sentinel lent, 2014

The Sentinel Lent, Easter 2014 All Saints’ Episcopal Church * 501 S. Phoenix Ave. Russ. AR. * 479-968-3622

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All Saints' Episcopal Church News


Page 1: Sentinel Lent, 2014

The Sentinel Lent, Easter 2014

All Saints’ Episcopal Church * 501 S. Phoenix Ave. Russ. AR. * 479-968-3622

Page 2: Sentinel Lent, 2014


Lent & Easter 2014

The Sentinel In these pages..

Choosing A Ministry………………. 03

Crucifer………….……………………... 05

Junior Warden’s Report…………... 07

Garden Beds ...……………………….. 07

Perceptions on the Bible…...……… 07

Think about Lent………….…………… 08

Clergy and Lay Leadership …………… 09

Daughters of The King……...………. 09

Easter Prayer………………………… 10

Five Loaves & Two Fishes….………. 11

The Best Christmas…………………… 11

The Colors of the Lenten Season……… 11

Young Episcopal Performers…………… 12

Reflection………………...…………………. 13

DARE………………..……………………… 14

Rectors Weekly Calendar …………….. 14

An Irish Blessing………………………….. 15

Remember Me……..…………………… 16

Sermon Schedule & Stations……… 17

Upcoming Liturgical Calendar………… 18

Upcoming Events….……………………. 22

One Coin With Sides......................... 25

A Prayer……...……………………………. 25

Lenten Schedule ...……………………. 26

James Sutherland

Almighty God, Father of mercies and giver of com-

fort: Deal graciously, we pray, with all who mourn;

that, casting all their care on you, they may know the

consolation of your love; through Jesus Christ our

Lord. Amen.

For many years, several dedicated ladies have given freely

of their time, talent, and treasure to make wreaths and gar-

lands to “green” our beloved church for Christmas-

tide. Thank you, dear servants of God and this parish, for

your continuing generosity, which contributes immeasurably

to our joy in that most glorious season.

Thank You!

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Lent & Easter 2014

Choosing a Ministry By, KaDee McCormick

I heard it said once, “If you want to make a difference,

find out what you don’t do well and don’t do it.” I sug-

gest that this also applies to lay ministers, those who

commit to a service for God who are not formally or-

dained. This scribbling expresses some points that

may be helpful to those seeking the right choices for

lay ministry, so an appropriate commitment is made to

the ministry, resulting in peace and joy for the servant

and the best service to God.

No “how to guide” should be started without first ask-

ing the question, “Why should I …?” So, why should

the laity choose to commit their limited time resource

to the service of God? It is one of my personal beliefs

that each individual, the resultant of their unique na-

ture, nurture and divine guidance, has inherent “value

of being” and something which only that person can

offer. We all have unique, unrealized potentials wait-

ing on passionate motivations and timed circumstanc-

es to bring those potentials to effective use in the ser-

vice of God. We have free will, so what we use our re-

sources (time, tools, and talents) for is our

choice. Because I believe in the “good work,” I

choose to give of my best resources to make a differ-

ence. I choose to do this in the name of God, not as

the purchase price for some “eternal fire insurance

policy”, rather in the name of love for a friend who has

remained closer than a brother. I choose to serve the

will of the God of my understanding, because his Son

is my friend; and, I am committed to the greatest ex-

pression of that love in,” no greater love hath any man

than he lay down his life for a friend.” You have just

heard my passion, my motivation, which drove me to

the service to which I have given an extended commit-

ment. In my case, the timing and circumstances which

allowed my service, I choose to believe, to have been

influenced by God and to have been equally for my

benefit in accordance with scripture (Jer. 29:11). We

all have such passions that motivate us to improve the

human condition, and can make a difference if this

potential is diligently sought, bravely discovered, and

humbly exercised in the service of God. I suggest an

importance that each of us express our valuable

uniqueness in service of our passion and that what we

do what we do, do well, and unto God.

Rather than giving step-by-step instructions in choos-

ing a lay ministry first, let me instead provide you with

my six considerations for making a choice of the right


Passion will guide and motivate you to your minis-

try. Where your heart is, there also is your

treasure. Determine what drives you to action;

what is your motivation? Diligently seek, with

prayer and critical self-examination, the individ-

ual elements of your passion and how they

drive you to service that makes a differ-

ence. Services provided based on passion will

motivate you and will provide you with the

greatest satisfaction, joy and peace. Examples

of passions that can be matched to a ministry,

to name a few, include righting injustice, com-

forting sick, inclusion of the marginalized, feed-

ing the poor, ensuring maintained physical fa-

cilities, advocate for the weak, obedience to a

higher calling, spiritual exploration, seeking

truth and mystery, etc. And these are but a

few… Once you have more clearly defined your

passion, observe the likeminded, and then

seek guidance from the ordained to match that

passion to a ministry.

Seek guidance from the ordained and group lead-

ers. The ordained ministers are our profes-

sional counselors with the training, overall per-

spective and dedication to offer compassion-

ate insights. They are the guard rails on our

road of life. Also, be receptive to suggestions

from the ordained to consider a ministry you

had not previously entertained, as they some-

times see our potential and weaknesses which

we cannot see. Group leaders are focused on a

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Lent & Easter 2014

ministry and can help us to recognize whether

or not we have the passion necessary for the


Pay attention to feedback and subtle

clues. Watch those with similar motivations

and see if you have the same commitment

level or perhaps a parallel, but not the same

one. I. e., you may have a passion for impart-

ing knowledge which you have discovered by

watching a Sunday school teacher, but per-

haps your teaching passion is for a different

age group or setting. Another feedback is a

change in comfort level. It is not key to

choosing or changing a ministry, as many

times God places us outside our comfort level

to grow. But, it must be acknowledged and

critically self-evaluated because, like our

dreams, it is telling us something about our-

selves. Sometimes we get “over comfortable”

and are just going

through the motions as

passion for the ministry

has become stale result-

ing in God’s desire for us

to return to that passion

or move on to new passion. Yes, comfort lev-

el can give us feedback that it is time to move

to a different ministry; but, it is tricky. In such

cases, seek the counsel of the ordained and

group leadership to make that distinc-

tion. Another feedback is contentment; when

you are contented, you know in your knower

that all is right with your relationship with God

and you have found that ministry that moti-

vates you and serves your passion. And yes,

you can be contented even when there are

significant problems that must be over-

come. When you can successfully deal with

those, it may be time for your position to

change to that of a group leader, and God is

giving you a push out of your comfortable


Satisfy your creative outlet. My relationship with

God has the most beauty when I am creating. I

wrote little about this subject, but don’t under-

estimate the importance. Creativity helps to

maintain our passions as passions. The pas-

sions of our life can only be fully backfilled

when we are satisfied with what we cre-

ate. Again, each of us has value and something

to add that can improve a ministry. Seek a min-

istry that allows for group leaders to guide our

creativity to improve the service to God.

Attitude is more important than aptitude. Whom

God calls, He equips; so, exercise the heart of a

servant to minister, and accept training that is

provided to fill in any needed skills. I contend

that skills can be taught, passion cannot. Few

of us possess the innate skills in the areas of

our passion; and even those that do, can bene-

fit from training to provide a more effective ser-

vice. Accept the training provided by the group

leaders and watch the ministry

effectiveness improve.

Over commitment destroys moti-

vation. Continued commitment to

a ministry for which we have only

marginal passion can lead to loss

of motivation and strained relationships due to

guilt about perceived performance. Also, when

we over commit to too many ministries, we di-

lute focus, short circuit motivation, and, worst

of all, we can burn out our passion in an ar-

ea. Yes, there is the fear that if we do not pro-

vide our time to a ministry that that ministry will

suffer. Consider however, that it may be time

for that ministry to be placed on hold by the

leadership until God sets the circumstances for

the right passionate people to come

along. Consider life’s balance; we have finite

time resources and we must use them wisely to

effectively serve God and our other commit-

ments including family, employer and

self. What you do, do well; but, you can’t do any

of them well if you’re doing too much or doing

too many things.

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Lent & Easter 2014

So how do I to get started?

Explore your feelings to find your true pas-

sion(s) that will motivate you so you can do

what you do; do well before you do for God.

Observe those who serve in various minis-

tries to see if you are like minded.

Talk to people and group leaders in various

ministries of interest to see if you can align

with their personalities, motivations and


Seek counsel of the ordained who are

there to serve the server.

Pray for guidance in the selection, timing

and circumstances necessary for service.

Allow God to create the circumstances to

support your ability to serve.

Volunteer for a test in a ministry allowing

yourself and the leadership the right to

change their mind if it is not right for you to

make a long term commitment.

Make arrangements with the group leaders

to obtain the training necessary for the ser-

vice to which you desire to commit.

Don’t be afraid to say no to dedication to

services which are not your passion and

which take so much of your time that it

places your life and relationships out of


Seek confirmation from the ordained min-

istry before making a commitment

Commit for a specified time period a rea-

sonable service to God.

Fulfill the service commitment for the spec-

ified time out of love more than duty.

Enjoy a richer relationship with God where

your creativity is expressed, and peace and

contentment are obtained through a rea-

sonable passionate service to God.

“CRUCIFER” Continued on next pg.

A sermon preached by the Very Reverend Jeff Fisher, Suffragan

Bishop of Texas, while he was still rector of St. Alban’s Episcopal

Church, Waco, Texas

Submitted by Michael Gillum

Last Thursday, when it was cold and rainy outside, a 30 year

old man dropped in to St. Alban’s in the afternoon. This

young man had just gotten engaged to be married, and he

was looking for a place for their wedding. Such requests do

happen occasionally, because we have such a beautiful

church building, and because the Episcopal marriage liturgy

is so meaningful.

I like to use these opportunities to show hospitality and wel-

come, because we are a family of God that welcomes all peo-

ple. So, last Thursday afternoon, I stepped away from what-

ever I was doing at my desk, and I took this young man in-

side the church to look around.

Once I turned on the lights, he looked around for a full view

of our wonderful worship space.

Then, he turned to me and said, “You know, I was raised in

the Episcopal Church. I used to carry the cross in church.”

This man did not say, “In the Episcopal Church, I learned

about the virgin birth or about inspiring music or about

‘family values.’” Instead, he said, “I carried the cross.” Being

a crucifer, being a “cross carrier”, is the first thing that he

recounted about being an Episcopalian. And if our church is

best remembered for proclaiming the message of the cross,

then we are on the right track.

When the Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Corinthian

church, the Corinthians were not on the right track. The

Greeks proclaimed a message that lifted up wisdom and eloquent speeches. Jews could not believe a message about a God who is the victim of Capital punishment on a cross. Yet Paul was the bold crucifer who carried the cross down the aisle of The Corinthian church, writing: “Jews demand miraculous signs

And Greeks desire wisdom, But we preach Christ crucified.” We preach Christ crucified. For me, for Jeff Fisher,

this verse is one of the most important passages in the New Testament, for the world demands miracles and signs. So-ciety desires iron-clad arguments and proofs for Christiani-ty. But we preach Christ crucified.

I am sure that he was referring to when he was an

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acolyte. And, just like most things in the Episcopal Church, we never call something by its real name; we have to have a fancy name for everything.

Rather than calling those who carry the cross

a “cross carrier,” we call them a “crucifer.” And I think that it is particularly fitting that the people in our church who are the cross carriers, who are the cruci-fers, are teenagers. The crucifer leads the proces-sion into worship. The crucifer leads the priest down the aisle to read the Good News. The crucifer leads us out into the world to proclaim Christ crucified.

For me, for Jeff Fisher, I am sick and tired of a

message of Christianity that is really just self-help tips on how to improve my marriage. I am sick and tired of a message of Christianity that is just old arguments about creation vs. evolution and about sexuality and about when the second coming will be.

I am sick and tired of a message of Christiani-

ty that is anything except taking the cross and carry-ing it high, carrying the cross in the church, and in the barrios, and in the country club, and in the streets.

As for me, I want to preach Christ crucified. I

want to preach Christ crucified because the cross, to me, is the basic proof that I need for the existence and presence of God.

When I am present at the deathbed of some-

one, when I experience their cross, then I know I have experienced that God is there. When I quit my job in order to be ordained, when I walked out of my

Corporate office in a veil of tears, then I know I have experienced that God is there.

Whenever I have carried the cross, in church

and in the world, God has been uniquely present. Therefore, I want to shout out to you, and to

the world: “The Son of God was murdered on a cross to show us that there is no place, no place, where

God is not present. There is no place, no place, where

God does not love you.” There was a long-time member of this church

named Lillian Sauer, who died last December when she was well in her 90’s. Lillian’s husband, George Sauer, had been the head football coach at Baylor during the 1950’s. A long time ago, the Sauer family was very active here at St. Alban’s. However, for many, many years, Lillian Sauer lived a life of carry-ing the cross. Her husband, George, died the long, slow death of Alzheimer’s. Then, Lillian’s son, George Sauer, Jr., was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s when he was only in his mid-50’s. So, Lillian walked

the way of the cross, the long road of Alzheimer’s, not only with her husband, but then also with her son.

George Jr. had been a highly-acclaimed wide

receiver for the New York Jets. Yet, when I met him, he was no longer a famous football player. And he would wander away from home, for days at a time, not

remembering where he lived. A few years ago, just days before Christmas,

Lillian asked that I bring her Christmas communion. While I was visiting with her, George Jr. walked

in the door, after having been gone for hours, and hur-ried into his bedroom. I asked Lillian, “Do you think that George would want to take communion with us?” She replied, “Oh, I seriously doubt it. I don’t think he has be-lieved in God for years and years.”

After a minute, George emerged from his room

to get something from the kitchen. I called out to him, “George, would you like to join us for commun-

ion?” He stopped in his tracks and said, “Yes, I think I will.” The three of us then sat in the living room and shared the Body and Blood of Christ, each of us with tears in our eyes. Lillian later told me it was the best Christmas present she had ever received.

At the end of the service, I packed up my com-

munion kit to go. George then asked if he could walk me to my car. Slowly, we walked out into the cold De-cember air. Once we got to my car door, this former professional football player looked me in the eyes and said, “You know, I used to carry the cross in church.” What George did not fully comprehend was that he was still carrying the cross. However, the cross he was pro-claiming was not the beautiful, brass cross that he car-ried in this church as a teenager.

Yet, in his life, in the life of his dear, old mother,

I saw the cross. In George’s cross - and in his eyes - I saw all the proof that I need that God is alive and at work in this world, in our sufferings, and in our Alzhei-mer’s, and in our sorrows. For the world demands a life without pain and the medical community desires a cure for every disease. But George Sauer preaches Christ crucified.

Your life, I am sure, preaches Christ crucified.

So, do not be afraid to lift high the cross. Then carry that cross into these streets and into your office and into your school and into your neighborhood. And preach Christ crucified. Because the world in which you and I live is sick and tired of hearing about a Christianity without the Cross.

So for Christ’s sake, be a crucifer. AMEN.

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Lent & Easter 2014

Garden Beds

Doug Ryan and Harrison Roe worked to finish eight 3’ x 12’ x 12” high boxes to be filled with safe soil and used this spring by students at the Middle School and teachers for growing a salad garden. Thanks Doug and Harrison!

Junior Warden’s Report We are asked to “look ahead” and discuss what might be or what we

plan or hope to do when submitting these Sentinel articles. In this dis-

cussion I prefer to look back and give tribute to a pair of members who

certainly deserve it.

I have done quite a bit of mowing grass at All Saint’s and have a good

amount of knowledge of what is required. I don’t have any knowledge

and don’t want to know what is involved in tending flower beds.

We moved into our present facility in the Fall of 1991. The Sutherland

addition was not completed until about two years later. The grounds sur-

rounding the buildings were quite rough and un-kept. During the next

growing season Alice and Stan Batch said they wanted to care for all of

the outside areas. Stan did the mowing with an old International Cub

tractor and Alice prepared beds for flowers on three sides of the build-

ing. By Summer the flowers were blooming and the mowed areas were

being shaped up. They continued this for several years with no or little

help from others (Alice may have had help?). I don’t know if they ever

received many thanks at that time but I would like to thank them now for

their hours of work during those years.

By Dr. Hugh Silkensen, Junior Warden

A Perspective on the Bible By Joy Pohl

Twenty years ago, I was perplexed as to the relevance of the Bible (which I had read through a poetic lens), both in the Episcopal Church and in the secular culture. It seemed to me the church had unjustly been split into two opposing groups: those that found the Bible to be irrelevant, out of date and unnecessary; and those that pursued an overly strict interpretation of the text. My solution at the time was to fit two years of Education for Ministry into an overly busy schedule to understand the church’s position on its sacred text. Twenty years later, it seems to me this ‘problem’ of the Christian sacred text lingers within All Saints’ and the greater church. I offer this one-page summary as evidence that the Bible is relevant and worth the effort of words. This piece does not contain information that is new to most Episcopalians. The point is that the article is only one type written page, and I wish that someone had handed me this page 20 years ago. It’s a ‘Do unto others’ for me. I offer it not as a call to evangelization, but as a nudge toward responsible teaching and discussion: what I learned through EFM is not so complex that it cannot be readily condensed and discussed, and I think the conden-sation and discussion may be worthwhile. Continued on pg. 10

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I believe I have probably sent this out before, but, since

we are about to enter into the season of Lent, I thought

it was appropriate to remind ourselves of the im-

portance of the season.

The number 40: Forty is a number found often in the

Bible, as are three and seven, among others. For Noah,

it was forty days and nights of rain (Gen 7:4, 13, 17),

then 40 days before the opening of the window in the

Ark (Gen 8:6).

It took 40 days for the embalming procedure of Jacob

(Gen 50:3).

Moses spent 40 days and nights with God on Mt Sinai

(Ex: 24:18).

The Israelites camped outside the Promised Land for

40 days (Num: 13:25), then wandered 40 years in the

desert (Num. 14:33, 34).

Elijah escaped to Mt. Horeb, running from Queen Jeze-

bel, for 40 days and nights (1Kngs 19:8).

Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days (Mt

4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13).

There were 40 days between the crucifixion and Ascen-

sion (Acts 1:3).

Numbers are repeated often in the Bible; they are not

to be taken literally, but are used as symbols. In the

above examples, forty denotes a long time, as well as a

period of preparation for some special action of God.

Lent is a remembrance of the 40 days of Jesus’ being

temptation in the wilderness, and of his faith, as he

came to terms with his fear of suffering and of death. It

was Jesus surrendering himself to God’s will.

For us, it not only represents a remembrance. It be-

comes our own wilderness experience, our time to with-

draw into the desert, into the extremes that we face

within us. Lent is a time to take stock of our spiritual

journeys and where they are leading us. It is a solemn

time of fasting and prayer, a time of repentance and

preparing the way for the Good News of the Resurrec-


Along with our Lenten observations, let us become stu-

dents, renewing our discipleship to Christ, making a

commitment to walk those forty days with Jesus through

his and our own temptations, facing the strength of our

faith and our fears, learning to surrender ourselves to

the will of God our Father, finally coming to the Resurrec-

tion with renewed faith.

During Lent, many of us practice an old observance of

giving up something dear to us, or taking on a project

that we normally would not do, as a symbol of our sacri-

fice in honor and remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice on

the Cross. I know you have heard people say, “I am giv-

ing up chocolate for Lent,” or “no sweets for me through

Lent”. I have said these things myself, usually not mak-

ing it all the way through without a cookie, and finding a

way to justify it so that I did not feel guilty.

These types of Lenten promises are certainly things that

would be good for us, and, yes, a sort of sacrifice. But,

can we take that sacrifice to a little deeper level? Maybe

we can sacrifice our time (which is not easy to do), to

spend a little more time in scripture study, prayer, or

conversation with God. Maybe we could save a little

more time for family? Can we sacrifice a little of our

time to visit someone in a nursing home, or someone

who is homebound? What about volunteering for chari-

table work, or taking on things that we normally do not

have time to do? If Jesus sacrificed himself for the

world, can we not sacrifice a little time to those we hold

dear in our families, neighbors and community? It

seems to me that these are some of the types of things

that we should observe when remembering the great

sacrifice of love made by Christ for us. All I am saying is

that: if you practice this observance, take time to think

about what you are willing to sacrifice in remembrance.

Blessings… Kaye

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Lent & Easter 2014

Clergy and Lay Leadership for


The Rt. Rev. Larry Benfield

Bishop of Arkansas

Fr. Jos Tharakan, Rector

The Rev. Angi Tharakan, Priest Associate

Kaye Staggs,

Postulant to the Sacred Order of Deacons

Br. Louis Welcher, OP

Novice in the Anglican Order Of Preachers

The Vestry 2014

Senior Warden Mary Gunter Junior Warden Hugh Silkensen Richard Kersh Children & Youth Stan Lombardo Adult Christian Edu. Mary Gunter Deborah Wilson Finances Loretta Cochran Dodie Lamb-Roberts Outreach & Altar Kaye Staggs Communication Deborah Wilson Fellowship Catherine Crews Music Directors Dr. Timothy Smith Kristin Smith Child Care Diane Tollison Admin. Assistant Kimby Tackett

From Saint Veronica’s Chapter

of All Saints’ Episcopal Parish.

By: Dodie Lamb-Roberts

Jesus said, “Sit here while I go over there to pray.” He took Peter and Zebedee’s two sons, James and John, and he became anguished and distressed. He told them, “My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” (Matthew 26: 36-38). Jesus was asking his disciples to pray with him. When a Daughter takes her vows, the first rule of the Order is the Rule of Prayer. It is a fine line to distin-guish between quiet time with God and prayer, but for the sake of progression in our devotions, we need to remember that God is ready to hear us. Therefore, take the time to speak to Him, even to cry out from the very depths of some need. While undertaking the 12 week course in preparation for the Admission into the DOK order, my first hurdle was believing with all my heart that I could achieve a daily ritual of prayer. Let me be the first to share with my fellow parishioners, “the Lord works in strange and mysterious ways.” I taped the DOK motto to the vani-ty mirror in my master bedroom. The motto is the first image I see upon waking. It’s amazing how quickly the motto became my daily mantra. For His Sake…… I am but one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do. Lord, what will you have me do? My prayer for this Lenten season is for each of us to be more contemplative. We empty our minds of all thoughts and images to enter into the presence of God. We seek nothing for ourselves, but are receptive to all He wishes to bestow upon us and all He plans to be through us. What will the Lord have YOU do?

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Lent & Easter 2014

Continued from pg. 7

The Bible is generally accepted as having a basis in chronological time and place: a collection of books about the Hebrew people and their journey under God. It may be accepted as Wisdom Teaching. The word,” wisdom,” is meant here to convey gentleness and open-ness to discussion. As with all peoples, nations, and tribes, the Hebrew people created social mores and laws, sometimes struggling for survival and some-times struggling for dominance. The Old Testament is a narrative that documents their successes and failures in such a way that an eternal journey unfolds. This journey can be seen to have a cyclic nature, in that the same problems recur: Israel is not faithful to God’s laws, so Israel falls, repents, rebuilds, and tries again. This eternal cyclic nature is indicative of a wisdom path that occurs in the lives of individuals as well as of nations. The Ten Command-ments can be seen as a concise code of teachings that are universal, and lead to a spiritually blessed life. Yet the people of Israel and their heroes often fall short of the teachings. It is the New Testament that reveals that the laws are meaningless apart from love. This is revealed indirectly through the life of Jesus, and directly through his teachings as he summarizes the law and prophets of the Old Testaments into the two commandments: to love God and others. Matt. 22: 36-40. The Genesis beginning is accepted by most people as a true myth: whether people named Adam and Eve actually existed, or were prototypes, is less important than the truths revealed about their rela-tionships to God and to each other as the first male and female. Thus, the Bible as Wisdom Teaching leads people into discussion and not into absolutes. And, since it is the record of a people, there is tangible evidence of the historical existence of many of the characters, such as the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem supporting the historical existence of David and Solomon. In summary, the Old Testament opens with a creation story, reveals the legends and experiences of a people under God to be applicable to all people under God, and ends at the time of the Roman Occupation of the Holy Land and the birth of Jesus. The New Testament reveals that love must be both the basis of commandments and yet must sur-pass commandments. The earthly life of Jesus ends with the Resur-rection and the early Christians believing something spiritually unique had occurred with that event. The Epistles recount the struggles of the early church. The book of Revelation provides the closure and sum-mary of the ongoing spiraling journey through time: a vision credited to the apostle John of the symbolic apocalypse of nations. This vision summarizes the warring forces that many nations have experienced throughout history, and concludes with the eternal hope that the tur-moil of warring nations will eventually be in our past and peace on earth will reign. Come, Lord Jesus.

Easter Prayer Almighty Father, who in your great mer-cy gladdened the disciples with the sight of the risen Lord: Give us such knowledge of his pres-ence with us, that we may be strength-ened and sustained by his risen life and serve you continually in righteousness and truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. By: Br. Louis Welcher OP

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Lent & Easter 2014

Five Barley Loaves and Two Fishes

Dear Partners and Friends in the work of Neighbors


We feel privileged to begin a new year of serving at

Neighbors Table. While we are sad about the growing

need for this ministry, we can celebrate the good

things that are happening as we provide this place for

anyone in our community to be welcomed with a hot


In 2013, we served more than 2500 hearty meals at

about $1 each. This was made possible by proceeds

from the May 2013 Art Show benefit, on-going finan-

cial donations to All Saints’ food ministries, fresh pro-

duce from generous gardeners, other food donations,

and the opportunity to purchase staples and addition-

al food products at large-quantity wholesale prices.

Additional expenses to keep the lights on and a roof

over our heads were met by the tithes and offerings of

All Saints’ members. We are thankful that the Neigh-

bors Table cupboard is not bare, and, at this time, we

see no need for another major fundraiser in 2014.

Thank you for joining us in our fellowship of chefs,

cooks, gardeners, grocers, greeters, dessert makers,

dishwashers, donors-of-unused-freezers, table movers,

table setters, musicians, floor sweepers, and new

friends who serve and are served on Saturday morn-

ings. Thank you for coming together with us as church-

es, school groups, and individuals to make a place at

this table for our brothers and sisters. What a joyful

assignment it is to join with you to find and gather food

at hand, prepare it, serve it, and enjoy it together! We

look forward to this continued opportunity in 2014.

Please join us in praying that we have plenty to give

and waste nothing. Please pray that we will be good

stewards of Neighbors Table funds, and creative in our

efforts to serve healthy meals to those who seek food,

comfort, and kindness. Pray that the need for this min-

istry will grow smaller and smaller, rather than greater

and greater. Pray that we all will remember we do not

need to wring our hands like Jesus’ disciples before

the hungry crowds when he tested them (and us) with

these words: “Where will we find food to feed these

people?” (John 6:5)

The Peace of the Lord,

All Saints’ Neighbors

Table Committee

The Colors of the Lenten Sea-son and Easter Season

Purple is used on the altar and vestments during

Lent. This is symbolic of reflection and penance.

The symbol for Lent is the Cross. It symbolizes Jesus’

victory over death, and the hope of our salvation. It

reminds us that we are called by Jesus to love God, our

neighbors, and ourselves, and that we should improve

those things that help us do this and change those

things that get in the way.

Lent is the time of preparation for Easter, the greatest

Feast of the Church. During Lent, we are asked to fo-

cus on changing our lives through prayer, penance,

and love. In doing this, we try to become more like

Christ in His love for God and others by His dying and

rising to new life.

The Lenten season begins on Ash Wednesday and

ends on Thursday of Holy Week. From the time of the

early Church, the 40 days of Lent are counted from the

First Sunday of Lent until Holy Thursday, with Sundays

excluded from the total.

The term “Lent” comes from a Middle English word

that means “springtime”. Like the season of spring,

Lent is a time of renewal. Palm Sunday, the Sunday

before Easter Day, is a time of rejoicing. The color is


On Good Friday, black is used as a symbol of death.

The color used during the Easter season is white, signi-

fying the joy of Christ’s resurrection. A symbol for East-

er is the Paschal Candle and water, which represent

the light and new life of Christ’s resurrection and the

water of our baptism and rebirth.

Every Sunday during the year, the Church celebrates

the resurrection of Jesus. However, St. Athanasius re-

garded the fifty days of the Easter Season as “the

great Sunday”. Continue on pg. 13

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Lent & Easter 2014

Young Episcopal Performers News By: Kristin Smith

The Young Episcopal Performers (YEPS) continue to have a productive spring. We currently have 7 young people (grades 6-12) participating on a regular basis with a couple of others stepping in when their sched-ules permit. The group’s latest activities have includ-ed: introducing the hymn “Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly” (Tune: Racquel) from The Hymnal 1982 to the congregation during a Sunday service, leading a Wednesday evening prayer service with Ray Makeever’s ”Joyous Light” setting, and singing an an-them on a Sunday. The group has enjoyed getting to know the Episcopal musical traditions a bit better through singing, playing instruments and fellowship.

Future plans include continued participation in Sun-day worship, and attending theatre and music perfor-mances together.

The Sentinel Publication Data

Editor Br. Louis Welcher, OP

Design Mrs. Kimby Tackett

Submission & Publication Dates

Lent-Easter February 5th

Published on February 25th

Pentecost May 5th

Published on May 25th

Rally Day Sentinel August 5th

Published on August 25th

Advent-Epiphany November 5th

Published on November 25th

Submit your articles, reports and news to:

[email protected]

Although our local area does not offer the recycling of

glass jars or Styrofoam, the Conway Landfill does. If

you have glass jars you would like to recycle, please

rinse them out before you bring them to the land-

fill. You do not need to take off the labels and you

can also leave on the lids. Their phone number is 1

501 450-6155 for their hours or

any questions.

Also the Russellville Community

Market accepts Styrofoam egg

cartons. They recycle them to the


You can drop them off on Thurs-

days from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30

p.m. in Shoemaker Hall.

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Lent & Easter 2014

By: Kaye Staggs

It’s been a while since I have had a moment to quietly think about the many things worth pondering in this world. In my busy days, I find time to center and pray, but, sometimes, not enough time to reflect on those things that have been presented to me in the everyday meetings, workings, and living that goes on around me. There are times that I think God speaks to me through those normal, everyday happenings, and I just have to pay attention to what He is saying or asking through oth-er people and situations. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that people need people, and I must ask how I can do what God wants me to do, if I am not aware of the pain or need that is presenting itself through just a word, sigh, action, tears or anger. I pray daily that I am given the gift of awareness. I haven’t really thought about what I should give up for Lent, or take on as a possible charity. Maybe, I will just try to be more observant of people and the events hap-pening around me, and attempt to remain more tuned in to what God is telling me.

Continued From pg. 11

Reflecting this view, the Sundays of

the Easter Season are not called

“Sundays after Easter”, but “Sundays

of Easter”.

The Easter season flows from the

Easter Vigil and concludes fifty days

later on Pentecost Sunday. The last

day of the Easter season is Pentecost

Sunday, on which we celebrate the

coming of the Holy Spirit. On this day

red is the liturgical color, representing

the Fire of the Holy Spirit.

The season after Pentecost begins

with an observance of Trinity Sunday

when we remember and honor the

Triune God revealed to us in and

through the life of the Resurrected

Christ. On this Sunday, white is the


From this Sunday on, the color will be

green as we move into Ordinary Time.

We hear the lessons of Jesus’ teach-

ings, and learn how to live the Chris-

tian life. The color for the season is

green ,to symbolize the growth and

life of the church. It is the longest

season of the church year, from Trini-

ty Sunday until the first Sunday of


Kathy Westmoreland

Altar Guild Mistress

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Lent & Easter 2014

DARE In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he writes “Finally,

brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable,

whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is love-

ly, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if

there is anything worthy of praise, think about

these things.” Philippians 4:8

The DARE Commission is excited about establishing

a conservation with the parish using a framework

called “Appreciative Inquiry”. This process involves

meeting with parish members in small groups to

reflect on those experiences where they felt the

most excited and enthusiastic about All Saints’,

what gives life to our church, and what would make

it an even better place to worship. As Paul encour-

aged the faithful at Philippi to think about

these things, so should we focus on what we love

and dream for the future of All Saints’.

By the time you receive this copy of The Sentinel,

we will have had our first meeting on Wednesday,

February 26, where we shared an evening meal

and conducted the meetings in small groups at the

church. The Groups were facilitated by teams of

DARE committee members and vestry mem-

bers. We will continue to hold additional meetings

until everyone has had the chance to contribute to

this information gathering.

The results of these meetings will be compiled and

used to inform the committee as we look forward to

the future of All Saints’ and develop our recommen-

dations to the vestry.

Sherrie Cotton

DARE Commission Chair

Rector’s Weekdays Calendar

Fr. Jos keeps office hours for pastoral counseling, spiritual

directions, pre-marital preparations, marital enrichment ses-

sions, individual crisis consultations, home visits, crisis inter-

vention in individuals, families and community, house bless-

ings, hospital visits and “paper work” after the regularly

scheduled events of the week. Here are his regularly sched-

uled events in a week and the other calendar events now on

calendar for the next three months.


Preparation for services and


Holy Eucharist Rite I

Sunday Schools / Ministry


Holy Eucharist Rite II

Other visits and meetings

07-08 am

08-09 am

09-10:15 am

10.30-12 pm

12-2 pm

Mondays Usually Rector’s Day Off All Day

Tuesdays Prayer Time 08-09 am

Staff Meeting 09-10:30 am

Office Hours / Visits 10:30-6:30pm



Prayer Time 08-09 am

Office Hours 09-10 am

Bible Study 10 – 11:30 am

Healing Services 02-03 pm

Ministry related meetings 05 – 06 pm

Holy Eucharist 06:30 pm

Thursdays Sermon Preparation, Study

and Prayer

08-01 pm

Visits / Pastoral counseling


01-04 pm

Fridays Prayer and Office Hours 08-03 pm

Saturdays Day Off All Day

Robert Brown Discernment Committee:

Robert Brown, Hugh Silkensen

Sherrie Cotton, Dodie Lamb-Roberts

Misit Evans, Tom Casner

Muriel Nickolich, and Bo Smith

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Lent & Easter 2014

THE ALTAR MINISTRY NEEDS YOU! There is a need in our church for those who are in-terested in serving God at the Altar as a Crucifer, Torchbearer, or Usher. If you are 10 – 100 years of age, and would like to be a part of this important ministry, please contact Kaye Staggs at 479-970-9316 or [email protected]

An Irish Blessing Mary B. Gunter

Senior Warden

I was born an Irish Catholic, with a lot of empha-sis on the Irish. My grandmother, Mamie There-sa Flanagan, came to this country as a young girl. She died in childbirth in 1904, when my dad was 4 years old. He never really knew his mother. I never had my grandmother to share the stories of her home, Ireland. My grandfather, who was also gone by the time I was born, was a powerful storyteller who kept my grandmother’s memory alive for my dad. My dad, in turn, made her seem very present and real to me.

In our home, St. Patrick’s Day was our day to re-member my grandmother and our heritage. We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in a big way.

For me, next to Christmas, it was the best day of the year. We had stories, riddles, blessings, and corn beef and cabbage. And, yes, we had plenty of shamrocks to wear. My dad would sing and dance. He would tell the Irish Riddles that would have you rolling on the floor. He would find time to take me to the Saint Patty’s Day pa-rade. And, then there were the Irish Blessings for the close to our day.

I think about this as I write for this issue of the Sentinel and our seasons ahead. On March 17th, we will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. We celebrate both the arrival of Christianity to Ireland and Patrick, their patron saint. The Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and Lutheran Church observe St. Pat-rick’s Day. It is believed that St. Patrick used the

three-leafed shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity.

This year as every year, I will be thinking of my family and the stories I have been told. I won’t be at a parade this year, but will be traveling home from Los Angeles from a national meet-ing. As I look out the window of the plane, I will see the awe and wonderment of God. His story is a story for all ages. What stories are you telling? We have a great story and heritage in the teachings of Jesus. Let us continue to learn from what He taught us, and share those stories whenever we have an opportunity.

I close with a blessing from my book, Irish Blessings:

May God in His wisdom

And infinite love

Look down on you always

From Heaven above.

May He send you good for-tune

Contentment and Peace

And may all your blessings

Forever increase.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to you and yours!

Mary B. Gunter, Senior Warden

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Lent & Easter 2014

Remember Me by , Dr. Stanley Lombardo (1966)

Prince among thieves was he, and king of the

roost, for never did he take from those who could not

spare it, nor did he carry weapons other than the silken

cord which he called Snake, for it was swift and deadly,

like the strangling snake of the desert, which does not

sting as other serpents do, but tightens about its vic-

tims in a death embrace from which there is no es-

cape. A prince was he – for even the thieves around

him admired his skill and cunning, and even a thief ad-

mires daring.

Oh, this was a night – such a night as he loved,

for the guards were asleep in the

balmy dusk, and the wall was an

easy climb. Agile and lithe as a cat

was he, quick and quiet, a shadow,

this thief, fleeting and dark as the

shade of a shade. Oh, was ever

there such a thief?

And he chuckled in the

blackness, the jet-velvet night.

Softly he laughed at the thoughts

that came: thoughts of the royal

rubies snug in the Prefect’s coffers;

thoughts of the merchant’s daugh-

ter; the price of the Prefect’s

wealth. No ordinary thief was he,

for ever to him came the wealthy,

the men desirous of the goods of

others, and always he gained the

prizes they sought – and his price

was high.

His was the night, the velvet night, and the gold

of his patron sang in his mind -- the gold of his earning -

- and the merchant’s daughter, raven-haired child of

the merchant of Rome. The thief-prince, the young

rogue, dreamed of her beauty. Soon he would possess

the merchant’s daughter. Back he came, back for the


Voices in the garden – angry voices and torch-

light and shouting. They’d not been there when first

he’d passed, when first he’d sought the Prefect’s jew-

els, the scarlet gems that danced in his bag. The

shouts – for him? No, for another, kneeling alone in

the depths of the garden. “Flee!” called the thief, “for

time remains! They are not upon thee yet!” The man

remained kneeling, so again he cried, “Run, brother

thief, if such you are – leastwise, brother fugitive!”

Still he does not move.

Soldiers in the garden – when else had they

been there? Never before, but now. . . Two are caught

in the coils of Snake, but others come, and the game is

lost, and the daughter and gold of the merchant churl

now wait for one who will not come.

* * * * * *

The heat of day is not as the cool of night. The

shadow melts with the toil of his burden, and the thief

will soon be no more. But he grits his teeth as if to grin

in the blinding light, the naked day, for he is a prince of

thieves, and he knows death and does not fear it, for

ever has he walked in its shadow, and it holds no ter-

ror for him.

Waiting at last for the end

to come, bound as he is above the

heads of men, he grits his teeth in

agony, and the watchers think he

laughs – for throwing back his

head, he breathes to the

Man beside him, “I was wrong, O

Man of the garden, to call You

brother thief. Forgive me, Lord,

and remember me when You come

into Your Kingdom. Remember


And the Nazarene Who

hangs upon the cross beside him

promises, “Truly, I say to you, this

day you will be with Me in Para-


He never doubts that the promise is good.

“Remember Me . . .” – Half a Century Later:

Saint Dismas, the Penitent Thief

I make no apologies for the sixteen-year-old

boy who wrote the short-short story above, in emula-

tion of the fantasies of Lord Dunsany. I was fascinated

with Saint Dismas then, and I continue to be fascinat-

ed with him now.

Continue on pg. 21

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Lent & Easter 2014

Peace Love Joy

Sermon Schedule for The Next Three Months

March 7 Congregation March 14 Men’s March 21 Women’s March 28 Congregation April 4 Daughters of the King in leadership; all are encouraged to attend April 11 Stations on the labyrinth April 18 Good Friday – Congregation The Stations of the Cross are 14 different places that we see Jesus as he walks the Road of sor-row on his way to Golgotha, and as he is crucified. At these places, we stop and remember the sacrifice our Lord made for us. Please join us at 6pm every Friday evening during Lent as we observe this very powerful devotion. Thank you, Kaye Staggs

03/02/20 Fr. Jos Jos A Special Honor a Member Sunday

03/09/20 Fr. Jos Jos Lent 1 / Vestry appreciation Sunday

03/16/20 Fr. Jos Jos Lent 2/ Church Musicians & Artists

03/23/20 Fr. Jos Jos Lent 3 / Unity of family Sunday

03/30/20 Br. Louis Louis Lent 4 / Holy Scriptures / Morning Prayer

04/06/20 Fr. Jos Deborah Lent 5 / Radical Hospitality Sunday

04/13/20 Fr. Jos Jos Holy Week / Palm Sunday

04/14/20 Fr. Jos Jos Mass of Reconciliation

04/15/20 Fr. Jos Jos Mass of Healing

04/16/20 Fr. Jos Jos Tenebrae

04/17/20 Fr. Jos Jos Mass of Maundy Thursday

04/18/20 Fr. Jos Jos Good Friday Passion

04/19/20 Fr. Jos Jos Easter Vigil / Baptism Service

04/20/20 Fr. Jos Jos Easter Sunday Services

04/27/20 Fr. Jos Jos A Special Honor a Member Sunday

05/04/20 Fr. Jos Jos Invite a friend Sunday

05/11/20 Fr. Jos Jos Mother's Day

05/18/20 Fr. Jos Kaye A Special Honor a Member Sunday

05/25/20 Fr. Jos Jos Memorial Day Weekend

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Lent & Easter 2014

Reserved For Upcoming Li-

turgical Calendar

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Lent & Easter 2014

Reserved For Upcoming Liturgi-

cal Calendar

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Lent & Easter 2014

Reserved For Upcoming Li-

turgical Calendar

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Lent & Easter 2014

Reserved For Upcoming Li-

turgical Calendar

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Lent & Easter 2014

Fat Tuesday

Pancake Supper March 4th 5:00pm

Palm Sunday April 4th

8am, 10:30am & 6:00pm

Yoga Sessions

Yoga has been meeting at All

Saints’ for the last 9 years. It is

a program designed for those

of us who are not quite as lim-

ber, and much more stressed,

than we once were. It is not a

Power Yoga or a program de-

signed to lose weight. We focus

on basic stretching (no contortionist poses), balance,

breathing, and stress relief in a very relaxed setting.

We enjoy each other’s company as we strengthen our

bodies and ease our spirits. Everyone over the age of

15 is welcome to join us. This is an outreach program

of All Saints’, and is open to the public. There is no

charge for sessions. We meet in Sutherland Hall eve-

ry Tuesday, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Leader: Kaye Staggs

For more information please contact

[email protected] or call 479-970-9316

Seder Supper

April 13 @ 6:00pm

Family Movie Night March 15th 6-9pm In Sutherland Hall

All Families with Children welcome to at-tend!

Ash Wednesday is March 5th

Day light savings is

March 9th.

Maundy Thursday April 17th

Parish Picnic to mark the end of the

2013-2014 Sunday School Year

On Sunday May 18 the All Saints’ family will gather by the Riv-

er to picnic and play and enjoy each other’s company. Make

plans now to attend the (almost ) annual Parish Picnic at Old

Post Road Park at the Dardanelle Lock and Dam in Pavilion #8

(the ranger says it’s the very best one—with a private play-

ground plus lots of grills and shade trees). We’ll gather around

4pm. More details to follow about the menu. For questions

(or to volunteer) call Carolyn McLellan at 968 6286 or Misti

Evans @ 264-6946

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Lent & Easter 2014

Easter Sunday April 20th

Potluck Breakfast


Easter Egg Hunt after the

10:30 Service!

Good Friday April 18th

The Great Easter Vigil

April 19th 8pm

Last Children's Sunday School

For Summer is May 18th.

Practice For First


April 19th 6:30pm & 7:30pm

May the Road.. Rise up to meet you.

May the wind be ever at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

And rains fall soft upon your fields,

And until we meet again,

May God Hold you

Please remember All Saints’ Episcopal Church in your es-

tate planning.

Soup Suppers Every Wednesdays of Lent

Hosted By: Louis Welcher & Kaye Staggs

Day Camp May 10th for Ages K-5th grade!


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Lent & Easter 2014

One Coin With Two Sides

In a few days, we will begin one of the greatest sea-

sons of the church year. Some of us have celebrated

Lent all our live, and, for some others, it is a fairly new

spiritual practice. Regardless of who started when,

during this Lent, I want us to reflect more deeply than

in our usual, regular Lenten practices. Sometimes, that becomes a routine, because it is done routinely. St. John Chrysostom, also called the Golden Mouth of God because of wise teachings, counsel, and life, is the person I want to invite into our lives this Lenten season. He says, “The Israelites witnessed marvels; you also will witness marvels, greater and more splendid than those which accompanied them on their departure from Egypt. You did not see Pharaoh drowned with his armies, but you have seen the devil with his weapons overcome by the waters of baptism. The Israelites passed through the sea; you have passed from death to life. They were delivered from the Egyptians; you have been delivered from the powers of darkness. The Israelites were freed from the slavery to a pagan people; you have been freed from the much greater slavery to sin. Do you need another argument to show that the gifts you have received are greater than theirs? The Isra-elites could not look on the face of Moses in glory, though he was their fellow servant and kinsman. But you have seen the face of Christ in his glory.” This is what St. Chrysostom says. Here is what St. Paul said earlier, “We see the glory of the Lord with faces unveiled”. For some of us, this whole thing which St. Chrysos-tom says here could be simply an old and crude form of faith, and for others this could be simply philoso-phy that does not have any value in the modern world. Yet, for a few others, what St. John says here means everything in their walk with God. The way we look at what Paul and John are saying here depends on where we are now in our spiritual journey. No one can actually say with all honesty how spiritually deep we are, because the innermost thoughts are known only to God, and God surely knows where we are as people. So, for this Lent, what I want to invite you to do is simply to re-read all that St. John Chrysostom is say-

ing when he speaks of his experience of Christ. He is comparing all the people of Israel to the people who have come to recognize the love of Christ in the mod-ern world at that time, which certainly is relevant to-day. Ask a few questions of yourself. Could my faith be simple enough to know the greatest mystery of God, because that which the human brain understands defies the mystery of divine power? Or do I need a complex faith that seems to believe it has all the fundamentals covered by the knowledge of some limited worldly concepts and ideologies? Can I be satisfied by the simplicity of those who have gone before us when it comes to their knowledge of God, and living a faithful and conscious life? Or do I need to constantly chase after even more knowledge, which seem to evade us? What makes us different from every religious group out there should be what makes us ourselves, as seen by God. Human beings are always naked be-yond the body of the world in the eyes of God. What makes us powerful should be what makes us vulnera-ble. What gives us joy in living a life of faith should be what helps us give and receive with gratitude the things we have been blessed with. True faith is the practice of love that comes from the sincerity of heart, and purity of conscience, to give and receive grace and mercy in our time of need, and when someone else is need of it. We may have all the philosophical explanation of the passion, death and resurrection figured out, but, ultimately, they are all lived well only when we begin to see God’s face un-veiled before us in community with others. While I am a strong believer in individual and personal spirituality, I believe faith is not individual or personal. It is an exercise of love in the context of a community. Lent is a time for us to grow deeper into self-awareness, which is the starting point of true repent-ance. Lent is a time for us to go more deeply into the simple faith that is used to satisfy us, and left us in awe and wonder as a child. Lent is a time for us to practice our faith in a much deeper way in the com-munity. Exercise your faith while living your personal spirituality. There is nothing called personal spirituality without the public exercise of it. It is one coin with two sides. May this Lenten season help us become deeper in our spir-itual lives, and stronger in our lives of faith.


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Lent & Easter 2014

A Prayer

Lord, make us a People whose dreams are of your king-

dom, where each individual is treated as your child.

Help us to remember always that we are accountable to

you for sharing our blessings, our talents, energy, and

skill with those you call us to serve.

Teach us that being committed is a gift of the Spirit, and

keep us steadfast in praying for it each morning and


Focus our love for you and for others, so that we are thor-

ough in our work, mindful always that small caring details,

blessed by You, transform lives.

Give us the courage to be invested so fully, that what hap-

pens to others changes us as well.

Enlighten with the vision that optimizes every opportunity

to make a difference, especially those that first appear to

be burdens.

So nurture us with your goodness, and nurture the bonds

of partnership among us, that we reach out, in turn, with

gentleness and compassion.

Create in us hearts that know and understand that true

stewardship lies first in dreaming your dreams, and then

in acting with integrity to make those dreams real.

Lord, grant that we may always be guided by your Holy

Spirit, for it is only through your grace that we can truly be

your servants.

In the Name of Jesus, who took little children in his arms

and blessed them, and who called us to be his followers

and to do likewise.


Submitted by



Continued from pg. 16

Dismas remains one of those names, like that of Adam’s

first wife, that never actually appear in the Bible; instead,

we have the enigma of a nameless thief – a Sicarius or

revolutionary, perhaps, like Barabbas – who, in his agony

on the cross, has the grace, courage, and insight to rec-

ognize Jesus as the Messiah, confess his crimes, and be

promised salvation. How did this anonymous criminal

become Saint Dismas?

First appearing in the apocryphal Gospel of Nico-

demus (approximately fourth century A. D.), the name

“Dismas” is derived from a Greek word meaning

“sunset” or “death”; hence, it is significant that the peni-

tent thief makes his act of faith at the point of death.

Subsequent folklore and literature have provided a back-

story for Dismas: he was a desert Sicarius, who assisted

the Holy Family in their flight to Egypt, providing them

with food, water, and a safe place to rest, and further-

more protected them from other desert bandits. Upon

taking his leave of Mary, Joseph, and the infant Jesus,

Dismas begged a boon: “O, Most Blessed of Children, if

ever a time comes that I should crave Thy mercy, re-

member me, and forget not what has passed this day.”

Like the similarly apocryphal tale of the Fourth

Wise Man, this narrative appeals to our desire for a com-

plete, fully rounded story: the tale of a compassionate

outlaw -- a sort of Jewish Robin Hood – who performs an

act of charity for which he is rewarded decades later,

when he fortuitously finds himself crucified on the right

hand of the now-adult Jesus. In remonstrating with the

other thief (sometimes known as “Gestas”), Dismas ad-

mits his guilt and begs mercy of Christ, thereby passing

through the appropriate stages for absolution. According

to medieval Catholic theologians, in acknowledging the

Son at the point of his death, Dismas undergoes a

“baptism of blood,” in lieu of the more conventional bap-

tism of water.

Christ’s promise to the penitent thief offers en-

couragement to all Christians, regardless of their past

history of sin: some of the most condemnatory tales de-

scribe Dismas as a robber and murderer of innocent

travelers, even a fratricide. Hence, if he can repent and

receive mercy, then we can all hope to follow his exam-

ple and, in the fullness of time, join Jesus in Paradise.

So mote it be.

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Lent & Easter 2014

Reserved for Lenten

Schedule. To Be Added at

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Lent & Easter 2014

Reserved for Lenten

Schedule. To Be Added at


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Lent & Easter 2014

All Saints’ Episcopal Church

501 S. Phoenix Ave.

Russellville, AR 72801