südkap – southern cape suidkaap · 2018. 4. 5. · examples, think of dietrich bonhoeffer or...

1 Gemeindebrief April, Mai 2018 GEMEINDEBRIEF EVANGELISCH-LUTHERISCHE GEMEINDE Südkap – Southern Cape – Suidkaap Gemeentebrief van Ev. Luth. Gemeente Newsletter of the Ev. Lutheran Congregation April - Mai 2018 April - May April Monatsspruch Jesus Christus spricht : Friede sei mit euch! Wie mich der Vater gesandt hat, so send ich euch. Johannes 20,21 John Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” Mai Monatsspruch Es ist aber der Glaube eine feste Zuversicht dessen, was man hofft, und ein Nichtzweifeln an dem, was man nicht sieht. Hebräer 11,1 Hebrews Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Sermon from Oculi 2018 Peter Lor 1 Peter 1: (13-17)18-21 Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He who called you is holy, be holy in all you do; for it is written, “Be holy, because I am holy.” Since you call on a Father who judges each man’s work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver and gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through Him you believed in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him, and so your faith and hope are in God.Three times in this letter, Peter refers to Christians as “strangers”. Some other Bible versions use the word “foreigners”, or “exiles”, in German, “Fremdlinge”. Do these two go together : being holy and being a stranger? 1. Being holy 2. Becoming strangers 3. Living as strangers in reverent fear 4. How on earth can we be holy? 1. Being holy. Peter quotes Leviticus 11:44, where God commands the Israelites, “consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy”. What does this mean? First, obedience. We are not necessarily obedient all the time, but through the Holy Spirit we are orientated, inclined to obedience. This also means being disciplined, as Peter said, “be self-controlled”. Second, turning away from evil desires. The evil desires were part and parcel of the society in which these converts lived, and they simply went with the flow, that is,

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Page 1: Südkap – Southern Cape Suidkaap · 2018. 4. 5. · examples, think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Beyers Naudé. You would have become a stranger, an alien, in your own home town. Holiness


Gemeindebrief April, Mai 2018


Südkap – Southern Cape – Suidkaap

Gemeentebrief van Ev. Luth. Gemeente Newsletter of the Ev. Lutheran Congregation

April - Mai 2018 April - May

April Monatsspruch Jesus Christus spricht : Friede sei mit euch! Wie mich der Vater gesandt hat, so send ich euch. Johannes 20,21 John Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” Mai Monatsspruch

Es ist aber der Glaube eine feste Zuversicht dessen, was man hofft, und ein

Nichtzweifeln an dem, was man nicht sieht. Hebräer 11,1 Hebrews

Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Sermon from Oculi 2018 Peter Lor

1 Peter 1: (13-17)18-21 “Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled;

set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As

obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in

ignorance. But just as He who called you is holy, be holy in all you do; for it is written,

“Be holy, because I am holy.”

Since you call on a Father who judges each man’s work impartially, live your lives

as strangers here in reverent fear. For you know that it was not with perishable things

such as silver and gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed

down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without

blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in

these last times for your sake. Through Him you believed in God, who raised Him from

the dead and glorified Him, and so your faith and hope are in God.”

Three times in this letter, Peter refers to Christians as “strangers”. Some other

Bible versions use the word “foreigners”, or “exiles”, in German, “Fremdlinge”. Do these

two go together : being holy and being a stranger?

1. Being holy

2. Becoming strangers

3. Living as strangers in reverent fear

4. How on earth can we be holy?

1. Being holy. Peter quotes Leviticus 11:44, where God commands the Israelites,

“consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy”. What does this mean?

First, obedience. We are not necessarily obedient all the time, but through the

Holy Spirit we are orientated, inclined to obedience. This also means being disciplined,

as Peter said, “be self-controlled”.

Second, turning away from evil desires. The evil desires were part and parcel of

the society in which these converts lived, and they simply went with the flow, that is,

Page 2: Südkap – Southern Cape Suidkaap · 2018. 4. 5. · examples, think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Beyers Naudé. You would have become a stranger, an alien, in your own home town. Holiness


Gemeindebrief April, Mai 2018

while they “lived in ignorance” (v.14). But once they have come to know the truth, that

ignorance is gone. They are now aware of what is wrong and have to turn away from it.

Third, holy means being dedicated, separated from things that infect and pollute

and from people who have a bad influence. It also implies being focussed: “Set your

hope fully”, Peter writes, “on the grace to be given to you.”

We may find it difficult to think of ourselves as holy. That’s not what it is about.

We are called to be holy because God is holy, moral, kind and loving, who created a

beautiful universe, and created all of us in His own image, everyone of infinite value

and worthy of respect and love. It is difficult to get our heads around it but God wants

us to be like Him. Holiness means a reorientation of our priorities. It means a change in

our lifestyle. That is going to separate us from some people.

2. Becoming strangers

The text we are studying could be a preparation for Baptism, for new lives as

Christians. In the early Church, baptism typically took place at Easter, and would have

been adults. After confessing their faith before the congregation, they were baptised by

immersion, they put on a new, clean, dry garment, and had Holy Communion. By being

baptised, they affirmed their adherence to the Christian faith. It is hard for us to imagine

what a radical, life-changing move this was. Christians were a small, distrusted,

maligned and at times persecuted sect, living in the midst of a pagan society which

worshipped many gods, including – and this was compulsory – the Roman Emperor. If

they knew that you had converted to the Christian faith, people in your community,

even some of your friends and family, might not want to have anything more to do with

you. You would find it difficult to carry on your trade or business. For modern-day

examples, think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Beyers Naudé. You would have become a

stranger, an alien, in your own home town.

Holiness means a reorientation of our priorities. It means a change in our

lifestyle. That’s daunting.

3. Living as strangers in reverent fear. It is worth noting something else Peter says

about God: “Since you call on a Father who judges each man’s work impartially, live

your lives as strangers here in reverent fear.” God is our kind and loving father. But

God is not a doting grandpa or a comforting teddy bear. God is the awe-inspiring, all-

powerful creator of the universe. A verse from Proverbs (9:10) is worth pondering: “The

fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…”

Fear does not mean to feel horror, but rather to feel a reverence for God’s

authority. It means unconditional respect and obedience to God, rather than to people.

God is a loving father and an impartial judge: that has implications for how we interact

with other people. It requires us to behave morally, kindly, and with genuine respect

and love for our fellow people. That’s not always easy. Often, societal norms and

Christian ethics do not coincide. We live in a society where there are lot of bad things

going on: dishonesty, exploitation of the weak, injustice, not to mention conflict and

violence, bullying. You might call it systemic evil. We are caught up in this from

childhood. We are encouraged to want stuff. We are made to feel inadequate and then

offered a product that will take away the feeling of inadequacy. It’s all about wellness,

wealth, prestige, security, helping you be successful, relaxed and happy – at a price.

Page 3: Südkap – Southern Cape Suidkaap · 2018. 4. 5. · examples, think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Beyers Naudé. You would have become a stranger, an alien, in your own home town. Holiness


Gemeindebrief April, Mai 2018

It is ironic that in this time when there is so much emphasis on personal freedom

– freedom to decide for ourselves how to live our lives, freedom to determine our own

destiny – in this very era, we are captured in a psychological web of wanting things, a

lifestyle trap: a perfect body, a beautiful home, a smart car, a perfect marriage, high

achieving kids, a successful career, financial security… For these we participate in the

rat race, under pressure to outperform others, to respect the strong and look down on

the weak, to win at all costs! So the safest course is to shut our eyes, not raise difficult

questions, and go with the flow, OK?

Sorry. For a Christian, it’s not OK. God wants us to follow His standard, and strive

for integrity, fairness and justice, in spite of finding ourselves unpopular, ridiculed and

rejected by people around us. That’s why Peter writes about being holy and living our

lives “as strangers in reverent fear”.

4. How on earth can we be holy?

Peter is aware that the new Christians are going to have to face challenges. And

so he reminds them of what they were taught as they were preparing for baptism. They

had been freed from the pagan lifestyle trap: “… redeemed from the empty way of life

handed down to you by your forefathers (v.18).” “Redeemed” means that they have

been freed from slavery. A payment has to be made for the freedom of a slave. “…not

with perishable things such as silver and gold… but with the precious blood of Christ!”

This had been the price that was paid.

The baptism of new Christians was usually performed at Easter, which takes us

back to the story of the Passover, in Exodus 12. The people of Israel, who were

enslaved in Egypt, were instructed to slaughter a year-old lamb without defect. They

were to daub some of the blood on the doorframes of their houses, and to roast the

meat to be eaten that night with bitter herbs and unleavened bread, in preparation for

departure. In doing this they were spared the final plague of Egypt, when the Lord

struck down the firstborn sons, and the way was opened for them to escape from

captivity. This is a powerful image. The lamb ensured deliverance. It prefigures the

sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross. During his ministry John the Baptist identified

Jesus with the Passover lamb: “Look,” he said to his disciples, “the Lamb of God, who

takes away the sin of the world!” (Jn 1:29).

The last two verses of our text:”He was chosen before the creation of the world

….. Through him you believed in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him,

and so your faith and hope are in God”. Peter makes an important statement. It takes

baptism out of the concrete world, of silver and gold, and out of the ambit of the various

cults and religions that were current in that time, to a quite different dimension, an

eternal and transformative dimension. Baptism in the name of Jesus, the eternal Son of

the living God, will transform us, make us new, open new possibilities including the

possibility of holiness. We are only too painfully aware of how far from perfect we are.

But don’t give up. Being holy does not mean being perfect. Being holy means that we

know that we belong to God, that we turn away from evil and wickedness, repent when

we have fallen short, and turn to God, every day anew, asking for grace, not because

we want to be saved, but because we are saved. Our faith and hope are in God, who

raised our Saviour Jesus from the dead and glorified him.

Praise be to God! Amen.

Page 4: Südkap – Southern Cape Suidkaap · 2018. 4. 5. · examples, think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Beyers Naudé. You would have become a stranger, an alien, in your own home town. Holiness


Gemeindebrief April, Mai 2018


By the Team: Bishop Gilbert Filter, Pastor Felix

Meylahn and Mr. Henry Newman from the

congregation in PE. All are also German speakers.


Samstag – Saturday 7th April 2018

9:00 hours Visitation Team will be shown around the church property

Besichtigung des Geländes, Kirche u. Pfarrhaus

9:30 hours Visitation Team has discussions with the Congregational Committee

Gespräch Visitation Team mit dem KV

11:40 hours Visitation Team splits up and has discussions with the

Group:Teedienst and Group:Music at the same time

Visitation Team (aufgeteilt) trifft Gruppe Teedienst und Musik

12:20 hours Visitation Team meets with Group:Buildings

Visitations Team trifft Gruppe Gebäude

13:00 hours Lunch for everyone together in the manse.

Mittagessen – alle dazu herzlich eingeladen, im Gemeindehaus

14:00 hours Visitation Team meets Group:Seniors

Visitations Team trifft Gruppe Senioren

14:40 hours Visitation Team meets the congregation – everyone welcome to join

the discussion and contribute their idea, hopes and dreams for the future

Gemeindegespräch mit dem Visitations Team. Alle Gemeindeglieder sind herzlich


16:30 hours Closing off discussions between the Visitation Team and the

Congregational Committee

Visitations Team Abschlussgespräch mit dem KV

Sonntag – Sunday 8th April 2018

10:00 hours Church Service with the Visitation Team. Pastor von Kilian preaching.

Bishop gives a feedback report.

Gottesdienst. Pastor von Kilian predigt. Bischof gibt einen Kurzbericht über die


12:00 hours Visitation Team has discussions with the Congregational Committee

to close off the Visitation.

Abschluss mit dem Visitations Team und dem KV.

Page 5: Südkap – Southern Cape Suidkaap · 2018. 4. 5. · examples, think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Beyers Naudé. You would have become a stranger, an alien, in your own home town. Holiness


Gemeindebrief April, Mai 2018

Tee Gruppen Wir DANKEN für alle liebe arbeit beim Gemeindetee!!!

7-8.04.18 (Visitation) 15.04.18 06.05.18

Alle Tee Gruppen Susanne Juling (L) Truina Rösch (L)

All Teagroups Kerstin Henschel Maya Rösch

Christel Klaassen Monika Lor

Michelle Klaassen Traudi Henschel

20.05.18 03.06.18 17.06.18

Maretha Detering (L) Truina Rösch (L) Susanne Juling (L)

Brigitte Stumpfe Maya Rösch Kerstin Henschel

Monika Strobel Monika Lor Christel Klaassen

Margot Schmidke Traudi Henschel Michelle Klaassen

Andrea Rothner

Aus dem Kirchenvorstand.

Nach der Jahreshauptversammlung am 18. März 2018 wurde Monika Lor als KV

Mitglied ko-optiert. Ihr wird gedankt für ihre Bereitwilligkeit.

Werner Rösch danken wir für seinen langen Einsatz im KV.

Monika Lor was co-opted into the Congregational Committee after the AGM. We thank

her for her energy.

We thank Werner Rösch for his years of input into the committee.

News from the bishop’s desk.

Secretary to assist the bishop’s office

Mrs Monika Kastner, from Stellenbosch, has been employed as secretary to the bishop

on a limited flexi-time contract. She will not be physically at the church office, but can

be reached on [email protected]

Partnership for Missional Churches (PMC) and Listening Process

Material on PMC has been passed on to the Congregational Councils and Synod

Delegates. May these help us to keep asking the key questions on congregational level

as we discern and listen to “what God is up to?” with His church. The joys, successes,

pain and disappointment we experience are part of this journey to be the Body of Christ

in this corruptible world.

May the 6 Disruptive Missional Practices (Dwelling in the Word, dwelling in the

World, Spiritual Discernment, Focus for Missional Action, Announcing the Kingdom,

Hospitality) help us to get out of our comfort zones and learn new habits in our being

church to the glory of God.

Visit by EKD (Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland) in 2018

A delegation of members of the Board of the EKD (Rat der EKD) have visited us from 9

-11 March 2018. They visited the Philippi, St Martini and ELC Strand Street

congregations, as well as our diaconical and outreach projects in iThemba Labantu and

Philippi Children’s Centre and two farming projects. The open and frank sharing and

engaging was helpful to both parties. They were overwhelmed by the diversity and also

by the unique circumstances the different congregations struggle with.

Page 6: Südkap – Southern Cape Suidkaap · 2018. 4. 5. · examples, think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Beyers Naudé. You would have become a stranger, an alien, in your own home town. Holiness


Gemeindebrief April, Mai 2018

The members of the delegation listened very intensively and engaged eagerly, both at

the Faculty of Theology in Stellenbosch and with the Church Council, when aspects of

the Partnership of Missional Churches were shared. Some of the church leaders want

to know more and learn more from the experiences we are making with PMC.

We are grateful that they took the time to come and see and share as we are on a

journey together as children of God.

ELCSA (Cape Church) Webpage

We have a new webpage! http://dev.mistakenfortrees.co.za/capechurch/ Use it and

share the news. If you find any mistakes or have a contribution, let us know at

[email protected]. We thank Elke Dunaiski for the excellent work done.

Evangelical Lutheran Mission (formerly Hermannsburg Mission)

Bishop Filter will be representing our church at a Partner

meeting of the ELM in Porto Allegre, Brazil, from 21 to 28

April 2018. This meeting serves to strengthen the network

of partner churches globally.

Nachrichten aus dem Büro des Bischofs

Sekretärin des Bischofs

Frau Monika Kastner, aus Stellenbosch, ist Sekretärin des

Bischofs. Sie wird nicht im Kirchenbüro sein, sondern

arbeitet für einige Stunden pro Woche, von Stellenbosch

aus. Sie kann auf [email protected] erreicht werden.

Partnership for Missional Churches (PMC) und

“Listening Process”

Arbeitsmaterialien vom PMC sind den Kirchenvorständen und Synodalabgeordneten

zugeschickt worden. Mögen sie uns eine Hilfe sein auf der Suche nach Gottes Wegen

mit seiner Kirche. Lasst uns neu fragen: was heisst es, Kirche hier und jetzt zu sein?

Gott ist unterwegs mit seiner Kirche in den Freuden, Erfolgen, Schmerzen und

Enttäuschung, die wir erleben.

Mögen “ the 6 Disruptive Missional Practices” (Dwelling in the Word, Dwelling in

the World, Spiritual Discernment, Focus for Missional Action, Announcing the Kingdom,

Hospitality) uns helfen, aus unserer Komfortzone herauszukommen und so neue

Gewohnheiten (new habits) zu entdecken in unserem Kirche-sein und so neu erfahren,

wie groß und herrlich unser Gott ist.

Besuch der EKD (Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland) in 2018

Die Delegation vom Rat der EKD hat uns vom 9 -11.3.2018 besucht. Sie haben durch

die Besuche in den Gemeinden Philippi, St Martini und Strand Street einen guten

Einblick von der Situation und den Herausforderungen bekommen, mit denen wir als

Kirche arbeiten. Sie haben erkannt, wie unterschiedlich jede Situation ist. Durch den

Besuch bei unseren diakonischen und outreach Werken in iThemba Labantu and

Philippi Childrens Center, sowie beim Besuch zweier Farmen, konnten sie weitere

Eindrücke gewinnen und sehen, wie groß die Herausforderungen sind Kirche zu sein in

einem so diversen Umfeld.

Page 7: Südkap – Southern Cape Suidkaap · 2018. 4. 5. · examples, think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Beyers Naudé. You would have become a stranger, an alien, in your own home town. Holiness


Gemeindebrief April, Mai 2018

Im Gespräch mit der Kirchenleitung und der Theologischen Fakultät in Stellenbosch

gab es ein deutliches Interesse an dem Weg, den wir mit der PMC gehen, denn auch

die Kirche in Deutschland fragt sich neu: wohin ist Gott mit seiner Kirche unterwegs?

Wir danken den Mitgliedern des Rates der EKD, dass sie ein Stück Weg mit uns

gegangen sind.

ELKSA (Kapkirche) hat eine neue Webpage

Wir haben eine neue webpage. http://dev.mistakenfortrees.co.za/capechurch/ Bitte

nutzen Sie sie.

Sollten Sie Fehler bemerken, oder wenn Sie einen Beitrag haben, melden Sie sich bitte

bei [email protected]

Wir danken Elke Dunaiski für die tolle Leistung!

Evangelisch Lutherisches Missionswerk (ELM) (Hermannsburg)

Bischof Filter wird vom 21. bis 28. April unsere Kirche bei einem Partnertreffen des

ELM in Porto Alegre, Brasilien, vertreten. Das Ziel dieses Treffens ist, das Netzwerk der

Partnerkirchen weltweit zu stärken.

GOTTESDIENSTE (RVH = Ev. Luth. Kirche, Rondevleihoogte)

April 2018

8.April (Quasimodogeniti) grün

10:00Uhr. Abendmahlsgottesdienst in RVH gehalten von Pastor Wolf von Kilian.

Kirchenvorsteherdienst haben Karin Kastern und Martin Detering. Die Kollekte ist

für die Gemeindekasse bestimmt. Nach dem Gottesdienst wird das Visitations

Team der Gemeinde einen Kurzbericht über die Visitation geben. Tee und Kaffee

im Gemeindehaus werden danach gereicht.

15. April (Misericordias Domini) grün

10:00Uhr. Gottesdienst in RVH mit Martin Detering. (Pastor von Kilian muss in

PE Gottesdienst halten.) Die Kollekte ist für die Musik der Kapkirche bestimmt,

da dieser Gottesdienst nahe an Kantate ist. Kirchenvorsteherdienst haben

Monika Lor und Sigrun Ammann. Im Anschluss an den Gottesdienst wird zu Tee

und Kaffee im Gemeindehaus eingeladen.

Mai 2018

6. Mai (Rogate) weiss

10:00Uhr. Afrikaanser Gottesdienst in RVH. Kirchenvorsteherdienst haben

Monika Lor und Sigrun Ammann. Die Kollekte ist für die Gemeindekasse.

Hinterher treffen sich alle zum Tee und Kaffee im Gemeindehaus.

20. Mai (Pfingsten) rot

10:00Uhr. Abendmahlsgottesdienst von Pastor Wolf von Kilian gehalten. Die

Kollekte ist für die Gemeindekasse. Kirchenvorsteherdienst haben Sigrun

Ammann und Martin Detering. Im Anschluss an den Gottesdienst wird zum Tee

im Gemeindehaus gebeten.

Juni 2018

3. Juni (1. So. nach Trinitatis) grün

10:00Uhr. Gottesdienst in RVH gehalten auf Englisch von Peter Lor.

Kirchenvorsteherdienst haben Monika Lor und Martin Detering. Die Kollekte ist

Page 8: Südkap – Southern Cape Suidkaap · 2018. 4. 5. · examples, think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Beyers Naudé. You would have become a stranger, an alien, in your own home town. Holiness


Gemeindebrief April, Mai 2018

für die Gemeindekasse bestimmt. Nach dem Gottesdienst wird zu Tee und Kaffee

im Gemeindehaus eingeladen.

17. Juni (3. So. nach Trinitatis) grün

10:00Uhr. Abendmahlsgottesdienst von Pastor Wolf von Kilian gehalten. Die

Kollekte ist für die Gemeindekasse. Kirchenvorsteherdienst haben Sigrun

Ammann und Martin Detering. Im Anschluss an den Gottesdienst wird zum Tee

im Gemeindehaus gebeten.

CHURCH SERVICES (RVH = Luth. Church, Rondevlei Heights)

April 2018

8th April (Quasimodogeniti) green

10:00hrs. Church service with Holy Communion, held with Pastor Wolf von Kilian

at RVH. Karin Kastern and Martin Detering are the church wardens on duty. The

collection is for the congregation. The Visitation Team will give a report back on

the weekend of discussion, to the congregation, after the service. After this

refreshments and fellowship will be enjoyed at the manse.

15th April (Misericordias Domini) green

10:00hrs. Church service with at RVH with Martin Detering (Pastor von Kilian has

to do service elsewhere). Church wardens Monika Lor and Sigrun Ammann are

on duty. The collection is for the music of the Cape Church, as this Sunday is

close to Cantate. After the service refreshments will be shared at the manse.

May 2018

6th May (Rogate) white

10:00hrs. An Afrikaans Service held at RVH. Church Wardens Monika Lor and

Sigrun Ammann are on duty. The collection is for the congregation. We will have

tea and coffee in the manse after the service.

20th May (Pentecost) red

10:00hrs. Church service with Holy Communion, held with Pastor Wolf von Kilian

at RVH. Sigrun Ammann and Martin Detering are the church wardens on duty.

The collection is for the congregation. After the service refreshments and

fellowship will be enjoyed at the manse.

June 2018

3rd June (1st Sunday after Trinity) green

10:00hrs. English church service with Peter Lor at RVH. Monika Lor and Martin

Detering are the church wardens on duty. The collection is for the congregation.

After the service refreshments and fellowship will be enjoyed at the manse.

17th June (3rd Sunday after Trinity) green

10:00hrs. Church service with Holy Communion at RVH held by Pastor Wolf von

Kilian. Church wardens Martin Detering and Sigrun Ammann are on duty. The

collection is for the congregation. After the service refreshments will be shared at

the manse.

Page 9: Südkap – Southern Cape Suidkaap · 2018. 4. 5. · examples, think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Beyers Naudé. You would have become a stranger, an alien, in your own home town. Holiness


Gemeindebrief April, Mai 2018

Seniorentreffen findet am 10. April 2018 wie gewohnt

statt mit Pastor Wolf von Kilian. Auskunft Heide Gali – Tel.

044 8870348 oder 082 3966422 und Briggi Stumpfe - Tel.

071 2422868.

4 Kreef Close, Woodfield Green, Loeriepark,


At Lotte Triebner’s home the seniors of our church

community meet on 10th April 2018 for fellowship under the

guidance of Pastor Wolf von Kilian. Contact Heide Gali at

044 8870348 or 082 3966422 or Briggi Stumpfe on 071


For participation in the musical life of the congregation

contact Edna Wichern on 083 2676684 or 044 3431152. We need

brass instrumentalists!! Please contact

Edna. 2 musicians are already playing.

Please join them.

Im musikalischen Bereich der

Gemeinde ist Edna Wichern Ihr

Ansprechpartner bei 083 2676684 or 044


Bläser werden gesucht!!! Bitte bei Edna melden!! 2 blasen

schon ........ kommt!! Macht mit.

Our congregation now has a webpage in the public domain. On it you can find the

latest newsletter which has our contact details and the directions to get to the church.

Many thanks go to Adriaan Pottas who manages it for us. This website is also to be

linked to the website of the Cape Church soon, so you will be able to find other

congregations there.


Unsere Gemeinde ist jetzt auch im Internet zu finden. Der Gemeindebrief, Auskunft

und Wegbeschreibung zu der Kirche sind dort zu lesen. Wir DANKEN Adriaan Pottas

ganz herzlich für seine Arbeit daran. Unsere Website wird bald auch an die Site der

Kapkirche gelinkt werden, wodurch andere Gemeinden auch erreicht werden können.

Page 10: Südkap – Southern Cape Suidkaap · 2018. 4. 5. · examples, think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Beyers Naudé. You would have become a stranger, an alien, in your own home town. Holiness


Gemeindebrief April, Mai 2018

Bithday Greetings go to: Wir gratulieren zum Geburtstag:

Christel KLAASSEN 3 April

Uschi SCHULZ 3 April

Thomas AMMANN 7 April

Karin JORDAAN 22 April

Brigitte STUMPFE 22 April

Reny PSOTKA 24 April

Rolf TELLER 24 April

Laurence SLABBER 26 April

Gisela ECONOMELLIS 29 April

Jaqui VON RIBBECK 30 April

Alexia Emma BEUTEL 4 Mai

Tamryn KASTERN 5 Mai

Peter LOR 10 Mai

Heide GALI 11 Mai

Werner RÖSCH 20 Mai

Lorraine GEHRMANN 26 Mai

Fritz-Walter WREDE 29 Mai

Rainer GEHRMANN 30 Mai

Lauren SPORKE 10 Juni

Maya RÖSCH 11 Juni

Mariette LIESKE 17 Juni

Christoph KASTERN (Snr) 27 Juni

Sigrun AMMANN 27 Juni


Page 11: Südkap – Southern Cape Suidkaap · 2018. 4. 5. · examples, think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Beyers Naudé. You would have become a stranger, an alien, in your own home town. Holiness


Gemeindebrief April, Mai 2018

. Directions to the church–Lutheran Congregation, Rondevlei Heights

GPS: -33.968770, 22699286

From Plettenberg Bay and Knysna through Sedgefield, travel on the N2 towards

George. After Sedgefield, pass the Engen petrol station and golf course on your

left. Take the turnoff to the right, signposted “Swartvlei and Pine Lake, etc.” Drive

down the hill and bear left following the gravel road in a westerly direction. (Don’t

turn right to Pine Lake Marina.) After about 2,3 km take care- take the road

turning sharp left – not right to Rondevlei Nature Reserve. After 2km the road

curves to the right. Continue to the T-junction : turn right at the T-junction-marked

“Karatara”. Continue on this road, bearing left, which takes you up a steep little

pass to the plateau. At about 1,3 km from the T-junction the road starts levelling

out. Continue for 100m and turn left at the sign-post of the church “St Michael’s

Ev Luth Church” (blue sign). Follow the farm track that leads to the church. Park

your car on the lawn, enjoy the view and welcome!

Coming from George, travel through Wilderness on the N2 towards Sedgefield.

Before leaving the last urban areas of Wilderness, turn left onto the tar road

marked “Hoekville”. Drive all the way through Hoekville and Tousranten and

beyond, with the Outeniqua Mountains on your left. At the turnoff

“Sedgefield/Rondevlei” you turn right. There is a blue sign with the name of our

church “St Michael’s Ev. Luth. Church” at this point. Follow this gravel road for

about 1km and the church, with another blue sign, will be to your right. Turn into

the short farm track which leads to the church.

Wegbeschreibung zur Kirche der Ev.Luth. Gemeinde, Rondevleihoogte.

Von Plett, Knysna und Sedgefield, fährt man die N2 entlang durch Sedgefield.

Nach der Tankstelle und dem Golfplatz links kommt eine kleine Anhöhe und eine

Abzweigung nach rechts nach „Rondevlei, Pinelake Marina“. Hier fährt man

rechts ein kleines Stück auf Teerweg, und dann links auf den Sandweg, der an

den Ferienorten vorbeiführt. Immer weiter an der Vlei vorbei. An der scharfen

Linkskurve nicht nach rechts zum Naturschutzgebiet abzweigen, sondern links

weiter. Der Weg macht einen Bogen nach rechts an der Langvlei entlang. Dann

kommt die Ortschaft Rondevlei. Dort, an dem T-Anschluss, nach rechts

abzweigen. Die Strasse führt links eine Anhöhe hinauf – nicht nach rechts

abbiegen. Wenn man oben auf der Ebene ankommt, ist links die Kirche, mit

einem blauen Schild „Ev.Luth St Michaelis Kirche“ am Eingang. Willkommen!

Von George fährt man durch Wilderness, und etwa 5km weiter ist eine

Abzweigung nach links nach „Hoekville“. Die Teerstrasse führt durch Hoekville

und Tausranten. Dann an den Outeniqua Bergen

entlang, bis zu der Abzweigung rechts nach

„Sedgefield“ und „Rondevlei“ und dem blauen

Schild „Ev.Luth St Michaelis Gemeinde“. Rechts

auf den Sandweg. 1km weiter liegt die Kirche


Page 12: Südkap – Southern Cape Suidkaap · 2018. 4. 5. · examples, think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Beyers Naudé. You would have become a stranger, an alien, in your own home town. Holiness


Gemeindebrief April, Mai 2018

IMPRESSUM Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinde Südkap

Postal Address: Postanschrift: P.O.Box 1392, George, 6530 NPO No. der Gemeinde : 043/237/NPO

Bankkonto der Gemeinde “Ev. Luth. Congregation Southern Cape”

Nedbank, York Street, George. Savings Account No. 2067005324


Pastor Pastor Wolf von Kilian Tel: 071 392 4864

6 Riempie Uitzicht, North Street, Oudtshoorn 6625

[email protected]

Vorsitzender des KV Martin Detering Tel: 082 491 5975

Chairperson [email protected]

Kassenwärtin Karin Kastern Tel: 082 589 1318

Treasurer alternative Martin Detering

in Karin’s absence

Redakteur/Editor Gisela Economellis, Maya Rösch Junior & Karin Kastern

Email: [email protected]

Kontaktadressen, Gebietsvertreter / Regional contact details:

Plettenberg Bay Karin Kastern Tel: 044 533 0597

Knysna Uschi Schultz Tel: 044 384 0044 Fax:044 384 0737

Mossel Bay Karin Jordaan Tel: 044 693 0282

George Heide Gali Tel: 082 396 6422

Lakes Region Werner Rösch Tel: 082 556 6646

Bischof Gilbert Filter P.O. Box 15528, Vlaeberg, 8018 Tel: (o) 021 422 0592 Email: [email protected] Cell: 084 514 4946

ELCSA(Cape Church)Office [email protected] 240 Long Street, Cape Town Sectretary in the Church Office : Monika Kastner

Lutheran Church Stellenbosch and Somerset West

021 887 5030 [email protected]