saved by the one who salvados por aquel … .pdfcir que la humanidad les debe la vida a los ......

THE CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY OF SANGER AND DEL REY Office- 828 “O” Street, Sanger, California 93657 Phone 875-2025 — Fax 875-2618 New Church-12050 E. North Ave. Sanger, California 93657 SAVED BY THE ONE WHO WAS REJECTED Some city teenagers often scorn and reject farm kids. Yet it’s no exaggeration to say that humanity owes its life to farmers who care for the world’s crops and live- stock. This week’s scriptures remind us that Jesus was as rejected as a shepherd, a farm boy, yet we owe our very lives to him. In this Sunday’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles Peter tells the people that salvation comes through Jesus Christ, the one who was rejected. In John’s letter we hear that we have become God’s beloved children through Jesus, whom the world did not know. Lastly, in the Gospel Jesus describes himself as the Good Shepherd who “lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). Will you join Jesus in laying down your life for God’s beloved flock? SALVADOS POR AQUEL QUE FUE RECHAZADO Algunos adolescentes de la ciudad suelen menospreciar y rechazar a los chicos del cam- po. Sin embargo, no sería una exageración de- cir que la humanidad les debe la vida a los agricultores que cuidan los cultivos y el gana- do por todo el mundo. La Sagrada Escritura para esta semana nos recuerda que Jesús fue rechazado como pastor, como chico del campo, sin embargo, a él le debemos la vida. En la lectura de los Hechos de los Apóstoles de este domingo, Pedro les dice a las personas que la salvación viene por Jesucristo, que fue rechazado y crucificado. En la carta del apóstol san Juan escuchamos que nos hemos convertido en los hijos amados de Dios por Jesús, a quien el mundo no conoció. Por último, en el Evangelio Jesús se describe como el buen Pas- tor: “yo doy la vida por las ovejas” (Juan 10:11). ¿Te unirás a Jesús para dar tu vida por el rebaño amado de Dios? Fourth Sunday of Easter April 22, 2018 HOY: DIA MUNDIAL DE ORACION POR LAS VOCACIONES. El propósito de este día es cumplir públicamente la nstrucción del Se- ñor: "Rogad al Señor de la mies que envíe obreros a su mies" (Mt 9:38; Lc 10: 2). Por favor oren para que los jóvenes escuchen y respondan generosamente al llamado del Señor al sacerdocio, al diaconado, a la vida religiosa, a las sociedades de vida apostólica o los institutos seculares. Únase a nosotros para la Adoración el domingo 22 de Abril de 2:00 pm a 3:00 pm en la Iglesia Nueva Venga a ver la pelicula de St. Anibal “ Por amor alos pobres” en el salon de 3:15 a 4:00 pm. Traiga algo para compartir. Adoracion semanal: Jueves en la O St 6 a 7 pm Envía, oh Señor, Santos Apóstoles a tu Iglesia TODAY : WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS. The purpose of this day is to pub- licly fulfill the Lord's instruction to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his har- vest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10: 2) Please pray that young men and women hear and respond gener- ously to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life or secular institutes. Join us for special Adoration on Sunday April 22 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm New Church Join us for the movie on St. Hannibal “for the Love of the Poor” in the Hall from 3:15 to 4:00 pm. Bring something to share. Weekly Adoration: Thursdays at O St 6 to 7pm Send, o Lord, Holy Apostles into your Church

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Page 1: SAVED BY THE ONE WHO SALVADOS POR AQUEL … .pdfcir que la humanidad les debe la vida a los ... R.C.J., V.F. Pastor Fr. Devassy Painadath, ... May 13-19 Sylvia Ledesma MARRIAGE PREPARATION

THE CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY OF SANGER AND DEL REY Office- 828 “O” Street, Sanger, California 93657 Phone 875-2025 — Fax 875-2618

New Church-12050 E. North Ave. Sanger, California 93657

SAVED BY THE ONE WHO WAS REJECTED Some city teenagers often scorn and reject farm kids. Yet it’s no exaggeration to say that humanity owes its life to farmers who care for the world’s crops and live-stock. This week’s scriptures remind us that Jesus was as rejected as a shepherd, a farm boy, yet we owe our very lives to him. In this Sunday’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles Peter tells the people that salvation comes through Jesus Christ, the one who was rejected. In John’s letter we hear that we have become God’s beloved children through Jesus, whom the world did not know. Lastly, in the Gospel Jesus describes himself as the Good Shepherd who “lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). Will you join Jesus in laying down your life for God’s beloved flock?

SALVADOS POR AQUEL QUE FUE RECHAZADO Algunos adolescentes de la ciudad suelen

menospreciar y rechazar a los chicos del cam-po. Sin embargo, no sería una exageración de-cir que la humanidad les debe la vida a los agricultores que cuidan los cultivos y el gana-do por todo el mundo. La Sagrada Escritura para esta semana nos recuerda que Jesús fue rechazado como pastor, como chico del campo, sin embargo, a él le debemos la vida. En la lectura de los Hechos de los Apóstoles de este domingo, Pedro les dice a las personas que la salvación viene por Jesucristo, que fue rechazado y crucificado. En la carta del apóstol

san Juan escuchamos que nos hemos convertido en los hijos amados de Dios por Jesús, a quien el mundo no conoció. Por último, en el Evangelio Jesús se describe como el buen Pas-tor: “yo doy la vida por las ovejas” (Juan 10:11). ¿Te unirás a Jesús para dar tu vida por el rebaño amado de Dios?

Fourth Sunday of Easter April 22, 2018


El propósito de este día es cumplir públicamente la nstrucción del Se-ñor: "Rogad al Señor de la mies que envíe obreros a su mies" (Mt 9:38; Lc 10: 2). Por favor oren para que los jóvenes escuchen y respondan generosamente al llamado del Señor al sacerdocio, al diaconado, a la vida religiosa, a las sociedades de vida apostólica o los institutos seculares.

Únase a nosotros para la Adoración el domingo 22 de Abril de 2:00 pm a 3:00 pm en la Iglesia Nueva Venga a ver la pelicula de St. Anibal “ Por amor alos pobres” en el salon de 3:15 a 4:00 pm. Traiga algo para compartir. Adoracion semanal: Jueves en la O St 6 a 7 pm Envía, oh Señor, Santos Apóstoles a tu Iglesia

TODAY : WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS. The purpose of this day is to pub-licly fulfill the Lord's instruction to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his har-vest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10: 2) Please pray that young men and women hear and respond gener-ously to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life or secular institutes.

Join us for special Adoration on Sunday April 22 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm New Church Join us for the movie on St. Hannibal “for the Love of the Poor” in the Hall from 3:15 to 4:00 pm. Bring something to share.

Weekly Adoration: Thursdays at O St 6 to 7pm

Send, o Lord, Holy Apostles into your Church

Page 2: SAVED BY THE ONE WHO SALVADOS POR AQUEL … .pdfcir que la humanidad les debe la vida a los ... R.C.J., V.F. Pastor Fr. Devassy Painadath, ... May 13-19 Sylvia Ledesma MARRIAGE PREPARATION

Schedule of Masses Horario de Misas Saturday (Vigil) New Church 5:30 pm English 5;30 pm DR Español 7:00 pm Español Sunday New Church 7:30 am English 9:00 am Español 9:30 am DR English 11:00 am English 1:00 pm Español Weekday “O” street 7:00 am English 5:30pm Español Holy Days 7:00 am English 5:30 pm Bilingual 5:30 pmDR Español Rectory/Rectoría 828 “O” Street, Sanger, Ca. 93657 P.O. Box 335 Office- 875-2025 Fax- 875-2618 Hours/Horario Monday—Friday 9:00 am– 5:00 pm (closed 12 noon to 1:00 pm ) Rogationist Residence Vocation Center 2688 S. Newmark Ave, Sanger, Ca. 93657 875-5808

Parish under the Direction of The Rogationist Fathers Fr. John Bruno, R.C.J., V.F. Pastor Fr. Devassy Painadath, R.C.J. Parochial Vicar Business Manager– Minnie Kirsch Parish Secretary– Lulu Torres Bulletin [email protected] Website: Email: [email protected] Adoration and Benediction Adoración “O” street Thursdays 6:00 pm– 7:00 pm (Bilingual) Confessions Confesiones “O” Street Thursday 6:00 pm—6:45 pm Saturday 2:15 pm– 3:15 pm New Church at 6:30 pm—7:00 pm Baptisms and Weddings Bautismos, Bodas, Quinceañeras Call Parish office/llamar a la oficina Fr. Hannibal House Social Service and Thrift Store 1501 14th St. Phone– 875-0564



Old St. Mary’s Church

St. Katherine’s Church

St. Hannibal Chapel

New St. Mary’s Church New St. Mary’s Church

Bishop’s Appeal $8,322.00 Goal 2017-18 $9,501.00 BALANCE $1,179.00

Today’s Second Collection Bishop’s Appeal

Hoy Segunda Colecta Apelacion del Obispo

Next week’s Collection for

Home Missions Colecta de la semana proxima

Missiones Domesticas

FINANCIAL REPORT REPORTE FINANCIERO April 14-15 5:30 PM $947.00 7:00 PM $387.00 7:30 AM $987.00 9:00 AM $1,092.00 11:00 AM $1,434.00 1:00 PM $1,154.00 5:30 PM DR $390.00 9:30 AM DR $760.00 TOTAL $7, 675.00 Building Fund $936.00 Capital Campaign $4,187.00 First Comm. $940.00

Page 3: SAVED BY THE ONE WHO SALVADOS POR AQUEL … .pdfcir que la humanidad les debe la vida a los ... R.C.J., V.F. Pastor Fr. Devassy Painadath, ... May 13-19 Sylvia Ledesma MARRIAGE PREPARATION

MASS INTENTIONS Saturday April 21 5:30 pm †Zeferino & Juanita Leal 5:30 pmDR †Hermenegildo & Maria Mercado 7:00 pm †Magdalena Martinez Sunday April 22 7:30 am Pro Populo 9:00 am Animas del Purgatorio 9:30 amDR †Greg Mendoza Sr. 11:00 am Angel Torres BD 1:00 pm Anai & Izel Velasco Vargas Fam. Monday April 23 7:00 am †Anthony Esqueda 5:30 pm Elena Ramirez BD Tuesday April 24 7:00 am Int. Alcantar Fam. 5:30 pm †Jose & Lourdes Ponce Wednesday April 25 7:00 am †Louie Rusca 5:30 pmDR †Tereso Licon Thursday April 26 7:00 am †Anthony Esqueda 5:30 pm †Francisco Ramirez y Familia Friday April 27 7:00 am †Francisca C. & Jesus Gadea 5:30 pm For all the deceased Saturday April 28 5:30 pm †Isabelle Reyes 5:30 pmDR Cons. Inmaculado Corazon de Maria 7:00 pm †Juana & Angelina Ramirez Sunday April 29 7:30 am Pro Populo 9:00 am †Antonio & Basilia Rodriguez Velasco 9:30 amDR †Steve Padilla 11:00 am †Mary Lascano 1:00 pm †Raymundo De la Cruz & Familia PRAY FOR THOSE WHO DIED RECENTLY Miguel Real, Leona Eleanor Davis May the souls of the faithful departed thru the mercy of God rest in peace.

PRAY FOR MILITARY: Nathan Garza, Arthur E. Rodriguez, Jose Reyes, Corbin Lague, Tony Frank, Jose Luis Dominguez, Manuel Contreras, Santos Dominguez, Manuel Contreras, Carlos Castillo, Eric J. Mar-tinez and all young men and women from Del Rey and Sanger called to active duty. Call the office to add names. PRAY FOR THE SICK: Please call office at 875-2025 to add or re-move names to list of prayers. We will keep the names for a month. Maria Juanita Salazar, Linda Torres, Consuelo Gamez, Christina Ybarra, Martin Tamez, Gerardo Lunar Jr, Vi-cente Castillo, Ralph and Margaret Alvarez, Blanca Treviño, Danny Torres, Anthony Nicacio, Esther Mes-ta, Petrita Mendoza, Jaime Recinos, Lourdes Poblete, Thomas Escobar, Fernando Garcia, Margie Venezuela, Jovita Maravilla, Juan Rosales, Fr. Eric Swearingen, Liam Lopez, Elias Hinojosa, Mike Del Puppo, Raul Moreno, Maria Elena Herrera, Marvin Cerritos, Isabel Gutierrez, Lupe Gomez, Tim Cox, Thomas Escobar, Fernando Garcia and those with serious addictions. May the Lord lay His healing hand upon them and bring them peace. VISIT OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA & ST. HANNIBAL April 22-28 Cruz Nava Ap. 29-May 5 Rene Alvarez May 6-12 Patricia Archuleta May 13-19 Sylvia Ledesma MARRIAGE PREPARATION RETREATS English: July dates to be announced Cesar & Cindy Gonzales 618-0510 Spanish: October 19, 20, 21 Jesus & Lupe Romero 477-0060. Javier & Isabel Luna 876-2258. Retreats are held at the Seminary.

RCIA Are you need of a sacrament (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) or wish to learn more about our Catholic faith? We invite you to join us on our catechism journey. Children older then 7 and all adults are welcome. Call Ella at 875-8425. Te hace falta algún sacramento o quieres aprender mas sobre nues-tra fe Católica? Te invitamos a las clases de catecismo. Adultos sola-mente. Llama a Samuel al 618-0271. ST. MARY’S Religious Education 12050 E. North Ave., 875-6340. Office hours Monday thru Thursday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Elemen-tary—Priscilla Bustamante, Agape, Jr. High, High School—Tencha Rubio and Elsa Rodriguez. ST. KATHERINE Religious Education 5375 Carmel Street, Del Rey 93616, 888-2889. Elementary, Jr./ High School and RCIA call Julia Flores 643-7533. Formator of Catechists– Elementary, Jr. /High School Spanish—Maria Morales BAPTISMS 1st and 3rd Saturday in Spanish. 2nd and 4th Saturday in English at 10:00am in new church. Bring your child’s birth certificate to the office to begin the process. Donation is $60 per child. WELCOME TO THE NEWLY BAPTIZED-BIENVENIDOS Lily Faith Vargas Ria Cristal Mobo Franco Penelope Amelia Ramirez, Violet Quinn Strausbaugh Gianna Rose Gonzalez

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SANCTUARY CANDLE APRIL 2018 In Memory of: †Louie Rusca at “O” street. In Memory of: †Catalina & Adrian Valdez at NC In memory of: Anastacio Lopez Sr.:at St. Katherine’s Intentions of:† at St. Hannibal Chapel, Seminary READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b- 7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6 7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6- 11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26- 28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Easter; Earth Day; World Day of Prayer for Vocations Monday: St. George; Tradition holds that George was decapitated per-haps in Palestine, he is portrayed as a knight and dragon slayer; sinde the crusades, Patron of England and Con-stantinople. St. Adalbert; +997 born of a noble family in Bohemia; at age 26 elected bishop of Prague; force to leave his See twice due to violent political op-pression; preached in Pomerania to the Prussians who he murder him on 23 Apr. 997, buried in Gniezo, the first capital of Poland; patron of Bohemia, the Czech Republic, and Prussia; Pa-tron of Poland.

Tuesday: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen; +1622 in Switzerland; from Swabia; known as “the lawyer of the poor” be-fore becoming a Capuchin; preached in the Canton of the Grisons; proto-martyr of Propaganda Fide Wednesday: St. Mark; Evangelist Mark, + 1st c.; cousin of Barnabas; associated with Sts. Paul and Peter; the gospel ascribed to him is the oldest and shortest; largely a collection of narratives that depict Jesus as being almost constantly active; presents Je-sus as the Son of God whose ministry was marked by a series of mighty works, signs of God’s power and king-dom; tradition hold Mark the first bishop of Alexandria; portrayed as a winged lion; patron of notaries, of Egypt, and of Venice. Administrative Professionals Day Friday: Arbor Day Saturday: St. Peter Chanel; Peter Mary Chanel, + 1841; French Marist missionary on the Pacific islands of Wallis and Futuna where he was mar-tyred; destroyed cult of evil spirits; protomartyr and patron of Oceania. St. Louis Grignion de Montfort; + 1716; from Brittany; studied at Saint Sulpice; hospital chaplain and founder of the Congregation of the Daughters of Wisdom; apostolic missionary whose preaching led to a spiritual re-vival in his native Brittany; established numerous confraternities for the recita-tion of the rosary. CHURCH FACILITIES The deadline for your organization to submit your calendar for the new fiscal year is May 15th! You may pick your form at the rectory. This is for ANY event that will require the use of the hall, kitchen, Ciranni Cen- ter, CCD rooms, church grounds. All religious education events will have priority, then organizations of the church and then outside organizations. Subject to change according to needs of the Church (Fr. John)

EASTER DUTY The Church proposes certain rules and requirements to help us grow in grace and get to heaven , the term “Easter Duty” relates to the obligation to re-ceive the Eucharist at least once a year during the Easter season, unless a seri-ous reason indicates another time as preferable (canon 920); and to receive absolution in sacramental confession for any mortal sin at least once a year (canon 989). We don’t deserve and cannot earn God’s forgiveness, yet he gives it for the asking. In the sac-rament of reconciliation, we are re-born spiritually in confession and forti-fied by grace in Holy Communion, we should think of our Easter Duty as an opportunity to become the better person God calls us to be.

GREGORIAN MASSES Gregorian Masses are a series of 30 Masses offered up on thirty consecu-tive days for the repose of the soul of a particular person in Purgatory. The Sacred Congregation of indulgences has declared, "The offering of thirty Gregorian Masses has a special effi-cacy for obtaining the Divine Good-ness and Mercy the deliverance of a suffering soul is pious and reasonable belief of the Faithful. Holy Masses will be celebrated in one of our Roga-tionist Communities. Contact the office for more information.

OUR MISSION *To worship God in the Eucharist *To receive and share the good news of Jesus, strengthened by the example of Mary and the Sacraments *To serve others especially those in need

Page 5: SAVED BY THE ONE WHO SALVADOS POR AQUEL … .pdfcir que la humanidad les debe la vida a los ... R.C.J., V.F. Pastor Fr. Devassy Painadath, ... May 13-19 Sylvia Ledesma MARRIAGE PREPARATION

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN II (2018-2020) These are the projects planned: Hall Parking with new lights $274,650 (to begin in April) Block Wall $78,000 (estimate) New Classrooms $591,888 (estimate in 2018) New AC/H in Hall and other Needs) $150,000 ( estimate) City and PG&E Fees not included.

A pledge in a Capital Campaign is a commitment to donate an amount in a period of time. We suggest a pledge to be payable in three (3) years. This requires sacrifice, but remember that “God loves a cheerful giver”. (2 Cor. 9:7) Make a commitment now!

By April 11, 2018, 614 Families made a Com-mitment for the urgent projects of the Church, for

a total of $774,449.00.

We still need 291 families to make a pledge.

Please take a pledge card and invite your family, friends and neighbors to make a pledge. You can start payments by using the envelopes availa-ble at the entrance of the church or use those we sent by mail. We will offer a Mass every

month for the pledging families.


CAMPAÑA CAPITAL II (2018-2020) Estos son los proyectos planeados: Estacionamiento con nuevas luces $ 274,650 (Empieza en abril) Muro de bloques $ 78,000 (estimación) Nuevas aulas $ 591,888 (estimación en 2018) Nuevo AC / H en el salon y otras necesidades) $ 150,000 (estimación ) Las tarifas de la ciudad y PG &E no incluidas

Un compromiso en una campaña capital es una pro-mesa de donar una cantidad en un periodo de tiempo. Sugerimos un compromiso para ser pagado en tres (3) años. Esto requiere sacrificio, pero recuerda que "Dios ama a la persona que da con alegría". (2 Cor. 9:7) Le pedimos ahora su compromiso. Para Abril 11, 2018, 614 Familias hicieron su compromiso para las necesidades urgentes de

nuestra Iglesia, con un total de $774,449.00

Todavía necesitamos 291 familias que se comprometan.

Por favor, tome una tarjeta de compromiso e invite a familiares, amigos y vecinos a hacer una promesa. Puede empezar a dar sus pagos usando los sobres que estan a la entrada de la iglesia o los que recibio en el correo Se ofrece una Misa por

mes para las familias que hagan su compromi-so.






Page 6: SAVED BY THE ONE WHO SALVADOS POR AQUEL … .pdfcir que la humanidad les debe la vida a los ... R.C.J., V.F. Pastor Fr. Devassy Painadath, ... May 13-19 Sylvia Ledesma MARRIAGE PREPARATION

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Hch 11:1-18; Sal 42 (41):2- 3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Martes: Hch 11:19-26; Sal 87 (86):1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Miércoles: 1 Pe 5:5b-14; Sal 89 (88):2 -3, 6-7, 16-17; Mc 16:15-20 Jueves: Hch 13:13-25: Sal 89 (88):2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Viernes: Hch 13:26-33; Sal 2:6- 11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Sábado: Hch 13:44-52; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Domingo: Hch 9:26-31; Sal 22 (21):26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: 4o Domingo de Pascua; Día de la Tierra; Jornada Mundial de oración por las Vocaciones Lunes: San Jorge; San Adalberto Martes: San Fidel de Sigmaringa Miércoles: San Marco; Viernes: Día del Arbol Sábado: San Pedro Chanel; San Louis Grignon de Montfort

MISAS GREGORIANAS Las Misas Gregorianas son una serie de 30 Misas ofrecidas en treinta días consecutivos para el reposo del alma de una persona en particular en el Purgatorio. La Sagrada Congrega-ción de indulgencias ha declarado: "La ofrenda de treinta Misas Grego-rianas tiene una eficacia especial pa-ra obtener la Bondad Divina y la Misericordia, la liberación de un al-ma sufriente es una creencia piadosa y razonable de los Fieles. Las Santas Misas se celebrarán en uno de nues-tros Comunidades rogacionistas Co-muníquese con la oficina para obten-er más información.

RESERVACION DE LOS CUARTOS PARA LOS GRUPOS DE LA IGLESIA La fecha límite para su organiza-ciónPara enviar su calendario para el nuevo el año fiscal es el 15 de mayo! Puedes recoger una forma en la rec-toría. Esto es para cualquier evento que requiera el uso de las instalacio-nes, Salon, cocina, Ciranni Center, salones de CCD, terrenos de la igle-sia etc. Todo evento de educación religiosa tieneprioridad, después las organizaciones de la Iglesia y al final organizaciones que no pertenecen a la iglesia. Sujeto a cambios se-gún las necesidades de la Iglesia (Padre Juan Bruno)

PRECEPTO PASCUAL Este precepto debe cumplirse desde la Vigilia del Domingo de Resurrec-ción hasta Pentecostés. En todo caso, la Iglesia recomienda a los fieles re-cibir la santa Eucaristía los domingos y los días de fiesta, o con más fre-cuencia aún, incluso todos los días. El precepto pascual constituye el tercer mandamiento de la Iglesia (“recibir el sacramento de la Eucaris-tía al menos por Pascua”) y garantiza un mínimo en la recepción del Cuer-po y la Sangre del Señor, en cone-

xión con el tiempo de Pascua, origen y centro de la liturgia cristiana. No merecemos y no podemos ga-nar el perdón de Dios, sin embar-go, él lo da si lo pedimos. En el sa-cramento de la reconciliación, rena-cemos espiritualmente y somos for-talecidos por la gracia en la Sagrada Comunión, debemos pensar en nues-tro deber pascual como una oportuni-dad para convertirnos en la mejor persona que Dios nos llama a ser.

PRESENTACIÓN DE LA SABANA SANTA Salon Iglesia Católica de Santa María 2590 Norte, Sanger el 27 de Abril de 2018 -7PM Familiar, todos son bienvenidos. LA SABANA SANTA: UNA AVENTURA PARA EL ALMA Un Encuentro 3D de Jesús en la Sábana San-ta de TurínVenga y vea las exhibiciones que se mostrarán. Experimen-ta un encuentro in-olvidable con el "Hombre de la Sábana Santa". Esta presentación les brinda una experi-encia pascual de alegría y esperanza que los llenará de un amor tan grande que nunca será olvidado. Traiga a su familia, sus amigos y conocidos, y todos los que necesitan la alegría de la Pascua en su vida.


NUESTRA MISION *Adorar a Dios en la Eucaristía *Recibir y compartir las buenas nuevas de Jesús, fortalecidos con el ejemplo de María y los Sacra-mentos *Servir a otros especialmente a los necesitados

FR. HANNIBAL HOUSE FEB-MARCH REPORT Total Family Served 422 Total People Served 1,188 Donated Food-Public 176.00 lbs 40 Cans for Lent Drive 2,016 lbs Walmart Donated Food 6,755.00 lbs Clothing Voucher: Value FR.HH $1,263.50 Value HSR $559.00 Adults HH 46 Hope Sanger 28 Children HH 48 Hope Sanger 11 Volunteer Hours: Social Service 60.00 hrs Thrift Store 609.50 hrs Community Service 41.50 hrs Student Volunteer 38.75 hrs Donation to Hope Sanger $400.00 Thrift Store Sales $11,193.22

Page 7: SAVED BY THE ONE WHO SALVADOS POR AQUEL … .pdfcir que la humanidad les debe la vida a los ... R.C.J., V.F. Pastor Fr. Devassy Painadath, ... May 13-19 Sylvia Ledesma MARRIAGE PREPARATION

PARISH GROUPS AND MINISTRIES / GRUPOS PARROQUIALES y MINISTERIOS ENGLISH 2018 Divine Mercy - Ruth Alcantar 399-7072 Legion of Mary- Sal Rodriguez 892-3031 Catholic Daughters - Becky Salinas 260-1568 Knights of Columbus- Art Garza 430-9102 Italian Catholic Federation- Kay Lopez 875-5967 Mission Tonala- Cecilia Herrera 994-1419 Marriage Preparation- Jesus & Lupita Romero 477-0060 Javier & Isabel Luna 876-2258 Cesar & Cindy Gonzales 618-0510 Altar Society- Milly Muñoz 240-7006 Lectors & Commentators Art Mendoza, 304-7040 SMAS (Altar Servers) Marco Cid 903-7659 Ivana Valdovinos 797-6561 Ignite– Young Adults 618-2552 LARVA (Lay Rogationist Vocation Ani-mators)-Linda Lopez 977-1988 Safe Environment - Jesse Avery 907-2881 Maintenance Supervisor - Jose Alvarez 647-8192 Marriage and Family Counseling—Maria Bustamante 930-1030

Quinceañera Coordinator– Julia Flores 643-7533 Silver Stars (Senior Citizens) Beverly Cox 862-5778 CHOIRS Adult English (7:30 am) Efren Rubio 488-6683 Children’s 11:00 am 2nd. Sunday Beth Musgrave 876-3936 11:00 am on 1st. & 3rd Sunday Julie Mendoza 824-4280 11:00 am 4th Sunday Teresa Castillo 365-3160 SPANISH 2018 Adoración Nocturna— Cruz Mares 978-8343 Divina Misericordia— Ruth Alcantar 399-7072 Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial –Juan y María Martínez 876-9342 o Israel y Irma García 531-5615 Lectores y Comentaristas- Martha Lomelí 365-8933 Grupo de Oración (Del Rey) Joaquín Núñez Grupo de Oración (Sanger) Memo Jiménez 312-3050 Padres y Madres Orantes- Gloria Mendoza 875-5424 Sociedad de Altar - (Del Rey) Vicky Ríos Sociedad Guadalupana- Cruz Gervasio 283-9898

Caballeros de Colón- Juan Lomelí 281-3663 Consejería de Matrimonio y familia María Bustamante 930-1030 Consagrados al Inmaculado Corazón de María Grupo Preciosa Sangre Samuel Velazco 618-0271 COROS Adultos (Domingo 9:00 am) Mary Lombardo 940-0207 San Pedro (Domingo 1:00 pm) Rolando Rodríguez 681-1296, Juan Silva 203-9562 Blanca Almaraz (Sábado 7:00 pm) 284-4599 Del Rey (5:30pm Sábado)

SHROUD OF TURIN PRESENTATION - St. Mary's Catholic Church Hall 2590 North, Sanger on April 27, 2018 – 7 PM

Family friendly. Everyone welcome.

THE SHROUD OF TURIN: AN ADVENTURE FOR THE SOUL A 3D Encounter of Jesus in the Shroud of Turin. Come and see the exhibits to be displayed. Experience an unforgettable encounter with the “Man of the Shroud”. Use your Smart-Phone camera to view a unique im-age you will never forget. This presentation brings to you an Easter experience of joy and hope that will fill you with a love so great it will never be forgotten. Bring your family, your friends and acquaintances, and all who need the joy of Easter in their life.