self assessment

Self-Assessment. I work for the company, ‘Connexcast’, and I was assigned a new task, which was to create a social messaging campaign advertisement that must be 25-30 seconds in length. In this document I will be self assess myself to evaluate the effectiveness of the advert in which I created. I personally believe that the beginning of the advert is strong; this is because the advertisement begins with the main character, (played by myself, Clare O’Mara) seen entering the location as well as the audience clearly see the character’s costume, this is a successful beginning because the audience will begin to understand the storyline and meaning behind the advertisement. As well as chose of location and costume will appeal to my target audience of males and females aged 13-18 years of age; this is because the main character seen in the advertisement appears to be in the target audience age range, as well as the choice of location and costume is efficient because the audience will be able to relate to the choice of settings and clothing, as the audience will live in similar setting as well as wear similar choice of clothing. When I filmed myself I decided to create a range of test shots, (I would arrange the camera and tripod and then decided what I wish the camera to capture). After I was comfortable and happy with the outcome of the test shots, I then began to film my advertisement. I found the test shots very important as it gave me a clear idea of how each shot will appear when

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I work for the company, ‘Connexcast’, and I was assigned a new task, which was to create a social messaging campaign advertisement that must be 25-30 seconds in length. In this document I will be self assess myself to evaluate the effectiveness of the advert in

which I created.

I personally believe that the beginning of the advert is strong; this is because the advertisement begins with the main character, (played by myself, Clare O’Mara) seen

entering the location as well as the audience clearly see the character’s costume, this is a successful beginning because the audience will begin to understand the storyline and

meaning behind the advertisement. As well as chose of location and costume will appeal to my target audience of males and females aged 13-18 years of age; this is because the main character seen in the advertisement appears to be in the target audience age range, as well as the choice of location and costume is efficient because the audience will be able to relate to the choice of settings and clothing, as the audience will live in similar

setting as well as wear similar choice of clothing.

When I filmed myself I decided to create a range of test shots, (I would arrange the camera and tripod and then decided what I wish the camera to capture). After I was comfortable and happy with the outcome of the test shots, I then began to film my

advertisement. I found the test shots very important as it gave me a clear idea of how each shot will appear when completed, (I created test shots for each different shot type of

angle in order to create a successful advertisement). Also my advertisement contains a wide range of different camera shots and angels, this is so the audience will gain interest while watching the advert; this is because the audience will find the advertisement more appealing and interesting if the audience can see the character’s emotions, costume as

well as the location setting at different points in the advert. Therefore this shows including use of different shot types of angles helps creates a successful and professional

advertisement, as the audience will be able to understand the storyline more clearly, though the use of including a range of different shot and angels types.

I would compare my advertisement to another social messaging campaign called, ‘The Cyber Bullying Virus’. This is because both, my advertisement and the cyber bullying

virus both shared the similarities of including a main character whom is a victim of cyber bullying, at least one character who is cyber bullying the main character as well as the cyber bullying virus video included use of actors aged 13-18 years of age, which is the

same age group as my target audience, (the target audience for my social messaging campaign is males and females aged 13-18 years of age). Overall of the cyber bullying

virus advertisement was successful as it included use of a range of characters, which will make it easier for the audience to relate to the characters, as there are such a variety of

different individuals. However I thought that this advert make become confusing for the audience; this is because the storyline at first was unclear, and in order to fully

understand the storyline the audience may need to watch the advertisement more then once in order to clearly understand the storyline and meaning behind the social

messaging campaign advertisement. Therefore I believe that the social messaging campaign advertisement called, ‘The Cyber Bullying Virus’ can be improved by making

the storyline of the advert easier to understand by making the video shorter in length, then making the advertisement less complex.

I decided to change the music, which I originally planned to use, (originally music which I planned to use is included in my animatic). This is because the music I originally

decided to use, did not successful relate/suit my advertisement, so I decided to change my music, in order to create a more calm and relaxed atmosphere. For my animatic idea I

decided to use the music, (taken from, 'Sound cloud)' called, 'Sander van Doorn & Yves V- Direct Dizko (Original Mix)'. However even known this song is powerful and creates an positive atmosphere it made my advertisement appeared less serious and dramatic, so I then use Sound cloud to search for a song that would fit and benefit my advertisement in

a more appropriate and successful manner, I then discovered a song on Sound cloud called, 'Change The Way You Kiss Me ft Example', which I believed created a more

appealing and calm atmosphere for the audience watching. Therefore I decided to change the music, (playing in the background of my advertisement) in order for the storyline and

meaning behind the advertisement become more serious, (which in this case is to help stop cyber bullying). Animatic music, ‘Sander van Doorn & Yves V- Direct Dizko

(Original Mix)'.

The music I have decided to use is from the source called, ‘Sound cloud’ by using this source I was able to download music without any copyright issues. I then decided to use the song called, ‘Change The Way You Kiss me ft. Example’ this song included just the

beat of the music. The reason why I decided to select this choice of song as the music will not attract the audience from the video’s footage, making it easier for the audience to understand the advertisement. As well as I decided to incorporate this song choice as it is positive, which will then reflect on the advertisement, making the advertisement appear more appealing and professional for the audience watching. The drawing near to the end of the advertisement the music begins to end as the audience sees information of helpful

contact details appear on the screen. The contact details appear at the same time a tone appears similar to a social networking-messaging alert, this is so the audience will be able to relate the messaging alert as the audience will most likely use social networking sites

for messaging fellow family and their social groups. Therefore by including use of a messaging alert will make the advertisement appear more professional as the audience will be able to relate to the advertisement more successful though the use of music and

sound choices.

Furthermore I believe the character included in my advertisement appears naturalistic and realistic; this is because the character seen throughout, (played by myself, Clare O’Mara)

express realistic and relatable emotions, (such as facial and body language). This then makes it easier for my target audience to relate to the character’s emotions, due to the fact

the audience can clearly see the character express emotions of how cyber bullying can affect a person.

Gathering information from the focus and my own personal opinion, I believe the advertisement can be improved by slowing down the pace of the whole advertisement;

this is because the audience may find my completed advertisement, difficult to fully understand. This is because I increased the speed of my footage in order to include a wide

range of footage and so the storyline/meaning behind the advert will become easier to understand for the audience watching. Therefore this shows I could improve my social

messaging campaign advertisement by slowing down the pace of the advert, in order for my audience to understand the storyline of advert more efficiently.

I also received feedback from my client, this feedback consisted a range of areas where my first draft of my advertisement required improvement, one of the points my client

made was changed my original font type to a more youthful and positive font style/type. I then decided to search for a font style that would appear youthful and appealing to my

target audience of male and female aged 13-18 years of age.

I then discovered the website, ‘’ which was a website designed to give users a range of different font styles to download free of charge. I then found a font style,

which appeared youthful, and positive. This font was called, ‘Mickey’s school’, once I download the font type I changed the original font type on my advertisement to my new

downloaded font. I then decided to change the colour of the font style to green; this colour choice was incorporated to symbolise peace, then meaning that my advertisement

is to help others in a peaceful and calm manner. Therefore this shows by receiving feedback from my client help me develop and improve my campaign advertisement in a more successful and efficient manner; this is because I was able to change certain areas

of my advertisement that may be unsuccessful and required improvement.

Refer to feedback from peers, tutor and client. (Focus group).

After received feedback from client-Final advertisement’s font.

Before received feedback from client- First draft advertisement’s font.

My social messaging campaign advertisement then ends with the company’s logo, (Connexcast), appearing at the end. This is so the audience is aware that this

advertisement is official and created by the company, Connexcast. Inclusion by including the company’s logo at the end of the advertisement will then allow the audience being

able to research into the organisation, if they wish to find out more information about the company or issues, help and information on cyber bullying.