s&c club curriculum

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  • 8/13/2019 S&C Club Curriculum


    S&C Club Curriculum

    Mission Statement: To encourage and enhance the education of Iowa State University students on

    Strength and Conditioning while promoting leadership and personal development through outside

    readings, assignments and sharing/ expanding each others knowledge in round table discussions.

    Wk 1: Intro

    Who/ what motivates you to be in S&C

    Why and what you want to get out of S&C

    Purpose of S&C- positive impact student athletes life, prevent injury, physical prep for sport-enhance



    Always quality over quantity

    Correct technique and motor patter is key

    Not all athletes are the same: some built to FS, low bar, High Bar

    OH press, Not OH press

    Teach body awareness, proprioception/kinesthesis

    Reasons to squat to parallel

    Posterior chain development- spinal erectors, glutes, hamstrings

    Develop and asses flexibility

    Knee stability-hips, glutes, ext rotators- ACL in female athletes

    #1 Developer of lean body mass

    Safety- ensure loads you and your spine can handle

    WK 2- Squat

    ID Weak Points

    1. Problem (P)The bar feels heavy out of the power rack.

    Weak Point (WP)abdominals, hip flexors

    Coaching Point (CP) #1Contract shoulder blades, flex, and arch back out of rack, requires a static

    contraction to maintain arch.

    CP #2Create a neutral spine position, push out against belt.

    2. PButt sits straight down, Olympic style

    WPIncorrect technique, hamstrings

    CP #1Push butt back, sprinter style, to incorporate posterior chain (spinal erectors, glutes,

    hamstrings) thereby activating stretch reflex.

    CP #2Perfect posture maintains the greatest mechanical advantage.

    3. PKnees buckle inWPHips, glutes, external rotators

    CPSpread the floor by pushing out over the sides of your shoes.

    4. PFall forward

    WPLow back, abs

    CP #1Lead up out of hole with a spread, high chest

    CP #2Push up with arms by keeping elbows positioned perpendicular under bar, letting the elbows

  • 8/13/2019 S&C Club Curriculum


    rotate up and back causes the wrists to roll the bar high.

    CP #3Do not squat into mirror, causes instability regulated by visual feedback

    5. PStuck out of hole (bottom position)

    WPIncorrect technique, bar too heavy

    CPNot sitting back far enough to fully activate stretch reflex.

    6. PStuck up

    WPHips, glutes

    CPDevelop accelerative strength, prolong rate of force production

    Wk 3 Bench Press/Deadlift

    Bench- Set Up

    Shoulder blades- squeeze together

    Dig Traps into bench

    Arc Back-

    Foot Position/ Leg drive- Drive through heels, Feet on floor not bench/ floating

    Bum on Bench

    Elbows Tucked- Spread the bar, Wrists straight, Wrist over elbow

    Hit same spot on chest every time

    Breathing- Big air into belly before eccentric portion

    1. PBar feels heavy or unstable

    WPLats, posterior deltoids, external rotators, rotator cuff

    CPContract shoulder blades, requires a static contraction to maintain, drive upper back into bench

    upon concentric contraction

    2. PWeak off of chest

    WPBar too heavy, nobody fails off of the chest

    CP #1Lower the bar with your back, springboard effect, activate stretch reflex

    CP #2Develop accelerative strength, prolong rate of force production

    3. PStuck way up


    CP #1Spread the bar with your grip, activate medial head of triceps

    CP #2Keep elbows positioned perpendicular under bar, any rotation outwards transfers the load to

    the shoulder capsule

    4. PPressing into the J-hooks


    CP #1The shortest path between 2 points is a straight line, maintain a straight bar path

    CP #2Do not push into bar, press yourself away from bar, create separation

    CP #3keeping the elbows positioned perpendicular under the bar maintains the greatest mechanical

    advantage, any rotation outwards transfers the load to the shoulder capsule

    5. PButt rises from bench

    WPIncorrect technique, bar too heavy, bench too low

    CP #1Maintain correct posture, knees up, straighten legs or drive with heels

    CP #2Do not arch low back, arch upper back by contracting shoulder blades

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    6. PHead rises with eccentric lowering

    WPIncorrect technique

    CP #1Maintain correct posture, keep head down with chin tucked

    CP #2Concaving chest causes an increased distance for the bar to travel

    Wk 4: Deadlift

    Set Up


    Set Stance-narrow-shoulder width, toes slightly out

    Hands just outside shoulder width/outside legs

    Take slack out of bar- pull self-down into position- hips back/drop bum- one motion

    Shins perpendicular to floor- bar tight to shins-pull bar up shins

    Lats/back tight-chest up- arch back

    Shoulders above or behind bar

    Push through the floor-Drive through heel& head back- bar path straight up and backBig air into belly


    Wide stance-spread the floor

    Shins against bar

    Flare knees out-push on outside of shoes

    Drop straight down-Drop genitals on top of barHands- Shoulder width- keep back tight- chest up

    Should feel lots of tension build throughout body

    Pull back on bar- drive head and chest back

    Wk 5: Talk about Olympic lifts/ med balls/ plyos

    Pro and cons of each

    CNS- Burn out

    Stretch Reflex- muscle spindles-neuromuscular stimulators, GTO-neuromuscular inhibitors

    Train eccentrically, w/ muscle produce explosive/dynamic mvmt

    Stretch Shortening Cycle- absorption of kinetic force w/in muscle/tendon

    Store elastic nrg for concentric phase

    Lrgly dictated by stretch/GTO reflex, MU recruitment, rate coding

    Plyos is jump training, jump training is not plyos

    Oly Pros Oly ConsHigh MU recruitment-Increase RFD CNS intensive-can compete with anaerobic training(F&V Curve)

    Teach body control(proprioception) Technique breakdowns

    Triple extension Hard on the body

    Teach quick Ecc with catch Not quick enough for peaking-speed strength not exp

    Absolute strength-tech goes down Absolute strength

    Total Body Variations get away from point of the lift

  • 8/13/2019 S&C Club Curriculum


    Stretch Reflex, SSC Doesnt make the athlete

    Flexibility Time consuming to teach-progression(always exception)

    Posterior development Limited use to sports

    Absorption of force

    MB Pro MB Con

    Activate CNS CNS intensive-compete on F&V Curve

    Easier to Teach-triple extension Technique can fail-use arms too much

    Minimum equipment/cheap Athletes perception of MB work

    Less chance injury

    Easier on the body

    More Variation

    Speed and Explosive strength

    Total Body

    Plyo Pro Plyo Con

    Increase RFD, SSC, stretch reflex CNS intensive

    Can be used for peaking Injury- ankles, knees

    Triple Extension


    Explosive Strength

    Conditioning work

    Strengthen ligaments

    Post activation potentiation


    Wk 6: Teach Olympic lifts/MB Throws/ Plyos

    Clean: heavier more speed and absolute strength

    Progression: power shrug, high pull, hang clean, pull from floor

    Similar to deadlift set up

    Chest up- shoulders back and tight, Hips back

    Shins perpendicular to floor, Drive through heels, Drag up shins

    Pull bar slow to about knees- hit knees pull fast as can and DRIVE HIPS Forward

    Triple extension- ankles, knees and hips

    Drive head and chest back

    Drive elbows up high and punch through

    Catch bar on shoulders-

    where bar would be for front squat

    Elbows up high

    Snatch: lighter weight more explosive

    Progression: snatch grip rdl, snatch power shrug, snatch high pull, hang snatch, snatch from floor

    Widest grip possible- when standing bar should line up with crease in hips

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    Chest out- squeeze shoulders back and tight, hips back

    Shins perpendicular to floor, Drive through heels, Drag up shins

    Pull bar slow to about knees- hit knees pull fast as can and DRIVE HIPS Forward

    Triple extension- ankles, knees, hips

    Drive head and chest back

    Lock arms/ shoulders in a stead position- Catch bar overhead

    OH Squat position

    Med Ball- Be legs and hip dominant- dont throw with arms/low back

    Sit back with bum and hips

    Extend and drive hips forward

    Keep Chest up

    Arm drive

    Drive through big toe

    Triple Ext- ankles, knees, hips

    Jump training/ Plyos- reach to sky/ pre-stretch

    Drop down quick, hips and bum back

    Extend and drive hips forward

    Arm drive-cheek to cheek

    Drive through big toe

    Triple extension: ankles, knees, hips

    Plyos- Shock training/AFSM/Continuous jumping, minimize ground contact time- pull self-back into

    position for next jump

    Wk 7: Conditioning/Bioenergetics/ classification of athletes

    Maximal output vs optimal output

    Jogging is useless- most of the time

    Rest periods

    Knowing the sport

    Developing Speed

    High Low

    Linear/Lateral PAL Speed Mechanics

    Wk 8: Functional movement screening/ functional training/crossfit and other fads


    Crossfit just a non-structured concurrent system

    What is Functional

    Proper techniques of main movements are functional/corrective movements

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    Wk 9: Science behind Strength and Conditioning

    Start reading Science and practice

    Peaking- knowing aspects of sport and athlete

    Training age of athletes, biomechanics of sport, bioenergetics of sport, speed of sport, power output of

    athletes-bioenergetics of athlete, injuries/weak points,

    Wk 10: programming- block vs conjugate-

    Sequence of lifts

    Number of lifts

    Prilipins Chart


    CNS- Burn out

    regenerative techniques

    Wk 11: Nutrition/ supplements/Sleep

    NCAA regulations

    Hormones- insulin, igf, cortisol, glucagon, epi, nor-epi , growth hormone, myostatin

    Anabolic, catabolic states