
Throughout my project I used many brushes. Brushes come many different sizes and allowed me to add different coloured effects to my work. Here I have used the brush at its largest and placed it behind my main image. I needed to rotate it so the swirls were where I wanted them The brush tool is found down the left hand toolbar and right clicking brings up every brush you have. The brush I used was fairly transparent and I needed to click more than once to create the colour I wanted.

Upload: will-drummee

Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: ScreenGrabs

Throughout my project I used many brushes. Brushes come many different sizes and allowed me to add different coloured effects to my work.

Here I have used the brush at its largest and placed it behind my main image. I needed to rotate it so the swirls were where I wanted them

The brush tool is found down the left hand toolbar and right clicking brings up every brush you have.

The brush I used was fairly transparent and I needed to click more than once to create the colour I wanted.

Page 2: ScreenGrabs

The magnetic lasso tool looks for contrasts between colours on an image.

Here the lasso recognises the contrast between my grey coat and the beige wall. Once the line has returned to the start point the selected image can then be cut out.

The magnetic lasso tool is found on the left hand tool bar and makes cutting out images very easy and not at all time consuming.

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Once the image has been cut out, it is then possible to manipulate the image’s appearance. One way to do this is to use curves. This tool changes the image’s contrast between white and black and allows the picture to be lightened or darkened using the line.

This feature can be found in the drop down menu at the top, under image, adjustments, curves.

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The quick selection tool works in the same way as the magnetic lasso.

By clicking and dragging around the title it is able to recognise the contrast between the black and red.

Quick select is located on the left hand tool bar

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The text tool is very easy to use and allows you to write anything in the space you choose.

I have used one text box for one question and one answer in my interview. The text can be any font chosen and also any colour and size.

The text may also be free transformed and manipulated to curve and do all sorts.

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I have used the outer glow effect to bring more depth to my pull quote along the bottom. To do this I double clicked the layer for the lettering and then ticked “outer glow”. I was then able to select the different options such as opacity, spread and size.

There are other options, not only outer glow, such as satin and drop shadow etc.

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To adjust my front cover main image I used the filter option.

At first I used curves to create a darker image and then using the filters I selected Dark Brush Strokes which then highlighted the area around my coat and design on my hat.

I was then able to adjust stroke length of the brush and also intensity.

This feature is found under the dropdown menu Filter at the top.