seasonal influences moon cycles, · natural cycles we experience? natures cycles.. day/night,...

Seasonal Influences Moon Cycles,

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Post on 22-Sep-2020




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Page 1: Seasonal Influences Moon Cycles, · natural cycles we experience? Natures Cycles.. Day/Night, Constant Daily Cycle, Months, Years, Moon Cycle and Seasons. Mother Earth.. Earth’s

Seasonal Influences

Moon Cycles,

Page 2: Seasonal Influences Moon Cycles, · natural cycles we experience? Natures Cycles.. Day/Night, Constant Daily Cycle, Months, Years, Moon Cycle and Seasons. Mother Earth.. Earth’s

MARCH 2020• 10.30 – 11.10…Session 1…Moon Cycles & Seasonal Influences• 11.10 – 11.30…Individual exercise taking your own CURRENT

CASE, highlighting recent ‘acutes’ or lack of!• 11.30 – 11.45…BREAK

• 11.45 – 12.45…Session 2…’Acute’ & ‘Chronic’ dis---ease

• 12.45 – 1.45…LUNCH

• 1.45 – 2.25…Session 3…Supplements Part 2• 2.25 – 2.40…Individual exercise making note of which

supplements you currently take

• 2.40 – 3.30…Session 4…Extra Techniques• 3.30 – 3.45…BREAK during which, make notes of which

techniques you currently use

• 3.45 – 4.45…Session 5…ALI…Additional supplements for use during ‘acutes’.

• 4.45 – 5pm…recap and close


Page 3: Seasonal Influences Moon Cycles, · natural cycles we experience? Natures Cycles.. Day/Night, Constant Daily Cycle, Months, Years, Moon Cycle and Seasons. Mother Earth.. Earth’s

What Creates a Healthy Cell?

• 70% water

• Healthy membranes (50% EFA’s)• Flow in and out

• Nutrients / Fresh Water IN. Toxicity OUT

• Alkaline cell – good supply of Mg, K in diet

• Good electrolyte balance

• Light

Page 4: Seasonal Influences Moon Cycles, · natural cycles we experience? Natures Cycles.. Day/Night, Constant Daily Cycle, Months, Years, Moon Cycle and Seasons. Mother Earth.. Earth’s

What Creates an Unhealthy Cell?

• Compacted membrane

• Poor EFA profile

• More cholesterol

• Hard fats (saturated) and Trans Fats

• Less flow of nutrients / fresh water in

• Less flow of toxins out

• Acidic cell

• Poor Mg/K intake in diet

• Electrolytes misplaced

• Constipated, stagnant cell

Page 5: Seasonal Influences Moon Cycles, · natural cycles we experience? Natures Cycles.. Day/Night, Constant Daily Cycle, Months, Years, Moon Cycle and Seasons. Mother Earth.. Earth’s

CELL TO….all illness starts here

LYMPH TO…..fuzzy head, heavy body, mucous discharge, enlarged lymph glands

BLOOD TO…..pain (itis’), irritation, symptoms worsen, itchy skin, rash

LIVER TO…..bloated, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, anger, poor decision making.

LIVER PRODUCES BILE SECRETED INTO…..SMALL INTESTINE TO….LARGE INTESTINE THEN…..diarrhoea, tenderness, excess mucous, flatulence


Route of Elimination...

Page 6: Seasonal Influences Moon Cycles, · natural cycles we experience? Natures Cycles.. Day/Night, Constant Daily Cycle, Months, Years, Moon Cycle and Seasons. Mother Earth.. Earth’s

Natures Cycles..

What are some of the

natural cycles we experience?

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Natures Cycles..

Day/Night, Constant Daily Cycle,

Months, Years, Moon Cycle

and Seasons

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Mother Earth..

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Earth’s Satellite..

The Earth revolves

around her axis in

one day.

The moon orbits around the Earth

in one lunar month (29.5 days)

Page 10: Seasonal Influences Moon Cycles, · natural cycles we experience? Natures Cycles.. Day/Night, Constant Daily Cycle, Months, Years, Moon Cycle and Seasons. Mother Earth.. Earth’s

The Sun..

The Earth orbits the Sun over the course of a year.

Page 11: Seasonal Influences Moon Cycles, · natural cycles we experience? Natures Cycles.. Day/Night, Constant Daily Cycle, Months, Years, Moon Cycle and Seasons. Mother Earth.. Earth’s

Waxing phase, Full Moon,

Waning phase, New Moon…

Depending on the relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun –we experience the moon as New, Full and in between…

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Waxing Moon

• In between NEW and FULL.

• Better for ABSORPTION – Double effect

• The closer to the full moon the more effective the force.

• A good time to tackle deficiencies.


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Waning Moon

• In between FULL and NEW.

• Better for RELEASING – Double effect

• Detox is stronger the closer to the new moon.


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Full Moon

It has been recorded over the years that there IS a ‘full moon effect’ on people. Increased amounts of violence, depression, mood swings, road rage, hyperactivity, migraines and asthma…

The word lunatic comes from Luna – the moon

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75 miles up!

• Changes in behavior due to the increased number of

positive ions in the air we breathe.

• Positive ions make us congested – sticky, gluey, more

toxic and sluggish.

• Less oxygen to the brain and muscles.

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New Moon

• Sun is pulling away from the Earth by its gravitational pull.

• Positive ions gradually pulled out of the Earth’s inner atmosphere.• Higher concentration of negative ions – less congested.

• New Moon is FOUR TIMES more cleansing than the full moon.

• It is the height of energy for letting go.

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• As the Moon moves around the Earth, it will move into a different

sign of the zodiac every 2.5 days.

• For the 2.5 days that the moon is in that sign, different forces are

in play. The Moon moves through 12 constellations per month

• Anything beneficial done to a body part in its moon time will be

doubly beneficial and anything that puts a strain on that body

part will be doubly harmful.

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ARIES…Head to Nose TAURUS...Jaws & Neck

GEMINI…Shoulders, Arms & Hands CANCER…Lungs, Liver & Gallbladder Leo…Heart & Circulation Virgo…Digestive Organs LIBRA…Hips, Kidneys & Bladder SCORPIO…Sexual Organs SAGITTARIUS...Thighs

CAPRICORN…Knees, Skin & Bones AQUARIUS…Lower Legs PISCES…Feet

Last New Moon

Tuesday 24th March




Next Full Moon:

Wednesday 8th April


Page 19: Seasonal Influences Moon Cycles, · natural cycles we experience? Natures Cycles.. Day/Night, Constant Daily Cycle, Months, Years, Moon Cycle and Seasons. Mother Earth.. Earth’s


Following any of your observations of the New and the Full Moons, you may have begun to notice

the effects they have on us, both emotionally and physically. Below is a reminder of the physics

behind the impact of the Full and New Moons on our bodies:


· Moon furthest away from Sun on opposite side of Earth

· Sun’s gravitational pull on Moon has an influence on Earth’s Ionosphere

· Ionosphere – layer of positively charged dust & particles 75 miles above Earth’s surface

· At Full Moon, gravity pushes Ionosphere towards surface of the Earth

· Positive ions from Ionosphere mix with negative ions in Earth’s atmosphere

· Air we breathe in is more positively charged

· Our blood and walls of arteries are normally negatively charged

· A double negative charge allows an easy flow across the membranes

· More positively charged blood means a stickier mix, with poorer oxygenation – we are at

our most toxic

NEW MOON: · At the New Moon, the Moon is closest to the Sun

· The gravitational pull of the Sun pulls the Moon away from Earth

· The Ionosphere expands and more negative ions are available

· Increase in negative ions ensures easy blood flow

· The body is able to detoxify freely

Where there is an Eclipse, either Solar or Lunar, this would make the impact of the Moon on the

Ionosphere stronger, because the Sun and Moon are in such close alignment with each other.

You will be aware from reading ‘Moontime’ that the Moon passes through a particular

astrological sign every few days and that each sign rules a part of the body. While the Moon is

passing through a sign it is beneficial to support the organ it rules. You could double the effects of

this by choosing the beneficial organ time as well! For example, urine pack to the kidneys when

the Moon is in Libra between the hours of 3 – 7pm!!!

Activity 2

· This month, research the dates of the New and Full Moons and note any other significant


· Make a note of the organs ruled by the sign the Moon is in on the next full and new moons

· Notice how you feel, observe people around you at this time

· Design a small treatment programme for yourself based on this information, especially

supporting any organ weaknesses you may have and note your experiences


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and Solstice

A flip of energy at the Equinox

The Equinox flip of energy creates a HUGE

detoxification from within the cell

If managed well it can lead to VITALITY

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Natural Cycles Inspiration

Moon Time


How can you help your

body to prepare?

Earth Pathways Diary

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Lack of Water

Destructive Thoughts & Emotions

Bathroom and Cleaning products

Lack of Exercise

Suppressive Drugs


Stimulants…alcohol, caffeine, sugar etc

Environmental toxins

Cell Metabolism..

Toxins in..

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• Defecation

• Perspiration

• Respiration

• Urination

• Menstruation

• Emotional release

Toxins out..

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All dis-ease is an expression of the

internal toxic environment we have


All chronic illness in the consequence

of that environment


All acute episodes are the body’s attempts to remove that toxicity.

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High Energy, Short Lived

“All ACUTE symptoms of ‘dis-ease’ are in fact the result of an intelligent action by the body to re-

establish equilibrium and positive health. If acute

conditions are not allowed to run their natural

course, or are treated with suppressive methods,

then eventually CHRONIC dis-ease will result.”Henry Lindlahr

ACUTES are Nature’s efforts to eliminate from the organism waste matter, foreign materials and

poisons, and to repair injury to living tissues.


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Acutes are a form of prevention!!


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Hippocrates said

“give me a fever and I can cure any disease”

“If you feed a cold, you will have to starve a fever”

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Low Vitality, Long lasting…

“Chronic illness is a condition of the organism in which lowered vibration occurs due to the

accumulation of waste materials and poisons with

the consequent destruction of vital parts and

organs.” Henry Lindlahr

More permanent and often involves radical

changes in the body’s structure and chemistry.


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1. Rest

2. Positive Mental Attitude

3. Fluids – The solution to pollution is dilution

4. Fasting - If it can be managed!

5. Fresh Air and Light – Need more oxygen to burn off toxins, light

activates 100’s of enzymes in the body.

6. Techniques

Guiding Principles For

Treating Acutes...

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Title NRV Contraindications Cytoplan Product Information Quantities

Electrolytes, macro minerals & trace minerals

Magnesium –300mg daily

May amplify effects of anti-

hypertensive, anti-angina, anti-

arrhythmic and anti-coagulant medication

None known

None known

Magnesium Threonate - In the brain, one major action of magnesium is as a modulator of synaptic plasticity. Not all forms of magnesium can elevate brain magnesium but supplementation with magnesium threonate has been demonstrated to do so.

Magnesium Citrate – each capsule contains 80mg elemental magnesium. Taking this supplement will quickly elevate blood levels of magnesium and so can be helpful in ‘acute’ situations.

Bio Food Magnesium – this product contains 100mg of elemental magnesium and is formulated to aid movement of magnesium across the cell wall. This can be very helpful in raising tissue levels of magnesium and is best placed for longer term usage. You can use this product in conjunction with Mg citrate and other formulas.

1-2 capsules

1-4 capsules

1-6 tablets

Isoflavones None set None known Phyto-Flavone – this product is not only a source of isoflavones, it also provides 40 additional nutrients. It is particularly useful to support Peri/Post-menopausal women.

General health –1capsule per dayMenopausal – 1-2 capsules per dayBone health – 1-3 capsules per day




None Set

100-200ug is usually recommended


Not suitable for children. Pregnant

or breastfeeding women and

those on thyroid medication

should consult their doctor before taking this product

None known

None known

Organic Kelp - one capsule contains 280ug iodine, which is 186% NRV

Food state Selenium. An essential trace mineral which is a powerful antioxidant, promotes growth & fertility, maintains energy flow by ensuring an adequate amount of oxygen supply to cells and is crucial to produce prostaglandins.

Wholefood Zinc - The 2nd most abundant trace mineral in the body, present in all tissues it plays a vital role in many body functions, e.g. absorption & action of vitamins, enzyme action, alcohol detoxification and anti-inflammatory properties to name but a few!

1 capsule dailyas directed

1-2 tablets daily

1-2 capsules

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Substances which compete with

Iodine for absorption

•Chlorine, Chloride


•Bromine, Bromide

•Nitrates, Nitrites

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Code NHF10 to get 10% discount

Page 33: Seasonal Influences Moon Cycles, · natural cycles we experience? Natures Cycles.. Day/Night, Constant Daily Cycle, Months, Years, Moon Cycle and Seasons. Mother Earth.. Earth’s

Naturopathic = Working with Nature. Listening, interpreting and

having the skill/knowledge to respond appropriately.


Open the body’s route of elimination..

Naturopathic Techniques..

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How are you getting on with

your techniques?

What have you experienced?

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Hot/warm baths with

castor oil rub to lymph

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Wheatgrass Enemas

Wheatgrass was even loved by the Egyptians and we

know how much they searched for health and vitality!

Wheatgrass is rich in the following nutrients:

Chlorophyll – green blood, detoxifying.

Antioxidants - flavonoids and phenolic acid

Minerals – magnesium, calcium, iron, selenium

Amino acids – 19 different amino acids

Vitamins - A, C and E

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Flax Oil Enemas & Implants

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Milk Thistle – Liver Medicine

Orally and Rectally

Milk Thistle – Think Liver – Our Blood Purifier

It has even been used to protect the liver against toxins

like amatoxin (death cap mushroom)

Silymarin in milk thistle is an antioxidant that can protect

glutathione our master antioxidant.

The liver:

Removes toxicity

Plays a role in hormone production

Helps control the release of sugar into the blood

Identifies and tried to excrete harmful substances

from our blood

Makes bile to contribute to fat absorption.

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• Hot & Cold Showers

• Cold paddling

• Cold wet socks

• Epsom Salts Foot soaks &


• Cold Wraps

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