schools' opening set wednesday, expect a · narhie road fr»m uttle ff i ry to pateraon* plank...

Public Lib.-irjr. V i l l a * Brook Avc. . tfAOERETTE - Ita* »7J.00OW) bond aatte propoatd tor a sett m cititana' commit*, makaa intriguing readme Purportedly 4c- signad to raise fund, tar more. school and welfare buildings, the whole plan u too haw at thia date, to merit approval or rejection. That there is need for a wide program .f improve- ment ta tta direction indicted by (he committee cannot be questioned. Nevertheless, all impl>ratiam must be ronsidered- For one thing, if it (oaa through at planned all hope for a New Jersey veterans' bonua will be dnusad To repay the bond issue it is planned to impost a two-reats-a-pact* cigarette tax. That tax wassupposedly beinc held off for the bonus. AN* THE SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW Vol. XXVIII—No. 10 SmoH Fines MttedOut To Gamble* Residents Maw Out of Gambling U«i- Penalties Lyndhurst residents who lowed, the use of their premises to New York City -bookmakers and are reputed to have collect- ed $50 per week rent for the last six months paid fines of $75 to 1100 inPolice Court last Tuesday night. The convictions were the result of raids conducted by Captain James Bogle and Lieut. James C-hwki last weak. The bookies driven out of New York City by police in that city have descended on small New Jersey towns in droves. It is reported that the huge syndi- cates operating the book making1 .allow $200 a week for the ex-1 passes of each phone A sum of i $90 a week issupposed to be paid to the owner of the property iwhere the phones arelocated; $100 a week is allowed to the men who man the phones and d d p $1,212,700For New Buildings FrwholtJwrrAp p r e » Bond lut» At U»t Meeting Bergen County's Board Freeholders last week approved a resolution calling for expendi' tare of fl.llt.7Q0 in general im- provements, the majority for works on the Bergen Pines County Hospital and the County Home . ^ Another resolution providing $100,000 for construction of a county vocational school buitdirigj was also passed on first reading t The two bills will come up for final hearing Sept. S The board also v«ted to appru priate $100,000 for road, bridge. and other improvements. A resu- _ . i r • l '««•» providing for $328,000 lot Former President Of BO. this work was paased s.nw months ago. This is the first ex- d h Ha viland in New Business )<• OSJ«. 1.YNDHUR8T, N. J., AUGUST 28. HMT School Prom An Issue Thr high M-rHM.I prom will br oar ..( thr hotir.t is- sews of tke rurrrnl M huol yam. Whrn ihr Buard o< Ratoauon abuiished ihr juajior il rut arrow thr feeling* of hundreds of •tml.-m- of thr tint thine* on ihrir agenda upon ihrir rrinrii i» a fight Ir hi I llir All through thr i m n-liip thr sludrMs nave brvn Mrrtb- Of Education in Venture -% , . .. County Clerk Alexander Allan the balance sufeoaad to be paid feuded certificate, for the for police protection. Captain penditure from that category Of the million-dollar improve- ment proposal. W4S.M0 will go Incorporation papers filed with for remodeling and improving Bergen Pines and the County in line with the board's Playground Season Ends Considered More Suc- cessful Than That of Last Year Ttirir viewpoint is lliU: Thr Board of Kduration <Un n..| havr r sludriiin iiiftrr fur thr nins »f •iii.lriu» JM«r». Thr -lii.I.ill- havr lurn . ..iitril.uling ilur> In ihrir fund, lln- |>rin. i|>al liiiiriil .>( whirh ha> brrn- ihr |.r..iu Now. tin> Haiti In know, whrrr will ihrt br rri>«i.l' Thr Hoard «f rdiu-alioii artrtl aftrr rrjiorl- ihr •In- drill- paid liiilr or nu ativnfiun I" tttc proui. Tli«» u-. .1 il. thr roiuplainl wrnl. mrrrlv inr ihr rhanrr In grl out An hour aftrr ihr prom .IIMX* %>rrr upriird thr -liiilrnl- akrdaddlrd fur nixhl .lull-. ...iitr nf thrtii nrar. MMW ••( thrui far. Thr hoard drridrd if thr «liul.iil- wanlrtt In pla% ili.i «i\ ihry I'niild play wilhnnt thr |>rnm. Bui ihr .tmlc m- MV ihry arr bring dealt with lua har Schools' Opening Set Wednesday, Expect A t?\£l~ Coineron Argues "Hurt Pr«»- ent Dole F o r Admitting New Students is M o s t Feasible nd »« within -i«ht .Ir.pilr thr krsiL BogU and Lieutenant Check, are now seeking out other phones in town of at least 10 in number. Although Judge Bivona had the power toJail local resident. of maintaining disorderly h Amity Lamp Corporation, _ of Lyndhurst. and the Red Trucking Corporation, of The Lyndhurst firm with of- E . HaviUnd. of the same ; ^ ^ E . HaviUnd. of the same he failed todo so. However ,t la i , ddrM8 _ „,„, Me is aUo one felt that future violator, will cer- o( ^ incorpor ,, or , wjt h Alice Uinly receive jail sentences since M H, viUlMl and George W Russi the payment of a small line will „, not discourage people who profit -j^ Q^ S^J, ,„»!,.„, w jo, of. so greatly from the gambUis. ,ricel „ , „ ft, y j,,,^ unc j o - Chlef of Police Otto Bayer has arpn B suck same alllll aai as denied the raids wire made with-1tftM „„, , wo oth , r iacorpors- . out his knowledge and over his , orl Nicholas A Stack, 10 May head. Ha says the polios are , tnrt Waliinglon, and Magnu. only doing their duty. Local resi- Flaws. 910 Summit avenue, Fair- hope they continue to do | La* n Thomas McKenna of 7«1 IMfe road, j wner of the prsousesat Dedication tt gallty to mainUinlng'a <Hsor- ! IS d»r& house and paid a 1100 fine j Anthony Servidio, of 461 For- /lauj, 01HI tor- r I • At whose home two , Gallagher Explain* Af- fair Won't Be H.W Until Fall of intention of establishing a coun- Ball ty hospital. Gar- Buildings I, 1. 4s and the ad- ministration building at B»M«.-II Pines will be partially recon- structed for $517,240 The plans have already been prepared. Fur- niture and new equipment will be purchased at |S,100. and a piece of land near the entrance •f the central heating plant will be bought for $3,0M The sewage disposal bed at the County HospiUl will be expand- ed and new storm drains put in for 133.700 Partial reconstruc- tion of the county h«me will cost WS1.500 Remainder of the general im- mtW irtU be lor 25 voting WD.250. m tM.140; construction of new drains on county raads, $27,380. loner James A- Bres- i the following state- ment of the loral playgrounds: Lyndhui.lV s^.-nd year of au Commi tin, mak hi*. Tim ha\r «-«rral .|ilaiiil- , 1. Thrrr ha> lirrn uo imliirrimiii olfrrrd lo krrp tti.iii at Ihr prom llir orrhrstra» liair noi hrrn fii-i ratr; lllrrr liu- • »'. II no . lll.-rlKIIMii. Ill 2. The* haw ihr right lo go nr not lo •• l» ihrir pr»m pervised playground activities I sinrr llir> arr pating fur it. closed Friday. Aug. H. Durin» x yhr parrnl.. nol ihr B-r.t » the nine weeks session com- . ' , • mem ing June 23. thetotal al- j Or inr ln-»l judge nf Ihrir brhavtor. tendance was approximately la. Thr Huaril . ( r .In. alioli. on I In 000 This record compares moat favurably with theestimated at •f 1S.0M in 1946 for lh» ^IIIIHII. i - ibim »n.l set ilir.|iM-l>ra fur another grm.l at ihrir irrrivrd ilmi linal*> fiindsT (r.*tii Su|*rr*i*ti%s, l'riiU't|tal llomrr Mi*-(«hrr%f Scwanal I'rin. i|i«l lluik ilu IM- .t.ff a final l.rlriing In mam >>' ihr -. I.. ..I- rhiMrm will find (arihtt > -|,..iLlm» frt.m .imiiiii r all. nli-.n t'.iintmg ah.1 word «>• ilonr thraughmil ihr •yetrsa • liaii.I. I .-.•!- that all thr •tigina incurred l>> llir students .- a (l»»ti.'ii on ihrm Tfi.'\ f.rl in a way Ilirj arr anti.lh llir reason that there were 12 lalny «imll»«ir" .if llir proni anil thr\ arr rr-|.»n-il.l. (or wliat days this season. | |,,p,, rl ,, i o \Xtr ,, n whu »a> ihr* arr ("Ills Id llir prom. VI In.i will br ihr MttatMM? FrobabU iln'-rr will Ii. conference. I.. iKr. ii ihr »l» and Ihrir la. ultN advisors. Him ihrrr will br run- Irrrn.r. with ihr Hoanl o( K.ln. aln.ii Out of ibis tlinr In 1MB thr program was con- fined tu three pluy Nreaa, Jef- ferson. Washington and the high school Tliif. year, with the Minr nutuht i of KUpetvtftot-%. the prt)- i gram was extended to itxlude Mann avenue and the Lincoln School, with no increase in ihr y improving and completing traffic circle at the Camp M«T rit Memorial. 910,300; ronstiut tion of new pavement* onM<K> narhie road fr»m Uttle Ff i ry to Pateraon* Plank road, B Dedication ceremonies of the j | i j oonac hie $123,400 and gend lque at the River Road i est avenue, in bcokrnakers were .using a second floor room andServtdio's tele- phone pleaded guilty to the same charge and paid $79. William Granito of 470 Valley , ,„„. , 1W>TO .,„„ , Brook Ivenue, proprietor of the legend plaque at the River Road i ,, rurtlon .„,) reconstruction of Lyndhurst Furniture and Toy School originally planned lor this I ti-# l t M f (jr p r , vtBti( , n „( | >lir |, Shop, 277 Ridge road, and PaUy month have been postponed until WMn o , t|<la | wtitn „, , n , r , r Zito, IM Copeland avenue, said the opening meeting of the Par- ommend , UoI) „, xbt County M<, to be the proprietor of the book- en" Teacher Association of the; jU) g xt , rm i Mtlnn Commn- making establishment in the reax-school, according to statements , i0I ^ j n i M of thefurniture store, told con- made by Frank S_GaIlagher., of th , propoK , $12|2,7OO. $1. fluting storias which eventually chairman ..« the Board of Edu- , 1MOOO ato b* in bonds the rr exonerated Zito'. father. Joseph cstion lo, that «hool. and M™ i^nd^r. down Mymen from 5-£S « M fine, for the yj+m - ~2%~tt\>SSttJS5r3X Sam Silverman of 1170 Strat- lne fll!it •rho«J| in this area Th* m thai aummrr playfround bacornr a permanaAt mi 1 undertuking in Lyndhur-t, !aptuipaV(Hf that* .uither farili- rtaW will be made avuilabi* In Thr fine work of John P. Kitpf. supi t v I.MII .mil his KHffttiintft, Ju- -«'pll CiUidftll. ), ,1, x)KM>t, Jo M'I h Cipitlla, Jt'fft-i M>n. CuiMiir Dt-Miiyu, Mann AVMIUI*. MI>, Dorothy Wnll.-, Wakhingt«>ii MIM Emma V.mWflthovrn. Jt>(ferwm. atnd MIMI Eleanor Liptn»ki, Lin »oln. i> In b«- highly ccimm.-ndrti ,| IMnl,| rinrrgi- a ronipmniiar plan of ...nw aort Surb a plan the »ml> iaif. Uifiral ami aV«w«a tntajrt.aai ^ Injuries Local Man on Prove Fatal J u r y Panel "X, Editorial 1 ' • II rail Ut -• . 1 n!< 1 hiH|l Ii •f^bM.,1. ii tf»rn* n tHr <«M I • • t** B*rtnra«a '•-JJ1« il ft ft>f thW ..•.mi. i f i fetralMA But ihw i a*«iua1a TW tm ttf \t< »• | •Mr. tfi »i r**anft m »rV « a m •• M ajaj| i*a. tfw m tausi r ran he , • > . "-..(?• "... «l«s«m as >•- " * • |i>aM.blv lit . • . r. ., wtlh thl* Tl»» t . . ». tat* ••• »• ; i * > . »»• H»>1 ««mh In* i- ••- -.t ar-l»"* . » •»*»*•. Mi • • * jiintrnTn ' * • . t* ; . ., thai -tuM .... sf-.uM I- «J»..Mr.l **>... •»•, . '^ . .• - f.. r iva t of *C» *• " - f*a>tMiry - . . . * ! .. tin met I* i|.»MW»l the arhnaii -••• Ajt attvsmeni agaanal IN* »••• l S«rard Ricatolo, Lonq . tima Raiidant. Paitat Away in Hotpital Arthur Colabwlla ii Det Iqnatad on N»w Grand Jury Unit- I t tit- \ pi rial fa>* ta ti *1 mifim rKsar«n ii i * I* tsMi rJ.UM ll »* In. U«l *a» Cumwwmt U has t)*> an u.» T jnitnarai in # >l t as. I U nmtfn r'ni'mm Ii:,' 1 1 IH ford av*nue, Bronx, N. Y , w was arrested the morninf; follow- ing the raida, plead«d non vult and was fined t?5 an an idler Alfred Schmidt of 105 Gold street. North Arlington, proprte tor of the Bergvn Count v Iloof Hackrnwrk avt-noi ... ,<,• •• the irmett-ry and will butlt there >n 1604. when land wax deeded to the tKhool district for smh a t«uldin(. on condition that a yearly rraUI uf pne pep- t- rum ii pai4 ' ur thr tround. T; . piaque will cornmetnurate l happenmga at , and th* proframtobe ddi turn authorliet a bond iuue of t3t>.000 The rett uf thr IIOO.OOO needed will com* fruit, thr- $A0. 000 available fur t-onstiu* U«n. and a |3,000 down paymrnt. Approval of the boaiu' w.> of the raid there pleaded guilty and wax fined$75 Schmidt admitted he received Kit rent for permittng use "f hi« olfir*. Phones there were luted name and in thv n,«n»- o the McKenna Auto Sales Co. Mr. and Mrs A. A Summit avenue, and children are hoe* home from a motor trip through the middle West ing and Improvement Company. lfl * *»*<*"* »"• (wnmwnt " w "JTtakiiw owVaiiy."«a. U 286 R.d.te riad whoae olficT in som< " of •"* e * r| y happenmga at | e n to taking ovar w 4 **"* *•**•*** presented »t trw--time of thededi- w«oa-ltiage, ru.Mu avenue ine tation ».'. show some of Hie »>'Ulh side, from South Main progress made in education inthe "reet to the Hassrou. k Heighu .ummuntty sincv the first senoofH*ne. in LodL Passau avenue. Uie was built un this tile \ north side. fr.rtn South , Many uoUlandini families in Mreet to the Haabrou. k HeikhU in hi, name and in the name of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ,J 1|drrn ^..tline: in S.uth H«ken«ck S»d school for their first lessons, die River avenue, from Saddle ••Among them were the Rogers. River to South Main »lr»e( in Senn. of U Soley». MrUarrys. Collins. Ke Little Terry. avenue Wauora, and others. from the Moonat-hle line I. Lil>- Eyen today the. school la unique »rty street, ill Hasbr..u.)( Heighu in the cunxmumtv inthat it isthe the Boulevard. from . Henry only one-room school in the sys street t.. Springfield avenue an'i Mr. and Mrs. 'Oohn Trinka, of urn and a very special etmos- Paasaic avenue, from (>ak Gn»ve MM Valley Brook aven.ue, and phere prevails the work being! avenue U> Buitun street Mayois Iheir house guests. Mr and Mrs done there, where there a>very [and Councils of the varwui I... Henry Mack, were at Tom's River close aaascietjon between Barents oughs have approved thr shift recently andpupils Purchase si a INT sedan from ~a \ the Community Chevrolet Com •any. Ridgafieki Park, was aulh «.r«ed Cost wOl ke Vtm. after deducting the allowance for a IM* sedan II will be f.» the rountv hnaprtal Chief Probstioa) <«» • • 1. Van D Chandler repined thai Maria Blue, .unvaried Mai, n '. 4 ! Ui ceny and fined tlgf t i - a pau p^r inn rs^roftifnafioao n- n~.ii'tanc•• of the ftnr Tne board apptoved Parmeat of the burial cost aj James Coopar. ftaan u » I I aoohe left MI ha death was auiitotiiM. Tne mosaty M held m tiusi by tne county The (guuk Funeral Hsene. Englewoao.. will get MM Paul Patti was again mini i-• i * • newly msae Boat ru*t»4ian ' grounala at a salary of M M I year Ce«asry Tisaaiaiai A Tt..-- -. Hahao ripurtsd the t..u: MOT of tlutd-ajvarwr U w (.a. •-»'. coDsrtat) He aaag H was »»-.• -m n Raraaaia 1* ••< <«• 'Ir..! tiled Saliit<1a> )la. kennu. k Haspilal The yariely of activities dirwletl from injul'e* auffer.-d wrwn he by thin grnup h**l<V Ihe mleresl. Vb slIuvK t»> a tar while c»t*» and cooperation of the fhildren in «H'd«. i'*.i ne»t h>> h,,mr He Th« .i|>..:,iti.,n nf the program *vas burn in Ual> anie la the wa« uid..I by the . .»ip. iati,,.i ul United Ststoi yeais uu the Board of Edu.'«ti.m and settled in Umg Uland rity an.! thnnkn are ixlenii.-.! Ui Ihr Jam rwde.1 HI Lvndhural !.,! 40 He m survived by two . ,,, F.ugene. uf Hutlieilotd. an.i An H...H-. til Hi - ' an,t laugl.terK. Mrs *f. let M,«*eirlli ..I,.I Mrs (rankle ,.f Uyn.1 hursl. an.* Mi» Jerry (Uouiav) l»e Pun/ of Hi... k • Prank Maln.en ••< IM YoVk avenue. Jersey City. of Ii., rat that rlriM'k Mr ••'il'i waa thargeO 'Inving by Patrolman Waii> O'Neill full..wtng IM' erfklrnl tin bail tor- his appeal rl (m MVn\ day * ' : , . ',•» .... I hut Frtrfa At th<- Field Puv thr hitfti arnool firlri Hid wtfw h i 'mi Krli-I BWr'l uiiivitu'S, .!..i-. Im. dlfectoi of Uu- program, WM t - <, to thf thiltln-n of the van A um s *-|' toiam D*l Jut] \ ,-m mn and Ihr man •at* tu* •mpt n U *. . . i . - i J U M ( R H r n t h r i | r i m u l t i K * ( » « * < 1 M . « . . . n > . . r n i n | b > V I '••••• A I h i i ' i M a i . 1 . . ! M . b . ( • * m i ( ' i m m u M W i n nrang v r }*> **-• * • ' "• •t IS •'»!!- « .... a - h the nm «•*( mi- ll i I*- • l < i i CsNBty -•:.».'» at ptvMrnt tmvr > haimmi li- C. M I .uM-. 1 * - « llafi Th* (.-••• Jtjtv »ll l taMi It! th» (I'V*" M * " ' ti( live Sup'riiH' ( >«i 1 1 1. H'>tltr*r '•*> T u * ••!••> lit- 1) l.ajfl * at •* fl'li<rtt 1" » ' H A l<> i « •**ll" •» I.H l.n*fi> ,S«mu«l V AU»* r>, ( ft 1 J.. a ,.f ID «•» aTT~.'ia»i u> a.iaia'.iga. nfit tt« MW«iSis rl a '<rlt mill h lW«M «••• a. INI antil ! • a m «.vi* Mtftil II ........ it.* r«Mlfa.laHi •111*4 k u... . (n . 1*41 i >H|a< a •I...!. I*..!* dhal >»».»*t«*,«.» i. ihr Ul* , .... k ' .. UP. I|M kaaaa trim' IN %IM* -•••••! .»...«. IM Rt)lfer»«|aa«a| IWRUf M I < Wai L'.i.l .... I all .<-... it.. * « M -.*. Ol V.;!.. •!• .' •'- '. • .1 - ...... t. taanai MNUI I I • • .. I II. .-j ..> i, - »».. 1 ..... >>• if I •hw>la MM I- i II..I4S IB •• IL. ..... > .i.. ihaa iw«i«»i •ularalaa « r«u> Mix • i«tiiis> naa * * later Ihaa • • - • •- *l, ! "-.!.,.«• I •#• MulMgs) I" SS) >in.4 i»t* iwo^.tafigka / . MW >|a».IM> .1 w r t aawHi I Ml . ...»H#. tu pit with iff ftt*a»m MK in. .1.,: uwsrds Cafta tht iiwHid («>r tru- 'l la. ih»- FDul|f<t bay MIM ,k it.i'.,;, t i', Ml yard tfa*tl for a, ami th*> Liva won yard <t.«%i M..-1- in.. ..* girl*. Joan Troy won trw- "5 . -• •! dash for avuaat gtrlt i »I,.I... i. T.1( . . arcording t.i agr wrrr wrm try %i\rkry Hnnfi»lpp<» M.. i. ;...• MtM-mk, It -n., l Tii- -•«..•• i,.( FUibmn „!,<! !•• "M \ Hurs<h The JUTIMT und mMm bi •VI.' ratt«*» wrrr * • by • •• »•' TUnrntM Thrr»M Rickr-r atvl I , ' .lit SaVdVal Thrtt- iilMi w f i f trn'1.1 ftwarcts fur p«»int wmrwrt f<>r in* aataM tut- IJIII Local Woman Hurt in Crash NOTICE TO REGISTER Unregutered voter* are advised that li»f.utr»t«un is bring conducted in Clerk's Office. Mam Floor T »T, H*ti daily from V »rn -u 4:30 p m. Saturdays t a r n \o 11 aoun, eaurpttngSal- urdayi of August M and Srptrmbrr 8 Cvminc JWgtatratwn* will beconducted from 7 M p m t o t J O p m Septewber 22. 23 34, 25 and will be discontinued thrrraflrt toKovrmber i. IM?. Change of reaidefkce, c*rtls n.«\ br ubtatnvd. and filed at above tune* and place Naturalised^cituiens to register. mu*1 produr* their Orttfi- rate* of Citixenlhtp . Ptoaprrttve voters may. register ti the? shall attain the age~nf Twenty one years ua ur before General CWtkon Day. November 4. IM? Veters are eligible to r+gt*ter if an or bWorr El#rt»aB Day. November 4. 1147. they will be rnidiat af .Hew /eney One Year and. of Bergen County Fiv* Mueith* For aay Wegjtatry or Voting mtvrmaUtm wiipawan CWr%*« Office. Rutherford 2 5120 Dated Au« U J UVELU. 4. 194'. Clerk, Khut.l The' i. • " wa« M tttwt •-..-!.( and w... WH TIIJ.) »nd third were »»f bron&p {•.-•* g .••!..i- «t the. hifh - r-- ; i < ftajM *ar* lama *%uv M.. I* .•• - ' ' I '.••:,• <,. , |i - .At •' . Mat m ' ' •-.. . - * ! • » wonl*> H" jwi Vitujl.. . S-,%-' • ' - trn* and 7* •• -,» y. , .... Th» Jrf (< M.n Playground awa>4« wrnl :•• H »,».» M»>v k A#n*. I 1 KMl*"Jk atTMt f*«tt-*t I* GraOf" At th* * . ' ngl . ! F i , r .' : th^ •-'•.*• * r . r - • • H ,-, • 'Virgtaai > i -»' wvl >-a-* H .** Th«- I i • If, Playgrcund • tft rvr* w*te Ann« sf. -»/** Thorn •*»*• S»ii.t» atwi UnVuttn CafMlia- •... -• a* •••ion.# p.ig*ri«i iraa t"f"aii. .KafltaMrtft, thrrMTB, " w • * UMviMunMU, .1 »t atria •• •• • • a% Aab^t Choral Group Sings Sept. 7 Mitt Ron Suffer. On Rout* 17 Mr* U«». M*urh eat ( wan. s*w«rk rut* < ••- .f.' i' ' * < U rvts a* Kan4 UMl fa** tin K--i-.> N •> 40, nf Hyrwuae N Y •/>«-»».• TvfraAtt H*^» lavae Ma, HttWt. I U M . M *)»"•»•». •<••: . .' — •

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Page 1: Schools' Opening Set Wednesday, Expect A · narhie road fr»m Uttle Ff i ry to Pateraon* Plank road, B Dedication ceremonies of the j |ij oonachie $123,400 and gend lque at the River

Public Lib.-irjr.Vil la* Brook A v c . .

tfAOERETTE -I t a * »7J.00OW) bond aatte propoatd tor a sett m

cititana' commit*, makaa intriguing readme Purportedly 4c-signad to raise fund, tar more. school and welfare buildings,the whole plan u too haw at thia date, to merit approval orrejection. That there is need for a wide program .f improve-ment ta t ta direction indicted by (he committee cannot bequestioned. Nevertheless, all impl>ratiam must be ronsidered-For one thing, if it (oaa through at planned all hope for aNew Jersey veterans' bonua will be dnusad To repay the bondissue it is planned to impost a two-reats-a-pact* cigarette tax.That tax was supposedly beinc held off for the bonus.


Vol. XXVIII—No. 10

SmoH FinesMttedOutTo Gamble*

Residents MawOut of Gambling

U«i- PenaltiesLyndhurst residents who

lowed, the use of their premisesto New York City -bookmakersand are reputed to have collect-ed $50 per week rent for the lastsix months paid fines of $75 to1100 in Police Court last Tuesdaynight.

The convictions were the resultof raids conducted by CaptainJames Bogle and Lieut. JamesC-hwki last weak. • •

The bookies driven out of NewYork City by police in that cityhave d e s c e n d e d on smallNew Jersey towns in droves. Itis reported that the huge syndi-cates operating the book making 1

.allow $200 a week for the ex-1passes of each phone A sum of i$90 a week is supposed to be paidto the owner of the property

iwhere the phones are located;$100 a week is allowed to themen who man the phones and

d d

p$1,212,700 ForNew BuildingsFrwholtJwrrAp p r e » •

Bond lut» At U»tMeeting

Bergen County's BoardFreeholders last week approveda resolution calling for expendi'tare of fl.llt.7Q0 in general im-provements, the majority forworks on the Bergen PinesCounty Hospital and the CountyHome . ^

Another resolution providing$100,000 for construction of acounty vocational school buitdirigjwas also passed on first reading tThe two bills will come up forfinal hearing Sept. S

The board also v«ted to apprupriate $100,000 for road, bridge.and other improvements. A resu-

_ „ . i r • l '««•» providing for $328,000 lotFormer President Of BO. this work was paased s.nw

months ago. This is the first ex-d h

Ha viland inNew Business

n» ) < • OSJ«. 1.YNDHUR8T, N. J., AUGUST 28. HMT

School Prom An IssueThr high M-rHM.I prom will br oar ..( thr hotir.t is-

sews of tke rurrrnl M huol yam.Whrn ihr Buard o< Ratoauon abuiished ihr juajior

il rut arrow thr feeling* of hundreds of •tml.-m-of thr tint thine* on ihrir agenda upon ihrir rrinrii i» a fight Ir hi I llir through thr i m n-liip thr sludrMs nave brvn Mrrtb-

Of Education inVenture

-% , . . . County Clerk Alexander Allanthe balance sufeoaad to be paid feuded certificate, for thefor police protection. Captain

penditure from that categoryOf the million-dollar improve-

ment proposal. W4S.M0 will goIncorporation papers filed with for remodeling and improving

Bergen Pines and the Countyin line with the board's

PlaygroundSeason Ends

Considered More Suc-cessful Than That of

Last Year

Ttirir viewpoint is lliU:Thr Board of Kduration <Un n..| havrr sludriiin iiiftrr fur thr nins »f •iii.lriu»

JM«r».Thr -lii.I.ill- havr lurn . ..iitril.uling ilur> In ihrir

fund, lln- |>rin. i|>al liiiiriil .>( whirh ha> brrn- ihr |.r..iuNow. tin > Haiti In know, whrrr will ihrt br rri>«i.l'

Thr Hoard «f rdiu-alioii artrtl aftrr rrjiorl- ihr •In-drill- paid liiilr or nu ativnfiun I" tttc proui. Tli«» u-. .1i l . thr roiuplainl wrnl. mrrrlv inr ihr rhanrr In grl outAn hour aftrr ihr prom .IIMX* %>rrr upriird thr -liiilrnl-akrdaddlrd fur nixhl .lull-. ...iitr nf thrtii nrar. MMW ••(thrui far.

Thr hoard drridrd if thr «liul.iil- wanlrtt In pla% ili.i« i \ ihry I'niild play wilhnnt thr |>rnm.

Bui ihr .tmlc m- M V ihry arr bring dealt with luahar

Schools' OpeningSet Wednesday,Expect A

t?\£l~ Coineron Argues "Hurt Pr«»-ent Dole F o r Admitting NewStudents is Most Feasible

nd » « within -i«ht .Ir.pilr thr krsiL

BogU and Lieutenant Check, arenow seeking out other phones intown of at least 10 in number.

Although Judge Bivona hadthe power to Jail local resident.of maintaining disorderly h

Amity Lamp Corporation, _ ofLyndhurst. and the RedTrucking Corporation, of

The Lyndhurst firm with of-

E. HaviUnd. of the same; ^ ^ E . HaviUnd. of the samehe failed to do so. However ,t la i , d d r M 8 _ „ „ , „ , Me is aUo onefelt that future violator, will cer- o ( ^ i n c o r p o r , , o r , w j th AliceUinly receive jail sentences since M H , v i U l M l a n d George W Russithe payment of a small line will „,not discourage people who profit -j^ Q^ S^J, , „ » ! , . „ , w jo , greatly from the gambUis. , r i c e l „ , „ f t , y j , , , ^ u n c j o -

Chlef of Police Otto Bayer has a r p n B suck same alllll aai asdenied the raids wire made with-1 t f t M „„, , w o o t h , r iacorpors-

. out his knowledge and over his , o r l Nicholas A Stack, 10 Mayhead. Ha says the polios are , t n r t Waliinglon, and Magnu.only doing their duty. Local resi- Flaws. 910 Summit avenue, Fair-

hope they continue to do | La* n

Thomas McKenna of 7«1 I M f eroad, j wner of the prsouses at Dedicationtt gallty to mainUinlng'a <Hsor- ! I Sd»r& house and paid a 1100 fine j

Anthony Servidio, of 461 For-/lauj, 01 H I tor- r I • At

whose home two , Gallagher Explain* Af-fair Won't Be H.W

Until Fall

of intention of establishing a coun-Ball ty hospital.

Gar- Buildings I, 1. 4s and the ad-ministration building at B»M«.-IIPines will be partially recon-structed for $517,240 The planshave already been prepared. Fur-niture and new equipment willbe purchased at |S,100. and apiece of land near the entrance•f the central heating plant willbe bought for $3,0M

The sewage disposal bed at theCounty HospiUl will be expand-ed and new storm drains put infor 133.700 Partial reconstruc-tion of the county h«me willcost WS1.500

Remainder of the general im-mtW irtU be lor 25

voting WD.250.mtM.140; construction of newdrains on county raads, $27,380.

loner James A- Bres-i the following state-

ment of the loral playgrounds:Lyndhui.lV s^.-nd year of au

Commitin, mak

hi*. T i m ha\r «-«rral .|ilaiiil-

, 1. Thrrr ha> lirrn uo imliirrimiii olfrrrd lo krrptti.iii at Ihr prom ll ir orrhrstra» liair noi hrrn fi i - i ratr;lllrrr liu- • »'. II no . lll.-rlKIIMii. Ill

2. The* haw ihr right lo go nr not lo •• l» ihrir pr»mpervised playground activities I sinrr llir> arr pating fur it.closed Friday. Aug. H. Durin» x y h r parrnl.. nol ihr B - r . t »the nine weeks session com- . ' , •mem ing June 23. the total al- j Or inr ln-»l judge nf Ihrir brhavtor.tendance was approximately la. Thr Huaril . ( r .In. alioli. on I In000 This record compares moatfavurably with the estimated at

•f 1S.0M in 1946 for lh»


i b i m »n.l set ilir.|iM-l>ra fur another grm.l at ihrir

l r a . l i . i - i rrr ivrd i lmi linal*> f i indsT(r.*tii Su|*rr*i*ti%s, l'riiU't|tal llomrr Mi*-(«hrr%f ScwanalI'rin. i|i«l lluik i l u IM- . t . f f a final l.rlriing

In mam >>' ihr -. I.. . . I - rh iMrm will find (arihtt >

-|,..iLlm» frt.m .imiiiii r all. nli-.n t'.iintmg ah.1

word «>• ilonr thraughmil ihr •yetrsa

• liaii.I. I .-.•!-

that all thr •tigina incurred l>> llir students .- a i» (l»»ti.'iion ihrm Tfi.'\ f . r l in a way Il irj arr ant i . lh llir

reason that there were 12 lalny «imll»«ir" .if llir proni anil thr\ arr rr-|.»n-il.l. (or wliatdays this season. | | , ,p , , r l , , i o \Xtr ,, n whu »a> ihr* arr ("Ills Id llir

prom.VI In.i will br ihr MttatMM?FrobabU iln'-rr will Ii. conference. I.. iKr. ii ihr »l» and Ihrir la. ultN advisors. H i m ihrrr will br run-Irrrn.r. with ihr Hoanl o( K.ln. aln.ii Out of ibis tlinr

In 1MB thr program was con-fined tu three pluy Nreaa, Jef-ferson. Washington and the highschool Tliif. year, with the Minrnutuht i of KUpetvtftot-%. the prt)-

i gram was extended to itxludeMann avenue and the LincolnSchool, with no increase in ihr

yimproving and completingtraffic circle at the Camp M«Trit Memorial. 910,300; ronstiuttion of new pavement* on M<K>narhie road fr»m Uttle Ff i ry

to Pateraon* Plank road,B

Dedication ceremonies of the j | i jo o n a chie $123,400 andgend l q u e at the River Road i

est avenue, inbcokrnakers were .using a secondfloor room and Servtdio's tele-phone pleaded guilty to the samecharge and paid $79.

William Granito of 470 Valley , , „ „ . , 1 W > T O .,„„ ,Brook Ivenue, proprietor of the legend plaque at the River Road i , , r u r t l o n .„,) reconstruction ofLyndhurst Furniture and Toy School originally planned lor this I t i - # l t M f ( j r p r , v t B t i ( , n „( |> l i r | ,Shop, 277 Ridge road, and PaUy month have been postponed until W M n o , t | < l a | w t i t n „, , n , r , r

Zito, I M Copeland avenue, said the opening meeting of the Par- o m m e n d , U o I ) „ , xbt County M<,to be the proprietor of the book- en" Teacher Association of the; j U ) g x t , r m i M t l n n Commn-making establishment in the reax-school, according to statements , i 0 I ^ j n i Mof the furniture store, told con- made by Frank S_GaIlagher., of t h , p r o p o K , $ 1 2|2,7OO. $1.fluting storias which eventually chairman ..« the Board of Edu- , 1 M O O O a t o b * in bonds the rrexonerated Zito'. father. Joseph cstion lo, that «hool. and M™ i ^ n d ^ r . down Mymen from

5-£S «M fine, for the yj+m - ~2%~tt\>SSttJS5r3XSam Silverman of 1170 Strat- l n e f l l ! i t •rho«J| in this area Th* m

thaiaummrr playfroundbacornr a permanaAt mi

1 undertuking in Lyndhur-t,!aptuipaV(Hf that* .uither farili-rtaW will be made avuilabi* In

Thr fine work of John P. Kitpf.supi t v I.MII .mil his KHffttiintft, Ju--«'pll CiUidftll. ), , 1 , x)KM>t, JoM'I h Cipitlla, Jt'fft-i M>n. C u i M i i rDt-Miiyu, M a n n A V M I U I * . M I > ,Dorothy Wnll.-, Wakhingt«>ii M I MEmma V.m Wflthovrn. Jt>(ferwm.atnd MIMI Eleanor Liptn»ki, Lin»oln. i> In b«- highly ccimm.-ndrti

, | I Mnl,| rinrrgi- a ronipmniiar plan of ...nw aort Surb a planb« the »ml> iaif. Uifiral ami aV«w«a tntajrt.aai

^ Injuries Local Man onProve Fatal J u r y Panel " X , Editorial

1 ' • IIr a i l Ut

-• . 1 n!< 1

hiH|l Ii

• f^bM. ,1 .ii tf»rn*n tHr <«M

I • • t**B*rtnra«a'•-JJ1« il ft

ft>f thW. . • . m i . i

f i fetralMABut ihw

i a*«iua1aTW tm

ttf \t< »• |• M r . tfi »i

r**anft m»rV « a

m• • •



m tausi t» r ran he , • >. " - . . ( ? •" . . . «l«s«m as >•- " * • |i>aM.blv

lit . • . r. ., w t l h t h l * Tl»»t . . ». tat* • • •

» • • ; i * • > . • • » » • H » > 1

««mh I n * i- • • - -.t a r - l»" * . » •»*»*•. •M i • • * jiintrnTn ' * • . t * ; . . ,thai - t u M . . . . sf- .uM I - «J». .Mr. l* *> . . . •»•, . '^ . .• - f . . r iva t of*C» *• " - f*a>tMiry - . . . * ! .. •tin met I * i|.»MW»l the arhnaii - • • •

Ajt attvsmeni agaanal I N * »•••l

S«rard Ricatolo, Lonq. tima Raiidant. Paitat

Away in Hotpital

Arthur Colabwlla ii DetIqnatad on N»w

Grand Jury Unit-

I t tit- \ pir i a l fa>* ta

ti *1 • mif im

rKsar«n ii i *I* tsMi rJ.UM l l »*

In. U«l *a»Cumwwmt U

has t ) * > a nu.» T jn i tnara i

in #

>l t as. I U

nmtfnr'ni'mmI i : , ' 1 1 IH

ford av*nue, Bronx, N. Y , wwas arrested the morninf; follow-ing the raida, plead«d non vultand was fined t?5 an an idler

Alfred Schmidt of 105 Goldstreet. North Arlington, proprtetor of the Bergvn Count v Iloof

Hackrnwrk avt-noi ... ,<,• ••the irmett-ry and will \» •

butlt there >n 1604. when landwax deeded to the tKhool districtfor smh a t«uldin(. on conditionthat a yearly rraUI uf pne pep-t- rum i i pai4 ' u r t h r tround.

T; . piaque will cornmetnuratel happenmga at

, and th* profram to bed d i

turn authorliet a bond iuue oft3t>.000 The rett uf thr IIOO.OOOneeded will com* fruit, thr- $A0.000 available fur t-onstiu* U«n.and a |3,000 down paymrnt.

Approval of the boaiu' w.>

of the raid there pleadedguilty and wax fined $75

Schmidt admitted he receivedKit rent for permittng use "f hi«olfir*. Phones there were luted

name and in thv n,«n»- othe McKenna Auto Sales Co.

Mr. and Mrs A. ASummit avenue, and children are hoe*home from a motor trip throughthe middle West

ing and Improvement Company. l f l * *»*<*"* »"• ( w n m w n t " w "JTtakiiw o w Vaiiy."«a.U286 R.d.te riad whoae olficT in s o m < " o f • " * e * r | y happenmga at | en to taking ovar w 4**"* *•**•***

presented »t trw--time of the dedi- w«oa-ltiage, ru.Mu avenue inetation ».'. show some of Hie »>'Ulh side, from South Mainprogress made in education in the "reet to the Hassrou. k Heighu.ummuntty sincv the first senoofH*ne. in LodL Passau avenue. Uiewas built un this tile \ north side. fr.rtn South

, Many uoUlandini families in Mreet to the Haabrou. k HeikhUin hi, name and in the name of ^ ^ ^ , J 1 | d r r n „ ^ . . t l i n e : in S.uth H«ken«ck S»d

school for their first lessons, die River avenue, from Saddle••— A m o n g t h e m w e r e the Rogers. R iver to South M a i n »lr»e( in

Senn. of U Soley». MrUarrys. Collins. Ke Little Terry. avenueWauora, and others. from the Moonat-hle line I. Lil>-

Eyen today the. school la unique »rty street, ill Hasbr..u.)( Heighuin the cunxmumtv in that it is the the Boulevard. from . Henryonly one-room school in the sys street t.. Springfield avenue an'i

Mr. and Mrs. 'Oohn Trinka, of urn and a very special etmos- Paasaic avenue, from (>ak Gn»veMM Valley Brook aven.ue, and phere prevails the work being! avenue U> Buitun street MayoisIheir house guests. Mr and Mrs done there, where there a> very [and Councils of the varwui I...Henry Mack, were at Tom's River close aaascietjon between Barents oughs have approved thr shiftrecently and pupils Purchase si a INT sedan from

~a \ the Community Chevrolet Com•any. Ridgafieki Park, was aulh«.r«ed Cost wOl ke Vtm. afterdeducting the allowance for aI M * sedan II will be f.» therountv hnaprtal

Chief Probstioa) <«» • • 1. VanD Chandler repined thai MariaBlue, .unvaried Mai, n '. 4 ! Uiceny and fined tlgf t i - a paup r inn rs^roftifnafioao n- n~.ii'tanc••of the ftnr Tne board apptoved

Parmeat of the burial cost ajJames Coopar. ftaan u» I I aoo heleft M I ha death was auiitotiiM.Tne mosaty M held m tiusi bytne county The (guuk FuneralHsene. Englewoao.. will get M M

Paul Patti was again mini i-• i * •newly msae Boat ru*t»4ian 'grounala at a salary of M M Iyear

Ce«asry Tisaaiaiai A Tt. . - - -.Hahao ripurtsd the t..u: MOTof tlutd-ajvarwr U w (.a. • -» ' .coDsrtat) He aaag H was »»-.•-m n

R a r a a a i a 1* ••< <« •' I r . . ! tiled Saliit<1a>)la. kennu. k Haspilal

The yariely of activities dirwletl from injul'e* auffer.-d wrwn heby thin grnup h**l<V Ihe mleresl. V b slIuvK t»> a tar while c»t*»and cooperation of the fhildren i n« H'd«. i'*.i ne»t h>> h,,mr HeTh« .i|>..:,iti.,n nf the program *vas burn in Ual> • anie la thewa« uid..I by the . .»ip. iati,,.i ul United Ststoi %» yeais uuthe Board of Edu.'«ti.m and settled in Umg Uland rity an.!thnnkn are ixlenii.-.! Ui Ihr Jam rwde.1 HI Lvndhural !.,! 40

He m survived by two . ,,,F.ugene. uf Hutlieilotd. an.i AnH...H-. til Hi - ' an,t• laugl.terK. Mrs *f. let M,«*eirlli..I,.I Mrs (rankle ,.f Uyn.1hursl. an.* Mi» Jerry (Uouiav) l»ePun/ of Hi... k •

Prank Maln.en ••< I MYoVk avenue. Jersey City.of Ii., rat that rlriM'k Mr••'il'i waa thargeO'Inving by Patrolman Waii>O'Neill full..wtng IM' erfklrnl

t i n bail tor- his appealrl (m MVn\

d a y i - . i t . . * • ' : , . '

. . i n , • » . . . . I

hut FrtrfaAt th<- Field Puv

thr hitfti arnool firlriH i d wtfw h i 'mi Krl i - IBWr'l uii ivitu'S, . ! . . i - .Im. dlfectoi of Uu- program, W Mt - <, to thf thiltln-n of the van


s * - | '




, - m

mnandI h rman• a t *t u *•mpt


U * . . . i . - i J U M ( • • • • R H

r n t h r i | r i m u l t i K * ( » • « *

• < 1 M . « . . . n > . . r n i n | b > V

I ' • • • • • A I h i i ' i

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i • ( ' • i m m u M W i n

nrang v r }*> **-• * • ' " •• t IS • ' » ! ! - « . . . . a - h



«•*(m i -

ll i

I * - • l < i i C s N B t y - • : . » . ' »

at ptvMrnt tmvr > haimmili- C. M I .uM-. 1 * - «

l la f i T h * ( . - • • • J t j t v » l l

l taMi It! th» ( I ' V * " M * " 'ti( live Sup'r i iH ' ( • >«i 1

1 1. H'>tltr*r '•*> T u * ••!••>lit- 1 ) l.ajfl • * at •* fl'li<rtt

1" » ' H A l<> i « •** l l" •» I.Hl .n * f i> ,S«mu«l V AU»* r>,(

ft • 1




ID «•» aTT~.'ia»iu> ^» a.iaia'.iga.

nfit tt« MW«iSis• r l a '< • r l t m i l l h l W « M • « • • • a.

INI antil ! • a m «.vi* MtftilII . . . . . . . . it.* r«Mlfa.laHi

•111*4 k u... . (n . 1*41 i >H|a< a• I . . . ! . I * . . ! * dhal >»».»*t«*,«.» i .

ihr U l * ,... .k ' .. UP. I | M kaaaa

• t r i m ' I N % I M * - • • • • • ! . » . . . « .I M Rt)lfer»«|aa«a| I W R U f M I < Wai

L ' . i . l . . . . I a l l . < - . . . i t . . * « M- . * . Ol V . ; ! . . • ! • . ' •'- ' . • .1 -

...... t. taanai MNUI I I • • . .

I II. . - j

..> i, -

»».. 1 . . . . .>>• i fI •hw>la MM I-

i II..I4S IB • •IL. . . . . .

> . i . . ihaa iw«i«»i•ularalaa « r«u> M i x

• • i«tiiis> naa

• * * later Ihaa • • - • •- * l ,! "-.!.,.«• I •#• MulMgs) I" SS)>in.4 i»t* i w o ^ . t a f i g k a

/ . MW >|a».IM> .1 wrt aawHiI Ml . .« . . . » H # . tu p i t

with iff ftt*a»m MKin. .1.,: uwsrds Caftatht iiwHid («>r tru- 'lla. ih»- FDul|f<t bayM I M • ,k it.i'.,;, t i',

Ml yard tfa*tl for

a, ami th*>Liva wonyard <t.«%i

M..-1- in..


girl*. Joan Troy won trw- "5 . -• •!dash for avuaat gtrlt

i »I,.I... i. T.1( . . arcording t.i agrwrrr wrm try %i\rkry Hnnfi»lpp<»M.. i. ;...• MtM-mk, It -n., l Tii--•«. .•• i,.( FUibmn „!,<! !•• "M \Hurs<h The JUTIMT und mMm bi• V I . ' ratt«*» w r r r * • b y • •• »•'TUnrntM Thrr»M Rickr-r atvl I ,' .lit SaVdVal

Thrtt- iilMi w f i f trn'1.1 ftwarctsfur p«»int wmrwrt f<>r in* aataM

tut- IJII I

Local WomanHurt in Crash

NOTICE TO REGISTERUnregutered voter* are advised that li»f.utr»t«un is bring

conducted in Clerk's Office. Mam Floor T »T, H*ti daily fromV »rn -u 4:30 p m. Saturdays t a r n \o 11 aoun, eaurpttng Sal-urdayi of August M and Srptrmbrr 8 Cvminc JWgtatratwn*will be conducted from 7 M p m t o t J O p m Septewber 22. 2334, 25 and will be discontinued thrrraflrt to Kovrmber i. IM?.Change of reaidefkce, c*rtls n.«\ br ubtatnvd. and filed at abovetune* and place

Naturalised^cituiens to register. mu*1 produr* their Orttf i -rate* of Citixenlhtp .

Ptoaprrttve voters may. register ti the? shall attain theage~nf Twenty one years ua ur before General CWtkon Day.November 4. IM?

Veters are eligible to r+gt*ter if an or bWorr El#rt»aB Day.November 4. 1147. they will be rnidiat af .Hew /eney OneYear and. of Bergen County Fiv* Mueith*

For aay Wegjtatry or Voting mtvrmaUtm wiipawan CWr%*«Office. Rutherford 2 5120

Dated Au« UJ UVELU.

4. 194'. Clerk,

Khut. l T h e ' i. • " wa« M t t t w t•-. .-! .( and w... WH TIIJ.) »nd thirdwere »»f bron&p {•.-•* • g. • • ! . . i - «t the. h i f h - r-- ; i < •ftajM * a r * l a m a *%uv M . .I* .•• - ' ' I ' . • • : , • <,. , | i - .At •' .M a t m ' ' •- . . . - * • ! • • » w o n l*>H " j w i V i t u j l . . . S - , % - ' • ' -t rn* and 7* •• -,» y . ,. . . . Th»Jrf (< • M.n Playground aw a>4«wrnl :•• H »,».» M»>v k A#n* . I1

KMl*"Jk atTMt f*«tt-*t I* GraOf" Atth* * . ' ngl . !Fi , r • . ' : th^• - ' • . * • * r . r - • • H ,-, • •

'Virgtaai > i -»' w v l > - a - * H .**Th«- I i • If, Playgrcund • tftrvr * w * t e Ann« sf. -»/** Thorn• * » * • S» i i . t» atwi UnVuttn CafMlia-

•... -• a* • •••ion.# p.ig*ri«i iraa

t"f"aii. .KafltaMrtft, thrrMTB, "w • * UMviMunMU,

.1 »t atria •• • •

• • a% A a b ^ t

Choral GroupSings Sept. 7

Mitt Ron Suffer.On Rout* 17

Mr* U«». M*urheat (

wan. s*w«rkrut* <• • - . f . ' i ' ' * • • < • • U r v t s a *

Kan4 UMl fa** t i n K--i-.> N •>40, nf Hyrwuae N Y •/>«-»».•

TvfraAtt H* » lavaeM a , HttWt. I U M . M

* ) » " • » • » . •<••: . .' — •

Page 2: Schools' Opening Set Wednesday, Expect A · narhie road fr»m Uttle Ff i ry to Pateraon* Plank road, B Dedication ceremonies of the j |ij oonachie $123,400 and gend lque at the River


the Gospel and teaching the

St. Thomas' EpiscopalChurch

Pareat and gtojMiant A m i•-» . Rawland F. *ye, rector

Explaining and demonstrating theway of divine Science, he becamethe way of salvation to all who

[accepted his word." <pp 315. 316»

Masses at 6:30. 7:30, 8:30, 0:3010 10. and 11:30 a.m.

Seider Home SceneTarty

Aua. 31 The 13th Sunday afterTrinity. 10 a.m. Morning Prayerand -sermon by the rector.

The regular schedule of serv-ices and the Church School willbe resumed after Labor Day. onSept. 7.

Lyndhiirot MethodistChurch ~

.Sluvvr ant awl Tontine Are*.Kev Robert C. I.intner. Pastor

307 Tontine Av*aueRuth. :-«mt

V?e»lniiiist<r PresbyterianChurch

Ridge Rd. and New Jersey AveLyndhurst. N.J.

Rev. Howard K. Friebely, Psutor

August 31—9:00 a. in. Church School.

I 11:00 a. m. Morning WorshipPreacher, Rev John E. Slater.

^-Professor of Biblical"* History."

St. Michael's R. GChurch

Rer. Ladblaus J. WllewwikiPastor

Rid,e Road awl Pace Arena*

The home of Mr and Mn.Eugene Seider. of 364 Ridge' road.

~{X»:ndhurTt. wS~tEe scene1 ol alovely family party just given inceletration of Mr. Seiders birth-day anniversary.

Guesu included Mr and MrsArthur V. Turner. Mr and MmVeinon Turner and children. Ar-thur and Naomi: Miss £»lona Tur-ner. Barbara Shippee. of Lyhd-

Warick Home is SconeOf AThe lion e of Mr. and Mrs. Ste-

phen S Warick, of 278 Watson



Patricia'Dugan. daughter of Mrid Mrs. James R. Dugan of For

Mrs, \ est avenue, celet rated her 8lb


M,f, Ann H Lerzcwtki.. thedaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-liam Jeracwiki of M> Pan place.

Their AnniversaryMr. and Mrs. William Link, of

filth stieeV reewrtlxwas honored at a surprise misrel-l h ilaneous shower given by her at-


partv recently when _Warick and her mother, Mrs. Pe- birthday anniversary with a part..\ag:a Sieradzski. entertained for : 8'v*n at her home, Friday. tendants cri -Saturday, Auta circle of friends. j Decorations were in pink and-i the Polich-American Citizens

Their guests included Thadeus 1 •>'«* A •««• » » » » • » used aslclubSieradzki. Miss Ann Warick Mrs. | the table centerpiece when re- Decorations were of pink andRowan Stawk-ka. of Jersey City: I tn^unaOt were served GamesMrs Henry Brikabki. Mri. Sttn- « « • P i ly«' •"•• l h e r e w e l * m8ftyley Lubinaki. Mr and Mrs. Kali- •fin* tlta tor «•« honored guest

their 34th wedding anniversary.There, were visits by their sons'and their- families, Mr. and Mrs.Howard John Link with theirchildren, Judy and John Howard,

lmm of Livingston avenue, Mr. andwtfite The gifts were in a white Mrm- William Link Jr., wHh theirwishing well and a white um-brella.

Miss Jerzewttki

children, Lois and William 111. offIrvington Cards and gifts from

will become I o t l l c r relatives and friends helpedhurst: Mr and Mrs. Ralph Gar-1 merz Olejarayk. of Detroit, Otners present included Donno „,„rett of Allwood: Mr and Mrs. j Michigan Mrs. Olejarczyk re- Mayhem. Mr«. H. L Mayhem, the bride of PeteY A. ?aknu of I m a k e t h e d a y " ' " W o n e f o r t h c

Frank Seider, Mr and Mrs. Ed | cently arrived from Poland where Babbett* Bipp. Mrs Russell Ripp. 133 Seeley avenue." Arlington, jcouple.Ma*s*'S du'ine July and August * '•"•" »f -•••• -'•« .-•««. — 1 LTIIIIT arrived irwn rmann w n e r e i — " " • — — *•*• — -•—™— -—»-r' »«»o otrcitry avenue. /triuiiion. jarc at 7 8 9 30 and 10 30 a m * a r d Calraun and daughter, Mary \ 5he was a student in pharmacy Sandra Donten. Ruth Carol Diehl. jon o , Mr and Mrs. J. Paknis I

Holydav's at 5 SU. T, and 10 A n n- o ! N o r t h Arligton. Mr and a , the University of Warsaw. The: Mr»- Ulmont A Diehl and James on Sept. «. at 4 o'clock in St. | JonelIa. m..

Week days at 7 15 and 8 a m.Mrs. Walter Smith and son, Wil-liam, of Kearny.

Sunday, August 31—10:30 a. m. Public worship with

sfimon ty Kenneth MeUmger ofJackson place, student ST L'nionTheological Seminary and assist-ant partor at UMt Prestyterianc-hvirch of Fort Schuyter, N V

The Church School will re-openonSepterrfcer 7 wher. «U regularservices will be held A welcome

Blocmfleld Seminai y

St Matthew's EvangelicalLutheran Church

VMtr fcr««k and Trsvere PUctBMV. Gvorce Mailer, putat

RL'th 2-2134

Sunday, August 31 —8 30 a rr.. "Christ Jesus Is

Come Into The World" will twthe theme of Rev George Mul-

Fir-i 1 hurt h of Chriet,Scientist

F PHTrrpont * Lincoln AresacsIn Ruthrrford. S. J.

F.r»t Cfurch of C*rnt Sei.rUi.t. ofBMton. Man

b u n m , Scrv.c* at 11 A. M9 -••< u tri S ,hOB» S- h.<J« . ! « • . / • * j BvpniM \:- . ;.; *; at • I I

o'. link ftt * t • i-^Ilnion:>'i> of Cbn»-(••»• S . f f n r i - h m l l n n « r . - K i \ r a

at S SO L mSunday. Septernber 7—

915 a m Sunday School.10 30 a <:. Holy Communion

will be celebrated.T p m. Junior Young People

Society will meet at the ChurchTuesday September 9—

a p. n. Church Council'Meet-ingThursday. September 11 —

2 p. m. Ladies Aid Meeting.

Policeman's FatherDies At Age Of 70

Biaggiu Danza. 70, of 49 Sum-mit avenue, died Monday after abrief itlnen Born m Italy, hesettled in New York City 45years ago. and had been a resi-dent of Lyndhurst 20 years. Hewas a retired mason's helper and• member of Sacred Heart Par-ish Survivors are his wife, theformer Madalena Melfi; a son.Patrolman Joseph Danza of thistownship, and two daughters.Mrs. Mo. .•- Btinftiuinu and Mi»Antoinette Danza of Lyndhurst.

Mrs. Mazurkiew.czMrs. Ludwtka Mazuikiewicz of

327 Newark avenue, died Mon-day on her 74th birthday at herhome after a year's illness. Bornin Poland, she had lived in thiscountry and in Lyndhurst for 48years. Her husband, Joj n. died26 years ago. Mrs. Mezurkiewiczwas a member of St Michael'sR. C. Church, Lyndhurst

Surviving are two sons. Mai-tin. at home, and John, of Lynd-hurst: three daughters. Mis. Vic-tor Basinski. Mrs. Bertram

couple are spending their honey- ]R Du*an Jr.moon in the eastern states andthen wilt return to the. Middle.

Michaei's R. C Church.

degrees atMichigan.

the /University of

Send GreensteinTo Bergen Jail

Mrs Frank S. Gallagher andher infant daughter, Kathleen.

-. ^ ^ — t i . -arc--at home from St.For W e a a i n g p iU!. Passaic


Burlt MarksHer Eighth Birthday

Jonell Buik. daughter of Mr.nm_. and Mrs John—I*--Burfc, - ef-~ &2

'. Ridge road,, ce|_cb_ ra ted her, eighth birthday anniversary with

Miss May belle Jan.'is. daughlei Mr. and Mrs Eugene Anten-i a P«rty given at her home r«-!of Mr. and Mrs William D. Jar- ucd, of 209 Jay avenue, have had cently. -; vis, of 344 Weart avenue, Lynd- as their recent guests. Thomas, Her" guests included Sandrahurst, has chosen September 14 as and Vincent Shorty, of Provi- Burk, Evelyn Martin, Doris Ziegthe date for her marriage to Ben- denrr. R I. who left by plane for ler. Joyc* Crankuhaw, Manonjamin Howell. of 30 Bulling Italy a few days ago: also Thomas and. Anne Frank, Mrs. Clarence

David Greenstein, 19, of 301 Springs avenue. East, Rutherford Marinellt and Samuel La Plan to, F. Hough.and sons. Eugene andHunterdon street, Newark, was T ^ ceremony will be performed of Providence " Randall, alt of Lyndhurst.committed to the County Jail a t U*-e Westminster Presbyterianlasl week on a charge of atroci- Church, Lyndhurst, ^t 4 p. m. byous assault and battery m con-- in* P^or. R e v Howard Ein tonncction with the shooting of his , Friebely.cnmnaninn Dnnalri PauiHv 9ft nf ' MiSS JarviS has i M l

panski, and 13 grandchildren.

Mrs. M. Gerlach Mothers'Club toSponsor Activities

illLe Richard Jarvis. biothci of thebride, and Frank Provost of EastRutherford

Mis Margaret Gerlach of 255Page avenue .died at her home Mrs William J Vavrik. piesi*<»n Friday night after a year's dent of the Mother's Club andillness. She was born in Austria, the executive board and financecame to the United States when$he was seven years old and hadlived in Lyndhurst for the past

"CVirist Jesus" is the Lesson-Sermon subject for Sunday. Au-(.:;•; 31.

Gulden Text "God sent not hisivyn iiilo the vtovld to condemnthe world, but that the worldthrough him might be saved.(John 3:17)

Sern.en Pas^ases II om ttieKine James version <>f the Bibleinclude

"Behold, the days come, saiththt Lord, that I uill raise unto1

l )a\ ic i righteous, Branch, and aKuttfi lhall reign and prosper, nndshall execute judgment und jus-

-tic« in the earth." (Jer 23:5 i Cor-

Reed Memorial UnitedPresbyterian Church

Stuyvesanl nvar ValleybrookRfv. Donald T. Kauffmaa,

T*. M "

lommittee met at her home Fri-day afternoon when plans for thtyear were di&cut&ed.

Present wertfMrs. C. J. Qoetzci,Mrs, Frank Zimmerman. Mrs.Virgie Groos. Mrs. L'lmont ADiehl-. Mrs. C H. Biondi. Un

Aug. 20, while the two and an- o r Joseph Howell will jerother friend were shooting r a t s brother as best man Ion the township dumps.

Greenstein was held at policeheadqu;;rtei s and there ques-tioned. He and Joseph Shear. 18,<>f Bcrgcn street and 16th ave-nue. Ntwark, told polrce theshooting was accidental.

Casstdy's condition at Hack-enack Hospital was said to begood.

£i> years .She was a member of St. Mrs, Frank Zimmerman. Mrs Mrs Adolph Moller. of 378 Sec-

Matthews Evangelical Lutheran Virgie Groos. Mrs. L'lmont A -,nd avenue, had as her recentChurch and the Ladies' Auxiliary Diehl. Mrs. C H. Eiondi. Mrs. guestx her mother, Mrs. Phoebeof Barrmgec-Walker Post of the Edmund Burke and Mrs. Chattel MacMahon. of Westwoud, and her

sister. Mis William Wagner, ofRutherford.

S4S SUjveMnt Ave.RL'thtrford 2-51M

Bible School claiat 945 the morning of Aug. 31The Men's Class will discusPauls teaching in Romans 7 and8 relative to sin, sanctificatiopand security.

I Believe in God the Fatherwill be the theme of the sermonduring worship at 11 am Thiswill be the first in a series onThe A-BosWes' Creea.

Amet lean Legion Stan.Survivors are her husband',

Adolph J ; one son. Harvey A,;two -it.-:- Mrs Theresa Hen-wood of Lyndhurst and MisTina Vowp of Yonkers, and one

will 1 .tn brother. Adam of YonkersSexyicej were held Monday af-

ternoon at 2:30 at the CollinsMerhoi tal. 253 Stuyvesant ave-nue, Lyndhurst. the Rev. GeorgeF Mullei .pastor of St. Matvi.» •.-.-- \AI\-. • ; JM Church, olliciat-ing Interment was in HillsideCemetery Lyndhurst.

Lorraine HannaganObserves Birthday

•Wrai ,ng in part a human formtthat ,s u it deemed |o mortaview, bemR c^eTved by a hu-man molht '. Jesus was the med-lator between Spirit and theflesh, between Truth and error.

which Rev. Kauffman preached\ th« first ?** *» *«* i ? I 1

t t ew ^ d "Memorial Church, wffl be ie

j n»Bht a t 8 P m

Our etiurch cnrdially welcome!aU »n the (vlUm-ship <»f preach-

; Mrs. Richard Rei«er, of 33QLincoln avenue, has returnedfrnm a vacation stay at Phila-delphia. Pa.

Mr. and Mrs Nicholas Servtdeowith their ion, John, and dau^h-ler, i;..-. Mane, of 103 Ridgt.-road, have returned from thenVacmUon sv>ent at l^yallelte

Lr(rraine Hannagan. daughteiof 5tfl Octavia place, has jusimarked tin 8th birthday anmveisary , The event was celeb; atenwith a party given by her mothe:at her home,

Carries were played A largitake was used as the table ccntei -(fttece when refreshments u-er<"served Then1 wiTt flVOfl Wi

; Guests included Willwm Fj Gal.agher II. I»nnld Brhmidt,• Arlren Schmidt, Joan Skolaki,I Joyce Savi^ilu.' Barbara Thome/and Ellen lUnou^A'



If you start laving today • • •

and make a regular deposit

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Mwta Wtnl Otpwl Insi/rwu Ce'poutioa

N O T I C EMrs. L. Harms Has

Changed to


F A I. I. T K R M

\ r w CfiMPt Start

Day School—Sept. 2 & 8Nljht S<h«Kil—S»-pt. 8


Pi ivatc- S*Tret;u ialSleiuiRraphic - TypmR

Airounting - Couises

RutherfordSecretarial School

2 Franklin PlaceRulher/urd, N. J.

Ruth 2 7147Kuth 2 5652





Watch ( r v u l i 35cDials Rcdnishcd

i, Mm Wall h RandsJewelry Repairs

«y Bab; Shoes Brunzi'dPearls Restrunxon Nylon 50c

CROSBY• JEWELERS •io<> P \KK A \ t:M t:

RITHKRVDRI)Phone Rflh. 2-8669







Call Us, We're the DoctorsHave You Any Spot Trouble?

Such as Ink, Iodine, Lipstick,Nail Polish, Paint, Grease, etc.

Well, at Our Prices:Men's Suits $.75Boys' Suits • ' $.75 and upDresses $.75 and up

- %<• Tan Eliminate H H H Trmilile-WE CALL AND DELIVER

All Garments are Insured at no-Additional Cost

M. K. CLEANERSArlittgtun KKarm 2-6216



F A lllrtititiful



. L D R E S S E S :

Plaifls and I hnnihruy*S i m 3 to 6 — 7 to 14


EDNA' 221) Stu\ti-ant \ \

1 Be*l nf All Onlv


"«"• 1 ynillnir-l

Kind. r(.,r.l 2 r.STH . 2TT Rnlgr


Hrm. \ iiur Prior

I amp.

I ril>- Miitt -|.ruie- .n.l Matin'rn.l FaUn

12-IKt t."»'>

T..W 2.**IIICXI 23.JH

• ( • ) .


M l 1U V \ \ STt . t l . » \KI»Kt»Ht->

Page 3: Schools' Opening Set Wednesday, Expect A · narhie road fr»m Uttle Ff i ry to Pateraon* Plank road, B Dedication ceremonies of the j |ij oonachie $123,400 and gend lque at the River

1Al<;iSt 28. 1947 T H E L E A D E R PAGE THHKE

l l f League Play er VisHs Folks DrawbridgeOpening ftTalkTaple

Cortunuters W.irf Sp«iBClosed During DayTo Speed Tr««ie

More About Money tw.N w

Is Approved irr ,rf th«-it . f i i.,, :••'••*

chauma* of i > building

V * - way ' * *s ..'••• ' •'• la*t weekfor Miti*-n»i;i ••( t< <- « ranch 'uvt;r the $1,873 that \ » u found in-a Lyndhi.rsi c v u i w s fwrn* i»ftri , _ . • . _ . r V i a j A A t r * » t t h AnlhtW) C»|*i»*>

hf ithut II ^.iurfian ami. w^ m. Buildinq -tHan Holo> At* c»pav«T~Tvi*ph f"»v*t« INTthklM!uyt^

hawaMrr^Ulh.'.s' * • • • • " • * ©* F o f ^ r t••••in' - us •ulminisltaUM t i l . U>e. )rVaf V # t testato af thr dead 'man. i ..»LanfiW-at TVtrmuo. 'and Sum. .• fhrrr fc*re t»» ma*** MttrtaMg*rte t>»n*M (? Dutkfctr apj*r*vrtt a i thvjne*tuu *rt Gw«Mtt R».«tjl

Mrs phitomfna Dilta as affrniri -ki Was* pw* uf ihr Vvtarats ofistratrix Richard Pttr n*i> w'Mrn K !*-itn W».> IK-W l«*t «f«t> at

Ctnv irM tin a PtfJtaWCVKM t»u ktir.t pr««i.ani

•that M a^ u»i lit ialist *'*iiUo U« ( M M A ««•! >»••

1,1 -M4tton i»: »< •**

- The War IVpurtment ha»i sktnl I.i do** f i — H and Hack Ditta* *un

i ensink Rivt-rs to a a w l naviga- Tlie money-KM baao h«-M by #ytion twic* daily m order to rlim- Police Q' ipf l**tto Ba>rr*>( L>ix1 ,tfin.ite wvt-ibt tiaffH- lx>Uteneclt* h u n t a t H f i t lunwd up front "ancaused by the openm« ol draw- among K>I»H i j u t W h m ,lh«- 3 a r

i .•!!.•.-• -i.i s*.i ihr nmming and rwnm shantv.»»n M i i t r w ' m t H M Mevening rush hour* . • 'fejf Mr* Dilta. , . . , , : i / • . : . . < • • - | \

• Colonel W F H M M A S t r i c t *' h t*»iy i ! * fostff

.* .r- t » i V . n- ICci k •>* Jair«P» f%crr.fcp

C K - v r 1 0 0 t M - t u - U h « w . . . . -b«vit i:.!.;u.M h« th« tl.-i T.t»th«-»

EmploymentOffic* Cioied Mon

«• i 1 i n ul

i iua t l * • : H o H h 1

1 ' - E. 1 >.. •^isn*n.r«»^t tndat)

f ' T i i "i~m a*n"^ « -wlMt tv«li

m cuui« win

nation'« hail».n-»«A mland wa--^gatajui^ngian—Ni.v he_)»lj«—nfrirratrr^.teim^l J.H< me i.i.tM Bmt^,~tir»i Im TTivf7«pir.YniejirT ftaaaaa | J J H u r l w utcrwaytj held a publlr hearin«j>n l»v»a to have hren her.son b> ^g , m , . , ! r „ ,» t».l. ,( t,, pro- c.mipenaal|a«. !»er\ icrnwr. . R# , aaJ M<a« la ?••» a»"* . . propM.1 l..s< » M and ratf « « ' ' ' » ' " J » 7 * * , beeH «• the ve.y n,. . luiu.e A. .. i ,u , , ,«.m Alk. . . ,«r ... Ma \ paaraWT^W I * . la*»lthai the~W.,, Plan Uttm. <*at-1 Jj« ',» " f " 1 " . »froW«< '2 j * " j VWM>» <»» liam p»Ua»-j | -A« i«a«'i Ke,.»tvC..K«> H e n r i , < V ITTIM ikal a r . ~ l i>~>M..n ..n Ihe mailer rould .be en- " ' " « . , jU.-im-jr, J.«el>li A Fe>l.i |1^,1<4,-, I w r , , » « » . „ „ . ,,.t,.«t , ) „ , « , , . , . .m| l u r t^l .» „.. , » b_i fc.iu,- « , . . » - .,KHt,J w.thin 5 or 6 week*. , ! u " " » ""•'"•> " ' " >» «1V1 " >" .,1 buiMint I V - «.11 U M u.l vu.l la thr rmufcwntMM ,.f / * F x . .

Th,- r l«m« of three brWfe, J" ' " ' ^ ' ) ' • ' * • • ' ' « ^aw « . ,.,»„ , , M , w . ^ ,„ „ , ( 1 . , , . ( u t . , „ . „ w B 1 H w i ; m , ^ . .., „ „ I ^ ^ <—tlui in* the p. uk traffic hours was ' ' •> » t»»'"«> J» l>v » leei . . I I I * ., u.Us

Polish Women to Me«f but Win J»! M b

in* the p.-.lequesterl in an av>v>luatit.n bythe Maplewoot! CWt A«a«iation;.nrl receivad t ie en(iorsem*-nt t*fPublic . Service Co-ordinated The Cir. 1. ,.f Poli.h Woman. a«mt*ut» TiwreTi»nsp".rt th. IVIoware, Lai*a IQroup 7s:i if,the Polish WoMn'o "" leattwi i «»» of lh.» •«<.»•wanna i.n.l Wmtern Railroad Alliance of America met laat ' m " " iMarmral uf tl>. fan.l tin- pninu ip.ihties «f Mont- werk in St Mithwl'n . Hall Be ! Plan^ *t#i> •• .. i . th. e.e*iliul. Dover. Mouis.m ami Bloom- 'auae numv \.f t'.e membei> an j ..I * ballr.-HU. «

"ti .Ui J..<<ph —Hairuor. -ol-—two t «* i .v - faMl iv-aun^. i TM.irrtrn—it jil....Ktnl.-ul Uir M i . ^ i n r ^ B-unil of Public Utility waa .i alwet- mn tiw^ Th.. grma>jal u u*t< > .tale Furwfc i» \ . . t-e.-»CommiuHinen also sided" with « rendfna a ileUiiale i., the N» iIhe ijpj. luj.r.t I.Mii.1 C nventiun .n.1 Uvl.l. i

II i • « "«• A , * J H »

fr»l «iUl lf« and eii.i/V.i.i. M-ih.n* *gI the j.r.«. ni »,!! {,„,( i ; „ „*( ,„ ..pen J t ' . itill alx '

l»r I'anl I . SUl*I'/ *. f*. ft i .1

.,'•*», Ilie ' CUy '" ' : 7 U ' hndtf? be ilnaed

Sam I»»ntf. il,,p n t a « ricl.1) N.>rth Arlinrton's gHt laal h r w t l i b I h

Ramsey Teacher Sponsor ShowerHt H d F M D

of thl i]i n.ratfve M-lieme in pink.At'.to M\I( bhie. A sh'.wer .»(ti eamera .fell from, the can over

I to siTI navigation Mcepi, m.nt owri.-rt » iaH* b.twe.'n Ihehoi r- n l l H .11.1 V «. In and 5and t 4f> pin t.n »wk 'l-'vs.

Colonel Heaver, however, *i...ithat the Wai Depai Initial a deunion wrfuM !»• appli.'i.hhilo a\ldv:.whi niK. s over the Pjssaic Rivera and over

i Newai-k Bjy

\, 11 rfiTW; • | wi'ir made I V tNi* N«*w(in k Chamber "I Cowunwpte. a| number nl shippt'ry. urnl s*»wralPaw.'aic Rivrr n-niinunittt** in*

_ major iragurK. vprni a iru ncludtnfl Ptteraon untl I',.- .... J...urs at home rwnitr> in brtwven Hiwifs uilh th«r New Vavfc %'ankrrs. A< c-.,mpjii% me him were St . -m «M South ••! Trn*fly, thuir

thrw im-mlifrs ol thr Bu.lon K«-d So\ sqimJ. <I to r» M l»rlUKrini. shovtstop: fcd Mrl.ah, calchrr: man of th. SUta Hoaid uf N«vtand ray Farter, afaa • t itchrr. I h • l>. (,t. f»niil>. (bwttwm photo) ct l . rrrd to wflromr Mam 4i«mr (ntion. alan oBpowd IM. aropouil,Seated, are Mrs. l»fnt<- ami Ham. Standiiu U, to r.i are Turn Mary. * Uartrs. Sadif, Margaret. 5» KlymK ttnii ttw (losing Ol i*».Ncph, Ann and I^iuKr. "< .luli^ie" i~ reclining in ihr (an ct >u>itl Ihr Red Sox p|j> thr Vankx in Nrw drawl ndfv by the,- army wouhlYork attain on Sept. •$. - by Galloi mrrinfle <m i»"..' BtaU'a wvrrt»gn.

useful ;im1 beautiful KiHa ! We»lry W Burden «f iho M* (

Hrstory Head ' For Miss Dasler ^CI^'J.-^'C^I^Z' ^ \ ^ ' ^ ^ { ' p h ^* . , _ " e w T«rK. J U ^ F t ity. llnijji U l l . v showing what h<- <1e.»rril>rd

lu-lii. Palisade Park, K^iiiny. tiat1 •'.--,- ih.- i n •Mini rifluvs rauwdDr Leon H. Csirfielrt. Rrrmwy, ; Miss DoiuW.y Disl.-r. daughter: risen. East Newark. CailmtadV ILl \,.™ 13^ hi«hwa. . 1 , . no

. has been appomtid head of the of Mrs. Fnd Da*ler of S90 Forest Rorhelle Pa.k. Lyndhurrt and I ™, " ) \ " „ fTequTiil " w n l n i "fhistory department ol Kaiileii^h avenue. w»u R.iest at honftr at a-^ewtaireh. rtrw York.Dickinson Junior College. Ruth- aurpriac mi«'ellane».1» ahmrerierford, it wss annountvil ivwntly nv.n M h.i home nn Saturday Mi .ml Mi l . Clareme Vandenby Edward T. T "Wilhims, iha.r- . venuiC llost..KSes were her sis- 11,-uv, | ..r.,1 ron. Rnherl of 2»i . „,man of the- hnar.1 of trustfes and lers. Mr Prtriek Walsh of Rean Willow avenue. - have relurne.l " ' I , . ,. ??H , "o..,. I,,,,.Sidc.nt,,f,l,,I;aM,bertPh.,rm- ny ..,,„ Mr, Dan;,-1 Marfino of f , v U , a l , , , n ,„„„„ „ „ , ' | ,,,V-.- i , ,',... r.,,,n,ount I h .atal company. Dr. Caafield will i.-.-pihurst. and h( r wstrr-in-law,(In special wmk at thr mlit-pi- m Mr Chuiles Daster uf Kt>cnelU>th<» evalimtion <if ttn- tewhinn af Park,n MBformin« with the new policy -A * " ' n n B r n n * M lh<> r ' n t e r

uf the_ txiard of trustee* to »*ni-phasiz* tht««» u ptj u ol historywhu-h mnkc fur P'(MK1 citizenship, ;

thi1 tat patknges (untatimng manv-Dr. Catifi.-M rr.-o-vrrf his A. B .

<U'8i eo it Symc i- Un./t'isrt..lit* is a irwJtiatf" • ' the t-yi a. ••->«•l'mver*<ity 'Law Srhool: .mri In-recatved his F'l) I)', .it cbtumMnUniversity H. •• . fnr-rlwith the College of the City ofNew York Dt Canfield is tin

' r-inripfli iUtlir- "' Thy I'lUtod- Statt»s in the Making." He is a

mtfntWr ol Phi H. i; i Kuppa ..n-!Uw American Hi i ra-il St*i«-ty.

Wtlham (i RoUitstm. Crnnf.ird. N. J.. has t <•< n appoint, rtHI lountmy instructor in Ihe IHJMntH>s admtntsti ut»m > pj-\'i rut >>Fan I with Du'kiiiMii Jvmmi '. "IIrtf He ' recei\ ed his B S. :.•Kiner fbUegtf, Tr« nt ,t. ,.n<! hiM. A. ut TesrhrrV r.,:l.-.'r Pnurnbia Univmil I!- «-a f<»mrrK M " txir u Hillye, Ju-n,or niwilf . H ti ti'ttttf.vt t-nti

M M . Joseph Cohr, *»f S3S Woari

.v ! iU\ -V. ' \ \wir l WAVHI it travel u«./rrt-einn lands. Or ' thr i l l ing •dvrn ture oloiig newfrontier* in err»'tro*ti<». uvuiti.*n. mrdtral acieiKe.Perrui[M tl.<- chiifKe to learn .i uM-ful, M •-!' •'• fckiil.

I f you are ]H to 34 ( 1 7 with -parent!* cooarnt)oml othan»U» qualified, you can tfe-f ittrm >// m the

J R. t'iil..i Army. Y m . it'» true- onlv 3 out uf 5 opolicants are JJCKXI enoujh to inajce it. "nurt mrmuj ruu i l



List Your Houses For SoleWith Us


/IMMF1IMANS nl'I'S Mi \ lil SA I ! il I. •

A Tiirely School EventLook at These Swell Boys' Values


SLACKS\ I t t H |i i UHIH

21: I. 27' o i l li> utilar-

' i rtiurnv I. <•*» «!•

M , I I . I M . s C O .

M l W . . . . I v | . . . u .II . 1 - I , . . . ' I , I I

« A I I . . L , . .. 1 . . . . I > . ! . . !

. I., J:

Tlua. «uud toukiiia twttoA-haika r m fur teen acer* eonMa In "• •parta. Ric rac maXea a t i.l .ifui r u-in« fur M|nare yoke. nerkiliM andIMWT i tocm- two bow* perrb atopthe front , : •« ! * A >. w<t at .a froek

Pattrrat N" M U la for anea ;o,I I . I I . U. 14. 15 and' I t . Mlae I I .blouae. 3 >sr.u - r » or sa-!neh:• a m I S *-- v. 2' . y«fd* ric>rae.

M-I vi- y uur country with an uutftt you can Vxr pruud • •••

Study the pay churl bel.nw "fliat pay it clear.

You don't pay a cent for fnnd. !<«;'. clothing.

Sound good? Then net the lull factt today at y«ir

near«t U. S Amiy ftrttuitmt Stutiun

NIW, HIOHIR, M..... lay— "~** *""*"

ARMY M I N T-fc«-«i "~a— ..,ni«< a'1-. . . . • - . - • > * '. . . « » . •< i w ta. . • - . .» • « - • I « I •»

» ! • • • '

H I aaI/* Mi

m-i mi

U S. Army

I •



SWEATFPSI.,.. 1'i.ll.w, I., M.i.


S A L E !co«itOff

JarVrKe r


il I"

H.. M M I r.

I.i1 I I i t ' .

I - I l.« I I I

ZIJT merman's

tie 1 i'">l>lll'>»»»t

• fcl 111 • i l ' / I I •>• l " « l " H ' i « «

<M H I H i l l

Tomatoe* 3 Ibt. 2Sc|

Na I I .....l . la .1.1


\HM>"I I I - M M i l l l l / M i


Sugar Cured Smkd. TonguAt Ib. 4ScLag Lamb (SeriMine Spring) Ib. 59cCorned I W ••••»•'•- "••k t Ib. 59c°ot Roitt jBonvUsi Chuck) Ib. 75cChicUni (Roattmg Frying) Ib. 49r

• u II I III -II KM I I IiI KM »!»«!

CHICKENS ^-29-il ! • •III MM M <>l i I i I CM i

« i..i. M >i H..I » l . i .

Turkeys 69f 65C

I' •• I B«aM C«n I <• f . etun i( l «ket Iq ) l c »,!.,,. . I..,l4r« I »,,».M..I ..... II..-.I CORNNo. 1 e«n t

C'ar> > e. i - 2Hour p*t, ISt »lfl<F . , „ « , , „

WVo,. 9 . - . , No 2 Ia " • 1 .


Page 4: Schools' Opening Set Wednesday, Expect A · narhie road fr»m Uttle Ff i ry to Pateraon* Plank road, B Dedication ceremonies of the j |ij oonachie $123,400 and gend lque at the River


From Commercial Leader Fil«

Recordar John J. Breslin Jr., rounded^ouTlen years Thisas the local police recorder.

The local Chamber of Commerce staged an all-star vaudevilleshow at the Riti Theatre to raise money for the milk fund for Ihepurpose of supplying milk to underprivileged children.


EDNA SAPHOREHome Economies AivtterT

Public Service Electric and Gas Company

All Ihmt U n > Teas Emery.Mlia I aUforr,l» 1947. U Inter-ested In. Hie I » I . Is tettlnrhither ktanlBi. Sttecua toappear In the M I H AmericaPweant |n Atlantic City thisEftoartar, she's II and In hersecond year at Salinas (Cal.lJunior Collefe in her hometown. She wants to co to thet'nlverslty of Caliromia. but if» fellow .from Hollywood romesaliuu with > hie. fat'nntracl . . . well . . .

With the largest organiution the members of Court LyndhurstCatholic Daughters of America are receiving congratulations fromtheir many friends in Lyndhurst bn the honors they received at thefourth annual rally of the Courts of Catholic Daughters of BergenCounty held Sunday at Villa Claire, Saddle River

A son James Allen was born to Mr and Mrs. Albert Mullerof Third "avenue at Passaic General Hospital Saturday.

• • • • •In* the classified advertisement columns:For rent fi room apartment 12$, to desiratole tenant

' For rent apartment on Page avenue, 3 rooms $14 per month,,-pply Click, Ridge road, Birth. J-III5M.

Blind Pal of Gl's Visitor

•MckUs and ReliaheaFortunate are the ssrdeDers who

have an abundance of vegetablesand frutis for plrklins. Their mealsne*>d never lack variety.

Pickled peaches with fried chicken. spicy relish with veal, tomatoeaUnp and meat loaf, sour cucum-ber slices and Ash are only a few ofthe many combinations that makeAm«rfcan meals so goo4.

The making of good pickles andrelishes depends upon the qualityof the "products and the quality ofUujtlckllnx Ingredients used. Vese-t*b\ea and nuist in- fresh.

Jimmy Osborn looks like anyother blond, rotund youngster,but he's an accomplished pianistat the a^e »f 12 although he hasbeen blind since birth.

NOTICE O F ELECTIONTownship ol Lyndhurst

•>WnK l i l ac** of thi-Ir nr-spe'-t ive d t* -•li t? for t h - pflOBOM of I."IdiriK a


November^ 1947

* juBiU-fw «;f \U' l ' .»- • - ( lu l l t « r m )



!!• KlutiH K c e n t e r l ino RldK* Road• rid D L. * W K. It I.lna. northmr,-! i-Hcterlv ..Imii; An id ltn«- l o Val ley!-i.-•« Avenue ( S m i t h St . ) tu H a c k -• TiNai k Rtv«r, t o (fni).« tfi-nl A v e . t or:ni.'f I:(nid to point of lif-KinnlnEl I'IK .'!»••••. CoHinibus laHioM. U k «• nd Suuinflt ,fcVf!"

SECOND DISTRICTFcKlnnina f*l,«H.< Ave I' L * W.

R l: IIM* wi i. ili tu Val ley llr-.okAvr .Hiiiiil, tit 1 to Ha.'kr-T)M.rk R |v -•r wiuth t o Mar.

Mass. .a school for the blind.Besides general education, he

will have an opportunity toStudy music at th* school untilhe is 18 years old After that hecan continue with specialized

Add to Jimmy's .musical prow- | m u s i c n u d y u n t ) 1 h e y, v

Besides playing the- piano Jim-my composes selections for it andmusic teacheFS claim that th<boy has unusual talent He has ]a|5peafetl as guest artist on sev

ess "adopted fathers'1 that run, into the thousands and you mustagree that Mr. and Mrs> WilliamMcKiniey. 659 Valley Brook ave-

tht t n u c - had *r\ unusual guest aitheir home last week. pf

eral radio programs and made arecord with Jimmy "Schn«zzola"Durante.

Playground(Continued from Page l l

Jim arrived at the McKinleyhousehold en Monday, Aug. 18with his parents, Mr. arid Mrs.A. E. Osborn and his sister, MIR;V-.U-rie Osborn, to renew a wartime friendship with Mr. MtKinley, who served with the 387thBomber Squadron of the Ninth l r a p b o o k m a k t . : u p . built onAir Force in England during s o n K s a n d historical event* andWorld War II. | a h o s t n f . o l h e r e v * i l s and activi

Mr. McKinley, who arrived in i ties.Engjand in June. 1943, was one I In addition to the activitiesof the first American soldiers the j above mentioned the playgroundsOsborn family met when his out-j carried out a progiam of inter -fit moved to a base near the Os | playground and soft and hardballborn home in Romford. leaRues, horsesht* league play.

Members of the bomb squad- The Playgrowid All Stars com

linn and at,the right stage of ma-tority. Pirklin« inftredifnts. Binh

delermlne (he flavor of the product.Apple or rider vinegar is noted

for its fine flavor and ,1s preferredexcept for light colored product«wuch an onions, cauliflower or pear^for which while vinegar is UBPCI.Coarse or bag 'salt is better thantable nalt, which commonly contain* a ml) !;iii(" to k^ep i; from-raking. Sjilce^ ire generally usedIn combinations. Whole spiceswhich may be tied fn",r~tfDnr"bagare hotter than ground spines,whirl) darken the product; then,too, Ihe bag may lie easily removedwives tlit. j>lr.lsle* acquire Ihfi «»icjflavor dosired.

Mixed Sweet Pickle.2 CUPB salt 1 ianre KTe2>/i q(s. ' 'water pcp'pe'r.'se

mnall «hole and slicedt,}. mute i a 2 red peppera.qt. large

limbers,K i n - .1

. | [ s m ; i i i

wtUte onions,Slicedcups greenbean* rat in'n\ inch piecescauliflower,broken

seeded and* sliced ' '3 qts. vinegar•-, n. urown

sugar4 tb*p. black

mustard needA tbnp. white

mustard seed% tap pepper» mnall slirkti

H o n d ,

p o i n t <•< l '*tii i i i , t,u!.-•>• u l n ftrliool. KldKC1>y B r o o k A v * .


. easterly to Itld|:e Uwidi. n« ns-.i- !> Kivt-c k Avi

• . north tui].i<K I'l&ce,

i Av*



F*Ki«TM DISTRICT ^RofftnnlnS i R U I ami Klrucaland

Avr* . »-a»t lo Kldff* Roud, M.uth toT m K><k A>>, • ;.*! i.. H..< ki rinacU

north t<> Uuilon Avi , wwt t-. Kifthwi-nt .to

hHt ,'•hadP l l l

k\t Hi r"'«". of t'fKlniiln(.. in4c- WsablfistoB School.

«, K'rng. Bummer AstFIFTH DISTRICT

I'ftMalO. I U M I HOUtfc I'i. »a»t to Cht>«" Avw. in

in point o-f t><-K^n1i»s-a, RoMrvrK Hehoo], ^

• IXTH DISTRICT«f(tlnnLnir «outhfrlv llti.. D I , * .

H and Chan* A w to l'i.«c AvSl A th

Ton soon became acquainted withthe

pleled a three same series withthe Rutherford playgrounds.Jimmy and his ability at

piano. They marveled at his I playing so'tball in midget, juniorplaying, Mr. McKinley said, and ! and senior age groups The van-soon took to having him at all' OUJ playgrounds played Ramcstheir entertainments. j with other town teams

A move started to "adept"' the! Through the cooperation ofboy and at thp age of nine Jim-'' Harold Stunt , the playgroundmy found he had acquired the children were able to swim freewholt U. S. Ninth Air Force per-1 a* t h e Lyndhurst Swimmingsonnel as., a father" Many of- \ p o ° ' e v t ' r V Wednesday morningficers and enlisted men of the 1 throughout th.- summt-r stasonEighth ^ i r Force also took an I A t variom tim«>s the manage!interest in the boy.

Sent to V. S. SchoolJimmy had been playing at

Red CiUafB clubs and theatresthroughout England for sometime when the air force decidedit would play the role of fatherto a greater extent by providingfor his education A fund wasstarted and enough money hasbeen collected to send Jim to thePerkins Institute in Watcrtown.

Spiel' Sedan in Crash

W *£ I

:t.Kh IlkhMl. Krrn 'and

*E>*a\NTM DISTRICTinn* northerly Hn« 1>

R t M l I t l

fd B-lv to 7j*k*>,-liiKBton \ \


S'l)* " '

* v .


Idflfl111 *

• o f* undEIQHTH

• ••.» Ruthi l » fHiulh

1'. I . Kinnt Avi-

t . W««l tr, T<l*.t-*>i'- Rtvr-/

Pla.nt to pnln" • JftffTt



-Ttr.rrt A

W It. rciithmUtip A

HI. ftehw

• C Ty



fit.1 .


to tH>lnlJf(T*T(ionAVWUM.

« itTonttn**


A sedan driven bySpies. 277 Travers place, Lyndhurst. and a sedan driven by Jo-seph Bashko! 168 Jackson street,Passaic, were damaged at 1:3SSunday afternoon in an accidentat the intersection of Patersonand Locust avenues. The rightfront fender and bumper on Spiescar and the left side ol Bashko'scar were damaged.

At 8:30 Saturday night, a sedandriven by Joseph Hobbe. 71 Jeffersnn street, Passaic. damugedthe rear left fender of ;i parkedsedan owned by Olga Boh it/, 281West Pasiaic avenue. Rutherford,near the coiner of Wellingtonavenue and Union boulevard.

of the Ritz Theatre invited th.children to attend the moviesfree. Thanks J*re extended inthese men for their cooperationin helping to mnkr ours a KUC-rt'ssful pruurarn

On the hus tup. although theYankee-Detroil game was calledoff. the children vuuted theBronx Zoo, many f«»r the firsttime, and "had themselves an in-tt'restmR afternoQo.

In view of thi- success of thecompleted season, the play-

'ground system ha? more thanHarry C J u s l i ' l e t * «t»l l and has earned

rootDissolve salt in water. Add veg*>

' tables sod let stand overnightDrain. Wash vegetables with freshwater and drain. Mix vinegar

; brown ftuKur. uvuMard seed! andpepper. Boil l'i minute*- and pourover vegetables. I et stand for

. days. Drain. Heat drained liquid luboiling point, park pickles Into j iVwith -a stick ol horseradish hi t'h-cenier of each Jar- Cover with boilIng syrup and »osl jars. Yield: Approiim&tcly 8 pints.

Tomato CatsupH pk. tomatoes 2 Utp ground

- 3 rod peppers mustard' X medium 1 tbsp. whnln| onions, tut fin* allspicn' 2 el*1-!' salt 1 thsp. cloves] f4 oup migiir 1 tbHp, »*• 2 cupx vinegar 1 tsp. paprika

2 tup.celery salt

Cook tomatoes, peppers andonions loicether Without adding wa.-t>r. I'resn mixture throagh strainer

and m«:a^nr« pulp. To palp (4quart*) .add salt, sugar and spices.

'Itii i' whole apices in a bag sodput in mixture during cooking sodremove bag before pouring catsupnto tars, rook ingredient* together,except vltifgar, rapidly for 1 hour,add vinegar and cook mixture, un-it thick, Pour into hot atvrlllxed

Jars and seal. Ground spices, ex-cept paprika, will darken catsup.

Blow cooking will also Hire adark color Yield: S to 6 pints.

"BrtaT and Butter Plcklis12-15 medium » »,i cupsslt

Slswl cucum - 2% cupB Tinegar m\y • s 2 l-i cups sugar

4 ]»• j " white 1 thsp. mustardseed

1 large green M, tsp. turmericI>. !•["'• \t> tsj>. c loveaWa»h cucumbers and s l ice a s

thin an possible . Chop onions , pep->ers and c o m b i n e wi th c u c o m b e r sLnd satt; l«t stand three hour*;

drain well C a m n t M f inpgar . s u g a r •and spii en and bring lo a boll. Add

['• •.I'I; .-: heat thoroughly but d oit boil. 1'ack In hot steri l ixed r with hot syrup and seal . Ap-

[>ti)\iiii<ui; yteW: fl pints . •——^—*-*

Chili Sauce8 qti. ripe 1 tbsp. dry

tumattK's mustard1 l.-iri-i, celery, 2 two-inch sticks

chopped cinnamonI qt. mi mis, Z lbs. brown

- sugarJ green peppers. *4 cup salt

chopped 1 qt. elder% tsp. ground vinegarCiOVfSIr,,iii' h, skin and quarter toma-

toes Cook 15 minutes. Drain offinns1 df the juice Add vegetables

_ and simmer for 1%hours. Tic spices in a has.;, add to

mixture with augar, aaltand vinegar. Cook slowly for 1 %

Remove spies bag. Fill ster-| i n a ml seal immediately.

Yield .ipprnxin.atcly 3Vi to 4 qts.

Green Tomato Sweet Pickle12 small onions,

•ltcet or leftwhole

4 cupn sugar1 *v its. vinegar1 Ih.sp cinnamon1 thBp. cloven

ATTHERIVOLI Hickory Dock SchoolAdds A Trained Nurse

-On Sept. 2. the Hickory DorkPrc-Kindergarten School at ",11Ten Eyck avenue, will add to itstrained staff Mrs. Dorothy Demp-sey, nursery school teacher, whohas recently completed trainingat Adelphi College, New York, inmusic, arts and craft, child de-velopment and cliild psychology.

Parents are invited to visit theschool and learn the value of aprogressive school towards thephysical and mental develop-ment of the preschool child.

Begcjr Cummins and Victor Mature meet Vka^rat rriee's insis-tent questioning about a murder with Maad and confident know-nothingness in the exciting mystery-thriller, "Mas* Saw." ta beshown at the Rivoli on Sunday thru Tuesday. Ethel Barrymore isalso starred in the picture. The associate feature is "UndercoverMaisie" starring Ann Sothern. .


Stellato PresidesA t Elks Meeting

Otto Stellato, exalted ruler ofI.yndhurst Lodge. B. P O. Elks,presided at a very short meetingof the group, held Monday eve- |ning at then club house in Parkavenue. Fall plans will be dis-cussed at their next meetinq to beheld <5n the evening of September8th.


t ph (It lbs )

Wate1 snia I! red o


fiprinKU' lomstoes with salt.I'OMT with water and let standover iiivlt! Drain, and add the pep-(V ami onions. Make, a syrup ofii» •uxar. f.m-srur and »,>lcin K\\n vcg-table mixture. Cook gentlyntll tomatoes are tender and theyrup in t liia: k Tack in hot ster-/( 4 i i r * and M M I immefl lately.

rl#ld; Approximately ii to s qts.

follow-thru nextther facilities shallavailable

when fur-be made


T.WHTM DISTRICT| l « f h n ! l ( „> 1 CM. A . r xtrd n t l l f

. . m n A v ? - mttMih In i lln.- 1<HI f**>trvort*t i f K3»'«H«i't A--- •<»<*«< • l o o t• >. -1 Hn» ty, P p M i i ; f'l-.or. n"Mh W .: • • n A\< pi- ,i f m l "> n'llrn of | ihtj-jtintunir pullinc I'! •• ** f"r»nktiP ; ,

I K I M I M ' K I lilVaKl-TJt.Town-blP '•l-rk.

A>J»T.i" :••>-#»--•• I - i I

James Bulioch, of 125 D«-lafieldavenue, and Miss Dorothy Dunham, of Easl Orangr, have re-

M ^ | turned from a stay o( several days• U'watt I with the former's umndparcnts(T'UV?or 1 R e v " n d Mr* William Bulloch atitU\(Un» 'Cincmnatus, N, Y: -ol, Kern ' <- — - - .—

PARTS - SERVICETelephone r\\«*ic 2-6991

Mide Motors, Inc.Pawaic, N. J.

Repairing All Makesof Cars

75-79 Mhtfom SLComplete Mrlal HIMIV-

Fen«icr aiul PaintingW


Dr. John PaffOptomrtrisl and, r Optician


No Office Hours onWednesdays or Saturdays

ScientificEye ExaminatioaGLASSES FITTED

•234 STuT»«ArfT Aretroi


Free Church Decorations With

Your Wedding Order

l*ri<i'% An1 thv t.t*m\t rtf thr


314 Ridfr Road

N r x l ' l i t l l l f

S;irn-»1 U t t . i r t t l i n n li

RUth. 2-4^84

Call Fur Om- <>/ Our BriaW BaoluFree it/ ('.hnr^>

CAUGHEY'S!"The Home of Home Cooked Foods" .




Ki»r thr Twin Bfil I THWIIi.imhurciT Cheeae uith raw Onion Sandwlrh

RUth. 2-8484



PERSONAL LOANBE OF HELP TO YOU . . . T O D A Y ?You run obtain ihi* pprnonii k«n without <1rlti>. ith-mil rit|*lnjM* .unl on a - ! r n i l \ ritnfi . lrnli . i l b

Thur». (U i l l>i>i *«> •

Sahu • J••••• Dusmin

•TH1KF OF .BAGDAD". i - .

Idilii'il l>nil»l • ><"« I'u'W'rIn


Juan B**u««4t t:barl«.i« BkMnrIn


•tas .

Barbers Hut. B.H WlWin


Sin . M»n., TtWf. ^»g. *l V|H 2Van J.-lm-on Jtllir AH>-


John VSWM Gail RU-M-IT




Knl.rri Ynuni Ranitnlph * »


M H <: (> N l» I T I O N t 0

Now I Km SilurdayJ.»-it Id imrlt in


—aba"A I.1KKI.Y STORY"

with Bi l l V l i l l i . i n -

r.»lr« Thur... Kri., Sil. Malinrr3 I 1.1..( I 4rlx'tti.

Sal Malinrr I haplrr I-JESSG J\MK> KMIKS ACAlfT

>.t. Kr, |ur.t Mil Aas. 3dllrmii. (TKarfr in


i . H»n. Vim 11 S-pi. I



wMk John Vsmw

Tiwi.. Wed. ' Vpi. 24



GERALDINE BROOKSPtaMiuM] An i mi : w i o : 2 "Tl lu i i l i l l i M <>••">» I"•!'<

— tl -•!

l 'r . - inl. . | A l : 1:43 'MillSalur«lij> 2:IMI i:.t^ 9:03


4 ioiKi! CARTOONS IAUo Chapter Nn. 7"THB VK.IHNrK"

I>.>..!- tip..,, ij;M SIl.KV .1411- 1

3 DAYS Sand.) il.rn l.,c«l.vI .Milll.U.iU- M...1,1.1 I ,l.i,| Day '





M'e (^arrv a Full, lim- tif Rt_-li^iou- It .m-aflOUU "RATOB -'CMMH iw-nnl PK \\f K IWHIK-

I tu. . , , Kra.1. I,..,., .11. Slrtlina I 1...... • 1 f>

SPECIAL SALES«IM OaW Blrthatoiu Rln«»—Value* u, u ( l t j *

Lyndhurst Jewelers304 Kidp. K.iad I Onimutr Km I h,-,,ir.- < I .n.lliiir-l

LINCOLNEEAKNT Ilia K.m,. . «,ll,an

"THK V.KB-LIBERAL FINANCE VI,.... . Vri. Sal \ u « J»-M\n,,,,

\ . , , . /arhatt SrauVxr Xr-lm J.r..n.. I , . . .n



[.„• 764 J"** M... on Unp,.i(i

-..ulli. ... Harr< >VlaM

Slot X CtTY WE"

>un 11,,,i U . .1 . \ u « M• ..nlMiit. u . I alM.r

J,..n K,,i,la,nrI'alnr Knralr. I I . . I . Mar-hallHuh V> Sir l».trAUGUST 29th

Passaic Skating Rink Individuaa f a r Speakers.SUrUnc ai Dawk

Rain at t'lrarSatakr ,i Vaaj i.ikr.

i>> i .UXT ^ R H >acs. ihrw



Roller Skating"THATS. MY MANSKatm« NiithHy ~ » Vo II (10

M.ilimes Sat. Sun <St HolMtayf 2 to A

t.AMKS • PKI/.KS ,ndLOTS «»r" KIN I U..I ( .a. II

•THK• i— K... lUfjar*


V i l l a . I . . . . . In I - . U . . » Sr|Mt (HI I l l l - I M t R S T Y S

t i l VIK

Joan Branrn - tireaar) IV.k


' .. l.ralnrr

I,....,,> h... . , . T.....n.. iL.r.r

mi-: K\IH i.oi sIHIRSKYS-

i n tlnu IV- *»« W vpi LF.-ll,rr «,llia,n- • Mm. Tanur.itt



B 4 bRIVIERA PARKRoller Skating Rink701 WukiaEtat* Are.



SUNDAY7:30 PJt I., II I'M.


ATHI.KTES KiMtT (JEBSIK i l l . IT IN <>Nr H o l R .

YOt K tSc SACK.l>tr«u»-4t Tti* (•••rni' B O W *

I <>•! TK.-t'i. •< HO 4 i « | *-lor*. A.

- •* O » - - " » 7 a a , a t

Levy's PharmacyU t Stay . . . . . , , ! Ks-mmt

Page 5: Schools' Opening Set Wednesday, Expect A · narhie road fr»m Uttle Ff i ry to Pateraon* Plank road, B Dedication ceremonies of the j |ij oonachie $123,400 and gend lque at the River

THURSDAY, AUGUST 28. 1947 •1T H E L E A D E R PAGE m i

IU-B«ct CoHirnNOW TONY 4e<3l* .>ajVE9OT TO OOMK (N AND TTkKE

William C. Collins of JM Stuyvnant avenue. ha» been re

mers and Funeralelection was held

a recent re-organization menins held at the State House inTrenton.

Lute A sa-wsa/WELL act-.wwv DIDN'T V S A V


City Stadium, Pater-tha 50-lap fUss A vham-

pionships and the 25-lap Class Btitle event- will be the double A

im-werMy mid'get auto ••$$*•'• t>n the tilth of anull- asphalt oval tomorrow night.The two big r«iccs will mark theclimatic portions of the Cahfor-nia-s.tyU' racing under Promoter


TrJUrg«n Copper*b»

presented. Next Tuesday's rare*will start at ths- Tegular time.

The tint 1« in tomorrows A U •«•">«*» h" •ummonantrials will -omcele in the CUa« ""*<' '" * »""«l* rn.mlh to rmA SO-iappeT •^(Tihe^»i«eerrturTi~1r**nr'r—vwrtators Trrrr" b»Oar«MI* in'the next (attest I i n * , will <<"rin« July when Berfrn'LVunlrIn- in I t * linrup tor the CUm> B Potscr h»"<"'d « " « 7 «><*•«».» • lappet. Promoter Otto ha. m o n" ">•"•>•" •>• » " • * » « « <••'stressed thaVihrrv wiU be no •<!• speedingw n . . in price* PmhoMtT William T Ludlum

-. 1 drtvr , f •othn ir*f(u tt

•I \hvn« h.ld

iuW-il U>U. and Tl arcrr mrr ^« L O I uo Uw »h.Hil<Wr at UM


Oranges juicyCalfornia 5 ^New Building to be Eerected as Soon as INtviWr

Last Thursday evening <>ur BuildinR Committee recnvM ,official permission trom the members present tn start huilriing imrnrdiatcly. Anyone interested in submitting bids fnr this work kinHWget in tow*, with Chairman John Peti illo Next week the fommittee is scheduled to meet to select the lowest responsible bidder iNo Cost Too Great •

The recent session of Congjess refused to approve a proposalbill that would allow the government tn furnish paraplegic (para-lyzed below the waist) veterans with homes constructed for their.special convenience. The idea was advanced for the benefit of ap-proximately 2700 veterans 'ho are doomed to a wheel chair ex-Iistence for the remainder of their lives. Those who oppewwd this,humanitarian measure expressed iho fear this special consideration,for paralyzed veterans would discriminate uKainst othei veterans

.tqually handicapped.For a Greater National Guard

In a far-reachmK program to bolster the nations sagging milltary might..the Veterans of Foreign W;iis in late July iniiuguraUfi

>.H nation-wide program for "adoption" of National Gu;ud units byV.F.W. departments, county councils and posts.

Commandor-in-Chief Louis E. Stair has urged all departmentcommanders to (jive this project vigorous support Aimed primarilyto bring Guard units to at least full authorized personnel strength.the program will be backed by the full resources of the V.F.W N«tional Headquarters, working in liaison with the National GuardAssociation.

Maj. Gen. Butler B Miltonberger, chief of the National Guar'iBureau, in accepting the assistance offer, replied:

* We feel that your leaders and. members are particularly wellqualiflM for this mission and that their united support will be animportant contribution toward, national security."Wear Your ButtoT

Every Cross of Malta emblem in the lapel nf a V F W member is a mute reminder tr> eligible veterans that they, too. shouldbe enrolled as active members of this organization To help pro-_mote this basic idea every comrade in good standing should be"urged to cultivate the custom of wearing his insignia. The CraH |of the Malta is truly a civilian decoration—one that eloquentlyidentifies the wearer as a member of the only veteran organization -that is composed exclusively <>t Ameuira's overseas vets Every pns«tthat us Looking for ways to enhance its own preatige. and the influence of U M VFW aa a national vcteian fraternity, should CM-duct i|i own "Wear Your Button" campaign •Next Regular Meeting -Sept. 4. 1947

Regular meetings will be held on the first anH third Thursdaysof the month.

Lillian M Deatitnma, 3 LaciUedrive, Lodi.

I Or V^IVII D c i V I C e a t %\ ^0 anci r«*ch«« a maximum

Wachter Qualifies

Fnr tb*1 p*wl of senior clerk- For clerk-bitokkeept'i. Bergenb f» o k k.c e p e i. Bergen County. County. Samuel WachU-r »Mthree 'candidates, have passed the Ridge road, Lyndhumt. and I J Icivil service test They are lian M__r>is'»rrmia. of I<odi. werrStephen J Szot. 115 Bchley the only tines listed as qualifiedstreet. Gaifield: Laura Bornstein. Trie salaiy range is flapn. Jl.'WO1104 Magnolia road, Teaneik. and to $1,440

WIH Help BuyB.F.GoodrickSilveitowii



Now * « d m

n d that «»•«• •«»• •»«•«*urn mmt umnr am€ i

Slop in and M * our ('••'».

VATH'S TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE341 Ridge Rd. (Ruth. 2-4522) Lyndhunt


me*TKjbV in* i

Honeydews .£ZZ* 49c Tomatoes %Z 3 *• 19cGrapes ^ 2 ».. 25c Sweets •££• 3 *•• 25cLima B.ans £L 2 «-• 15c Celery S M 12c

Yellow Corn a»'.6"'««T.n<l*.

Potatoes -'-••• Open Every Friday Until 9• Closed All Day Labw Day

For Dessert Tonight Serve

t « a

HI i w


Cheese Food 2 '£- 83cMorvelous flavor. StictC, spreods pnd melts easily- '

•Dairycrest Ice CreamBraatars B S S S S S S K

Margarine *"* ,. 37cGood tuck T 5 . 40cB s 2 79B a c o n s 2Aged Cheddar


Swiss Cheese * 65cMuenster * 45cSnappy tf.SZ ^Cheese 49c

* Hickory Smoked Cheese Links! '33c* Sliced Colored American c-«« » 47c* Kraft Colored American JZ. 28c* Pabstett Pimento "Standard^'123c

Kill«d ©rod*

• Frying Chickens' up^^ibi s«rvf o A n c

"<J(.II>-;DU» Q O | O » ° " ' **T" I

chick-en dinner1

Fancy Pow ! t ; ,y (H > : i3 <


BeetS r,.i»* L *m * ' CAsparagus ct:'."^*."... 29cSiring Beans J T * ^ 17cfarmdale Beans cr,;."U. 14cSiring Beans I T 3 1 : 29cSweelPeas ^ S ' t : t9cEarly June Peas 3"^: 29cPork 4 Beans 2 ' ^ 23cPork4Beansj; t .2 ir23cBeenie Weenie v - , ' r ^ 19cBeef Hash ° - * ";~ «25c

Swift's PR E M

i- 35cCampbell Tomato


3 ' - 29cGuldens Mustard . " r t 14c

w o l 3 3

Apple Sauce *ZZ' 2 1 7 ?9cIdeal Apple Sauce "~ 1 kApricots "~^.^r^~ - 29cpApricotsGrapetruil T ^Cranberry SaucePotato Chips

r. . . .27c

or Rump«. . r

tea Bags ~? - » 3 kTea M < 0 0 — ' r r ^ Z UApple Butler " " " " ^ T - 23cWaxtei " ' , . . - 1 9 cCondensed Milk T.:zl IcPenn-Rad "Z « $ 2 49^.

Ideal Coffee

^ *- 45c4$C0 CoHcc

QQ 22 Ji77'

Wincrcst Coffee

•; :.. 37c i

Molf Apple Juice ZZ I hApple Juice " * ' - " ^ » — '9cGfape Jmce *U\'.'.TU-. ? kLemon June ",:.' J'.". I kSalad Oiessing"~ : „ " „ . I ?cPrune Juice '"","'. 'w~ 25clomalo Juice "US 3 I I 25clibby lomdlo Juice " 2 kV 8 Cocktail " „ : 14cHunt \ lomolo Sauce \Z 5cV 8 lomalo Catsup ^ 24c

Evaporoted Mt lk

-."•2 r. 23cGlenwood Grapefruit

J U I C E .

Ginger A l e "Me T ,

• Smoked Cala Hams• Smoked Conage H a m s - 85c• Hamburger Meat


Skinless Franks YoUr l A pBologna •.«•—•' «• * J l 1 4 "

Spaghetti < -~.» •.. — •«Dill Pickles "*mt l lH- 'p. 19tS»eel Pickles-^.T-r ? " " m i 5cSlutted Olives " " " . . . . 4kCtoei V»neqai T X T J 9c

Peanuh ' "*""»Pf

ftqNewloni *

10c Z'- 35c_ 3Sc- 25cl . J S c

^ 24c24c

49'Supreme Enriched Bread M 12C

mill •'-1ROSE X


2 s: 25c


. i

$Ut»i« IARGAINI Se.DI,. | .»|HOUSf HOI0 IWITITtm**•&**+> CU0KWAJH

FCod Steaks »•» 29cCod

»• 29cMankehTt*

Page 6: Schools' Opening Set Wednesday, Expect A · narhie road fr»m Uttle Ff i ry to Pateraon* Plank road, B Dedication ceremonies of the j |ij oonachie $123,400 and gend lque at the River


Local _Taam Wins jJimmy's T OJ*JB rj»

SPORTS WtttiH,Thursday morning in an extn

nnine game which was tied in,'i J in b e -

hind in th* 13th to beat the Cub:4-4.

George Bittner went the distance to give up 7 hits, 4 runs ama\so Struck out IB BaWis Mu*l£i

distance for theCubs nave up 13 hits. 5 runs and

6.rnmg the 49 ers again

Wlnlc Lyndhurst soft ball has taken rapid stud.-, in recent traveled to Rutherford to defeatyears and is still faas far as organizatiwhere the Middle Westhoweyer, and ihat is that;• benefit game last Friday

head of most Bergen County municipalitiesn goes, it is still pretty much in it infancy

oncerned. There is one thing certaininterest has been developed locally. Innight for the late Tom Albino, approxi

the Annonymous A. C. 9-4.Cubs (4>

Rubertone, II .R. Esposito, c .E. Esposito, 3bN. Longarzo, ss

C E S T T "


decided the S , Rsposito. 2bMuelle

mately 2000 fans turned out und ;i fine slice nf change was thu;;_jua4t-^vuiiublt-fm - Uw? «iut4v fleefiwl fund *h*l «-feeing raised b y t ^other members of the local force for the late policeman's widow. 1 Hariar cf

—On Sunday- -tm>t (Uo# at th*- Maim Oval, a nminl f;ame between! Morfthn Ibthe AMVETS and Corucci's Hilltops that mignt' hav • "champion-hip of the Central Division drew several hundred specta-tors, and those that did attend were treated to some mighty fineM,f!Uill. Curuttis needed the win to sew up the league and appear-ed to be well on their way with a 3 to 0 lead as early as the sec-ond inning wh«-n Willie Cai ucci dumped a single to center androde boniv «n u lonfi hiRh drive by Tony Fazzio over Jo** Petrttlo'stu.-ad tm J home run. Successive singles by Paterno, Ft ank Caruceiand Jerry Camcci accounted for the third lun of the inning. Th

3©<st Hoppers

On a hitting spree, Jimmy'sTavern softball team took thei ubtx-r game «>f a three game af-"air from the Koppers Koke clubA Jersey City by a 13 to 6 srtreSunday at Marin Oval.

Billy Casalt- led the 20"-hit attack With lour hits, while Lampeand Whitehurst had three hits; piece. Russ Kerr led the extral-ase hitters with a long home• nn while Casale and Lampchit for a triple ntul double.

The win was tht? llih stiaight(or Mush Nadolny and the 13thv/in in 16 games for Jimmy's. ,

The lineups:Hoppers Koke <6)

AB R HIf 4 2 -L



Lot+ie Dr.ate

mlo r I'«

49>r* <I3>

Van Nortwtek, 2bPowell, eC. Rodgers, cf . . .

AMVETS however, kept pi-cking away scoring single- markers in | Cuva, 3bthe third and fourth innings despite several base hits. Cmeiul put- ^ ' t t n e r - Pout :<t thud, base ami home preserved the Carucci lead until theMXth" whep tAf AMVKTS were not to be denied. Setti was on sec-ond base b> virtue of an overthrow at first when JEddje Dunn

—— J;H-ki-rt"t?fa' i!i"fitti~'PffTTanl3 gave Tt'¥"solid"~j-tde right to the«<ife of tin1 b;mk for a clean homer that proved to In- the uumc-

., • winning tally As it now stands, the league is in quite a rntxupThere will be another playoff game this coming Sunday morningi,t th. Mann Avenue Oval involving the AMVKTS, Carncri's Hill

rps .orltte Lynrthurst Rec, provided the Rec was able to post a win

LusPiilutu, ssP o f i t o , 11 . . . .J Rodger's, Ib-O^Krrfrr-rAdams, If .La Grusso,faiwtoli. If

"over the American Legion in their game last night.

Walfei Mt-lluy also announced that he mm endpnvorinft to arranj!^ a .playdft game for Monday, Labor Day, between, ih** winnertit 'the. Sunday ('ante and the team that draws a bye. For the sec-ond hall of the day's activity, Mulloy is trying to arrange a playoffgamp Ix'twcen'the t't.lurnbus Club and the Gallaghers, last year'sdefending champions for the title in the Western Division. Mean-v hile, the Triangles, winners of the Eastern Division, are standingl>y. awaiting their turn in thr playoffs for the town title. The man-af*r* uf the winning teams will br railed to a meeting as soonr fhe divnibn titles are determined and final playoffs will then

tte arranged.


A Short Fish TaleWr heard ;. huh- tale

cause it brings out ;i ver;"lire those that attack atl

view amt with thai in miripie* tti the letU r. Noware man> things to knowLyndhurst spurts but who tlcontrol, is quite ;i suif fisheitt the .spoil, briiiKinK <jut th*

Regenye. 3bMilehill rfBuUhalski. cCogtuui, pHiggins, lbAIIK<*I mever,Guy la, 2bStafford, •«Whitman, if

Jimmy ,

Siminatk, ssOscilowski. sfWl.itehuist. cCaaaJu.lL___I.impe. 3b

4_ i

4. 4


_ 23


A personal note to Joe Louis.Dear Mr. Louis:.The bitf threat. Tim Regan has

decided to retire* before havinga fight at oil. Maybe it is tr

the best'—then who can tell?By the way 1 have a bit oi a

threat'to you in Buddy Schmelingwho is a good prospect. I enteredhim in the Paterson Diamond'Gloves very vnuch against myt,i u< r judgment two weeks agoand he K O.'d Ted Sawaski in)1, < • '<. i rf I round. He looked

-so gooct Tn" fact, he

MIF» Lottie Drozdowssii, daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. , WilliamDrozowski.of 317 Irving place. .lissTtrowir August 31 as'ttre datefoi her marriage to Frank Yesa-luvick, of Eynon, Pa. The cere-mony will be performed at 4:30p ni. at St. MirhaeTs R. C.Church. I.vndh'.irst, 1 v the Rev.Walter Wilezewski




was piJ g

cked to win the tourna-But in his initial bout he

reived twourse had t'- out for ix monthsy. boy!

broken ribs and excused. Heperiod of three or

h h

There arc many things on the fire f>r the !ocal A"fVETft OnSeptember 13 and 14. many local AMVET5 will bt kftvfkUng th' Set-nnd Annual State convention v+u i. is to be held at the ftobeit

Walter Wilczw A reception Treat Hotel in Newark.'or 200 will follow in (he church j On this gala two-day affair, the eyes and ears at every younghall. AMVET will be focused1 titrtkt main purpose of the convention.

A time when all members of an organizalimv tt«T ail camftTS ofthe State meet£o discuss, plan, piorrx.te. introduce and inspire tlw

Many .AMVETS of the Lyndhurst post plan on g inR. Here iwishing al! who goes. a.grand time, and much .acrcmpltshrd.

Nick Dt.'Seno, chairman of the convention, has his office at ISThe closing activity for the Clinton street, Newark. If anyone wishes to inform him uf imy-

playgoiund at the River road thing concerning AMVffTS. write to the above address.

BUS Ride,to OlympicPor Kiddies

School wits *-bus-ride-tfr - -The-matn thmg on the- fire fwr AfttVETS though, is thepic Park held last week, with 45 r e s s n n the new home at New York "and Stuyvesant avenues. AM-persons in attendance. Parents! VETS will be surpnsecVta learn that big thing* are d t

l t d i b

Koki. cfDoyle, Ib

; Kei r, 2b: Sornniers, rf

Houfhton, rf1 Nadolny, p .


...,_ 4. 4

mat* h foI - M I kn

Hollanders Arrive

Mr. and Mrs. 'llv.-..di>r»- Redi-ker, of Delden, Holland, arrived! Score byin ilobojken Monday «>n the S. S I K. K.Veendam. for .i ehree month visit I Jjmmy*awith their son and family, Mr jand Mrs, Theodore Kedlkei Jr..!and MMI Kin. t, Duma, »n<l Theo-dore 3rd, at thr K'-iiiker I573 Kim;sland avenue

The Huli&nd coupleSeen their son in 20 yDiana Schriewr and Giker. Mst«-r and broth*

Uirret waa.act

R10 0 " "3 3 ; Whenever a fighter was out of

4 JJ 4 j circulation for two*? time &e4 ' 1 ' 3 ! would i-.lil !'lti*-a~ t line-up Fight.

He would go out of town to box(ft an amateur show which was* ailed "Bootfeg". or y "Semi-ProAmateurs," receive a fair pay for2 4 minute rounds ana .»t the

linn- get Ms tune-up.


•hildren participated in a ; happen in the home. Material is just about ready to blitom allday of real fun and relaxation. I over the premises. We must appreciate fhe raanv hours and laborSpecial awards went to Mrs. C. that our second vice command*:. Nick DeSth-io, has sacrificed in

After that watch I W. Christ and Mrs. H. L. Bio- ! order U> complete his mi»on as building lommitU-e chaiiman.i phy. Mrs. .Tohn Donten *s presi- All of us who are AMVETS. know who the men art- thy* are wui k-

A fan ! d e n * u f t n e Parent Teacher As- ' jn(j with DeSei IO They deservt a lot «f credit. There is still a lotof work to be done. The grass, and >hmbbei y must t« cut <>n theAMVET property, and maoy other littk- details must be filled. «utby none other than we AMVETS.

Loyal AMVET Joe Lotito left Monday morning for Japan. Joewill be Rone (or a period of on** year t*i fill a contract job heundertook recently. Well all miss the popula^ AMVET and hisactive participation in AMVET sctnrities. We alt wish you the bestof lutk Joe. smooth sailing and a pleasant voyage


JOEY EULO- did like to sign a new-n an amateur boxingi tin1 simple reason youow who your match may


sociation of the tctling organization.

Club MeetingOpen to N. Arlington

.The Lyndtmrst -GornVn Cttrtrf

0I ! On nm iHLUilwH I wenf up to

— iDhiil HI \ . GoBO-j for OM uf tiiAe2» ^unt- up fights, The promoter

most people in Town wfiheld u utUht- Tuwn Hall ( know what happened on Mann Oval last. Sunday morning, Mostlant week .with Thoinus Elsey, of the game showed AMVETS. th«- a«rwKor, the mast ttirpaU-niftf,presiJeht, in charge. ' ulthough the Hilltoppt-rs heid the t'lost- winning edge <»f A to 0. 3 X**

1 3 to 2, and at this point «»f the Ham- Capaceio «tru;k out withthe basos jammed oi AMVETS Thisdidnt falu-t th,- AMVET clubthough, Kddic Dunn ^Jamm^i ht^ _firs1 hmn-r i f the season withone aboard, spelling virtury for the AMVKfS..4 tu. IL --

With this loss handffl W the Carun i Hdlt..pix is it invited

, gPlans were discussed for their

fall il J\A ri ahow to beheld at the.Town Hall on S*pU mber 13,when members and friends mayflU fhtir finef4'hlooms

0112 i(K) —f;;ioo IOx—13

G o o d Citizenship

Award is Presented

wantedweighrnI wciglpickedfiguredfnatch •

lie t<» fight a ttUl fe l lowin at 127. 1 reft»aj4 for

-d only 116. He finallyi kid weighing 119 Ithat was a pretty fair. ttie Rghl was M-t.

•s, Mrst HediOf Mr

Holland, wheren underground stT|P citation by the State A

After the first round I figuredit would be a puna', but frothen on he gave

Action was recently lafcen by LvnSfmraVRee into a Tie fur firs! p!a<-«- in the Central Divi.-ion withtheofNo

yub to extend th

m-rnbi'iship toprivilege*idents of

t h

Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Vanden ,Hetivcd and son, Robert of Wil ;low avenue, are off on a vacationtour through the New EnglandStates.

dhthe HiHU.ppeis and AMVETS. Thus three teams in fust place. Theplavoffs are bj/ins urranped. Many fans liave surgesW<1 these garnerbe played under the lights.

Dwn't forfet the S«?cond Am/, i CUIKT f.»i AMVKTS next IKlober in the St. Michael*•« Auditorium


he other day that we are repeating beinteresting angle. In every spoil, then

he problem)* from a scientific point of! •''d, proceed to follow the accepted prin-in surf fishing, we are told that then1

One Bill Boher, who means nothing tois it co-worker over at MBS. AMsiter

nan and has given us many anglesmportance of the type of pole, lim

work dudore, 3rd,Institut/ .J h L

gng World Wai 11 Th

i St.p Stt


i iL

»me goingRobert Katy. son r.f Mr and i «*ver. ^r a n c j Mrs. Bert Mac Sidney. Kat / 769 Fifth street At the gyrn the next day 1 saw iOf Xiavers place, have left t«.

has been awarded a good citizen Benny Cross who w;is in trttin- ! Culver Ci-ty, California, whenneri-f ing. He looked at me. laughed they will establish their home.

through the local ' and said, "What's the matter joey . I ,announced this week [amateurs ti>" good for you?" I Mr, and Mrs. William Wnt . «.f

I him abouj this kid and ad- •>•** Vi l | P v Hi'ooV. Bvenuc, h u w ,him lo Be catcful. H

Mr. and Mrs. .Sherwood Mujin and sons, of Second avenue.p'at Ocean Grove fur a *-eefc


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V- Sheri-dan, of 158 P-tfl avenu.. quit li>marked theii 12th weddinc aianversary last week.

Mrs J o h n.I.iv uvonu

Mr and/ ol 21fned tnwi .i motor triji

New blru'land StatesMontreul. Canada

William Osser. aS<out commissioner

' Wells. I^egion postH Wack- ! made the prewntatH

have it- was a handciaft

eek^county Boyan3 I-luroIilcpfnmandei,

n. Robert, 1«.councilor at

id- said. "My name i->

and prot i-duie to follow in surf c&sUnjf and just w.hcn imd how tocast, undei what conditions and the Hke. Rill has betn very activeovt*i the course of the past decade and' has gone at the sport f•eintuply dm inn the li^t three years, confining his efforts to'j (ter striped bass from the surf As he looked biick. he recalls thathis luck has been pretty bad except for thjs summer when" he cyme (

J a y u v e n u t ' 1

back with ;i fistful of pictures showing some fine catches. The story Ihowever, deals with patience ami form as we mentioned itbovc. iThere aie thousands ol surf fishermen all over the land thai goon day m and day out. doing things the prescribed way and haveLtfUe oi no lupfc, and on this occukm, our hero had been <>ut from ]sunrise»nn the New England coast. Later in the day, another.-•npler had happened nearby and was accompanied by Ins betterhalf H»- loo, was not doing very well, there being not one strikei»i even a si«n of one. The neighbor decided to take a little snnovejt which point,~his wife, who apparently gyve signs of never evenholding ii fishmg rod in her hand figured it would b*» a good tiipt1

tu try this,fascinating spoil WisJ^a very awkward heave,' she •&&llw line into th. water with stmie stale bait hanging off the endi<f the In,nk and a pour cast indeed it was but the results?M'»st cmbai rasing Within five minutes, she had hooked a 2;pounder and then very excitedly violated all the form <>l the surf jfisherman, just reeling and dragging and to mil thv tale, landedii.<- catch Oh wi*U, women are just iucky \ guess And they*^\ if" ;. man'. world Uh ten .

hrough Camp Tamarack thts'^ummet. Heand on was made an Eagle Scout last

i Febraury. While he was at Camp• Tamard*k he earned his Ke<i

Mrs. Louis M. Kavier. u! WTtCTOBritft! S*vmg certificate. HeSecond avenue, htm as a gurst al will mt*r the senior clas-i M tha

-I,,.,-. Numinn home at Normandy [ high school next month,Be.uh Mis. f'lnl.p Quin/i-r. tif 132 ' "

Donald Penward-l Eighth slri-tt, has n

Reserve OffS'er Majm S. f' ; a vacation of twoWord ley of 23) Tontine avenue is with" his grandmolhiat Fort Sum Houston. Texas, foi Penwardcn. at heten weeks' training ' - tHonwdale. Pa,

• n . f ti46i f' "111

smirkedBenny Cross.

A few days after he fought Ivan into Itim again. His nose, lipsand leit eye were badly battered.I grinned undpened. He sididn't listen to you Joel I thought*hnt Kuy" A few months laterthis fellow that had us ju/zled.won the featherweight champion-sliip of the world. Much to oursurprise we found out he w u Bat

: Battiliann under an assumedname I don't'think that was thefirst * the smart yuy's wereout.Mi.aitfki

preturned from Atlantic C1.. . . . lUey »pvnt a vacationtwo weeks.


Mr. and Mis. Herbert Trueand family of 36 Livingston av<

deed what hap- j nue, are spending a vacation (k his head, I ' two week* at Laurelton. -

U. S. Army


AH fhet e thrill* arm youn

^_ when you own ffiif one car giving


ME CHR5TUX SCIENCE MONITOft. YOU » . » ith« bejt-inform«d persons in your comrrwrvfy on world affairs iyou r tod th. i world-w.d* da-fy n#wipop#f r«gul«rty. You wilttfch. r\rw viewpoint*, o f u l t v r , richer undersrondmg of t o d a y * t>-<ws~PLUS help 1'om its «)(Clu»iv* feature* on homemakma. «rign, bunntss, theater, mutiC, rodio, apart*.

" • • t - 1 1 D The Ch>i*tian Science Publ.shino Societyottmt V B F I 0 ^ - N » r w ° v Str««t Boston I 5, M O M , U S A .

t r t' .' t ^ is S \ tor - v.V,,t *-. f 'e _4 ^c"'O m# Th^ ii f i c Monitor tor one monlti.

Nome-.— T _ r . , . _ . „ .„ .„

Street.-....._„_.„_ ,.„.«

C'ty .'. Zone.,

IV (iarry A r«mplflrA«Mtrlin*'ilt of I'limrr.i

Fi»r All ihii




ll"l> CroM O m

K K A H N T 21157

/ mfuns intti Tkt'tr f'mhhins

The week in a National League game between thr MIon Brave:, and the St Louts Curd mala. Tommy Holmes s;.nd vht ny\\ battvi WUK drdt^rd to bunt and udyanci> him \\.- didj . . - t that , t tuiupiiu: • "» ' i'loiu'. the fust b;ise line T h r Card ina l :<•i»-iver wu- in • lie h a h u l i v I" re t r i eve tl\4.- ball and make u phi)ir,1.' In I "vl.-i l nvrti- tin- bat ter ;ind Ui tb wound up in a heap on*II,.- h i . | , n . It.ilmtv in t h r mean t ime Utf.k a d v a n t a g e " ' ' h e situ.Mull Mil t'.i,! . . I . ,UIM; lo th tu l buhe «.n Uu- pl,.y NccdU-^ Ut . ; i \ . :<t t-i (I. ' , i t . un .oh got under way on tha t one with the umpi re inI:., n.i.Kil' ..'. they a l w a y s an- FMIII bid! w..- Ihr vi i d i d riiil p rob*Uy Uu- >iiU >^ife w a v h. ' bad t.. e«4l l lw piny Qn aimth.-i *M«M-• '»n. in \U<- KnfiWni S ta tes l e a g u e out in Penn; \ Ivani.i in the nud ,

~1i\t <f a ca in i . ;i furry visiliu ca lmly walk.-ii nntn the ph iyu i rfi-!d. 11. ;.il«d sti;.iHht f'ii second b a s - and decided ii WUN a g.»od

t IJI.I- t., i.iki ., bort rest ; The visit ing m a n a g e r , I it* team m.ina• :mrt imipirt s i\^\ m l » qui te ,i disiUHSion as to whose place it wa

t/. keep (he h r l d c lear uf visitors, each cluinnnR mmiuni ty , purI . I W I H I Y in \ins c-nse fo r , ou r visitor was one with a s tr ipe down1,, hni k Tli.-. discussion caTii-d tin fen qu i t e i whi l r , and all ibislift.*-, ii . ••,(ui»- w:i- bfint; hr ld up with no 4>ne niuktnt1. a nuivc t*>f.u f Iti. unwclf nine rll<:t l ie finally Solved i h r r l l lu t - p rob lem I)Vt a l m l v >"\*ti\i>, up ;»r.H wsikinB off rais tng no -l ink at a l l '

0 h,rl,nu,h.

Hiett swrn.t football leant to bold its first.practice WflndaV,Labor D;o The buys will tuin out in the morning I-i . Ugbl < .,\- *.Ui« tiK-B and again m the JH»I noun for MIMIC inoi v <>fthe same ,!tn> Kama reportedly Melting up plitfM fm (yj.p *>( pl«yand still M-i kiiu: unothei usststtant for the backfieldIt-af.;ut..:• fi*l uiidci way'all over this area next wivV.A. C tu j.Ui!t- Sundav morning v,»>ikt>uV» and nvoatii^^tn.ri foi fall in.ii- Club expects lo enter if-crn.s in rrasa country and distance iun; Cn* fe Uildersleevi- tu math and mud*all an > of the dui Board of CommiapUonei s tin nvd down Amvet> ^nd Staililiiis •.nproti-sted games lust week To» bid thornthings happen bui it •» haid to avuid ull vonflict whoh ti 41ns arifighting for a t«>p be,rth System of h.mdlmR protests within tlyidays excellent forars up situytmn rapidly League had iIpur protests nut of 270 gomes phi\ed Tiiiit's a fine iwordUmpires >athei dissalislu-d with ttt-jtnu-nt thvy have recvivwl on.many occasions. .....sitting and watching froni the sidelines and duing a little cbinnuig of oui own. we don't envy them- The tw«

* Lucks they ,<i fur working a gaa» is no great bargain a only. BfOiVM you can call 'em as y«u iw. 'em and yet you caft'l please

em Fdotball t.iiids going Up Steadily Hiivcn't heatd fromujbtfc Boscher of late J. Wonder about the baskt-tbull CaUvfiateifui the coming year Poor Sunday yftt-itmon support last \t*arwas rather disappointing ironi every .mgK-, desuitv the ctau ,«fteuns thai were brought in to play— /

Here/ oie all tho r»nfor ihnlh of motoring combin*d in on* out-(tafKting aul.-.i- "l»if - fh« M « 1947 Chev-ulel Big Cur ityting— Big Cut comfort — Blg-Cor pewformoncev—and big; tariaft,loot 'Ttwy'f* oil -yovxt In thit oriy motoi cat givingQUAIITY AT IOWEST CO5T.

ay powwr fot any IHH - aS * •>ou II •••< w«dt Par *.»

Ch***«U1 boo in o -'v ul*« Mt Headt v p • of

n Krhniarv -nrp-«l i*r r>t

II .LU in iniil iininii-r thill -Itr ihf rni»i»r-- m . n U* m- t i rn r |*l

(vr t h e I..IIHi«« you kMfk your pMttM ee»

by brin«in« i(Wuif#> U.ltW Mfvtft,- tm. M W eMtti c* rMul.1 )M«fv«li. until vw »««wr« ••»>—» »t yvr

. h . i \ . ttioiii \ 1..

l«i nun y a m nl.ui- .tiitb.u9«' looking. b«H»f loofclwg Com* in f»f o c.mp4et» ie»viit chexk-««i NtsWyl

CHEVROLETLaird Johnson, Inc.

325 Park Avenue Rutherford, New JerseyRU. 2-2500

Page 7: Schools' Opening Set Wednesday, Expect A · narhie road fr»m Uttle Ff i ry to Pateraon* Plank road, B Dedication ceremonies of the j |ij oonachie $123,400 and gend lque at the River


, ADGDST J&, 1947 T H E L E A D E R PAGE StVtlt


menu are die moat eagerly read in Bercen County.

Convince yourielf by buying them. Through them

rent, buy or exchange; find the bargain for which you

Have been Marching. Telephone ot write your clari-

fied advrrtimirwnn to onr ofccw: 255 RIDCI ROAS,


The telephone number* are RtlTHEHrou 2-1031 and

KEAKNT 24051. (_

One insertion is §«venty-fi»e cent*.

Two inaertiom are one dollar and tweu>ff*e cemt.

Three insertion are one dollar and fifty emit.

The Leader

Nearly New ' Plillco No. 1«-4%U withI>M, hW. 9100. Automatic Rit-ord

playar to play Into above or yourradio }2tt 00. Art ll trial pirrplau-v wittiif*!-. **0.0«. Phone Ruth. 1-0*09. tr

DlMQK ROOM, kitchen and h«wrattan iun por-ch furniture, alao

•olid maple dftik, chair and tnaptasrllep iji-tik lamp, Kaa fireplace net

BlU by expert "^ftrfnlp. A •"*•—-7 Saeond Av*. Ruth. I-7TM-J

MOTditCVri.K. 1»« Indian Chler.Save $300. M i | drive. Buddy •tat.*addl* batn. sport and winter abl«lda.Brand new tires, unacratched drivenT.M0 miles. IS2B. 43: Klnralaad Av.-..Rutherford 2-««». 8-2S

1-4 MKTAI. BED, npriiiR and rnat-tfMK «*• V) E revarmtM* «t«4r uar-

p»t with braiM rod* and pada. 120;riax K n v Hi library Uble. IT; I con-rolfuin ru«f. 14 each. tApply aj72* Dlxth !»i. . • • »

HRIIM:SMAIMS GOWK, brand newSl«r 1«, Power Blue. Rm*<ir.«!.l»

Ti.ll Ruth 2-5W1W. '


1TTIDITTIHT Tasaii i*i»vt y* « u»located oti avenu?. All Im

•mveinent* liniuir. 341 Han ford - v -f»- t-11

TRUSSES. •nrsk*l b*lta. ai*attc turnKxp«,rl*nre4 f I t t I n «. aaCUfaetioa

«*urant0«d. Pri.-fn murh I»wrr thanNewark. AppManr** r»i>alrt>«). alt****.

AnHkatiol ,»1U. lar«Ual •waylv *«fcHtr«*t. rnrn*r Central Avrnu*. Ham-

P o « H L « fSM»



epair /»•) liwtaH »tt antrejd 41 Doitmti* Rafrlejd 41 D o m t RafMaarattM


Open Air Ttwator |


Opening before a capacity andfenea Tuesday nifiht the Param-us Drive-la Theatie on Route4 won immediate and enthusi-astic approval from both the cnl-tct and the people. A practicalinnovation in amusement 'placethis open air. theatre has unlimi-ted appeal (or all movie^gorrs,since the patron remains in hucar it virtually becomes a privatetheatre box. Dress is strictly in-formal. Lounging comfortably tntheir can. the audience was dclighted with the atmosphere <•*the theatre.— its fresh, coolbreeses a welcome change fromthe air in a regular theatre-Hindmarveled at the perfect soundand projection possible in theopen air.

Any skepticism regarding the!ready accessibility of a car to anypart ot the theatic was quicklydispelled when the patrons notedhow much space is allowed foreach car. Traffic is all «cfne way.:and ushers were at earn tt'er u>

outdoor theatre. Manager MiltonWollrmn staled, will be a g*rt-atboom t invalids and the averageshut-in since it frees them th>discomfort and embarrassment ofwalking to a seat to see a motionpicture. *




Complete l.inr Of



653 Ridge (toad


RU. 2-1275

N~ J.J. llu 11. I... Sm.ll

M. J. M«rwr *,SonPLI'MMNCf * IKATINC


O M M * Srr»i. 111 . 1 "


( arprnlrr Work •

I ttimuti » ( hrrrlultt 1,*t*m


112 Sunset AvenueN \.Ur.(l-u KV MV'M)

ntmtlg m#j|*. |««d«f« » d KUthull* un room with r«r wltho«itFi h f M W "Hh#et rrl«t*l and W*lrltn« <'o t.4t Rln«tr««t. Arlington KB- 1-M11. If


i . i fr

I ."I 10

n«"w hishway.1 Summit Avt-




10 X IU0. rnaradn iarMdr-d ready for lunMhiK: 3-mi9. 432 Klns-*l»nd Aw

Mlrarttv* bu^MlnR ime tn l^ndhumKitflti-nl neighborhood*: 140 x 106—

'" x Km OtM on UooMevelt *v»nti« In» boy; 41 x » ; all fmpta !•">• l'l«n»i" i. in I.i, -n this Int for • «-roofI.. lt-. with a $10,000 approved <I I

l mtf . walUn«. Kor th«MTi'-raC. SAVINO AOgNCVftidot road RUth. 2-11*1

M.CANTOLANO2M Klnaaland A V M U I ,

•^m.t«l T>efeB C


yil» t n r

Oa, NCWft»A»>*lttI t ALL K I N D ! OFM'TALt,

RAO* •- P»» L* nrnv iMOPtione RPthfrtnrd I-ttT*


Unit M i.i.siii.-Nr, of j o u r o w n . W o r kJ>i'|. priKViitl} tn twHlory rrf>r*ajern.

tn« Avon frnrlurta. Karn | l Wt or more. Bt-r hour Writ* Uo« 7, (Jnnimt'rflnl

t- i.t.r "SO


i m i V K r t , |M t i n s i i . i i r r i < - l < l . l l . - » , Uri.iu.r> work. AIM'I' » a.™ i a r.

Motor TramrportMtWn, 45(1 V»lt<>Brook Av.- U I



A)>pty H

MB, \Amto Tattory work in

MUt<-d Xm w o r k r>ii kr t l t l vd

ribm h K m t Mill I" I*:

H C J T H K R « n d t w o w hm-l .1.•(!• ^ H » n d 13. w U h t - t : • ' • > ' .

In l . v n d h u r » i . " t i l U u t h i-UW"



600-16—$12-85 PI»U«


Olhrr Tirrn I*r>>|'<>rii<niHti-lv Itnlm-rilDrlcrrfd Paynn-nt Plan Arr»n|!r.lCARS 1 AI.Lfll toll \MI IllllvniH)

liiue <<ir xpring Chaniir-Ovrr

Oil and 'futi-mi-inn Mianp 4 (or

Summer DUMHJ;


F L I N N SESSO STATIONRidge Road and KJng*Uhd Avenue

Ruth, i-wn




START AT $32.00




S<Mlfil |>r<11(111 ( I IIUUl


hunt, G

ill IH-<>f

,,r th. Tnwon Tii . .*t . i>. >«i)t . i i i i . .

. . . K M . i B I » K T > »\ 1Office In IW '•!»<•' I" **«'hi

Hltf'-inrutlmiH unrl Hl<l f « nr»utfItnnn• h t J

. . . i><

|» M<ll..r1 tit- lt<».r») ntln< .tin S< h< t l

A M -ml «! • . ,

IKIKNIM.Y A.S!HM:lATE!iCall Cliirf Operator

At Any Thnr«»R APPLY



T Orient Way. Ruttwilotd



k M t w v n th* h o u nI ' M . <U.ii> M<-mh.v m r i'«n rrw

Tl..- Mmti'l "I t-Uiij- iittfii r.»*-ii h » rlalit to r H < " »nv or nil "tIn.I- •nl.t>iit("'1

liv > r*»r "f M,. |t< i A '• I -BDUCATION

THnM AM 1 HI'"M.i>i-iirt.i n



• oaftoro - AINO new and Un'ia*d •ItlkMi f.»r Hal*- and f'>r H<-nt R iM»tr#>''< Hihi-- W , I / / . I Molnra «nd BabyK t i - i i i t i - * t|i.-tt I |HI! v I" A M tnl » r N HNii.r.Uy- » A M (•> « T M

?VI RtuH J-Z7M»•« I t y y v t M M A*«. "*!?£• • -



TAKE N o f H i E

raa^lM Tipial

Hick Vh»»l cr«Hii.l> r I


'-'•« II••{,' «...\ I ,n.H..i.v


\U Prim Rra...n.l.lrWANTED TO BUY

arc PAT full vuw to* m>i, •*-•t M m t MB*. 4tmkm.

> » | r > r m r r a t . v n r . t u m«•* family rumltura, -Uv#*.w)i»ja «i*d . i « m p . oHaK-lfc»oa, •*** T A h I *tt l

i-r.rt*.'-••'•• T..f HO*I aawV-at f>-

anted for fill in CaU2-4U1-W.




II v Elhrl Brrirn KlrrkiH-r

X r l V k i


2 ajo«» urjaon $1

Ciutom Walr Cla(*ri

Your Vacuum Cleaner Repaired

w i i 111 < M I I \IIJI -i

MI an o n < uinuN

T1IIEL.' 3.49All work (tii.rmil.f .1'*n< Jr*t - I'II.IIK- HI.. 2 ".II."1

Nrw Clranrr* !(• i.l\ for Inimrdlatr Ililivrry


mir ri< K * iniiMKi

544 Valley Broo\ Avonuo LyndWuni

K i l l K l l W t HII s MilI I MUM MADI" AMI111 I Mil I) WITH t l lKI III UK si HI Ml l l f



n.,,i.i, \irri — r-.i o,i.»..> . . l . r • . . . - I



Whrn Inw in Spirit* * • • • !

Gordon's Win* ftLiquor Center- MS



Levy's PharmacySUiT*t<aat Avrnuf


ESTJMATr.s «,I\>.N

TVI Kl: 2 aisnj


SSI » l » - \

l.jrn«Hiitr«l. N. J.


Fur ihr l « l f t* miiiilli-

I IIH\r Inert lill»> iinriulur-

irtfc tn a •irmliN w'ulrninK

rlirlltr-lr Ililill (railr. furm

lu your ilnnr. I am nn«r in

* pmilinn to takr on a Irw

niiirr rn>l<niM-ri>.


IM Jay Avr. I \.i.llmt-i

M.-l. r»

aWty R I .r ,.i1.

as* » • -» • 1 -. m4 « kOM M - - *. at J




l^,.N tV|i I II U S HMk

RU«». 2OW4 I

N.- Ki-... .'»MJ

ixirhl Iran -!»'• tollm

I twin "

I'MNTIV.. II'.f .K.nimi

t i- - * I

C. Jungm* mi inn HI

HI Ih .' II M II


I W . M i t a l l ' i . . . . I I . . . . . . . - . . . » K

K>i -ipln 1 uruliiiom! '»• I'ir.. »t|.||..N. Hull**

ami I Apal


HI TBBiiyHiPriwrx •

Rll!irr(..r,l 2-illB< I M > . . - I I > l t l « » l i I I . . . . .

* «.«.M.. 1. .1 "a

r uvrmti •MS X . « »u>«« St.

Kit* .S *TJ7

IMU >IK1AI. S4W9' l i n n i . i . I I

"" isn• U«« • l «


i Mtl I I HIM » «t1- -.ik P»M »

NvUry 1-ailt Hulk, t 4»!7 J


(.ruling , Draina***


Alt U ork (.nuruiih 1,1



*r ...1 M. 1 .1 AlanM. »-. . ' tn«tiRt. i..i' • .• Rr pdiin

II. . ..i.lirii


«nii t a«u j



1 "

l ' ,ml.n« A V't- • I"":>•>;:

Edward A. DenzinIII l l . rr l . -J : • - : I'. M

lit K U «MMIui - 1

Edw*,d J CUy. CUy1 t — .

• HI » • • • . . . %• I > » < P I I . « I . «

fc I . *: Ml. »

HI III. 2;:i«^."l R .


On All New I'liiln. .iM.I M..i..r..l« ( n It.t.ln..

« nil II..- \ , l

5»it.H AMU Srami Fan. I M I U U K

309 Chrt.o Avo. (John Bonanno) I yndhursf

• * " • . - * n*M in

A » » M I »



)'<•«• V. . , / .W/I(«K/ 0/MHMI friu

r ~ i n i n r n i • « i i l . f . r t i • * * « . - n r > « ' - l i . <-• • r n t > u i f i i r i i , '

| M - t i M i h < ^ M i i i i i i D l M t i i - . • ! l l u - * * % n . W I N u p t u r n *

111 * I - *•¥ fti'i* 1 i) ly.'.l f r .-| f f f m [' ^* miUililii J ttx | I'lul' I

<irtlrii|ilii' lr<-Mtiii'-nli l.-» ' . l.i < <HI.» IA ;ti

IT." " - Daily '» • I " In I! |i III. 1 I IM '> • in la '• |> "

r/...../u../,!.«/.„ in ;>»»


KE. 2-0026


opp. Town Hail

Tolaphon* NUlUy 2 • * 1


C*«wn*. »>.tii !*.).«•> ikrtk*.

Adwoant Stono. AUwt, l«th

Ct*y T-jp S il A I'imMuial




l i e




Ymt i in ••l.i.i.n I I M |- • uiut I'Mi. Miif imti ill \+\ %a itli

•ut rr«| U | H . . i . . ! MII . - t t i . (U . . . . . ir . l ' ni*»l Ujf%'


K I i n •>.,.. rat mix, i mi M I IIMIIIIII-I

i i t »• . . \« . • m

• I I IS , K / - . ,

• ..»-» I


Louis Mion

I \ lilt! IK) ft t

r»— ai .• .i .4 < k»u

• « » KM <Ki|T


Ruth. 2-9171

Day or NightQuick - Safe and CourtadM S«rvic«

Car* For All Occasions

Lyndfcursf City CobCAB STAJTO

T.«•<*«>> Alt.ifw.


Opon <or

On Fifrh Avenue


H. J. CawfalatRUHi. 2-8679


' . n i l ' •«•! •-"• f • " •

tin Ml MA..liiiiili.iiniuK

• la*H. Ill it • i

Rug Cloamng


*t t ( . I I I a> /



t*4 I H . i T I , » I- . ,


. . a i r > > i

litMtn uhuuiJ { " l-y'".';',"' -*;'"""

w,. . ..i | » « , ^ ( > - M

I I * * W » I * • I-•

\A/indow CU«n,rvq Co

«IMMi«tit i n J t t i - j - mr->i.>%


Edward HoldenI'll > ' | IM V \ 111 HI"""

t - I < •• • '

Kull.rt<««d Ml*1 K

S S # I • " . ^ • • " •

llnnlwil T 1


Keller Engineering Co.

Page 8: Schools' Opening Set Wednesday, Expect A · narhie road fr»m Uttle Ff i ry to Pateraon* Plank road, B Dedication ceremonies of the j |ij oonachie $123,400 and gend lque at the River



Published every Thnnday Vy The Commercial LeaderPrinting: Company a* 255 Ridge Road, Lyndhum. TelephoneRUth. 1-1031.

Editor Carmine Savino, Jr.Business Manager Ernest J. Dabinett

Entered at second rlasi mailer April ?, \'>M. at the PostM i c e at Rutherford. N. J., under the Act of March 3, 1879

Subscription $2.00 Per Year Five Oot» Per Copj

LyndhurM, N. J.. August 28, 1947

The Next President '—;...-.When (Columbia University amiouneefl the appoint-

ment of Ike Eisenhower as it* pr»i<li in the political impli-cations were immediately apparent. AB a civilian, hiwn-hower liar- the right lo participate in politics if lie wishes.As president of a great eastern university he immediatelyherf.iui-t identified with the brain division of the popula-tion, which affiliation has not been known to injure presi-dential aspirants, however, the fact it never did MurrayButler a lot of good.

However. F.isenhower's presence puts into the politica'


Much thought and meditationare inspired at the plight of thechildren who, seemingly un-wanted, are forbidden the havenof their own back yards and arecast into the streets to play.

Apparently there is no concern-HI the part of the parents overthe hazards of wizzing traffic tothese little ones, and too muchconcern over the state of per-fectly kept grounds around thefamily dwellings.

One also notes the meticulouscare taken by these same parentsto secure freedom from the dindt the ptay of their offspring.The children are chased into theterritory of neighbors with com-plete disregard for the rights ofpeace and quiet of fellow citi-zens. The main concern seems tobe to attain personal freedomfrom all possible responsibility ofchild care with the exception ofsi e e p i n g quarters, food andclothing.

The Henry Wallace crowd must be reckoned with.Many laugh over his presidential possibilities. Henry maynever win a public office, but the Democrats know that hecan lick them to a frazzle if he gets a third party underway. He is not likely lo do that. What he is almoHt certainto do is to shape the Democratic policies the way he andhis primp who are leftward of center want them.

The iilmi.-t unanimous- ganging up on Tom Dewey ofNew York is another consideration. Dewey, on the basis ofpresent conditions, would be a 100 to t choice to heat acandidate like Truman, Bui to run for president you needthe nomination. Tin- feeling grows that Dewey may not getthe nomination.

The Republicans have the belief that almost anybodythey seTecl can I irk '-Truman.

their childish conversations echo-; clearly through the streets

i - i M\AO i identify them as just "swell"pet one more condiment that promises to make the I 9 4 8 j n o r m a , l m l e h u m a n S i i o u k i n g fur

concoction one of the hottest things voter* of tin* country j an outlet for their youthful en-fronvtheir elders. There is no evidenceof any religious training, and thestreets where they wander are abedlam on Sunday as well as amother day. When a lull occurs,on* knows a police car must becruising past, or the "gang" hasgone to lunch.

There is the vicious circle ofthese youngsters being chasedfrom one playmate's yard to an-other. Finding no refuge for theirchildish pursuits they invade aneighbor's territory. They arechased again by an outragedneighbor who can't permit thisdelinquency and retain his self-respect.

It is occasionally necessary toseek the aid of our very able andwilling police department, but


NOXZEMARensimer 8sy

tainduct the classes.

Support of the South DistrictBoy Scouts has been pledged forthe safety campaign with HansStamer serving,us liaison officerbetween the Scouts and the RedCross. Other youth and civicgroups will also be asked to par-ticipate.

Aid Cap

Stout Execs to Attend

Ralph Benson, Scout execu-

these little nomads as pupils ina few days.- And God bless the motherswho earnestly accept mother-hood as th«- tarred calling it is,and produce the children whogrow U. be the law-abiding citi-zens who make our land a gloryin which to live.


Appointed By DudleySleater to Enlarge

ProgramThe Sigma Chi of the West- Dudley Sleater, newly appoint-

minster Presbyterian

didate. JI»- might make Truman unbeatable. \ needs at the moment.Houever. suppose the Republicans countered with What we are trying lo gel at is. in i

MacArthur. as a vice presidential nominee or. maybe, even personalitiei, rather than tsntet, count inas the presidentiaUspiram? Mur Arthur would promise to eleciun will nee a rundotiirruliun «|supply the strong voice that some folks think this country ! never paraded before the electorate

I niled Slatesdr i The next

Salute to Labor!I ABOR DAY in more than just a holiday. It hat a

profound significance — for it in a day set apart toacknowledge the dignity of labor . . . and the iulerde-pentlenee of labor and the employing interest*.

In no eountry in the world is labor so highly respected,NO well ruinpt'iiHuted, an here in America . . . In no othercountry are citizenship, equal rights and freedom someaningful.

•Free enterprise and industrial progress depend on thegive-and-take »pjrit which is characteristic of our de-mocracy. And as the human relations become evermore cordial, proof will be given that individual well-being and happiness are the fruits of the American wayof life.


23 Park Avesue, Rutherford, N.J..\5« r

Taxi TalksBY THE f AT MAN

this fall .Emphasis is to be placed on ac-

cident prevention and first aid.First • '<•[> in the program will bethe canvassing «*f the 100-odd in-

<ut'ki ;i~ \ dustnes here, ollering them theservice of first" aid and accidentprevention instruction and wokmti their cu-operation in a town-wide safety program.

Boy Scouts to HelDMr Sleater hopes the indus- ,

tries will designate individuals totake refresher courses or which will be set up atthe' convenience of those pegtt*,teied. First aid and accident pre- jvt-nlion courses will meet onceea(h week There will be 20-]hour courses with Red Cross cer- jI if i tales awarded at the cuncki-i

m to those wh» qualify.Amdent prevention in irw«'>me is also to be stressed. All

courses will be offered at the ITown Hall. Both Mr. Sleater and!Mr. Kensimi.i are qualified RedCross instructors and will ion-1

^ r " -.. . it(- It thank.

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