2)


*Draft project report only for reference.

Species Local




Habitat Uses

Himalayan Nettle

Girardinia diversifolia /






and Dolan

12 to 18 feet

and is grown

at an altitude

of 1200-

3000 meters

Cultivated beds.

This plant has

very virulent

stinging hairs.

Waste ground,


woods etc.,

preferring a rich

soil and

avoiding acid


Fiber is obtained

from the stem. It is

fine and silky and is

used for making

coarse cloth ropes,


Cooking purposes-

potherb and added

to soups

Coloring; Curdling


Medicinal uses - the

roots and basal

stems is mixed with

wine and drunk as a

cure for malignant

boils. The leaves are

used in the

treatment of

headaches and

swollen joints

*Uttarakhand Bamboo & fibre Development Board, Dehradun

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Policies, Schemes & Incentives (1/2)

Central Government Incentives – Clean Development


Clean Development


► Keeping in view the environment friendly nature of these projects,

the developers shall be eligible to claim the benefits available

under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

► The project developer shall pass on the benefits of Clean

Development Mechanism as per the directions provided by

CERC/UERC (Central Electricity Regulatory Commission/

Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission)from time to time

► The CDM, in particular, aims to assist developing countries in

achieving sustainable development by promoting environmentally

friendly investment from industrialized country governments and


► CDM can contribute to a developing country’s sustainable

development objectives through:

► Transfer of technology and financial resources

► Sustainable ways of energy production

► Increasing energy efficiency & conservation

► Poverty alleviation through income and employment


► Local environmental side benefits

*Draft project report only for reference.*Uttarakhand Bamboo & fibre Development Board, Dehradun

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Policies, Schemes & Incentives(2/2)

State Government Incentives – MSME POLICY

Interest Subsidy

• Category A: 10% (Max 8 lacs/yr/unit)

• Category B, B+: 8% (Max 6 lacs/yr/unit)

• Category C: 6% (Max 4 lacs/yr/unit)

Capital Subsidy

• Category A: 40%(Max 40 lacs)

• Category B, B+: 35% (Max 35 lacs)

• Category C: 30% (Max 30 lacs)

• Category D: 15% (Max 15 lacs)

Transport Subsidy

% of Annual Turnover (Per year/ unit) or Inbound/ Outbound Logistics Cost whichever is less

Category A: 7% (Max 7 lacs/yr/unit)

Category B, B+: 5% (Max 5 lacs/yr/unit)

Stamp Duty

• Category A, B, B+, C: 100%

• Category D: 50%

SGST Concession*

• Category A: 100% for the first 5 yrs and 90% thereafter

• Category B, B+: 100% for the first 5 yrs and 75% thereafter

Power Bill Rebate

• Category A: Sanctioned Load up to 100 KVA: 100% for 5 yrs and 75% thereafter; If Load>100 KVA: 60%

• Category B, B+: Sanctioned Load up to 100 KVA: 100% for 5 yrs and 60% thereafter; If Load>100 KVA: 50%

*With the advent of GST, the current provision of reimbursement of VAT now stands discontinued. However, the net SGST after adjustment of ITC on sale (B2C) will be reimbursed.

*Draft project report only for reference.

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Investible Projects

Project Name Textile Manufacturing Unit at Rishikesh*

Location Rishikesh*

Focus Sector Natural Fiber*

Project Timelines Phase I – 1 – 3 years

Phase II – 3 – 5 years*

Total Cost

Land Cost: INR 30,00,000

Infrastructure Cost: INR 45,00,000

Production Cost: INR 35,00,000

Total Cost: INR 1,10,00,000

Project at a Glance

*For more information please visit

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Uttarakhand Bamboo & Fibre Development Board

Investment Facilitation Centre Directorate of Industries

Address Investment Facilitation Centre

C/o Directorate of Industries

Industrial Area, Patel Nagar Dehradun

Email ID [email protected]

Phone +91-135- 2559898, 2559987

Address Uttarakhand Bamboo & Fibre Development Board

Watershed Management Directorate, Indira Nagar Forest Colony

Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Email ID

Phone +91-135-2760897


Address State Infrastructure and Industrial Development Corporation of

Uttarakhand Ltd.(SIIDCUL)

IT Park, Sahastradhara Road, Dehradun

Email ID [email protected]

Phone +91-135-2708100

Single Window Clearance System –

Toll Free: 18002701213

Key Contacts

Disclaimer: Directorate of Sericulture, Government of Uttarakhand has made every attempt to

ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided in this document. However, the

information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The department periodically adds,

changes, improves or updates the information in this document without any notice. For further

clarification kindly get in touch with Directorate of Sericulture, Government of Uttarakhand.